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Coordonat: Aprobat:
t, Aproved

Proces verbal nr.9


PLAN nn iNvAlAllANr

Domeniul general de stucliu - 38 Drept
General field of study - 38 Law

Domeniul deformare profesionald - 381 Drept

Professional field- 38 L Lau,

Specialitatea - 381.1 Drept

Speciality-381.1 Law

Numdrul total de credite de studiu -240

Tolal number of credits - 240

Titlul obginut -Licen(iat in drept

Bachelor in Law

Buza admiterfi - diplomi de bacalaureat sau un act echivalent de studii

diplomi de studii superioare
Base ofadmission: baccalaxteate or equitalent de e
university degree

Limba de instruire - romAnI, englezd, francezi, rusl

Study Ia nguage : r o ma ni an, e ngl is h, fre nc h, rus s ta n

Forma de orgunizare a invdldmhntufui -invdlim6nt cu frecven!5

Study form -.ful l-time atle ndance

cHr$rNAu 2016
$ef Departament Drept Penal
Dr.hab., prof univ.
Chief Criminal Law Department, Dr. Sc., PhD., Brinzfl

$ef Departament Drept Privat

Dr., conf. univ.
Chief Private Law Department, PhD, associate prof. Nicolae Rogca

$ef Departament Drept Procedural

Dr.. conf.univ..
Chief Procedural Law Departmenl, PhD., associate prof. . Elena Belei

$ef Departament Drept Internafional gi European

Dr.hab., prof.univ
Chief European and Internalional Law Departmenl, Dr. Sd., PhD', univ

Aprobat la Consiliul Facultdlii

Approved by Faculty Council
l3 aprilie 2016
Proces verbal nr.6

Pregedinte Consiliul Profesoral,

Decan Facultatea Drept, USM
Prof. univ. dr.
Dean Law Fuculty, Moldova State Universily
PhD, univ. prof. Sergiu Biiegu
Calendarul universitar/graficul procesului de studii
Nrd Anul de Activiteli didactice Sesiuni de examene Vacanle
lo studii Didactic activities Exam ination.sesions Vacation
Year of Sem I Sem Il Iamd Vard Stagii de larnd Primtrvard Vard
study Winter Spring/summ practrca Winter Spring Summer
lntemsh io
I Anul I 0t 09-ll t2 30 0l-20 0s t6 t2-23 t2 22 05-12 06 24 l2-08 0l Pafti 28 06-31 08
First Year (15 sdptdmdni) (15 saptAmani) 9 0l -28 0l (3 saptamani) (2 Easter (t0
2016-2017 weeks weeks (4 slptdmdni) weeks strptdmdni) t7 04-24 04 sAptamani)
WECKS weeKs (1 weeKs
2 Anul ll 0l 09-10 r2 29 0r -06 0s 14 12-22 12 21 05- Practica de 2s 12-08 0l Pa$tr 25 06-31 08
Second ( 1 5 saptdmdni) (13 saptdmlni) 9 0l-28 0r r006(3 iniliere in (2 09 04-l 6 04 (r0
Yea r weeKs weeks (4 sdptdmdni) sdptdmani) special itate sdptamani) (l sdptdm6ni)
2017-2018 weeKs Weeks Specialty weeks sapramana) weeks
Starti ng week
07 0s-
20 0s (2
3 Anul III 01 09-9 12 0l 02-06 05 13 t2-21. t2 22 05-10 06 (3 Practica de 24 t2-08 01 Pagti 28 06-3 I 08
Third (15 sdptdmdni) (I 3 saptdmani) 09 0l-28 0l sdptdmdni) ini[iere in (2 Easter (10
Year weeks weeks (4 sdptdmdni) weeks specialitate saptamani) 30 04-07 05 sepEmani)
2018-20r9 weeks Speciatty WCEKS (l weeks
Staning septdman[)
intemship weeK
07 05-21 05
4 Anul IV 0t 09-t3 t2 16 12-24 12 08 06-30 06 Practica de 25 l2-08 0l Paqti
Fourth (I 5 slptdmdni) 09 0l-28 0l (3 sdptdmarli) Special itate (2 Easter
Yea r WEEKS (4saptdrnani) weeks Specialty saptamarli) 20 04-27 04
2019-2020 weeKs intemshipo weeKs (IsApAmana
03 02-05 04 ) weeK
Practica de

internsh i p
06 04-04 05


lncl usiv sdptdrnane NLrmar
Fonna de
Total ore Laborator evaluare
Cod Modulul / disciplina Contact Lucru Se credit
Total dividt Iabot'alot) Type of
Code Module Discipline olrect C urs tnI
hours Direct dividr lectur' nar
final Nr. Of
conlac work
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

