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Notes Regarding Time,
Time Travel, & The Viewing of
Past and Future Events

Los Angeles, CA
Institute For Paranormal Psychology
Notes Regarding Time,
Time Travel, & The Viewing of
Past and Future Events

Notes Compiled
Janice Lee & Laura Vena

Los Angeles, CA
Institute For Paranormal Psychology
What is the Chronovisor?

The chronovisor is a machine for viewing past and future events.


In a universe suddenly divested of illusions and lights, man feels an The chronovisor is a scrapbook, newspaper, fortuneteller, curse, small
alien, a stranger. His exile is without remedy since he is deprived of god, danger, atlas, orthographical projection, broken dance, glass eye,
the memory of a lost home or the hope of a promised land. enigma, father, series of constellations perceived by the retina from
– Albert Camus peripheral positioning, tomb, telescope, celestial trampoline, gateway,
secret, Victorian dirigible, theory, sorcerer’s folly, drug, phenomenon
accompanied by a chemical firing in the brain, toxic euphoria, rough
ride, mummified breath, sinking in, cause of human decline, poisonous
ether, optic illusion, evolutional slippage, misaligned chakra, trick...


A Benedictine priest, working at the San Giorgio Maggiore monastery

in Venice, also a musicolost, had invented a machine called a chronovisor
which enabled him to travel into the past.

A group of eminent scientists was helping him with this machine.

The chronovisor is hidden, waiting to be found, emitting flashes

few mental ranges can distinguish.

• It is repeated by some that the source of Madame Blavatsky’s power
emanated from a secret metal tube that she kept locked away in a
Writings On the Chronovisor secret location of her house. She came across the object on one of
her travels to Egypt, and friends report that upon her return, “she
just seemed different.”

• Geno Turco, a farmhand on a vineyard in ___, Italy, reported to

• The chronovisor is an instrument of the Devil. It poses a direct fellow workers, that while pruning vines in the SE corner of the
question to its user. Will you be consumed by the corruption of property, he discovered a strange futuristic device hidden in one of
time, knowing that God sees you, even in between the folds of the tangles. Afraid of touching the foreign object, he ran back to
time. Will you give in to the bestial transformation, the bodily eye tell the others, but when they all gathered around the location, it
of time that transports you out of the present of the present, and had disappeared. Acquaintances of Turco credit the incident to his
into the present of the past? The heroic kingdom is full of citizens heavy drinking after the sudden death of his wife. Others report
like you, keeping time through the incessant ticks knocking on seeing a strange bright flash in the sky a few hours later, and insist
the interior of their skulls, the illusion of a golden reign over a that the town was visited by other worldly beings that day.
marvelous wealth and form, yet not sanctioned, not instituted, and
not blessed by the one true God. In the town of ___ a few kilometers away, two sisters claim to have
clearly heard a crying baby in the reeds near the river. When they
• The chronovisor can be handled by no single man alone. It destroys approached the broken reeds, they could find nothing there, but
those who even desire its touch, infects them with a noxious babble, found that the cries became increasingly quieter as they approached,
pouring the chrysalis of eternity, an infinity of possibility that and louder as they walked away. The younger sister begged the
ought only be kept in the timepiece of God, a sprawling, endless older sister to turn back for fear of evil spirits or ghosts. When they
evil that consumes its host like a parasite, so that he is cursed with returned to the site later that evening with their father and brother,
seeing the splendor of God at every turn. they found and heard nothing. The younger sister thought she saw
a bright flash in the sky, similar to the one witnessed in ___, but
• Aristotle purported to visit the Orient after his disciple Peter none of the other family members saw anything.
reported certain, fabulous accounts of a machine he claimed could
transport him to any location in the world. Aristotle’s trip revealed • On June 8th 1971, ___ ____, a scientist working at the Institute
the accounts to be false and proclaimed that the disciple’s stories For Paranormal Theories of Mind in ___, Italy, claimed to have
described “the kinds of mythical events found readily available built a working time machine, an ingenious device that fit in the
in those outrageous oriental myths and folklore” and “he had palm of one’s hand and could transport the operator to any era
probably read about the fantastic tales and took them to be truth, of the past. A colleague, __ __, mockingly asked, “What will you
forgetting how adaptable those Orientals are to new technologies call your invention?” __ __ answered, “Chronovisor.” To which
and systems.” the colleague responded by furrowing his eyebrows and solemnly
replying, “That’s not your invention.” No present records indicate
that either men ever worked at the Institute. No records exist for
them anywhere.

