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October 26 & 27 with a Special

Screening of
Canada Place
Saturday 10 am – 6 pm | Sunday 10 am – 5 pm | #VanHS19 | @thehealthshows

Lorna Vanderhaeghe Julie Daniluk Janette Mason Desiree Nielsen

What You Need to Know Nutrition Secrets for Increasing Functional Aging with Nourishing the
About Hormones Energy and Performance Targeted Nutrition Brain-Gut Connection

Bring a Healthy Food Donation for

Admission $10
Greater Vancouver Food Bank and
get in for half price

OPEN HOUSE Relax, Enjoy Refreshments & Attend Complimentary Lectures

SATURDAY 9am -5pm Vancouver Campus, 604.558.4000 2019

604 West Broadway, Suite 300
NOVEMBER 16th (one block west of the Cambie & Broadway skytrain station)

Y 9:30-11:00 am IHN’s Diploma Program Overview in

Applied Holistic Nutrition: Courses, Certification,
Faculty, Admission Requirements & Campus Culture
With Campus Manager & Program Advisor Jason Madden BBA, CNP

11:30-1:00 pm Nutrition and Health: The Fundamentals

The Effects of Sugar on our Health
With Nadya Pecherskaya CNP, Bcomm

1:30-3:00 pm The Psychology of Disease:

Why people don’t reach their health goals
With Angelika Bendrich CNP, RPC.

OC TOBER 2 019
3:30-5:00 pm Comparative Diets:
Diets for Health and Longevity
With Sidney Shindle CNP
Natural Health Exhibit I Book Sale I Live Blood Cell Microscopy Sessions I Door Prizes I Info on Courses / Curriculum 3
features in every issue

5 For Barb CULTURE

John Taylor
8 Thanks for the dance, Leonard
Publisher & Senior Editor - Joseph Roberts
6 Climate crisis also an opportunity MUSIC RISING
Accounting - Maggie Si
Layout & Production - Two by Four Media Peter G. Prontzos Bruce Mason

7 Greta Thunberg’s address to the UN 21 Push for affordable telecom this election
Bruce Mason, Elizabeth May, Vesanto Melina,
Geoff Olson, Peter G. Prontzos, Gwen Randall-Young,
Rodrigo Samayoa, David Suzuki, Bei Linda Tang, 10 Connecting through dreams Rodrigo Samayoa
John Taylor, Greta Thunberg, Eckhart Tolle
Bei Linda Tang
Resource Directory
Suzan Law | Tel. 778-846-2175 20 Specious monikers & famous fossils 9 Let the children vote?
Editorial & Distribution Inquiries David Suzuki
Tel. 604-733-2215 Toll Free 1-800-365-8897 21 A turning point
Fax 604-733-4415
Elizabeth May HEALTH
19 Aging in great health
Advertising & Management
Joseph Roberts | Tel. 604-733-2215 Vesanto Melina
Suzan Law | Tel. 778-846-2175 PSYCHOLOGY
Events listings: 15 Is it a feeling or an opinion?
Publications Mail Agreement No. 40011171 Gwen Randall-Young
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Circulation Dept., Head office

photo by Stephen Samuel

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Common Ground Publishing Corp.
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Vancouver, BC V6K 2C3

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Over 200,000 readers per issue.
Survey shows 3 - 4 readers/copy, plus online at It’s coming home to roost over the next 50 and our Facebook link. years or so. It’s not just climate change; it’s
100% owned and operated by Canadians. sheer space, places to grow food for this
Published 10 times a year in Canada. enormous horde. Either we limit our popula-
tion growth or the natural world will do it for
Annual subscription is $75 (US$75) for one year (12

issues). Single issues are $6 (specify issue #). Payable by us, and the natural world is doing it for us
cheque, Visa, MasterCard, Interac or money order. right now.
– David Attenborough
Printed on recycled paper with vegetable inks.All contents
copyrighted. Written permission from the publisher is re-
quired to reproduce, quote, reprint, or copy any material from I’ve won some awards. ‘Time’ magazine
Common Ground. Opinions and views expressed in the arti-
cles do not necessarily reflect those of the publishers or adver-
designated me as one of the environmental
tisers. Common Ground Publishing Corp. neither endorses heroes of the 20th century. Oh, and I’ve got
nor assumes any liability for any and all products or services some honorary citizenships, like from the
advertised or within editorial content. Furthermore, health-
related content is not intended as medical advice and in no Conch Republic of the Florida Keys. But the
way excludes the necessity of an opinion from a health pro- one thing I am proud of is I didn’t get the
fessional. Advertisers are solely responsible for their claims.
Chevron environmental award. Never did get
that one. CMCA
– Paul Watson
For Barb by John Taylor (her spouse) Those who looks outside, dream; those who looks inside, awake.
Carl Jung

photo by Ron Lisney

ince Barb’s passing in the Hospice up at UBC, of pancreatic cancer, I
have received so many cards and letters of support for me and expres-
sions of love for Barb. She was an amazing person that affected many
2-5 PM Sat Nov 2, Kay Meek Theatre
people with her kindness and generous spirit. She affected me deeply.
We were very close, feeling so close as to be part of each other shar-
ing the same thoughts, beliefs, and passions in life. We were of one mind about Learn to understand and apply
social and environmental justice, religion and politics. We spoke with the same
position on most issues. your dreams with world-renowned
So how did we get together? About 50 years ago, we met at the university of
Montreal, both learning French. She was there as an independent student fresh out dream scientists, psychologists, and
of high school from Winchester, Virginia. I was a lucky recipient of a federal gov-
ernment program to send idle students to the French or English language university a First Nations storyteller.
of our choice in Canada to learn the other official language. It was a solution by
Panel speakers:
the federal government to head off possible riots in the city streets such as was
happening across the border in the States. “Detroit is Burning” was one such head-
line. I immediately applied at the local Canada Manpower office in Halifax after
learning it provided $50 a week stipend, free tuition and all expenses paid. Just get
there! Next day I was out on the highway from Halifax hitchhiking to Montreal.
Barb, coming from the US had to pay for the program. She was coming to seri-
ously improve her French language skills in preparation for studying at American
Dr. Deirdre Barrett Dr. Kelly Bulkeley Dr. Leslie Ellis Dr. Ana Mozol Joseph A. Dandurand Bei Linda Tang
University in Washington, DC in Sept. She planned on majoring in International
Studies but later switched to English literature with a minor in French after learning Dreaming is a natural function of our being that's often
that most women graduates of International Studies ended up as typists in overseas misunderstood and overlooked. Dispel myths, gain insights,
embassies. She wanted none of that!
and explore the science of dreaming and dreams. Learn to
Montreal was a wonderful city. It was much more exciting than the small towns
we were both brought up in. The classes were fun and trips around the province of
access the transformative knowledge of your dreams to live a
Quebec were organized. Barb came to my attention when she took the initiative happier, more purposeful life.
to organize an evening excursion to the top of Mount Royal, near the university
To learn more and to purchase tickets, please visit:
campus to observe the ceremony of visiting the Stations of the Cross. It was part
of the Quebec culture and Barb believe we would gain more understanding of what
we were studying by observing this. We all agreed and joined her. About halfway
through the ceremony, Barb developed an itchy throat and stood off to the side to

