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Shotok>.n We" COO" K....

te Champi_ 'o
T i'n't convinced th., he or ,he is the p'"
·After t'n", ,��D"'9"n. lim .nd Fred_
!hin!J, ;nUl pn
on.hips, .mong othe,"", The winning Kelly was !In! fi'" J\JriCt1n_J\m�ria," w best. Kelly ....., foreed to develop ..."n die Weint ...ub .,ked me if I would do
.tn,.k rulmin.>ted in Long �e�eh.C.li_ � !Jfi a ma,lfal ar'" roI� in a major g"'�ter ..,If_confiden« bee,u," he th� "U"t cooNin.ting for Black Be/,
forni......he'" he bogged the middle_ Iwn!J Jufi'm-",,, only in Hollywood bu, h.d to fight tooth .nd to " it in lO"".:W.II .. id,·, "ained Glore. Hen_
weight title .t Ed Parker'. Intern..ion.1 al"" in H""9 Ki>n� YDU coold say that movi..... time when most Hollywood dry, and .bout <JO J><,,:ent of the people
Kar,te Ch,mpion.hip', ri!J'" Woods' {acromplfs�mffltsl in golf execs we", opJ>O",d to 'he notion of � in it....e'" my block bel",:
In 1971, while oJ><"'ting Kell),"' Ka_ art! rompambl� '0 K£11y's in mamal am nonwhite ,Ur. E""n though plenty of =ni.1 arts
r..e Studio in Lo. Angeles, he I.nde.! � movin_8up' ,hil, K£11y had UJ fac� Oespite the e"tiei.m 1..."led ., Kelly, eXJ><ni.e w.i.< on h.nd.Black Bel,IMn
.upJ>Orting role in Melfnda. in which he 9='6' ",clSm in Asia and much mo... Warner y...,.. no'ed the worldwide .uc_ "'.s � Iocklu.. er J><rformer at 'he box
pl.yod • m.rti.1 .rts In",uctor. A .."nt d d md!J flO!} p""j0Jd1= In Arne'*"-" ce .. of !';OlEr til. OrofJ'l" .nd figu",d offlce.I.ou Gaul wrote In Figlolfn!J su"..,
Y".r I.ter. ho hurst onto tn .....orld'. -<"'If! I). _, Tho UI�ma'" G."",. h.·d d.wloped • following becau,. of m.It".,ne• •A ra'h. r di.. ppnlnting <om·
radar.... itn the premiere of !';Ole' til. lI.rtio/Am lI_ofcha 1970. it••o studio �"""utlW$ d.nglod . thr«· hlnation of karate .nd ..tire "'hleh "'.'
OrofJ'l". movie d••1 In lront of hi' nose. Kelly .'mll.r to • comic book ... the movie

, hired lim for (th., p.rt); .. ,d IIoh St ...m�n'" K�II)' Ul ,n. m�· "' .. qUick to .ign on tho dou.d lin•. I.cked ••ci..m�nt .nd cohesion· NO"·
W.ll who pl.Y"d Oh .... in tho mOYie di. prompt,," .om. Ul ""nclud. h� Firs' up "'., \'174'. 81ad< 8dt ",0",­ �nhel""
... it was • •olid .ntry In the
.nd ha. wotire.! in the hi' for do""d"" "'.,"""ky. "'�n .rrng.>nt, .nd In . lew ",ith Kell)' .. the le.d ing m.n, Glori. hlo'plol""on gonre. which wa••11 the
. 'nce. ·The", was .notne< f.lIow that 1970< in"", h. cam• •cms' th.t Hond!)' (from the 007 nick U... dOd 1./1' rag. at the time••o ,h. motion plctu",
h.d gott.n the part. hu, t
....o d.y' .... "'"y. In hi. defen.e. ho"..""r.I'd ''I!u. Dre)., the I""dlng I.dy, Robert Clou.e h�lpcd ....hli,h Kelly••• cult ligure In
00", (m"'ing). h. calle.! in .nd ..,d h. th., you'd h",·e . ,ough tim. nndjng. .s dj"""or .nd F",d W.lntraub as pm· light filmdom.
w•• 'ick (Producer) Fre.!die W.'n· ,u,""""lul nght�r lrom .ny .... who ducer (bo,h fmm ITO). N ... up wa. Th,.... ,�. Hard WdY.
t...uh "'d. '1\', got to h.w. t.ll, good.
I"",king ",.n "'ho'•• ",.rtl.1 .rt·
I" .nd .n '<lor: W.II. th.", "...... .bout "THE DRAGON" ON F(LM
," •••t tn.' ti",•.
In the United St.t Jim Koly is bMHnown for M "* as IWIiamo in W73's E_rllMl �. wna, _ fons know is <hat 'M rnar!lal anist acIed
I ,u&idte.! Jim. F",ddle Intervlew.d in 13 _ filmSan< """ TV_... during .... car....- in .-, _IW72I. BI.ock a../t . ... {197�1. 110,.,. ""'Han1�y
him .nd liked him' (1974), Golden N,,,"'. (1974), T�"e _ Hlln1_ (1975). One Down, Two., Go (19ffl). 110< _to (19ffl), B/w;k SMnuroi
K.lly..... ,. pl.""u", to ... .Mund on (19n), The T�_ Cat>nec_ (197e). Death Dim,m5ioo (197e), ,.. fW> L"II' 11979). UJ!imMt.m (1994) an< S�_(l_)
•nd off the set, w.1I <ald. In fact. the The TV.....,. was HiI1/lWay to He.ven (19115 ). His most ,..,... credO! is a 2009 m.o � Afro Nitfa.
two d.....loped . friend'hlp that would
10" d"".d••.·Jim wa, • g.,oo guy; w.1I
adde.!, "H ........"per·fri.ndl)' .nd "ery
bright. I lhmk he did. h.llm. Job on
fnU:r r�< Dn...."n-h. go" g..... part
10 play• •nd h. hi' 'he hall ou' of ,h.
"The moyie h.d an """,m.1)' poslll""
Impact on 'he m.rti., .rts Indu"ry,'
$Old MICh••1 M",uda. founder of Ih.
M.rtlal Arts Hi"o!), Mu'.",m In Bur·
bank. califoml., -Altho"�h Ihe casl fe.­
lured Individu.l, of di""rse nallonoli­
lies, for u.Ih.y ".."" I"" amazing mar-
1 1 .rti." fi�hllng a�.'n" ....11. Bruce
Leo. John So.on .nd lim Kelly w....

abl. 'o .n<our.�e u',"" u. and. for

...."Y. mo,i""'e u"o d.>o'e our li..... 'o
lhe m.rti., .rt., Altho"JIb Kelly play.d
t w.o,n', until Black &/1 iumped ·�rlh;')'«Jr. I will "" th<lio. j block

