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Poverty- from the start when civilization occur unto this resent year, every country is still advancing.

From caves to high tech. Buildings, from the spark of two colliding stones to just one flip of the gas
stove, from leaves to digital electronics. We can see and experience that every country is developing,
progressing, advancing and become more powerful, but behind those modern discoveries we can see
people, families, folks who are left behind by the progression of one's country.I know we all knew, see or
observed that as the nations still advancing, those who are rich before became more reach and those
who are poor before, became more poor

The other Side of a Coin

Simple house, but not that ugly

Simple folks, but lively
Those smiles, so lovely
Nothing can felt at home, but a family

Twines of love,
Can do everything,
Even it is a bad thing,
To rise from poverty that drove

Doesn’t matter if it is good or bad

Just to survive in this cruel land
And start a new life like the trees with their bud
Fighting as a family that band

Sleeping on the floor together

To lessen the cold of the wind breeze, so cool
Their children’s can’t go to school,
Cause they prefer to find money to gather

How many times they fall

They still rise up
Proving to all
That they can be on top

You can call them penniless

But not brainless
Their just being wise
To survive from the predators, like the mice

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