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1 A1

2 A1
3 A1
4 A1
5 A1

1 B1
2 B1
3 B1
4 B1
5 B1

1 C1
2 C1
3 C1
4 C1
5 C1

1 D1
2 D1
3 D1
4 D1
5 D1

1 A2

1 B2

1 C2

1 D2

2 A2

2 B2
2 C2

2 D2

3 A2
3 B2
3 C2
3 D2









The 5th Value in 7 Principles of Mayora Group is...

In Indonesian, what does the word "Wisdom" mean?
Making the best use of time, is one of the actions of value ...
Not using masks in the production area, is behavior that violates value ...
What is the value included of this following sentence?
"Big or small problems that exist, deal with it and resolve those problems one by one"

The 4th Value in 7 Principles of Mayora Group is...

In Indonesian, what does the word "Passion" mean?
Use AC based on your need, is one of the actions of value...
Not using Hair Net/ Hat in production area, is behavior that violates value...
What is the value included of this following sentence?
"Don't waste the trust that given to us"

The 6th Value in 7 Principles of Mayora Group is...

In Indonesian, what does the word "Responsibility" mean?
Use water as needed, is one of the actions of value...
Not wearing plastic gloves when direct contact with the product, is behavior that violates value...
What is the value included of this following sentence?
"Respect others and yourself, build a relationship with mutually beneficial principle"

The 7th Value in 7 Principles of Mayora Group is...

In Indonesian, what does the word "Confidence" mean?
Turn off the lights if the room not in use, is one of the actions of value...
Wash hands before enter the production area, is one actions of value...
What is the value included of this following sentence?
"Build a strong team and friendship network, make others happy to work with you"

Complete the following sentence!
… clearly with the direction you are headed
Complete the following sentence!
Use various innovative tools to…
Complete the following sentence!
Don't expect consumers are willing to always pay…
Complete the following sentence!
Believe that consumers are … and … distinguish good product quality

Complete the following sentence!

Don't ever feel ... because it will only limit your achievements
Complete the following sentence!
Work efficiently to provide economic … for consumers
Complete the following sentence!
Without innovation there will be no longer progress and…
Complete the following sentence!
Give punishment for … and clumsy attitude

Dare to express your opinions on the forum is one actions of value …

Supervisory do coaching & counseling to his underling is one actions of value …
Give advice about PIB is one actions of value …
Decrease production reject of wrapping machine by modifying the machine is one actions of value …

Mention Key Success Factors in 7 Principles of Mayora!
Complete the sentence in monitor!
Be … , … , and … in your plan and action
"Only sell product that can made us proud of" is the value of …
Supervisory warn his underling who let the product fell on the floor is one actions of value …
Masuk ke soal cerita …
Every Monday at 11.00-12.00 Jono and all five of his colleagues make a GKM meeting to discuss the problems t
Jono's actions and his five co-workers are examples of actions that are in accordance with value ...
Avoiding a fight at the meeting is a value ...
Complete this following sentence!
Continuous innovation in every work process to …
Ms. Ira stopped the biscuit production process because of gramature is not in accordance with the standard, is one
Contributing more than expected expectations is in accordance with value …
Arrange the word fragments on the monitor into the correct sentence according to the 7 principles of Mayora
To consumers - innovating - by - consumer needs - oriented - to serve - products & processes
Arrange the word fragments on the monitor into the correct sentence according to the 7 principles of Mayora
Act - be clear - in planning - work smart - with the direction you are going - not excessive - and - efficiently
Checking the wind hose leakage is a reflection of value …
Look at the monitor, which includes the key success factors?
a. Quality - Wisdom
b. Efficiency - Innovation
c. Passion - Confidence
Which sentence is included in the Passion value? (multiple choice look at the monitor)
a. Work smart, be clear with the direction you are going, not excessive in planning and act efficiently
b. Respect others and yourself
c. Use various innovative tools to implement improvements
State the order of 7 principles of Mayora Group! (multiple choice look at the monitor)
a. Quality - Efficiency - Responsibility - Passion - Wisdom - Innovation - Confident
b. Quality - Efficiency - Innovation - Passion - Wisdom - Responsibility - Confident
c. Quality - Efficiency - Innovation - Wisdom - Passion - Responsibility - Confident

Pertanyaan tambahan jika ada nilai yang sama !

"I am embarrassed to come late" the sentence reflects the value …
Producing output to achieve the best target by working hard and diligently is an action that is in accordance with
This competitive world has only two possibilities for you: fail or succeed. If you want to succeed, you must keep
Kebijaksanaan, Bijaksana


Semangat, Gairah


Tanggung jawab


Percaya diri


Work smart

Implement improvements

Our inefficiency

Smart, can


Added value



Quality, Efficiency, Innovation

Versatile, agile, practical



Maintain achievements and make a new breakthrough


Oriented to consumers by innovating products & processes to serve consumer needs

Work smart, be clear with the direction you are going, not excessive in planning and act efficiently



Coordinating with the production team regarding the readiness of manpower and machinery for production planning to
be carried out, is a value ...
Generating output to achieve the best targets by working hard and diligently is an action that is in accordance with the
value …
Ensure product gramation / product weight is produced according to the standard. The sentence is in accordance with the
value …





In the 7 principles of mayora, the word "kebijaksanaan atau bijaksana"

1 A1 Wisdom
is the meaning of values?

The secret of discipline is spirit or passion. In 7 principles of mayora Is

2 A2 Passion
the value of …

Mayora strives to conduct market research to find out what consumers

3 A3 Innovation
want & need. Is an action of value …

4 A4 Fast response and focus on consumers. Is an action of value ... Quality/Responsibility?

In order to have a strong team, we must build a network of friends. Is a

5 A5 Wisdom
value …

6 A6 Not wasting any food is a value … Efficiency

Every day we must evaluate: what has been achieved & what hasn't
7 A7 Responsibility
been achieved, is an act of value …

Using Mayora products, both for individuals and their families, is an

8 A8 Quality
example of value …

Last Friday Mr. Daud and the team conducted a comparative study to
9 B1 the Instant TES factory. The actions of Mr. Daud and the team's did is Innovation
the example of value …
We will be great if we have big minds, big hearts, and dare to face big
10 B2 Confidence
problems. This sentence is one of the value ...
The terms for build mutually beneficial cooperation is "Honor
11 B3 Wisdom
yourself, coworkers, and peers" is one of the actions of value …

As a UH, Pak Joko always faces disputes honesty and openly. Pak
12 B4 Wisdom
Joko's attitude is an act of value …

To be able to improve ourselves, we must evaluate what we achieved

13 B5 Responsibility
is an act of value …

Performing work activities consistently in accordance with the

14 B6 Passion
procedures to achieve the best, is one of the actions of value …

Make difficulties not as obstacles but as strengths and experiences to

15 B7 Passion
move forward. The sentence reflects the value of...
To be the best we have to be brave to make a step, not rash and in a
16 B8 Confidence
hurry. Is an action of value …
Working together, not obstructing and bringing down each other, is an
17 C1 Wisdom
act of value …

18 C2 Work faster, leaner, smarter, and more agile. Is an action of value … Efficiency

This competitive world has only 2 possibilities for you: failure or

19 C3 success. If you want to succeed, you must continue to change. Is a Innovation
value …
Responsible people are people who always looking for progress. This
20 C4 Responsibility
statement reflects the value …

Implement an integrated system, cutting-edge technology, efficient

21 C5 Efficiency
manufacturing and distribution strategy. An example of value …

As the head of the team, Jodi always performs his duties and
22 C6 Passion
responsibilities with pleasure. Jodi has already applied value …
In order to continue to progress we must be flexible and able to adapt
23 C7 Wisdom
from one skill to another. This sentence reflects the value …
Great work can be achieved if we are brave, not whiny, and not
24 C8 Passion
complaining. This statement is the value of …

Increasing Effort & Prayer is one of the keys to our success. This is an
25 D1 Passion
example of value …

Trustful of what is his responsibility & carry out the work chain
26 D2 Responsibility
completely. An example of action from value …

Doing work on a priority scale or prioritizing important and urgent

27 D3 Efficiency
work, is a value of …

Mr. Joni is a Section Head of packing. Every time there is information

related to production planning, Mr. Joni always communicates it to the
28 D4 Wisdom
engineering team and QC team in order to adjust and support the
production process. Mr. Joni's action is the example of value ...

Pak Jodi as a Dept. Head that always been a role model for his
29 D5 Wisdom
underlings. Mr. Jodi's attitude is a reflection of value …

30 D6 Using 7 tools in order to make the GKM project perfect, is a value … Passion

Coordinating with the production team regarding the readiness of

31 D7 manpower and machinery for planning production to be carried out, is Efficiency
a value of...

Generating the output to achieve the best targets by working hard and
32 D8 Passion
diligently, is an action that is in accordance with the value …

33 E1 Greeting the fellow employees is a value … Wisdom

Mr. Steff, Ms. Esti, and their team were prepared the documents that
34 E2 would be needed for the audit. The actions of Mr. Steff and Ms. Esti Responsibility
are included in the value ...

Reduce the reject packaging machine production by modifying the

35 E3 Innovation
machine is the example of an action that matches the value …

No success can be achieved without the involvement of others.

Clever to bring yourself in every associations is a life science that is
36 E4 Wisdom
absolutely owned by anyone who wants to succeed. The sentence
reflects the value ...
Mr. Sopan is a Courier of TES Ground2. Every time he was assigned
to deliver a document, Mr. Sopan always handed the document directly
37 E5 Responsibility
to the intended person and never left it to anyone else. Mr. Sopan's
actions are in accordance with the value ...
The modals that needed to start a progress is the will, guts, and
knowledge. While the strength to maintain it is honesty,
38 E6 Passion
commitment, innovation, and patience. The sentence reflects the
value …

Saying the word "Thank You" when we are helped by others is a

39 E7 Wisdom
reflection of value ...

The existence of a storm is a good opportunity for pine trees to show

40 E8 Passion
their strength and resilience. The sentence reflects the value ...

As a leader, Mr. Saifudin always ignores input/opinion from his

41 F1 underlings even though the input is positive. Mr. Saifudin's attitude is Wisdom
contrary to the values ...
Learn to calm yourself down. Because turbid water must be calmed
42 F2 down, so that the dirty settles and the crystal clear. The sentence is in Wisdom
accordance with the value ...

Don't accept things as they are if the better thing is still possible. The
43 F3 Passion
sentence is in accordance with the value ...

There is no reason to feel small and tiny compared to others, because

44 F4 success and happiness are not the monopolies of certain people. Confidence
Success is our right. The sentence reflects the value …

Success people not only with hard hearts, but they are also a hard
45 F5 workers who believe in their abilities. The value contained in the Confidence
sentence is …

Attitude is the first quality seen in a successful person. If he acts well

46 F6 and always has positive thoughts, that means he has achieved half of Wisdom
his success. The sentence is in accordance with the value …

If we only do what we can, we only do the ordinary things, and we will

get the normal result. Try to do something that is outside your
47 F7 Innovation
"Comfort Zone", then you will get different results. The sentence
reflects the value …
Execution is the ability to align strategy with reality, and the ability of
48 F8 people with their goals, and achieve results as planned. The sentence is Wisdom
included in the value ...

49 Questions from the Jury

50 Questions from Honorary guests

SABTU, 03 Sept 2016


Always maintain the quality of the product, as if our lives depend only on it.
1 A1 In the 7 Principles of Mayora, this is an explanation of the value ...

Work smart, clearly in the direction you are going, don't overdo it on
2 A2 planning, and act efficiently. In the 7 Principles of Mayora, this is an Wisdom
explanation of the value ...

Don't waste the trust that given to you. In the 7 Principles of Mayora, this is
3 A3 an explanation of the value ...

Act immediately without hesitation, after the plan is made. In 7 Principles of

4 A4 Mayora, this is an explanation of the value ...

Be proactive and take the initiative to provide solutions and complete the
5 A5 tasks. In the 7 Principles of Mayora, this is an explanation of the value ...

Use any innovative tools to make improvements. In the 7 Principles of

6 A6 Mayora, this is an explanation of the value ...

The terms for building mutually beneficial cooperation are "Honor yourself,
7 B1 coworkers, and peers". is one of the actions of the value ...

Being a driving force for solving problems, In 7 Principles of Mayora, this is

8 B2 an explanation of value ...

Not delaying work, solving problems immediately, In 7 Principles of

9 B3 Mayora, this is an explanation of value ...

Give a contribution that is more than the average given by others to Mayora.
10 B4 In the 7 Principles of Mayora, this is an explanation of the value ...

Raw Materials and Packaging Materials that is not follow the standard is
11 B5 returned to the supplier, this is an action that is included in value ...

Having an active contribution in the GKM and PIB activities, is an action

12 B6 that is in accordance with the value ...

Helping the QC / QA team if they need the halal / COA documents by

13 C1 following up with suppliers via purchasing, this is in accordance with the 7 Wisdom
principles of Mayora namely value ...

Coordinating with PDQC to find alternative solutions for the RM if the

supplier is constrained by the supply of certain items (with the approval of
14 C2 the use of the alternative RM from the RnD), is an action that reflects Responsibility
value ...

Making changes to the plan immediately if the obstacles can't be handled, is

15 C3 an action that is in accordance with value ... Confidence

Make difficulties not as obstacles but as strengths and experiences to

16 C4 Passion
move forward. The sentence reflects the value ...
To be the best we have to be brave, not hasty, and in a hurry. Is an
17 C5 Confidence
action of value …

Working together, not obstructing and bringing down each other, is an

18 C6 Wisdom
act of value …

19 D1 Work faster, leaner, smarter, and more agile. Is an action of value … Efficiency

This competitive world has only 2 possibilities for you: failure or

20 D2 success. If you want to succeed, you must continue to change. Is a Innovation
value …
Responsible people are people who always looking for progress. This
21 D3 Responsibility
statement reflects the value ...

