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Workshop is the name given a novel (refreshing, new) experiment in education.
Close group type of discussion will be held in form of workshop. It consists of series of
meetings, usually four or more, with emphasis of individual work within the group with the help
of consultants and resource personnel. Educational process has two aspects theoretical and
practical. Learning takes place in a friendly, happy and democratic under experts guidance. The
workshop are organized to develop the psychomotor aspects of the learner regarding practices
of new innovations in the area of education. Workshop helps to each participants
opportunities to improve his effectiveness as a professional worker.


The workshop is a meeting of people to work together in a small

group upon problems which are of concern to them and relevant to them in their own sphere
of activity and to find suitable solutions.


Workshop refers to a group of individuals who work together towards the

solution of problems in a given subject matter field during a specific period of time.


Workshop is defined as assembled group of 10-25 persons who share a

common interest or problem. They meet together to improve their individual skills of a subject
through intensive study, research and discussion.


A systematic approach to deal in detail about educational problems by

means of a short meeting.


The workshop are organized to realize the following objectives:

1. Cognitive objectives
2. Psychomotor objectives
3. Affective objectives

1. Cognitive objectives:
the workshop is organized to solve the problems of teaching profession. Provide the
philosophical and sociological background for instructional and teaching
situation.develop an understanding regarding the use of a theme and problem.identift
the educational objectives in the present context.
2. Psychomotor objectives:
To develop the proficiency for planning and organizing teaching and
instructional activities. To develop skills to perform a task independently
To develop and use of teaching strategies effectively.
To train the person for using different approaches of teaching.
3. Afftective objectives:
To develop professional relationship between participants and resource
To permit the extensive study of a situation its background and its social and
philosophical implications
To take necessary steps to solve the problem of education.

1. To put teachers in situations that will break down the barriers between them to
facilitate communication.
2. To give opportunity for personal growth through accepting and working towards a
goal held in common with others.
3. To give teachers an opportunity to work on problems those are direct, current,
concern to them
4. Teachers will learn new methods and techniques which they can use in their own
5. To place teachers in a position of responsibility for their own learning
6. To put teacher in situation where they will evaluate their own efforts.
7. To give the teachers an opportunity to improve their own morale.
1. Workshop should focus on the current issues in the profession to be discussed
2. Workshop should be conducted with full cooperation within organizers.
3. Giving the participants an active role will make teaching more effective
4. Every individual has worth and has a contribution to make to the common

Scope of workshop technique

The workshop technique is used mainly in the following areas of
Action research project for classroom problems.
New format of lesson plan
Preparing instructional material or teaching model
Workshop on preparing research synopsis and proposals
Workshop for nonformal education
Workshop for designing programme for teacher education at any level.


Planning of workshop includes
I. Selection of a theme
II. Selection of dates for the workshop
III. Selection of a place for workshop
IV. Selection of language
SELECTION OF A THEME: Select the theme on workshop has to be organized. The
theme must be based on pre existing problem for which should identify the solution.
Theme must be useful for the inservice workers for giving awareness and training of
new practices in their working situation and which has a solution.theme must be
directed towards the participants because to motivate their interest.
Define the objective of the workshop. Your objective may be to teach a concrete
skill, such as how to create and save documents in a word processing application. Or
your aim may be to deliver general information or guidance about a specific topic,
such as painting or creative writing. Regardless of the focus, it's important to define
the objective first.
Determine the needs of workshop participants. When teaching a particular skill,
for example, understanding the participants' needs in regard to skill level and learning
pace will assist you in delivering appropriate content. The more you tailor the
workshop to your audience, the more effective the workshop will be.
Create an outline for your workshop presentation.
 Create an introduction. Decide how you will introduce yourself, the topic and the
participant members.
 List the skills and/or topics you will cover. Create a comprehensive bulleted list. Include
subtopics, as needed.
 Decide on the order of the topics. Move the most important skills or information to the
early part of the workshop. Depending on the subject of the workshop, it may also be useful to
introduce and build on each topic, beginning with the simplest or most straight forward topic and
concluding with the more difficult or complex topic.
 Determine ground rules for the workshop. Rules or guidelines such as only one person
speaks at a time, or raising a hand to speak, as well as shutting off any cellphones or distracting
devices are good to establish at the onset of the workshop.
 Decide how you will wrap up the workshop. You might include a short review of learned
skills, announce the next level in a series of workshops and/or implement a participant feedback

