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Mother May I?

Age Group: All ages.

Instructions: “Mother May I?” helps teach directions and numbers. To begin playing, designate
someone to be Mother. Everyone else will line up across from Mother. Players will start to ask
“Mother may I?” questions to move closer to Mother. For example, someone might sign,
“Mother may I take three large steps forward?”. From there, Mother gets to decide. Mother
might sign back, “Yes, you may” or offer a new action instead such as, “No. Take five slow steps
forward.” If Mother thinks that a player is cheating, she can direct players to take steps
backwards. Whoever reaches mother first wins the game!

The opportunities to move towards Mother are endless, but here are some suggestions to get you
● Large steps
● Small steps
● Fast steps
● Slow steps
● Crawling
● Jumping
● Lunging
● Sidesteps
● Skipping

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