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Students’ Book audio script Starter unit 0.1 Home sweet home Exercises 3 and 4, page 4 P= Presenter J=Jason E= Ellie M= Michael P: Welcome to Home Sweet Home, Today we're interviewing people who have unusual homes. Jason, can you tell us where you live? J: ive in a hotel. fact, I've lived in this hotel since was born. My parents run the hotel that’s their job P: Have you ever lived in a house or an apartment? 4: No, haven't, But love living in a hotel. You meet lots of interesting people and the neighbours change all the time! Sometimes it's hard because become friends with people who stay for a while and then they leave. it’s hard when they've gone. But there are lots of good things about living ina hotol — I can use the swimming pool every day and I never have to make my bed. It's great. Pr Thanks, Jason. Our next guest is Ellie. Where do you live, Elie? E: _I'mliving on a boat at the moment. P: Have you over lived in a house or an apartment? E: Ohyes,Ilive in a house with my parents haf the year, and half the year we live on the boat. It’s too cold in winter. 've been on the boat for two months now. P: Do you nove araund much? E: Not very much, but it's nice to know that we can move if we want to. P: Thank you, Ellio. Que third and final quest for today is Micheel. Where do you live, Michael? M:_ I liva in a school. My father is a head teacher of a boarding school, so we lve there. What's it ike living in a school? Ir H's OK. | enjoy living near my friends Have you ever been late for lass? Ha hal No, 'm always on time, 0.2 National dishes Exercise 4, page 5 Did you recognise the national dishes and where they come from? “The first one isa simple dish: you cook some lamb, 2 lot of potatoes and a few onions together. Some people add carrots and other vegetables, but experts say that the real stew doesn't have any other vegetables. This simple but delicious stew isthe national dish of Ireland, Inthe next English speaking country, roast beef and Yorkshire pudding is a popular dish for Sunday lunchtime, but most people say that fish and chips is the national ish. Unfortunately, i's been so popular that there isn’t much cod left in the seat Of course, this is the national ish of England. Moving on, it's hard to choose one national dish for this huge country because there are so many regional dishes. But few people can resist the most popular dish in this country: @ big hamburger with lots of chips and ternato sauce. Yes, you've guessed ~ we're talking about the USA Finally, in our last countey there aren't ay national dishes, but there are a few favourites: meat pies, roast lamb and vvagetables, barbecued steak and sausages. Where will you find al that meat? In Austal, of course. 0.5 At the movies Exercises 3 and 4, page 8 Le Luke E= Emma Le Hey, Ireally want to seo the now Hunger Games film It’s coming out on Friday evening, Let’s go end seo it Ok, but | can't go Friday evening. 'm babysitting Right, what about Saturday? I'm going to the dentist in the morning, but Im free after that | can't go Saturday. 'm going to a wedding A wedding? Yes, my cousin's getting married. m a bridesmaid. What about Sunday? 'm not doing anything fon Sunday. Um, m playing football inthe afternoon. But fmm free in the evening. it starts at 7.30, Great! Let's do it! E L E 0.6 My technology (EERINFS2) Exercise 4, page 9 P=Prosenter SR = Susan Redwood P: Good morning and welcome to Connected, our weekly technology programme. Today we have Susan Redwood in the studio. Susan's a psychologist and she studies the effect of technology ‘on the brain, Susan, we read a lot of negative stuff about technology, What do you think? Technology is wonderful but we must use it carefull If technology rules your life, you wor't be a heppy, healthy person. For example, if you spend a lot of time playing video games and you don’t get ary ‘exercise, you won't be healthy. But | don't know ‘many people like thet. Most young people | know play video games but they also play sports, P: What about people who are addicted to video gemes? SSR: Some people have addictive personalities and they don’t know when to stop. In these cases, their studies will suffer But i's 2 very small percentage of pooplo ho are addicted to video games. Most people ploy video games when they've finished their homework, and they continue to get good marks at school P: Do youthink social networking makes people antisocial? SSR: | get really annoyed when people say that social networking replaces real friends, I's just not true. In fact, social networking is all about communicating and connocting with other people. It helps shy people andl it’s @ very good thing P: But if you use social networking, wll ou lose your privacy? 151 Students’ Book audio script Ifyou don't use social networking carefully, you'll tose your privacy. I's very simple: ifyou want to keap something secret, don't write about it online. P:Some people say you shouldn't use technology for a few hours before bedtime. SR: That's true Ifyou use the Internet or play video ‘games in bed, you wor't sleep very well because your brain willbe stimulated. My advice is: put technology away a couple of hours before bedtime and read a book in bed. Ei°5:5] Exercises 7 and 8, page 9 Maria J = Jake Do you fancy doing @ questionnaire about technology, Jake? Yeah, why not? OK. Question one: what would you buy if you had 500 eures to spend on technology? J: Er |love listening to music really lous. So if| hac 500 euras to spend, Id buy new speakers. M: I don't suppose your parents would be very happy about that. If had 500 euros, I definitely wouldn't buy speakers ~ 'd buy 8 laptop so|cida't have to borrow my mum's. Could you live without your laptop? Exm, yes. If had to live without one of my devices, Id probably give up my laptap. I could do everything on my phone. M:_ ih i's OK for you I've only got one device, my phone. 0 iI had to give up my phone, wouldn't be able to go online or text or anything (Oh dear! So what would you do if you were with 2 friend and she texted someone else the whole time? Ms If there were only two of us, Id be really annoyed. I think it's rude J: Really? | wouldn't care if my friend texted someone else the whole time. Id do the seme. M: Well please don't do it when you're with me. Anyway, next question: if you had s blog, what would you blog about? J: If had a blog, Id blog about food. What about you? M:_Idon'thave time to biog, butif had time, fd blog about music 4: Ohyes, you'd be good at that. And the last question: if you could time travel, what time would you travel to? M:_ I think 'd go to 1970 if I could. realy lke the music of that time. Oh, if coule time travel, id go to the futureto the year 3000! Mz The yeor 3000? There may not be 0 world then! BS Unit 1 1.1 Vocabulary (GEXBEIWFS-13] Exercises 4 and 5, pages 12 and 13 A= Ang im B= Becky J=Jon ‘A; My friend took this photo. In fact, she took about, fifty photos before we got a good one. But I like it, and {think | look OK. Fim not smiling because Hook better when I don't smile. I wanted to change. my profile photo because I've changed my hair Fm blond now and I think it suits me! fm wearing 152 vintage sunglasses, my favourite silver ring and some bangles from India, m also wearing a scart inmmy hair, But you can't s9@ it in this photo | ove this photo — it was a great party. That's me in the middle and the others are my classmates. We're ‘wearing formal clothes bocauss it's the end of schoo! party, The girs are wearing designer dresses. They look so glamarous. Even the teachers looked elegant! This is the frst time I've worn a suit to party —when we started dancing, | got reelly hot! So later I took iy jackot, waistcoat and tie off, and at tho ond of the party | couldn't find them, My mum was furious! My dad took this photo of me on my third birthday. uploaded it because my friends don't believe had fairhair when | was litle. I don't look like that ‘any more ~ | was better-looking then! But I stil hhave the same smile. I ove the woollen hat Im wearing - it matches my winter coat. I've always been fashionable! | still wear thick tights, but not pink ones, and my mittens aren't attached to my ‘coat now. | think I look really sweet, but my parents say |was.a naughty child. Some things don't change! This is me in the Sierra Nevada. It's really sunny, so fm just wearing a sweatshirt and shorts. Of