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Assalamu’alaikum. Wr. Wb.

Good Morning,

Ladies and Gentlemen my name is “ ................................................ “. It is a wonderful

and precious chance for me, to be your Master of Ceremony in this beautiful
morning on Thursday, 31st of October 2019.

First of all let us/ let’s pray and praise to Allah SWT because of his bless and
mercy, we can gather here without any obstacle with healthy condition in the
seminar of “ ........................................................................................................... “.

Second, let us/ let’s greet and pray to our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW who
had brought us to the path of light and left the darkness in this life.

The honorable “ ......................................... “ as “...................................................... “.

The honorable “ .......................................... “ as “ ..................................................... “.
The honorable “ .......................................... “ as “ .................................................... “.
And my beloved friends of SMK Insan Medika Depok.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Before we step to the main session, let us/ let’s start by praying first, so the event
that we will hold on this day will run well without any obstacle at all.
Praying begun, done.

Ladies and gentlemen on this nice occasion, let me deliver the structure of the
event today, as follows:

1. The first is the opening.

2. The second is reciting holy Quran.
3. The third is greeting
4. The fourth is The speech from “ ..................................... “ as
“.................................... “.
5. The fifth is The speech from “ ........................................................ “ as
“.................................... “.
6. The sixth is the Q & A or question and answer session.
7. The seventh is closing and prayer.
1. Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, to take advantage of the time, let us/ let’s open
this event by reciting “Basmallah” together.

2. Step on to the following agenda is reciting the holy Qur’an who will be recited
by our brother/ sister, “ ..................................... “ Time is yours. (Stop)
-Thanks to our brother/ sister “ ..................................... “, Who has recited the
holy Qur’an for us, may Allah always gives us guidance and help. Amin.

3. The next agenda is greeting, and now I would like to invite

“ ..................................... “ as “ Principal of SMK Insan MediKA Depok“, Please
welcome. (Stop)
-Thank you very much to “ ..................................... “ for the greeting.

4. Let’s keep on to the next agenda, that is Speeches. Now we invite

“ ..................................... “ as “.................................... “, to give a first speech. To
“ ..................................... “ time and place are yours. (Stop)

5. Thus the next speech will be delivered by “ ..................................... “. (Stop)

-Thanks to “ ..................................... “ for “ ........... (his/her)“ speech.

6. The next one is speech from “ ..................................... “ as “....................................

“, to “ ..................................... “, time and place are yours. (Stop)
-Thanks “ ..................................... “ for “ ........... (his/her)“ speech.

7. Ladies and Gentlemen, now we step into the main point, that is, seminar for
us students SMK Insan Medika Depok and the theme is
“ .......................................................................... “: which will be delivered by
“ ..................................... “ as “.................................... “, to “ ..................................... “
time and place are welcomed. (Stop)

Thanks to “ ..................................... “ for the information and knowledge which have

just been given to us, may it be useful for us, amin.
8. Ladies and gentlemen, While the next agenda is a Q & A or question and
answer session. For the audience who want to ask a question are invited, just
rising your hand and mentioning your name.
(Question and Answer Session)

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the end of question and answer session. Thanks to the
audience that had participated actively. Ladies and gentlemen, finally we get to the
last session in this event that is closing. Let us/ let’s close this event by reciting

As the master of ceremony, thanks to “ ..................................... “ as

“.................................... “, “ ..................................... “ as “.................................... “, the
committee and my firends in SMK Insan Medika Depok whom I loved. May what we
had conducted will be useful for us. Finally, from the deepest of my heart I do
apologize for my mistakes in presenting this event. Thank you very much for your
nice attention and ...

Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullohi Wabarokatuh

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