Implement an integrated system, cutting-edge technology, efficient

22 D4 Efficiency
manufacturing and distribution strategy. An example of value …

As the head of the team, Jodi always performs his duties and
23 D5 Passion
responsibilities with pleasure. Jodi has already applied value …

In order to continue to progress we must be flexible and able to adapt

24 D6 Wisdom
from one skill to another. This sentence reflects the value …

Great work can be achieved if we are brave, not whiny, and not
25 E1 Passion
complaining. This statement is the value of …

Increasing Effort & Prayer is one of the keys to our success. This is an
26 E2 Passion
example of value …

Trustful of what is his responsibility & carry out the work chain
27 E3 Responsibility
completely. An example of action from value …

Doing work on a priority scale or prioritizing important and urgent

28 E4 Efficiency
work, is a value of …

Mr. Joni is a Section Head of packing. Every time there is information

related to production planning, Mr. Joni always communicates it to the
29 E5 Wisdom
engineering team and QC team in order to adjust and support the
production process. Mr. Joni's action is the example of value ...

Pak Jodi as a Dept. Head that always been a role model for his
30 E6 Wisdom
underlings. Mr. Jodi's attitude is a reflection of value …

Providing motivation to the team to complete the tasks and problems

31 F1 that occur, is an appropriate action with the value ... Passion

Coordinating with the production team regarding the readiness of

32 F2 manpower and machinery for planning production to be carried out, is Efficiency
a value of...

Generating the output to achieve the best targets by working hard and
33 F3 Passion
diligently, is an action that is in accordance with the value …
34 F4 Greeting the fellow employees is a value … Wisdom

Mr. Steff, Ms. Esti, and their team were prepared the documents that
35 F5 would be needed for the audit. The actions of Mr. Steff and Ms. Esti Responsibility
are included in the value ...

Reduce the reject packaging machine production by modifying the

36 F6 Innovation
machine is the example of an action that matches the value …

No success can be achieved without the involvement of others.

Clever to bring yourself in every associations is a life science that is
37 G1 Wisdom
absolutely owned by anyone who wants to succeed. The sentence
reflects the value ...
Mr. Sopan is a Courier of TES Ground2. Every time he was assigned
to deliver a document, Mr. Sopan always handed the document directly
38 G2 Responsibility
to the intended person and never left it to anyone else. Mr. Sopan's
actions are in accordance with the value ...

The modals that needed to start a progress is the will, guts, and
39 G3 knowledge. While the strength to maintain it is honesty, commitment, Passion
innovation, and patience. The sentence reflects the value …

Saying the word "Thank You" when we are helped by others is a

40 G4 Wisdom
reflection of value ...

The existence of a storm is a good opportunity for pine trees to show

41 G5 Passion
their strength and resilience. The sentence reflects the value ...

As a leader, Mr. Saifudin always ignores input/opinion from his

42 G6 underlings even though the input is positive. Mr. Saifudin's attitude Wisdom
is contrary to the values ...
Learn to calm yourself down. Because turbid water must be calmed
43 H1 down, so that the dirty settles and the crystal clear. The sentence is in Wisdom
accordance with the value ...

Don't accept things as they are if the better thing is still possible.
44 H2 Passion
The sentence is in accordance with the value ...

There is no reason to feel small and tiny compared to others, because

45 H3 success and happiness are not the monopolies of certain people. Confidence
Success is our right. The sentence reflects the value …

Success people not only with hard hearts, but they are also a hard
46 H4 workers who believe in their abilities. The value contained in the Confidence
sentence is …

Attitude is the first quality seen in a successful person. If he acts well

47 H5 and always has positive thoughts, that means he has achieved half of Wisdom
his success. The sentence is in accordance with the value …

If we only do what we can, we only do the ordinary things, and we will

get the normal result. Try to do something that is outside your
48 * Innovation
"Comfort Zone", then you will get different results. The sentence
reflects the value …
Execution is the ability to align strategy with reality, and the ability
49 * of people with their goals, and achieve results as planned. The Wisdom
sentence is included in the value ...

50 * Questions from the Jury

* Questions from Honorary guests

SABTU, 03 Sept 2016


Believe that consumers are smart and able to distinguish good product
1 A1 Quality
quality. In 7 Principles of Mayora, this is an explanation of value ...

Not easy to despair every time encounter obstacles and challenges. In

2 A2 Passion
the 7 Principles of Mayora, this is an explanation of value ...

Respect others and yourself, build relationships with mutually

3 A3 beneficial principles. In the 7 Principles of Mayora, this is an Wisdom
explanation of value ...

Evaluate your achievements and productivity everyday. In the 7

4 A4 Responsibility
principles of Mayora, this is an explanation of value ...

Think carefully, give penalties on ignorance and carelessness. In the 7

5 A5 Responsibility
Principles of Mayora, this is an explanation of value ...

Dare to take risks if you want to successfully achieve new

6 A6 breakthroughs. In 7 Principles of Mayora, this is an explanation of the Confidence
value ...

Establish communicative relationships with internal and external (such

7 B1 as suppliers, marketing, and purchasing), is a form of implementation Wisdom
of the 7 Principles of Mayora, which is included in the value ...

Didn't accept rewards or "tips" in any form from outsiders that related
8 B2 Responsibility
to the company, this is in accordance with value ..

Dare to express opinions while still paying attention to ethics and

9 B3 Confidence
manners, this is an act of values ​...

Use any innovative tools to make improvements, is a form of

10 B4 implementation of the 7 Principles of Mayora, which is included in the Passion

Make production planning in accordance with local demand (FDIS)

11 B5 and export based on demand (minimizing stock in factory warehouses), Efficiency
this is in accordance with the value ...

Collaborating with the warehouse and QC team to make efficient use

12 B6 of the number of pallets by changing the palletization on certain SKUs, Innovation
this is an implementation in accordance with the value ...
Build a good relationship between all Mayora plants, so that we can
13 C1 coordinate well if there are obstacles in the RM / PM. this is an Wisdom
implementation of the value ...
Giving a warning letter if a team makes a mistake is an action that is in
14 C2 accordance with the value ... Responsibility
Making changes to the plan immediately if the obstacles can't be
15 C3 handled, is an action that is in accordance with value ... Confidence

We must treat the goods, equipment, and facilities that we borrow from
16 C4 the company. The sentence is in accordance with the value ... Responsibility

Work that can be done today, finish it today, don't hesitate. The
17 C5 sentence is an action that reflects the value ... Confidence

Providing training/ knowledge sharing to coworkers or underlings is an

18 C6 Wisdom
implementation that is in accordance with the value ...
Actively participate in providing ideas for improvement and join the
19 D1 GKM team to improve the work processes, this is the implementation Passion
of the value ...
Send schedules by email to suppliers on time for delivery. This action
20 D2 Efficiency
is in accordance with the value ...

Send an email to the supplier if there are goods that are not in
accordance with the standard to be returned and make sure to the
21 D3 Quality
supplier/ purchasing regarding the standards that must be met, this is
an implementation of the value ...
Dare to express opinions in front of the forum (DOR, WOR, MOR) is
22 D4 an implementation of the value ... Confidence

Ensuring the implementation of work is in accordance with Jobdesc,

23 D5 Work Instruction, and SOP is one of the actions that reflects the Responsibility
value ...
Identifying each stage of the process that allows product deviations
24 D6 Quality
both in quality and food safety. This action reflects the value ...
As chairman of the PIB committee, Mr. Djodi always holds a meeting
25 E1 every Monday to discuss the PIB suggestions that he has received. Mr. Responsibility
Djodi's attitude is in accordance with the values ​...
The PPIC section always maintains good relations between the Mayora
26 E2 plants so that they can coordinate well when there are RM / PM Wisdom
constraints. That sentence matches the value ...
Don't consider adversity as a barrier, but make it a challenge as a start
27 E3 Passion
to achieving excellence. That sentence reflects the value ...

Mr. Mukidi asked permission from his supervisor to go to the bank

during working hours. After returning from the bank, Mr. Mukidi did
28 E4 Responsibility
not immediately return to his work area, but Mr. Mukidi stopped by the
stall to smoke. Mr. Mukidi's actions violated the value ...
Steve Jobs said: the only way to do great work is to love what you do.
29 E5 Passion
The sentence is included in the value ...

When a problem occurs it is better to fix it immediately by finding the

30 E6 solutions together rather than blaming each other. The sentence is in Wisdom
accordance with the value ...
Success is our right, but working hard, continuously learning, and
31 F1 never giving up is our obligation. The sentence is in accordance with Passion
the value ...

Books is a window to the world. we must be diligent in reading books

32 F2 if we want to improve ourselves. The sentence is in accordance with Passion
the value ...

Mr. Darwanto will hold an internal meeting with his team, but there is
no empty meeting room, so Mr. Darwanto borrows the training room
33 F3 Wisdom
in the MLC Building to Mr. Algi, by asking permission for the room.
Pak Darwanto's actions reflect the value ...

Getting up early is a sign that you can achieve your life goals better
34 F4 Passion
than yesterday. The sentence reflects the value ...
Mr. Mukidi did not attend the training that he was supposed to attend,
35 F5 so Mr. Mukidi made a news letter (berita acara) that stating the reasons Responsibility
for his absence. Mr. Mukidi's actions are in accordance with values ​...
What value does this following sentence include: "Show your work
36 F6 Wisdom
performance without dropping your friends"

Consider this following sentence: It's not about how big the dreams
37 G1 a person has, but how much effort is being made to achieve them. Passion
The sentence is in accordance with the value ...

Don't be afraid to fail before trying. Don't be afraid to fall before

38 G2 Confidence
you step. The sentence is in accordance with the value ...

The capital needed to start an improvement is the will, courage, and

knowledge. While the strength is to maintain it is honesty,
39 G3 Passion
commitment, innovation, and patience. The sentence reflects the
value ...

Saying the word "Thank You" when we are helped by others is a

40 G4 Wisdom
reflection of value ...

The existence of a storm is a good opportunity for pine trees to show

41 G5 Passion
their strength and resilience. The sentence reflects the value ...

As a leader, Mr. Saifudin always ignores input/ opinion from his

42 G6 underlings even though the input is positive. Mr. Saifudin's attitude Wisdom
is contrary to the values ...
Learn to calm yourself down. Because turbid water must be calmed
43 H1 down, so that the dirty settles and the crystal clear. The sentence is in Wisdom
accordance with the value ...
Don't accept things as they are if the better thing is still possible. The
44 H2 Passion
sentence is in accordance with the value ...

There is no reason to feel small and tiny compared to others,

45 H3 because success and happiness are not the monopolies of certain Confidence
people. Success is our right. The sentence reflects the value …

Success people not only with hard hearts, but they are also a hard
46 H4 workers who believe in their abilities. The value contained in the Confidence
sentence is …

Attitude is the first quality seen in a successful person. If he acts well

47 H5 and always has positive thoughts, that means he has achieved half of Wisdom
his success. The sentence is in accordance with the value …

If we only do what we can, we only do the ordinary things, and we will

get the normal result. Try to do something that is outside your
48 * Innovation
"Comfort Zone", then you will get different results. The sentence
reflects the value …

Execution is the ability to align strategy with reality, and the ability
49 * of people with their goals, and achieve results as planned. The Wisdom
sentence is included in the value ...

50 * Questions from the Jury

* Questions from Honorary guests

Sabtu, 17 Sept 2016


Do the Work that you love and will inspire you to be better every
1 A1 day. In the 7 Principles of Mayora, this is an explanation of value Passion

RM and PM that are not in accordance with the standard are

2 A2 returned to the supplier, this action is in accordance with 7 Quality
principles of Mayora, which is value?

Every day we must evaluate: what has been achieved & what
3 A3 Responsibility
hasn't been achieved is an act of value ...

Use any innovative tools to implement improvements, this is an

4 A4 Passion
explanation of the value ...

Be pro-active and take the initiative to provide solutions and

5 A5 complete tasks, is an explanation of value ... Responsibility

Big or small problems that exist, face and overcome these

6 A6 problems one by one, is an explanation of the value ... Confident

Providing training/ knowledge sharing to coworkers or

7 B1 underlings is an implementation that is in accordance with the Wisdom
value ...

Work that can be done today, finish it today, don't hesitate. The
8 B2 sentence is an action that reflects the value ... Confident

We must treat the goods, equipment, and facilities that we

9 B3 borrow from the company. The sentence is in accordance with Responsibility
the value ...

Actively participate in providing ideas for improvement and join

10 B4 the GKM team to improve the work processes, this is the Passion
implementation of the value ...

Send schedules by email to suppliers on time for delivery. This

11 B5 Efficiency
action is in accordance with the value ...

Send an email to the supplier if there are goods that are not in
accordance with the standard to be returned and make sure to
12 B6 Quality
the supplier/ purchasing regarding the standards that must be
met, this is an implementation of the value ...
Dare to express opinions in front of the forum (DOR, WOR,
13 C1 MOR) is an implementation of the value ... Confident

Ensuring the implementation of work is in accordance with

14 C2 Jobdesc, Work Instruction, and SOP is one of the actions that Responsibility
reflects the value ...

Identifying each stage of the process that allows product

15 C3 deviations both in quality and food safety. This action reflects Quality
the value ...
As chairman of the PIB committee, Mr. Djodi always holds a
meeting every Monday to discuss the PIB suggestions that he
16 C4 Responsibility
has received. Mr. Djodi's attitude is in accordance with the
values ​...
The PPIC section always maintains good relations between the
17 C5 Mayora plants so that they can coordinate well when there are Wisdom
RM / PM constraints. That sentence matches the value ...