course, I've got warm clothes in my backpack because: ‘camping at night can be cold —in the evening | get changed into trousers and a fleece. The most important thing isthe hiking boots - they havo to fit perfectly. {love camping in the mountains, but it's 100 cold to get undressed and put pyjamas on at right. | usually sleep in my clothes, 1.3 Listening (ESEM W320] Exercises 2 and 4, page 15 Pa Presenter J P Jenny F = Fraser Welcome to That's Life. Qur topic for today is friendship, and we're gonna tak to two young people, and ask them what their friendships mean to them. Sohello, Jenny and Fraser. Hello, Hi Jenny, let's talk to you first. You'te sixteen, Seventeen Oh soury, soventoon, Janny, how many friends do you have? J: Well, if you mean clase friends, about five or six But ve got 313 online friends Let's talk about the online friends first, shall we? 313! That's lot of fiends. How well do you know them? ‘Some of them | know pretty well, but llook et some ‘of the names and think, ‘Who are these people?” P: I's so easy to make new online friends ist it? They ask to be your friend, and you accept. W's not as easy to make real ife friends, sit? J: That's right. Making friends online takes a few minutes. But areal friend is somebody you get to know over a long period of time. You meet, you spend time together, you gat to know one another ~ it takes a long time to become close friends. That's right. But some friendships don't last forever. ‘And when you don't want to continue a friendship, you can simply de-friend them, can't you? 4: Fmnot sure | agree with that, actually. Ifindit really hard to de-friend online friends. It seems really mean. | suppose that’s why I've got over 300 online iends, In real lf, if you fall out witha friend, you stop seeing them. Or sometimes you decide that you no longer have much in common. You na longer like the same things or you've changed, Then you lose touch. You don't have to make the decision ~ it just happens naturally Pr Yes, Isee what you mean, Fraser, what do you think? How do you make the difference between close friends and online friends? F: Well ail my close friends are also online friends. ‘When we don’t see one another, we chat online, But 'd say my closest friends are the ones | socialise with. We all have a lot in common = we support the same football team, we listen to the same music ‘and we go hiking and camping at the weekend. We get on really well together. P: Do you think there's any difference between friendship ‘between girls and friendshio between boys? Um, | don’t know, really. I don't go shopping with my friends and we don't paint one another's nails! But | think the important things are the same. | know | can rely on my frionds in a crisis, A good friend is always there for you. ‘Yes, | suppose that’s right. What about friendship between gills and boys? Are any of your close {friends fernale, Fraser? Um, yeah, of course. There are three or four girls as, well as boys in the group of friands hang out with. P: What about you, Jenny? Je Yes, Iget on wel with boys. But | think it's different ~ girls understand one another better. And you're over sure ifthe boys realy want to be friends or if they just fancy you. Exercise 5, page 15 1 Je Janet R= Rachel J: Hi Rachel Rt Oh, hello, Janet, J: Um, Thaven't seen you since that party. R: Yeah, that's right. You were really rude, 4: know, m really sorry. Twas just Rr Listen, 'm not gaing to forgive you, so forget it. J: Oh, right. OK, well, suppose Ri Goodbye, Janet 2 A=Amy $= Sarah As Anyway, | was just watching this thing on TV and the phone rang and St Itwashim! A: Yes. twas him! St Nol What did you say? A: Well, you know me, S$: Ohno, you didn't A: Idid. Iwas so nervoust St Oh you always do that. I've told you, take a deep breath and know, But | was so excited! Anyway, a: 3 T=Teacher J=Jon K= Kevin TE Right, that’s all for today, Don't forget your homework on Monday J: Thank goodness, it's Friday! Ke Haha, yeah. What are you up to this weekend? Ji Not sure. | might play football on Saturday and go for a cycle on Sunday. What about you? Students’ Book audio script K: Oh, that's too energetic for me. Il probably goto the library and then see a fin Well, have a good one and see you on Monday. OK, Jon, see you. Annie S = Sal Hi, Sal. Coming to the party tonight? Um, no, don't think so. What's up? You don't look very happy. Sorry, | just .. well, um ... Things aren't very good at the moment. Has something happened? No. Well, yes. Not exactly. ‘Come on, let's go and get a cola and have a chat (Oh thanks. I really like that. 'm afraid I'm not very ‘good company at the moment, Listen, it doesn’t mattor. fm too tired to go to the party tonight anyway. Let's got a DVD and stayin, PER>e AE A: Ss: A s: Unit 2 Sirs 2.1 Vocabulary Exercise 6, page 25 Welcome to Sport on Saturday. I's quiz time! Let's start with the answers to last week's Sports Quiz. There were six questions Ok, number one: we asked you which is the biggest: 2 football pitch, a golf course or an athletics track The answer, is of course B, a golf course, Number two: where will you not see a man with a beard? ‘The correct answer is C, in a boxing ring. Why? Because it’s difficult to see injuries on the face ifthe boxer has. a beard Number threo: in which sports do you hit a ball with 2 racket on 2 court? The correct answer is A, squash and tennis. For cricket and table tennis, you play with a bat. For golf you use clubs, and in hockey you play with a stick. Number four: which piece of equipment is made of metal, rubber and sometimes wood? The answer is A, a golf club. A table tennis bat and a hockey stick are made of wood and rubber. No metal, Number five: where isthe highest ski resort in the world? Ifyou're good at Geography, you'll know the answer - it's ‘A, Bolivia. Chacaltaya resort is about 5,290 metres high, The highest ski resort in Canada is Sunshine Village, at about 2,159 metres, and Val Thorens in France is the highest ski resort in Europe, at about 2,300 metres. ‘And finally, number six: what can you find on the roof of the famous Burj Al Arab hotel in Dubai? The earrect answer is 8, a tonnis court. You can have a game of tennis ‘and admire the view at the same time! Well, that’s it. How did you do? Did you get a gold, silver or bronze? ‘And now it’ time for this week’s quiz: the topic is (ote fas 2.3 Listening ERE W33| Exercises 2 and 3, page 27 1. The sports person | look up to most is Federer. He's always been passionate about tennis, but he's also. a caring and generous human being, He's given a lot of time and money to charities, especially children’s 153 154 Students’ Book audio script charities. He's a real inspiration. In fact, ho has his ‘own charity in South Africa for poor children. His charity pays for them to go to school and havo two, meals a day and encourages them to take up sport. 2 Jessica Ennis inspires me. She's a brillant athlete, bout she's also a normal, lovely person who is realistic about life. What | ike most about her is. that she's an Olympic champion, but she's also vary modest. She says there are things she dislikes about herself when she looks in the mirror, and everybody can relate to that. | think she's a much better example for young girls than skinny fashion models. She's a healthy role model and a lot of girs, follow her example and take up sport as a hobby or professionally. 