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Unilateral and bilateral exercise movements: Considerations for Program


Article  in  ACSM s Health & Fitness Journal · May 2018

DOI: 10.1249/FIT.0000000000000390


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Charles J. Fountaine
University of Minnesota Duluth


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Considerations for Program Design

by Charles J. Fountaine, Ph.D., FACSM
Apply It!

hen tasked with designing a resistance training program for the first
time, one of the biggest challenges that new health and fitness profes-
By reading this article, the health sionals encounter is understanding all of the different variables that
and fitness professional will: can be integrated into a resistance training program. This task can
 Understand neurophysiological oftentimes feel overwhelming, and for good reason, because it has
concepts such as the bilateral been estimated that there are 10 to the 67th power (that’s a 1 followed by 67 zeroes!) of
deficit, bilateral facilitation, and different workout combinations that can be manipulated when considering all of the of
cross-education effect and ex- acute program design variables (1)! Whereas some of the more obvious elements that need
tend their potential applications to be addressed include variables such as frequency, intensity, rest periods, and volume,
to exercise prescription the decision of what exercises to choose can lead to a plethora of choices. Single-joint or
 Prescribe bilateral and unilateral multiple-joint exercises? Free weights or machines? Open-chain or closed-chain exercises?
exercises for the appropriate Without question, all of the aforementioned exercise choices have a time and place and
clientele based on an evidence- can be easily justified or omitted, dependent on the specific needs analysis of a client.
based rationale One additional area of exercise selection that has received increased scrutiny as of late
Key words: Bilateral Deficit, involves the choice of bilateral or unilateral exercises. For many years, bilateral, multiple-
Bilateral Facilitation, joint barbell exercises such as the back squat, bench press, and deadlift have been staples
Cross-Education Effect, Principle of resistance training programs, and for good reason, because exercises such as these are
of Specificity, Resistance Training well established in their efficacy for improving muscle strength, size, and power (2). How-
ever, in many strength and conditioning circles, favoring unilateral exercises over bilateral
exercise has become more prevalent (3–5), with the rationale that bilateral exercises
contribute to a phenomenon known as the bilateral deficit. Thus, unilateral exercises
are more functional and better adhere to the principle of specificity than bilateral exercise
choices. Is the exclusion of bilateral exercises in favor of unilateral exercises a valid
concern that is justified and well supported by research? The purpose of this article

Volume 22 | Number 3 11

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is to examine the pros and cons of bilateral and unilateral of bilateral and unilateral exercises for the lower and upper body via
exercise selection, with the end goal of helping health and a sample push-pull training split using multiple-joint movements.
fitness professionals design programs based on evidence-based
information that can best benefit their respective clientele.
BILATERAL AND UNILATERAL MOVEMENTS Muscular strength has been defined as the maximal amount of
Before we proceed, a few operational definitions are in order. A force that can be generated during a specific movement pattern
bilateral exercise movement is when both limbs are used in unison to at a specified velocity of contraction (8). However, when compar-
contract the muscles, which creates force, and subsequently moves ing the force production between bilateral and unilateral move-
a given load (6). A unilateral exercise movement is when each limb ments, a curious and much less understood phenomenon often
works independently of the other to create the desired movement (6). is observed in which the force produced when the left and right
As with any attempt to classify exercise-based movement pat- limbs simultaneously contract is less than the sum of the forces pro-
terns, there will always be exercises that do not necessarily fit duced from the left and right limbs separately (9). For example, let’s
neatly into a classification scheme. For example, consider upper say an individual was performing a one-repetition maximum
body exercises that use dumbbells. Whereas few would dispute (1RM) effort leg press, resulting in the following maxes: 1) both
that pressing and pulling dumbbell movements performed with legs at the same time, 1 RM = 500 lb; 2) just the right leg,
one arm or in an alternating manner would be classified as uni- 1RM = 280 lb; 3) just the left leg, 1RM = 270 lb. In this hypothetical
lateral exercises, what if the right and left limbs move simulta- scenario, the sum of the right and left legs 1RM (280 + 270 = 550)
neously? For example, if an individual performs a dumbbell is greater than the 1RM of both legs (500 lb) working in unison. In
shoulder press and the right and left limbs concurrently press other words, the total amount of force generated from a single
the dumbbells overhead, both limbs are clearly contracting in bilateral contraction often is less than the total force generated
unison, but because of the dumbbell, each hand is independent by two separate unilateral contractions. Accordingly, this neuro-
of the other. Is this a bilateral or unilateral exercise? Further- muscular anomaly has been termed the bilateral deficit (BLD) (9).
more, lower body exercises that are performed in a split-stance (See Figure for how to calculate and interpret).
position, such as lunges and step-ups, also can be a challenge The BLD is hypothesized to be caused by neural inhibition
to classify. For example, when performing a lunge, although the when two homologous contralateral limbs (e.g., left leg, right
lead leg has been shown to bear ~75% to 85% of the overall load leg) are attempting to simultaneously contract (10). Interestingly,
(7), the trail leg is still needed to successfully execute the move-
ment. Would this exercise be best classified as bilateral or unilat-
eral? Whether the aforementioned exercises are classified as
bilateral or unilateral is largely a matter of semantics because
logical and defensible arguments clearly can be made on either
side. A more centrist approach may be to simply encourage the
health and fitness professional to adopt a consistent method of
dumbbell and lower body exercise classification, acknowledging
that shades of grey certainly do exist, and the classification of
exercises is much more art than science. Table 1 provides examples
Photo courtesy of Trevor Bennion, DHSc.
TABLE 1: Sample Bilateral and Unilateral Exercises
Movement Pattern Bilateral Unilateral
Lower body push Barbell front squat Step-ups
Lower body pull Good morning Single-leg Romanian
Upper body Push-ups Alternating DB bench
horizontal push press
Upper body Inverted row One-arm cable row
horizontal pull
Upper body Barbell shoulder One-arm kettlebell
vertical push press press
Upper body Pull-ups Alternating lat pulldown
vertical pull

