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Dalia Mojsilović

A Guide to a simpler life

... It is about a woman who grew up in a strict and complicated family. A family with heavy
emotions which distanced her from herself and from who she really is! By applying certain
methods such as meditation and affirmation, she found a way to elevate her consciousness to a
higher level and get rid of harmful beliefs that were not hers! To release, through the recognition
of Faith and Soul, the barriers and beliefs which once made her anxious and frightened, and
which today make her a satisfied and happy person!

To Marija and Nevena, my inspirations for a happier and more joyful life

Mommy loves you


Hello, dear people,

I wrote this guide both for you and myself. For you, because I would like to help you get on your
path. The path that naturally belongs to you, but which you have only lost sight of at some point
in your life. Once you step on your path, which is the path of your dreams and ideals, your life
will become much less painful and way simpler. That is our ultimate goal.

I write to myself, lest I forget! It is in human nature to go back to the established and learned
patterns of life. At the same time, I would like to share with you all that I have come to know
through my many years of spiritual work, all for the sake of a simpler and happier life. Because
at the end of the day, that is all we want. Harmony and safety!

Everything I write comes from my personal experience. Thus, I quote you spiritual motivators
and ordinary people like you and me, who have been instrumental in my spiritual development.

I will write about the methods I have applied that have successfully connected me to myself and
brought peace to my life. I will write about techniques that soothed me when needed. I will do
my best to help you find your path. I will light it up in the dark, but you have to go towards it on
your own.

*Life would be simpler if people did not complicate it*

* Life becomes simple when we step on the path that was designed for us*

Now let's find it together... I am here with you as someone who has walked many paths until I
found my own!

Today, I believe that we are our greatest Gurus. We have always been. What needs to be done is
for us to connect with the Guru within ourselves! The guide, the Guru, is within us, in our hearts.
We do not need to look for it outside of ourselves, we do not need to look for it in other people.

What does human soul mean to you, dear reader? How would you describe the
human soul? Where do you think it could be found? What is the role of it? There are
many questions about it and yet way fewer answers. I would love for you to put
down your answers on a piece of paper before you continue reading...
At the very beginning of our fellowship, I would like to describe to you my experience and belief
when it comes to the human soul.

Today, dear reader, I believe that our Soul has come to Earth to recognize certain things! The
things it has not experienced but would like to! That is why I will tell you an old short story at
the very beginning of our friendship. It is a story about the human Soul, which completely
changed my perception of it!

"Up in the sky, on soft blue clouds, two souls are talking! The first Soul retells the other its
surviving experience of sadness and suffering! The other Soul did not experience that but would
like to. The first Soul suggests that they meet on Earth and then help it to live that experience.
The other Soul agrees! To help it relive the experience of sadness, the first Soul will have to do
something very bad to the other. The first Soul begs the other not to resent it, because that is the
deal that they made... One day on Earth, these two Souls were born, living their lives, until one
day their paths crossed in a passionate love, where the first Soul fulfilled its promise and showed
the other what suffering is!"

Whenever I hear that one of my friends suffers or grieves, I remember this edifying story. It
soothes me every time! I think – Oh, the Almighty, maybe that was just the deal after all...

The idea of reincarnation and the arrival of our Soul to the Earth to learn new experiences
worked for me. It gave me the peace I needed.

Today, I believe that everything in my life happens for a reason. For my greater good!
Sometimes, for our own good, it's better to "miss the plane" if you know what I mean. I believe
that in the case of a “missed plane”, something even better, more important, perhaps salvaging,
awaits us! This way of accepting the situation is called Faith!

The belief that the Almighty protects us, and that sometimes it is better to miss certain things, is
also my life story. I believe each one of us has had a few similar stories throughout our lives. We
just do not look at them that way.

So, my husband and I have been treating sterility for a long time. Through various examinations
and analyzes, we were looking for the causes of our own inability to create posterity. Those were
the years of pursuing and losing my two pregnancies. We decided to try with in vitro
fertilization! On the embryo transfer day, the gynecologist told me the "bad" news, which was
that no egg was fertilized and there was nothing we could do at that time!

I was very, very sad about it! I had high expectations and a strong desire to have a baby. My
friend tried to comfort me by saying that we could not know why it was better that it had not
happened! She was convincing me that everything happened for some higher reason, a reason we
did not see at the moment! She already understood it! She, actually, had the Faith that most
situations in our lives happen for our greater good. I must admit that I did not have Faith in that
period of my life. This is why I looked at many situations tragically!
A year later, with the help of a new gynecologist, I learned the cause of my husband’s and my
sterility! With that realization, I came to another important one. That my friend had all the right
of this world a year before! Had I been pregnant then, I would have lost the pregnancy for the
third time, which is very painful for every woman. In order to maintain pregnancy, I needed to
receive certain injections, which is something we could not have known a year before! Which
would mean that I did not "miss the plane", the pregnancy would certainly have been lost even if
it had happened, that is, if the embryos had been fertilized. Thanks to the Almighty for protecting
me in this way!

Dear readers, one never knows why it is good when something does or does not happen! When
something does not go your way, do not despair! There is a bigger reason for it! Something or
someone is protecting you!

The Almighty, the Universe, whatever you call the energy around us, lives through us. We came
to Earth for Cognition. We came to Create. Therefore, we are entitled to wishes, needs,
pleasures. "Everything created around us was once just someone's idea". Remember Nikola Tesla
and the invention of electricity. It was just a thought that turned into tangible reality! *


*Have you ever wondered where we go after our lives?

Some authors say that most of the fears we have come from the fear of death! All other fears
stem from that one. To be honest, I feared death, as did some of you. I was also scared of not
knowing where we were going after death!? Do we even go anywhere or is it the End!? What is
out there?! I had a lot of questions but no answers that would satisfy and soothe me...

With such insecurities, it is natural for us to be frightened. Rarely anyone can handle entering the
unknown cold-headed...

For this reason, reconsider your convictions and beliefs!

It is beliefs that shape our lives! We would often change something in our lives, but our beliefs
put us off! If our fears become too big, we become sensitive and distressed. Distress further leads
to anxiety, pessimism, depression... And so we gradually enter a vicious circle that sometimes
closes with our sinking!

We often say that certain situations happen to us over and over again! We just cannot seem to
learn certain lessons. Let’s take trust, for example! How many times have we "burned" ourselves
when it comes to some people, but we have not learned the lesson! Only when we learn it will
people who betray our trust cease to come into our lives! I believe this is how it works. The Soul
must learn its lesson in order to move on! Same with school. To become a great mathematician,
you must start with the simplest of tasks. Only when you understand those can you do the more
demanding ones, right?! Whatever happens to you over and over again, your Soul has not
mastered it!

Some people are at a higher level of consciousness. They mastered what they needed to. They
live simpler lives now. They have a different view of the world. Their soul has probably come a
longer way, through more reincarnations, and is able to understand more...

All in all, the belief in Reincarnation gave me the peace I needed. It freed me from my fears and
gave me the necessary, satisfying answers...

If you feel restless, if you do not feel well in your skin, if you are often anxious, angry and
resentful, it is time to reconsider your beliefs! Beliefs related to soul, life and many other life

At the beginning of this chapter, I asked you to think about the human soul and what it means to
you. Now I would like to present to you the belief of a spiritual master, Srdjan Roje, who helped
me complete the image of the human soul, mind and body through meditations and educations.

I understood it in the following way, a way that gave me a broader picture of Man as a being!

We are not just the Mind, we are not just the Body or just the Soul. All of these make a Man. I
remembered his saying, that we are the Soul that has a body. Fascinating...

I like to analyze ideas. Analysis always gives me a clear picture. So now I would like to tell you
a few words about Ego and Soul!

I will start by analyzing the Ego. Ego is a product of our Mind! Ego represents our individuality.
Based on the existence of the Ego, you and I are different from each other. The Ego is useful to
us when it reminds us to react in certain dangerous situations! The Ego cares about our self-
protection, which is good!

It ceases to be of use to us when it worries too much, creating worst-case scenarios in our heads.
Likewise, the Ego is the one who controls, judges itself and others, likes to be pleased and have
things be the way it wants them to be... As we can see from the above, the Ego is a part of us,
and it can be both our best friend and our worst enemy! It would be nice to embrace and befriend
it! It is an integral part of us, after all...
Once we get to know its characteristics, we can recognize it within, at times when it causes us
harm! By recognizing it, the Ego loses its power over us.

Now I would like us to analyze the Soul. Every time I mention the Soul, I feel all the pleasant
feelings. I believe that by recognizing and understanding my Soul, I fell in love with myself! The
Soul is pure love. Love at our fingertips! The soul is uncontaminated by the world around it. The
Soul is fleeting, cheerful, unburdened, merciful. The Soul is a hedonist, made to enjoy itself
when you allow it. It makes everything simple and easy. Can you notice the difference now?!
The Ego, as a product of the mind, makes things complicated! The Soul makes things simpler!
The Soul believes!