a number of I.ading roles Ih ...."�er. I I
into ,oci�1 media � few ye�", "a� and in th"",Y"orJ; ill boo the /<10. I I, for Enta ,In! Dragon. a 40·year-old
b.>ck th.t I .'iI" direct <viden« of WOTldwiJe IJox.i>ffiu chompi<,._block film. Iha, We .1
1 11 ""member him besl:
Kelly', l."ing imp.ct on the ""' ... orwhi�:
,i.I .rt.< community. C."" in point: our _/Un 1:.I1y. 1975
,.«book .,.ge. In IUIy 2012, we posted
• lim Kelly photo 'h>' .rored6S6lik"" Kelly .ctually into the limelight VITAL STATS
fun nam.· �"C'O' f.' hY'"" ",
.nd 124 .hare,. In Uctoo<r 2012, we long before the ,..,Ie= ofth. �ru",
0... of t.;..h '-',", :, 1'}'5
put up another one t!l., yield«l 101 blockbu,ter. A pr.lctitioner of ,lIorin·
PI.ce�' b...k p",,, ,"O'.d, I
Ii""" .nd 105 ,t.;,,,,•. And in April lOn, ryu kar.le, Kelly ..w ,uc",,", on the
SI.""" ""'....t.rt5 "";., I
,h.r< "'" the gr.lndd.ddy of all 1""'>:
it "" ulted in 4,214 like, and 1,249
toum.ment cirrui� where h e ""nl
hl< 6·foot·3·inch, IBO.pound (",me to
Re<�'..d h.. ",.d """ ""/'
N".n..... j'" [)'d''''''' ! !
.....""_a Block IMI ...,rom th," still good eff",,', In 1971 he "'J><"enreJ � Olk., oport" ",'''., '",',,,,
,"'nd" (For ",ferenc<, the ''''''ge post bannor )"'>r, pl.dng fi"'t ,t the !'our """, ",,1 ,,"'"
nets 114 lik.,. and 17 ,h.r«,) s..,�,on' Winter Tournament and the
j j
. " "' • •,,,n, ":.n . " ••.,-...,,""nn,",,",,,,, " I.I'-'.".T'J
like. "He ...... ,h. "'...,., I ....rtod ""'...
tlal OrIS.'
r..,. ot<cfttlon oIso 10 V.n Cliorr. m... •

lion of ""Ilf. (any inoo BruilWt pit.

JlWI. IllotldI...,.�
.. '" the o::bim tha,
""1Iy WOO a njllt_ .._ 0/1' ....• •.,.
•1Ii.. fat � wha, hi<,,,
dld."Wha, I "" "" the � is _"'"
alistk I>ocause I "" 'br opposi� for tho
camera 01 ....'.. I helie, .. in: �Ii)o ..Id
In 0 1'17S I n,.rn"",. '1 Ipropl. u"" ",,," t
they _ On ,h• ..,..on lor ,tree' flght..
I'.rt of 'he ",oson foe Kelly'. pragma·
tl,,,, no douh, ... ",,,,,d
, from hi' .ho·
�n.ryu roou, hu, <>ne .1.., m ust Cf"ellil
Go«i<>n Ilowrwb. who ....... .....,
.. his
blUO" manlal lnnuenas-
o..c. h.·d bull, . Keli)o modi·
, ned wha, ,,"!d Ia...
r d from '"�'''''
.... In ..""""", and ""atool the JI .. Kelly
•• Method, ""'Idt he p;u;sN Oft In prfvate
IasonI; '" the amnl"l ..... 01 $100 an
hour. "1 only ,.odt II"fS who .'" bIadt
• bel... he oaHI. '1 �odt ,,�""""" 100·

ra� w ..bI ... tio .. oIalll'lpting meth·

The ... ...11 h. "l'<'u..,.;I t.., """"
dumhed .lel. ..,,,,, ond �.i....-untn
he d ....'.d an optning. ",he"'ln he'd
Immedlo" 1y ottac" with pow.r and f.· fREE GUIDE TO .11M KELLY
rod'!, H.. 1<..y """.gle. Invo�·.ru �.t· To r_ v.o Jim Kolly ..".,. ""'" v.o �
'In. behind hi. op""n..... """king 1\115 ..... 01 � sz.r.. _1MIInc! �
'",,'Me 19H nick from Wamer B...... Kelly .""rwd top 10. Shall TV ..rIes. ,Itol. balo"ce and kn"dd"i the .. to the on .... � . � 10 blacl<beI""", <XIfIlI\Oft.l<oIIy
.., J:, ,*'-d -d9toI '�"'*vtdv.o"-
bllll". with I'm S"""," and F",d Willla",<on_i111 th_ "'c., 011 Kelly'. dodet was ''I76'.1Iot. 1'0<0'0 from Worn.... .....
.<tln 1970sdn_accu..l!,. to B...... Ita.. the m""IoI."ist do bo,tI. wi,h kld....ppen In lhe
I!!!d!C'Mt!rMoo1u9?m, "Th. act"'" seq""!>Cd ...,ned Iu"ll .. of Thailand. The m<ni. beam . ...oth.....It . duol<- 7im Kt>II1 ......_I.IllIttt_ .....
'honks '" KdIy'l _ ""rato lectlnlq.... .......po
. ... ...d tbe",bt«t o f . cove.-01"')1 In FIg/Ililtg Sl<Hs. .. cIIom".". III ......1 "''''''dol<>- U!tIcdid __""', tribu,. 10 a ""'" who ...... nd .. adored
timl.,,- w�1 wrote. Sb: motion piclu_ �. n<h benon""Iln some way -"- "-l In San oqo. __ su/foring from by mill.,.... no. bri&\l'''''' is. i�, an
When IOlbd abo," his potentially rnonfamous ..,..Jt;ort. from ,ho ....",.1 \almlS ofJim K.tIy carocer.ln Ja<t.1t..... tcrmi,..] = 0_ tunity .......Ind
.. 'hr wur1d 01the
Kolly �pllnl. -, do n' 00'&",1<1 be j,m Brown or FI'ftl Wi]· ..... II<IIy _ hil iIC't.
In his lac... yt' ".. IaoI "'OW we did "'Iflhrr was arcomplish....nU 01 11m Kelly th< .......
11 """",-11 , ..., "",nl lo b e Jim Kelly a
.... pl lMlfltu bIodc '�rdIds 0{.11 1M /fIWI< titoo,/'''' Kn1)' "., do.... Ito-TI oJ·
1"1 oppoM"M]a dwI",,�.SO lie took to Wortd� In M.<do.· W.II lim , I '>I"� lint Kelly
""'.1)' I ....'" on 1M Krftn lbat �Id. an kl<nllly wlllL" � lot ""N"'1l<rnIfor<lam,\,!, "'" In • H". Kootg kIItI9fu pbrl"l leMiI to kee-p h,rnsdf In ,],apc. looked Ii"" ""'d I"" ....igll�.oo I ""ked I,m Kelly the role O'IICIdcl. I,', for till, fi·
film ", on .... '1<:010
... ""'>llul.", fHT'dIJ(f/ott "",in. 8rva U!r In hi. f"", tome. he app ..rC<l .t ....Ie
... wh:t ..... h,ppenin.. H�, ·It·, jU<I a ...I'� orltilll�be,"" "'� model
"(ntDin/),. Jim Krlly "Ual_ ""'" rnk--mod<l 0/"/11$ .......1< btcou«, allM ""d of''''' d<I)\ titool ...,.. ,..,ug/I: and wml.,.book """"",,tions, ""'.... ...actlon to "'me 'n,ibio'ic, I'm taking.' '0 IICne..tlon. of younl"�'" . roun d
""""'>I ilfrkr>"""mrrlc"n kldJ and 'aM during /It< 1970$.' -Croll'/)._ Ito ....ed
... t<l ",11.h th< ch••e. to boml He ..... In and Oul of'h� h"'p,ulaft.or ,ru, world-th.t we'", InduCling him
_o..�nR.IJ wI,h f,ns- tha,. bu, he ",dn', tall< .bou, i'; into th� iliad 8.11 H:II ofFam. as 2013
'Iim ""'. " _�rf"( numbl•....10. .. H, ""'. on Icon In th. '1 ",Iked him In", d<llng "ul" Kelly .v.ntu.'1y 10<1 hi. bonl•• pa... "'an ofth. V••
N�l on. to .h� ....oy from work. Kelly churned 0"1 """*I 0{ "'''>11<01 arts. H•...... a g,..,,1 InfJ""""" <HI II/rlco"' ,how, "'I'h Whn S.""n .nd me; !lob InM .....y On lun. 29. 2013. He', sur·
ye' anoth.r film In 1974. an MGM f..,u... ailed Gald," �,*"n kid. g_l/y. lim ...... "... of Io\ot first � 10 W.II said. C.,.nrmlng tlut the whole iI vwed by M.m. H�ntl<)'Kelly. Iti' wile _1"-••.-,11-. W. �!s
N""",,-J� Don 8ak... (WalkIng rail) starred• •nd (1011$. ,n� B"" I/Ionji...lltsu. Ik/_ "" pourd .....,..... 100<1 tolbod �"ee ,],an th ,um 01 ti>e pari£. wall of JJ yu.... .nd Sa""'na Kelly·lkwl.. ,"-••� _ d_ &lit.
... "" .pln dl�'od, Koltys rol. w",' "'1�lveIy min", ."""1 _/riIw "/I'''' I<lgrl"'" ,H•...., .. • ....n """Iter ....... , ..i<! tIIIt each tlmo the trio mad< ... ap­ Itl. ",,,,It,or.
"'0, "","'pt'"1 r.... to cum"",l. 1lI.l lh." Idol dldn', 1" 1oo<IJIIt'OI ""ptC/ and adm'''''/oft "": pta\j] Ii.... 01r�..-fa.. would 'A, lint'• ..,.,mortall aid he .1ways
. ...."'" "'.....n time �d m",. h. h;od on ly 011< r"hL Th. ..." f<M Immcd� ...... me think of ,I>< 00II& My W"Y be· �oIt>g
moyie, h""""r. ", WU "'prdod ... ._ ......11". eo,..­ For _ ..ill .-."'" in th< moddJr of ca..... I>< did iten
It AI< """}< H. was 67 ..
ci.olly with'n the ...."
. ..1 ..... <ommunil)< lion V�n c];o,r, ....tion
.. of th< loct that ,"n ""Uy_.. d .. 2013--....nd. u.. ti.... I notkN th� he died. and he nrftf' ohar-cd wi,lt '11)'
"�'I<'" litlod Takfo" IIGrdIlirk foIowed. K<11y pIoyell o role model for Amun·""","",". child_ ...".."" tt.. wur1d sodol medlo metria tha,ind....'ed II<IIy bodytJt,a, be .....$Idt. H� ....
, tool .,.....,.
opposite a"''''n and Win"mson �I'" with th� addltiOft .. """,'nly iIoCnInt�. bu, jlld....g I""" ....t.. I've _II ""'i� ....iii' """ 01the m",'_Lor .... rtial body 011. nced·...·know buIs."
of w�·mcll vn....n I.ft V�n Cirfl. Krlly', follow-up
_onS" _ &I� i, -.., , go for el1O\lgll. ""Ily ..... . j .us" lit thc.."rkI-l�1ongwith�. I"",lally. 'he pion_bod I ""'!\aged
>nO � /)OW... 1'wo 10 Go-whicb unit..! him wilh H",,"n "'� mod.1 for .n prop/<. Aft.. hil dea'h. wuntiao �.. I i1181oc1<&l1.,.,.,t= tried to ron� him to wntact Kelly and wnd .... an inl....
a nd WiIIi.mson o"� mOR tim�. On ,h.. oc" ... howev· Imv..! .t 0\1. o/ficn-from AI";,,,.·"m""""ns. .. """II as • 10 set up an Intoni..... All our attemp" vlew_..... for I,'0 be a Wl' er story. In'
er. 'h�i. cohort was RICh.n! Raundtr�......r of ,h. popu· C.u casi .... H "
l coold be delC'libed.. rpi< I.ils. .tead. hll ...."r
'f'ln,c;. ,'of)'Alia
and iI...pos,humo",
_..p",ss l"g ..ntim.n ts