Don't consider adversity as a barrier, but make it a challenge as

18 C6 a start to achieving excellence. That sentence reflects the Passion
value ...
Mr. Mukidi asked permission from his supervisor to go to the
bank during working hours. After returning from the bank, Mr.
19 D1 Mukidi did not immediately return to his work area, but Mr. Responsibility
Mukidi stopped by the stall to smoke. Mr. Mukidi's actions
violated the value ...
Steve Jobs said: the only way to do great work is to love what
20 D2 Passion
you do. The sentence is included in the value ...

When a problem occurs it is better to fix it immediately by finding

21 D3 the solutions together rather than blaming each other. The Wisdom
sentence is in accordance with the value ...

Success is our right, but working hard, continuously learning,

22 D4 and never giving up is our obligation. The sentence is in Passion
accordance with the value ...
Book is a window to the world. we must be diligent in reading
23 D5 books if we want to improve ourselves. The sentence is in Passion
accordance with the value ...
Mr. Darwanto will hold an internal meeting with his team, but
there is no empty meeting room, so Mr. Darwanto borrows the
24 D6 training room in the MLC Building to Mr. Algi, by asking Wisdom
permission for the room. Pak Darwanto's actions reflect the
value ...
Getting up early is a sign that you can achieve your life goals
25 E1 Passion
better than yesterday. The sentence reflects the value ...
Mr. Mukidi did not attend the training that he was supposed to
attend, so Mr. Mukidi made a News Letter (Berita Acara) that
26 E2 Responsibility
stating the reasons for his absence. Mr. Mukidi's actions are in
accordance with values ​...
What value does this following sentence include: "Show your
27 E3 Wisdom
work performance without dropping your friends"
Consider this following sentence: It's not about how big the
28 E4 dreams a person has, but how much effort is being made to Passion
achieve them. The sentence is in accordance with the value ...

Don't be afraid to fail before trying. Don't be afraid to fall

29 E5 Confident
before you step. The sentence is in accordance with the value ...

The capital needed to start an improvement is the will, courage,

and knowledge. While the strength is to maintain it is honesty,
30 E6 Passion
commitment, innovation, and patience. The sentence reflects
the value ...

Saying the word "Thank You" when we are helped by others is

31 F1 Wisdom
a reflection of value ...

The existence of a storm is a good opportunity for pine trees to

32 F2 show their strength and resilience. The sentence reflects the Passion
value ...

As a leader, Mr. Saifudin always ignores input/ opinion from

33 F3 his underlings even though the input is positive. Mr. Wisdom
Saifudin's attitude is contrary to the values ...

Learn to calm yourself down. Because turbid water must be

34 F4 calmed down, so that the dirty settles and the crystal clear. The Wisdom
sentence is in accordance with the value ...
Don't accept things as they are, if the better thing is still
35 F5 Passion
possible. The sentence is in accordance with the value ...

There is no reason to feel small and tiny compared to

others, because success and happiness are not the monopolies
36 F6 Confident
of certain people. Success is our right. The sentence reflects the
value …

Success people not only with hard hearts, but they are also a
37 G1 hard workers who believe in their abilities. The value Confident
contained in the sentence is …

Attitude is the first quality seen in a successful person. If he acts

well and always has positive thoughts, that means he has
38 G2 Wisdom
achieved half of his success. The sentence is in accordance
with the value …

If we only do what we can, we only do the ordinary things, and

we will get the normal result. Try to do something that is
39 G3 Innovation
outside your "Comfort Zone", then you will get different
results. The sentence reflects the value …
Execution is the ability to align strategy with reality, and the
40 G4 ability of people with their goals, and achieve results as Wisdom
planned. The sentence is included in the value ...

Not using a masks in a production area that causes product

41 G5
contamination, is a behavior that violates the value ... Quality

Every year the HRD team evaluates employee competencies,

42 G6
the actions are in accordance with the values ​...

At work, what we need is not just demanding what we will

43 H1 receive, but must begin with what we are able to give. The Wisdom
sentence is in accordance with the value ...

No matter how big or difficult the problem you face, get rid of
44 H2
confusion by taking one small step towards a solution. The
sentence is in accordance with the value …

Using a floor broom to clean conveyor that is in direct contact

45 H3
with the product, contrary to the value ...

The fire of spirit must be ignited by ourselves, because if

46 H4 someone else ignites it for us, that fire of spirit will be easily Passion
extinguished. That sentence reflects the value ...

The biggest mistake we usually make is to be constantly afraid

47 H5
of making mistakes. That sentence is contrary to the value ...

Promoting Mayora products to be consumed by family,

48 * neighbors, and the surrounding environment is an action Quality
that is in accordance with the value ...

49 *

50 * Questions from the Jury

* Questions from Honorary guests

Sabtu, 17 Sept 2016


In 7 Principles of Mayora Group, there is an explanation sentence that

1 A1 state "Only sell products that we can be proud of" this sentence is Quality
included in the value?

Work hard and persevere, there is no shortcut to achieving

2 A2 excellence, this is an explanation of the value ... Passion

Think carefully - give punishment to careless and clumsy attitude, this

3 A3 Responsibility
statement is included in the value ...

Establish a good relationship between mayora plants, so that we can

4 A4 coordinate well with the existing RM / PM, this is an implementation Wisdom
of the value ...

Giving a warning letter if a team makes a mistake is an action that is in

accordance with value ...
5 A5 Responsibility

Always have the confidence to succeed and not fear of failure, is an

implementation of the value ...
6 A6 Confident

Following the internal factory meetings regularly, is an action in

accordance with the value ...
7 B1 Responsibility

Dare to reduce the number of buffer stocks, although it can cause

shortages, this is an action that is in accordance with the value ...
8 B2 Confident

Ms. Ana found cartons that did not meet the specified
9 B3 standards, and firmly refused to use them. Ms. Ana's actions Quality
reflect the value ...

Giving more contribution than the average given by others to Mayora,

10 B4 including in the implementation that is in accordance with the Passion
value ...

Maintaining the availability of RM-PM, is an implementation of

11 B5 Efficiency
the value ...
Coordinate well if there is an inappropriate arrival of material related
to the quantity and PO number of the supplier so that the supplier
12 B6 can make deliveries according to the standard, is an action that Wisdom
reflects value ...

Being able to solve small problems and then given the trust to solve
larger problems, is a reflection of the value ...
13 C1 Confident

As a section head, Mr. Khaerul conducts coaching counseling for Tedi

14 C2 who often arrives late and often does not come to work without Responsibility
explanation. Mr. Khaerul's actions are the reflections of value ...

A bad tree will not produce a good fruit. This sentence is a reflection
15 C3 Quality
of value ...

As a production operator, Beni always carries out autonomous

16 C4 maintenance of production machines correctly and according to a Responsibility
predetermined schedule. Beni's actions reflect the value ...

Always be honest, because freedom is for the honest. People who lie
17 C5 cannot be free, because they are trapped in their lies. The sentence is in Wisdom
accordance with the value ...
People who have stopped learning are olds, whether they are 20 years
old or 80 years old. People who continue to learn are those who remain
18 C6 Passion
young. So what is important is how to keep the mind young and fresh.
That sentence matches the value ...

As a receptionist, Ms. Irma deliberately uses office phones for personal

19 D1 Responsibility
use. Ms. Irma's actions conflict with values ​...

As a leader, Mr. Saifudin always ignores input/ opinion from his

20 D2 underlings even though the input is positive. Mr. Saifudin's attitude Wisdom
is contrary to the values ...

No matter how small the good that we do, it will never be in vain.
21 D3 Kindness will reciprocate kindness. The sentence is included in the Wisdom
value ...

If we have a strong desire from the heart, then the environment will
22 D4 Passion
help to make it happen. That sentence matches the value ...

Don't accept things as they are if the better thing is still possible. The
23 D5 Passion
sentence is in accordance with the value ...

The beauty of friendship is when we give without expecting anything

24 D6 Wisdom
in return. The sentence reflects the value ...

What value does the following sentence include: "Use a variety of

25 E1 Passion
innovative tools to carry out improvement"
The important thing is not how long we work but how much we
26 E2 Responsibility
contribute to work. That sentence matches the value ...
Learn to be patient even if you are burdened, learn to be faithful
27 E3 despite the temptations of the mind, learn to forgive even if you have Wisdom
been hurt. The sentence reflects the value ...

If you fail to get something, the only thing you have to do is try
28 E4 Passion
again!!! The sentence is in accordance with the value ...

Success people not only with hard hearts, but they are also a hard
29 E5 workers who believe in their abilities. The value contained in the Confident
sentence is …

A winner will never stop to try and people who stop to try will never
30 E6 Passion
be a winner. The sentence reflects the value ...

Mr. Rudi did not want to teach his men because he is scared that
31 F1 his men would surpass him. Mr. Rudi's actions contradict the values ​ Wisdom

Life is like riding a bicycle. To stay balanced, we must continue to

32 F2 Passion
pedal it. The sentence reflects the value ...

33 F3 Able to see dust at the end of the road, but unable to see an Wisdom
elephant in plain sight. This saying means value ...

To be the best, we must dare to go out the door, step by step, not
34 F4 Confident
rash, and not rushed, but sure. The value contained in the sentence is ...
If you want to dream, go to sleep quickly. But if you want to make
35 F5 that dream come true, then wake up quickly. The sentence is a Passion
reflection of value ...

Mr. Mamat as a Dept. Head has always been a role model for his
36 F6 Wisdom
underlings. Mr. Mamat's attitude is a reflection of the value ...

No matter how big or difficult the problem you face, get rid of
37 G1 confusion by taking one small step towards a solution. The sentence is Confident
in accordance with the value…

A friend will not play down his other friends' dreams. But, he will help
38 G2 Wisdom
realize all his friends' dreams. The sentence reflects the value ...
High achievers are people who dare to do things differently, the
39 G3 Innovation
sentence is in accordance with the value ...

One form of appreciation for our lives is to respect the lives of others.
40 G4 Wisdom
The sentence is in accordance with the value ...

Doing GMP implementation properly, correctly, and consistently. That

41 G5
action reflects the value ... Quality

As a Dept. Head, Mr. Mukidi has never participated in a 'Lentera Hati'

42 G6
activity. Mr. Mukidi's actions contradict the values ​...

The main purpose of life is to help others. If we can't help them, at

43 H1
least don't hurt them. The sentence is in accordance with the value ... Wisdom

We are easily discouraged because we see difficulties more quickly

44 H2
than we see ease. The sentence contradicts the value ...

When employees enter the Company area, it is found that several

45 H3 employees brought in competitor products. The employee's actions are Quality
contrary to the value ...

It does not require great power to do something, but it takes great

46 H4 power to decide what to do. The sentence is in accordance with the Confident
value ...

If we work with love, we will become more resilient, bolder, more

47 H5
persistent, and more caring. That sentence matches the value ... Passion

Use 80% of our time to focus on tomorrow's opportunities, rather

48 * than thinking about yesterday's problems. The sentence is included in Efficiency
the value ...

49 *

50 * Questions from the Jury

* Questions from Honorary guests

Sabtu, 01 Okt 2016


Be versatile, agile, and practical in plans and actions, in the 7

1 A1 Principles of Mayora Group, this statement is included in Wisdom
value ...

Believe that consumers are smart... In the 7 Principles of

2 A2 Quality
Mayora Group, this statement is included in value ...

Don't ever feel inferior because it will only limit your

3 A3 Confident
achievements, this statement is included in value ...

Work smart, be clear with the direction you are going, not
4 A4 excessive in planning and act efficiently. In the 7 Principles of Wisdom
Mayora Group, this statement is included in value ...

5 A5 Fast response and focus on consumers. Is an action of value ... Quality

Implement an integrated system, cutting-edge technology,

6 A6 efficient manufacturing and distribution strategy. An example of Efficiency
value …

Mayora makes continuous improvements to produce the best

7 B1 Innovation
quality products, this is an explanation of the value ...

Not accepting compensation in any form from outsiders that

8 B2 related to the company, this is an explanation of the value ... Responsibility

Active in every opportunity available to develop themselves, this

9 B3 is an explanation of the value ... wisdom

Do not like to postpone any works and solve problems

10 B4 Confident
immediately. This is an explanation of the value ...

Send schedules by email to suppliers on time for delivery. This

11 B5 Efficiency
action is in accordance with the value ...

Send an email to the supplier if there are goods that are not in
accordance with the standard to be returned and make sure to
12 B6 Quality
the supplier/ purchasing regarding the standards that must be
met, this is an implementation of the value ...
Dare to express opinions in front of the forum (DOR, WOR,
13 C1 MOR) is an implementation of the value ... Confident

Ensuring the implementation of work is in accordance with

14 C2 Jobdesc, Work Instruction, and SOP is one of the actions that Responsibility
reflects the value ...

Identifying each stage of the process that allows product

15 C3 deviations both in quality and food safety. This action reflects Quality
the value ...
As chairman of the PIB committee, Mr. Djodi always holds a
meeting every Monday to discuss the PIB suggestions that he
16 C4 Responsibility
has received. Mr. Djodi's attitude is in accordance with the
values ​...
The PPIC section always maintains good relations between the
17 C5 Mayora plants so that they can coordinate well when there are Wisdom
RM / PM constraints. That sentence matches the value ...