3. [think Robert Kubiea’s story is inspiring. He was the fist Polish racing driver to win a Formula One Grand Prix, but then he had a terrible accident and he nearly lost his arm. In spite of his serious injuries, he has stayed positive and returned to racing. He inspires young people because he’s so courageous and detarmined, (GESEM 3-34] Exercises 5 and 6, page 27 Hil My name's Jackie Smith. m here today to tell you about how | became the international under-eighteen ‘windsurfing champion at the age of sixteen. I's something I'm really proud of, I think Ive been successful ‘because of two pooplo, really. My mum and my cousin Rachel have been my role models ist went windsurfing with my mur, We lived near the sea and we spent every summer on the beach, My mum had entered windsurfing competitions when she was 8 ‘teenager. She didn't win anything but she realy enjoyed it. She started to teach me windsurfing as soon as | could swim, | was only about seven years old. My cousin Rachel was there too. She and her family ved near us. My mum gave us lessons together. Rachel's two years older than ine and 've always looked up to he. | still do. Rachel was ‘good at everything. She was a really good example for me ~I wanted to be sporty lke her I did a ot of cliferent water sports because I grew up near the sea and it was natural. At fst, windsurfing wasn't my favourita thin. iked other watersports ike swimming and saling. | used to go sailing with Rachel and then we joined 2 children’s sailing club. We spent all our weekends there, even in winter. We did lots of sailing and then we got into roming, ase’ sure about rowing at fist but my mum thought it was a good idea. Now Im glad Idi it because it made my arms strong and that helped my windsurfing Windsurfing bacame my number one sport thanks to Rachel. She entered a windsurfing competition when she ‘was fiftean -|alays wanted to do the same as her, 0 I entered the competition too. She came second and | came filth. But | really enjoyed myself and that was the ‘moment when | decided that windsurfing was my sport. My mum and Rachel are stil important role models for re. | think I take after my mur - hope I have some of the same qualities, anyway, And Rachel is ike @ bg sister to me, Focus review 2 Exercise 7, page 35 Hi, everyone! My name's Lily and I'm a swimmer. And I'm talking to you today because | want to encourage lots of you to take up swimming. Irs a great sport, it isn't expensive to do and it keeps you really healthy. | started swimming when | was very young. | think learnt to swim whea | was about five. | dida't learn at the focal leisure centre, but when | was in Spain on holiday with my patents! Then, when wo came home, my parents paid for lessons for me and I went once a week. | loved it Straight away and | got better and better. When | started secondary school, I joined a swimming club and then | started going swimining two times @ week. Ihad a lovely trainer called Vesla, who came from Norway, | think, She was really good. We trained very hard ~ sometimes we were swimming non-stop for two hours! She encouraged ime to enter competitions and I did quite wall. Nearly every Saturday a group of us from the sivimming club went by coach to other towns to have competitions. That ‘was briliant fun, After Id won quite a lot of competitions, | moved into the advancad class at the club and | had a trainer who was once an Olympic winner! He wanted rhe to go training every day befare school for an hour ‘and a half. My parents didn't agree because Ineeded to be awake for my school work. But they let me go two ‘mornings a week, In the holidays | can go every day. | love my swimming and | would really recommend it a8 ‘a sport to everyone, It isn't important to enter lots of compatitions like me, but just doit for fun and to keep fit! Unit 3 3.1 Vocabulary Exorciso 11, page 37 Hmm ... Thirty-five kilos. I's five kilos too heavy. Five kilos! Oh no! | didn’t know what to pack, so I packed everything! That's twenty euros per kilo ~@ total of 100 euros. Oh no, that's all my spending money! Can I take something out? 1 A: Who's got the passports? B: You have, haven't you? A: No! You put them in your handoaa, B: Oh yes, hore they are. A: Phew! Ci Thank you. What isthe purpose of your visit? Bi Oh, we'e visiting our family in litle place near 1: OK, thank you. Next 2 Ay Any begs? B: Yes, just one. a 8: ee pe We are pleased to announce that Flight number 5200 to Abu Dhabi is raady to board at Gate 16 Please proceed to gate sixteen for Flight number 5200 to Abu Dhabi Where's Sharon? I don't know. Site wont to buy some perfume. Go and find her. Tell her we're boarding! Oe 4 ‘A: There's mine, What colour's yours? B: Black. Like all the other bags. A: Oh deer! Bi They all look the same. Time to buy @new suitcase — a pink one! 5 ‘A; The captain has switched on the seat belt signs for landing, Please return to your seats and fasten your seat belts Michael, wake up. Hamm? We're there. What? That was quick! | was three hours but you've been asleep the whole timel ‘A Toke your jacket and shoes off, please. OK, come through, OK, take your belt off, please, and go through again. Do you have anything in your pocket? No, nothing, ‘Tako your oarrings off, please. All of them? Ok. Next, please PePe 3.2 Grammar EERGWPI-G] Exercise 5, page 38 I= Interviewer W1= Woman 1 M1 = Mant W2= Woman 2 M2=Man2 W3=Woman3 |: What do you think about the news that there's a lion in the holiday resort? WE: I'm terrified! | heard it, [was just making the tea when | heard a loud roar-~ it must be lion, Fve never heard anything ike that before. t's very frightening, but I'm pleased the police are looking for it. | hope they find it before it finds them! I And you, sir? M1: | don't really know what to think. Several people say they saw a lion, so I suppose it might have escaped from the zoo. Thore's 2200 about twenty miles from here. Ik How about you, madam? W2: Well it's a bit worrying isn'tit? Ive got young childron, and a dag. It's the dog | worry about: the lion has escaped from a 209, it could be very hungry by now. It might not have eaten for a while, and my dog would make a nice saaci for a lion! I'm keeping the dog and the kids inside the caravan, Ik And you, madam? WE: It’s exciting isnt it? [think it could have been somebody's pet. There are some strange people round horo. ! know that some people have snakes and crocodiles as pets — why not lions? They're cute when they're young, It may have grown too big, and they let it go. 1: Sir? What about you? M2: | don’t believe it It can't be @ lion, that's ridiculous! I think t’s probably a cow. kk And the roar? M2: Cows make loud noises. 2 Students’ Book audio ser Exercise 6, page 38 ‘And now the news from where you are. ‘Thank you. This is Radio Essex. The search for an escaped lion has now baen called off. Police were called to @ popular holiday resort two days ago after receiving calls from warried residents, Several people reported seeing or hearing a lion, The local z00 has confirmed that no ion has escaped. The pelice found 1no footprints or any other signs that o large wild animal was in the area, and so they have concluded that it must have been 2 large domesticated cat And now for today’s sport 3.3 Listening (BHI NS) Exercises 2 and 3, page 39 1 A B: > So, how was your family cruise? Oh, itwas OK. Pretty good, realy. We all gat on well mostof the time. We didn’t have any arguments, Well, not until tho last day, and then | had a realy big arguinent with my sister. It was stupid, really I wanted to get off the ship and visit Naples, but my sistor was tired and wanted to stay on the ship by the pool. She always does what she wants andl she oosn't think of other people. | had to go to Naples (on my own with our parents, It was really boring. | just don’t think we should stay hera, I's not a very nice campsite. | think we should go and find a youth hostel ‘4 youth hostel? That's so boring! Thisis supposed to be an adventure. know, and I realy want to have an adventure, but putting a tent up inthis weather is horrible. It's ining a bit but we'll be lovely and warm in the tent, it's going to be more comfortable than a three-star hotel, | promise. Yos, can Ihelp you? Er, yes, I've booked a single room for two nights. My name's Baker. Janes Baker Baker. Yes, here you are. Two nights. Would you like breakfast? ‘Oh yes, please. That wil be an extra £16, Ob, thought it was inekided. Did you book onting? Yes, did, ‘Oh, right. We have an online special offer at the moment. Your fist breakfast is free, so you just need to pay for the second day. Can you fil in this form, please? For today’s ski update, we go over to Mark Eden in the French Alps. Thank you. Yes, m here in the wonderful French Alps, beneath Mont Blanc, I'm in the vilage of Megave, one of the oldast ski rosorts in the word, The weather is perfect today but last week we had a few warm rainy days when skiing was not much fun, But it’s impossible to be disappointed with Megéve- there are so many different things to do here, There aro mero than ninety restaurants and cafés. Fortunately, the rain has turned to snow. I's time to get out of the cafés and go skiing, 155 156 Students’ Book audio script 5 It'stime to leave ordinary beach holidays behind and take a trip that you will remember for the rest of your, life. With Overland Tours, you will see the real world, (Overland Tours believe that travelling is not only about the destination, The journey is an important part of the experiance. Come with us on one of our (Overland buses and travel to places other travel companies don't reach. You will meet local people ‘and lean about their culture. Our tour leaders will take care of you and make sure you have everything you need, Come and join an Overland tour. You'll bbe in a small group, but we can guarantee that you'l have big experiences. 