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1. Complete the text with the next words

Tool, education, society, prints, future, wise, spelling, brain, knowledge,

imagination, creativity, automatically.

Technology has been a relevant subject or tool in all areas including the education
and everybody knows about the great evolution and the important advantages that
it brings, but the people also knows the possible problems or disadvantages in

Taking into account the important role that technology plays in education,
sometimes if you think about the actual or future education you get worried and
ask yourself ; What will happen in ten or fifteen years ? Perhaps Colombia will be
considered a develop country, which will be great but…

What will happen with the future generation? Think for a minute about the actual
situation in a classroom, nobody thinks – everybody repeats, nobody reads instead
everybody copies and prints the enough information, no one reads because
everybody finds the answer or the short summaries in the internet. Now can you
understand? Notice if you need to write something all you have to do is to do it in a
software that corrects your poor spelling therefore you become dependable of the
computer, If you need to read to find an answer to some questions automatically
your subconscious says “Don’t be stupid, ask the wise GOOGLE”. It knows
everything and it helps you hide your lack of knowledge, and even better if you
need to solve a math exercise, so easy use the calculator.

You have all the tools to solve your life but if you are a teacher or a student don’t
limit your knowledge to it.

Technology is an excellent tool but is not the most important thing in the world;
actually the most important tool is your brain, your knowledge.

Google is not the wise as you thought; you are the wise because you have the
most powerful tools: knowledge, imagination and creativity.

Finally try to be authentic because the copy that you try to imitate each day
everybody knows it.

2. Read the text and practice your pronunciation.

3. What do you think about technology in education? Write a paragraph explaining your

1- According to the audio, what is technology?

Technology is an important tool for education and has many advantages for students but at
the same time disadvantages.

2- Which are the advantages about Technology in education?

Technology provides accessibility to documents that were previously difficult to acquire.

3- Which are the disadvantages about Technology in education?

Students will stop enriching their knowledge and will completely depend on the internet and
technology itself.

What do you think about technology in education? Write a paragraph explaining your opinion.

I think that technology in education is important because it allows students and teachers to go
deeper with videos or other tools to make the classes more entertaining and for students to
generate interest in the topics that they see. Adequate use of technology must be made so that it
does not become an obstacle between learning and students.

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