Don't consider adversity as a barrier, but make it a challenge as

18 C6 a start to achieving excellence. That sentence reflects the Passion
value ...
Mr. Mukidi asked permission from his supervisor to go to the
bank during working hours. After returning from the bank, Mr.
19 D1 Mukidi did not immediately return to his work area, but Mr. Responsibility
Mukidi stopped by the stall to smoke. Mr. Mukidi's actions
violated the value ...
Steve Jobs said: the only way to do great work is to love what
20 D2 Passion
you do. The sentence is included in the value ...

When a problem occurs it is better to fix it immediately by finding

21 D3 the solutions together rather than blaming each other. The Wisdom
sentence is in accordance with the value ...

Success is our right, but working hard, continuously learning,

22 D4 and never giving up is our obligation. The sentence is in Passion
accordance with the value ...
Book is a window to the world. we must be diligent in reading
23 D5 books if we want to improve ourselves. The sentence is in Passion
accordance with the value ...
Mr. Darwanto will hold an internal meeting with his team, but
there is no empty meeting room, so Mr. Darwanto borrows the
24 D6 training room in the MLC Building to Mr. Algi, by asking Wisdom
permission for the room. Pak Darwanto's actions reflect the
value ...
Getting up early is a sign that you can achieve your life goals
25 E1 Passion
better than yesterday. The sentence reflects the value ...
Mr. Mukidi did not attend the training that he was supposed to
attend, so Mr. Mukidi made a news letter (berita acara) that
26 E2 Responsibility
stating the reasons for his absence. Mr. Mukidi's actions are in
accordance with values ​...
What value does this following sentence include: "Show your
27 E3 Wisdom
work performance without dropping your friends"
Consider this following sentence: It's not about how big the
28 E4 dreams a person has, but how much effort is being made to Passion
achieve them. The sentence is in accordance with the value ...

Don't be afraid to fail before trying. Don't be afraid to fall

29 E5 Confident
before you step. The sentence is in accordance with the value ...

The capital needed to start an improvement is the will, courage,

and knowledge. While the strength is to maintain it is honesty,
30 E6 Passion
commitment, innovation, and patience. The sentence reflects
the value ...

Saying the word "Thank You" when we are helped by others is

31 F1 Wisdom
a reflection of value ...

The existence of a storm is a good opportunity for pine trees to

32 F2 show their strength and resilience. The sentence reflects the Passion
value ...

As a leader, Mr. Saifudin always ignores input/ opinion from

33 F3 his underlings even though the input is positive. Mr. Wisdom
Saifudin's attitude is contrary to the values ...

Learn to calm yourself down. Because turbid water must be

34 F4 calmed down, so that the dirty settles and the crystal clear. The Wisdom
sentence is in accordance with the value ...
Don't accept things as they are if the better thing is still
35 F5 Passion
possible. The sentence is in accordance with the value ...

There is no reason to feel small and tiny compared to

others, because success and happiness are not the monopolies
36 F6 Confident
of certain people. Success is our right. The sentence reflects the
value …

Success people not only with hard hearts, but they are also a
37 G1 hard workers who believe in their abilities. The value Confident
contained in the sentence is …

Attitude is the first quality seen in a successful person. If he acts

well and always has positive thoughts, that means he has
38 G2 Wisdom
achieved half of his success. The sentence is in accordance
with the value …

If we only do what we can, we only do the ordinary things, and

we will get the normal result. Try to do something that is
39 G3 Innovation
outside your "Comfort Zone", then you will get different
results. The sentence reflects the value …
Execution is the ability to align strategy with reality, and the
40 G4 ability of people with their goals, and achieve results as Wisdom
planned. The sentence is included in the value ...

Not using a masks in a production area that causes product

41 G5
contamination, is a behavior that violates the value ... Quality

Every year the HRD team evaluates employee competencies,

42 G6
the actions are in accordance with the values ​...

At work, what we need is not just demanding what we will

43 H1 receive, but must begin with what we are able to give. The Wisdom
sentence is in accordance with the value ...
No matter how big or difficult the problem you face, get rid of
44 H2 confusion by taking one small step towards a solution. The Confident
sentence is in accordance with the value…

Using a floor broom to clean conveyor that is in direct contact

45 H3
with the product, contrary to the value ...

The fire of spirit must be ignited by ourselves, because if

46 H4 someone else ignites it for us, that fire of spirit will be easily Passion
extinguished. That sentence reflects the value ...

The biggest mistake we usually make is to be constantly afraid

47 H5
of making mistakes. That sentence is contrary to the value ...

Promoting Mayora products to be consumed by family,

48 * neighbors, and the surrounding environment is an action Quality
that is in accordance with the value ...

49 *

50 * Questions from the Jury

* Questions from Honorary guests

Sabtu, 01 Okt 2016


Respect others and yourself, build relationships with mutually

1 A1 beneficial principles. In the 7 Principles of Mayora, this is an Wisdom
explanation of value ...

Don't waste the trust that given to you. In the 7 Principles of

2 A2 Responsibility
Mayora, this is an explanation of the value ...

Make a product that suits the tastes of consumers, this is an

3 A3 Quality
explanation of the value ...

Always care about the details of the work to see the possibility
4 A4 of improving work systems in order to achieve productivity and Passion
better quality... This is an explanation of the value ...

Mayora is trying to do market research to find out what

5 A5 consumers want and what consumers need, this is an Innovation
explanation of the value ...

Resolving every problem with a proper dialogue and prioritizing

6 A6 "win win solution", trying to control yourself and not easily wisdom
overflowing emotions, is an explanation of the value ...

Complete the tasks that have been promised on time and in

accordance with the expectations requested, this is an
7 B1 explanation of the value ... Responsibility

The latest or modern technology updates to increase

8 B2 productivity and human resources are actions that are in Innovation
accordance with the value ...
Perform each task and responsibility with pleasure and make it
a personal target, this is an explanation of the value ...
9 B3 Passion

Realizing that risk is to be managed and faced not to be feared

10 B4 Confident
and avoided, this is an explanation of the value ...

Using the energy in accordance with needs, is an action in

11 B5 Efficiency
accordance with the value ...
Implementing ISO 9001: 2008 and 22000: 2005 properly,
12 B6 Quality
correctly, and consistently is a reflection of the value ...

Always be humble and be like people in general, the action is in

13 C1 Wisdom
accordance with the value ...

Careful and understanding the process of work to be carried out,

14 C2 Confident
this statement is included in value ...

Perseverance can make the impossible is possible. That

15 C3 Passion
sentence matches the value ...

As a production operator, Beni always carries out autonomous

16 C4 maintenance of production machines correctly and according to Responsibility
a predetermined schedule. Beni's actions reflect the value ...

Always be honest, because freedom is only for the honest.

17 C5 People who lie cannot be free, because they are trapped in their Wisdom
lies. The sentence is in accordance with the value ...

People who have stopped learning are olds, whether they are
20 years old or 80 years old. People who continue to learn are
18 C6 Passion
those who remain young. So what is important is how to keep
the mind young and fresh. That sentence matches the value ...

As a receptionist, Ms. Irma deliberately uses office phones for

19 D1 Responsibility
personal use. Ms. Irma's actions conflict with values ​...

As a leader, Mr. Saifudin always ignores input/ opinion from

20 D2 his underlings even though the input is positive. Mr. Wisdom
Saifudin's attitude is contrary to the values ...

No matter how small the good that we do, it will never be in vain.
21 D3 Kindness will reciprocate kindness. The sentence is included Wisdom
in the value ...

If we have a strong desire from the heart, then the

22 D4 environment will help to make it happen. That sentence matches Passion
the value ...
Don't accept things as they are if the better thing is still possible.
23 D5 Passion
The sentence is in accordance with the value ...

The beauty of friendship is when we give without expecting

24 D6 Wisdom
anything in return. The sentence reflects the value ...
What value does the following sentence include: "Use a variety
25 E1 Passion
of innovative tools to carry out improvement"

The important thing is not how long we work but how much we
26 E2 Responsibility
contribute to work. That sentence matches the value ...

Learn to be patient even if you are burdened, learn to be faithful

27 E3 despite the temptations of the mind, learn to forgive even if you Wisdom
have been hurt. The sentence reflects the value ...

If you fail to get something, the only thing you have to do is try
28 E4 Passion
again!!! The sentence is in accordance with the value ...

Those who are able to destroy mountains are those who begin
29 E5 to gradually lift small stones. In accordance with the value of Confident
what the sentence will be?

A winner will never stop to try and people who stop to try will
30 E6 Passion
never be a winner. The sentence reflects the value ...

Mr. Rudi did not want to teach his men because he is

31 F1 scared that his men would surpass him. Mr. Rudi's actions Wisdom
contradict the values ​...

Life is like riding a bicycle. To stay balanced, we must continue

32 F2 Passion
to pedal it. The sentence reflects the value ...

Able to see dust at the end of the road, but unable to see an
33 F3 Wisdom
elephant in plain sight. This saying means value ...

To be the best, we must dare to go out of the door, step by step,

34 F4 not rash, and not rushed, but sure. The value contained in the Confident
sentence is ...
If you want to dream, go to sleep quickly. But if you want to
35 F5 make that dream come true, then wake up quickly. The Passion
sentence is a reflection of value ...

Mr. Mamat as a Dept. Head has always been a role model for
36 F6 Wisdom
his underlings. Mr. Mamat's attitude is a reflection of the value ...

No matter how big or difficult the problem you face, get rid of
37 G1 confusion by taking one small step towards a solution. The Confident
sentence is in accordance with the value …
A friend will not play down his other friends' dreams. But, he will
38 G2 help realize all his friends' dreams. The sentence reflects the Wisdom
value ...

High achievers are people who dare to do things differently, the

39 G3 Innovation
sentence is in accordance with the value ...

One form of appreciation for our lives is to respect the lives of

40 G4 Wisdom
others. The sentence is in accordance with the value ...

Doing GMP implementation properly, correctly, and consistently.

41 G5
That action reflects the value ...

As a Dept. Head, Mr. Mukidi has never participated in a 'Lentera

42 G6
Hati' activity. Mr. Mukidi's actions contradict the values ​...

The main purpose of life is to help others. If we can't help them,

43 H1 at least don't hurt them. The sentence is in accordance with the Wisdom
value ...

We are easily discouraged because we see difficulties more

44 H2
quickly than we see ease. The sentence contradicts the value ...

When employees enter the Company area, it is found that

45 H3 several employees brought in competitor products. The Quality
employee's actions are contrary to the value ...

It does not require great power to do something, but it takes

46 H4 great power to decide what to do. The sentence is in Confident
accordance with the value ...

If we work with love, we will become more resilient, bolder, more

47 H5
persistent, and more caring. That sentence matches the value ...

Use 80% of our time to focus on tomorrow's opportunities,

48 * rather than thinking about yesterday's problems. The sentence Efficiency
is included in the value ...

49 *

50 * Questions from Jury

* Questions from Honorary guests


Ensuring the implementation of work is in accordance with the

1 A1 jobdesc, work instruction, and SOP is one of the actions that reflects
the value ...

Each team that participating in the Fun Game has the confidence to be
2 A2
a winner. That sentence matches the value ...

Doing external product analysis to vendors regularly, is an actions that

3 A3
included in value ...

Arrange the fragment words below into sentences that fit the 7
4 A4
principles of Mayora

And - the work - inspire - you - to be - will - better - do - you -

everyday - love - that

Mr. Nugie and his partner are correcting the existing monitoring form,
5 A5 with the aim of minimizing the use of paper. The actions of Mr. Nugie
and his partner are included in the value ...


Creating a flexible communication system between leader and his

1 B1 underling, for example staff meetings, is one of the actions that is in
accordance with the values ​...

To become a champion, it takes a strong effort, train hard, and

2 B2
praying. The sentence is in accordance with the value ...

Mr. Nugie as a Jatake 1 employee has never closed off the

3 B3 opportunities to learn new things. Mr. Nugie's actions are in
accordance with the values ​...
Ensure the function of metal detectors, temperature parameters, and
4 B4
magnet traps are included in the value ...

Arrange the fragment words below into sentences that fit the 7
5 B5
principles of Mayora

In - process - business - improve - continue - to - efficiency - every -

winning - keep - the competition - to




Do the work that you love and will inspire you to be better
every day






Continue to improve efficiency in every business process

to keep winning the competition
Sabtu, 15 Okt 2016


"Only sell products that we can be proud of" this sentence is

1 A1 Quality
included in the value?

Do the work you love and will inspire you to be better every day.
2 A2 In the 7 Principles of Mayora Group, this Statement is included Passion
in the value ...

Dare to take risks if you want to successfully achieve new

3 A3 breakthroughs. In the 7 Principles of Mayora, this is an Confident
explanation of the value ...

Be proactive and take the initiative to provide solutions and

4 A4 Responsibility
complete tasks. This is an explanation of the value ...

Giving more than the average contribution given by others to

5 A5 Mayora, this statement is an example of implementation of the Passion
value ...

The QC Department always provides a strict coding system,

6 A6 Quality
because this acts is in accordance with the value ...

One of the ways to improve human resources is by providing

7 B1 training and knowledge sharing to employee, this is in Wisdom
accordance with the value ...

Not easy to despair every times encounter obstacles and

8 B2 challenges, this act is in accordance with the value ... Passion

Big or small problems that exists, overcome these problems one

9 B3 Confident
by one. This is an explanation of value...

Ensuring the implementation of work is in accordance with the

10 B4 jobdesc, work instruction, and SOP is one of the actions that Responsibility
reflects the value ...

Building Super TIM instead of Superman, this statement

11 B5 Wisdom
matches the value ...

Mayora is trying to conduct market research to find out what

12 B6 Innovation
consumers want and needed. This is an explanation of value ...
Dare to express opinions in front of the forum (DOR, WOR,
13 C1 MOR) is an implementation of the value ... Confident

"Always do good the best way because that's how peace will be
14 C2 Wisdom
created." The sentence are in accordance with the values ​...