The chronovisor is not an object but a state of mind.

Simply put, it does not exist. The chronovisor is the path to God’s one true church.

-2- -3-
New York Times Letter to the Editor The American Journal of Psychology
December 2, 1875 January 1941
By Sarah Hellen Whitman or a biographer (excerpt)

I was in the parlor of Edgar [Allan Poe], with my dog, Mr. …A Dr. Ricketts out of Suffolk was recording oral histories of the
Whippit, sitting in my lap, waiting for the poet to greet me. zingare, or gypsies of the hills of Castrolibero. He came across
I heard an awful sound as if gears were being grinded, or one interesting subject who he believed to be delusional. This
like a train being derailed, from a room below. I jumped up, individual, who inhabited abandoned buildings in the old hilltop
throwing Mr. Whipitt to the ground and started to turn knobs village, swore that he came across a bewildering discovery when
and look behind doorways. In the floor of one room, I saw a he entered an old chapel on the edge of town. A monster made
trap door. Steam was coming from its edges. I stepped slowly entirely of metal, it groaned and shook as if with the world’s oldest
towards it, and as I reached to pull it open, it burst open, and anger, it held its arms and legs close to its body, and it appeared
out ascended Edgar, surprised so by my presence, he became to have swallowed a man whole, who was still alive and screaming
flustered and tripped. Before the trap door came crashing “aiuto!” as the terrified gypsy fled in horror.
down, I peeked at the bottom of a dark stairway, a large
body of metal, shuddering as if from exhaustion, pouring In a Mayan codex held in the Brussels Museum of Modernities,
vapor from its surface, blurring my view of it. Edgar fell to there are elaborate sketches of a metal contraption with a man
the ground, out of breath, with his clothes torn. Recovering sitting in its heart. Along with the codex and other sacred items of
quickly, he picked himself up, dusted off, and invited me back the Mayas, such as golden necklaces and pottery, were three metal
to the parlor for tea. Others arrived and a lively conversation bolts, forged by technology not available until the Industrial
of poetry ensued. Revolution.

The codex and bolts disappeared from the museum in June of


The chronovisor is my only connection to him. Through it, through thinking The chronovisor is the keeper of memories, voices spilling and dissolving into
of it, tracking it, reading about it, touching it, I feel him. the air, recollecting shadows as it is passed from hand to hand.

-4- -5-
lost memories, lost loves, and no library could hold the horrors that
are hidden in these corners. Whatever ordinary-seeming place the
How to Use the Chronovisor? chronovisor seems to take you, beware of the dim suggestions that the
shadows of time leave behind, blink often, and recall your worst nights
of sleep. The details you remember from your worst and most horrific
To use the chronovisor one must be able to follow through on all nightmares, they will aid you here.
actions. Following through and considering the quiet of the ether
of time, allowing the chronovisor, a sensitive device, to attach itself
momentarily to the mind acting with it. Be clear that a moment with the
chronovisor is no ordinary moment, the terraces and pedastals of time
curving inward and creating a hierarchy we have no measure for here on
this plane. Many often attempt to clear their minds through meditation,
or purge themselves of regrets and sins through prayer, and in a way, the
chronovisor is in itself a sort of confessional booth, activating strange
growths and brain activity when in motion. The chronovisor detects
the radiation left behind from past events, detects dream-glimpses of
traces to be left in a future time, and this effect can be detrimental,
perplexing, nerve-wrecking, for an average human mind.

While on the path only dictated by the element of time and the
machine’s discourse, the mind does not realize that ghosts are real
and that the groans in his dreams were of a different world, rather, he
comes to feel that he has known these things all along, like running
one’s fingers along some curious carvings and instantly remembering
the emotional state in which they were etched so passionately.

