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Habit 1: Be Proactive

In this package, we will focus on Habit 1: Be

Proactive. Below you will find a list of 5 activities for
you to do with your family. You can choose to do as
many as you have time for.

At the bottom of the page, you will find links for story-
read alouds related to this week’s topic. You can view
these on any of your devices.

1. Write a letter or draw a picture for front line workers. It could be a nurse,
doctor, ambulance driver, delivery driver etc. Include a thank you for all they
are doing for us right now.

2. Help a family member around the house. Maybe you are helping with
sorting laundry or preparing dinner.

3. Help pick up items in your yard and get it ready for spring. Collect sticks,
rocks, or seeds and sort them or create a picture with them.

4. Do at least 5 minutes of stretching, dancing, or moving once every hour.

5. Draw a picture and/or write a kind message on the sidewalk for people to
notice when passing by.

Story links: Amazing Grace by Mary Hoffman Everybody Feels.. Happy by Jane Bingham The Carrot Seed by Ruth Krauss

Please take a photo or video of your activities and email them to us to be featured on our website!

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