Identifying each stage of the process that allows product

15 C3 deviations both in quality and food safety, is included in the Quality
value ...
As chairman of the PIB committee, Mr. Djodi always holds a
meeting every Monday to discuss the PIB suggestions that he
16 C4 Responsibility
has received. Mr. Djodi's attitude is in accordance with the
values ​...
The PPIC section always maintains good relations between the
17 C5 Mayora plants so that they can coordinate well when there are Wisdom
RM / PM constraints. That sentence matches the value ...

Don't consider adversity as a barrier, make it a challenge as a

18 C6 Passion
start to achieving excellence. The sentence reflects the value ...

Mr. Mukidi asked permission from his supervisor to go to the

bank during working hours. After returning from the bank, Mr.
19 D1 Mukidi did not immediately return to his work area, but Mr. Responsibility
Mukidi stopped by the stall to smoke. Mr. Mukidi's actions
violated the value ...
Steve Jobs said: the only way to do great work is to love what
20 D2 Passion
you do. The sentence is included in the value ...

When a problem occurs it is better to fix it immediately by finding

21 D3 the solutions together rather than blaming each other. The Wisdom
sentence is in accordance with the value ...

Success is our right, but working hard, continuously learning,

22 D4 and never giving up is our obligation. The sentence is in Passion
accordance with the value ...
Learn to calm yourself down. Because turbid water must be
23 D5 calmed down, so that the dirty settles and the crystal clear. The Wisdom
sentence is in accordance with the value ...
Mr. Darwanto will hold an internal meeting with his team, but
there is no empty meeting room, so Mr. Darwanto borrows the
24 D6 training room in the MLC Building to Mr. Algi, by asking Wisdom
permission for the room. Pak Darwanto's actions reflect the
value ...
Getting up early is a sign that you can achieve your life goals
25 E1 Passion
better than yesterday. The sentence reflects the value ...
Mr. Mukidi did not attend the training that he was supposed to
attend, so Mr. Mukidi made a news letter (berita acara) that
26 E2 Responsibility
stating the reasons for his absence. Mr. Mukidi's actions are in
accordance with values ​....
What value does this following sentence include: "Show your
27 E3 Wisdom
work performance without dropping your friends"
Consider this following sentence: It's not about how big the
28 E4 dreams a person has, but how much effort is being made to Passion
achieve them. The sentence is in accordance with the value ...

Don't be afraid to fail before trying. Don't be afraid to fall

29 E5 Confident
before you step. The sentence is in accordance with the value ...

The capital needed to start an improvement is the will,

courage, and knowledge. While the strength is to maintain it is
30 E6 Passion
honesty, commitment, innovation, and patience. The sentence
reflects the value ...

Saying the word "Thank You" when we are helped by others is

31 F1 Wisdom
a reflection of value ...

The existence of a storm is a good opportunity for pine trees to

32 F2 show their strength and resilience. The sentence reflects the Passion
value ...

As a leader, Mr. Saifudin always ignores input/ opinion from

33 F3 his underlings even though the input is positive. Mr. Wisdom
Saifudin's attitude is contrary to the values ...

If we only do what we can, we only do the ordinary things, and

we will get the normal result. Try to do something that is
34 F4 Innovation
outside your "Comfort Zone", then you will get different
results. The sentence reflects the value …

Don't accept things as they are, if the better thing is still

35 F5 Passion
possible. The sentence is in accordance with the value ...

There is no reason to feel small and tiny compared to others,

because success and happiness are not the monopolies of
36 F6 Confident
certain people. Success is our right. The sentence reflects the
value …

Success people not only with hard hearts, but they are also a
37 G1 hard workers who believe in their abilities. The value Confident
contained in the sentence is …

Attitude is the first quality seen in a successful person. If he acts

well and always has positive thoughts, that means he has
38 G2 Wisdom
achieved half of his success. The sentence is in accordance
with the value …
Books is a window to the world. we must be diligent in reading
39 G3 books if we want to improve ourselves. The sentence is in Passion
accordance with the value ...
Execution is the ability to align strategy with reality, and the
40 G4 ability of people with their goals, and achieve results as Wisdom
planned. The sentence is included in the value ...

Not using a masks in a production area that causes product

41 G5
contamination, is a behavior that violates the value ... Quality

Every year the HRD team evaluates employee competencies,

42 G6
the actions are in accordance with the values ​...

At work, what we need is not just demanding what we will

43 H1 receive, but must begin with what we are able to give. The Wisdom
sentence is in accordance with the value ...
No matter how big or difficult the problem you face, get rid of
44 H2 confusion by taking one small step towards a solution. The Confident
sentence is in accordance with the value …

Using a floor broom to clean conveyor that is in direct contact

45 H3
with the product, contrary to the value ...

The fire of spirit must be ignited by ourselves, because if

46 H4 someone else ignites it for us, that fire of spirit will be easily Passion
extinguished. That sentence reflects the value ...

The biggest mistake we usually make is to be constantly afraid

47 H5
of making mistakes. That sentence is contrary to the value ...

Promoting Mayora products to be consumed by family,

48 * neighbors, and the surrounding environment is an action Quality
that is in accordance with the value ...

49 *

50 * Questions from the Jury

* Questions from Honorary guests

Sabtu, 15 Okt 2016


Consumer-oriented by innovating products and processes to

1 A1 Innovation
serve consumer needs, this is the explanation of value ...

"Build a strong team and friendship network, make others happy

2 A2 to work with you." In the 7 Principles of Mayora Group, this Wisdom
sentence is included in the value ...

"Think carefully - give punishment to careless and clumsy

3 A3 attitude." In the 7 Principles of Mayora Group, this sentence is Responsibility
included in the value ...

"Work hard and persistent there are no shortcuts to achieving

4 A4 excellence." In the 7 Principles of Mayora Group, this sentence Passion
is included in the value ...
"Evaluate your achievements and productivity every day." That
5 A5 Responsibility
sentence is included in the value ...
Don't ever feel inferior because it will only limit your
6 A6 Confident
achievements, this statement is included in value ...

Not accepting compensation in any form from outsiders that

7 B1 Responsibility
related to the company, this is an explanation of the value ...

Metal detector does not work optimally, so Mrs. Erni as the QC

8 B2 dept. head decides to hold the resulting product. Mrs. Erni's Quality
actions are in accordance with the value ...
When he encounters a problem, Mr. Zulkifli is always angry and
blame others. Mr. Zulkifli's actions is contrary with the values ​...
9 B3 Wisdom

The biggest mistake we usually make is to be constantly afraid

10 B4 Confident
of making mistakes. That sentence is contrary to the value ...

Continue to study and study. Because there is no limit for the

11 B5 knowledge, don't ever complain and keep trying. This statement Passion
is the value of ...

12 B6 The slogan “Satu lagi dari Mayora” is a reflections of value … Innovation

Build relationships is the key to succeed in the business world,

13 C1 the key to build relationships is mutual trust. The sentence from Wisdom
Stephen Covey matches the value ...
Promoting Mayora products to be consumed by family,
14 C2 neighbors, and the surrounding environment is an action that is Quality
in accordance with the value ...
Last Saturday, after the Fun Game event was finished, there
were many rubbish from the participants in each of the Fun
15 C3 Responsibility
Game participants' platforms. That action is contrary to the value
If we work with love, we will become more resilient, bolder,
16 C4 more persistent, and more caring. That sentence matches the Passion
value ...

Always be honest, because freedom is only for the honest.

17 C5 People who lie cannot be free, because they are trapped in their Wisdom
lies. The sentence is in accordance with the value ...

People who have stopped learning are olds, whether they are
20 years old or 80 years old. People who continue to learn are
18 C6 Passion
those who remain young. So what is important is how to keep
the mind young and fresh. That sentence matches the value ...

As a receptionist, Ms. Irma deliberately uses office phones for

19 D1 Responsibility
personal use. Ms. Irma's actions contrary with values ​...

As a leader, Mr. Saifudin always ignores input/ opinion from

20 D2 his underlings even though the input is positive. Mr. Wisdom
Saifudin's attitude is contrary to the values ...

No matter how small the good that we do, it will never be in vain.
21 D3 Kindness will reciprocate kindness. The sentence is included Wisdom
in the value ...
If we have a strong desire from the heart, then the
22 D4 environment will help to make it happen. That sentence matches Passion
the value ...
Don't accept things as they are, if the better thing is still
23 D5 Passion
possible. The sentence is in accordance with the value ...

The beauty of friendship is when we give without expecting

24 D6 Wisdom
anything in return. The sentence reflects the value ...

"Use various innovative tools to implement improvements" the

25 E1 Passion
following sentence is included in the value ...

The important thing is not how long we work but how much
26 E2 Responsibility
we contribute to work. That sentence matches the value ...

Learn to be patient even if you are burdened, learn to be faithful

27 E3 despite the temptations of the mind, learn to forgive even if you Wisdom
have been hurt. The sentence reflects the value ...
If you fail to get something, the only thing you have to do is try
28 E4 Passion
again!!! The sentence is in accordance with the value ...

Those who are able to destroy mountains are those who begin
29 E5 to gradually lift small stones. In accordance with the value of Confident
what the sentence will be?

A winner will never stop to try and people who stop to try will
30 E6 Passion
never be a winner. The sentence reflects the value ...

Mr. Rudi did not want to teach his men because he is

31 F1 scared that his men would surpass him. Mr. Rudi's actions Wisdom
contradict the values ​...

Life is like riding a bicycle. To stay balanced, we must continue

32 F2 Passion
to pedal it. The sentence reflects the value ...

Able to see dust at the end of the road, but unable to see an
33 F3 Wisdom
elephant in plain sight. This saying means value ...

To be the best, we must dare to go out of the door, step by

34 F4 step, not rash, and not rushed, but sure. The value contained in Confident
the sentence is ...

If you want to dream, go to sleep quickly. But if you want to

35 F5 make that dream come true, then wake up quickly. The Passion
sentence is a reflection of value ...

Mr. Mamat as a Dept. Head has always been a role model for
36 F6 his underlings. Mr. Mamat's attitude is a reflection of the Wisdom
value ...

No matter how big or difficult the problem you face, get rid of
37 G1 confusion by taking one small step towards a solution. The Confident
sentence is in accordance with the value …

A friend will not play down his other friends' dreams. But, he will
38 G2 help realize all his friends' dreams. The sentence reflects the Wisdom
value ...

High achievers are people who dare to do things differently, the

39 G3 Innovation
sentence is in accordance with the value ...

One form of appreciation for our lives is to respect the lives of

40 G4 Wisdom
others. The sentence is in accordance with the value ...

Doing GMP implementation properly, correctly, and consistently.

41 G5
That action reflects the value ...
As a Dept. Head, Mr. Mukidi has never participated in a 'Lentera
42 G6
Hati' activity. Mr. Mukidi's actions contradict the values ​...

The main purpose of life is to help others. If we can't help them,

43 H1 at least don't hurt them. The sentence is in accordance with the Wisdom
value ...

We are easily discouraged because we see difficulties more

44 H2
quickly than we see ease. The sentence contradicts the value ...

When employees enter the Company area, it is found that

45 H3 several employees brought in competitor products. The Quality
employee's actions are contrary to the value ...

It does not require great power to do something, but it takes

46 H4 great power to decide what to do. The sentence is in Confident
accordance with the value ...

If we work with love, we will become more resilient, bolder, more

47 H5
persistent, and more caring. That sentence matches the value ... Passion

Use 80% of our time to focus on tomorrow's opportunities,

48 * rather than thinking about yesterday's problems. The sentence Efficiency
is included in the value ...

49 *

50 * Questions from Jury

* Questions from Honorary guests

Sabtu, 15 Okt 2016


Respect others and yourself, build relationships with mutually

1 A1 beneficial principles. In the 7 Principles of Mayora, this is an Wisdom
explanation of value ...

"Big or small problems that exist, deal with it and resolve those
2 A2 Confident
problems one by one" the sentence is in accordance with the value ...

"Don't waste the trust that given to you." In the 7 Principles

3 A3 Responsibility
of Mayora, this is an explanation of the value ...

The champions are not produced from modern training venues. But the
champions are produced from something that exists within them,
4 A4 Passion
namely; determination, passion, big dreams, and clear direction. The
sentence is a reflection of value ...
"High achievers are people who dare to do things differently."
5 A5 the sentence is in accordance with the value ... Innovation

Don't be afraid to take one big step if it's needed, the sentence
6 A6 Confident
is in accordance with the value ...

"Ensure product gramation/ product weight is produced

7 B1 Quality
according to the standard." That sentence matches the value ...

What value does this following sentence included: "Show your

8 B2 Wisdom
work performance without dropping your friends"

Consistent between words and actions ". The sentence is in

9 B3 Responsibility
accordance with the value ...

Don't depend too much on others, the fact that you are stronger
10 B4 than what you think, but you don't believe it. The sentence Confident
reflects the value ...

Mayora launched a new product named "Malkist Cokelat".

11 B5 Innovation
This act is included in the value ...

Let me know, then I will forget. Teach me, then I will

12 B6 remember. Involve me, then I will understand. That sentence Wisdom
included in the value ...

When employees enter the Company area, it is found that several

13 C1 employees brought in competitor products. The employee's actions are Quality
contrary to the value ...

Budi casually uses new paper for things that aren't important.
14 C2 Efficiency
Budi's attitude is contrary to the value ...
If you can help others to achieve "success", why should be a "barrier".
If you can make other people "happy", why do you have to make
15 C3
others "suffer". If life can be "valuable to others" that is the real Wisdom
"happiness". The sentence reflects the value ...