There are technical details, like opening up apertures, and focusing in

on little details, but mostly the driver need only allow its ears and eyes
to accustom themselves to the purposeful influence of the machine, and
the chronovisor has already navigated these grooves before, continuing
to form itself in the ever-arriving future, the ever-arriving past, the
ever-arriving present.

Know that the chronovisor is a sacred object, but not for the reasons
you may think. Time itself is full of those sweeping visions that wind
through dark corridors, the gods themselves often chasing their

The chronovisor is not to be mistaken for a method to erase regret or to

The chronovisor is the instigation of an intangible act, that of accessing those eradicate society’s ills; it is a dangerous proposition with ramifications far
records only the gods can see. beyond our imaginings.

-6- -7-
Instructions On Using the concurrent obsession with what the witness would do herself with the
machine—the places she would go, the events she could change—may
Chronovisor leave her in a perpetual state of enchantment.

Researcher: A traveler should always hug her knees while in flight, or she may
The researcher’s ultimate goal would be to get her hands on the become nauseous and foul up the machine. If one’s trajectory should
travelers’ journal. This is impossible, of course, unless one can come alter unexpectedly mid-passage, press the blue button and proceed with
into contact with the machine. This is highly unlikely, as even a witness extreme caution upon landing. If your travels are dictated by remorse,
can not experience the machine firsthand. For the non-traveler, the you are doomed. Accustom yourself to a state of flux by wearing a
temptation is just too much. Only one, the machine’s caretaker, is different hat each day, or by frequently changing your hairdo. And
allowed to be in its company. Others who have tried, have met with while travelers can resume regular breathing during flight, they should
various sanctions, from mild to severe. Also desirable would be access avoid pandicultion while on board.
to witness accounts, or better, a witness, herself. The problem with
this plan is that witnesses are, by nature, secretive and protective of
information about the machine or travelers. Any researcher who is
lucky enough to come across a self-identified witness who entertains
questions about the chronovisor is most likely in the presence of an
imposter. There are a number of tertiary sources of information about
the machine and its travels, which can be found in libraries, monasteries,
and on the Internet. All claims made within these contexts should be
considered suspect.

You must first close your eyes to all vision, block out all possible light,
and abandon from yourself the sense of sight. Then listen. Then
taste the air. Then move your fingers across the spine. Then smell the
perfumes of other times / other skins. A witness must never cast her
gaze upon a traveler, but only find them in the traces that they choose
to leave behind (they may, though, signal to them with a flashlight
through a complex arrangement of mirrors). There is a way to see
without watching. One can bear witness to time travel by being in a
room that served as the point of embarkment for the machine. Even as
the dust still settles, one may be present to hear the departing whirs and
clicks, or a final exhalation. Most importantly, the witness must protect
anonymity at all cost. The witness bears the mortal burden of so many
bodies in locomotion and the potential fate of becoming suspended
in time, as if hypnotized. Knowledge of the travels and the often
The chronovisor is a window whose view changes as you shuffle your feet
ever so imperceptibly this way or that and shift your perspective in measured
The chronovisor is something that was never meant to be found. degrees.

-8- -9-
Notes On the Nature of Time Time and the Machine

All this is a type of psychic phenomena, and though perpetrated

There is no harmony in time. by no one other than time, it would only support a case of fraud to
forget the memory itself, or a more distant one, like the one of when
the chronovisor first appeared. The chronovisor might magnify one’s
path as much as possible, and though a mind would adapt and learn
Ordinary memory itself, is a paranormal phenomenon. to navigate the ridges, it is the chronovisor that is able, with almost
divine wisdom, to find the rifts and folds, hide in shadows, and bring
other shadows to the surface, like a complex crochet pattern through
the fabric of time. Though it operates like fabric, a giant sheet of cloth,
Everything falls away. only parts are visible at once, though the chronovisor can keep track
of the visible and invisible parts simultaneously, the operator becomes
This inability to translate past’s ability is dictated by the terms of what victim to the disgorging of multiple memories, of rampant words in
is occurring in the present. The straightness is foreboding. multiple languages, of being unable to walk but being forced to use
one’s lefts. For the operator, it operates much more like a shroud,
hiding the ends that are to come, frayed loosely, a horse shot during
battle, the tumultuous ages of creation of the physical universe and the
It is possible to see and hear what lies in the memory of inert particles. history that burdens an operator’s mind down, but not the chronovisor.
An operator can’t even witness the string that holds her memories
together without the machine, needing to earn the respect, and with
risk of sounding derivative, pour one’s secrets out to please it. It’s not
The asymmetry of the moment is due to two inertial frames: one on the alive. No, but it is luminous, it builds, it rests in the bliss of non-being,
way up and the other on the way down. Switching frames is the cause of and like an eternal parent wrapped in a magnificent cloak, it calls me,
the difference, not acceleration. Every change of velocity brings with it the child, into its arms. I’m called you see. Each time I recall – which
a change of gesture, vertigo, a sharp drop in the stomach. is not the same as remember ­– I feel pulled, constantly, and there is
something integral that I have lost and must get back. The pull gets
weaker, as does the memory, but the influence it exerts never loosens its
hold. The clock continues to strike and my cheek feels swollen. There
is no time to sleep.