OC TOBER 2 019
clear it. I thought it ironic that this little Jewish teenager who had organized this
adventure for the Anglo-Canadian protestants was looking like the only one emo-
tionally affected by the ceremony. I couldn’t resist and went over to comfort her. It
was the beginning of a long relationship. I ended all my other relationships with the
many women in the class. This was one of those Summers of Love that character-
ized the 60’s and 70’s among young people. Certainly more fun than making war!
We corresponded for the next 4 years while she studied at univer- continued p.23… 5
Climate crisis also
an opportunity by Peter G. Prontzos

ally create a more peaceful, sustainable global system, ment by investing heavily in green jobs and renewable
while eliminating global poverty. energy, as well as bringing in stricter laws to reduce pol-
This is the positive vision that permeates, Politi- lution. (Note: a recent study found that the hearts of city
cal Ecology: System Change Not Climate Change, by dwellers – as young as 3 years old – already “contain bil-
Montreal’s Dimitrios Roussopoulos. Fifty years ago, lions of toxic air pollution particles” that can lead to heart
Roussopoulos founded Black Rose Books, and has disease, brain damage and other health problems).
since published such writers as Noam Chomsky, Mur- Roussopoulos ultimately focuses on the power of cit-
ray Bookchin, and George Woodcock. In Roussopou- ies to lead the way in creating a more democratic and
los’ view, “the climate catastrophe is an epic war of sustainable future. “The world’s cities…produce 80
the rich on the poor; corporate criminality on a global percent of GDP. A preponderance of taxes come from
scale. Just one hundred corporations are responsible cities. Their power is enormous. And people power,
for 71 percent of emissions.” when concentrated, is formidable,” he explains.
While the destruction of nature increases, and
shortages of food and clean water become undeniable, ɶɶ
corporate priorities that place profit above people are
also increasing global inequality, debt and stress lev- Roussopoulos ultimately focuses
els – and not just in poor countries. In the words of
Thoreau, more and more Canadians are leading “lives on the power of cities to lead the
of quiet desperation”.
While time is running out, the truth is that humanity way in creating a more democratic
already has enough technology, wealth, and knowledge
Political Ecology: System Change Not Climate Change to save itself. A clear example of what can be done when and sustainable future.
Dimitrios Roussopoulos faced with an existential crisis was the quick turn-around
Black Rose Books, 2019 in the U.S. economy when it entered the Second World He stresses that cities will succeed only if they indeed

War. Not only did industry move from making washing become more democratic and ecological while building
hen more than 97 percent of meteo- machines to tanks and battleships in a matter of months, but alliances with each other. Ultimately, “the ecological cri-
rologists, the federal Conservative the Depression ended almost overnight as the demand for sis demands urgent systemic change, which is to say chal-
party, and even KLM Airlines agree workers virtually eliminated unemployment. The growing lenging and transcending a profit-centric economic system
that humans are heating up our atmo- demand in North America and Europe for a “Green New based on ruthless competition and growth for its own sake.”
sphere and oceans to disastrous lev- Deal” references this successful re-orientation. “Growth for its own sake” is of course the nature of
els, that’s a climate crisis, not merely climate “change”. Roussopoulos does not believe that governments will cancer which, left untreated, will destroy its host. Or, as
However, when we hear about the terrible conse- somehow finally “get it” and do the right thing. Rather, ecologist William Rees explains, “you can’t have infi-
quences of our growth-at-any-cost economy, many of us he puts his hope on “building the force of a grass roots nite growth on a finite planet.”
just tune out. After all, it’s no fun to contemplate a fright- people-power movement” that will not only pressure In Political Ecology, Roussopoulos gives us a road-
ening future with more forest fires, tropical storms, food those in power, but will help create a more directly map – not only for surviving
and water shortages, climate refugees, and disease. democratic system – one that will “re-envision society today’s multiple crises but for
And war. The Pentagon understands that such hard- and our relationship with nature” in a healthier way. creating a better world at the
ship will fuel more conflict and bloodshed. So for two To realize this vision, it is imperative that citizens same time. j
decades it has been making plans to ensure that the U.S. focus primarily at the local level to “create a network of
will always come out on top of any future climate wars. democratic, ecological city governments, and reorganize Peter G. Prontzos is Professor
On the other hand, there are reasons to hope that if regional economies” in a sustainable manner. Hopeful Emeritus of Political Science and
enough people take this threat seriously, we will not examples of this are the actions of U.S. cities and states Interdisciplinary Studies at Langara
OC TOBER 2 019

only survive the crisis with minimal suffering, but actu- such as California which are defying the federal govern- College in Vancouver.

6 Climate strikers gather near Vancouver City Hall. Ishi Roberts Dinim photo
address to
the UN
Right here, right now is where
we draw the line. The world is
waking up. And change is coming,
whether you like it or not.

his is all wrong. I shouldn’t be standing cent risk is simply not acceptable to us - we who have to
here. I should be back in school on the live with the consequences.
other side of the ocean. Yet you all come to To have a 67 per cent chance of staying below a
me for hope? How dare you! 1.5°C global temperature rise – the best odds given by
You have stolen my dreams and my the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change – the
childhood with your empty words. And yet I’m one of world had 420 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide left to emit
the lucky ones. People are suffering. People are dying. back on 1 January 2018. Today that figure is already
Entire ecosystems are collapsing. down to less than 350 gigatonnes.
We are in the beginning of a mass extinction. And How dare you pretend that this can be solved with
all you can talk about is money and fairytales of eternal business-as-usual and some technical solutions. With
economic growth. How dare you! today’s emissions levels, that remaining CO2 budget
For more than 30 years the science has been crystal will be entirely gone in less than eight and a half years.
clear. How dare you continue to look away, and come There will not be any solutions or plans presented in
here saying that you are doing enough, when the poli- line with these figures today. Because these numbers are
tics and solutions needed are still nowhere in sight. too uncomfortable. And you are still not mature enough
With today’s emissions levels, our remaining CO2 to tell it like it is.
budget will be gone in less than 8.5 years You are failing us. But the young people are start-
You say you “hear” us and that you understand the ing to understand your betrayal. The eyes of all future
urgency. But no matter how sad and angry I am, I don’t generations are upon you. And if you choose to fail us
want to believe that. Because if you fully understood I say we will never forgive you. We will not let you
the situation and still kept on failing to act, then you get away with this. Right here, right now is where we
would be evil. And I refuse to believe that. draw the line. The world is waking up. And change is
The popular idea of cutting our emissions in half in coming, whether you like it or not. j
10 years only gives us a 50 per cent chance of staying
below 1.5C degrees, and the risk of setting off irrevers- Born in Stockholm in 2003, Greta Thunberg is a Swedish activ-
ible chain reactions beyond human control. ist known for her unvarnished, clear-eyed assessment of the