12 ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal ® May/June 2018

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Figure. How to calculate the bilateral index (BI).

the BLD is not observed when nonhomologous muscle groups body may contribute to a larger BLD; thus, addressing core
(e.g., left arm, right leg) simultaneously contract (11), suggesting activation in training may be of value (15).
that neural inhibition is limited to homologous bilateral contrac- • The magnitude of the BLD tends to increase with the veloc-
tions (9). In addition, a wide range of factors such as training, ity of contraction during explosive or ballistic movements.
age, motor disorders, fatigue, fiber type and right-left dominance Thus, for individuals training for activities that require
have each been theorized to contribute a role to the BLD (12). If one-legged jumping, addressing high-velocity, low-load
the phenomenon of the BLD is largely agreed to be a result of an (<30% 1RM) power training may be warranted (16).
alteration or limitation of the neuromuscular system (9,11), what • Bilateral training tends to reduce the BLD, whereas uni-
then are the potential impacts on exercise selection for health and lateral training tends to increase the BLD. Thus, bilateral
fitness professionals? training will affect performance on a bilateral task, and
unilateral training will affect performance on a unilateral
task (3). Therefore, the principle of specificity dictates that
Bilateral deficit – the reduction in force that the optimal program design needs to reflect the specific
accompanies maximal two-limb efforts relative adaptations that are desired (2,17).
• Lack of familiarity with a task often results in a BLD, sug-
to maximal single-limb performances (13). gesting the BLD may be larger in untrained versus trained
individuals. It is well understood that the rapid improve-
As previously mentioned, the existence of the BLD often is ments in strength during the early stages of training in
the rationale provided by many health and fitness professionals untrained/novice individuals are predominantly due to
as to why they may feel unilateral exercise movements are supe- neural adaptations, thus training interventions in as little
rior to bilateral exercises (3–5). However, previous research that as 4 weeks may be effective in reducing the BLD (2).
has examined the difference in force production between bilateral • Minimal studies to date have investigated the relationship
and unilateral movements paints a much more nuanced picture, between the BLD and athletic performance or injury, thus
suggesting that the phenomenon of the BLD is actually highly any definitive answers are simply unknown at this time.
variable among individuals (9). Whereas the BLD most often is
observed in acute studies that have used untrained subjects per-
forming novel movements, longer term bilateral training tends
to mute the inhibitory effects of the BLD (3,9,11,13,14). Further-
more, in trained athletes, such as rowers and weightlifters who
routinely perform bilateral movements, maximal bilateral force In a classic study from 1961, Henry and Smith (20) found
production can actually be greater than the sum of unilateral forces, that bilateral maximal handgrip strength was significantly
a phenomenon termed bilateral facilitation (9,13), suggesting task less than the sum of the maximal right and left handgrip
familiarization and specificity of exercise can play a large role strength combined. For health and fitness professionals
in reducing the effects of the BLD. Therefore, understanding the with access to a handgrip dynamometer, here’s how you
individual differences concerning bilateral strength production is can easily replicate this study! First, to assess your
bilateral grip strength, grip the dynamometer with both
perhaps best viewed along a continuum, ranging from deficit to
hands, maximally contract, and record your measurement.
facilitation, with some individuals showing no effect, all outcomes After a couple minutes’ rest, grip the dynamometer with
attributable to the wide variability in human subjects (13). your dominant hand, maximally contract, and record your
Given the ambiguity and inconsistency surrounding the BLD, measurement. After a few minutes’ rest, repeat the same
what conclusions, if any, can the health and fitness professional process with your nondominant hand. Using the formula
derive from the research? Based on the results from review arti- shown in the Figure, calculate your bilateral index. Any
cles on the BLD (3,9,11), here are a few of the major takeaways evidence of a bilateral deficit or facilitation? Are there any
and practical implications: potential limitations or confounding factors you might wish
to consider before reaching any conclusions? To assess
• Lower body movements generally exhibit a greater BLD lower body strength, repeat the aforementioned steps on a
than upper body movement. The increased postural sta- leg extension or leg press machine.
bility requirements needed to produce force in the lower
Volume 22 | Number 3 13

