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March 31, 2020
LADBS Announcements are posted at htp://�on/messaging/news.


The following guidelines are based on Interim CDC’s Guidance for Businesses and Employers to Plan and Respond to
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), OSHA’s Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19, and other
publica�ons. Please check for the latest updates.
Construc�on industry employers shall develop a comprehensive COVID-19 exposure control plan, which includes
control measures such as social distancing; symptom checking; hygiene; decontamina�on procedures, and training.
An exposure control plan and the following prac�ces must be followed to prevent any onsite worker from contrac�ng
COVID-19, as many people with COVID-19 are asymptoma�c and can poten�ally spread disease. Failure to comply
with this guidance shall be deemed as crea�ng unsafe condi�ons and may result in withheld inspec�ons or shu�ng
down the construc�on site un�l corrected.
LADBS staff will verify compliance with these guidelines during regular scheduled inspec�ons for projects under
construc�on as well as during inves�ga�ons associated with complaints that may be submited to LADBS (Call center
- 311 or (213) 473-3231 – Calls will then be routed to LADBS’ Call Center. OR, use the MyLA311 Website at
htps:// or submit via the MyLA311 mobile app.)

1. Prac�ce social distancing by maintaining a minimum 6-foot distance from others.

2. Preclude gatherings of any size, and any�me two or more people must meet, ensure minimum 6-foot separa�on.
3. Provide personal protec�ve equipment (PPE) such as gloves, goggles, face shields and face masks as appropriate for
the ac�vity being performed.
4. The owner/contractor shall designate a site specific COVID-19 Supervisor to enforce this guidance. A designated
COVID-19 Supervisor shall be present on the construc�on site at all �mes during construc�on ac�vi�es. The COVID-
19 Supervisor can be an on-site worker who is designated to carry this role.
5. Iden�fy “choke points” and “high-risk areas” where workers are forced to stand together, such as hallways, hoists and
elevators, break areas, and buses, and control them so social distancing is maintained.
6. Minimize interac�ons when picking up or delivering equipment or materials, ensure minimum 6-foot separa�on.
7. Stagger the trades as necessary to reduce density and maintain minimum 6-foot separa�on social distancing.
8. Discourage workers from using other workers’ phones, desks, offices, work tools and equipment. If necessary, clean
and disinfect them before and a�er use.
9. Post, in areas visible to all worker, required hygienic prac�ces including not touching face with unwashed hands or
with gloves; washing hands o�en with soap and water for at least 20 seconds; use of hand sani�zer with at least 60%
alcohol, cleaning AND disinfec�ng frequently touched objects and surfaces such as worksta�ons, keyboards,
telephones, handrails, machines, shared tools, elevator control butons, and doorknobs; covering the mouth and nose
when coughing or sneezing as well as other hygienic recommenda�ons by the CDC.
10. Place wash sta�ons or hand sani�zers in mul�ple loca�ons to encourage hand hygiene.
11. Require anyone on the project to stay home if they are sick, except to get medical care.
12. Have employees inform their supervisor if they have a sick family member at home with COVID-19.
13. Maintain a daily atendance log of all workers and visitors.

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