Every year the HRD team evaluates employee competencies, the

16 C4 Responsibility
actions are in accordance with the values ​...

At work, what we need is not just demanding what we will receive,

17 C5 but must begin with what we are able to give. The sentence is in Wisdom
accordance with the value ...

Nothing in this world can be easily obtained. You have to work hard &
18 C6 Pray harder, this is the way to make it easier. The sentence is in Passion
accordance with the value ...

As a section head Mr. Imam conducts coaching counseling for Joko

19 D1 Responsibility
who often arrives late. Mr. Imam's actions are actions of value ...

When he encounters a problem, Mr. Zulkifli is always angry and blame

20 D2
others. Mr. Zulkifli's actions is contrary with the values ​... Wisdom

The fire of spirit must be ignited by ourselves, because if someone

21 D3 else ignites it for us, that fire of spirit will be easily extinguished. That Passion
sentence reflects the value ...

Changing the system of arranging Finish Good in the palette from

22 D4 Innovation
manual to Automatic is an action that is in accordance with the value ...
Promoting Mayora products to be consumed by family, neighbors,
23 D5 and the surrounding environment is an action that is in accordance Quality
with the value ...
No matter how big or difficult the problem you face, get rid of
24 D6 confusion by taking one small step towards a solution. That sentence Confident
matches the value ...
Budi has worked for 20 years. And during his tenure, Budi never got a
25 E1 Warning Letter (SP). Budi already reflects an attitude that shows Responsibility
value ...
Good at bringing oneself is a life science that is absolutely
26 E2 owned by everyone who wants to succeed. The sentence is Wisdom
in accordance with the value ...
Mr. Joni was assigned to repair a leaky roof. But Mr. Joni
27 E3 did not use the specified safety equipment. Mr. Joni's actions Responsibility
violate the value ...

28 E4 Do not want to carry out the tasks of superiors because of lack of Confident
confidence in one's own abilities, contrary to the value ...
Success is not only from an action. Success is the result of good
29 E5 intentions, persistent struggle, clear thinking and effective execution. Passion
The sentence reflects the value ...

Say "NO" before trying new things. This sentence is contrary to the
30 E6 Confident
value ...

31 F1 Being polite regardless of level is a reflection of value ... Wisdom

Ms. Susana as a section head must verify CCP & OPRP consistently.
32 F2 Quality
Ms. Susana's actions are in accordance with the values ​...

The operator repairs the engine itself if only minor damage occurs. The
33 F3 Responsibility
operator action is included in the value ...

Arif works in the Quality Control section, but he also masters how to
34 F4 operate machines. Even so, Arif is not arrogant and wants to teach his Wisdom
knowledge to others. Arif's actions are reflected in the value ...

What value does the following sentence included: "Every morning we

35 F5 Responsibility
make plans for today, and every night we check the results obtained."

Determination is a source of motivation for progress & success. Those

36 F6 who have a strong determination, he can create what is impossible to Passion
be possible. The following sentence reflects the value ...

At work, what we need is not just demanding what we will receive,

37 G1 but must begin with what we are able to give. The sentence is in Wisdom
accordance with the value ...
Mr. Ujang promised to complete the task from his supervisor within 1
week. When asked about the results of his work one week later, Mr.
38 G2 Responsibility
Ujang actually answered it in convoluted terms. Mr Ujang's actions
contrary with the values ​...
If the problems and failures occurs when we carry out work processes,
it shows that we need to try it in some new ways and look for other
39 G3 Innovation
alternative ways that are better. The sentence is in accordance with the
value ...
Before going to work Mr. Iqbal asked his wife to prepare Energen for
40 G4 his breakfast and not the others. Mr. Iqbal actions is in accordance with Quality
the value ...
Ensuring the implementation of work is in accordance with Jobdesc,
41 G5 Work Instruction, and SOP is one of the actions that reflects the Responsibility
value ...
Dare to step, because every step will be meaningful to our life. The
42 G6 Confidence
sentence is in accordance with the value ...

Hari is a QC, but he is not satisfied with only mastering work in QC,
43 H1 so he is also diligent in learning work in other departments. Hari's Passion
actions are included in the value ...
Dare to succeed is dare to dream, ready to fight, and face the risk for
44 H2 the realization of our dreams. The sentence is in accordance with the Confident
value ...
Actually, we work not for our bosses, but we work for ourselves in
45 H3 accordance with the beliefs given. The sentence is in accordance with Responsibility
the value ...

We have to take care of the items we borrow. The sentence is in

46 H4 Responsibility
accordance with the value ...

Time will never be enough, unless we use it. The sentence is in

47 H5 Effisiensi
accordance with the value ...

As prospective successful people in the future, we must focus on our

48 * lives, by designing strategies for the future. The sentence is in Wisdom
accordance with the value ...

49 *

50 * Questions from Jury

* Questions from Honorary guests

Jum'at, 04 Nov 2016


Not easy to despair every time encounter obstacles and challenges. In the 7
1 A1 Passion
Principles of Mayora, this is an explanation of value ...

Work smart, clearly in the direction you are going, don't overdo it in
2 A2 planning, and act efficiently. In the 7 Principles of Mayora, this is an Wisdom
explanation of value ...

Act immediately without hesitation, after the plan is made. In 7 Principles of

3 A3 Confidence
Mayora, this is an explanation of the value ...

RM and PM that do not comply with the standard are returned to the
4 B1 Quality
supplier, this action is in accordance with the value ...

Ensuring the implementation of work is in accordance with Jobdesc, Work

5 B2 Responsibility
Instruction, and SOP is one of the actions that reflects the value ...

Doing work on a priority scale or prioritizing important and urgent things is

6 B3 Efficiency
in accordance with the value ...

7 B4 Being polite regardless of level is a reflection of value ... Wisdom

Promoting Mayora products to be consumed by family, neighbors, and

8 B5 the surrounding environment is an action that is in accordance with the Quality
value ...

Be pro-active and take the initiative to provide solutions and complete tasks,
9 C1 is the implementation of value? Responsibility

Dare to step, because every step will be meaningful to our side of life. The
10 C2 Confidence
sentence is in accordance with the value ...

If the problems and failures occurs when we carry out work processes, it
11 C3 shows that we need to try it in some new ways and look for other alternative Innovation
ways that are better. The sentence is in accordance with the value ...

At work, what we need is not just demanding what we will receive, but must
12 C4 begin with what we are able to give. The sentence is in accordance with the Wisdom
value ...

Ms. Susana as a section head must verify CCP & OPRP consistently. Ibu
13 C5 Quality
Susana's actions are in accordance with the values ...
Rizky is a QC, although he is not satisfied with mastering only the work in
14 C6 QC, so he is also diligent to learning work in other departments. Rizky's Passion
actions are included in the value ...

15 D1 Say "NO" before trying new things. The sentence contrary with the value ... Confident

An operator treats and repairs the engine itself if only minor damage occurs.
16 D2 Responsibility
This action reflects the value ...

Arif works in the Quality Control section, but he also masters how to operate
17 D3 machines. Even so, Arif is not arrogant and wants to teach his knowledge to Wisdom
others. Arif's actions are reflected the value ...

Determination is a source of motivation for progress & success. Those who

18 D4 have a strong determination, he can create what is impossible to be Passion
possible. The following sentence reflects the value ...

Mr. Ujang promised to complete the task from his supervisor within 1 week.
When asked about the results of his work one week later, Mr. Ujang actually
19 D5 Responsibility
answered it in convoluted terms. Mr Ujang's actions contrary with the values ​

If the problems and failures occurs when we carry out work processes, it
shows that we need to try it in some new ways and look for other
20 D6 Innovation
alternative ways that are better. The sentence is in accordance with the
value ...

What value does the following sentence included: "Every morning we make
21 E1 Responsibility
plans for today, and every night we check the results obtained."

Before going to work Mr. Iqbal asked his wife to prepare Energen for his
22 E2 breakfast and not the others. Mr. Iqbal actions is in accordance with the Quality
value ...

Time will never be enough, unless we use it. The sentence is in accordance
23 E3 Effisiensi
with the value ...

Dare to succeed is dare to dream, ready to fight, and face the risk for the
24 E4 Confident
realization of our dreams. The sentence is in accordance with the value ...

Actually, we work not for our bosses, but we work for ourselves in
25 E5 accordance with the beliefs given. The sentence is in accordance with the Responsibility
value ...

The fire of spirit must be ignited by ourselves, because if someone else

26 E6 ignites it for us, that fire of spirit will be easily extinguished. That sentence Passion
reflects the value ...
The biggest mistake we usually make is to be constantly afraid of making
27 F1 Confident
mistakes. That sentence is contrary to the value ...

Attitude is the first quality seen in a successful person. If he acts well and
28 F2 always has positive thoughts, that means he has achieved half of his Wisdom
success. The sentence is in accordance with the value …

Don't accept things as they are, if the better thing is still possible. The
29 F3 Passion
sentence is in accordance with the value ...

To reduce product rejects, the technician modifying a machine, this is an

30 F4 Innovation
example of an action that matches the value ...

There is no reason to feel small and tiny compared to others, because

31 F5 success and happiness are not the monopolies of certain people. Success is Confident
our right. The sentence reflects the value …

A friend will not play down his other friends' dreams. But, he will help
32 F6 Wisdom
realize all his friends' dreams. The sentence reflects the value ...

The existence of a storm is a good opportunity for pine trees to show their
33 H1 Passion
strength and resilience. The sentence reflects the value ...

We are easily discouraged because we see difficulties more quickly than we

34 H2 Confident
see ease. The sentence contradicts the value ...

If you fail to get something, the only thing you have to do is try again!!! The
35 H3 Passion
sentence is in accordance with the value ...

Learn to be patient even if you are burdened, learn to be faithful despite the
36 H4 temptations of the mind, learn to forgive even if you have been hurt. The Wisdom
sentence reflects the value ...

In every meeting, Mr. Hawki is always active and daring to express his
37 H5 Confident
opinion. Mr. Hawki's actions reflect the value ...

If we work with love, we will become more resilient, bolder, more persistent,
38 H6 Passion
and more caring. That sentence matches the value ...
The most valuable human wealth is TIME. If we want to be more successful,
39 I1 we must be good at using Time, the sentence is in accordance with the Efficiency
value ...

As prospective successful people in the future, we must focus on our lives,

40 I2 by designing strategies for the future. The sentence is in accordance with the Wisdom
value ...

Doing a daily morning round in all areas is an action that is in accordance

41 I3 Responsibility
with the value ...

Make difficulties not as obstacles but as strengths and experiences to move

42 I4 Passion
forward. The sentence reflects the value ...

Don't give yourself a chance to procrastinate on what needs to be done. Make

43 I5 sure to act immediately as you have decided. ACTION IS POWER. The Confidence
sentence is in accordance with the value ...

Relationships that are based on "trust", will give birth to a solidarity that can
44 I6 be relied upon, gives rise to many opportunities. The sentence reflects the Wisdom
value ...

Keep in mind that no success or failure will be the end of everything. The
45 J1 Passion
sentence is in accordance with the value ...

Complete your tasks thoroughly, with quality results and in an

46 J2 Responsibility
appropriate manner. That sentence matches the value ...

Something rare is generally more appreciated. Then increase creativity or

47 J3 Innovation
skills that are not owned by many people. The sentence reflects the value ...

Our desire for success must be greater than our fear of failure. The sentence
48 J4 Confident
is in accordance with the value ...

Fate is not a matter of chance, but a matter of CHOICE. Fate is not

49 J5 something to be waited for, but it is something that must be ACHIEVED. Passion
The sentence is in accordance with the value ...

Success is simple. Do what is right, in the right way, at the right time. The
50 J6 Wisdom
sentence is in accordance with the value ...

1000 candles can be lit only with a candle that has been lit, let us give a
51 K1 Wisdom
positive example for our environment. The sentence reflects the value ...
It does not require great power to do something, but it takes great power
52 K2 Confident
to decide what to do. The sentence is in accordance with the value ...

Strength does not come from victory. How much effort we have to get
53 K3 through difficulties and decide not to give up, that's the real strength. The Passion
sentence is in accordance with the value ...

We will be great if we have big minds, big hearts and are not afraid to face
54 K4 Confident
big problems. This sentence is in accordance with the values ​...

Photocopy or print does not have to use new paper, but can use used
55 K5 Efficiency
paper that is still suitable for use. This action is included in the value ...

Always maintain the cleanliness of the machine during the production

56 K6 process so that it does not pollute the product, is an action that is in Quality
accordance with the value ...

Ms. Katherina and Ms. Jeany and their team are prepared the
57 L1 documents that would be needed for the audit. Mrs. Katherina and Ms. Responsibility
Jeany and her team's actions are included in the value ...

Use 80% of our time to focus on tomorrow's opportunities, rather than

58 L2 thinking about yesterday's problems. The sentence is included in the value ...

The more we are knowledgeable, the more ways we know to solve

59 L3 Passion
problems. That sentence matches the value ...
Future success is more important than past pain. The sentence is
60 L4 Passion
included in the value ...

Build relationships is the key to succeed in the business world, the key to build
1 C1
relationships is mutual trust. The sentence from Stephen Covey matches the value ...

2 C2 The sentence in the picture is included in the value ...

What value does the following sentence included: "By obeying the rules that exist in the
3 C3
environment where we are, we will make our lives more organized"

Great work can be achieved if we are brave, not whiny and not complaining. This
4 C4
statement is the value of ...