6 You're too young to ge backpacking on your own. You've never been abroad before - you have no idea what to expect. You might not lke it= you'll probably be lonely. And anything could happen ~ you could get ill, or somebody could steal your ‘money. | know you want to get away and have new experiences, but Id feel much happier if you were with friends. You could stay with your aunty Margaret in Canada or your penfriend in France. {just don't understand why you want to go trekking jn Nepal on your own, 3.5 Grammar Exercise 2, page 42 When my parents got their frst car, we were really ‘excited. There weren't so many cars on the road then, and nobody used to worry about pollution or the environment. There was plenty of clean alt. We didn't use to have seat belts then either. | emember my baby sister would sitio the front with my mother. My father smoked a pipe while he was driving and the car used to be full of smoke! We used to go on holiday to France every summer by car, It was a bit boring because we didn’t have computers ‘01 DVDs - we'd listen to the radio and look out of the window. In Franco, my father followed a map. We didn’t have GPS then. Weld stop to look at the map, but \we couldn't ask for directions because we didn't speak French and nobody used to speak English in those days Exercise 5, page 42 Aictravel didn’t use to be very common when las young rman, Itwas very expensive, so travolling by air was a luxury used to work for an American company and I would travel from London to New York regularly. Then, the fight was. just four hours by Concorde. Irtakes eight hours now! ‘On Concorde the cabin erew would look after you really well. They offer you food, crinks or even cigarettes. Lots of paople would smoke. It's funry — people would dress up to go on a plane. They'd put their best clothes fon =men would wear suits and women would wear their smartest outfits, Itused to be a glamorous way to travel. Not ike now! It’s so stressful. We didn't use to go through security atthe airport. I would carry my Swiss army knife ceveryuthere. Thats impossible now. Are planes safer now? Probably, but traveling by airis avery diferent experience 3.6 Speaking IEEEATIHvPH57| Exercises 2 and 3, page 43 M=Mark S = Sophie IM: Hi, Sophie. Can you do me a big favour? | really need your hap. Why? What's the problem? M: You know I'm going to England to do en English course and stay with a family. Well, I don’t know ‘what to pack. Can you give me some advice? ‘Oh right. Doa't worry | had the same problem last year, when | went o London. How lang will you be there? Mz tim going fora month (OK, the frst thing you should do is check the weather forecast. know i's summer, but the weather changes quickly in England, If were you, fd peck lots of Tshirts and a couple of pullovers. How big is your suitcase? Iv’snot vor big. | don't want to check itin Him, | think you should check it in if you don't, you can't take shampoo andi shower gel M: Oh, I didet think of that. Right, take my mum and dad's suitcase, How many pairs of jeans do I need? You probably don't need to take more than two pairs of jeans. But you really ought to take some ‘mart (users for going out, Now, what about 2 present for the family? You musta't forget to tako them something ‘Oh yeah, of course. What do you think | should take? ‘The best thing would be to get something at the airport lke a box of chocolates. M: Good thinking, S$: Oh, just one more thing. I's a good ides to write a list of things you might forget, ke your phone, tickets, money, ete M: Thanks, Sophie. Thats really helpful $: You're welcome. And don't forget your phone charger | want o se lots of photos of England Focus review 3 Exercise 7, page 47 1 A: May |help you, madam? Yes. | waited for ages at the baggage reclaim area to collect my luggage, but it nver arrived. fm afraid it night be lost. [As Don't worry: Most laggage is usually found within an hour. Could | have your name and fight details, please? B: Yes. My ramos Lucinda Heslan, that’s H-E-ACLAWN, | was on pha Airlines fight from Manchester ‘A: OK, let's see now. Oh... m afeeic a mistake wes made when you checked in, Your luggage is in Edinburgh B: Ohdeor! 2. I"ve just come back from the Greek islands. Best holiday ever First, Iflew to Mykonos. That was ‘a non-stop party and I met loads of great people therel Thon | took a ferry to Santorini. Wow! There are traditional white houses, stunning views over the Aegean and the famous blood-red sunset. After that, | sailed to Crete, where I visited an incredible ancient palace and swam at amazing beaches. Crete is a big place and | noeded my own transport, so I rented a scooter and exploredi | couldn't have had a better holiday! Hallo, Teronce Jones speaking. Oh, Terry, I'm s0 glad I caught you before you left the office As Gina, hello, What's up? Aren't you on your vay to. New York? B: Iwas, but trafic has stopped on the motorway. Nothing's moving! A: There could have been an accident. Bi Maybe, but right now I need you to check what ‘other flights there are for New York tonight. Just in case | miss mine, you know, A: No problem. I'l find out and call you back. ere 4 On today’s segment of Where Have You Been? I'm asking the question, ‘Which is the most visited city in the world?’ It must be Paris! Right? Wrong! Is it London? Wrong again! The most popular destination is... Bangkok, the capital of Thailand. I's the first time that an Asian city has been the most popular, This year it had nearly sixteen million international Visitors, only slightly more than London, which was the previous number one city destination. Will it stil be so popillar next yaar? A: Oh, do hurry up! The woman on the ferry said we can get the best seats if we're there first ''m walking as fast as | can and I'm carrying a heavy backpack! ‘A; Well, you're the one who wanted to bring a big fancy camera as woll asa video camera, B: Yes, because well have a great view from the top. and I can take shots of all the important sights. ‘Anyway, we haven't even got tickets. A: We can get them from the driver. It’s s0 easy to plan a trip these days, isa't it? That's because of the Intemet, of course, When | used to travel as.a young man, | would find a travel agent to book a hotel room abroad. | would ask the agent 2 lot of questions and he would give me some ideas for the trip. He had brochures and things like that, bbut the photos in them were always glossy and professional, taken from the bast angles. had no ‘eal idea what the hotel would be like; there was nowhere to read comments by other tourists, Now know exactly where I'm going and what to expect. Unit 4° 4.3 Listening Exercise 3, page 51 I= Interviewer N= Nutritionist kk Good morning and welcome to the Food Programme. Today our guest is nutritionist Sandea Duffy. Hello and welcome to the programme, Sandra, Ns Hello, Thanks for inviting me, Sandia, how do I know if my diet is healthy or not? Ni Well, thet’s 2 good question, and the easy answer i: do you feel well? Do you have plenty of energy? And secondly, do you look well? Does your skin and your hair look healthy? If you don't feel or look well, your dict may not be healthy | always say that a healthy Students’ Book audio script diet is a balanced one. You need! a bit of everything, but not too much of anything, Especially salt or sugar ~a little salt and sugar is OK but you shoulda’ ‘eat too much. For instance, there isa lot of salt in tisps and fast food, and a huge amount of sugar in fizzy drinks, | don't think people realise ths, you have a balanced diet, you get enough protein and vitamins, One of the healthiest diets in the world is the Mediterranean diet, and that's, because Mediterranean people eat a huge variety of fresh food. Their diet is rich in fruit, vegetables, cereals, pasta, olive ofl and fish Just think about all the dlfferent Mediterranean vegetables: green peppers, red tomatoes, lettuce, purple aubergines, yellow com, black olives. A healthy meal is 2 colourful one. Even if you can’t find Mediterranean, vegetables, try to make