OC TOBER 2 019
Maybe 50 per cent is acceptable to you. But those climate crisis. She first heard about climate change in 2011,
numbers don’t include tipping points, most feedback when she was eight years old. At a TEDX talk in 2018, she
loops, additional warming hidden by toxic air pollution noted that “we can’t change the world by playing by the rules,
or the aspects of justice and equity. because the rules have to be changed.” In June 2019, Amnes-
They also rely on my and my children’s generation ty International honoured Thurnberg with the Ambassador of
sucking hundreds of billions of tonnes of your CO2 out Conscience Award, its most prestigious human rights award.
of the air with technologies that barely exist. So a 50 per View a video of her UN speech at 7

Thanks for the dance, Leonard

n response to a Leonard Cohen tribute/obitu- recation and dignity, his approach- esied, “And now the wheels of
ary (“A triumphant soundtrack for our times,” able elegance, his charisma with- heaven stop. You feel the devil’s
December, 2016) an anonymous Common out audacity, his old-world gentle- riding crop. Get ready for the
Ground reader, wrote: manliness and the hand-forged future: it is murder.” There is a
“the Donald arrives tower of his work.” trailer for Thanks for the Dance,
nothing there Seven months later, Cohen Jr. a one-minute track, “The Goal.
Leonard leaves began working on the material “ (see “I can’t
he’s still here.” (see: alone in a garage near his father’s leave my house, Or answer the
There is even more truth in that thought today, as old house, later inviting other phone/ I’m going down again/
the world plunges headlong into a dark pit of too much contributors to be part of the pro- But I’m not alone,” Cohen
information and too little wisdom. Cohen’s global cess. These include: former Cohen intones our commonplace pre-
appeal endures, even flourishes; not only does his rich collaborators Jennifer Warnes; dicament before confronting
legacy live on, but his remarkable body of work contin- Michael Chaves, and Javier Mas, his mortality: “Settling at last,
ues to grow three years after his passing: the ongoing, from his tour band; indie music Accounts of the soul, This for
record-breaking international tour of the multimedia stars, including Beck, Bryce Dess- Canada Post’s limited edition the trash, That paid in full.”
exhibition Leonard Cohen: A Crack in Everything; the ner of the National, Richard Reed framed pane of six stamps honoring Adam Cohen reports: “It’s a
popularity of the documentary Marianne & Leonard: Parry of Arcade Fire, Damien Rice Leonard Cohen. It was released bizarre and delicious entangle-
Words of Love; the acclaimed posthumous collection of and Leslie Feist; composer Dustin on September 21, 2019, the 85th ment. To make a long story
poems The Flame; and the last-gasp beauty of what had O’Halloran; producers Daniel anniversary of his birth. short, I believe that there are
been hailed as his finest and final album, You Want It Lanois and Patrick Watson; the some really beautiful new songs
Darker. To say nothing of the four million commemora- Stargaze orchestra; and two choirs, Cantus Domus and of Leonard Cohen that no one’s heard…these songs that
tive stamps just issued by Canada Post. the Shaar Hashomayim. exist that he wanted finished, these incredible powerful
Now add a new album of previously unheard songs. “In composing and arranging the music for his words readings that were set to music. It’s going to surprise
The unanticipated Thanks for the Dance (to be released we chose his most characteristic musical signatures, in and delight.”
in November) is being described as “an unexpected har- this way keeping him with us,” said Adam Cohen. “What Like me, you may want to pre-order Thanks for the
vest” and “a continuation of the master’s work.” moves me most about the album is the startled response Dance. No matter the outcome of elections, impeach-
Shortly before his death in November, 2016, at of those who have heard it. ‘Leonard lives!’ they say, one ments, entrances and Brexits, marches that escalate,
age 82, Cohen had expressed doubt that he would be after the other.” elites and their minions that erase life on the planet, you
able to finish unreleased song sketches, “find a second In his beloved canon of musical meditations, Leon- will have something to look forward to and help make it
wind” as he put it. Instead, he asked his son Adam to ard Cohen asked the “big questions”, the real ones worth all more bearable. j
complete the work. asking about love and faith and purpose, sharing wisdom
After burying his father in an unadorned pine box in and some answers, patiently engaging us in conversation Bruce Mason is a Vancouver and Gabriola-Island based
a family plot in home-town Montreal, his son had said: as we struggled to follow the pace of his evocations. five-string banjo player, gardener, freelance writer and
“I’m thinking of my father’s unique blend of self-dep- Twenty-five years ago, his song, The Future, proph- author of Our Clinic.

6-Weekend Shamanic Power Initiations Program

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OC TOBER 2 019

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OC TOBER 2 019

Connecting through
dreams by Bei Linda Tang

reams offer glimpses them to start each day knowing they
into our inner worlds, are loved and cared for. When there
and reflect our deep- are dreams to talk about, we’ll listen
est feelings, emotions, to what they have to say – either then
and desires. While it’s or later in the day when there is more
empowering to gain personal insight time.
and take control of our own mental Dreams are fun to talk about. Their
health through dream interpretation, in contents are often unexpected, and
my view, the most significant benefit of they stretch our imagination. My kids
dreams is connecting deeply with others. have dreamed of robbing banks, talk-
It’s the key to real happiness and peace. ing to animals, and hiding from wasps
To initiate a conversation about dreams in a creek. They know our dreams too.
is an act of showing real interest, under- I am always surprised by couples who
standing, and trust. When you do this, have been together for a long time but
you will be rewarded with deep, spiritual don’t know about each other’s dreams. The author with her family.
connections and true happiness. I can’t help but wonder, if you don’t
In my home, we have a short ritual know your loved ones’ dreams, do you of our children is in a bad mood, I can hurt in one way or another, we develop
in the morning. At breakfast time, we really know them? always cheer them up by mentioning coping mechanisms, swallow the deep
ask the children if they slept well and The knowledge of someone else’s something from their dreams. emotional pain, and harden our shells.
had had any dreams. This only takes a dreams equates to real understanding Interpersonal communication in This protects us from the outside but
minute or two, but it is a great way for and intimacy. When my husband or one today’s world is extremely challeng- also prevents us from connecting with
ing because everyone is so busy and our true self and others.
distracted. As soon as new technolo- To make decisions that will lead us
gies become available that free up to happiness, it is necessary to reach
some time, we always manage to fill into the hardened outer shell and
our schedule quickly with some other understand what caused it to be there.
to-dos. How do you stay closely con- Dreams reveal what goes on internally
nected with someone while you live at a deep level. They are honest, rel-
through different experiences? evant, timely, and irrefutable. This is
When I pick up my kids after school, true for each person. If you understand
I’d always ask, “how was your day?” the personal relevance and importance
and “what did you do today?” The of your dreams, you can appreciate the
answer is always “good” and “noth- relevance and importance of others’
ing”. With the short amount of time dreams. By sharing dreams with others,
we have to talk to loved ones, how do you open yourself to deep, meaningful
you get to the really important stuff? communication with them. This will
Dreams are a condensed form of what transform your relationships and bring
matters deeply. If you care about some- true happiness.j
OC TOBER 2 019

one but don’t have much time to com-

municate with them, you absolutely Bei Linda Tang is a mother, wife, owner/cre-
need to cut to the chase and ask about ative director of Dream Designs (dreamde-
their dreams. You will be surprised at, and author of Navigate Life with
the depth of information it can reveal Dreams: A Guide to Happiness and Peace by
in an instant. Working with Your Own Dreams.
Parents provide the upbringing
that shape our consciousness from the EVENT
beginning of our lives to the paths we Nov 2, 2019, Kay Meek Theatre, West Van-
take early on. We learn from everything couver. Bei Linda Tang hosts Dream Salon, a
we experience, positive or negative. symposium to explore the science and psy-
Our personalities are formed mainly chology of dreams. For more info:
based on what we have experienced
10 in childhood and youth. When we are 604-254-7030
Science Matters David Suzuki ENVIRONMENT

