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Short Communication

Tobacco Pouch Keratosis in a young

individual: A brief description
Preethy Mary Donald, Renjith George,1 Ankita Arora2

Departments of Oral Abstract:

Medicine and Radiology, Smokeless tobacco is used orally or nasally without burning tobacco. This is equally harmful as smokers due
Oral Pathology to the tobacco content and can cause oral cancer as well as systemic effects such as nicotinic dependence.
and 2Pedodontics, Many other oral conditions have also been reported in association with smokeless tobacco. This paper presents
Melaka‑Manipal Medical features of tobacco pouch keratosis and aims to highlight the oral effects of smokeless tobacco, management,
College, Malacca, and guidelines for dentists in educating and counselling tobacco users.
Malaysia Key words:
Actinic, counseling, dentists, keratosis, tobacco smokeless, tobacco use disorder

INTRODUCTION appeared normal. Gingival recession was evident,

and his teeth showed tobacco stains and some

T obacco pouch keratosis or smokeless

tobacco‑induced keratosis is the development
of a white mucosal lesion in the area of tobacco
showed abrasion. His overall oral hygiene was
poor with halitosis. As a part of comprehensive
treatment plan, scaling was done. He was
Access this article online contact. The lesion develops on habitual prescribed with mouthwash for the maintenance
Website: chewing or snuff dipping tobacco. The lesion of oral hygiene. The patient was educated about is precancerous, and dentists must educate the the ill‑effects of using smokeless tobacco, and we
DOI: patient about the harmful effects of tobacco and advised him to gradually stop the habit and was
10.4103/jisp.jisp_109_17 motivate the patient to stop the habit. Here, we asked to follow‑up after 1 month.
Quick Response Code: highlight oral manifestation of a young male
patient diagnosed with tobacco pouch keratosis. DISCUSSION

CASE REPORT This case illustrates tobacco pouch keratosis

diagnosed in a young individual. This condition
A 22‑year‑old male patient visited our outpatient is best described as the development of a
clinic for a complaint of discomfort while eating, well‑recognized white mucosal lesion in the
drinking, and speaking. The patient further area of tobacco contact usually seen in smokeless
added that on self‑examination he felt a rough tobacco chewers.[1] The term smokeless tobacco is
surface texture in his left upper vestibule. He derived from the fact that tobacco is not burned in
did not experience any pain, burning sensation, this habit unlike smoking. Many synonyms such
or dysgeusia. His habit history revealed the use as snuff dipper’s keratosis and smokeless tobacco
of tobacco since 5 years in combination with keratosis have been proposed for this condition.
areca nut and betel leaf. He assembles all the A brief description on the types of smokeless
ingredients in a quid form and keeps in his tobacco is shown in Table 1.[2]
left vestibule for a span of 4–5 h and then spits
Address for out. On an average, he chews 2–3 quids a day. The most common location for tobacco pouch
correspondence: He does not consume any alcohol. His medical keratosis is in the lower anterior vestibule
Dr. Preethy Mary Donald, followed by posterior vestibule. The lesion
Department of Oral
history was non-significant and did not take any
Medicine and Oral medications.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Radiology, Faculty of Creative Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 3.0
Dentistry, Melaka‑Manipal On intraoral examination, a grayish‑white License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon
Medical College, plaque was evident on his left upper vestibule the work non‑commercially, as long as the author is credited
Jalan Batu Hampar, and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
extending from distal surface of left canine to
Melaka, Bukit Baru, his upper first molar [Figure 1]. The borders For reprints contact:
75150, Malaysia.
were diffuse. Few parts of the lesion showed
E‑mail: pmdrsc30@gmail. How to cite this article: Donald PM,
com yellowish encrustations which were deposits of
the ingredients used in the quid. On palpation, the Renjith G, Arora A. Tobacco pouch keratosis in a
young individual: A brief description. J Indian Soc
Submission: 16‑05‑2017 lesion had a wrinkled, thickened, and corrugated
Periodontol 2017;21:249-51.
Accepted: 19‑10‑2017 surface texture. However, his right vestibule
© 2018 Indian Society of Periodontology | Published by Wolters Kluwer ‑ Medknow 249
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Donald, et al.: Tobacco pouch keratosis in a young individual

Table 1: A brief description on types of smokeless

Types of smokeless Method of consumption and description
tobacco of ingredients
Chewing tobacco/spit Chewed in the form of leaves
tobacco Placed in between the cheek or lower lip
Once chewed, the saliva is spit
Spitless tobacco Finely milled and dissolves orally
The form of tobacco is chewed and spitting
is not required called as “spitless tobacco”
Snuff tobacco Snuffed in the form of fine powdered
Available in dry and moist form
Dry form is inhaled through nose and moist
form is placed in between cheek or lower lip

Table 2: Five A’s of smoking cessation

Figure 1: Tobacco pouch keratosis of the left upper vestibule 5A’s Method of Intervention
Ask Document status of tobacco use
appears thickened and corrugated, and as the condition Advice Urge every tobacco user to quit
worsens, it becomes more leathery.[3] Literature reveals that this Assess Is the user willing to quit at the time of visit?
condition has been established as a risk factor for developing Assist Use counseling and pharmacotherapy to help the user
oral carcinoma. However, they are said to have a lower risk to quit if he is willing
Arrange Schedule follow-up preferably within 1st week after
of malignant transformation when compared to leukoplakia. the quit date
Chronic use of smokeless tobacco can result in nicotinic
dependence. Further, researchers have proved that use of
tobacco during adolescence can disrupt brain circuits and affects harmful effects of habitual chewing of smokeless tobacco, and
cognitive abilities, attention deficits, and psychiatric disorders.[4] preventive measures can be taught for a better quality of life.

Many carcinogens have been found in smokeless tobacco and Declaration of patient consent
the major causative agent being tobacco‑specific nitrosamines, The authors certify that they have obtained all appropriate
and other agents include nitrosamino acids, polycyclic aromatic patient consent forms. In the form the patient(s) has/have
hydrocarbons, aldehydes, and different types of metals. [5] given his/her/their consent for his/her/their images and
In addition to the risk of oral cancer, smokeless tobacco has other clinical information to be reported in the journal. The
been associated with the development of gingivitis, gingival patients understand that their names and initials will not be
recession and attachment loss, halitosis, reduction of taste, and published and due efforts will be made to conceal their identity,
abrasion of teeth.[6] However, there was no evidence of taste but anonymity cannot be guaranteed.
disturbances in our patient.
Financial support and sponsorship
The Tobacco and Cancer Program of the National Cancer Nil.
Institute recommends that all health‑care professionals follow
the 5As guidelines to aid in successful intervention of educating Conflicts of interest
and counselling tobacco users [Table 2].[7] There are no conflicts of interest.

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