Meditation is a way of connecting with oneself, one’s own Spirit and Guide. In the following
chapters, I will talk about my spiritual path and finding my guide within myself...

Stay with me. I am taking you through the path to enlightenment, which you can only cross by
working on yourself! I will just light you the way, but you have to walk alone! The illuminated
path is certainly much easier to cross than the dark one that no one has ever crossed!

I recently watched a video of a mommy bear climbing a steep, slippery mountain. A baby bear
was following behind. The mommy bear could only climb herself, the baby had to do it on its
own. She could not help it even though she wanted to. The baby bear slipped many times and
had to climb over. The mommy was waiting on top. After having tried about 30 times, the baby
bear managed to climb the mountain! It is the same case with life. It is full of ups and downs. But
if we have a goal and a motive, we will eventually climb to the heights we want to be at…


*You attract what you are" our ancestors would say...

The universe vibrates, and so do we. "You have probably heard of ECG (vibration of our heart)
or EEG (vibration of our thoughts in the form of magnetic waves); Certain appliances are
capable of capturing these magnetic vibration waves", meaning that our every thought turned
into a feeling sends a certain vibration to our surroundings.

In the scientific paper "Life Energy and Health" by primarius Boro Vujasin, MD, I came across
an interesting piece of information, namely, that the 21st century science has proven that “people
can consciously, through their thoughts and feelings, change the activities of their genetic
records” – WOW!

" Feelings that vibrate out of love change the biochemistry of the body. In the vibration of love,
the human body goes through a positive transformation. Unhealthy cells are biotransformed into
healthy ones, or healthy cells destroy diseased ones, or destroy themselves through the process of
autophagy", says dr. Vujasin. It reminded me of the words of my mother, who often said that a
woman's postpartum life gets rejuvenated. Perhaps it is this vibration of love that we feel for the
child that renews our whole lives. I am not sure, it just crossed my mind...

There are numerous examples of people who have cured themselves of the most serious illnesses
by changing their vibration and lifestyle.

The vibration of the Universe is the vibration of love. When we feel love, we are in tune with the
Universe. Then our health and well-being are good.

The vibration of fear is all that love is not and cannot bring prosperity into our lives.

"Thanks to his consciousness, man has the ability to choose how to vibrate towards himself and
his surroundings. If this is contrary to the vibrations of the Universe, through fear and the
feelings arising from fear, his life becomes short, full of discontent and illnesses", from dr.
Vujasin’s research paper.

A very clear and concise scientific work. Reading it, many things became clear to me...

By being able to make choices, one becomes the Creator of one's own life and future.

"Today we create tomorrow", says Ana Bucevic in one of her wonderful and instructive videos.

"With our present emotion, we create tomorrow" A.B.

"When you want something, the whole Universe strives to fulfill your desire", used to say Louise
Hay, whose books I read as a child...

From my personal example and experience, I can tell you that the Universe will do anything to
fulfill your wishes. That everything will line up the way it is supposed to. What belongs to you,
you will get. The energy you radiate will carry your wish with you. It will bring it back to you,
realized. All you need to do is believe and move out of the way... Sometimes the life course that
leads us to our goal will not be painless or easy. The whole Universe will shake and change
events to give you what is yours and what belongs to you…
For a while, I worked in a very unhealthy environment. My then superior treated me very badly.
She very perfidiously set me up with various unpleasant situations on which my job depended. I
have to admit, I was very upset about that. However, I decided to change the vibration, because
that was the only thing that was up to me and that I could do! To change my superior or her
behavior was not in my power. I kept my focus off of the problem every time it came up and
tried my best to maintain a positive vibration in my life. Over time, my superior put me in even
worse situations! At that time, I did not understand why, for my vibration was in line with the
higher good. I was telling myself that there had to be a reason for all this but I did not see it. The
situation worsened each day, until it culminated as one that was bad for everyone... I was then
transferred to another sector. It was where I got a wonderful superior and healthy atmosphere. As
you can see, it was not painless but it did lead me to my goal. My positive vibration was in line
with the one of the Universe. The Universe always seeks harmony. If you vibrate with love, it
must align you with it and take you where it exists!

* MAY WE BE OURSELVES *(may we find ourselves)

*I believe that I am a much better person than I was before my spiritual enlightenment began!
Better to myself and even better to others. I am very aware of the difference in my behavior.
Once you find yourself and get to know your Soul, you can never go back to the old ways. The
Soul is good, wise, merciful, always with you and others. Everything opposite is mostly a state of
Mind. The state that comes from the learned, from the imposed. Starting with the examples we
follow, our loved ones, our educators, society, media…

Up until my enlightenment, I carried a lot of heavy emotions that were not mine! This
recognition was made possible by meditation and other methods. After quite some time, thanks
to the implementation of all these methods that I am writing about, I returned to myself! To my
original self, above all, which is something I took from others. This is how I learned to
distinguish between the Soul and the Mind. Between the Soul and the Ego. An example of a pure
Soul is babies. Still a "tabula rasa".

None of us need change. What we do need is to reconnect with ourselves! Then everything goes
on its own, has its own natural flow, like a river.

Dear parents, nurture and support your children the way they are! And do not forget that you are
their number 1 example, the strongest link!
In the country I live in, which has experienced all kinds of bad things, in addition to poverty and
war, parents are increasingly led by the idea that a good, sincere and honest person cannot do
well in life. They teach their children the same! To live with their Mind, and not with their Soul.
To enroll in schools that will offer them employment and not in those they would like to go to.
To marry a rich person, lest they starve, and all other similar things. Materialism has taken the
lead over spiritual life! For this reason, these same children will one day have a job they do not
like, live with people they do not like, etc.

Listen to your heart, look with your heart, write with your heart, love with your heart.

No matter what, our parents did the best they could. Based on their beliefs and experiences, they
made decisions that directed and determined our lives! Now as adults, we have a right but also an
obligation to take responsibility for ourselves if we want to live more freely and in accordance
with what we originally were!

"It will not get better in the thirties. Nor in the forties. Fifties. When you retire and hug your
grandchildren. Make a lot of money. Buy a house. Pay off your loans. Kiss him. Keep him by
your side. Start a family. No. You will only get better when you learn to be better to yourself.
Get to love your inner world." Andrea O


*When they feel good, people often say that their soul is at peace, and that peace brings them
good feeling and peace of mind! Just like when they were kids... Children are almost always in
line with themselves! They are not "messed up" with disappointments, bad experiences. Their
beliefs are not yet deeply rooted. Children live in the moment, in the present. When it comes to
children, we often say – good for them, they do not have any problems in life until they grow up.
The real truth is that we as adults rarely live in the moment and thus create problems. Our head is
often occupied with obligations, cares. Every time our focus is in the present, when we
experience it as it is, we cannot have problems! The problem arises when our thoughts take us
away from the present.

Children are generally present and in harmony with the Universe and their higher selves! They
have not yet solidified the pattern by which they will act in a given situation. We as parents are
prime examples to them. For their own sake, I, as a mother, had to change! My family and their
good were my motive for profound change!

I knew that children were following the example of those they grew up with. Being a "tabula
rasa", they have to learn from someone. They take over the beliefs and patterns they will live by.
Most often from their loved ones who they grow up with and from their surroundings. However,
I believe that mother and father are the strongest links...

With this realization, I knew that I needed to re-examine and change my personal life pattern.
The one that was stumbling me and thus set a bad example during my children’s upbringing.
Like any mother, I wanted a brighter and happier future for my child. By understanding all of the
above, as the strongest link, I had an extremely strong motive and a very responsible task! The
motive that encouraged me even when I wanted to give up.

Changes were happening very quickly, it did not take me long to identify my misconceptions and
dismiss them. Meditation and visualization, as well as educational videos, are methods that I
found to be very pleasing to me and they have helped me tremendously. They "opened my eyes"
and drove the darkness away!

All children are like an unwritten book, most often it is the parents and the environment who fill
in the words as they grow up...

If someone asked me today if I would rather be at peace or right, I would choose Peace! Because
today I know that when we are at peace with ourselves, we are also in harmony with ourselves.
That is the time when we are the strongest, the most creative, the most productive! The most
fulfilled in life! We then attract beautiful, good people and positive situations. That is when we
love ourselves and others. We have enough energy to give and receive. We have enough energy
to help those who need help. We have something to provide! We do not waste our energy on
unnecessary things. Our consciousness is at a higher level. At a level from which we understand
much more. We live in the moment, when everything is most expressive.

"In order to have better relationships with people, you first need to have a better relationship with
yourself", spiritual teachers say…

* Is the acceptance of ourselves and what we are in line with how we live? Have we honestly
embraced all that we once were and what we are now? Have we forgiven ourselves for all that
we could not do differently? Are we living in illusions and lies? There are many questions that
we should answer to ourselves. We may actually owe answer to ourselves. I am sure of one
thing, we did the best we could and the only way we could do it at that time.

Anyway, I met a friend who told me her brother was divorcing his wife. Such things happen and
when two people decide so, that is fine and okay. However, something was not clear to me in her
story. The other day I saw pictures of her brother and his wife tightly hugging each other on
Facebook and thought how they were happy to have each other and such a harmonious marriage.
I mentioned it to her. My friend says they are embarrassed that they are getting a divorce, so they
do not talk to others about it!