Let the children vote?

oung people have been speaking out for accept climate science, let alone the need to treat cli- shortage of solutions. Many are being deployed and
their rights. Many are wise beyond their mate disruption as an emergency. Many governments new ones are being developed all the time, but not
years. Without the blinkers of ideology, and politicians around the world seem more beholden quickly enough. The only thing holding us back is
work-a-day priorities and ingrained val- to the fading fossil fuel industry than the people they’re lack of political will.
ues, they can see clearly what’s happen- supposed to represent. Yet many grown-ups are willing to gamble that all
ing. They’ve had to step up for their own futures because “Politicians have known about climate change for these scientists and their research are wrong — even
too few of their elders are willing to accept that rampant decades,” Thunberg and her fellow youth wrote. “They though we’d still end up with cleaner air, water and
consumerism has been an illusory quest for happiness at have willingly handed over their responsibility for our soil and healthier people if we took their advice and it
the expense of the planet’s life-support systems. future to profiteers whose search for quick cash threat- turned out they all somehow missed something. Those
“We have learned that if we don’t start acting for ens our very existence.” who are putting our youth’s future at risk often sup-
our future, nobody else will make the first move,” a port politicians who are likewise willing to bet against
Guardian article signed by 46 young people, including Kids understand that their well-being, impossible odds.
16-year-old Swedish student Greta Thunberg, said. Young people may not always make the best or most
Kids understand that their well-being, safety and safety and lives depend on a healthy informed decisions, but given that their futures are at
lives depend on a healthy planet, with clean air, good stake, and they understand that change is possible and
water, nutritious food and a stable climate. And many necessary, I can’t imagine they would make worse deci-
planet … And many are skilled at
are skilled at distinguishing truth from lies. sions than their elders.
But while tens of thousands are marching in streets As adults, we must do all we can to support our
distinguishing truth from lies.
worldwide — for the #FridaysForFuture youth climate youngsters. The #FridaysForFuture youth walkouts
strikes that Thunberg started and more — they don’t expanded to a Global Climate Strike on September
always see much evidence that adults with the power to This is not hyperbole. Every reputable scientist in 20, kick-starting a week of activities that culminated
make change are listening. every climate-related discipline, from oceanography to in another strike on September 27. We should let
“We’re feeling the burden of it, so it makes sense atmospheric physics, is saying we have little time — the children speak, and listen to them. And we all
that I would care the most,” 15-year-old Lily Gard- not much more than a decade, if that — to turn things should take our election responsibilities seriously:
ner of Lexington, Kentucky, told the Guardian. “But I around, to keep from pumping so many greenhouse ask candidates about their climate plans and vote for
think it’s really difficult to get politicians and legisla- gases into the atmosphere that they can’t be re-absorbed those who are committed to a cleaner, safer, brighter
tors to take our voices seriously, especially because they or broken down before Earth heats beyond its ability to tomorrow.
believe that we do not have any voting power.” support human life. Should we let the kids vote? As the 18to8 vote cam-
What if we gave them that power? Every legitimate scientific academy and institu- paign says, “Let the future decide the future.” j
A cheeky movement to lower Canada’s voting age tion in the world agrees. The Intergovernmental
from 18 to eight might sound…out there. But I’m not Panel on Climate Change has worked with scientists David Suzuki is a scientist, broadcaster, author and co-
seeing much evidence that adults are any better at mak- and researchers worldwide to regularly compile and founder of the David Suzuki Foundation. Written with con-
ing political decisions than young people. So many summarize the research and evidence to share with tributions from David Suzuki Foundation Senior Editor and
grown-ups are electing politicians who don’t even government leaders and policy-makers. There’s no Writer Ian Hanington. Learn more at

OC TOBER 2 019
Sundays 7-8pm Find calm in the city
St Paul’s Anglican
n wi music, chanting,
& spiritual reflection
1130 Jervis St. in the Christian tradition.
strike Tim Matheson

Stephen Samuel Tim Matheson

Stephen Samuel
Turning point
September 27, 2019…

100 thousand
people of all ages
OC TOBER 2 019

met at Vancouver
City Hall, crossed
the Cambie Bridge
and joined 7 million
12 Tim Matheson Stephen Samuel
Ana Arciniega

Ana Arciniega

Ana Arciniega

Felix Leblanc-Pratt

Tim Matheson

Tom Voidh

Hubert Wat

OC TOBER 2 019

Joel Gibbs




OC TOBER 2 019


Vancouver Communities in Solidarity with Cuba
Universe Within Gwen Randall-Young PSYCHOLOGY

Is it a feeling or
an opinion?
“You should respect each other and refrain from disputes; you should not, like
water and oil, repel each other, but should, like milk and water, mingle together.”
– Buddha

ere is the scenario. A woman tells me her partner is very critical
of her. He says she works too much (she loves her work) and is
too giving to her children (it brings her joy). I tell her to set a
boundary and tell him she does not want him to criticize her any
more. She tells me he will say, “Well you told me you want to
know my feelings.”
This sounds like a catch-22 – and one that leaves many partners in a quandary.
However, there is a simple solution. It involves being clear about what is a feel-
ing, and what is an opinion. These are often confused.
A feeling is an emotional state like anger, love, sadness, fear, excitement, sor-
row, happiness or hurt to name just a few. Saying “I feel like…” is an opinion or
judgement masquerading as an emotion. It is a way of deflecting and controlling
the conversation. If you use logic to argue against another’s “feeling” that you
work too much, dress inappropriately, or don’t spend enough time with them, it
appears that you are invalidating their feelings. You are stuck!
In the same way that a sporting contest goes better if we play by established
rules, the same is true in communication. A statement of a true feeling starts with
“I am” or “I am feeling” such as “I am sad, I am angry, I am feeling worried, I am
happy, I am feeling unsafe.”
We need to be very clear about this. When a statement starts with “feel
like,” or “I feel that,” what comes next is a thought, opinion or judgement dis-
guised as a feeling to give it more weight. Rather than this sort of conscious or
unconscious manipulation, we need to argue rationally, and take responsibility
for our actions and our words. Think about how the level of discourse could be
elevated if people recognized their opinions as thoughts, rather than thinking
that their opinions have more validity because they elevate them, erroneously,
to the level of feeling.
Once our thoughts and feelings have been clarified, we can look more closely
about what is being communicated. It is my belief that criticism has no place
in loving relationships. When we criticize or judge another, we are placing our-
selves above them. We are in that moment creating a parent/child dynamic. So
we must change our approach. We can say things like, “I am not comfortable
with how much you are drinking,” or “If the drinking continues it may just
become an irreconcilable difference and I will have to move on.” To a teen we
can say, “That behavior is unacceptable in our home. There will be considerable
consequences if it continues.”
In these examples, it is clear that we are talking about the behavior, and not
the person. In our first scenario, one could say, “I would like to spend more time
with you, but your work schedule seems to make that very difficult.” Then the two
can work together to solve the problem – as opposed to arguing whether the other
works too much. It might even bring into the open that she does not want the same
things as he does, and work is a way of avoiding spending that time.
Either way, the couple is now in adult mode focusing on the problem, rather