your meals as colourful and varied as you can. Finally, one of the most important things about a healthy diet is that it must not be {an obsession. Thinking about food is good, bur if you become a very fussy eater, then your diet is probably not healthy. Exercises 4 and 5, page 51 1. Iiminterested in having a natural diet and eo for the last tio years, I've only eaten rave food I believe that when you cook fresh food, you lose the goodness and vitamins in the food. leat raw vegetables, but of course | need protein. So | eat raw eggs. For dessert | eat fruit. I feel healthy and Ihave lots of energy, but it's difficult to eat with the rest of my family, and that’s a problem, 2 love desserts ~ cakes, puddings, chocolate — anything sweet. But one day read an article about sugar and how bad itis for you. | thought about giving up desserts but | couldn’ do it~ it's impossible! So | decided to divide the week into dessert days and rnon-dessert days. Now there are five days in the week when | don't eat desserts but at the weekend Ican eat ‘as many dossorts as | ike. On non-dessert days | cat, more fresh fruit, which is much healthier, 3° Lonly eat food that is grown or produced near my home. That means there's less choice because | don'tlive in a Mediterranean country! But the frit and vegetables | eat are realy fresh and they taste £0 good, I do eat a lot of vegetables but im not vegetarian. | tried once when | was about fourteen, ‘but | missed meat, especialy raast chicken, Nov. my parents have hens in the garden and so we have fresh eggs every day. The best thing about eating locally produced food is that it's ood for the environment ~ no planes or lories ae involved in transporting food {for long distances. | think that’ @ good thing, 4 Ima vegan, That means that | don’t eat or use any animal products for any purpose. | don't eat meat, fish, dairy or anything that comes from animals I don't wear clothes made from animale either, When I was a child, | ate meat and drank milk ke most people. But then when I was thirteen, | started thinking about where my food came from. llearat about how animals suffer and I was shocked I decided to become a vegen and I've become very good at cooking lovely vegan meals. | respect animals and I don’t want them to suffer. 157 158 Students’ Book audio script 4.4 Reading EERE] Exercise 4, page 53 11 My mum makes a fantastic bread and butler pudding. She gave me the recipe and i's very easy. You slice the stale bread and put butter on it, Put the slices of bread and butter in a dish, You can add some dried fruit too if you like. I's up to you. Oh, and if you have some Bananas that are too ripe, chop them up and put them in the pudding, Then heat some milk ina small pan. Don't boll it. Mix three eggs with three large spoons of sugar and add the warm milk. Then you pour the mixture over the bread. Putitin the oven for forty-five minutes and that’s! Delicious! 2 My favourite recipe for stale bread is French toast Inisr’t really a recipe! You just need one egg and you mix t up in a bowl, Then you dip a slice of broad in the egg mixture, and fry itin a frying pan for a couple of minutes. | love it with sugar on, but know I should 3° ike baguettes but they don't stay fresh for vory. long, But when | was on holiday in France, | learnt atrick to racycle the old baguette instead af throwing it away. You hold it under the tap and lot cold water pour on the surface. Then you put it ina hot oven far ten minutes. When you take it out, it's nice and crispy again 4.6 Speaking Exercise 4, page 55 We Waiter A= Alex W: Was everything OK with your meal? Yes, thanks. !m writing 2 review for my online food biog W: Oh! see. Ave you sure you don't want to see the dessert manu? We have a delicious chocolate mousse - you should try it ‘A: No, thanks. Im allergic to chocolate, Just the bil, please. W: Certainly! Just one moment, please Unit 5 5.3 Listening i] Exercises 3 and 4, page 63 P= Presenter M= Michae! Pp Hello and welcome to The Future is Green. Today we're talking about a special project to make schools more environmentally friendly. We have a pupil from Year 12, Michael James, to tell us about it Hi, Michael, and thanks for talking to us today. “That's OK. im missing a few lessons, so I don’t mind atall P: Haha! Now, can you tall us about your project? How did it bogin? M: About a year and a half ago, one of our teachers started sn after-school club called Friends of the Planet. At first, it was just for pupils from our schoo!, but then we contacted other schools in our area, Now our Friends of the Planet group has members from six other secondary schools. We meet once @ week and for the last six months, we've been warking on this special project. P: I see, What exactly is this special project? M: Basically, we've designed an eco-school of the future. We worked with a group of architects who ate planning to build a schoo! that is more cnviconmentally riendly. The architects contacted ‘our group because they wanted to involve young, people and together, we've made 2 modal of how this eco-schoo!l will ook. Pr Irsounds very exciting. Michael has brought the modal ofthe eco-school into the studio with him. Can you explein it to our listeners, please, Michael? M: Sure, First of all, we have solar panels on the roof of the school - there aro fifty panels altogether. P: And will hey provide power for the whole school? Yes, that’s the idea. It will save a lot of money on electricity P: Ab yes, lean imagine, Tell me about the garden. M: Oureco-schoo! will gow vegetables and we'll use them for school dinners, So our school dinners will bbe very orgenie and much cheaper than buying food fram the local supermarket or even from a local farm, We'll also have chickans, rabbits and ducks. ‘And will they go into the school dinners too? Ha ha, nol That would be terrible. They'll be pets and they'll be useful. They'll eat the leftovers from the kitchen and the chickens will provide eggs. Very good. So what other plans do you have to make the school more environmentally friendly? M: Well use low-energy light bulbs in all the classrooms, We'll also have recycling bins in every classroam and in the school grounds. ‘And what about your lessons - will they be different from non-eco-schools? Most of our lessons willbe similar to lessons in any secondary school, But in our Science lessons we'll focus more on environmental issues like climate change and global warming. Then, in our Technology lessons we'll learn about things like renewable energy and even how to make solar panels, P: | s00. Well, we've almost run out of timo. Thank you for talking to us about your project. t's very nice to meet a teenager who is s0 concerned about the environment. In my experience, most seventeen and eightoen-year-olds are only interested in gadgets and games. Mz Well, ike gadgets and games too, but | probably worry about the environment more than my friends. P: We must stop there ~ thank you, Michael. Your project sounds fascinating, and I'lllook forward to visiting your eco-school when Focus review 5 EERIE) Exercise 7, page 71 P= Presenter JC = Jenna Clarke P_ Today our guests Doct Jenna Clarke, Doctor rte who ise bilogist has steed the monarch buttrlly Shes going to tll us about is ie and why isin donger of Sisappearing, Welcome, Doctor Clit JC: Thank you its ood tobe here. Let me begin by Ging te listeners some bese information about the monarch buttoriy tis recognised bys unique Cronge and black pattern, And tough itis found In Australia, New Zealand! and Indonesia, the largest population isin the United States. The monerch is famous fo its long migration in the late suramer fromm the United States to Mexico, where it goes to spend the winter Millons of butterflies go to forests there, where they are protected from rain and freezing cold temperetures. Otherwise, they will die P: But there's @ problem JC: Yes, there is, The monarch iin danger. A recent report said the number of butterflies that arved in Mexico this year was sixty percent less than last yea. In fac, ‘numbers have been fain forthe est saven years, I numbers contiaue to fail the monarch butte ly wl completely disappear from North America. So if fewer butterflies are reaching Mexico, does that ‘mean the problem is in tho Urited States? JC: Partly, yes. You see, the monarch butterfly depends ‘ona plant callad mikweed to survive. I's the only food young monarch butterflies eat. In