Maybe they felt ashamed, maybe they believe that getting divorced is a shame, the reason is not
even important anymore...

The fact is that we have to accept the truth as it is, even when it comes to those most innocent
little things. It will bring us the peace we need and life in harmony that we want.

I am not saying that divorce cases should be published in newspapers and made public, but one
should certainly accept it as it is! There are people who present themselves and their lives totally
different than they are. You may have encountered a similar situation yourself, seeing someone
smiling in pictures, and then hearing that this is not the way it seems at all...

Accepting the truth is the path to self! Perhaps the only one...

Can we truly accept ourselves if we lie about our life, from this or that reason?! We present
ourselves differently, in a better way, thinking that others would rather accept and support us that
way?! Do We accept ourselves if we act so? My answer would be: Definitely Not!

The truth is that the only acceptance and support we need is the support by ourselves! Once we
understand this, we will never again feel the need to be accepted by others the way we are not!
Once we realize that we are right, that there is nothing wrong with us, we will stop creating a
false image of ourselves and our life. It will not matter if others accept us. We will never think
that we are not good enough because someone does not want us in their life. Therefore truth,
therefore authenticity! In this way, we become aware of our worth! If you are wondering how to
get to that point, I will tell you – slowly and gradually, using the methods.

Spiritual development is a methodical discipline which requires the motive, the will and our
valuable time...
Let's start from the Truth!

"We put our lives in the hands of others when we found their opinion to be more important to
us", is something I heard in one of the motivational videos. Is that really what we want? To give
our lives to someone else to manage it! Only we decide! Will we accept the attitude of truth for
our own greater good?!

We always know when something is wrong. We feel it. Everyone has that little voice that
whispers to us... this is not who you are, this is not for you, this is wrong... We just have to
listen ... the voice of our heart, of our body, which always tells us what it feels...

Your life is a blessing given to you! Life is there to live it, according to our principles and
desires. Isn't it more important that you personally feel good in your skin than what others will

Whenever you catch yourself living a lie, know that you have moved away from yourself. Stand
by yourself and support yourself and your life. With truth!

As I was writing this, I noticed human weaknesses way more. For example, my husband has a
deaf-mute colleague who attends literary evenings we organize. I can barely understand her as
she tries to talk, so our communication is minimal. She notices that I do not understand her, so
she rarely talks to me. She barely talks to anyone who is there. She mostly listens to what others
talk about. She is very neglected by all of us. I wanted to get her involved in the conversation in
some way. I thought a lot about the options we had and decided to propose to her at the next
meeting to type on the keyboard the things she would like to tell us. And that everyone will do
their best to support it! Every person on this planet enjoys connection and communication with
other people...

Our next meeting was completely different. Dijana accepted our suggestion. I believe it was not
easy for her to overcome her beliefs that inhibited her. She was extremely brave and had a strong
motive. After that evening, she thanked me and said that she had not felt so fulfilled for a long
time! She said she believed that our group would think she was awkward and frivolous if she
communicated with us that way. She realized at the time that it was crazy for her to have others’
opinions be more important to her than the wonderful evening and what she felt in those
moments. In fact, none of us came even close to thinking that she would be awkward if she
communicated with us that way. On the contrary, we would consider her very brave. You can
never know what is in someone else's head. And that, actually, does not even matter....

Life consists of moments. We should not let the opinions of others be more important to us than
our happiness, joy and fulfillment. My husband's colleague, Dijana, wanted things to be
different, but did nothing to change and be happy. Maybe she was waiting for the right moment
to be ready for a change. Once she took responsibility, when she took her Life into her own
hands, she changed her reality. I admire her audacity...

As long as the opinion of others is more important to us than our own truth and what we are, we
will be puppets in the hands of others! The only thing that really matters is what we see when we
turn to ourselves! Opinions of others cannot hurt us when we are aware of ourselves and who we
are! We all look at the world from our own perspective. The truth is different for two people who
have had different life experiences. For someone, the glass is half full, for others half empty. For
these reasons, what matters is who talks to us, not what they talk to us about...


*Meditation is a method that can help you let go of your burdens and fears and replace harmful
beliefs with those that are useful.

Meditation relaxes, calms the tense Mind, and most importantly connects us to ourselves!
"There is no cure that can help someone connect to themselves". I read this quote somewhere and
I loved it.

Meditation and visualization have changed my life. Had I not meditated (and visualized), I
would have never understood life! I would have never changed my beliefs that were holding me
back. Do you really think you would be reading this guide now had I remained at the same level
of consciousness!? Believe me, you would not! There were many beliefs that were holding me

I was very active, willing to change my life for the better, because the one I lived until then was
not so good. Neither for me nor for my loved ones, whom I served as an example.

I was very consistent in many methods and actually enjoyed them. I could not wait to be alone
and enjoy my journey to a better tomorrow. Little by little, the ball deftly unraveled and suddenly
I could do whatever I wanted...

By actively working on myself, I was setting my priorities and, in doing so, clearing my path. I
have learned to let go of thoughts that are useless or hurt me, to recognize those which are
pointing me to the wrong direction. I have learned to stop them before they take control of my
emotions! I learned through education that every emotion is preceded by a thought.

What I found fascinating and what opened me up to new perspectives is the fact that I learned to
differentiate between myself (what I am) and my thoughts and feelings. It was a very powerful
realization because I no longer attached so much importance and relevance to my thoughts. For
example, my child does not answer the phone and is late! Almost every parent would think about
all sorts of things. I have learned through meditation to control which thoughts I will follow and
which I will not!

Another example: if I get a thought that I know will make me feel angry or less worthy, I will
recognize it as potentially threatening and let it pass, I will not follow it, expand it and make up a
whole scenario.

Before my profound change, my thoughts (beliefs) about my own capabilities were not
promising and positive. They were something like this: you cannot do that, that is not for you,
you are not worthy, others are smarter, more beautiful, more capable, etc.

It was exactly these thoughts that determined my future! A future where I am unable to achieve
what I want. Through meditation and visualization, I realized my harmful beliefs and rejected

For a long time, I had lived my life convinced that it mattered what others thought of me.
Sometimes I even think that someone else's opinion was more important to me than my own. I
wanted others to have a good opinion of me, and I tried so hard to be that way... It's a Sisyphean
task, dear reader!

Through meditation, I realized my own worth, and things that were not good, I changed for the
better. Guided by visualizations, I was setting my priorities and finding myself. Slowly but
surely, I was changing the belief that the opinion of others was so important and I started giving
priority to my own. My life and my future were gradually changing. I was becoming more and
more confident. Meditation was very important to me during some stressful times, it gave me
comfort, serenity and hope. Meditation is a form of practice. You must feel it yourself,
experience it, feel its blessings. This is the only way to understand all of the above. And that is
why I would like to "read" you something from the novel “Siddhartha”.

*Siddhartha tells the Buddha: "I have not doubted for a single moment that you are Buddha, that
you have reached the goal, the highest goal towards which so many thousands of Brahmins and
sons of Brahmins are on their way. You have found salvation from death. It has come to you in
the course of your own search, on your own path, through thoughts, through meditation, through
realizations, through enlightenment. It has not come to you by means of teachings! You will not
be able to convey and say to anybody, oh venerable one, in words and through teachings what
has happened to you in the hour of enlightenment".

All in all, it is a path you have to walk alone. Alone, but with yourself. You can meditate in
silence but you can also use guided meditations that are equally good.

*To meditate in silence, you need to sit down, close your eyes and relax.

You can choose a position that makes you more relaxed. Close your eyes and follow your
breathing. That is all you need to do to get started. The advantage of this meditation is that you
can also meditate on a plane or train.

Meditation is a thoughtless state. Which still does not mean that thoughts will not come or pass,
especially at first. Since our goal is a thoughtless state, we will let them go through our minds but
we will not follow them. We will just let them be and observe them. They will keep coming and
going. If you thoughtfully start following them, return your focus to breathing. You are just an
observer watching your thoughts. There will come a time when thoughts will cease to flow
through your mind, and a thoughtless state will occur.

Dear People, what a rest, what a happiness, what a joy. A full experience of the present in its true
form. You slowly begin to realize that you are not your thought. You are not your feelings.
Neither your body. You are pure consciousness, soul. You can meditate in any position, says the
Indian spiritual leader, Osho.

Osho adds that in India everyone meditates on the ground and that they rarely use chairs. These
are warm areas where people practice sitting on the ground daily anyway. You do not even have
to be in the Lotus position. You do not have to do anything but close your eyes and meet
yourself. Without any pressure. It is justified to interrupt your meditation only if you are cold.
According to Osho, concentration is not meditation. It is not contemplation either. Meditation is
something in between. When you concentrate, you focus on one thing. This narrows your
consciousness. Meditation only expands consciousness, never narrows it.

