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Creative Project Plan

Project Title: Last Band Standing

Project Aims:
• Produce a battle of the band event hosted in Glasgow
• Use the event to boost the popularity of up and coming homegrown talent
Project Focus: To find the best up and coming Scottish talent and have them battle it out in
competition and discover who is the best.
Marketing Strategy: Our target audience for this project are students, between 18 – 27.
With the genre focusing on alt and rock music. There is currently nothing happening in the
live music market, battle of the bands wise, that rivals the scale of that we want our project
to have. This will allow us a USP (unique selling point) which we will be able to take to
potential sponsors and that we can use during our promotional activity for the events. We
will promote the events across forms of social media as well as designing posters which we
will put up and display around the city of Glasgow in which the event is being held.
Resources: For this project, alongside things like a laptop and Wi-Fi; we will need posters, a
venue, sound engineers, acts, studio time as part of the grand prize and potentially sponsors
to help with finances.
Financial Information:

(this has been updated to show the finances following the nationwide lockdown due to the
worldwide COVID-19 pandemic)

Partners: We will be working with external stakeholders including venue owners to allow us
a venue for our event as well as a recording studio for which we will be using as part of the
grand prize.
Timeline: The events will be taking place during the month of April. By Christmas of this year
(2019) we aim to have the venue booked as well starting to promote the event to bands and
gathering our competitors. Once the first couple of bands have been locked in, we will start
our marketing campaigns, this will be no later than the end of February
SWOT Analysis:
Strength – This project will be open to all bands nationwide and due there being nothing
else currently like this on the Scottish live music market we will be able to use this to our
advantage and provide a new take of the classic battle of the band’s genre.
Weakness – As this Is the first time we will be running a battle of the bands type event and
the fact we are still students, many may think we are too naïve for this type of project and
may not fully put their trust in us as they are weary of our inexperience
Opportunities – There is nothing like our project on the market currently and this allows us
to fully take control of the market so long as we execute our marketing strategy correctly
Threats – If we fail to deliver a good service in any of the events, we run the risk of gaining
negative reputation which would damage our chances of artists or the venue working with
us in the future. The same could also happen if we treat the venue or venue staff unfairly or
poorly during the planning and running of the events

PEST Analysis:
Political – A political factor that could impact our project could be changes to noise laws that
restrict us from letting bands perform past a certain time or making sure the amps and
speakers in the venue aren’t too loud if there is a residential area nearby the venue
Economic – An economic factor which could impact the project is if a venue has to close due
to money running out or if we have to cancel events due to insufficient funds to keep the
project afloat
Social – A social factor could be if one of the bands we are working with begin receiving
negative press this could damage ticket sales as fans may start to boycott events at which
that act is playing
Technological – A technological factor that could impact the project could be a power cut or
the loss of internet which could prevent us from carrying out our marketing and promotions

Self-Employment Opportunities: If the project is a success, fans could want more events
which in turn could lead to these events becoming a regular occurrence and become almost
like a part time job while we continue with our studies.

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