.. " . I, • OU,I " .

."t, . ,.• "" '-".'11 "''' !I'. �'••, ', ,r" � ;.n '" .' \, ...''',,''.,''� "'-' '''11''"''' .''''.'' I"' 1.·•• "'.• •\
hm rna.. peopIr think allum·

/ Ir. pound-m.ed m.o..w ......

It!< fim I..... _ UN
mind ... in....
.. ... to
� • a_I·
.ad!i .. ",bmiDion t«hniquoo< oc a
Ian in a gI •
compoli_ln. � 1"..-.I;mII .....
_.. .,.,.....d,.nd'pound <>priORI. n.. R"'''"
mania'''' al.,...... i n cuntnR, two ....uniform.
... ",It< .nd ......... _iq__ Whilo< Iha• .;:an ...
mlnd.bIow! .. to .... ""'.+ _. I�. """',
,..... .... fy$lemo prxUtio....,. Intftiliblt <kplh
and brtidtIt<$OIOIL
Unllko ..... �ty ... ory\<o ""', Imm<diatdy
IWItch \0 pappll,. ... ...... "" 1M n"" 110<$ til ....
""" nd..oyu.. ... hall ....ouch bias.1.�
. oftodl·
,,,. . _ aI .., todlniq.... � 1...._
fib ril" � ad""". , . roo..;.., on _men'
3 to bel.... urwJentand�. ',"' <kv<'lop �
buotN.."".I .,am haw '" .pp/)' -",.,don"",ngth'
..,h.. ,han brul. m"<cul.i, ..�gth.
I[thl< &Ound. neb"loo. to you. ,ha,', OK. -n.e
....,. m.oJ<H'l,y orpeopl e, �n OIt.", martl.1..... "".
p"rto, who look .t <YO"'''' think ,,', r.k,,; Wh..,I·
�r ••plaln•. ",,', not until you'v< It that you
kn<>w 1(0 compl""'ly ",.1. Th� .yokm I. ... 1 and
u'e ",. ul to .", ,..llleau .. It doesn't ",Iy on con,
ltM:d d"",,,,,,,,,,.,, . oe rum.;uLil. Wh.n you . ...
I� you'l w.tnt to bo alll. to """'I"'''....ntoll.. It,
but "" matterhowyou try to do ""'�you'atl<mpl
"III foils short. System» Is INlyIto ""'n thing.'

1'1,: 0"" , 1lI(11I' II TIlE 1111" (', liT \I'

As I ....'ch 1M I... En,ll<hman 'each, be storts
by ...mlndl.... IMdass llIalln sysIema,lhcydonl
, 1'-'11 ""ee to ,hoi. ,round ,,,,Inl,,, as ",..ppllni' bul
_ ... __ (1)
",u.... "FOund wotY or "FOund nghllng"
b«a.... combo' I<n', nml� '0 ,..ppI'ng ,cd>.
croM, .-.I ... .,.. '
""",os. Thll from syst..... . or1,ln. In S.
1t\'III_'" '- righ1 ..

.. _ ... �,, 7"", vIo,spodo l-opo",UotlS .""'po.

'iliaci" ......... '1'heR'u d'ff....""'.. ...._ btl",a lighterIn
_ too """", .. hi l1li ".port ....... orlport S)'SIt'm and be,n, I p .....
tooliog � __ 1Or JIon,oI open,...;" WhHlor... "The professional
"'- _ In_ opo"'''''' II on, wlto needs to finl.h hi' mi<slon,
.. . 10•'d"" ""'" I'io
ftO ....u... ....u. lhot sj,...Ilon. "" ....u...""""'Ihe
.6 IighlIIOMW (.� .... ...
Inj"'l' no mOl"" wlto or h_.....,.1hc """"'JI,"
... 01 ... ..... ....
.. '':
............ 10 • .., '"" ..."'" bqI•• wllh Io'aIkl", ....osag•• I
- .
........ . righllog. - drill In ....Idt OM "udenil l.. "" hi. bellywltllo
_. ... two> ...
""'" " anolhe. ,Oft'ly un ,'''' prnno person', Int
and bql •• '0 W'.lk l_nI his head. To 1M """
I'Iio 0"·co _ too ,kit•. Ihls may _m In=Iy fo<u.s<'d on "'.....-­
awn r9'""",. ''''''0010:
.1_ pnoclku like 'Thol m_go or <neS:I iftly
.- . - ..
polnful and risky.
...... lutodilo... ..... ..."
or*> .. 1>0 (5). " ..0- g"'" Ihe rKlplent a '''''nc. 10 1J<ocG..... mo",
........ orl<nsc<i ...... In hi. body .nd olio"" him
_.1-. __ _
• "'- tnok (I). 10 I••", h_lo <leal with atlKks alm<'<l It 'hoR
�"'•• by ...1.. lng Into the p�."r•.

