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Activity 2 - Unit 1 and 2: Writing Assignment


Leydi Manuela Mosquera

Cristian Valencia Peña c.c 1077432779
Joaquin Ismael Montealegre
Niny Javianan Lozano

Grupo: 90121_105

Diana Rocío Garzón

English 3

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia – UNAD

Cristian Valencia Peña
Part 1: After checking the Unit 1 Topic 2: Modal Verbs, write 1 sentence using
each one of the modal verbs regarding your duties and rights as passenger
in a flight: can – could – may - must - should - ought to – have to – need to-
had better - would.

I can carry my carry-on luggage during a flight

I could change my destination flight yesterday
I may have a drink of wine during the flight
I must turn off my mobile device during the flight
You should fasten your seatbelt when the signal stay on
I ought to be careful not to forget my carry-on luggage when getting off the plane
I have to present my board to get on the plane
I need to have my flight time confirmed
You had better be on time for the flight
I would get very angry if i miss my flight

Part 2: According to the topic Past Progressive (Unit 1: Topic 3), each
student must write 5 things you were doing yesterday and 5 things you were
not at home:
I was taking a shower yesterday. I was not cleaning my room.
I was reading a new book yesterday. I was not doing my English homework.
I was walking my cat yesterday. I was not making my food.
I was sleeping yesterday. I was not watching my favorite show.
I was painting my house yesterday. I was not cleaning the pool
I was playing soccer yesterday; I was not washing my clothes
I was in the gym yesterday; I was not cleaning the bathroom.
I was at a dinner yesterday; I was not washing my patio.
I was riding a bike yesterday; I was not watering the flowers in my garden.
I was swimming yesterday; I was not ordering my apartment.

Part 3: Write a text about how you imagine your life in ten years. Use at least
two pictures related to your text. You should write three paragraphs

I will have my own software company

I am Cristian Valencia Peña, technician and systems technologist, I am currently
studying systems engineering, that is my academic project which I must fulfill fully,
in ten years I visualize myself with a beautiful family and children and practice my
profession as an engineer in the creation of my own software company, I would like
to generate employment and that my company is one of the best in the country,
with sacrifice and with the help of God would make this dream possible.
Contribution to the compañera leidy

Leydi Manuela Mosquera Palacios

Part 1: After checking the Unit 1 Topic 2: Modal Verbs, write 1 sentence using
each one of the modal verbs regarding your duties and rights as passenger
in a flight: can – could – may - must - should - ought to – have to – need to-
had better - would.

1. I can carry a book to read during the flight

2. I could change the seat with the person next door
3. I may sleep during the flight
4. I must use the safety belt
5. You should listen to the stewardess's instructions
6. You ought to arrive in time for the flight
7. I have to present my ticket.
8. I need to have breakfast before the flight because if I do not get dizzy
9. You had better than my mother call me before the flight
10. I would be very angry if I forgot my identity documents
Part 2: According to the topic Past Progressive (Unit 1: Topic 3), each
student must write 5 things you were doing yesterday and 5 things you were
not at home:
1. I was Reading a book yesterday.
I was not sleeping.
2. I was playing soccer yesterday
I was not playing the Xbox One.
3. I was watching tv yesterday
I was not washing dishes yesterday
4. I was walking yesterday
I was not running
5. I was skating yesterday
I was not doing my homework university

Part 3: Write a text about how you imagine your life in ten years. Use at least
two pictures related to your text. You should write three paragraphs

Third part
A dream
My name is Leydi Manuela Mosquera Palacios. I am a social communicator and
director of the seed foundation of opportunities; I live in the city of Quibdó. I am a
person who is always training to acquire new knowledge.
In ten years I will have two children and I must educate them so that they can
always achieve their dreams. with my husband, we need to make many trips. I will
have a beautiful family. In my life, I must keep my parents in mind.
In ten years, my foundation should provide job opportunities. I will have to make
many business trips and I think to arrive in time for the flights. In ten years my
personal and professional life will be incredible.
Joaquin Ismael Montealegre
Part 1: After checking the Unit 1 Topic 2: Modal Verbs, write 1 sentence using
each one of the modal verbs regarding your duties and rights as passenger
in a flight: can – could – may - must - should - ought to – have to – need to-
had better - would.