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For individuals not well versed in interpreting research arti- majority of cross-education research has used individuals with
cles, the aforementioned summaries may lead to feelings of con- a healthy immobilized limb; therefore, additional randomized
fusion or dissatisfaction at the lack of definitive conclusions. The control trials are needed before establishing evidence-based rec-
tendency to reach a conclusion without fully weighing all possi- ommendations for clinical practice (23).
ble options equally, only accepting and interpreting information Another promising implementation of the cross-education ef-
that confirms preconceptions, is a type of cognitive bias known fect may be within a clinical setting for individuals who have
as confirmation bias (18). Preconceived viewpoints can cloud our suffered a stroke. Approximately 80% to 85% of individuals
ability to look at a situation objectively, especially when we simply recovering from a stroke will have a one-sided muscle weak-
rely on anecdotal or past experiences (19). Does the BLD exist? ness, known as hemiparesis, resulting in reduced functional abil-
Absolutely. However, individual differences and task specificity ity (25). Consequently, occupational and physical therapists have
create enormous variability among the literature that has investi- explored cross-education interventions via resistance training to
gated the BLD; therefore, any claims as to the superiority of restore strength and function from asymmetrical deficits in stroke
either unilateral or bilateral training methods are simply not patients (24). Early investigations of the cross-education effect in
supported at this time by research. There may certainly be situ- poststroke rehabilitation have shown initial promise; however,
ations where bilateral exercises may be a better option to uni- further trials are needed before definitive conclusions can be
lateral movements and vice versa, but using the BLD as the made (25). Whereas the nonclinical health and fitness profes-
scientific rationale that ultimately impacts exercise selection sional may not typically work with the aforementioned popula-
does not seem to be warranted at this time (3,9,11).


Another interesting neurophysiological phenomenon that may
be of interest to the health and fitness professional is when strength
increases are observed in the contralateral (opposite side) limb after
performing unilateral exercises with the ipsilateral (same side) limb,
a phenomenon most commonly referred to as the cross-education effect
(21). For example, performing bicep curls with the left arm can ac-
tually increase the strength of the right arm! The cross-education
effect has been observed via voluntary muscle contractions, electri-
cal stimulation of muscle, and even via mental practice of muscle
contractions (22). Furthermore, the cross-education effect can oc-
cur in both upper and lower body muscles, in both dynamic and
isometric contractions, and in all ages and sexes (22). A recent
meta-analysis quantified the typical contralateral limb strength
gains to be approximately 11.9% after any form of unilateral tions, the general fitness population is no stranger to aches and
training, with even greater improvements with specific training pains, so when limitations do inevitably arise with clientele, ap-
interventions such as dynamic-isotonic training (15.9%) and eccen- plications of the cross-education effect may be implemented to
tric training (17.7%) (23). Much like the BLD, the exact mecha- maintain training capacity.
nisms of the cross-education effect are not well understood,
but are hypothesized to be as a result of neural adaptations,
complex changes in the contralateral motor pathways, or motor
learning (22).
For healthy individuals, cross-education may seem like a silly Cross-education effect – when training one side
or trivial side effect because why would anyone only train one of the body increases the strength on the other
side of the body? However, the true value and application of
the cross-education effect may be in the world of rehabilitation side of the body (26).
in situations where one limb may be immobilized because of
an injury (24). For example, a football player who breaks his
right hand, which is subsequently placed in a cast, can imple- PROGRAM DESIGN
ment unilateral dumbbell exercises with his left hand to stem Now that we have established some of the neuromuscular phys-
the typical strength loss and muscle atrophy that accompanies iology that can affect bilateral and unilateral movements, let us
the disuse due to immobilization (24). Previous research has now turn our focus to applying this knowledge toward designing
found promising applications of the cross-education effect in in- resistance training programs. According to the 2009 ACSM po-
dividuals with distal fractures or anterior cruciate ligament re- sition stand on resistance training, there is a rich body of evi-
construction (23). However, it is important to note that the dence that supports the inclusion of bilateral and unilateral
14 ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal ® May/June 2018

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TABLE 2: Sample Workout Template — Total Body Split the frontal and transverse planes, may trigger discomfort
Day 1 Day 2 because exercises that increase muscle activation also dra-
matically increase the compressive loads on the spine (29).
Barbell back squat Split squat Therefore, health and fitness professionals working with
Single leg deadlift Trap bar deadlift individuals with a history of low back pain should progress
very conservatively from sagittal to frontal to transverse
Barbell bench press Alternating dumbbell bench
plane challenges to stay within their client’s respective tol-
erance and capacity to training.
Dumbbell row Seated cable row • For individuals planning to train each muscle group or
Alternating dumbbell shoulder Standing military press movement pattern at least twice a week, one day could
press be dedicated to just bilateral movements, one day could
be dedicated to just unilateral movements, or both bilat-
Chin-ups One-arm lat pulldown
eral and unilateral movements could be spread out across
(both single- and multiple-joint) exercises when designing resis- the training split (see Table 2 for examples).
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