Assign an estimated length of time to each item on the outline. For particularly complicated
topics or skills, allot a sufficient amount of time in case participants get stuck or have questions.
It is also important to factor in scheduled breaks during the workshop to give the participants a
chance to go to the bathroom or stretch their legs.
Once you complete your outline, practice giving your workshop presentation. Rehearsal is
an important part of the workshop preparation process. Present your information to colleagues,
friends or relatives ahead of time, and ask them to give you feedback on the clarity and
effectiveness of your presentation
Prepare handouts for participants. Convert your presentation outline into an agenda for
participants and/or prepare hard copy handouts of important information or graphs.
Use visual tools. Presentation tools, movies, pictures and other elements may be useful in
conveying particular concepts or skills. Choose visual tools that complement your presentation
and do not distract attention away from your core message or objective
Use web-based tools, if applicable. Open source learning programs like Moodle and
Blackboard, which are free to use, can help to facilitate online discussions and postings outside
of the workshop setting. These web-based tools are also a great way for participants to submit
homework or outside assignments online. More information on open source learning programs
can be found here
Set up the room or space to encourage discussion. Arrange the chairs in a horseshoe shape or
a semi-circle to facilitate conversation and post the ground rules on a board or wall where all
participants can see them. Ensure a blank piece of paper on a board or wall, or a writing board, to
brainstorm or document ideas and notes from the participants.
Incorporate interactive activities into your workshop. Activities or games can increase
engagement and participation. Activities may occur in small or large groups.
Include a question and answer portion. Depending on the ground rules of the workshop, invite
participants to ask questions either throughout the workshop or in scheduled time slots.

There are a number of activities that are involved in preparing a seminar / workshop these
activities can be organized into three (3) stages:
1 Preparation
2 Implementation
3 Evaluation
PREPARATION Preparation for the seminar / workshop involves a number of activities listed
1. Determine the budget available to host event
2. Determine the theme / topic to be discussed at the seminar / workshop
3. Contact and secure the relevant Presenter(s)
4. Identify target group and number of participants required
5. Secure venue – (site visit of venue to ensure it is adequate)
6. Finalize event details – (breaks, resources needed)
7. Contact relevant Ministries, Departments or target group to inform them of event – (time, date,
venue, duration, break information)
8. Follow up on 6 to ensure the information was received
9. Finalize list of persons attending
10. Source and prepare all necessary resources needed by organizer and Presenter – (books,
manuals, projectors, name tags, etc)
11. Secure caterer to provide meals if not included in venue package
12. Contact Accountant and request a ‘Local Purchase Order’ 9 BUDGET Funding is an integral
part of any event, since the amount of funding available for the hosting of the event will
determine a number of factors in planning the event.
1. Venue
2. Duration
3. Number of participants
. Equipment – (Presentation Media)
5. Informational packets / Materials
6. Availability of refreshments
7. Expertise of Presenter
THEME / TOPIC The seminar topic should address an issue / concern which has stimulated the
interest of the business sector or the wider society. The selection of the topic should naturally
lead to the seminar objective. The objectives in turn will determine the scope of the seminar and
should deal specifically with those areas that are pertinent to the achievement of the seminar
SELECTION OF PRESENTER The success of the seminar greatly depends upon the quality of
the Presenters, therefore, you should choose speakers whom are appropriate for the topic chosen.
Ideally, the speaker should be someone at the top of their field or someone who possesses an in-
depth knowledge of the particular area either academically or professionally. The Presenter
should be informed of the seminar scope and its desired objectives in order to facilitate 10 their
preparation of the actual material they will be presenting. The material to be presented should be
accurate and up-to-date. This will undoubtedly influence the equipment and visual media to be
used in the presentation. Confirmation of speaker participation should be sought at this point.
Points to consider:
1. Expertise / strong research background
2. Ability to convey knowledge to a large audience
3. Unbiased and non-partisan (do not invite speakers that are aligned with a particular cause /
4. Honorarium
5. Travel expenses
6. Identify alternative speaker as a precaution
TARGET GROUP The characteristics of participants will influence the structure, content and
activities undertaken in a workshop. Some key questions to be taken into consideration:
1. What is the size and the composition of the group?
2. What are the ages, ethnicity, gender and teaching experience of the participants?
3. What is their level of interest?
4. What are their needs?
5. How to mitigate problems that might arise?
6. Personality types of group?
7. What is the best way to get the message across?
SECURE VENUE The type of seminar being presented will influence the venue that is chosen.
The facilities of the venue should be able to comfortably accommodate the participants while
taking into consideration the needs of the Presenter and the budget.
Points to consider: ƒ Cost ƒ Capacity ƒ Security ƒ Computer accessibility ƒ Lighting &
Acoustics ƒ Audio / visual requirements ƒ Temperature
FINALIZE DETAILS Determine the length of the seminar, the mode(s) of deliverance,
equipment needs of Presenter, handouts and other learning material for participants, breaks and
refreshments, and deadlines for replying. Secure a caterer to provide refreshments if not included
in venue package.
Departments or persons identified to attend the seminar, with the full details of the seminar
included. Includes:
1. Deadline for response
2. Seminar overview / outline
3. Requirements for eligibility
4. Number of participants required
Liaising with Departments / participants to ensure that the information disseminated by the
organizer was received. Ascertain the potential participants who are attending the seminar and
remind them of start date.
PREPARE FINAL LIST OF PARTICIPANTS The final list of those persons attending the
seminar is prepared. All relevant persons are notified of the number of participants (Caterer,
Presenter, and Facilitator).
 Used to realize the higher cognitive and psychomotor objectives.
 It is a technique which can be effectively used for developing understanding and
proficiency for the approaches and practices in education.
 It is used for developing and improving professionals efficiency. Eg nursing, medical,
dental etc.
 It develops the feeling of cooperation and group work.
 It provides situation to study the vocational problems.