OC TOBER 2 019
than in the bickering mode of children.
It seems our world needs more adults in the room. We bring this about by being
rational and responsible in how we communicate our feelings to others. j

Gwen Randall-Young is an author and psychotherapist in private practice. To read more

articles, order books or listen to audio recordings, visit, or follow her on
Facebook. 15
Dionisio Provincial Park

wear one this wreath
year to remember laying
all victims ceremony
for a culture of peace of warfare

Join us on Monday November 11th for

a wreath laying ceremony for overlooked victims of conflict
OC TOBER 2 019

2:30 - 4 pm Seaforth Peace Park (Burrard @ 1st Ave)

Handcrafted wreaths will be laid to recognize Refugees, Women, Conscientious Objectors,

Medical & Aid Workers, Child Soldiers, Civilian & Military PTSD Sufferers, Children,
Environmental Devastation, Educational Disruption and victims of specific conflicts
A free, public, city sanctioned event co-hosted by Vancouver Peace Poppies
the BC Humanist Association and the Multifaith Action Society
Vancouver Peace Poppies: 604-437-4453
16 follow us on Facebook @VancouverPeacePoppies
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Nutrispeak Vesanto Melina HEALTH

Aging in great health

etting older – showing it and feeling it Certain proteins in our bodies are linked to aging and moderate activity is just fine. Avoid exposure to toxins
– involves a build-up of toxic metabo- cancer. These proteins have a seesaw relationship with (including glyphosate/Roundup) and alcohol.
lites. These include reactive oxygen so-called “longevity proteins” such as AMP Kinase. We Follow your doctor’s guidance, of course – but
molecules (free radicals), and advanced now have some insights into how to elevate these lon- don’t simply treat symptoms or be satisfied with drugs
glycation end-products (AGEs). AGEs gevity proteins: moderate caloric restriction, high expo- as your main intervention with respect to illness. Get
are harmful substances that form when protein or sure to phytochemicals, and exercise, are our best bets. healthy instead! The result? Increased longevity, abun-
fat combine with sugar in the bloodstream. They are Greens have particular phytochemicals that can slow dant health, and more time to play and enjoy life.
implicated in diabetic complications, atherosclerosis, aging – especially cruciferous vegetables such as kale,
Alzheimer’s disease, and normal aging. We can also cabbage, baby bok choy, watercress, and arugula. Ben- Lemon Tahini Dressing
age faster if we have excess body fat. efits include the lengthening of the telomeres that help A tablespoon of oil just adds 120 calories without
protect strands of DNA in our chromosomes. much nutritional benefit. Instead, try this nutritious
How do we slow the aging process? To prevent age-related conditions like type 2 dia- Lemon Tahini Dressing on salads, steamed greens and
One recognized way to slow aging is to moderately betes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and dementia, broccoli, and baked potatoes! Use 1/2 cup each of tahini
restrict caloric intake. This involves eating slightly we need nutritional excellence, with all the essential (sesame seed butter) and water; plus 1/4 cup each of
less than your caloric needs, and is not to be con- proteins (preferably from plant foods), minerals, and lemon or lime juice and of tamari or soy sauce; plus 2
fused with anorexia or fasting. In Japan, the practice vitamins present. We need a diet rich in protective cloves of garlic, chopped. Put everything in a blender
is known as hara hachi bun me. A Japanese proverb phytochemicals and antioxidants that can vanquish and process for 30 seconds or until smooth. j
states: “eight parts of a full stomach sustain the man; free radicals. Nutritional excellence is a hundred times
the other two sustain the doctor.” Eating slightly less more therapeutic than pharmaceuticals. And it tastes Vesanto Melina is a registered dietitian and co-author of

OC TOBER 2 019
than we need lowers our temperature a little and slows better too! award winning books that are classics in plant-based nutri-
our metabolic rate. Moderate exercise also has beneficial effects on the tion. Visit and at
Many plant foods provide protective compounds that cells and organs. With activity, we increase longevity
can reduce the formation of AGEs. A few examples are proteins and preserve bone mass. The greater oxygen EVENTS Sat Oct 19 , Sat Nov 16. Join Vesanto at Meat-
garlic, tomato paste, peanuts, green tea, mustard greens, demand strengthens the heart, lungs, and muscles, less Meetups related to prevention and reversal of chronic
and the isoflavones in soy foods. In fact, vegetables and making them more efficient. It helps blood flow to the diseases. Free. Reserve your spot through
fruits contain an army of protective phytochemicals. brain. Too much exercise can be negative and stressful; MeatlessMeetup/events 19
Specious monikers & famous fossils by Geoff Olson

name-checks media critic Noam Chomsky, a crustacean

that codes for whistleblower Edward Snowden, and a
louse and butterfly that render the cartoonist Gary Lar-
son. A spider, a fish, two beetles and a stonefly sit in for
Late Show host Stephen Colbert.
However, there’s one public figure zoologists can’t
get enough of: Barack Obama. There are no fewer than
12 animal species named after the former president,
including a snail, a spider, a beetle, a fish, and a blood
fluke (though the last sounds worryingly like a refer-
ence to the alt-right trope disputing Obama’s US birth).
BBC nature series host Richard Attenborough sensi-
bly ties Obama with 12 creatures of his own. But neither
comes close to Walter Rothschild, the obscenely wealthy
19th century British banker, politician and zoologist. The
baron has 153 insects, 58 birds, 18 mammals, three fish,
three spiders, two reptiles, one millipede and one worm
carrying his name. (Well played, Walt. Your fan base
kicked in long before the Sixth Great Extinction did.)
If celebrities begin to outnumber Earth’s species,
there’s always the promise of archaeological digs. Every
The extinct trilobite, go-to genus for rock ‘n’ roll fossils time a previously unrecorded critter is dug up, it’s a