As we meditate, we face ourselves. All our virtues and all our faults come to the surface. We
discover ourselves. Anger, fury, jealousy and even something that we have deeply suppressed
can come to the surface. Only when we see what we have within can we change it if we want. At
first, many people find it strange how we come to know and understand, if meditation is a
thoughtless state. Well, let's just say that our mind is a chatty thing, says Osho. We cannot
prevent that. There is a way, and that is to indulge and accept it. Let our thought walk until they
calm down. We will not follow them. If our minds wander away anyway, we will return our
focus to our breath or anything that we are already focused on. (Excuse me, dear readers, if I
repeat myself, I do this to explain meditation to you in a series of words.)

That is why meditation is a great way to mentally rest and recharge your batteries. Which still
does not mean there will be no thoughts. As we observe them, we will often suddenly come up
with solutions or answers to something that bothers us.
We get solutions, new creative ideas. We get ourselves! Meditation is a great way to overcome
anxiety. That is why it is important to know who or what we are and what our thoughts are. Let’s
learn to separate ourselves from thoughts, consciously observe them, and thus understand that we
do not have to do everything they tell us. We do not have to be scared if they are scared. After
all, they are just our thoughts.


*Japamala is a rosary of 108 beads. It is used for meditation, mostly in Buddhist and Hindu
countries. You might have noticed that Buddhist monks often carry it with them. It is the famous
Japamala, known to us as rosary. This traditional piece is used in meditation to keep the
meditator more focused.

Every prayer, affirmation, mantra or cognition spoken is considered to remain in the Japamala
because the material it is made of has a strong energy.

In ancient times, it was made of Rudrakshas, a seed of strong energetic material which is related
to the legend of Shiva's teardrops that were falling to the ground and then turned into Rudraksha
seeds, of which rosaries are beaded. Of course, there are other valuable materials they are made

After 108 beads, you come to 109, which is the end of that one meditation.

*FORGIVENESS*, as a method
* I have realized that forgiveness is synonymous with the natural cleansing of the whole body. I
support the idea that many diseases originate from the accumulated negative energy, heavy
emotions such as anger, fury, sadness... It is these emotions that disturb the work of our
hormones and organs. "Our body hears everything the mind tells us" I read once on a blog...
Strong emotions can affect our thyroid, stomach, and things can sometimes become worse and
more severe.

It is often those moments that make us aware, shake us, open our eyes and help us to see our bad
habits, our approach to life, our reactions, which have brought us to where we are now. Those
moments give us an opportunity to change. Use those moments to learn a lesson.

From my personal experience, I can tell you that I get a cold or a migraine almost every time I
experience stress. At first I did not connect it, but now I know it for sure...

Let's go back to Forgiveness as a method. In addition to its effects on physical health,

forgiveness is also important for the recovery of our soul from all the accumulated stress. In this
way, we release all those heavy feelings. Feelings that melt within us or get released through
tears! Tears can be healing in those moments. Whenever we release something, we are raised to a
higher level of consciousness and all the heavy feelings leave our body.

At the same time, we made room for new energy. I used to forgive with the guided audio
meditation on forgiveness, which you can find on one of the websites. Every time after
meditation I felt a new burst of positive energy, I felt more free and happier.

As important as it is to forgive others, it is just as important to forgive yourself! If you often take
the blame on yourself, the next visualization will help you to get rid of the accumulated heavy

I used to apply this visualization / meditation whenever I was disturbed or overwhelmed by

strong feelings.

It is done silently, in the following way:

Close your eyes. Relax your whole body, from your head to your toes. Slowly relax the facial
muscles and then the neck muscles. Relax your shoulders, abdomen, back. The pelvis, thighs,
lower legs and feet. Take as much time as you need. When you relax your body, shift your focus
to a little deeper breathing. Inhalation should be quicker than exhalation. Exhale slowly. Look
into yourself, see what you feel. Anger, fury, sadness, happiness!?! What are those feelings that
are within you?! Once you realize that, begin to imagine how you release the blackness with
each exhalation. Just breathe in the positive energy and breathe out the blackness. Imagine how it
leaves your body, observe it as it leaves. Keep imagining until the blackness is reduced or gone.
With each breath, new, stronger, golden energy enters your body. It heals you, and with every
exhalation it releases your heavy feelings.

Meditation can take as long as you need. Until you get all the heavy feelings out of yourself or
until you feel better.
p.s. I found the inspiration for the written meditation in the videos of Srdjan Roje and possibly other authors, and then adapted it.


*Thank you for not giving me a hand when I needed it the most, when I expected it from you, I
mean, anyone would have done it, you were my best friend.

Thank you, because if you had, I would have never learned to give it to myself! I would have
never learned to stop expecting from others more than from myself.

Thank you for not giving me a hand, because if you had, I would have never become my own
best friend.

Thank you, because if you had, I would have never looked for change within myself.

I would have expected it from you.

Thank you for the greatest life lesson I could get!

These lines have a nice message that can build up on the story of two souls from previous
paragraphs. They also carry a clear message of the support I have provided to myself, thanks to
having got to know myself prior. As I stated somewhere, the most important thing is your own
support. The moments that shake our core provide the strongest emotions and the clearest
picture. I am writing all of this to gradually introduce you to an amazing method that I have been
increasingly applying and that helps me when my thoughts are messy, when something confuses
me, when I need to analyze a situation, when I need to "talk to someone". It is closest to the
feeling we have after confession, prayer or psychotherapy, where honestly, without hesitation,
we open our soul and feel relieved. Like talking to your best friend.

I present to you my experience of the Writing Therapy

*Writing therapy, a method

*Many refer to writing therapy as expressive writing.

Studies have shown that people who use expressive writing as a self-help method are much less
likely to visit doctors. It is also a form of discharge of accumulated heavy emotions. In addition,
the system of analyzing a situation very effectively stops further worries.

Expressive writing has proven to be a method that produces good results in depression, anxiety,
and brain overload.

Some experts say writing therapy is most effective if it is practiced every day. If you ask me, I
would advise you to use it as needed. I jokingly say that expressive writing is more like a
sedative than an antibiotic. Use it when you feel anxious, after a stressful situation, when you are
hesitant, or when you cannot get certain thoughts out of your head.

Basically, all you need is paper and a pen! An honest and open expression of everything you
think and feel. Keep in mind that you can throw away the paper if you want, so be relaxed.
Everything you write stays between you and the paper. You do not need to involve other

I discovered the benefits of expressive writing accidentally. As a blogger, I wrote about

friendship when, at the same time, a friendship challenge (accident) happened to me.

Having been hurt in this relationship by a very good friend, I vented and wrote everything I
thought and felt without the intention of posting it. But with the intention to lighten my soul. I
wrote everything that came to my mind, analyzed all the way, looked at the relationship from all
angles. Having finished my writing, I felt a huge relief. It was as if I had confessed, as if I had
talked to an expert on the subject. I looked at the paper and realized it was priceless. I felt
complete relief. Freedom. It was as if everything that bothered me had left me. The situation in
this relationship became crystal clear to me.

*In order to reach the final destination, which is peace and harmony with oneself and with life, it
is necessary to apply certain methods, and thus to bring to light the unconscious mechanisms that
keep us in our shells.

Beliefs can be changed more than just once. Sometimes we will change them on a conscious
level and sometimes some situation or event will lead us to change them. Actually, to have
different beliefs. Every void created within us tends to be filled. Depressing situations, losses,
disappointments, everything that happens to us in our lives, sometimes creates a void within us.
People fill in the void with food, shopping or vices more or less often. The feeling that
something is lacking, missing… To avoid going too far when it comes to food, shopping and the
like, we can try using affirmations. Perhaps I have already mentioned that every one of our
feelings or beliefs is preceded by a thought. A thought that has been repeated so many times that
it has become our belief. Same with feelings. Every feeling is preceded by a thought. You can
notice that in meditation, when you get to the point where you follow your thoughts but have not
yet distanced yourself from them. That is why I advise meditation parallel with or before using
affirmations. And persistence. You have been building your beliefs for years, so now you need
some time to invest in changing them. I will slowly introduce you to the method by stating a few
affirmations by Louise Hay as I consider them respectable at all levels.

1. “I am at peace with the world around me”

2. “I am blessed”

3. “I am loved”

4. “I have the full support of the Universe”

5. “My home is my shelter”

6. “I deserve to feel safe”

With time and further education, I have learned to make my own affirmations. They were of the
utmost importance to me because they represented me and were useful to me.

I would like to direct and teach you the rules of making your own affirmations. It will be yours
personally. These are already made sentences that you will use daily or as needed. For people
prone to pessimism, morning and evening can be accompanied by difficult and gloomy thoughts.
This is an ideal time to use affirmations that you have prepared a little earlier. In such times of
crisis, my affirmation would be: "Everything is and will be good". You can repeat it until you
feel better. Even in the form of a mantra. What is important when making your affirmations is
that they must not have a negative context. They must be in present tense and confirmatory form.
Here is an example: instead of "I am not scared", the affirmation will be "I am safe". Another
rule is that you should believe what you are saying or repeating to yourself. It needs to be
accordant with yourself. Acceptable. This is why I believe it is good to make affirmations for
yourself only. If you tell yourself something you do not believe in, there will be no success and
you will probably think that affirmations do not work. If you tell yourself that you love yourself
and you do not believe it at all, you will lack success. Make a more appropriate affirmation to
begin with, such as: "I'm a quality person” or "I like myself", "I deserve respect", until you
gradually reach the affirmation of "I love myself"!