the United States, the chemicals that farmers use on crops are destroying the mkweed plant, So if we want to save the monarch butterfly, we have to protect the mikwoed plant. Ps What else is making it iffcult fr the monarch butterfly to survive? JC: The monarch goes to a specific forest ares in Mexico. Unfortunately, logging in that area is reducing the number of tes. The troos, which are cut down ilegally and sold, are the homes of the monarch, P: So, many are dying in the US decause they don’t have enough food and then the ones that manage toarrve in Mexico have a smaller area to live in JC: That's right Finding a solution is hard because it involves two different countries and two different problams.ifwe can pecsuade farmers in the US ‘otto use certain chemicals, that will be a big step forward. Butf the logging in Mexico isn't stopped, the number of monarchs will continue to drop. Both problems are serious and must be solved at the same time PIs there any good news for the monorch? JE: Actually, there is, The monarch is becomiag more common in Bermuda because people are planting milkweed in their gardens, And monarch butterflies bbom in Bermuda stay there all year due tothe warm weather. Perhaps these island monarchs will save the species. Unit 6 6.1 Vocabulary GEERT 13.00] Exercises 3 and 4, pages 72 and 73 Woah, that's erazy! What are you reading? rm reading about famous people and which parts of their body they've insured for loads of money. lt says here that Ronaldo's legs are insured for 144 milion dollars! Those are expensive lege. 144 million! Well, football's a dangerous game, isn’t it? You don't just get cuts and bruises, You could break your leg of sprain your ankle. ‘A: Iknow. | can understand why Ronaldo has decided <0 insure is legs, but why do you think Rihanna has insured her legs? PEP Be PEPE A 8 A: B A B 2 A & A 8: 3 A Rep B: a 5 A B Students’ Book audio script Rihanna, the singer? No, Rihanna the football player! Of course I mean Rinanna the singer. Why hasn't she insured her voice? Him, Good question. She probably thinks her looks ‘are mare important than her voica, Yes, | suppose so, Who's Keith Richards? Is he the old guy in Pirates of the Caribboan? Keith Richards? Yeah, and he's a guitarist in a band ~ the Rolling Stones. Well, his hands are insured for one millon dallas. They look terrible. What could happen to your hands? Lots of things. You could burn your fingers vith a cigarette, for instance, or distocate your thumb. ‘Ah right. Hey, did you know that James Bond does all his own stunts? You mean Daniel Craig? Yes, | think | read that somewhere. What has he insured? His face? No, hs body. He insured itafter he broke a rib and cut his hand, Oh, this is funny. What? There's an American football player who's insured his hair for a million dollars. His hair? Oh, he's got ‘an advertising contract with a shampoo company. His name's Trey Polamalu. Never heard of him. ls that it? There's one more. What do you think Julia Roberts has insured? Her toeth and her lips? Yes, you're right! Well itis a lovely smilet Like mine ue373] Exercise 10, page 73 Wve got tickets to see One Direction! Again? You're obsessed! | know, I'm going to tattoo their name on my arm, What? Are you crazy? Don't worry. !m pulling your leg! Oh, very funny, Did you heer that Mark and Naomi broke up? ‘Yeah, | think she broke his heart. No, she cin’, He's fine. | saw him with Amy yesterday and they looked very happy. Onl ‘Why does Pate wear sunglasses all the time, even when it isn't sunny? He thinks it looks cool. The other day he walked inte 2a door and hurt his nose. it was so funny. lIsughed my head off Oh deer! That's really mean, ‘Oh dear, this homework’s really hard! Can you give me a band? Sorry, im late. Ask Mum to help you Oh, thanks So what cid you get for your birthday? Well you know that leather jacket | teed on downtown? The red one? 159 Students’ Book audio script Yes, Well, my parents bought it for my birthday. When | looked in the bag, I couldn't Believe my eyes. I's the best present I've ever had. ‘As You lucky thing! 6 As | really want to go and see that film, What's it called? B: I don't know, Who's in it? A: Oh, you know. What's her name? Oh dear, I's ‘on the tip of my tonguel It begins with K, B: Um, Kristen Stewart? A: No, um .. Keira Kaightley! Hernew film 6.2 Grammar Exercise 2, page 74 A; Welcome ta our online first aid course. First of all, we'd like to check you got the right answers to the quiz, We gave you six minor accidents and asked you what you would do. Here’s Dr Maxwell to tell you what she would do. B: Thank you. OK, number ene: if| had a nosebleed, Id hold my nose and look down. IF looked up, the blood would go down my throat, and that would be horrible, Number two: if [burnt my hand, 'd hold it under the cold water tap. Cold water would take the pain away. Don’t put oil or butter on the burn — this vill make it worse. Number three: if twisted my ankle, 'd put ice on it very quickly ~ ice is fantasti for ankles and other muscle injuries. You shouldn't pput heat on a twisted ankle - that would make it worse, Number four: if | got black eye, Id put ice nit for the same reasons as number three. Eye drops could make it worse. Number five: ifa bee stung me, 'd take some antihistamine tablets. t'm allergic to bee stings, so | always have antihistamine ‘tablets with me. I'd put ice on the sting if | didn’t brave any tablets. It's probably not a good idea to put a plaster on because the sting might still be in the skin. Finally, number six if Feut my finger, fd wash it, dry it and put @ plaster on. i's not a good idlea to stop the blood flow to the hand, so don't te something around your wrist ‘A: Thank you, Dr Maxwell If you got those right, you're ready to move on to the next part of this online first aid course, Exercises 5 and 6, page 74 R= Ron F= Friend ‘Atishoo! Oh no, | wish the cat woulda't come into the house, allergic to cats! F: Why don't you close your window? R's too hot in my house. | have to keep the window open. Konly it wasn't so hot Are you tired? Yes. wish | could sleep, but the neighbours are so nciey I wish they wouldn't play loud music at night. F: What's the matter? Ri Oh, | dropped a saucepan on my foot yesterday and ithurts, I wish | wasn't 0 clumsy. Do you thinks broken? The saucepan? No, your foot! Oh; I don't know, | haven't called the doctor. f only I had the doctor's phone number! 160 6.3 Listening Exercise 2, page 75 1 A= Anna R= Rob Hi, Rob! Ohhi, Anna. Listen, Inced some advice. Sure, what do you need to know? Wel, 'm taking part in the London te Brighton Cycle Fide and | want to raise some money for charity. Do you know how | can do that? ‘Az Sure, I did the London Marathon last year: You have to ask your friends to sponsor you. In other words, they support you by giving you money. You have to set up a webpage first Rt OK, what sort of information do I put on the webpage? ‘A: You explain what event you're doing - so you're going to do the London to Brighton Cycle. Then you put some information about the charity you want to Support. Which charity are you interested in? | want to do it forthe British Heart Foundation. OK, great. Do you have any particular reason? Yes, t was my grandmothers idea ~ my grandfather died of a heart attack. ‘A: OK, so you can say on the webpage that you're doing tin memory of your grandfather. Then you share the page with all your friends and family. I's 1 good idea to send it to all the adults you know because people our age don't have any money! Rr OK, thats good advice. Do they pay by credit card? ‘A: Yes. Most people give between five end twenty pounds, BREE Bee 2 Me Mum R= Rob IM: Where are you going, Rob? There's no time to go to the gym. Dinners in halfan hour I'm ust going for a quick run, You know I'm training for the big cycle ~ the London to Brighton Cycle ~ next weekend. {Oh yes. I must get you a new helmet this waok What for? Ive already got one You've had that one for years~ and you need a new, brightly coloured one Oh Mum! IM: Bright colours are safer an the road ~ cars can see you better. know you don't think they're cool, but I want you to come back alive Oh, don'tbe so dramatic. My old holmet’s fine and bbe very careful. And there are thousands of people doing this cycle ~ don't wory about me! OK, tm oft M: Don't be late. Take care on the road! resonter 1 P2 = Prosenter 2 PA: Over to James Marsden at the start of