The major disadvantages of Workshops include:

 Availability of participants. Workshops require a significant time commitment by the

participants. It can be difficult to find dates and times for the workshop meeting given the
constraints of the participants' individual schedules and workloads.
Availability of workshop rooms. It can be difficult to find an available meeting room,
especially for an entire one or two day duration of the workshop.
Workshop costs. Workshops require a sizable investment including the exclusive effort of the
workshop participants, who are often very busy with other work. It may be difficult to convince
management that the outputs of a workshop will be worth the time spent in a workshop,
especially if they do not clearly see the difference between workshops and normal meetings. It
may also be necessary to obtain an offsite room for the workshop (e.g., at a hotel) in order to
prevent workshop participants from being interrupted or tempted to leave the workshop to
perform other duties.

 False impression of completeness. Because workshops are of very limited duration (i.e.,

a very small number of days), the work products that are produced during the workshop
may well be incomplete and require considerable iteration and review before they are
done. However, stakeholders (especially management) may get the false impression that
the work products were completed during the workshop and that no additional time is
therefore needed to finish them.

 Intimidation. Some participants may be intimidated from actively participating and

voicing their own opinions because of the presence of other participants, especially if
some of the other participants have assertive personalities and tend to dominate the
discussion. They may be afraid to raise issues and concerns, especially if they involve
sensitive information or are inconsistent with the positions of their superiors such as
managers and technical leaders.

Now learning regarding the topic we came to know the introduction , definition, objectives,
scope, role of workshop technique, disadvantages, limitation of workshop and most valuable
parts of workshop. Workshop may be a room or building which provides both the area and tools
(machinery) that may be required for the manufacture of repair manufactured goods. Workshop
were the only places of production until the advent of industrialization and factory.

The workshops are organized to develop the psychomotor aspects of the learner regarding
practices of new innovations in area of education. Under this technique participants have do
some practical work to produce instructional teaching and testing material.

• BT Basavanthappa; nursing education; IInd Education; publish by jaypee brothers medical
publisher (p) LTD Ansari road daryaganj. New delhi -110002; page no.577- 579.
• care conference
 NIMA BHASKARA, Text book of nursing education, second edition, EMMESS medical
publishers, pg no 143-148.

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