Year I
Semestrul I
Semester I
F.0t.o.0l Ieoria generald a dreptului 180 90 90 3 3 E 6
3eneral Theow of Law
F.01.o.02 Drept constitulional 180 90 90 3 3 E o
Constitutional Law
F.0r.o.03 Drept privat roman 150 75 75 3 2 E 5
Roman Private Law
s.01.o.04 hstituli i j urid ico-statale 150 60 90 2 2 E 5
State-J udicial institutions
G.0r.o.05 TIC 120 60 60 4 E 4
IT Communication
Phi losophy 120 45 't5 2 E 4
J.0r. A.06
u.0r. A.07 Psihologia
u.01. A.08 Politologie
Political Science
u.0 t. A.09 Sociologie
Social science
G.0l.o.l0 Educa[ie fizicd 30 30 2 L
Physical Training
Total semestrul I 930 450 480 t3 l3 4 6E 30

Semestrul Il
Semester ll
F.02.O.r I Drept civil (introducere gi persoanele) r80 9.0 90 3 3 E 6
Civil Law (introduction and persons)
F.02.O.12 Drept administrativ t80 75 105 2 J o
Administrative Law
F.02.O. r3 Drept penal. Partea general6 (I) t80 90 90 J J E o
Criminal Law General Part I
t20 60 60 2 2 F 4
storia dreptului ronrdnesc
listory ofRonranian Law
u.02.A. | 6 Filosotia juridical
Philosoohv ofLaw
120 60 4 E 4
G.02.O.17 Limba strdinS' 60
Foreisn Lansuage
u.02.A,18 Economie t20 45 '75 2 E 4
u.02.A. 19 Istoria culturii gi civilizaliei europene
European culture and civilization history
Integrare Europeani
European lntegration
Cultura comunicdrii interpersonale gi
J.02.4.21 organiza{ionale
lnterpersonal and organizational communication
Educa{ie fizicd 30 30 2 C
Phvsical Trainrns
Total semestrul ll 930 450 450 12 t4 { 6E 30
Total semester lI
Total AnulI 1860 930 900 25 27 8 12E 60

Total vear I
Year Il
Semestrul III
Semester III
E 6
F.03.O.23 Drept penal. Partea generald (II) r80 75 105 2 3

Crimrninal Law General Part II

E o
F.03.O.24 Drept interna{ional public 180 90 90 3 3
International Public Law

engleza, limba francezd
English, French
s.03.o.25 Drept contraven{ional 150 75 75 J 2 E 5
Contravention Law
F.03.O.26 Drept civil (dr. reale) t50 75 t) 2 3 E 5

Civil Law (real rishts)

s.03.o.27 Drept financiar t20 60 60 2 2 E 4
Financial Law
Jzan{e gi tehnici diplomatice t20 45 t) 2 E 4
)iplornatic good practices and technics
s.03.A.29 Delincven{a juvenil6
Juvenile delinouencv
s.03.A.30 Drept medical
Medical Law
s.03.A.31 Sisteme juridice comparate
lomparative Legal Systems

Total semestrul lll 900 450 4s0 l4 t4 6E 30

Total semester III
Semestrul lV
Semester lV
F.04.O.32 Drept civil. Teoria generald a obligatiilor r80 75 05 3 3 E 6
Civil Law Ceneral Theorv ofoblisations
F.04.O.33 )rept penal. Partea speciald (I) r50 75 75 3 3 f, 5
lrirninal Law Soecial Part(I)
s.04.o.34 )rept fiscal 120 60 60 2 2 E 4
fax Law
i.04.o.35 )rept institu{ional al UE r50 75 75 3 2 E 5

lU institutions Law
;.04.o.36 Dreptul familiei 120 60 60 2 2 E 4
Familv Law
i04437 )reptul confl ictelor armate t20 45 75 z I E 4

{rmed conflicts law

;04A38 Drept penal comparat
Comoarative criminal Law
; 04 A.39 Drept informational
Informational Law
i04A40 )r ganizar ea profesi i lor j uridr ce
Jrsanization of professions
i 04 A 4l Regimul juridic al bunurilor irnobile
Leeal status ofreal estate
)04 A42 Dreptul protec{iei sociale
Social protection Law
Practica de iniliere in specialitate 60 60 E 2
Specialtv Starti ns, intemsh iD