.. •,. ".. .....] " " .01' ;11 ""''' 0, '0.,. ..W'''H"�, ,,,,, .......... ""'-""'.• "" . , ",I'-'.Il.' '19
,,( WT .�1o..1 U S

·Sy"cm. I, ,jmpk; ""YS Wh�.I.r. whn me to tI,. ponch, "I kn""� he "'Y'- "It
'pent 10 yea" wnrklng as • 00""00' looked fake, rightT I nod in agTftmffi"
• In Ih� UK befo,"" mo.'ing to the Sta ...
t "Th.!', the problem with �em .."
"Find the t�nslnn or 'n� "';"'"," in a Wheele,..yo. "If)'Ou don't �. frame
boJy and ..tad< I•. I f tho t.rgd. i>oJy of refe",nce for it, it looks fa"". When I
4 can', dl.. lpate the ten'ion in respon<e watch"d Vl.dimir [Vasili.,.) playing and
10 that .ttack. it go.. hu" fir Inl"'od. If then took da,,,,,, from lorn. I knew right
It Cln dispel"k the ,hock or fnrce with_ 'W»' that wl..t"""r I w., "";ng w.o,
out h''''ing to ....i. .. It, thar. the mo" nothlngcomf'l",d towhat I was f..,ling:
efficient w"'j of de.lIng "1th an .ttad< K""p i n mind that Wheeler wa, ..-
and nnt gelling inJu...,J by it,· ..bllshed in the martial .rt, world
While .hl. stratogy ,ound, similar '" befo.. hi, "po,ur. to "JIstem•. A, a
hlgh.I,,'.1 ",i chi fir aikfda. thfl'� com­ 'ea",ned k,"po belt with train­
panson, ,hould 0.. ....i."'d.
. "Some of ing under >orne of the top name, in the
the aikido peopl. h;",. call.d what w. "JI"em,a, ...ell .. ,olid judo, moa! Thai.
do "fun",lonol aikido: whate...r tha, boxingand Filipino m.rtial arts .xill,_
means," Wheeler .ays. Sy.tem. I, ilS no' to mention hi' �a", os a bouncer
OWn anim.t a nd that bea:>m•• lnerea,· in ,om. of london', rougher clubs_he
Ingly <lear a, Ihe cia.. goes on. a , "'rt>inly no n....comer to ,h. ,.,.

Working frum diff,,'mt rdng.. un the riety o f te<hniques thot .'" taugh t .,
JIr"Ound. hI> studenlS attack ••eh olh.r part and pareel of mllSt fighting .rts.
with • p",�"",.lon 0/'gj;re.. lon•• tarl· Sy 25, he'd left �ngl.nd and m""'" to
Ing wilh grab••nd mo,'in� Inlu hold., the United States, whe", h. earned a
strik.. .nd "",a pon" Wh..I.r d.mun· repu"tion '" , "trong instructor .nd
Martin � .tart.
stral.. lechnlques Ihat iIIustr.'e 10.. qUickly found him""lfin de....nd on the
""'1>0 9'"""". t..,ng ....
_"J}' ,"",', • •te� ",fin."" of ')'Slem", approach, , how ' ..min.,circuit.
forward will> 11>0 _nlion Ing diff....nt .... pon... fur ••eh .ll.ek. Wheeler', "JI"em. teacher, VI.dimir
oIotrIIdrg (1). Tho St.r1tng frum wha, , u.ually eon sld· V..,.ili.v, is . legend in Ru"ian ""'rti�1
oysj""'" ,1)0$01 _. a ....d a posillon 0/ Infer iori ty-ly ing un art, Circles, hoving "erved in 'peci,l.
fool _p'""""" as "'" operations units ,nd been the fir" to
Ih. �ruund wilh • student moun llng
.,... If "",., 'argo (2).
him and ready 10 rain down puneh..- open' 'JI"e"", school outside Ru""u,
FoeIO'Ig 'M' his Dab""",
Wh... ler d",p. the studenl fac.·first The two met wh.n Wheeler attended
i$ boing �,
t!lo�dt-. ontu the m.t wilh whal .eem. lik• • a semina, in �lorid, whe", V.,ili..·
cum pound elbow b...ak 'n" immedl" ...a, te.ching. and Wh""ler wo, so im·
1""""'0 at _'s r;gr,1
_.--"".- ...Iy mo"" inlo a low e"'ueh. While pr�'<ed that he began m.king �ular
'" "....ash • Pl'nct> (31. m.ny mounl """pe. I'"" ...n a... lrips '" Can.da to l"'ln undor V.'ili�v.
� ...-...... - more In"ol....d. Ihl. ooe I. bhndingly "Rack then, I wa, at the "'P nf my
a"" _OIoIV 10.... game-I ...., 'parring with the best
fast without ""ing j.,ky or ru,hed, To
11>0 man', back (.-5). He
"" honest, it looks fa"". right.... around .nd h.ld "'y owo_
oonIroIs t!lo 0\l!K>MflI'.
hut Vlad dl""semhl.d m. In .econd•."
spino witl> his k_ a""
Q';ri:. .... ..0.:1_..0 FH.ICI'''1 T Wh•• I�r sa)'S. "During 'ho,� t",lnlng
(5) He ttlon diseng"ll"'" Wh""ler b",.ks it down for the stu­ ••"Ions, I wasn't m...lng .",und when

and ,lands: K rWHId be, 7 dents. most of whom are .itting there, tl")'ing ", ot him, hut th.nk God that
1>0 """ ,..,., up ,..;u, • wondering what JUSt h.ppened, He VI.dimir was. O'h�rwi'e, I'd be dead.
"<JIT1!II7), move, hIS hips upw.rd .nd m.k .. the "Vlad'. ,kill I, nrr the charts, hut the
..tacker ",.ct like hIS biol.nce i, <om­ most Imp"""iv� thing .bout him i, that
prom,,,,d, To regain or m'lntain hi, h�'. still I.arnlng. "ill I"'proving and
moun� the attac""r autom.ti",,'1y puts "ill growing."
hi, .nn, out, "Th.t', where h . ten,"",
and that', whe.. I ,tart to ""pitali.. on II ITlI( IIT II \11' ",:
i�" Wheeler Th. ,kill sets that '''' P"" 'nt In 'y."
Moving mo", ,lowly. he bridges hi, tern. ground work a", ,imilar to those
hip' .nd intercepts the ou""etched uscd whil• •"nding. Once, V.,ili,,'
arm f o r . n e.,y elbow hyperexten'ion asked Wh••ler hnw many ",.rtl.1 arts
.. the ",me moment his hips Come biock h�'d ",.,ned. A�.r tillnklng about it
down. Th.t cau,"" the ,rudent to drop bri.ny, Wh""I.r ..Id, Stnking. �r.p·

hi, ...,ight jU51 to Wheeler', ,ide, .lIow­ pltng .nd we.pons 'ystem""
ing for an e,"JI e=p<. The R\I""lan .n.",om!:"So)'Ou na,,,
As he allows 'he ,ruden" to practi", lhre. ,.U uf elolh"" Ihat )'Ou ha'-e tu
the tedmique, I 'peak to him 00 the "de. ch anso Intu d\lrin� • F'ghl depen"in�
�nes, He � my expn=ion and be." un ",h at .ituaUon )'Ou find )'Ou....lf

l<J " ,,-. "U I

. .."I, 00'" "n "".," "''' "W••
tl! "W-"UlJI\!,'-"W
in? You'", born n�ked, you die n�ked, m""ing mor< effiCiently tn.n [.m, [n.,..,
So it'. best 1<1 fight n,ked, You h,v< no 1<1 '1<Ip �nd laugh at how thoroughly he',
WhedM"\lUard, lflo
t<chniques limiting you th.ot way, only down<"d me, ""Th>t', the nght "",ul�' he 5 <>PP<I'*'1 ._10
principle. gUiding you_ Th�t'••ystem. ..ys, "When you finish with••mil. or a Slril<e (1), _Ie, """'....
. •

