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Media - 丈 夫拒 绝 签 字手 术 (F0752)


Key Vocabulary

生命垂危 shēngmı̀ng chuı́- on the verge of death


剖腹产 pōufùchǎn caesarean birth

身无分文 shēnwúfēnwén penniless

束手无策 shùshǒuwúcè at wits end

僵持 jiāngchı́ in a deadlock

置之不理 zhı̀zhı̄bùlı̌ to ignore

百般 bǎibān in numerous ways

上报 shàngbào to report to the higher


救死扶伤 jiùsı̌fúshāng to save lives and cure

the sick

轮番 lúnfān one by one

Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). 2007

c Praxis Language Ltd.
大放悲声 dàfàngbēishēng to wail

Supplementary Vocabulary

功败垂成 gōngbàichuı́- to fail on the cusp of

chéng success

援助 yuánzhù to aid

阻挠 zǔnáo to hamper

Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). 2007

c Praxis Language Ltd.

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