chance for some star’s name to light up the fossil record
he late British marine biologist Alister extraordinarily resilient micro-animal capable of sur- like Times Square. In 1997 Johnny Rotten, the late Sid
Hardy was once asked how many things viving extreme temperature, pressure, radiation, dehy- Vicious, and three other members of The Sex Pistols had
were named after him. He listed off a boat dration, and starvation. A perfect fit for Keith Richards, their names attached to five species of trilobite, which
in Hong Kong, a squid, an octopus, an island you might think. But no, in 2006 two scientists chose appear to be the go-to genus for rock ‘n’ roll fossils.
in the South Pole, and – speaking in a quiet the age-defying/denying pop star Madonna for the tar- Sci-fi author Michael Crichton sensibly inspired
tone of mock embarrassment – he added: “two worms.” digrade distinction. Crichtonsaurus in 2002. Paleontologist Dong Zhiming
It’s been a longstanding scientific tradition to name At least Keef joins Queen in being acknowledged with from the Chinese Academy of Sciences then went on
newly discovered animal species after cultural icons. In a trilobite. And who can’t see the resemblance of the har- a polysyllabic bender with the dinosaur Tianchisaurus
2013, scientists commemorated The Doors singer and diest species of Rolling Stone to an ancient, segmented nedegoapeferima, which incorporates names of cast
“Lizard King” Jim Morrison with the extinct reptile marine artwhropod, apart from the seeming unlikelihood members from the 1993 film, Jurassic Park.
Barbaturex morrisoni. That same year, the names of of his extinction? (For his part, Mick Jagger has no fewer Now then, can you think of one garishly coloured
Queen band members were seen fit to grace four species than three creatures named after him, including a snail and cartoonishly coiffed public figure who might have
of damselflies, including Heteragrion freddiemercuryi. and an extinct ungulate related to the hippopotamus.) a flamboyant equivalent in the natural world? Canadian
Celebrities of all sorts have been celebrated zoologi- The naming of animal species must follow the guide- scientist Vazrick Nazari discovered a moth with yellow-
cally for decades, and some of the monikers are quite lines established by The International Commission on ish-white head scales, which he duly pegged Neopalpa
lovely. Consider Rostropia garbo, a “solitary female” Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN). Founded in 1895, donaldtrumpi. It does indeed look like an insect wear-
wasp named in 1990 after the famously reclusive the ICZN mandate is all about “achieving stability and ing a tiny Trumpian toupee. Nazari said he chose the
actress Greta Garbo. The butterfly genus Nobokovia sense in the scientific naming of animals.” Without name, approved in 2017, “to bring wider public atten-
was pupated in 1960 for the Russian novelist and lepi- guidance from this august organization, it’s unlikely we tion to the need to continue protecting fragile habitats
dopterist Vladimir Nabokov. would have had the professional and proper dispensa- in the US that still contain many undescribed species.”
OC TOBER 2 019

Scaptia beyonceae was conceived by an Austra- tion of Lemmysuchus obtusidens, which means “Lem- Nice one. I believe there’s something to be said for
lian researcher in 2011 after singer Beyoncé Knowles, my’s blunt-toothed crocodile,” after Motorhead front- shaming or honouring public figures through species-
reportedly because of the horsefly’s solid gold back end. man Lemmy Kilmister. specific monikers, obscure and nerdish as it may be. Per-
And there’s a genus of fern known simply as Gaga. “Zoological names would lose their utility if they haps we can have a go at it with our own political leaders.
In 2017, two scientists from the Smithsonian Institu- were changed frequently and arbitrarily. It would create Is there an Elizabeth mayfly waiting in the wings, per-
tion’s Ant Lab described Sericomyrmex radioheadi “as confusion if we call an object spoon today and apple haps? An Andrew schistosoma in the blood? And what
an acknowledgement of [the band Radiohead’s] long- next week,” the ICZN notes helpfully on their website. about Doug Ford, who resembles some exotic species
standing efforts in environmental activism, especially Certainly Pinkfloydia, a genus of spider, is unlikely to of puffer fish? Surely there is some undersea monster,
in raising climate-change awareness, and in honour of ever be confused with Simonandgarfunkula, a nonexis- in blind ignorance, awaiting attachment of the Ford sur-
their music, which is an excellent companion during tent fruitbat I just made up. name. And what of Ovis aries, the Scottish Blackface
long hours at the microscope while conducting taxo- Perhaps even as I write this, some marine biologist sheep? Is that a species worth rebranding as Ovis trudeau,
nomic revisions of ants.” is preparing to slap a Spice Girl’s surname on some after our culturally-inappropriating Prime Minstrel? j
Ants are hardly the smallest creatures to be pegged sand flea. However, it’s not all about science offering
20 with celebrity status. A tardigrade is an ancient and Latinate high-fives to pop stars. There’s now a bee that
Independent Media Rodrigo Samayoa MEDIA

Push for affordable telecom this election

he federal election is just government policies, they have built compete with the Big Three, like Prince digital future as the Broadband and Tele-
around the corner, and the an oligopoly that keeps cell phone and Rupert and Kaslo in BC. These are small communications Legislative Review
cost of living has consis- Internet prices high, while chronically communities that grew tired of waiting concludes and the CRTC’s new policy
tently come up as a top under-investing in rural communi- on the Big Three to bring high speed direction is implemented in upcoming
election issue in poll after ties. This has allowed them to have one Internet to their communities, so instead decisions. 
poll. While many factors like housing of the highest profit margins of any tele- built their own networks.  Our MP candidates need to hear from
and childcare have no simple solu- communications industry in the world.
tion, this year’s candidates can make But it doesn’t have to be this way. 
one promise that will have a noticeable We know that increased competition
impact on our wallets: lowering the can help lower prices. For examples of
cost of telecommunications services this, we don’t even have to look at far-
that Canadians need to access the digi- away places like Israel. We just need to
tal economy.  look at places in Canada where alterna-
tives to the Big Three exist. 
With the help of failed A case in point: Saskatchewan has the
lowest wireless prices in Canada. That’s
government policies, the Big not because the province has worse ser-
vice (it doesn’t) or higher population
density (it doesn’t). It’s because there is They now have higher levels of con- us so they know that Internet access and
Three have built an oligopoly
a fourth big player in the market: Sask- nectivity and faster Internet speed than affordability is a top priority for every-
tel. The presence of a fourth competitor most rural Canadians – I would know, one. That’s why we need to contact can-
that keeps cell phone and
has forced the Big Three to lower prices I am a happy customer of CityWest in didates in our ridings and tell them about
and increase investment to be able to Prince Rupert.  our experiences dealing with our coun-
Internet prices high. compete with Sasktel. This is similar to So, what does all this have to do with try’s broken telecom market.
what Videotron did in Quebec, or what the election?  To ensure everyone in Canada has
We all know that Canadians pay some Freedom Mobile accomplished in urban Canada’s telecommunications sys- access to affordable, reliable and fast
of the highest cell phone and home Inter- centres.  tems are undergoing a major overhaul wireless and home Internet, we need
net bills in the world. Ultimately, these More competition led to lower prices. through the Broadcasting and Telecom- more competition, more government
high prices can be explained by the lack We’ve seen the same trend in the munications Legislative Review and investment in rural community broad-
of competition in the telecommunica- home Internet market, where chronic the CRTC’s new policy direction that band, and affordable plans for low
tions industry. underinvestment has excluded rural emphasizes competition, affordability, income earners and seniors. j
For decades, the Big Three have had communities from the digital economy. consumer interests and innovation. 
tight control over our telecommunica- The exceptions are those communities This means that the next government Rodrigo Samayoa is a digital campaigner at
tions services. With the help of failed that have built their own networks to will be key in determining Canada’s OpenMedia.

