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Dear bi,

I love to let you know that you're an answered prayer for me. Before I entered in college I pray to
Him if possible I can found a genuine friend like you and God gave me ten amazing friends including
you. Bi, I'm very grateful to have you in my life ever since we're in Senior High. You're very
thoughtful person in which you can really attest that what you thinks or feels about a person. Your
always ready to extend help especially when you allow me to stay at your place. The time when I'm
not able to buy a white notes and your already at your room yet you are there to brought me one. You
are one of the person I trust and comfortable to talk to. Sometimes I never understand why those
persons you valued most is the one who disappeared and leave you with unjustifiable reasons.
Somehow I know that God has a purpose for it.
Yes, we became friends because of your admiration to my daughter . However, I never seen that you
use it just for the sake to be close with her. Even that day came unexpectedly you still there and act as
something nothing went wrong.
Thank you for accepting and loving exactly for who am I. Sometimes I turn like an overreacting the
way I talk about myself particular in terms of love ❤️. In addition, I'm very delighted for all your
response to my favor that's why I already called my self as "patay huya" . You change me a lot on how
to perceive life. You made me laugh when I sad, you are there when I'm alone and you filled me with
your words of encouragement.
In this battle we call life, it doesn’t matter who’s in my opponents corner, because I know I am always
going to have you in mine, and that’s the best asset I could ever ask for. You urge me to chase my
dreams like no one else does, and I can tell that you sincerely hurt when I hurt — not many people
care about me in such a deep way. Whatever crazy dream I tell you I’m going to chase after next, you
believe I can do it, even when the rest of the world thinks I’m crazy for even suggesting it. When
something good happens, you’re the first person I want to tell, and when something bad happens,
you’re the first.
Always think your kind a candle in our life, your family and friends, that you enlightened us to see
what life can offer to us. I know that you too are struggling in chasing your dreams. Just always
remember when you feel that the world is against you don't afraid to tell God about that's matter.
Bi, the first time I saw you was in Grade 10 during SSG Leadership in Sarabia Manor Hotel. That
time I am amazed by your intelligent and personality even up to this day. The way you interact and be
friends to people. But I realized that behind of that cheerful personality was a boy searching for his
true happiness.
We just live here on Earth temporarily but we must make use of it for the betterment ourselves and
others. If some times come that you feel alone just call my name and I'll be there . I believe that you
will become a successful doctor since I know you can.
There is no perfect someone in perfect time but maybe true love in an unexpected time. In the near
future you will also found your other half. Always take care of yourself and don't forget to seek the
guidance of God. For the meantime just enjoy the life to the fullest and thanks God that we reach
2020 healthy and safe. I'm always be your mami,ate and kaibigan whatever happens. Thank you for
the memories and love that we share both. I hope you may not change. I'm just be here for you
continue to love and support. God bless you ❤️
Your loving Mami,
Cindy Joy Ojerio

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