5 C5 Arrange the following fragment words into sentences that fit the 7 Principles of Mayora!

Ever – limit – only – because – will – inferior – don't – your – feel – achievement – it


1 D1 The sentence in the picture is included in the value ...

Don't work just because someone is supervised and valued, but work because of self-
2 D2
awareness. The sentence reflects the value ...

3 D3 Arrange the following fragment words into sentences that fit the 7 Principles of Mayora!

A strong – of friends – with – happy – to – network – others – build – and – make – you –
work – team

What value does the following sentence included: "If you want to succeed, make goals that
4 D4
can lead to success that you aim."

Say you can for a task, then keep yourself busy finding out how to do it. That sentence is in
5 D5
accordance with the value ...

We are easily discouraged because we see difficulties more quickly than we see ease. The
1 C1
sentence contradicts the value ...

2 C2 The sentence in the picture is included in the value ...

As an employee, Mr. Dede is always actively participating in training to improve himself and
3 C3
get more knowledge. Mr. Dede's actions are included in the value ...

Mrs. Ningsih held an internal meeting with other departments, in that meeting Mrs. Ningsih
4 C4 always forced her opinions to be accepted by the forum. Mrs. Ningsih's actions violated the
value ...

5 C5 Arrange the following fragment words into sentences that fit the 7 Principles of Mayora!

in - process - business - improve - continue - to - efficiency - every - winning - to keep - the



1 D1 The sentence in the picture is included in the value ...

We will be a useless person, if we like to do things that are not important. The value contained
2 D2
in the sentence is ...

3 D3 Arrange the following fragment words into sentences that fit the 7 Principles of Mayora!

to consumers - innovating - by - consumer needs - oriented - to serve - products & processes

When we face difficulties and do not give up, that is our strength. The sentence reflects the
4 D4
value ...

Arif works in the Quality Control section, but he also masters how to operate machines. Even
5 D5 so, Arif is not arrogant and wants to teach his knowledge to others. Arif's actions are reflects the
value ...





entence in the picture is included in the value ...

n not choose a place of our birth, but we can choose how to struggle to change our destiny. The sentence corresponds to Pass
point number ...

lete the following sentence: "...... to consumers by ...... products & processes to serve consumer ...... ”

ge the following fragment words into sentences that fit the 7 Principles of Mayora!

– yourself – respect – others – relationships – and – beneficial – mutually – principles - with

s a QC, but he is not satisfied with only mastering work in QC, so he is also diligent in learning work in other departments. H
s are included in the value ...


g fast isn't just agile and quickly capturing opportunities. But it also must be full of calculation and observant in using it.
wing sentence corresponds to the value of the Wisdom point to what ...

entence in the picture is included in the value ...

WOR (Weekly Operational Review) was carried out, Anis as the PPIC admin intended to ask for the signature of his supervi
se the document was very important. However, Anis did not dare enter the room. Anis's actions conflict with values ​...

lete the following sentence: "Continuous ....... in every work ....... to maintain ....... and make new breakthroughs"

ge the following fragment words into sentences that fit the 7 Principles of Mayora!

– only – because – it will – inferior – ever – your – feel – don't – achievement


at bringing ourself is a life science that is absolutely owned by everyone who wants to be succeed. The sentence is in accor
he value of the Wisdom point number ...

entence in the picture is included in the value ...

sees several rooms in the Factory that don't have an identity yet, then Andi makes the identity of the rooms from Acrylic and
on the door of each room. Andi's actions reflect the value ...

lete the following sentence: “...... a strong team and network of ......, make others ...... to work with you”

ge the following fragment words into sentences that fit the 7 Principles of Mayora!

the work - inspire - you - to be - you - that - beter - every - do -

day – love


entence in the picture is included in the value ...

o succeed is dare to dream, ready to fight, and face the risk for the realization of our dreams. The sentence is in accorda
he value confidence point number ...

ge the following fragment words into sentences that fit the 7 Principles of Mayora!

xist - one by one - big - deal - or small - with it - problems - resolve - and - those problems

omo is a Driver. Every time he was assigned to deliver a document, Mr. Tomo always handed the document directly to the
ed person and never left it to anyone else. Mr. Tomo's actions are in accordance with the value ...

lete the following sentence: “...... others and yourself ...... relationships with mutually beneficial ......”

Passion (Poster 1)

3 ( Gunakan berbagai sarana Innovatif untuk melaksanakan

peningkatan )

oriented, innovating, needs

Respect others and yourself, build relationships with mutually

beneficial principles



1 ( Bekerja cerdas, jelas dengan arah yg anda tuju, tidak berlebihan dalam berencana dan bertindak secara efisien )

Passion (Poster 2)


Innovation, processes, achievement

Don't ever feel inferior, because it will only limit your achievement


4 ( Membangun tim yang kuat dan jaringan pertemanan, Buat orang

lain senang bekerjasama dengan anda )

Confidence (Poster 3)


build, friends, happy

Do the work that you love and will inspire you to be better every day

Passion (Poster 4)

4 ( Berani ambil resiko jika anda ingin berhasil mencapai terobosan baru )

Big or small problems that exist, deal with it and resolve those
problems one by one


respect, build, principles


Good at bringing ourself is a life science that is absolutely owned by everyone who
1 C1 wants to succeed. The sentence is in accordance with the value of Wisdom point
number ...

2 C2 The sentence in the picture is included in the value ...

Be strong like a rock that is continuously hitted by the waves. The sentence is in
3 C3
accordance with the value ...

Complete the following sentence: “Work hard and persistent, there are no ...... to
4 C4
achieving ......”

5 C5 Arrange the following fragment words into sentences that fit the 7 Principles of Mayora!

And - the work - inspire - you - to be - you - that - beter - every - do -

will - day – love


1 D1 The sentence in the picture is included in the value ...

Do it wholeheartedly, with perseverance. Nothing is instant, everything needs to be

2 D2
fought for. The sentence is included in the value of the Passion point number ...

3 D3 Arrange the following fragment words into sentences that fit the 7 Principles of Mayora!

that exists - one by one - big - those problems - or small - overcome - problems

Complete the following sentences: Be ... ... and ... ... to provide solutions and complete
4 D4
the task

None in this world can be obtained easily. But you have to work & pray harder to make
5 D5
it easier. The sentence is in accordance with the value ...

It's not a problem if we fail. There is also no loss if dreams don't come true yet. As long as
1 C1 we don't stop and keep going, struggling, and keep trying. Then success awaits us there! That
sentence reflects the value ...

2 C2 The sentence in the picture is included in the value ...

The PPIC, warehouse, and QC team made efficient use of the number of pallets by changing
3 C3
the palletization on certain SKUs. These actions reflect the value ...

Complete the following sentence! “...... innovation in every ...... process to maintain ...... and
4 C4
make new ......”

As a section head Mrs. Narfi must verify CCP & OPRP consistently. Mrs. Narfi's actions are
5 C5
in accordance with the values ​...


1 D1 The sentence in the picture is included in the value ...

Even though everything we need is near us, we must to come forward to get it. Need an effort
2 D2
to get anything we want. The sentence is in accordance with the value ...

Complete the following sentence! “Continue to ...... efficiency in every business ...... to ......
3 D3
winning the ......”

Send an email to the supplier if there are goods that are not in accordance with the standard
4 D4 to be returned and make sure to the supplier/ purchasing regarding the standards that must
fulfilled. These actions are included in the value ...

Mr. Toto will hold an internal meeting with his team, but there is no empty meeting room, so
5 D5 Mr. Toto borrows Mr. Joni's office by asking for his permission first. Mr. Toto's actions
reflect the value ...

Don't consider ourselves incapable before trying, studying, and practicing. The sentence is in
1 C1
accordance with the value ...

Mr. Narsa always monitoring the presentations of every GKM teams. The actions of Mr. Narsa
2 C1
reflect the value ...

Don't pray for an easy life, but pray for the strength to overcome a difficult life. The sentence
3 C1
reflects the value ...

Use 80% of our times to focus on tomorrow opportunities instead of thinking about problems
4 C1
yesterday. The sentence is in accordance with the value ...

Don't ever see who is talking, but listen to what he says. The sentence is in accordance with the
5 C1
value ...

Do not go through the road that many people have taken. Try to take a new path and then leave
6 C1
your footsteps there, so others can follow you. The sentence is in accordance with the value ...

In the 7 Principles of Mayora, the 7th value is Confidence. What is the 3rd point of Confidence
7 C1

8 C1 To be the best we have to be brave, not rash and hurried in every condition. Is an act of value ...

Don't let the best things you've done become the best standard in your life now and later. This
9 C1
sentence is in accordance with the value ...

Implementing ISO 9001: 2008 and 22000: 2005 properly, correctly and consistently is a
10 C1
reflection of the value ...


Don't waste your day by worrying about tomorrow, even the mountain feels flat when we
1 D1
reached the top. The sentence reflects the value ...

Dreaming is the first step you must make. Whereas acting is the next step. The sentence is in
2 D1
accordance with the value ...

3 D1 If you lose then be patient, but if you win stay humble. This sentence reflects the value ...
Do and create something different, maybe people will imitate it. The sentence reflects the
4 D1
value ...

5 D1 The 5th value of the 7 Principles of Mayora is wisdom. What is the 4th point Wisdom value?

From now on I will focus on thinking about what's important for my future, not thinking about
6 D1
the past. The sentence is in accordance with the value ...

Every day we must evaluate: what has been achieved & what hasn't been achieved is an act of
7 D1
value ...

When conveying a problem, Mrs. Lina always gets angry and blames others. Mrs. Lina's actions
8 D1
contrary with the values ​..

9 D1 Make continuous improvements to produce the best quality products. Is an act of value ...

Every team that participating in the Fun Game has the confidence to be a winner. That sentence
10 D1
matches the value ...







Never feel inferior because it will only limit your









Build a strong team and network of friends, make

others happy to work with you






1 A1

2 A2

3 A3

4 A4

5 A5


1 B1

2 B2

3 B3

4 B4

5 B5


1 C1

2 C2

3 C3

4 C4

5 C5

1 D1

2 D2

3 D3

4 D4

5 D5

The sentence in the picture is included in the value ...

Anyone can get angry, it's very easy. But being angry at the right person, with the right level of anger, at
the right time, and with the right goal, is not easy and often forgotten. The sentence reflects the value ...

As the Dept. Head of Engineering, Marsudi chose the best quality spare parts to extend machines life time. Mr.
Marsudi's actions reflect the value ...

Mr. Hasan's job this week must complete the audit findings. With a variety of reasons Mr. Hasan finally did not
complete the task. Mr. Hasan's actions contradicted the value of Responsibility point number ...

Complete the following sentence! “...... innovation in every ...... processes to maintain achievements and make
new ......”


Complete the following sentence: “Work ......, clear with the direction you're headed, don't ...... it in planning
and ...... efficiently”

The sentence in the picture is included in the value ...

There is no perfection without involvement. We know the obstacles that exist and how to overcome them
because we face every difficulty, learn to perfect it. That sentence matches the value ...

As the PPIC Department Head, Mrs. Rivana always coordinates with the production team about the factory
weekly planning. Mrs. Rivana's actions reflect the value ...
Pak Gitoyo is a Production Section Head. Every time there is information related to production planning, Mr.
Gitoyo always communicates to the engineering team and the QC team in order to adjust and support the
production process. Mr. Gitoyo's actions are in accordance with the value of Wisdom point number ...


Don't depend too much on others, the fact is you are stronger than what you think, but you don't believe it. The
sentence reflects the value ...

Complete the following sentence! “...... a strong team and network of ......, make others ...... to work with you”

Strength does not come from victory. How much effort we have to get through difficulties and decide not to
give up, that's the real strength. The sentence is in accordance with the value ...

Mrs. Lina held an internal meeting with other departments, in that meeting Mrs. Lina always forced her opinions
to be accepted by the forum. Mrs. Lina's actions violated the value of wisdom point number ...

The sentence in the picture is included in the value ...


To continue the improvement, we must be flexible, able to adapt, from one skill to another and from one era to
another. The sentence is in accordance with the value ...

Mr. Yuzka is the Production Dept. Head. Mr. Yuzka always controls man power planning so that his labor
productivity improves. Mr. Yuzka's actions correspond to the Efficiency value point number ...

Complete the following sentence! “Continue to ...... efficiency in every business ...... to keep winning the ......”

The sentence in the picture is included in the value ...

1000 candles can be lit only with a candle that has been lit, let us give a positive example for our environment.
The sentence reflects the value ...

Passion (Poster 1)



2 (Jadilah proaktif dan berinisiatif untuk memberikan solusi dan menuntaskan tugas)

Continuous, work, breakthroughs


smart, overdo, act

Innovation (Poster 2)



4 (Membangun tim yang kuat dan jaringan pertemanan, buat orang lain senang bekerja sama dengan



Build, friends, happy


3 (Menghormati orang lain dan diri sendiri, membangun hubungan dengan prinsip yang saling

Confidence (Poster 3)


2 ( Terus meningkatkan effisiensi dalam setiap proses bisnis untuk tetap memenangkan persaingan )

improve, processes, competition

Passion (Poster 4)


1 A1

2 A2

3 A3

4 A4

5 A5


1 B1

2 B2

3 B3

4 B4

5 B5


1 C1

2 C2

3 C3

4 C4

5 C5

1 D1

2 D2

3 D3

4 D4

5 D5

e sentence in the picture is included in the value ...

you want to dream, go to sleep quickly. But if you want to make that dream come true, then wake up quickly. The sentence is
ection of value ...

a Purchasing, Mr. Agus chose to purchase a high quality spare parts to extend his life time. Mr. Agus' actions reflect the
ue ...

e of Mr. Khaerul's tasks this week is to complete the audit findings in his department. With various reasons, Mr. Khaerul fina
not complete the task. Mr. Khaerul's actions contradict the Responsibility value point number ...

mplete the following sentence! “Believe that ...... are smart and ...... to distinguish good ...... products”


mplete the following sentence! “Continue to improve ...... in every ...... processes to keep winning the ......”

e sentence in the picture is included in the value ...