The chronovisor is a classification tool, as it classifies its wielders as sick,

The chronovisor is madness. monstrous, and delusional.

- 10 - - 11 -
Notes From Time Travelers And
Other Artifacts, Residue, Echoes
Following the Viewing of Past and
Future Events

Between the final instant of conscious memory, and the first gleam of a new
life, time stops, disappears, an instant stretched out into a history of eternity.
Everything happens faster in a dream time. In a second up here, is lifetimes, ages,
down there, and I have to get back, find what I’ve lost.

I now become pilgrim.

A time machine is not so different from a flesh machine, the rumbling of the senses,
a pain in the trigger finger, by what criteria do we locate these sensations, correlated
with lapses in time and mind.

I have searched and researched, but never found out what becomes of you if you fall
from the chronovisor in the midst of its flight.

The chronovisor is a large confessional, capable of accessing the layers of

The chronovisor is something I’d very much like to see once. your being.

- 12 - - 13 -
- 14 - - 15 -
Darkness alone fills a universal mind, I can’t seem to grasp the ideas, the causes of or,
misery that circle around like newly greased wheels or vultures in the sky. I wanted a failure of imagination
to say more to her, but she wouldn’t understand. And yet, in the back of my mind, I or,
know she would understand completely. This is, in a way, not unlike the pilgrimage so hard to believe in tomorrow
she once intended for herself. It’s easy to get ensnared in work like this work that or,
is so close because it is of the mind and the heart and of time and of reality, yet we’ve waited so long.
too distant, precisely because they entangle those things together. Time was not,
and then it was. Or, is it the other way around, is it sleeping in the eternal bosom There really are those worlds reflected in an infinite pinpoint of light, between the
of duration, the chronovisor only tapping at its door. What then is the difference first and final moments, or, between the final and first moments, depending on your
between time and duration? Who is the eternal parent of time and what does he point of view. The past is always easier to believe in, one of us has been there once
wear on his wrist to keep time? Where were we when we weren’t here? How can before. I am not a religious person, but time is a religious process. It reveals and
I be sure that all this that surrounds me is real? And then again, even if it isn’t, hides, like the God who is exposed only at the points of trauma.
even if it is a veiled tangle of artificial patterns, will it not still reveal something
about the Father who seemingly controls it all? I am drawn to the chronovisor, and Failed exposures, underexposed, over mulled. These are the tears and flashes of
have been since I learned of its existence, yet am still not completely sure of the void light. In dreams I can see Him clearly, but I repeat: I am not a religious person,
I am trying to fill. but dreaming is a religious experience.

A spinning wheel to contain it, to produce it. Father, mother, and son were once I have a darker darker side. It only shows in one of these worlds, I can’t recall
more than one, and the son had not awakened yet, but will be awake soon. which, as the darkness covers my face and exposed the cracks of time on my bedroom
wall. It is impossible to tell if I am in the dream of if the dream is in me. And if
I take my eyes off it, just for a second, it will lunge into me at a ferocious speed. I
can’t stop it. I can never stop it.