Op< .. ting on the p",mise th.t ten, l.ougb. tn.t', good training." Iflo puoch,.;o, .. . Ie!!
.ion i. the enemy .nd th.t the rele."" .rm and ..... . his 10gnC 10
or "'."ignment of ten.ion i, the key to 1'\1l \IJl;;\l.�lIWl· """'". "'" <'1M'. l>a1MCo
•utvi,..1 and ,d'p",bility. the "P"'" Thinking �oout mo", seriou, ...."ers. (2), Mo._, he t.y;o..
'ajsjng .. . figI1t k_.
.ion, of 'JIste.... a", increJibly ,mooth, I ask Wheeler .oout how this type of
Wheeler I..... <:<><11"" Of
In.",.d of high'power, hlgh''''ofncity, "'otit .pplie' with ta<llcal group•. ·'n . Iflo <Jtl!K)nMI'.
I head and
hlgh'effort or hlgh,tens lon techniques, "IOtic.1 sltu.tlon, if' 00 diff.",nt (rom 0,,11<.. .." unOt< tho cI"On
all I g�t from Whe"e' i. a disconcen, any otller ,itu.tion ., far a s 'Y"em. ....... ,..'_13),Uoing
Ing feeling of al",.ys being in the wrong i, ""n""rned_you wont to be ahle to Iflo 10 crank Iflo neck
pl"e at the wrong time. mo", smonthly without ""trl<llon, .nd .00 tho body, WhoeIo,
'Most people pnorlicate tneir mow, tile 'ppll., for your weapon: he ..._ t!>o man \0 "'"

ment on ten,ion, .nd tne",·' "ill ten· .. pl.'n, ""f"", d�mon'tr.ting . ..rlos ground (4), Tho systom•
PI_lo<>o<go .. '"
.ion and jerldn.,.. In your mo",ment, of ,imultaneous "co",," and d...",,_
,..,."', ....."., ill """"'"""'<3
e",n a, ",I..ed a. you ."'; he "'....u.... . H..inl: worked 00 e"en'i>'ely with the I>y t!>o ""*"_ of his
me. ·ReganJles, of wh.t po.itlon you'", poli"" an d miljtol)', he knows what he's �_IO his.,... neck (5).
In. the Id�.1 «p ....on ... of systema I, talking .bout_whlch Is why he can Wheeler ""'" _rnDer.
like the perf"'" judo oweep' You f..1 dell"" time .nd lime .galn ,,'ithout (�) and e""",t,, 8$ (7) a
yourself m<wing .nd ""'tehlng your foot h.ying to ""mproml.. III, prindpl", of "".... fist to tho jaw.
get "'''., pt, but you con't .top it_ If, like mo",ment_
stepping In1<l. oonoml"" hole be""u.. The beauty of SY"ema ground work
you'", not g�tting mnveJ in . ...."'1 . th.t Ii.. In IU oe.mle .. unity with its otller
.. " off the .lann bell ortbe ",d light in mod .. of enmh... nJ .dhe",n"" to the
your h"'ln_ I don't gi'" you anything to cen t...1 pnn<ipl .. o( "",.thing. ",I••,
",act to that d"""n't my Inter..", .tion, mo>'ement .nd PO"u",_ 'Notice
hut I stillincop><i"'te you_ And becau.. that .t no time "'., I In d.ngor ofha..,
I'm not using m"""m�n" th.t allow you ing you take my weapon, �"�n ",h�n
to "nS« d'ng.,r, your n......Ou' 'y'tem yuu w.... Il)'lng 10 la�e It," he says.
d"""n'l ..act untiI it" I"" late." "While you "'.... busy Il)'in� lu lalre m y 1
gun, "'" we... 8lvin� me plenly o f ways
FEEU\t; I� nEUE\ 1\1: to finl'h you, i\,Ijaln. II .,1 �""" b""k l u
Wh""ler Invll" me 10 « SOme system" , prindple', They dun'I <hang.
h,,'yle ground ""rk .....Ith him. .nd I lust be""u.. I'm weat1n� a gun, hold­
•ccepl eag.,rIy, At; I ""'''' to oul-po'itlon in� • weapon. ,landing up or un Ih•
hIm. ,ubmlt him, strike hIm or ollte.-wI .. gruund:
oulfighl him, ir, soon apparenl lhal I'm A, an In<"'''in� number of m.I1I.1
moving hire Bambi on.n 1<)' pond, No .l1lst.. I,w·.nfort« personnel
mailer m y p;>sillon, I <>n'l g.,1 Ihe up­ .nd mililal)' oper.U"es ",porienee
per h.nd, And he',.Iways sewnd, a.....ay system', Ih. life-or·d"",h pradl""l­
frum pulling me In maior joupardy. ily uf Ihe principles will filler inlO Ihe
On. of,y"e""", mo"emenl <one.pts, The .«.ptane. (J( I he 'ys­
I, 10 n",'i�ale belw.en Ih. opponent', tern on. wider I""el from lite m.I1I.1
limb, In"e.d of meettng folU .....ilh .rts publiC may talre a",hll., howe>'<r.
fo",. and plunging h ••dlong Into a "When you ,•• SOmeOne like Vl.dimir
dln<h or tI.-up. So for each time I II)' V.'ill.... "',,"'Ing. "'" .llher prel.nd
10 cunlrol Wh.eler', limbs or ,pine, yuu dldn'I ..," ",hal you ,,"W .nd 18-
he', .I...ady I••dlng me off·balano:. no"" II, or you <om""rlmenlali"" It Inl"
InlO .nolher I... p. Ea<h "rllre I try 10 • frdme uf ...f.... no:. ynu <an under­
I.nd drop. into nothing o r . nom-.,i5l­ ""nd," Wheeler says. 'Either w.y, you
ing .urf.«, le""ing me un.ble \0 IT<.te missed wh.t system. i.,
d.m'ge or .m'.nlilge .nd further into "System. in .11 its facets i. truly its
• p o,ition of rompromi••. Wh""ler, own thing, It'• • complete pa",dlgm
on the other h.nd, i••Imost .Iway. in .hift in how you look.t "",,,i.1 art, .nd
po.ition to br ••k one of my iolnts or .t evetything in gene",I."'"
inn,ct .ome ..riou, pain with one o f
'yste"",', famous punche<, ABOUT THE AUTHOR'
As I tl)' h.nJ.r .nd go foster, Wheeler r./arlo; C'-fI" one (}/BIB<i< fJeII:' C<Ylt<b­
,hilts ge." ogain .nd goes ",,,n .Iower. �Iing odI<;v", Fa< .,.". """""_.",,,,,
He'. not m""ing foster th.n I am; he'. __, >isM _1Mys/!m!>a:m ,

I' 0"'.-••'U I ,.-., "'11 "n "".'11 "'''

Up ('loS('
,-on.. . A, th< 2011 S'.ampunk World',
Fai,. I>< ..... . I.., . ...... ', ..,d
_hop I",de•. In • oom=a'ion. h� ••
dabo<atrd an ,I>< <ty\r< in whi'" th�
found..- 01 bartiu. lrain<d: "Wha, liar-
,,,,,-wn,,,, ....n'«I '" do ..... "'''''_ '''
In ""'1 nuden, ... hu: ..._ IiI. ""peri.
� I1i<=...1"'1 tlt� _... world and
nudyi",d<fe= ')"trmL .. .