A turning point by Elizabeth May

here comes a time when it becomes evi- security and human survival. If we fail to heed the call So this is my message to Greta and all the other
dent that society is at a turning point. The of our youth today, we are doomed. It is imperative that young people I met and marched with:
climate strikes in Canada – part of a mas- we make the right choices now. There is no time to lose. This is the last election when voters can choose.
sive global demonstration – could be that I joined Greta and the students in Montreal to Without transformative action now, the window on
moment. strengthen their voice in demanding better. I stand holding to 1.5 degrees C will close before 2023. We
A year ago, Swedish teen activist Greta Thunberg with her and all of the other young people fighting for have to grab the wheel and change course, and start the
had the courage to strike and demand emergency cli- their future. Once again, I am drawing inspiration from process of avoiding catastrophic impacts.
mate action. Greta, one girl alone with a sign, sparked young people who are showing leadership when our I’m out knocking on doors, meeting voters and pro-
a global movement. And on September 27, millions political leaders have let us down. But as Greta points posing solutions to the climate crisis. But at this pivotal

OC TOBER 2 019
joined her across the world in one of the largest demon- out, the time for talk is over. Greta and the students are time, we have to be bigger and louder than ever before. We
strations in history. not marching for good thoughts and admiration. They must accelerate our efforts to eliminate greenhouse pollu-
Seeing so many people organize to tell the truth, are marching because they must, for their survival. tion. Last week, I asked candidates and volunteers to share
demand action and protect our planet, you can feel I refuse to be yet another person looking to the kids our message of hope on doorsteps, on social media, and at
something has changed. for hope, when it is us – mentors and educators, leaders strikes across the country.
The stakes are incredibly high. We can’t wait any and activists, mothers and workers, who must provide To those who joined our children in the streets today,
longer for governments to take action to preserve global hope for the younger generations. thank you. j 21
Events For rates & placements email

SEP 20 - OCT 18 OCT 12 OCT 26 – 27

Dream Yoga & Astral Travel: 5 Fridays, begins A Celebration Day for Girls. Life changing Che Guevara Conference: Vancouver
Sept 20, 7-9pm, Mt. Pleasant, Vancouver @ BC and relationship enriching program that Communities in Solidarity with Cuba. Speakers
Gnostic Centre. Info/registration: supports the transition to womanhood. For from Cuba, Venezuela, Canada, the US & Europe. 778-200-7471. girls 10-12 and their mother or female carer. Russian Hall, 600 Campbell Ave., Vancouver.
Donation-based. Drop-ins welcome. In North Vancouver. Info/Registration: bit.
LUCINDA HERRING ly/CelebrationDayforGirlsVancouver www.
OCT 27
SEP 21 - NOV 9 Host: Rachel Pilgrim
REIMAGINING DEATH Gnostic Psychology of the Chakras: 7 Saturdays, (Aust.) An Evening with Caroline Myss: 7:00pm. Details: 604-737-8858
FRI, OCT 18 I 6:30-8:30PM begins Sept 21, 10-noon (no meeting Oct 26th), Mt.
Pleasant, Vancouver @ BC Gnostic Centre. Info/ OCT 12
FREE TALK AT BANYEN registration 778-200-7471. Suraj Yengde, activist, postdoctoral fellow, NOV 2
Donation-based. Drop-ins welcome. Harvard School of Government: Conversation to Dream Salon: Dream Designs. Kay Meek Theatre.
unpack the castiest culture in our community. 2-5pm. Learn to understand & apply your dreams.
OCT 1 - DEC 3 To break the oppression & discrimination. 12pm Details & tickets:
SongRise Improv Choir: Tuesdays, 7:30-9:00pm Kwantlen Polytechnic Univ., Room Fir 128, 12666 dream-salon-38
Kits. Sing uplifting grooves, body-shakin’ rhythms, 72nd. Ave., Surrey. Info:
heavenly harmonies. Series or single sessions. NOV 11
Info and Fall Vocal Workshops: OCT 16 – 17 Let Peace Be Their Memorial: A Wreath Laying
Free Open Houses for the 6 weekend Shamanic Ceremony for overlooked victims of conflict.
OCT 8 Power Initiation Program. Oct 17 Vancouver; Oct Seaforth Peace Park (Burrard @ 1st. Ave). 2:30-
16 Calgary. All at 7pm. Everyone welcome! 4:00pm. Details:
DOÑA MARÍA APAZA Plant-based Nutrition for Optimal Health: Vesanto
Melina. 6:30-8pm. Choices Market 2627 W. 16th. RSVP
Free Open House – Institute of Holistic Nutrition
SUN, OCT 20 I 11:30AM-1PM (Vancouver). Course/Career opportunities,
OCT 10 OCT 18
FREE TALK AT BANYEN Plant-based Nutrition for Optimal Health: Lucinda Herring: Reimagining Death. 6:30-8:30pm. exhibits, talks, door prizes and more. 9am-5pm.
Vesanto Melina. 6:30-8pm. Choices Market 3248 FREE TALK at Banyan Books 3608 W. 4th Ave., 604 W. Broadway, Suite 300. 604-558-4000
King George Blvd, S. Surrey. Register at Vancouver. 604-737-8858 NOV 30 – DEC 1
OCT 19 Become a Certified Life Coach or Executive
Reversing & Also Preventing Cancer: Tom & Coach: Hampton Inn & Suites, Vancouver. This
Maggie Brinton. 7pm. $2 donation to Vancouver 2-day intensive will teach you everything you
Cohousing. Bring a vegan snack to share at need to know to succeed. Only Certified Coaches
this Snackluck. To sign up: Federation graduates earn the esteemed

East is East
MeatlessMeetup/events/ Certified Life Coach Practitioner designations.
Register at 866-455-2155 or 403-389-1190
OCT 19
CAROLINE MYSS Mind, Body. Reset: Full day transformational
SUN, OCT 27 I 7:00PM event. 1 groundbreaking new documentary “On

info atWest Broadway a Scale of 1 to10”; 6 keynote speakers and expert Women’s Sufi Circle: A Contemporary Study panel discussions. Vancouver Rowing Club of Ancient Wisdom. A time to connect with

in Kitsilano 604-737-8858
9:30am-6:00pm. Tickets on
your heart, revive your spiritual being, discover
hope and understand the purpose of your life.
Thursdays 7-8:30pm. False Creek, Vancouver.
Doña María Apaza: Q’ero Wisdom Teachings.

East is East 11:30am-1pm. FREE TALK at Banyan Books SATURDAYS

East isBroadway
3608 W. 4th Ave., Vancouver. Free Musical Jam: 8pm-midnight. British Ex 604-737-8858. Servicemen’s Association, 1143 Kingsway. Kelly
3035 West 778-883-9641
in Kitsilano
3035 West Broadway OCT 26 - 27
OC TOBER 2 019

in Kitsilano The Health Shows: Canada Place, Vancouver. SUNDAYS

Sat.10am-6pm. Sun.10am-5pm. $10. Bring Contemplative Music & Candlelight Service: St.
Healthy Food Donation for the Food Bank – Andrew’s Wesley United Church. 7-8pm. Currently
admission at half price.; held at St. Paul’s Anglican Church, 1130 Jervis St.,
#VanHS19; @thehealthshows Vancouver.

