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Buchanan, Elizabeth 

Fri 6/28/2019 1:39 PM 

Email To: Perkins, Roseanne 

June 24th: First day back after my vacation so a portion of my time was telling
stories from my trip. I then filled out paperwork for books that will be
purchased in mid-July for the collection. It's important to know your patrons so
you know what books to get for the collection. I then folded table messages
that sit on the study tables during the school year. These tell the patrons that
they shouldn't be eating food in the library and that they shouldn't leave their
belongings unattended. I finished off today by giving the desk a good scrub
June 25th: I was given a cart full of books that were candidates for weeding. I
went through the books and evaluated the condition of the physical book, the
accuracy of the information, and how often it was checked out. There was a
few that were checked out recently but the information was outdated and the
language was no longer used, like the use of the word retard. There was a few
that we had multiple copies of that I weeded and a few that we wouldn't think
would keep, but kept because they were often checked out. Mrs. Connie gave
me some helpful words of advice, "know my patrons, so I can serve them to
the best of my abilities." She also asked me some questions to see what I
would do in that situation, like if a patron needed a chapter from a book that
was non-circulating for one night or what if a patron needed to renew a book
for another week. For the non-circulating book I would offer to make a copy of
the chapter for the patron, and for the book renewal I would check to see if
any other patrons are on hold for the book if not I would renew it. A big take
away from Mrs. Connie is that I should always serve the patrons to the best of
my abilities and it's ok to bend the rules a bit.

June 26th: I spent my time creating an alphabetized list of the bound

periodicals. I was also offered to join in on a webinar about managing small
libraries and how it is good to be a jack of all trades. I will be participating in
that on July 16th.

June 27th: I returned down to the archives to help make note of what had call
numbers and what are government documents. I then put these into an
alphabetized list and printed them off. I also returned to my work in scanning
in photos for the digital archive.

June 28th: I worked on scanning in photos for the digital archives while
working the circulation desk. I convinced one of the students visiting with
Upward Bound to get a library card by showing him the manga/ comic section.
They also asked me about other parts of the library which I did my best to
answer. The tour I did earlier in the internship helped a lot with producing the
right information.
That's all for now,

~Liz Buchanan

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