Revi ving the "Mixed" :J\1:artial -In onl... '" do th.a� h e bro<tp'ln .....
peru In .."rtous disdpll..... A_IllS'
,Moe ....... 1'1<.... Vlln)'. • SWIss ,.,

lht of Sherlock Holmes aNI... and ,., ""'" �Ist ...pen,

and SwUo: w.-..oJln;a:dto:tmplon Arm;tnJ
CItor'l'lliod. In addition, a.""".Wfi£h1
.. In • co�pIo I1i Westmorel;tnd·
ttl; 7
.ty\< _rts. pri>dll!l>Una I>:>...,..Iaouck·
"no. /w"", D{SIomod Holmrs. arts on Sh;ott.d>ury Awn.,. In tho Sol><> I< "th...... ",,.,ado o utside ,he ...,. Im 01
__ "'lIw""",,,, ..;;;;;p .......
Sir Atthur Con.n Doy\< """ his S<'ction I1iLondon in 1998. Hio pl_ •portInll,ulil;,m.- I0I0 ....'. .. e", .... ,
Mro "'PI< i n hand-to-h;;md IO P"'-' " oynth.. io 01 coml>;o, .,yIes llalfwo}t .round the "","" In ",pan. Dc. "..OW: ...... ...., ;...
an i
"""I» I wiltl hIS Mori­ for- mm ud wom�n. indodi", ,he 10· 1IMt"".W","' he,...,,,, one 01 tho n"" -... ""'. --"'-
any. A/to....."rd, Holm.. ..plain s to Dr. ....Ir> ...00 ...,..., br,n, h"ruoed ond ford"",... '" '''''in In • n... ....."101 • tod:n"", ... _" • • •,'Y
Watson .-Ily how u.� r'llh. "nfold..!: bratrn brc;o"", 01 th�i. in...Iv�"",n' In opon alle.l tooo. -(Ii<: .......I so) among _rd�Il ___ ."'5
"I "",]ked .10"11 II>< p;lthw.oy, MOO­ tho suff�"� m...._n� .. th< �atilr>' Weste, ,,,,... to study .."hoI _t:t;I, _ OUt ___ ""'r
any 'till at my h� .... Whon I ",,,,,,hod II)' ,
.... dr. Il>.non.Wril!l>' ..... an �"CI· they ",I"", hock tlten ...."'n... '01"". �""" ""_.oo-�.ond
11 ... __ ....... Ioq ... ....
110. ond I <<00<1 at boy. H. dl"<'" no """'. ph)'SOaI tMnpio' .nd � nt... p... •Hni-It would "" kl>Own I>OW a, fujlt·
. ,.. r..o _lI"btyHoo'ldo .....
. ...

..... pon. but h. ",.�d a t m. and thnow """•. Hl5 ,"'001 ",m.,n<d open fo'l"'" ..... Donnelly .. Id. ''''',eron,. h. invl'od
... 1WPItt 801 __ "'_0 t>ta!-
hu; lonB arm.< around m•. H. know "'at four �.rs_...hi'" ..p1>In< why ''''''011· ""1<1" TItnl.nd S.daK.,. U),<nl5hla. Ihe Ing lIP ..... __ 6u! irt "'I' oa., Iw.
hi< own Fm. w... w.o., only <dg� of I>:>nitsu f....<d .w�. No an. gr-.pplln,e.pen, '0 hi' new ___ martl.1 I'tot Idd .........
. "'" '" '3. "'-1_
anxl"., to m•. know, why 'h� oojl>� ..... «hool. When 'he grappling <>1"'1"\$ �
run w:u ... Ld<y1o_ ... �I0""
. h"rt.
bu'ane thrOl'}' hold. th.. I' ..... «lIpo< d """" I••mod up ",lIh I '"I' _·..·Arms nwIt t.:Igo 1« ....
� juji.... .. which had ,t>,trd .proullnl .11 ""rt"" I.. chlng oth<r. .., -
_ I o;c; h t . � ,. ... an �
.....r. of j'p>nosr <y<' schools in wndon. -Add 10 Ihot Ihe In"",nu... which
__ -.... 1I'tat . ".. .... fQt
h .. mo", t1un Befo", that 'imr. m e . le.m<d Itow to c:om. In from F""n<e le ac hing sa""l<".
_I .... oiIc'.ld 10 .... _
J '" I figh' in 'h� a,m<d ..,,,,ion 0' In p""'. .nd you SUt" &","nl: Ihe kI•• Ih'l OK.
-.. . _. hI. Iller. _. ...... ,
Ii"" """ions d"i,,,,,d '0 p"'pa'" ,hem (/tis Is bartl..u, B artl... Is nol . Ihlnll' II I «t<.OI<I "'" _ lIP ....,bo<I)' we.
i �lyfo.. f.w S«Oll<i<, 10' pri..fighlin&- W'lle " trn\lon Is a colledlon oIlhln�. They "" n ted 10 ......, ...... ' ,....... I_I....,. Ilu!
and daW<'<! tho ai r with both his h.o"<I<. paOd 10 odd�i.1 th� tt«d, of ""'I· ...f.rla I, U 'lli·o",unJ fighlln&'-10 br _ I _ otllo 10 .... olDi. aingIo
II... lot aU h.. .ff""" h. rould not &... ...r y cili..,... who mi&h' "",ul", 'kill .1 Ibl. '" defend )'Ourself 01 any 11.-. In 0Itdt; Of quaMntaII.. ... .... first
his balinu. and "'= II< _nL" ..,If-d.feno<. £n� 0"" Willl.1m IMY pia«. anJ "" _ '0 u ... luot_1 _1 _ __ 11>1,1"""",
Popubrlud by Robert O"" ..."Y If. in lI.;t""n.W, Itl)/ ...,apon. T1wtt'J wile", the genU...
atCIuIII\' l'lilwilfo _ ... ' ...... Thoo
M", '1M "" . I'll" 10 do ......
t_ """n' blDckbu.....- fiI..... 1Jol....,. In Oft .nid� titlrd -n.. N..... Art of "",nly art oIbltrt,..... ""m.ln."
"""".ure<.,,, .tlno<ti,. . .. _ s,,1f �feM<; publ",""" In """"",,'J n.. ....l ..... M..-er 10 bul up an ..". __ n.. 17
.""i.....,. and mMtW arlin."", ......, MIl!Jlfzw.Dd ...,printrd in n...ltIortf«� pooIelll. [Ioonoll)' aid. It was 10 waIIt C .. oily : 1 __ .do ... _
Campmdi�m. «Iitrd by Tony Wt>lf. liar­ -or from an "'Q)un� unhartr>od. _rv.'I1. ... ...-.E'Un
",n.W""" ,.ms up ,he allonl p"". For,hat.--... lhe fifh1lnl ph llosoptly __-... ,.tit"I"",*,...,
ciplr> of self· p""",Uon:
,," of I>;ort,,," .....- around dcfen ... or .....Ih./. ___ • ....,
... To dl ot..n. lhe OIlulltbrlum oIyout COU"lcr-olf...... he .dded. _'_ .. _01 ..........
NIIN, d,_",I_
....11."'. 11 would -.. U!al I>;ortltsu, althouglt
_10"'" ....,.,.,]ztybl <0'_
... Tosurprise him before he has '''''''' '" t>Uor-mado r..r VIo:IorIan En;a:Ion<L was
o ,
....I • .
"'PIn his I>;ol;tnoo . nd lISe hl.1tJ'enC1lI. ....Ignfd '" aldl'Ul so",", I1i lhe som.
, -- ... If ...« .t}/. 14 subject Ih. joln1l of -.Is In cmliud sod",>, as """"'m _. .... . "'00:" .'01 .......... .
..II...... a" ... thry "'" •ny parts 01 his boal wh....'.. tIKI<. ....UoJd. I1i seIf-d�..... What ..... ......
, ... .
_eI ." ... t ,,_,
.,.... I, ....... ... tIw _, .....r:atlO/L ..
: '....
shoulder. .11 wrU� I>ack. knH••n· II no! quite '" � h....·H, .. i, "'" o....:9 , •• _oh
HeR', . little of ,"'h.i, th<y'"" ".mod. kit. •1<--10 "... Ino Ihey . ... . n.lDnIl· filt:t \ha, 21'�tury riti...... don',..... _ord.,._ .'.0li:l_..:1 ..
ally .nd mtclunlc:>11y un.ble to ....Iot.
I the -.. �ri"lla top 1>;0, ""d c:ony- ..]'.., Plltlbll' . 'lU.tca,toI...