Live Music

Live Music
…Barb from pg. 5 it met our demands, the workers voted to accept it. This was
sity. We visited each other a couple of times. On one trip I Barb’s exposure to serious labour battles and the high stakes
met her parents and got the third degree. Her mother warned involved.. We then moved south to Vancouver with myself
her she shouldn’t get tied to the first boy that kissed her but offered a position as a Noise Inspector with the WCB and
For rates & placements email rather “play the field” in case a better one came along. Her Barb as a secretary in the History Dept at UBC. Her knowl- mother was a hard bargainer. After Barb accepted my mar- edge of French being a key factor in her being hired and was
riage proposal her mother suggested we just live together relied on by the deptartment to communicate with French-
common law so if it didn’t work out we wouldn’t need to speaking clients as well as editing papers of professors using
COUNSELLING go through a messy divorce. Barb was not convinced by French quotes. She enjoyed it. However, she was talked into
her mother and a year later we were married in her parents’ serving on the Negotiating Committee for the union. Her
ART THERAPY. Sliding scale $65-$125/hr! Contact
home. Her father did make the comment to me that I should experience was similar to what I went through – though not
us for one-on-one sessions, groups and workshops. think twice about this as he claimed that “the women in this as much on the brinkmanship. When spring came, we made, family are tough and very demanding.” I replied that I would the decision to move to Nova Scotia and open up a bed and
take my chances and give it a try. breakfast in the historic town of Annapolis Royal. It was a
Before we got married, Barb visited me in Kitimat where major change in our lives as we bought a huge old mansion,
ANJU ACUTHERAPY: Acupuncture + Acupressure I was working as a contract researcher for the Smelter Work- restored it with all new utilities and bathrooms in all seven
$65 / 60min. Covered by Insurance, MSP and ers Union while serving on the negotiating committee. I sug- guest rooms. It became quite successful and well known.
ICBC. (604)-352-5442 (Keiko). #201-3701 Hastings,
Burnaby. gested to Barb that she take the plant tour in the air-condi- At the same time, we became very active in environmental
tioned bus while I was busy in negotiations. She did so, but struggles, leading the campaign against uranium exploration
SHAMANIC HEALING asked so many questions about the pollution in the plant and and mining. We did win that battle, convincing the provin-
why were the trees all dead on the mountainside outside the cial goverment that it was in danger of losing the next pro-
Relationships, work, emotional balance, finding plant. The guide told her that she would have to speak to the vincial election if it did not give into our demands of banning
meaning and purpose, rediscovering joy. One-on- manager to get answers to those questions. After the tour she such activity. When the rank and file of the governing Con-
one/groups, Drum journeys, Book of Life readings, headed directly to the Office building, demanding to see the servative Party came out against the uranium exploration
chakra balancing, karma releasing. See testimonials
on website. 778-227-
manager. The response to her questioning was “why did she and mining, the cabinet announced its banning of such activ-
2939. want to know?” She replied that she was a shareholder and ity at the height of the election. We had gained allies among
wanted to know what they were doing with her money. The the many environmental organizations across Nova Scotia
WELLSPRING BOWEN THERAPY manager learned she held only a few shares, which her father including Elizabeth May’s powerful Cape Breton Land
BACK/HIP/NECK PAIN, MIGRAINES, knee & foot bought for her because I was working there and it might be a Owners against the Spray. We also had the local farmers and
issues, stress, IBS & more; Bowen can help. First good investment. The manager thought that was a ridiculous fisherman working with us on this issue. It was a truly good
3 sessions $149 + gst. Limited time offer. amount and refused to take her seriously. However we later example of the power of grassroots people to affect change, 604-727-0262.
learned from company officials that they were afraid that in government policy. Barb was also a leader in keeping the
she was the famous female shareholder activist that bought passenger train running through the Annapolis Valley. Her
NON-TOXIC DRYCLEANING a few shares in bad companies and raised hell at their annual presentation to the Federal Transport Commission was heav-
shareholder meetings. Apparently that woman caused heads ily quoted in its report and decision. They loved her use of
to roll when the president or CEO was embarrassed at such a Broadway Musical songs to illustrate her points.
public event. The fact that Barb was connected to me of the After eight years of running the Bread and Roses B&B, we
negotiating committee raised the alarm and a major effort sold it and moved to Halifax. Barb became a Library Techni-
was put into investigating my background. I learned that the cian at the Provincial Archives while I became a Scuba Div-
company police had gone coast to coast checking my resume ing Instructor and underwater filmmaker. Then the wonderful
Water-based cleaning for errors or omissions for clues to finding my true back- contract came up from the UU Historical Society wanting
No perchloroethylene
ground and motives. to microfilm all the Unitarian Universalist congregational
4050 Cambie St @ 25th It reached a crisis point among management when I records across Canada to preserve them while they still exist- responded to the application by the company to pollute ed. This turned out to be a two-year project, ending in BC,
for cleaning pickup call: which was published as a notice by the province in the Globe where they settled in permanently and joined the Vancouver
steps away from King Edward Skytrain Stn!
and Mail. I wrote on the union letterhead that I intended to
object to it. The company responded by withdrawing the
Unitarian Church, getting involved in Social Justice projects
and many demonstrations. Barb became very active in the
application to pollute, and instead installed equipment to Raging Grannies and the Women’s International League For
remove the dangerous pollutants from the exhaust fumes Peace and Freedom. We took part in most of the giant Peace
which were killing the trees on the mountainside. It became Marches against the war in Iraq.
a clean plant in which to work and breathe. However, the Barb was also very active with me in establishing the
company remained very suspicious of Barb, and her connec- Socially Responsible Investment movement in Canada.
tion to me waiting for the boom to be lowered. Life heated up We wrote the investment policy for the Canadian Unitarian
again when the union reopened the contract to adjust wages Council which was adopted at its AGM with much discus-
upward as specified in the contract to allow for matching sion. At the AGM of 2015, the CUC awarded Barb and I the

OC TOBER 2 019
of wage rates with the forest industry. When the grassroots Knight Award jointly for “Outstanding Achievement in fur-
workforce became impatient and started work-to-rule action, thering Unitarian Universalist Principles in Canada”. She has
Spiritual Psychology
the company sued all union executives for millions of dollars greatly enriched the lives of many.
Meditation, Dream Yoga
in damages, things became bitter. As treasurer of the union, Sadly, Barb’s life ended prematurely when the stomach
Practical Mysticism I moved a motion at the membership meeting to shut the pains she was suffering from this past spring and summer plant down. The company then requested that negotiations turned out to be caused by pancreatic cancer. She died in her
778.200.7471 reopen and a new contract was agreed on within hours. Since sleep early in the morning of September 5th., 2019. j 23
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