Daily meditation, visualization, the use of affirmations, a balanced diet and physical activity
awake our senses and create magic in our lives…


*When I was growing up, my mom would often say to me: "Have a good cry when you have a
hard time, you will feel relieved”...

My little girl asked me recently: “Mom, are girls the only ones who cry? How come daddy never

Anyhow, I will tell you the story of my first diet. I had a hard time with it because I was not the
type of person who restricted their food pleasures. Especially wonderful, wonderful, wonderful

There came the 10th day of my protein diet with a minimal carbohydrate intake (sugar, flour,
fruit). I somehow endured those first 10 days. However, the day has come for a grand, grand-
style shopping spree in a confectionery store. At the same time, it was a test of my self-control!
As I stated, controlling sweets was my weakness!

I tried to pass by the rows of sweets, salts and the like. However, my legs did not want to listen,
while my Mind was telling me “Come on, just take a look.” The legs kept walking until I stopped
somewhere in the middle of the shelves. I looked at Eurocrems which suddenly "started
shouting": "Try us"! I automatically turned right, but there the salty snacks started shouting:
"Take us", a chocolate "said": "Try me though, I am your favorite”. Staring at the "hazelnut
victress", my hand went right towards it, the one with hazelnuts.

I could not take it anymore. I put my hands back into my pockets. I was overcome with sadness,
and the tears started flowing down my cheeks. I moved a bit to the side, it was morning, and
there were hardly any people there. I knew if I cried, I would be saved from giving up the diet.
Tears would help me. Through them, I would get rid of everything that accumulated in these past
10 days. Either tears or an open Eurocrem eaten with my fingers in the middle of the store. I am
kidding, but a quickly eaten chocolate was certainly an option...

I calmed down and disciplined myself to have some fruit tea with sweetener instead of chocolate.
The crisis was over! I felt like a brand new me. I wonder what would have happened had I not let
the tears run out ... yet, I do not want to know the answer...

“My tears are my prayer”, a quote from the book “Eat, Pray, Love”...


*I love to read books that bring us back to kindness, that touch our soul, that remind us of true
values in life, and of moral values and customs that are today forgotten. Reading such books
makes me feel protected every time. It is like sitting by the fireplace on Christmas eve while
snowflakes are falling outside and you are safe... Maybe moral values and mores made people
more peaceful, I guess! There were some guidelines that were followed, so there were fewer
disorders than nowadays...

It would be nice to bring back some habits of respect and nice manners. Say hello to a neighbor,
smile at a cashier, help an acquaintance, have good behavior and upbringing. Find a balance. We
do not need to be like others. Change starts from the individual. Each of our actions leaves
consequences. We can brighten someone’s day by showing respect to them, but we can also ruin
someone’s day by being disrespectful. Everyone gives only what they carry within. If someone is
full of pain and anger, that is what they will give to us. We get educated to understand and go
through life more easily, to know to protect ourselves when necessary. To move our focus away
from what bothers us and whose change is not in our power. This is how we protect ourselves.
On the other hand, let’s help anytime we can. It all comes back twice as good. Your soul will
sing a song, you will be happier. Our soul needs it. The soul is merciful, loves to please, gladly

The point is to understand, and make things easier through understanding. To better understand,
for example, why someone does certain things, why someone behaves the way they do. So that
the next time you experience someone shouting at you without any reason, you will understand
that they gave exactly what they had within! They could not give what was not there! If they
carry pain and anger, that is what they will give to us. Which is no excuse and I am not trying to
justify any misconduct. The point is for you to understand, dismiss, or easily forget someone
else's inappropriate behavior. A lot of people carry with themselves someone else’s anger all day,
thinking how it could have been different....


*"Represents the balance of mental and physical equilibrium"

Even the ancient Greeks spoke about balance in life: "One should avoid the extremes of excess
and deficiency. The mean is what is prescribed by the right principle." Aristotle

People who easily get upset, scared, obsessive and who are prone to panic attacks should work to
find a balance. Initially, by reminding themselves that they need to slow down.

I also teach my children the importance of Balance. Nothing too much nor not too little. That
mean is golden! Too much or too little is far away from it.

My grandmother, almost 100 years old, has often been suggesting to me lately that I do not
overdo anything. Neither in food nor in love. I did not take her seriously when she talked about
being balanced in love. Now I totally understand her. My grandma was educated by her life
experience. We need to pay a little more attention, our old ones have a lot of smart things to say
if we are ready to hear!

*I realized very early on and believed that judging others was primarily a detriment to ourselves.
I must admit that it was not easy for me to move from one mode of functioning, that I had
applied all my life, to another. I succeeded by being persistent. I managed to judge way less and
understand way more. I have learned to recognize the moment when my ego stirs up and wants
to judge, so that it could rise, and to stop it. Now that way of living has become my habit. Habit
plays a major role in our lives...

NO, NO, understand, do not judge, I tell myself... Since then, I have mostly felt love within me,
with some uncommon bad thoughts or judgement, which pulls through, because I am still a
human being.

The other day, I read an Instagram post by one of our comedians who condemned all those who,
in spite of their faith, accepted some methods used by Buddhism or Hinduism. I give you this
example as a paradigm of judgement. I do so, so that you can understand where the
condemnation comes from and where the condemnation is taking you.

Anyway, comedians make fun of people and situations, very often not from their personal
experience, but to make us laugh. And that is ok. A double-edge sword is when condemnation
and ridicule stain our soul, when it becomes our way of functioning. Our mind accepts
everything we talk about, remembers and stores it. When condemnation becomes our way of life,
then we start noticing flaws rather than virtues. Only because we focus on them, out of habit.
Therefore, I understand why the comedian has condemned that situation. I totally understand her
reaction given the job she does, but I do not follow her on Instagram anymore. Just like I do not
read the crime column, watch dark movies or read dark books. I turned my back on everything
that “stains” my soul. I am not saying we need to be alone, go to a mountain, run away from
everything around us, but when we find ourselves in a situation that gives us a choice - to choose
the option that is brighter for us. That warms and relaxes our soul. Just like they say: "You are
the things you read, the things you watch, the person you hang out with".

Speaking of judging others, I would like to share with you that I took a test of “daily non-
judgment” a few years ago. I tried not to judge myself or any situation, any person or any of their
actions all day, from dawn until dusk. Starting from leaving the house, traffic jams, nervous boss
and the like, until the evening. The first thing I realized was that once we started looking at our
reactions, we could come to the conclusion that we judged much more than we thought. We
mostly judge little things, such as: "Look at her old fashioned shoes” or “the man in front of me
does not know how to drive”, “look at how senselessly they react”, “look at this fallen jardiniere,
why are they not taking care of it” and so on and so forth...
Based on this test, I have drawn a very important conclusion: the more we judge others, the more
our ego judges us. Like a wheel that starts spinning and gets more acceleration with inertia.

Today, I understand that we are not all at the same level of consciousness, and thus accordingly
look at situations and one's choices. Every belief, every method that makes us better, fairer, more
humane, a person that is better for themselves and others, is good for us. Any belief that replaces
fear with calmness is good for us. I will always support anyone who wants to make themselves
and others better. Today I know that happiness multiplies when shared.

"Let go of negative people. They only show up to share complaints, problems, disastrous stories,
fear, and judgment on others. If someone only needs a trash bin, don't let it be your mind". Dalai

I would like to add: "Even if it were your husband, parent, friend".


*I wonder what the purpose of my life would be if I did not leave a mark. If I did not touch
people’s hearts with my good deeds, if I did not serve as an example to others, and above all to
my loved ones. If I did not serve others, make their lives better when they could not do it on their
own. Not many people are ready to give a hand to someone who needs it...

I have been taught to rarely seek help. Through my change, I have come to believe that the
energy we radiate is a circle, constantly spinning. That we need each other. That it is okay to ask
for help, but also to help others. Of course, not rely on expectation. For relying on expectation
leads to disappointment. In writing this book, I sought help from my friends or acquaintances.
Many have rejected me. They will reject you rather than give you what you need. Change starts
from the individual. Be an example. I was not disappointed. I realize that I am on a different
level of consciousness and that is all. I am still willing to help. That is my path and I trust it. I
started organizing and going to charity events. When I want to throw something out that I no
longer need, I wrap it in a bag so it does not get dirty in the bin. Someone will certainly find it
useful. Thus, I thank to my life that serves me well. I will do my best to leave an unwritten mark
to the future generation of my lineage. By being an example to my children, an example they
learn from by observing. I am showing them an example of a mother who is grateful, a mother
who does not worry every day, who does not look at things tragically, who is a good friend to
herself and others. An example of a mother who respects her own opinion, who loves people and
sees their virtues. Their souls would not have been as clean had my actions been different. An
example of a mother who compares herself only to herself, who strives to be better each day. By
comparing ourselves to ourselves, we avoid feeling less valued and dependent. This is a mark to
all future generations of my lineage. I would also like to encourage you to look in the direction
of light and true values. That is the purpose of this book.