Could I upload my carry-on luggage to the plane or is it too big, should I send it
with my bags?
How many bags could I get on the plane when I need to travel abroad or should I
have a hand luggage better?
I must wait until the plane lands to get out of the chair and should be careful with
emergency exits.

Part 2: According to the topic Past Progressive (Unit 1: Topic 3), each
student must write 5 things you were doing yesterday and 5 things you were
not at home:

Yesterday I was studying English for the final evaluation of the university.
I was not playing all day play station with Carlos at the mall.

On the morning of yesterday I was playing with my dog in the room with the ball.
I was not with my neighborhood friends in the park drinking beer.

Yesterday I was looking for the book under my bed that was lost to me.
We were not planning Rosa's birthday party at Miladys' house.
On the morning of yesterday I was taking my dance lesson at home with my
I was not on the street looking at how the child was crying because his toy fell and

At noon I was reading the newspaper in the living room with my mother.
I was not looking when the plane was leaving the airport.

Part 3: Write a text about how you imagine your life in ten years. Use at least
two pictures related to your text. You should write three paragraphs:

All of us have asked ourselves at some point in our lives the question - What will
we do in the future? - or - Where should I be or with whom? - but in reality people
can not find an accurate answer to this question, at least I, I have not stopped
dreaming, because it is the only way to get to know is to realize it.
The reality is that my thoughts are the only thing that opens a door to the future. I
see myself in a way in which I can be happy; a way in which my sentimental life is
as satisfying as my work life. I see myself as a great systems engineer; but more
than that, a systems engineer who can be useful to himself as well as to society.
Beyond a simple employee, someone important that inspires and is admired by all.
In 10 years, I would like or should have a family, a place where I can perform and
enjoy my time with my loved ones. I hope that in 10 years I will see myself as a
person with many friends, and should not see me with interested people who
depend on me. I hope to become a great father and a useful example for the world
and for my children.
Yes, my life was not as full as I hope I should and I would try to take up my
thoughts to try to make them come true. I hope that every time I dream in my
future, my dreams come true because if I finish them, I will be happy; even if they
do not work, but I'll be happy to have tried.

Niny Javianan Lozano

Part 1: After checking the Unit 1 Topic 2: Modal Verbs, write 1 sentence using each one of the
modal verbs regarding your duties and rights as passenger in a flight: can – could – may - must -
should - ought to – have to – need to- had better - would.

 Example: I must fasten my seat belt during take-off

I must use the seat belt always.

You could watch a movie.

I had better be on time for the fly.

I should use a big suitcase for all my clothes.

I ought to listen to the instructions of the hostesses

I can have food in the trip.

I need to sleep during long travels.

I have to be on time for the fly.

I may order food with the hostesses.

I would not be late for the fly.

Part 2: According to the topic Past Progressive (Unit 1: Topic 3), each student must write 5 things
you were doing yesterday and 5 things you were not at home:

I was watching the news on TV.

I wasn’t shopping with my kids at the supermarket.

I was cooking the dinner for my family.

I wasn’t talking with my dad last night.

I was reading a book about science fiction.

I wasn’t walking with my dog at the park.

I was doing the homework with my partner.

I wasn’t dancing with my partner.

I was calling my mom because we talk a lot.

I wasn’t looking at the star last night.

Part 3: Write a text about how you imagine your life in ten years. Use at least two pictures
related to your text. You should write three paragraphs:

Example: I will have my own food company in Bogotá.

In 10 years I plan to make many changes in all aspects of my life, I could change many things in my
life that I do not like at the moment and I can propose to make the necessary changes in the
future to carry out all the goals.
In personal life I could go to live in another country as I have always wanted to go to look for
better opportunities and improve my life in all aspects of it.
Labor I hope to do some work in which I pay very well and can do what I study, because many
people do not have the opportunity to do what they studied.

At the conclusion of this work we see the importance of modal verbs and learning
to write sentences with different verbs, and emphasize the grammar for the
construction of it, it is vital to know these structures that will allow us to empower
ourselves and apply them to our lives everyday

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