My memory lapses are growing. the last thing i recall is this morning, was it this
morning? As I sat drinking my coffee a man walked up, gait unsure, and sat at a
table across from me, he inside and me out. I saw him in profile through the glass. My biggest concern is what all of this has done to me inside.
He set a can of Tecate down. He was young, lost and fearful in the eyes, as if
nothing was familiar to him but the dulled chill of the can. And the can brought
me to another memory, of another young man, laughing, lost, squatting on his hind
legs near an old oak, digging a hole to search for the Tecate he buried near the roots Father Milazzo / Ernetti (at different times) are watching a group of doves or
four hundred years later and his eyes, too, seemed lost… I can’t account for huge pigeons pecking at the cobblestones in the same plaza.
chunks of time.

The chronovisor is taking its toll on me. I know I live too much in the past.
The chronovisor is something very dangerous indeed. For it alone I know that I suffer.

- 16 - - 17 -
I was “in” the (mind of the ) machine for days before I realized it... The vatican is hiding the machine.

A single act will change everything. I don’t know that I’m to be trusted. The god does not hear you; there is no mercy for your prayers at hand!

These voices out loud make the past scatter. There is something about an empty Did he have any right to speak with the dead?
church, like a solitary forest, that has more religion than a thousand worshippers.

with seeing comes the nausea, and if my skin doesn’t age, still these visions weigh
on me.
Save me. how heavy are they?
always the odor of sulphur persists.
or only a murmur, if you resist.
I have this sinking feeling.
It was believed that man, totally in touch with the etheric substance within we tell ourselves whatever we have to.
himself, once flew like a bird through the ether of the universe. It was believed that
he had once known how to pull energies of the conscious, thinking stars and planets
down through the ether to the earth, to use for his own purpose.
All the accounts have become one, and I am the single traveler. I know this is
impossible. I even can faintly recall a time when I could separate one from the other,
and all from me. But in keeping the records, in interpreting them beyond the call of
“What about the resurrection? Did you witness that as well?” duty, in possessing them and being possessed by them, I find this paradox a fable I
can embrace. I have seamed together a puzzle of moments and circumstances, and
“Yes... and it is very difficult to describe. We saw it as if in silhouette, recast myself in each. There is no contradiction because there is no symmetry—only
as if it were a shape seen through a thin film of illuminated alabaster- continual acceleration and deceleration. I keep in my pocket my father’s watch,
as if we were seeing it through a crystal.” which he left behind, probably because its timekeeping is unreliable. Its weight on
my hip grounds me to the Earth enough to remind me of my name and of the daily
tasks I do to maintain myself.

The chronovisor is available today only, from 4-6 pm behind the rue de
Chartres, adjacent to the cathedral beyond the red-orange gypsy curtain. The chronovisor is a complex hoax engineered by a diseased mind.

- 18 - - 19 -
Though this doesn’t exactly explain how time travel is possible, it
explains the nature of the juxtaposition of these various realities.
How is Time Travel Possible? Mathematics would have us believe that time is fixed, linear (though
many new theories are finally starting to see the complexity of what
we’ve termed the fourth dimension), but it’s not a simple measurement
Time travel is not possible in the most traditional sense (ie. this is not an we use to understanding the passage of moments, it is not a reference
H.G. Wells story, though (s)he was on a better track when s(he) delved point, rather it is much more the reverse. Though this may make little
deeper into the teleportation of the mind, and not of the physical body), sense to the average reader, it is most pertinent for those for whom this
as time does not operate with the rules of physical science, rather it is a makes complete sense. Regardless, the easiest way to understand the
cognitive effect, a dream effect, where actual journeys are full of trap- world of time, will be to allow yourself to fall into the beckonings of
doors, false leads, trickster shadows. Remember that in the realm of your dream-glimpses.
time, which isn’t so different from the realm of dreaming, that there is
no god to offer mercy. In that respect, it is best to have asked for mercy,
atonement, forgiveness, etc. before embarking on these travels.