*When you truly understand and consciously accept your mortality, you want to work on your
life! We want to be grateful for every day, even for a sad one, but thankful that we are still alive.
That we still have a chance. "There is no such thing as bad time, just a bad mood". Opportunities
that await us every day.

Unfortunately, many of our friends do not have this opportunity. They would give everything for
just another day of life. I do not want to sound pathetic, you know, I just want to bring you closer
to life! We all think we will live long and get old. I know this is a painful topic for many. I also
know how important it is to realize that what we live now is all we have. Many of us awake
when something bad happens to a friend or family member. We then promise ourselves that we
will no longer get upset about trivial things because nothing is worth our nerves and lives...
However, after a while, we forget our promise. The promise to change, stress less and enjoy
more! The life routine creates us patterns!

No one wants to think about the last day, and it is very likely that the natural need to preserve life
makes us forget our promises. However, we should not forget that stress can be a trigger for
various diseases! I believe that most of us do our best to live with as little stress as possible. But
no matter how hard we try, we sometimes fail. What we need is to have a method that will help
us relieve or at least reduce the amount of stress. An action we will take when we notice that
stress is taking over us. It can be meditation, affirmations, shifting focus, forgiveness, and many
other methods that I have listed or that you already know yourself...

Let's start living our opportunities today! Not next Monday, not when we move into a new
house, retire, have a baby, etc. Opportunities are around us, every single day. Most people wait
for opportunities to happen on their own. They wait for their retirement so they can accomplish
something, they wait for their vacation to, for example, read books and meditate. Unfortunately,
some people do not get to retire. When they had an opportunity, they were waiting for one…

So, let's start living now all that we want to leave for later. Let's start living today the life that
relaxes us, makes us happy and excited.

DONE OR WHAT IT SHOULD BRING”. Srdjan Roje, spiritual leader

Every day, take at least 10 minutes to enjoy your hobby.

Half of the day should be made up of hobbies and things you like to do, the other half of the
responsibilities. I know it sounds unbelievable. I know most of you find it difficult to find 10
minutes a day for your hobby.

I thought the same...

Until I started enjoying my little pleasures, every now and then. And then more and more
often… Today, at any moment, I am looking for a way to enjoy life, whatever the circumstances.
Now I cannot see myself doing it any other way than enjoying my little pleasures.

My life is still full of responsibilities, that has not changed. What has changed is that I turn all
my responsibilities into hobbies and happiness, as much as my circumstances allow.

Besides writing, my hobby is reading books. Whenever I take my kids to practice, which is every
day, I sit in a cafe, order coffee, and instead of "wasting time" I read or write a book. I enjoy
fitness as well, but I also like to be with my girls after work, which is my moral responsibility,
being a parent. I found a fitness place that accepts kids to exercise with moms! My friend, who
loves writing novels, works in the administrative department, and is lucky that her lunch break is
twice as long as others’ is. She decided to distance herself from gossiping. She uses her break to
write a novel.

My husband’s colleague loves listening to music and walking. His job is field work and he is
always in the car. When he gets home from work, he has no time for his hobby. Since he cannot
not change his job, he decided to change his organization. Half the time he enjoys a hobby, doing
the field work on his feet, walking instead of driving. He turned his job into a hobby. His life has
also changed.

“What would you do if you did not have to go to work?” from A.Bucevic’s meditation

That is exactly what you should do every day. It is yours and belongs to you!

"The most common saying of those facing the end of their life is: I should have enjoyed more
and cared less" taken from some webpage...

*Do you ever compare yourself to other people? You look at your friends, acquaintances and you
always find something that you think looks more beautiful on them than it would look on you?
You wish you had such great hair as your colleague. Long legs and slim waist. It frustrates you.

How often do we do this without even being aware of it?! Some spend their whole lives trying to
reach some ideals. They have been chasing something their whole lives, while their own lives are
passing by. For life is short indeed. We do not know when it will end. Once we embrace our
lifespan, we start living our lives!

It is very possible that we acquired the need for comparison in our childhood, when our parents
compared us to other children, in order to more vividly explain what they expect from us and
how things should be. I recently heard a mom tell her little girl: "Look how quiet your friend is,
that is how you should act".

A child’s Mind then begins to work out a pattern of comparison. So, we need to act like Mira in
order to be righteous, we need to have skinny legs like Marija so that others can find them
beautiful, a husband like Bradley Cooper so that we can be popular. (my favorite actor, by the

I like to make people aware, because I believe that everything we awake, can no longer control
us! According to some authors, comparison is in human nature. It cannot be avoided but it can be
controlled. Just like our thoughts. What you can do is focus on yourself without paying attention
to others. Focus on yourself so that you are better today than you were yesterday. Let that be the
only measure of your worth!

So many people strive for perfection. They do not realize that someone would do anything to
look exactly how they look, and yet it is something they would like to change. And to me, it is
exactly what comes from imperfection that seems perfect.

I have a friend who has a gap between her upper teeth, central incisors, to be exact. It is so sweet
that nothing could replace that sweetness. Simply perfect.
God, how obsessed I was with the idea of looking pretty and attractive. I would often look for
flaws and things I could fix to make them even better. I even put on hair extensions to be more
beautiful and attractive. I did not go out without makeup on. I wanted everyone to like me. I had
almost made a change on my lips.

I believed that the people who liked me would want to be in my company, that I would be more
attractive to my husband, that I would be some kind of ideal to others. I lived based on someone
else's opinion, so my mood and the way I looked at myself depended thereon. I did not know any
better, I could only live that way. What I truly wanted, what every soul wants, is to be happy and
fulfilled. The path of purely physical appearance is the wrong path!

With long hair extensions, I did look more attractive and prettier, people were complimenting me
more. Maybe I was a bit more confident, but nothing important has changed. My husband looked
at me the way he did before, friends too. One evening, I met a girl without any makeup on, she
was totally natural and her eyes shined like diamonds. She exuded relaxation, kindness,
attraction. Next to her was a handsome guy, looking at her with admiration. She enjoyed every
moment with her friends, while I felt uneasy and insecure. Keratin on my head was itchy and I
felt unworthy and anxious. My ego was rapidly getting hungry. I did not enjoy life, my dreams
were blocked because I focused my energy on being preoccupied with my appearance. The girl’s
satisfaction with herself and her life made her the most beautiful girl in the room, even though
she was not. It was as if someone had then removed dark glasses from my eyes. Suddenly, I
regained my beliefs. I said goodbye to my friends and went home determined to start changing
my life the following day. I scheduled the extension removal, canceled the manicure. While
waiting for the extensions to be removed, I read 10 of Freud's most powerful statements in one of
the magazines, including the following: "The more physically perfect a person is, the bigger the
demons he carries within” opened my eyes!

If someone truly likes us, they will like us regardless. The most important thing is that we like
ourselves! When our soul is satisfied, it can be noticed and felt. Neither 5 cubic meters of
hyaluronan nor perfect hair can replace the glow in our eyes and the energy we radiate. The
energy we exude makes every "handicap" unnoticeable. That is, what we think we lack... In my
early youth, whenever I looked in the mirror, I would look for my flaws. Even at my best, I was
preoccupied with my appearance. Like everything depended on it.

After that, when I regained my confidence, I would shift my focus whenever I would look for the
flaws. I would tell myself: "I did my best look beautiful, I am the way I am and that is enough.
God gave me everything I needed and more than he gave to many". Then I would take my focus
off of myself and off the mirror... With time and persistence, my method has yielded results. I
stopped looking for flaws and realized that the blossoming of our spiritual life inevitably makes
our physical appearance blossom.

"Stop blaming yourself for everything you are not, and start loving yourself for all you are" a wise
man once said…

*When I was a kid, whenever I had a cold, my mom used to pamper me, look after me, make
soups, squeeze fruit and be there for me. That is just how she was and I liked it. Even as I grew
up, not much had changed. However, a change in our relationship occurred once I got my kids.
Mom used to help me with the kids so she did not have time or will anymore to come to my
rescue at such times. I had to take care of myself. I felt quite rejected. The anger in me lingered. I
did not realize then that my expectations were the cause of my suffering. During this period, I
also had disagreements with my husband, as well as difficulties with my two babies. It was as if
the whole world had conspired and turned against me. Something had to change, I was very
aware of it. I could not change other people as much as I tried. But I still did not know where to
start. The educational books I read at that time did not provide any lasting solution.

