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An interview was conducted for the customers for comparing their experience with 2D and

3D (virtual) stores of Big Basket. Few responses obtained are given below in form of
statements. Read carefully the statements and try to generate open codes, themes, and
categories as per your understanding. (Refer to PPT- BRM Session 7, slide number 13
onwards and the file- sample_qualitative analysis)

“It is an amazing and entertaining experience to shop grocery online through the 3D store as
compared to the 2D store. Through 3D, it was more enjoyable and exciting while exploring the
products.” “2D online grocery store is more convenient in using as it is available across multiple
platforms (website and mobile application)". On the other hand, "3D online grocery stores were
not very convenient to use and cannot be properly used on a mobile device".
“See, we can search appropriate product from the 2D format by searching those. Moreover, I can
create a filter for price, brands, and the ingredient of the products which helps me to identify my
preferred products quickly. I feel more comfortable with the 2D store".
It was a great experience while shopping through the 3D virtual store in which I can look in any
direction of the kitchen and be able to move and click the desired things what I want to purchase.
"The use of a 3D store has a lot of fun and excitement during use. It gives me more product
information and the opportunity to see the product from every direction". "3D product image"
was an essential and unique characteristic of the 3D online grocery store which is not available in
the 2D store
"The use of a 3D online store was a good experience, but it is too time taking and has fewer
product options than the 2D online store"
"It was a good experience while using 3D online grocery store but I like 2D store as it is more
convenient for my grocery shopping-related needs", PR17 opined, "I did not like the 3D store for
shopping because there was nothing available for me to shop as per my needs rather I would like
to use the 2D store"

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