The glimpses you often catch in your dreams, they are closer to that place
then you think. Though in dreams, we can wake up, become reabsorbed
into the banality of everyday life, and because the transition is often so
jarring, we usually forget the important details of what we dreamed.
Though beyond this, it may seem like an embedded security device,
and what we remember to be the important details, really are only those
details that resemble this life already. Those details like the smell in
the dark corner of the house, or the feeling you got when you tried to
open the locked door, these are the real elements of time’s platform.
And because dreams too deal in the strange impressions that time also
feeds on, the real dreamers make the best travelers, though of course,
what this usually means is that we seek the “sick,” the “psychotic,” the
“schizophrenic,” etc. These terms label those individuals who often
seem to be blurring the line between reality and fiction. But the truth
is, that those individuals, unknown to any tools of scientific correlation,
are in actuality picking up on the echoes, voices, sounds, residue of the
ether. This is why the insane are the best suited to travel, though how
The human brain (unbounded) is designed to take our bodies (trapped)
they might translate their sightings to us is another issue.
beyond their boundaries and casings limited by spatial restrictions. Our
very chemistry encourages inner oscillation from point to point, while
our geography rejects it.

The chronovisor is not capable of a simple rewind or fast forward function.

There is no pure experience of an other time that can be lived or relived in a The smoke of Satan has entered the Sanctuary.
vacuum. Everything is changed by our meddling. – Pope Paul IV, 1963

- 20 - - 21 -
On the Nature of God The Relationship of God to the
God was once a bear, paws pointed outward, waiting to give his sons and daughters
the happiness of his hugs, paws soaked in the honey of the earth and the happiness
of being God.
What this means is that patience must intersect the passage of time, to
God was once a ball of coal tar, emerged out of the deep fissures of a smooth earth, find that moment, that paradoxical instant for which time is suspended
smooth as the bottom of a newborn baby, God was. and the dead may return to their families and the primordial chaos is
reactualized. Time has become habit. But at the same time, habits don’t
God was once the Sun, soft like a bear and sticky like tar or honey, stuck in a fixed exist. Everything begins over again at its commencement every instant,
path across the sky, predictable in his happiness. every instant that goes by, time soaks each object with its passage, each
twinkling purpose a mirror or manifestation of the invisible tick-tock.
God was once a newborn baby, with a childlike face smiling, hands pointed toward At the center of time may sleep God, but God doesn’t exist here, on this
the honey in the sky, and happy in the wisdom and answers of the sun. plane, and cannot be a habit either. He lurks between the minute folds;
one tries to squint, but squinting won’t help. The past is a prefiguration
God was once a symmetrical shape, a structure for spherical ants and bears and of the future. And the future is a prefiguration of the past. That is why
newborn babies, smooth like honey and pointed like a bear’s snout looking up at it is possible. There is a pattern at work here, and the losses of certain
the sky. lives – though there is nothing new under the sun, and the same for life
­– cause an incredible burden to time, history needing to renew certain
moments, waiting for an eternal return that may never arrive but will
always have already arrived.

Certain gestures might reveal different angles of light, reflections like

retellings, consisting of the cross-stitches we sew in our sleep when we
sit on the brink and act as if we are narrating all this with perfect clarity.
I make another pilgrimage. Each night I make another one. Averting
my gaze to the opposite side of the axis I am sitting up, I also know
that time has something to do with the category of faith. Our dream has
always been to be freed from the dominion of time, a stranglehold that
at moments of wakefulness feel like gentle caresses, like polyphonic
poetry, and yet it was Abraham’s faith that states for us that for God
everything is possible, and consequently, for Time everything is possible, and
we hope that for Man everything is possible:
The chronovisor is the translation of ghostly improbabilities into dark
and hopeful suggestions, the unveiling of the residue of the ages, and
the absorption of all those sonic echoes that bounce around in the ridges
of time, the traveler wielding the chronovisor much like a compass, or a
bat’s echolocation to locate lost memories. The chronovisor is an instance, a conundrum, an empty flood of resistance.