the London to Brighton Cycle Ride. 2: Thank you. Yes, it's nine o'clock in the morning and the London to Brighton Cycle Ride is about to begin. This ride is eighty-sovon kilomotres long and it has been going for more than forty years. Over the years: ithas raised more than fifty million pounds for charity, ‘There are more than 25,000 people here and most of them are wearing red T-shirts. There are people of all ages here, from fourteen to seventy-five, ready to get ‘on their bikes and cycle to the coast. Most people will ‘complete the ride in about six hours. Exercise 6, page 75 I'm sure everyone here knows all about the terrible Hlness, Ebola, which i affecting thousands and thousands of people in Africa. There have been a few cases in Europe ‘and America, but the problem is still mainly in African ‘countries. At the moment scientists are working very hard tofinda vaccine because normal medicines don't work. Feople don't catch the illness from the air but from touching ccther people who have it. This makes it hard for doctors and nurses who are looking after them, We really neod to help them. They need move monay for research, hospitals and more doctors. So, that’s why I'm taking to you today, ‘The school is planning to have a walk for charity next weekend. Last year we organised a marathon swim and we raised over £3,000 for the local children’s hospital. Ths time ‘we hope to get more, perhaps over £5,000! The event wil start atthe school on Saturday morning at 10:30. The route will go through the forest and across the hil to Brockeld The fastest walkers should take about three hours. The slowest, lke me, wil take quite a lot longor! But we hope the last people will arrive in Brockfield before 4.30. So get your trainers on and join us on Saturday to help fight Ebolel 6.6 Speaking TEEEREIWFTIO7, Exercisos 5 and 6, page 79 D Doctor A = Andrew D: Now, breathe in and out for me. Good, thank you Now, open wide - hmm, that looks fine. Right, just going to take your temperature. OK, that seems normal, Now le down, please. I push here, dovs i hurt? ‘A: Out Alte bit: Do you think i's my heart, doctor? D: Your heart? Why would itbe your heart? You're sixteen years old AA: My mumn says leat the wrong things and eat t00 quickly and she thinks Il have-a heart attack before 1mm twenty D:_ I see, Wel, yourheartis fine. We don’t need to operate just yt. think you've got indigestion. But your mother’s right = you need to eat more slowly and you shoul drink mere water Im going to give you a prescription ~ take one tablet after each mel And then fm going to make an appointment for you ina month Aren't you going todo a blood test? No, {don't tink hats necessary Oh good, thank you very much Unit7 4 7.1 Vocabulary (RAELWPI- TGs) Exercises 5 and 6, page 85 P=Presenter RW = Ruth Wilson P: Good evening and welcome to the Media Show. Last week we discussed nature documentaries and today, we are looking at another popular kind of programme - reality television. in the studio with us is Ruth Wilson, media expert and head of Wilson television studios. Hello, Ruth RW: Hello. Pr Ruth, you're very intelligent — you don't watch reality Tv, de you? Students’ Book audio script RW: Well,no, not afl the time. Of course not. But | am interested in people, so find some reality shows absolutely fascinating, P: OK, butdo yau think we should alloys children to watch reality TV? Some of the people on these programmes are rather unpleasant. RW: Wel yes, you're right. In fact, some people can be absolutely awful. So I don't think they're suitable for young children, P: Personally, id rather watch 2 really good detective series. But reality TV shows are very popular. Why is that? RW: Wel, realty TVs all about story-telling, and everybody loves 2 good story. So you think reality shows and a well-writton TV seriesare quite similar? Yes, Ido, The success of a television series depends fon a good seript anc! a good cast of actor. I's the same for a realty series and that’s eal dificult. It's absolutely escontial to have characters that people 4are interested in. They may be reall likeable or they ‘may be really horrie, but people want ta watch the programme and see what happens to them. P:__ So what kind of people make a good reality TV show? RW: Tho best roality TV characters get a reaction from the viewers - they could be very funny or rather silly or absolutely gorgeous. It helps if they are not what they seem to be. For instance, a very ordinary- ooking man comes on stage for his X Factor audition and you think it's going to be a disaster, but then his voice is absolutely amazing. And don't forget there are some extremely talented people in these programmes. P: That's right. I's not all bad, Well, thank you very ‘much for joining us RW: 7.3 Listening (BEER HPSAIa) Exercise 2, page 87 A viral video is a video that becomes popular very quickly through the Internet. People share the video through social media end email. There isn't @ formula for a viral video hit. But the most popular ones have three things in common. Firstly, they're really short, Poople have short attention spans, espacially when they’ locking at websites, so the most successful viral videos are around three minutes long, Secondly, they engage your emotions ~ they may be funny, sad, shocking, tentertaining or oven extramoly annoying, but they make viewers feel something. The third ingredient is story. Many of the most papular viral videos tell a simple story and the ones with an inspirational ending are the most memorable. Exercises 3 and 5, page 87 1 Aviral video is a video that becomes popular very quickly through the Internet, People share the video through social media and email, There isn'ta formula fora viral video hit, But the most popular ones have three things in common. Firstly, they're really short. People have short attention spans, especially when they're looking at websites, s0 the most successful viral videos are around three minutes fong. Secondly, they engage your emotions; they may be funny, sad, shocking, entertaining or ‘even oxtremely annoying, but they make viewers 161 Students’ Book audio script fel something, The third ingredient is story. Many cof the most popular viral videos tell a simple story {and the ones with an inspirational ending are the most memorable. have to tell you about this video | saw ~ somebody sent me the link yesterday and | think Ive watched it thirty times. t's absolutely amazing! It's this boy, he must be thirteen or fourteen, playing the piano ata school concert. At first I thought, 'Why hes she sent me this?” Then the boy started singing. Wow, his voice! He sings Paparazzi by Lady Gaga, which is cone of my favourite songs anyway, but he sings it so welll | watched an interview with the boy afterwards and he's got a recording contract now, all because of this video that his mum posted on YouTube. He's 20 inspiring! My favourite videos are the ones that make you laugh. It’s usually because somebody does something stupid ~ for instance, there's a video of ‘a man who dives into a frozen swimming pool. Well {say he dives, but of course, ho hits the ice and slides across the swimming pool. How can you be so stupid? Then there's another hilarious video of a girl ‘walking along ina shopping mall. She's texting and she isnt looking where she’s going, And she trips ‘over and falls into a fountain, I could't believe it! And |love the one where a baby bites his brother's finger. The little brother puts his finger in his baby brothers mouth, and surprise surprise, the baby bites it. love the expression on the baby's face — he’s vory pleased with himself Hi, My name is Nigel Brown and I'm in advertising, I watch videos all day, especially videos that get more than one milion hits on the web. These are the kind of viral videos that our clients want. | love sy job, but when I was growing up, | dreamt of being a famous singer. My parents told me that you had to know somebody famous or you had to have famous parents. But that’s all changed now. ‘Anybody can posta video of himself on the wab and any of you could be famous by next Saturday. Of course, it isn't that easy — there are over 100 hours. of video uploaded to the net every minute and only 2 few have more than one million views, So how do you predict the kind of video that will go viral? I'd Tike to give you some examples of successful 7.5 Grammar (ERT FS-120] Exerc 5 3 and 5, page 90 De Darina J= Jessica 162 Jessical is that you? Yes. What's the matter? You sound upset. Upset? 