However, one day, my mother (nothing is a coincidence, obviously) sent me a video by Ana
Bucevic about raising children. Listening to her videos, I noticed that Ana had many more videos
but about totally different topics. These were motivational videos from a spiritual teacher that
resonated with me. I was amazed. I began to apply Ana's methods, and to educate myself even
more. Daily meditations, visualizations, videos about accepting responsibility, changing beliefs,
have led me to a different outlook on life. I worked on myself in everyday situations. When I had
disagreements with my husband, I tried to make my anger last for 2 minutes instead of half a
day. I started to accept the idea that Ana Bucevic suggested, which is that it is my fault if my
negative feelings last all day. My husband is responsible for his actions but it is not his fault if
my anger lasts all day. It is my choice and my responsibility. Apart from this, I also accepted the
fact that our life will not last 200 years and that we only have the present! There is no later or
tomorrow, there is only now. Nobody knows how long they will live. I became grateful for being
alive, healthy, mobile, able to see, hear, create every day. This made me pay attention to the
people around me who are unable to see, hear, remember, everything that we take for granted.

A few years ago, I was on a summer vacation in Greece, and every morning a boyfriend
devotedly brought his girlfriend in a wheelchair. She was completely immobile. Every morning,
he took her out of the wheelchair and put in the shallow sea. I found them both fascinating. He
who does his best and she who enjoys the most of the few opportunities that life offers her.
Pleasure and serenity were all over her face. While staring at those two people, I heard the
discussion of two young people who put their towels behind me. A boyfriend and a girlfriend
were arguing violently about something. The argument soon died down and they spent the rest of
their day silently, angry. The day that will never happen again. I looked again at the girl in the
wheelchair to whom many things were inaccessible but who still enjoyed the Sun and every
moment. It seems to me, like some kind of a curse, that we take everything for granted. As if
everything was granted, while bad things happened to others! The young man and the girl were
obviously not at that level of awareness and understanding that they could overcome their anger,
but each one blamed the other. If they had by any chance become aware that the day would never
come back, as well as the love they had for each other, even their short vacation, they would not
have ruined their day (between you and me, I myself had such days and nights) …

Had they taken responsibility for every moment of their lives, they would have decided to make
their day as beautiful as they could, instead of letting it pass by them. The point is to go towards
good thoughts, not towards bad ones. Thus overcome bad feelings step by step. By law of
attraction, bad feelings attract even more bad feelings. Whether you believe in the law of
attraction or not, I have many times realized that by being happy I attracted even more happiness.


*"You will not find peace until you become grateful", I read in a hospital waiting room. I started
thinking about the importance of gratitude. There are people who have it all, and yet they are
ungrateful. They do not see their blessings. They were not even taught to see them.
Unfortunately, this is the pattern they behave by. I hope they will recognize the essence because,
in my opinion, there is no feeling more bitter than a lack of desires and needs. They say ”it is
only when you lose what you love that you realize what you had.”

When you often think of something, you start to notice it in your reality. The saying “someone is
now praying for what you take for granted" (from A. Bucevic’s motivational video) has really
moved me. I stopped with the chore I was doing at that moment and began to write down
everything in my life that I can be grateful for! Starting from my comfortable bed (I had felt
uncomfortable for years), the warm house, the car (I had been walking for years), to bigger and
more important things. As I was reading everything I wrote down, my head started spinning
because of how blessed I was! People are not aware of their blessings as they rush through life!?
So, let’s take a break and slow down...

May we be grateful for everything we have. For example, some people have seen seas and
beaches only in pictures, while others are not able to see them at all… and so on, there are many
examples. I accept life as a gift, as a blessing, even when it is "darker outside".
Write down on a piece of paper everything you have. All your blessings, starting from - I am
healthy, I have a warm and comfortable bed, I have a job, etc. A great exercise to become
grateful. Whenever you feel bad, start writing down your blessings.

Applying all of the above methods, I have completely changed my outlook on life and people. I
believe my level of consciousness has then increased by one level. I then realized that I could
actually do anything I wanted. That I already had everything I needed and I would get the rest
myself. I remember then thinking about my dreams, the ones I once had but gave up on. I gave
up on some because I did not have faith in myself, on some because of others' opinions, on some
because they were not perspective, on some because I sought support, on some because I thought
it was too late. I do not think so now. Now I believe that my soul needs to be satisfied in the first

If someone told me they wanted to go to college and were 80 years old, I would support and help
them. Years have nothing to do with what we like to do. It is just another misconception. Passion
does not depend on one’s age. Anything that fulfills our soul is good. For home is where the
heart is, where the soul is. We will be the best at what we love to do, at what our passion is.
Well, weren't the best, most famous explorers the ones who did what they did best? Take the
example of Nikola Tesla. He did what he loved, it was his passion. He eventually invented
electricity. Nikola Tesla had started from the beginning and just followed his passion. All great
people had just followed their passion. They could do it for hours and days without getting tired.
I read somewhere that when you do what you love, you do not even have one day of service.
You do not go to work, you live your passion. You live your passion on a daily basis, whenever
opportunities allow! Do not think that I have more free time than you do. I work full time, a job
that has nothing to do with writing books. I also have two young children and two dogs to take
care of. And I live my passion most of the day. I made and organized it so. Trust me, life is here
in front of you, you got it as a gift. You are not here to please the life, to go through it as imposed
on you. We are a micro particle in the cosmos. A micro particle that got a great Gift from the
Universe. We are the Soul, which has the body and all the possibilities of this world. To create
its day, its future exactly as it wants. The moment you focus solely on yourself, your thoughts,
working on yourself, the moment you turn your head away from meaningless stories, gossip and
envy, wonderful things happen! Using the methods advised, you will begin to let go of the
restraining beliefs, the ones that are not yours, your fears and worries. The change must start
from you. As soon as you change, your life consequently begins to change.

If you want to change someone, change yourself first. It is the first stop of your life journey.
Remember to look out the window. There are wonderful landscapes…


*Are we satisfied with the way our parents raised us, directed us, with the personal examples
they served as?!

Each parent has this kind of a power to determine the future of their child in some way. A child
is like an unwritten book that a writer writes with his own example, tearing its pages, leaving it
blank, or filling it with love! The parent has the power to lift the child up high, but also the
power to bring them down to the bottom. Almost every parent does the best they can and know.
Most of the time, with their examples, personal beliefs, the good ones and the ones that are
detrimental to their children and the environment.

Taking responsibility for your life is of utmost importance. Let's stop blaming our parents for
they did what they knew and could. This is a very good path, perhaps the key one, towards
accepting responsibility. Do you still have some expectations from your parents even though you
are 30, 40, 50 years old? Do you blame them for the life you now live? They may also be
responsible for your current life but not for your future! Only you can change your harmful
beliefs and determine your brighter future. Only you and only now! Only you can create the life
you want to live. You are only one decision away from the change.

As long as you blame your parents, you will live the same way you have lived so far.
Comfortable in playing a victim, unaware of the fact that you can start your new life today. I
walked that same path...

"No one can go back in time and start over. But you can start from today", an unknown author

* "KI", a life magnetism *

*A human being is a complex creation of its creator. Since the energy of attraction affects our
lives, therefore forgiving, cleansing our minds and bodies from negative emotions, shifting our
focus from negative thoughts, gratitude, accepting responsibility for our own lives as well as the
"careless" method can make our lives 10 times better. It is as if the energy of attraction is not
enough for a change, so all of the above methods and their energies are complementary and

The "careless" method is intertwined with accepting responsibility and shifting focus.

If there is something you can do about your concern or problem, about something that bothers
you, take the necessary action resolve it. Sometimes it is not in our power to solve a problem or
concern. If we keep worrying, we pull ourselves to the bottom. Our mind, out of fear, creates the
worst case scenarios. Then, in such moments, take your focus away from what worries you. By
shifting focus, you create your reality with the law of attraction.

You see how the methods overlap...

We take responsibility the moment we decide to do so. When we realize the importance of it. We
need to understand and accept that we are responsible for everything that happens to us. For all
the feelings, moods, literally everything. For example, they say that anger lasts for 5 minutes,
after that it is all a matter of your mind...

Through my spiritual work, I got the impression that responsibility also came from the Mind. We
give our mind the task of working for us. It is from our Mind that we decided to take
responsibility. Our Mind will always do whatever we ask it to. Let’s use it in a smart way.
Because if we give it the power, it will do as it wants. The Mind will be our friend and assistant
if we point it in the right direction.

The doctor ordered me to do preventive examinations from a specialist branch of medicine. Trust
me, my Mind constantly reminded me of that examination when the time came, while I
deliberately delayed it, giving myself a deadline. The Mind worked for me all the time,
reminding me.

I have always done things in the last minute. Which caused some additional stress. I decided to
change it and added another task to my responsibilities some time ago. To finish unavoidable
things on time. I believe my mind will do everything in a timely manner.

* “WINGS” *
*I like to listen to music as I write... That is how I heard the lyrics that made me wonder. It
sounded familiar. It goes like this: “You opened my cage but broke my wings“...

Someone’s “wings” heal and someone’s never do. Sometimes there is only a scar that no longer
hurts, and sometimes the wound cannot heal. Fortunately, we have the power to “heal” them. To
heal our broken spirit with love.