"'u' :tcI""_"�'"
MI.I ... Martial Arb In the Old World 1"8" "".... Bulas,.,;th :all "'i"8' r..hlOn·
• _ � _ you WI n .. ..

Bartl". ..... round..! by ond nam<d Anal)'Ji' �....m" "'ode ... "'.",.r related. thai Itt:rubjnt to �.�
lCOoIa'lCI c:Mt...-.... .... .....'"
.fU, �dward WIII"m g,ruln_Wrigh, � 01 tlt. ..... m<Jdorn-d<>y I>:>rt,«u 1 ...
• A8OU1' \lIE MI�, , aAn Thoy .. __
{1860.195I),. ","n who ","died 1"1'''" .,.perts I, Mark P. [IQn...lly. h.><I of • _,P'i .. ">.I"'" Ii",�.
a._c., , . ...., '"",,,,_
.nd Judo In 1o",," durin,til< 1 6'J(1$ be·
the Keys"'.e ""=adtmy 01 ou.elln,.nd .. ,..,---
f'g, .,... ;
r."., o",nln." «11",,1 of.,�nl' SWI)I"d,,,,.,n,hlp In Harrlobura. �nn<yl. 1M.'T

� .,. "......., " " .01';11""'''0'",.,. "",

"I ..
�;w" "'
" ·'''·'
' ''
W .."t. ..I'."n,·".,·.",,', ",.I'-'.Il.' 6-
l3mot U. 0lMs M lrigN)
"",,�.1'Iis """"..�
from an ""'9J"'� """'....
(1). Usi<'9,,"-W_­
.. ..., '-- ..., ,'
""' -teo Olingoof jib
-"_0"'"9l 21
His _"'*'"� ... ..­
_ JOUIO '" "'" 1"'9"'
asflw ..m_o.�
rose being " O!5"oiztId
..,;po, ""' ,"".......
arm � lS-6) '" m
_ "'oadr'''' _
"""",, � "

Wato, in .h� Hose h)'dr-.m, As the -"""or" .urge. in the di· Now use 'he vi,,,,,liz;otion for
Befare )'Ou initiate, ""ike or kick. if< �an of the target. your leg """PI' ou� )'Our ,ide ki<k.nd hook kick. both of
. 'o dl"'orn 'h, most direct ""h t...'lng It.. momont )'OUr foot mak"" wh,ch should bE na higher than
ta tho target. To b.lp "uMnts dc,·dop C"""C!. t•• wal". f..ob tim. you ret , ..
" " your leg.
their obility to do this. I teo,h wh,a I im;,gine that )'Ou·", cr�king � whip. lie
c�11 the w.oter-in-th.,.ho>< principl•. Whip in Ihe Hand Sur� to .""ume the on-gu;onl position
More a ""'"gh'.r p....'url..,. • hos. Th� wa'.r-In-th.-hose yl,ion ""­ afterward., lu" !J<.,n ""nn"",.d to a fi", hy_ e",i.. will belp )'Ou get )'Ou, <trike or After you"", 'l"'nt ,uffici.n' tim. m�n_
Use Visualization 10 Improve Your Jeet Kune Do Strikes and Kicks! d.-.n� it·s fairly flexible and gn .,., in kick out to tbe .. rge� the whip ,isual­ tally 'p.-.ying ......... from � he>« and
BY LAUAA u. DAVIS II vin...lly .ny position. The moment the iL1tion "",mse "ill help)'Ou get it b;ock. <n<king' whip, il"s time to put the two
p......,... I. ,"mped up. th. force of the Envl:!lon you"'�lf holdin�. b.lIwhlp l<Jll"lrlo< , ThaI will yield tt.. lastest, most

.,,1., a"l:!\5 I",,, to dl,· p1Oneh. which he uf'en I"'rfurm�d '0 wilh lh" ch,mbEring ph"" CJn bE , flowing "",.. t cou'"'" it to become rigid. ond then c,,",king it, It', the finol ,no", ""p!osive ,ni\:eo: ond kld,, )'OUr hod)' ""n
cu," thHl"'ed, po�r and convince those who doubted t •• poten· li f
....ver in a fight i>eau,"" it m;,\:e" i t ....suming the ,-a"" is ol"'n. w.oter will wh,ch ,..\:e" place at full &tensian. that =1<. lust ... ", ..,mber to go ,lowly ."
inten,ity af Bru<e Lee u,· tiol of ,hon.ronge .triking, He·d "..n much hanler far )'Our opponent to ..e flow <l.-.ight aut of the, Unl."" guarant"", the lechniqu.·" .ff"",i",,­ )'Ou J",,'I puU .ny muscles-some of the
ing "pressian, of in<r�· with h.. fi<t, mere inch from, focus )'Our fi<t bEfore il ma\:e" contact, somet.1ng I, .....,," ng ...ith tn. equ Ipm.nt, ne.. .nd ma\:e, t •• tip of the whip an"" you'll ""II "" might. n'" be "<ed 1<0
dulit� lik. "How could ho"" that fa't?" mltl that wa, hold against an assi"'nl·s K""plng with lhls 'h�m, uf simplicity thi' will hapl"'n in on in,"'nt. qUickly ",tum to the u,," t•• st..,... As)'O" ",,,r,, im."t ... it.h varl-
and "How muld he hit ... hardr To chost. With . jolt of .n.rgy. h.·d ,.nd in O<lion, the I KO principle< a", When )'Ou're �bout to <tri\:e an oppo­ Your job is 10 ..sum. the 0 ....tri\:e, �nd kicks. you It")' 6nd ....t
.n"....'" th..o que<tiaru. we noed anly hl< fISt into the p.d ond <end hi' p.1n· applied to kicking.'s no ch.m­ n.nt. Imagin, that �or ,ho.ld.r I, th� po'illun and p... pare lu dellyor a fin­ .<Orne c.n bE cuupled wi,h tJoe vi,uali.. -
...mine the "",<lure and prin<:ipl.. of ner flying b;ockw.ud, b<ring of the leg before you exeru.. valve an t•• h)'d",nt. Wh.n t •• ".�·e I, g.r J.h. Slo,,'ly extend you, arm .nd I�t ti"", mon: easily tMn oth.... _th.r'
the fig.ting.n 1... left u,- In thi' way. I",. 'e,wd up • 'Impl. the kick Your foot t",yel, directly from ol"'nal, your �rm extend< in the direc_ your hond � 'he target. At full n.atur-.L You, gm, 1'11 ),,, ,, is to opply
1, ..
All t.e t<o<hniqu<s w;ed in jut kun<
do .. king the mo" d,re<l rout�
but convincing demo th>t enabled on·
looke ... to s<e the power th�t GIn be
whe", it i. on the ground to wher< the
..rget i., ..... with the pun<h. thl< m.\:es

tion afthe target, tensing"' the moment
of CUn'act. .... )'Ou run thl' ,-isu·
""t�n.<ian. p.u,� ;os )'Ou vi,uali.e the
wh,p dulng Its thing.lm.glne lh� ,nap.
the principle< of the surging w.oter and
the er""king whip to .11 )'OUr '.chnlq......