- 22 - - 23 -
Have faith in God. For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall time. God has a number of memories, too, and when our thoughts turn
say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the to him, delightful encounters don’t seem so anymore and the memories
sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things seem to negate themselves, push away, like opposite magnetic poles,
which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. and the holes that get left behind, the absences, are what we feel, so
Therefore I say unto you. What things soever he saith. Therefore I say that memories become voids and must be recreated and that our psychic
unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye mechanisms only tune themselves to the frequency of time when the
receive them, and ye shall have them. (Mark 11:22-24) light is right, and certain metamorphoses may occur during dream-time
but the familiar proportions tie us down to this plane and this plane
And in a way then, the freedom we so seek at the bottom of each of our only but we can continue to search because all these things are there,
souls, is a creative one. We must create to be freed, we must destroy to right there, right under our noses.
create, we must create to destroy, and begin again. Ours is a religion
of the fallen, and the fallen are often doomed to cycles of repetition,
forever contemporary with they myths they recall once every other
autumn when the winds stretch across the city and a silver fork reflects
the light from the window at just the right angle to illuminate the red
apples in basket on the floor. It is the mythology we must hold on to,
not the future, that is what ensures the possibility of creating a new one.
We must sit with our eyes and windows wide open, sit in contemplation
of our own skeletons, and know that though nothing is ours to keep, it
is our to create.

God is there, each moment of time that passes, it is God who is so

immersed in time that he has begun to reflect it. The truths of the
universe, the lucky numbers, the marvelous and the radical, seem endless
to Him because he realizes the value of something that is written down.
Duration is the key, and that is why patience is such a large part of all
this. We all feel a slight attraction between our body and certain objects,
especially in the calm of night, and this is just the “myself ” communing
with the “Himself ” and the fragments of chipped time in our bones
vibrating to certain frequencies the wind creates when it is lonely. We
restrict ourselves to safe areas, though these areas are the least coherent
and when you try to focus on the most important memory, it slips
away, like the hand of God. We are indeed compelled to remember and
remember over and over again, but the when seems beyond our control.
We fail to recognize ourselves sometimes, and need to look into the
mirror to verify the “myself ” that is destroying so many moments of

Now that I am exalted, I will draw everyone unto me.

- Christ The chronovisor is a castaway, lost itself, in the ether of time.

- 24 - - 25 -
2. Suzanne, d. August 14, 1932
The Relationship of the Dead to “There are a pair of special spectacles one must wear while in the
machine. If the glasses should fall off or one foolishly chooses to
the Machine remove them in motion, she will gaze upon an ominous terrain strewn
with corpses, and bear witness to suffering too vast for the human
heart to endure.”

[did you follow the rules? are you divided by landscape?]

1. Matildhe, d. November 26, 1896
“The machine can resurrect a view to the dead, but the machine
3. Benjamin, d. May 5, 1963
can not return to you a lost loved one. But to do so, even to catch a
glimpse, would leave one undone.”
“There is nothing natural about traveling so far in the space of a day,
there are times you may see a sunset twice within a few hours and you
[Even though I have never traveled myself (or, have I?), I know
will suffer circadian disruption, internal temporal chaos. Am I awaking
through the memories of others, and I imagine the burden. Inside,
again, or has the darkness abandoned me?”
I imagine you fall into an abyss, death-like. I imagine a hum, not a
bleeding rhythm or a poetic rhythm, but a vortex. I imagine some
[cognitive rhythm cacophonied by disjoint,
inescapable sunset. I imagine a spherical window opening, a scream
heard as a whisper. I imagine falling.
1000 lux striking the retina, photopigment, light sensor, blue wavelengths
I imagine your courage may abandon you.]
time lost in the oesophagus, lungs, liver, pancreas, spleen, thymus, skin.]
“God is in the desert.”
4. [I am zeitgeber, synchronizer, time giver. I keep clocks, hundreds
[ our destiny, dust
of them, and signal to all potential travelers (for I can never know who
they are, where they lurk) who may be set adrift by a recurring sunset,
but, to find in one wing span
unexpected tidal acceleration, diurnal leaf movements of a tamarind
oceans, cities, deserts, ideas made of
tree, changes in temperature
so that the rhythm persists in the absence of cues.

Still, what I wouldn’t give for even just a glimpse.]

“Not at all,” Melquiades corrected her. “It has been proven that the devil has
“It’s the smell of the devil,” she said. sulphuric properties and this is just a little corrosive sublimate.”

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The texts contained in this pamphlet are excerpts from a
collaborative project by Laura Vena and Janice Lee. |

© 2011

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