'm absolutely furious! That's it, | am never going to give an interview to that magazine again. Oh dear! What happened? ‘They know I'm serious about my profession. Ive done Shakespeare. I've made fms with some of the best actors in the world. I've written a screenplay ‘and I've just directed a film that's been nominatod for an Oscar. That's right. So what went wrong? ‘They didn’t ask me about my work - they asked me hat | was going to wear to the Oscars. They asked me wha | was dating and why fd split up with my fiancé, They asked if/d put on weight and whothor Iwas on a diet. J: They asked you what? D: Yes... And that’s not all. They wanted to take photographs and they asked me to wear something feminine. Then they asked me not to lock too serious and to blow a kiss at the camera, Blow a kiss! Whe do they think | am? Marilyn Monroe? Focus review 7 (REET 73-125] Exercise 7, page 95. ‘On the show today we'd lke to hear your thoughts, ‘on the famous Notting Hill Carnival in London. 1. ove Caribbean culture and the festival is great fun, but you can enjoy it even more if you go well prepared, and believe me, | learnt the hard way! Most importantly, you need to wear comfortable shoes, Leave the high heels at home because you can't dance in them and never, ever woar sandals. You wan't come across a bigger street festival in Europe; it's crowded, and I promise you other dancers will stop on your toes. You don't want to spend the rest of the day with sore feet ke | did 2 Whatis absolutely fantastic about the Notting Hil Carnival is it changes the mood in London. There's ‘an amazing party atmosphere and lot of itis thanks to the parade. It looks lke the Rio carnival in Brazil with the floats and the crowds of people dancing inthe streets. And although everyone would agree that London is a great city, it isn't exactly famous for its vibrant colours. Well, for one weekend a year, itjust explodes with every colour under the sun. The make-up and costumes of the performers are the brightest I've ever seen! 3 Have the crowds, the noise and the carnival atmospherel Everyone's so happy and lively. Every yar, our dance teacher makes us work hard and we practise until our feet are sore. When our families como to watch us in the parade, we want to make them proud, Mur always tells me that Im the best dancer inthe group, which probably isn't tue bout that’s OK, I enjoy it anyway! The Notting Mill Carnival was, and stilis, atime for people to get together aad have fun. Im really glad someone came up with the idea! 4 I'm extremely lucky! Ive in Notting Hil, 30 ‘the carnival is practically on my doorstop. It gets fairy noisy here, but | don't ring all ‘the performers and the Caribbean music at al. Of ‘course, the streets are pretty crowded 00 with all the visitors ~ apparently, over a milion people attended this year. Some local residents told me that they found the carnival rather annoying because it made it difficult for them to come and go, but really, it’s only on for three days. I love every minute and always look forward to it! Unit 8 : 5 8.3 Listening TERETHEIZG Exercises 3 and 4, page 99 P= Presenter D = Dani Pr: This week our special report asks, Are we doing ‘onough to help young offenders to hecome better citizens?” Today three aut of four young offenders who are released from prison go on to commit ‘another crime and return to prison, The government say they want to improve education ia young ‘offenders’ prisons. But some people belive that young offenders’ prisons are already too soft. They think that you should make an example of teenagers who break the law. They want harder and longer punishments. To talk to us about that we havo seventeen-year-old ex-offender Daniel Smith inthe studio with us, Hello, Danial D: Holo. P: Daniel, you've recently been released from a young offenders’ prison, What's itlike inside a young offenders’ prison? D: Noisy. There's a lot of shouting and fighting, We're locked in our cells at 8.15 at night and we can watch television until 2 an. If we do something wrong, they take our television away. Pr I's96. So, tellus about the opportunities for education, D: We could choose from about fifty differant subjects Everything from musie production to gardening to cooking. did about twenty hours of lessons every week. You're paid for each lesson you go to and then you can spend that money on sweets or phone calls, P: You're paid to go to lessons? D: Yeah. Nobody would go ta lessons if we weren't paid. ttisn’t much -40p a lesson. But !was motivated because this woman came inta the prison and offered me a job when | came out. I'm working now, and that makes a big differance. Pi How many of the other young offenders were as ‘motivated as you to learn new skills? D: Not many. lot of them are happy the way they are and don’t want to change. Pr Isit true that some young offenders like being in prison because they have a better life inside than outside? D: Yeah, that's definitely true, Ono of my mates was homeless before he came into prison. He was wortied about being released - in prison he got food and clean clothes and a warm cell. Outside, he was living in 2 box on the street. The day he was released, he walked into the prison car park and smashed the windows on five cars in the car park. He was back here in a few days. Hm, well that brings me to another point. The government want to improve canditians in young offenders’ prisons. But some people say that this is wrong, They say that these are young people who have committed crimes and they should be punished. One prison guard said, ‘They have ‘education, they have a gym and television ~ it's lke a holiday comp!" What do you say to that? Students’ Book audio script D: Butts not a holiday camp - we can't see our friends | ‘or our family. Doors are lacked, Hon’ want ta go ‘back here. Ifyou want young people to change, you can't lock them in a call nd expect them to change. You have to educate them and make them believe that ‘there isa better life in front of them. Simple as that 8.5 Grammar Exercises 2 and 3, page 102 Judy and Mike were living in a detached house halfway down a nice street. Their house looked lke the other houses, but infact, it was the unluckiest house in the neighbourhood. In a period of five years, they were burgled thirteen timest After each burglary, they had something done to their house to make it safar and more burglar proof. First, they had the locks changed. Then they had a new front door fitted. That did't work, 80 they had a wll built. Nothing stopped the burglaries, After the seventh time, they bought a dog and had a big sign put ‘on tho gate saying ‘Beware! Dangerous dog’. The dog was to0 friendly and they were burgled again. After the thirtcenth time, they were desperate, Finally, Mike found out on the Internet that, according to statistics, the highest number of burglaries happen to detached houses halfway down a street with @ purple door and the number eighty-eight! They couldn't get the house moved to a different location, but they've had the deor painted green and they're going to have the house umber changed, Mike's sure that with a green door and the number 868 on it, they'll never be burgled again! 8.6 Speaking 5] Exercises 2 and 3, page 103 R=Robert $= Sonia Rethink rm going to do voluntary work this term. How about you? Si Maybe. What are you thinking of doing? R: mnotsure, S: You're really good at Maths ~ how about teaching younger pupils? You could help them with their Maths homework, Ri Ohno, 'm not patient enough. Teaching isn’t my thing at al. | don't havo any younger sisters and brothers, so 'm not used to young children. 'd rather visit an elderly person, Well, that would be a very good thing to do. ! can't teach younger kids either. They annoy me and, ta be honest, 'm not very good at any school subjects. Rr That’snot true. You're good at Art. Why don’t you help pupils with Art projects? Mm, don't know. tim really into vintage clothes, so | suppose | could organise a second-hand clothes sale. Actually, think that would be good fun. 163 164 Workbook answer key 01 Home sweet home onglone alee 0.2 National dishes ery m 3 Flashmob 0, 5 2 3 ie tee > 04 Money, money, money eeiaisae PREECE shons Feomeae tetas, Acesieras be, Soma 0.5 At the movies 1 esate 2 ctcgeny epee pay 2 sat date

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