'0 the "l'I1et with no w,,,.,.. mutlon g�n�r.t.d wh.n tho �nlt... bOO� Is .s"" I, mu'" <llme.1t fur th� opponent to .li..tion. Imagln. tbot)'Ou """ f..1 thc which produce' the c",ck .nd .nahle. Tha,....ill talre)'Ou on. $1ep dos.r to being
or energy. Th ....·, no chomh<rinll of to hit. Mtect tbe Incoming technique in 11m. W<lter "urging into your �rm �nd )'Our the qUick return. With )'Our finger job .hl. to stri\:e .n.l kid< llire a....... ....
I . '"'
'he hond befo... 0 strike ond no chom· to block, I'"r'Y or intercept it. arm "napping out the t.rget. <till �t full �"'ension. t","sfer the afore­

bering of the leg before , kkk. Same Ve....tillty In Combat If)'Ou don·t chambEr the leg. where Your 'p<od and .fficlency of mov�monl montlunod Im.g0l)' lu )'Our ann. Snatch
might wond", whore th� pow", cume< L.e·, m....g� was ,Impl.: With pro""r d..... the pow�r com. from? It·. gon­ ...111 be enhanced. yauc hand"'ok a, quickly .. posslhle­

from_It ""m"" fMm t •• whol. bOOy' 'ppllGltlon ofbOOy<, ir, not .... ted from you, ,.,.. i,t, )'Our hips .nd This "",!"Cis< alsa an power up your like)'Ou jUst crocked � whip, Repeot to
A prime e..mple of thi" methodology necess.o'Y to dr.w ",",k your orm be_ )'Our footwork, It ,, .11 thr"" to kicIJng. Tho ooly chanl:O Invulves vi,u· g�t th� f ..1 of lh. m"'-.mont. bEin�
<an b< found in Lee·, famou, one·inch fore unle.shing > punch. Di<l"'nsing "",\:e, fasl and decepti'" IKD kick, .1i'ln� thaI your hlp Is tho '-dh.. 00 tt.. 'ure 10 vl,ualiz. lh. whip oaoh limo,

li ,."'-,"'lO"nn'.'l0"''' I,I.\.-.O".T �
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'PUNT" STIJD�NTS IN (1.ol5s. n·. OK to put a kld

who', won,...;tII kid. '"""0 .... nOt. When a dedi·
ca.«I. «<hnically dt1li.n otu.d.,,1 .t ,.. In...rmed'....
..... 1 is pbced In .n ad'''nud class. It can 1"",,_
1M press"... Oft u.e hiaJw'r·...nkool ..u.d..ntL ......
..-e adI ..nCl!'d st_n" bfo<OI'1& I....ntly .. _
lllat they mlgltl lose tIt<l' privI....,. ... the lower·
. ....denl Iftheydon'lwP ....


"*'PIty thol _.. ....1.. e.rn ""'I. rank In nery
cbss. If they slack oR'" bll 10 p_ ouwd� the
dolo. litO)' kn.... 111 """""'" tit..... frum tho" poflilon
1ft "'" <lass lineup.nd pIaco """ton< •..., tINft. H.,.
body Is "",ra,,1H<! .nylh!nc: litO)' urn thol, pb<o
. time litO)' shaw up. Thl< awarrnuo .11ows
tit..... to <hoose h"", lhq'11 r'HpOIItllo' romprtld...


henrnmark r.ln and .klll·.... ,tand<ords
10 kHfl s,udt,,1S hon..t .buu' thel, en-on .nd 011"
put. fu, the .kill uu. when student< ...ko .n ...m.

Ihey g.t a ....1 sat... . It de ..rmln.. ll they � and
which das< Ihey'll be In lor thai belt .. nk. Fur mneS$.
they impro'..m�n' on ....ry . .xam or they

Pressure Your Students won'l .dvan« i n Th� objecti"" i. to .n(O""".

them to con,un'ty ."i,.. to exc�l no' lu" '0 get b)<

to Excel REWARD BITTER I'El1fOI1MANCE. 1 ...«ntty """'.

heard . con""rsation betw..,n my INn.g••on .nd
SOme friend.. My SOn said he'd mad. ,he honor roll.
A friend .... ""nded. "Ye.h, _Ill ....<1< ,h. d;'lin·
n .ny ><\Jvily. I...... will .Iw>ys be a "hotbed· �",·iron...."' 8"IShed honor roll' Ioty >on ...plied. 'Wh.....r. ... hon·

til.. prod"us prod,,� The question that. 1""u,.bIy ....«I or roll i. honor roll'
i.e. A... the .,kleln ....1"...lly ....... lalen,ed. or I< ,he tnin,"& His buddy spoke up, making � dear .... ' II_n�
envi ...."",.,
......""n.lble for "",..Inl thtm1 the .... . Th� honor roll requ;.... a CopA ol3.2. while
U', an acup� Ihwry a"""'l perso....l·d... 'riopmrn' .p«.iali>.. the dIStinguIShed honor roll ....i"' .. • • 3oS. My .on
tho, p«>pk ad.p' to IMI.... ....ndln,..... WhII. truly motin� pe<>- ilia, if he wan.. to he ·di>tingwohed.· ... ·U
pl. will ,tri>'. to ...ach their "",...Ilal ....rdlea
. '"It!< �rwlronm ....t.. need to mody ....1'11... H� can still be proud olhis 1.2 •

...- will won. only .. hard .. til.,. .-.I to h' 0....' to he the _ bul Ius friend ....d �amed a higher CpA ...d ..... ... •

in th<ir <Urre<lt .ituatlon.. titled to5O� tltiq< my .on ....n·" . H.... It. up ...
F".. """"pl�. if .wden.. cap>ble of 1"'·1.-.M ""'th .rr wortcin& my50n to decide ...... t.ard he wan.. ... _rIo.
in .n �i.. th·l� d.uo. .".,. may .top "",kina .......... ..-. I ...,.,. the ...... concept in u.e dojo. wmple: Hot
'" .".,. <Nli.., Ihty'... above ...
"'ryonc ..... 1l\;It·. wtry our ....0010 aD,..uow bel.. �"" ... lI<.t 1M ..m. ...."'1. Ifa
ha\", It!< Cotft«l and l'alenlod lld....tlon ptOI:I">m .nd "",..""od ....,... ,«d... a n 8UU..... >Con: OII.n ........ he or
P"'''''m.... � oh� is roMid<red ·d«i....tftI ��... for u.e yell__
Thr q"...iGn "" '" bKoones. H_ can ..... os m� .rtI iMlnIc· ..... cyc.... Tloa,�n'i"" "'""oo.. n' ta.....nd ....
cc i(l
toR. .... thl. theory to .......... hat our ...."
... ...... In ... �rwI"",· ..... train willt ,..... i ...uucton .nd p>t1Idp ...
men' tho. <'II(OOU2ft. Ihem to """'lan,ry ....... fg"",rd1 He.. . rr i n crruin ....'ninl <WIl
IT'S REASoNABLJ: TO ASK if ..ud..n.. will quit ....
uS[ C!
tOSS ASSIGNMENTS. I Ilk< to Ullin ..Old.. .. to daIsH. In co ..... of this kind ol '..,Ii. p<MW..... Yeo, .orne d", 1
I, .... o l a n op<n·." poIky In ....Iett 'hey can I" ... any cb.. heliew. hOW'e\'I:'. tha, all p«>pI .. <hould be p ...hed
Ihey I ",...fully'IIC\ .."h cbu ... ....""' .n equal "'1· in tnini", ... they h .... a ""'ler d"'lI<. ..r ",acltln,
.""e a"d �Iny. Every cia.. .... '''''''1.,,,<1<,,.. who pli$h th<ir "",Is in lif ... I t ...dI.. tbem h"", to romp....
Ih. �I oltralnl"l f"""""" OS ....11 '" urdlnary ••000�nt<. TOB.... r. with ""'m..,� ••nd witll o'h...... lust ke.p .h. en\'l·

'hey m_forw.rd •• a troup. ronmen' prof""'ionalfun .nd inspira,ion.l.,..

_ ond .... _ ""'" _�-.-. '"_""'-• •

., . ... . ...11
. " " '''';11'''''''.''••'' ""..•
,... " . ,.,,,,
. '...
"' ... u.s. ond __'"... ."...;,. ,,_ "'_Inc.

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