. Hartoyo always calm when facing a problem and wants to understand the essence of the problem. Mr. Hartoyo's actions refl
ues ​…

itude is the first quality seen in a successful person. If he acts well and always has positive thoughts, that means he has
ieved half of his success. The sentence is in accordance with the value …

. Riko is able to manage his time well so he doesn't have to go home late from work. Mr. Narsa's attitude reflects the value of
ciency point number ...


n't depend too much on others, the fact is you are stronger than what you think, but you don't believe it. The sentence reflects
value ...

mplete the following sentence! “...... oriented by ...... products and processes to serve consumer ......”

ndness will arouse goodness in society. That means, having good people can help others become good. That sentence is a
ection of value ...

. Rinsa holds an internal meeting with other departments, in that meeting Mr. Rinsa often forces his opinions to be accepted b
forum and rejects all opinions expressed by others. Mr. Rinsa's actions contradict the Wisdom value point number ...

e sentence in the picture is included in the value ...


hen Mr. Zulkifli gets a problem, he is always angry and blame others. Mr. Zulkifli's actions conflict with values ​...

the Section Head of Production, Mr. Asphi always evaluate his labor productivity to improve the efficiency. Mr. Asphi's
ions is reflected the value of Efficiency point number ...

mplete the following sentence: "work ...... and ......, there is no shortcuts to achieving ......"

e sentence in the picture is included in the value ...

e champions are not produced from training grounds. But champions come from something that is within themselves;
ermination, big dreams, and clear direction. The sentence is a reflection of value ...

Passion (Poster 1)



2 (Jadilah proaktif dan berinisiatif untuk memberikan solusi

dan menuntaskan tugas)

consumers - able - quality


eficiency, business, competition

Innovation (Poster 2)



2 ( Terus meningkatkan effisiensi dalam setiap proses bisnis

untuk tetap memenangkan persaingan )



Consumer - innovating - needs


3 (Menghormati orang lain dan diri sendiri, membangun

hubungan dengan prinsip yang saling menguntungkan)

Confidence (Poster 3)


2 ( Terus meningkatkan effisiensi dalam setiap proses bisnis

untuk tetap memenangkan persaingan )

hard, persistent, excellence

Passion (Poster 4)


Mr. Ujang promised to complete the task from his superiors within 1 week.
When asked about the results of his work one week later, Mr. Ujang actually
answered it in convoluted terms. Mr. Ujang's actions contrary with the
Responsibility value point number ...

Complete the following sentence! "Do the work that you love and will ...... you
to be better ......"

3 The sentence in the picture is included in the value ...

Budi has worked for 20 years. And during his tenure, Budi never got a
Warning Letter (SP). Budi already reflects an attitude that shows value ...

Conducting Fun Game activities every Saturday so that the employee can get to
5 know another Mayora employee in Jatake Regional, is an action that is in
accordance with the values ​...


Happiness is the key to success. If we love what we are doing, we will

succeed. The sentence is in accordance with the Passion value point number ...

The PPIC, warehouse, and QC team made efficient use of the number of pallets
2 by changing the palletization on certain SKU's. These actions reflect the
value ...

Complete the following sentence! “Be ...... and take the ...... to provide solutions
and complete tasks”
4 The sentence in the picture is included in the value ...

Steven Covey said: Be proactive don't be reactive. That statement is included in

the value ...

3 (Jangan sia-siakan kepercayaan yang

diberikan kepada kita)

inspire, every day





4 (Lakukan pekerjaan yang Anda cintai

dan akan menginspirasi Anda untuk
menjadi lebih baik setiap harinya)


proactive, initiative


No matter how big or difficult the problem you face, get rid of confusion by taking one small
1 step towards a solution. The sentence is in accordance with the value of Confidence point
number ...

Complete the following sentence ! “build a strong ...... and ....... of friends, make others ...... to
work with you”

Improvement requires changes. Therefore, if you want to be more perfect, you have to keep
changing. The sentence reflects the value ...

As the Production Dept. Head, Mr. Rinsa has an open attitude and is able to work together with
others. Mr. Rinsa's attitude is included in the Wisdom value, point number ...

5 The sentence in the picture is included in the value ...


Productivity and efficiency, can be achieved gradually with continuously hard work, attention
to the details and the willingness to achieve the best performance. The sentence is in accordance
with the Efficiency value, what number ...

As the QC Section Head, Ms. Siska dared to determine the release or reject of delayed
2 products, all RM, PM, and final products after the analysis results. Ms. Siska's actions reflect the
value of Confidence, point number ...

Complete the following sentence! “Continuous ...... in every work ...... to maintain achievements
and ...... new breakthroughs”

4 The sentence in the picture is included in the value ...

The capital needed to start a progress is the will, courage, and knowledge. While the strength
to maintain it is honesty, commitment, innovation, and patience. The sentence reflects the value ...

Complete the following sentence! “Do the work that ...... love and will ...... you to be ...... every

There is no reason to feel small and tiny compared to others, because success and happiness
are not the monopolies of certain people. Success is our right. The sentence reflects the value …

3 Don't change "No" to "Yes". If there is a good reason that it's "No", you should say "No".
The important thing is you say it politely. The sentence reflects the value ...

We smile when life goes smoothly. But still being able to smile when life isn't fun is just
incredible. the sentence is in accordance with the passion value point number ...

5 The sentence in the picture is included in the value ...


Success does not come just like that. we have to hit the wall many times. Maybe the wall will
1 collapse or maybe your head will get hurt. But don't ever giving up. The sentence is in accordance
with the passion value point number ...

Learn to be patient even though you are burdened, learn to be faithful despite the temptations
of the mind, learn to forgive even if you have been hurt. The sentence reflects the value ...

During the morning round there were a number of findings in HRD. With a variety of reasons
3 HRD does not want to follow up on improvements from these findings. HRD's actions conflict
with values ​...

4 The sentence in the picture is included in the value ...

5 Complete the following sentence! "Don't ever feel ......, because it will only ...... ...... achievement"

Mr. Jodi did not attend the training he was supposed to follow, then Mr. Jodi made a report (BA)
1 stating the reason for his absence. Mr. Jodi's actions are in accordance with the Responsibility value,
point number ...

2 The sentence in the picture is included in the value ...

Complete the following sentence! “Continuous ...... in every work ...... to maintain achievements
and ...... new breakthroughs”

Sometimes we need to look back for a moment, so we are vigilant and don't repeat mistakes that
can hinder our success in the future. The sentence reflects the value ...

If in someone there is still a sense of shame and fear to do good, then the guarantee for that person is
that he will not find progress even a step. Soekarno's quote reflects the value ...


If we only do what we can, we only do the ordinary, and we will get the normal. Try to do something
1 that is outside your "Comfort Zone", then you will get different results. The sentence reflects the
value ...

After the "Lentera Hati" we always shake hands with one another. These actions reflect the value of
Wisdom, point number ...

3 The sentence in the picture is included in the value ...

Execution is the ability to align strategy with reality, and the ability of people with their goals, and
achieve results as planned. The sentence is included in the value ....

5 Complete the following sentence! “Do the ....... that you love and will ....... you .... .... better every day"

Ke-3 (Jangan sia-siakan kepercayaan yang diberikan

kepada kita)

Wisdom (Gambar 3)

Innovation – process – make





Ke-4 (Membangun tim yang kuat dan jaringan

pertemanan, buat orang lain senang bekerjasama dengan

Responsibility (Gambar 4)


work – inspire – to be

Always maintain the quality of the

product, as if our lives depend only
on it

product quality Believe that consumers are smart
and able to distinguish good quality

Only sell products that we can be

proud of

Don't expect consumers to be willing

continue to pay for our inefficiencies

efficiently to provide
economic added value
to consumers

Continue to improve efficiency in

every business processes to keep
winning the competition
efficiently to provide
economic added value
to consumers

Continue to improve efficiency in

every business processes to keep
winning the competition

Consumer oriented by innovating

products and processes to serve
consumer needs
INOVASI: Without
innovation there will
be no progress and
Continuous innovation in every work
processes to maintain achievements
and make new breakthroughs

Don't settle for mediocre results,

give your best effort to achieve

Work hard and persevere, there are

no shortcuts to achieving excellence
PASSION (Gairah,

Use a variety of innovative tools to

make improvements

Do the work that you love and will

inspire you to be better every day
Do the work that you love and will
inspire you to be better every day

Work smart, be clear in the direction

you're headed for, don't overdo it in
planning, and act efficiently

Be versatile, agile, and practical in

plans and actions

WISDOM (Bijaksana)
Respect others and yourself build
relationships with mutually
beneficial principles

Build a strong team and network of

friends, make others happy to work
with you

Evaluate your achievements and

productivity every day

Be proactive and take the initiative

to provide solutions and complete

(Tanggung Jawab)
Don't waste the trust that given to

Think carefully - give punishment to

careless and clumsy attitude

Act immediately without hesitation,

after the plan is made

Big or small problems that exist, face
and overcome these problems one
by one

Don't ever feel inferior, because it

will only limit your achievement

Dare to take risks if you want to

successfully reach new

RM and PM which are not in

accordance with the standard are
returned to the supplier

Not merely pursuing the fulfillment

of Service Level Factory

Strict codification system

Control COGM

Maintain the availability of RM-PM

Maintain the availability of RM-PM

Give a contribution that is more

than the average given by others to

Not easy to despair every time you

encounter obstacles and challenges

Active role in GKM and PIB activities

Focus on KPI achievement

Focus on KPI achievement

Achievements target based on

predetermined KPI's

Improvement of Human Resources


Establish a good relationships with

internal and external (supplier,
marketing, purchasing)

Build a Super TEAM not SuperMAN

Periodically reviewing
achievements (DOR, WOR, MOR)

Become a 'motor driver' to solve


Do not receive compensation in any

form from outside parties related
to the company

Provide performance appraisals for

employees (PA, employee skills and

Dare to take immediate action

Do not procrastinate work, solve
problems immediately

Dare to express opinions while still

paying attention to manners

Always have the confidence to

succeed and don't be afraid of

1. Send an email to the purchasing/ supplier to send the complete document (COA, Halal
Certificate) of the RM & PM purchased

2. Contact QC incoming to immediately take samples and check the incoming RM & PM

3. Send an email to the supplier if there are goods that are not in accordance with the
standard to be returned and make sure to the supplier/purchasing regarding the standards
that must be met

4. Ensuring the availability of imported RM in warehouse (Granulated Sugar / Whey

Powder / Skimmed Milk) and ensuring it is used by production for export products only.

1. If there is a FG that is held, confirm it with the QC and the warehouse regarding the
quantity of goods and their causes.

2. No delivery of the FG is made until a release status is issued by QC

3. Based on the QC and NCR verification results, if necessary a PRO repack / rework will be

1. Make IK according to marketing guidance (export provisions such as: codification format,
packaging used, expiration period)

2. Request the IK verification to the Dept. QC and Production

3. Verify mock ups before export products are produced (according to IK & export guidance
from marketing)

1. Making production planning according to local demand (FDIS) and export based on
demand (minimizing stock in factory warehouse)

1. Coordination with the production team regarding manpower and machine readiness for
production planning to be carried out
2. Coordination with the technical team regarding the readiness and smoothness of the
machine based on production planning, so that during production the machine constraints
can be minimized

3. Make a planning schedule for the arrival of the RM/PM according to the capacity of the
warehouse and maintain the availability of material to prevent production idle.

4. Send a schedule by email to the supplier to be on time for delivery.

5. Inform suppliers and coordinate with the warehouse team, if there are suppliers who
arrive late from the time of unloading, unloading will not be done by softening people
unless the material is very urgent

Collaborate with the warehouse and QC team to make efficient use of the number of pallets
by making palletization changes to certain SKU's

Innovation in making RM/PM stock reports so that stocks that read accurate and make it
easier in making production planning

1. Arrive on time and complete each job without delay

2. Make RM / PM MRP (Material Requirement Planning) at the end of the month on time

Provide motivation to the team to complete the tasks and problems that occur

1. Give advice and fill out the PIB form

2. Participate in providing ideas for improvement and join the GKM team to improve work processes

1. Controlling plan and production results strictly so that service level is reached.
2. Controlling the availability of RM/PM strictly every day to minimize the occurrence of material

1. Reviewing the achievement of targets given every week/month

2. Making CAR on KPI's that are not achieved

1. Participate in scheduled training

2. Conduct training/knowledge sharing

1. Coordinate properly if there is the arrival of material that is not appropriate relating to the
quantity and PO number from the supplier so that the supplier can make deliveries according to the

1. Establish a good relationships between the mayora plants, so that they can coordinate well when
there are obstruction regarding RM/PM

2. Assist the QC/QA team if they need halal/COA documents by following up with suppliers via

1. Attend regular factory internal meetings

1. Coordinate with PDQC to find alternative solutions for RM material if the supplier is constrained
by the supply of certain items (with the approval of the use of the alternative RM from RnD)

Refuse compensation from suppliers

1. Conducts Coaching and counseling for the team

2. Give a warning letter if a team make a mistakes

Make changes to planning immediately if there are obstacles

The work that can be done today, will be completed today.

Dare to express opinions in front of the forum (DOR, WOR, MOR)

1. Reducing the number of buffer stocks, although it can cause shortages

2. Make PR and arrival schedule as needed (MUP + buffer stock)




















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