We can still fly high, just like we used to...


*There are people who “absorb". They absorb anything that comes their way. Other people's
opinions, criticism, bad news from all over the world, other people's happiness, other people's
misfortune. They absorb literally everything! Our body and our mind are unable to cope with so
many things absorbed! As a consequence, stress accumulates in our body and soul. How can you
protect yourself and set up barriers?! Make it easier for yourself...

Self-confidence is the ultimate product of self-realization! If we were to analyze the word Self-
confidence, we would come to the realization that it is a person who is confident, who we can
trust, who is smart! Let’s do an even deeper analysis. In order to rely on someone, trust them, we
need to know them well. Know their good and bad sides. How well do we know ourselves? Ask
yourself. Who am I? Let that question linger in your mind and keep track of what will happen in
a while and what answer you will get...

I often hear people who believe they know who they are, who know themselves. Do they really?!

Beliefs are part of us. But beliefs are not what we originally are! Beliefs are taken or learned.
“Belief is nothing but a thought that has been repeated many times”, many motivators would
say… To connect with yourself, start throwing out all the toxic and bad things about yourself. Go
back to the infant level, which is like an unwritten book, and start writing it yourself! The way
you want it. When you finish writing it, you will know very well who and what you are! Self-
confidence will come out, as the ultimate product of self-realization!

If you wrote responsibility, joy, happiness, understanding, good intentions and your dreams in
the book of life you want to live, you will set up barriers to everything that is opposite! Because
you know that the opposite is bad for you! Every worry distracts you from your desire! It
consumes useful energy that should be directed to your quality life moments.

As a consequence of accepting responsibility, you will know that you are responsible for
everything that happens to you!

And another thing... Do not take your worries with you when you go to bed. The bed is for
sleeping! It is not for contemplating, worrying and making plans. Consciousness is more present
in the morning or during the day. That is why they advise us to “sleep on it”, so that the
following day we could make a decision, rested and self-conscious.

Everyone is responsible only for themselves, their own thoughts and actions.

Once you know who and what you are, no one can upset you. At the end of the day, everyone
just wants to be happy. Happiness is also a choice we make! What is it that makes you happy?
So, what are you waiting for, live it!

How to get to that point in ourselves, to the point where we are still an "unwritten" book? I got
there by meditating. By meditating, I saw all those beliefs that were not mine. I found and
connected with myself. I changed everything that I thought was hurtful and that did not fit into
my idea of a happy and fulfilling life. I realized and accepted that I created everything that
currently happens to me! The past no longer matters. I let it go. Neither does the future. The only
thing that exists and matters is the present moment!

Do you currently live the way you want to? That is the only thing that matters.

Today I know my flaws, and I often see them in my loved ones. But I do not want to change
anything about them. They may not be ready for a change.

I try to turn my flaws into something better for myself. Some I know are “deeply rooted”, so I do
not get angry or blame myself when something goes bad. Maybe I am not yet on that level of
consciousness to be able to change it, at the moment...

The time for change will come. When my soul is ready. Everything you do, do as responsibly as
you can and with good intentions! When you know you did your best, that your intentions were
pure, guilt can never take over…


*It is useful because...

"Every time you say No to someone, you tell yourself Yes", from A. Bucevic’s motivational video

There are people who find it hard to say "NO" to others! Why is that so and what is behind it?!

The answer would be - Belief!

The belief that others will get angry, resentful?! The belief about being responsible to others?!
Perhaps also the belief of some due respect for others! No matter what, whatever the reason, a
belief is in its basis!

Some time ago I was at my friend’s place, when her neighbor rang the doorbell. He asked for a
footage of the street, knowing she had a camera, which recorded everything. My friend started to
stutter, it was obviously uncomfortable for her to say no. In fact, she did not know how to say no
without offending the neighbor! She did not even ask him why he needed it! She got confused
and reluctantly gave him the footage. At the end of the story, it turned out that the neighbor's
intention was to stalk his adult daughter! Of course, his daughter has since stopped saying hello
to my friend and started turning her head away…

If you are aware of your flaws (are you?), work on correcting them. Start slowly and take small
steps to a certain change of your beliefs!

If you already know that you are a person who cannot say "no", at least give yourself a chance to
think for a little bit! Also, keep in mind that you are not required to justify your actions or
respond promptly. You can always tell the other party: “All right, I will think about it" or "I will
look at the footage and let you know". "I am busy right now, but as soon as I am done, I will see
what I can do for you"! It is a great way to react and the main step towards the change, for all
people who cannot say "no"!

You do not have to say "yes" or "no" right away, you do not have to react at the same moment
and thus put yourself in an uncomfortable situation. Give yourself a chance, nothing is going to
go away. It is important that you give yourself time to think instead of "jumping" into the pool
with murky water unless you see some higher goal!

The second step would be to know that you have the right to change your mind! If you say "yes"
to someone without actually wanting to, you have every right in the world to give up!

The third step will inevitably follow, in the form of your change, and it will be much easier for
you to say: No!
With shifting the focus (a method)

*So far, we have been talking about the wrong paths we have been taking. Our shoes got
completely worn out and our feet got swollen. If this is how you feel, it is time for a change!

Through my spiritual education, I have come to know one of the "Secrets". It is the shift of focus
from something we do not want in our lives and in our future! It is often hard to shift our focus.
Fortunately, patient people have come up with a method that can make it easier for us to do this.
Their advice is: Ask yourself is there anything you can do or change that can make your current
situation easier?!

If there is, take responsibility. Make a change! I will mention some examples: Say sorry to your
friend, make a first step towards reconciliation, find an additional job if your financial situation
is not so good, stop working where you feel bad, get a new job, etc. If you have any fears, look at
them the same way. Do what is up to you, let life take care of the rest. Trust your life! If there is
nothing that you can change, focus on anything that can help you think of something else.
Reading a book, going for a run, walking, singing. "Practice makes perfect". You will learn over
time to function this way.

I tell my children the same...

My girl and I were driving in the car last night. Daddy was supposed to pick her up, but suddenly
something related to his job came up. The car seat was in my husband’s car and it was
impossible for me to pick it up. I put a seatbelt on my girl, and said to myself: "Oh, I hope the
police will not pull us over". My girl heard me saying it and started panicking. She put a blanket
over her head so they would not see her and asked me a thousand frightened "what if" questions.
I told her: “My sweet little girl, if you do not want the police to pull us over, shift your focus and
start thinking of something else. Let’s play “I spy” and shift our focus that way. My children
already know that "We attract what we are". If they cannot seem to shift their focus, they ask me
for advice....

I really liked the following Chinese wisdom that I am about to share with you.

An old Chinese sage told his friend: " Look at the room we are in and try to remember all the
brown things in it!” Then the sage gave him another task. “Now close your eyes and list all the
blue things in the room”. The friend did not notice any: "I have not noticed anything blue", he
said. "I only remember the brown things I was focused on". “Open your eyes", the sage said.
“There are many blue things in the room, actually. If you only look for brown things in the room
and for bad things in life, that is what you will see"!
After this little digression, I would like to go back to the topic of how to live a simpler life and
find the desired peace.

1. Focus on the right way of living, which implies honesty and good intentions. Believe in the
good, in our relationship with others and ourselves. Focus creates our future. It is really not hard
to be honest, nice and well-mannered. Pay no attention to your environment. Your change starts
exclusively with you.

2. Make sure you focus on good and joyful thoughts. Do the things that make you the happiest at
the moment.

3. Focus on people’s positive sides. No one is only good or only bad. Many people's actions
depend on their current emotional and mental states. Let's not be too strict. We shall focus more
on praise and less on criticism.

4. Focus on your dreams. Be better today than you were yesterday. This is how we avoid feeling
envious, jealous, less worthy. If we want to compare us to someone, we should compare us to
ourselves...from yesterday. We should be better today.

If we vibrate love, it will come to us unexpectedly and from all sides.

Everything we think about others and do to others, we actually do it to ourselves. All the feelings
remain within us. Those that come from good and compassionate deeds but also those that come
from bad ones. Keep that in mind.

I have already mentioned how sick our body can get by being affected by heavy emotions, such
as anger, hatred, stress. Think about it and work on anything that bothers you. Everything takes
time. You have lived and functioned the same way for a long time. Now your body and mind
need to accept the change.

Over time, your mind will begin to function the way you want it. When a negative thought
comes up, your mind will turn on a red light, letting you know that you need to change your
focus. The mind can do an excellent job with the tasks you give it. It can be your best friend but
also your enemy. Give it a clear task and you will see how much it will interact with your Soul.
You will achieve harmony. I sincerely want that both for myself and you.

The following words by Benjamin Franklin are well remembered: "An investment in knowledge
pays the best interest".


We came to the end, dear people....

This book is a product of my spiritual progress and many years of working on myself. All the
above methods and knowledge that I got to experience have made my life much better.

I wish you to find your own path and live every moment of your life in peace and joy.

I hope this guide finds its audience and helps them with its content… Farewell, my dear, I am
sending you into the world to help all those in need....

Thank You....


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