Total semestrul IV 900 390 510 l5 l3 7E 30

Total semester IV
Total Anul II 1800 870 930 29 )1 13E 60
Total Year TI

Anul III
Year III
Semestrul V
Semester V

Drept Civil. Contracte translative de

r.05.o.43 proprietate. 150 I) t) 3 2 E 5

Civil law. ProDerty transmitting contracts

r.05.o.44 Drept penal. Partea speciald lI 150 T5 T5 2 J E 5

Crinrminal Law. Soecial Part Il

1.05.o.45 Drept procesual penal. Partea generald r80 75 105 2 3 E o
Criminal Process law. General Part
i.05.o.46 Drept procesual civil. Partea generald r80 75 r05 2 3 L 6
livil Process law. General Parl
05.o.4'7 Dreptul mediului t20 60 60 2 2 E t
Environmental law
05.o.48 Jriminologia 20 60 60 2 2 E 4
Total Sem.V 900 420 480 l3 l5 6E 30
Total semester V
Semestrul VI
Semester VI
r.06.o.49 Drept Civil. Contracte de prestdri de
servicii. Succesiuni. 150 60 90 2 2 E 5
Civil Law. Service Contracts. Succession.
i.06.o.50 Drept procesual penal. Partea specialA 150 90 60 3 3 E 5
Criminal Proces law. Soecial Part
;.06.o.51 )rept procesual civil. Partea speciald 150 90 60 3 3 E
livil Process law. Soecial Part
t.06.o.52 )rept intema{ional privat r50 75 75 2 3 E 5
lrivate international law
3.06.0. 53 Itica profesionald t20 60 60 2 2 E 4
)rofessional ethics
s.06.A.54 alifi carea infrac{iunilor t20 45 75 2 I E 4
rimes qualification
s.06.A.55 )reptul transporturilor gi asigurdrilor
franspoft and insurance law
s.06.A.56 Dreptu I protecfiei consumatorilor
Consumer orotection law
i.06.A.57 intocmirea actelor de procedurd civild
Civil procedure documents
i.06.A.58 Intocmirea actelor de procedurd penald
Crirninal Drocedure documents
s.06.A.59 Dreptul notarial
Notarv law
i.06.A.60 Iehnica legislative
Legislative technics
i.06.A.61 Protec{ia juridicd a drepturilor onrului
Human Rishts lesal orotection
1.06.A.62 Drept bancar international
Intemational bankins law
Practica de iniliere in specialitate 60 60 E 2
Snecialtv Sfartinq intemshin
Total semestrul Vl 900 420 480 l4 14 7E 30
Total Semester VI

Total Anul III r800 900 900 'r1 29 l3E 60

Total Year III

Year IV
Semestlul Vll
Semester Vll
i.07.o.63 Dreptul afacerilor 150 IJ '75 J 2 E 5
Business law
i.07.o.64 Criminalistica r80 90 90 3 3 E 6
i.07.o.65 Dreptul muncii 180 90 90 3 3 E o
Labor Law

07.o.66 Dreptul comer{ului intemational 150 60 90 2 2 E 5

International Trade Law
i.07.A.67 Litigii de muncd t20 45 75 2 I E 4
Labor conflicts
1.07.A.68 Dreptul concuren{ei
Cornpetition Law
i.07.A.69 Drept execufional penal
Criminal executional law
i.07.A.70 Drept executional civil
Civil executional law
1.07.A.71 Drept constitu{ional comparat
Consti tutional comoarative law
).0't.A.'72 Problemele actuale ale teoriei generale
dreptul ui
Actual problems ofceneral theorv of law
i.07.A.73 Dreptul Conven{iei Europene a Drepturilor
European Convention for Humdn Rights law
).0'1.4.74 Metodica cercetdrii unor categorii de infrac[iuni
Methods of specifrc crimes investigation
i.07.A.7s Drept vamal r20 60 60 2 2 E 4
Customs law
).07.4.'76 Dreptu I proprietdfi i intelectuale
lntel lectual Drooertv law
Total Sem.VIl 900 420 480 l5 13 6E 30
Total semester Vll
Semestrul VIII
Semester Vlll
Practica de specialitate 450 t50 E t5
Specialtv internship
Practica de cercetare r80 180 E

Research internship
Examen de licentd 2'70 2'70
Graduation exams
Total semestrul VIll )00 )00 3E i0
TotaI semester VIII
TOTAL ANUL IV 1800 120 l 380 l5 3 9E i0
Total Year IV
TOTALPROCRAM 7260 120 ll0 )6 )6 47E 140

Total Program
Limba romenl pentru alolingvi
Romanian language for non-native speakers
lncl usiv sdpt[mand

Lucru Se Labor Fonna de

Nurndr de
Modulul / disciplina Total ore Contact ndividua Cu ml ator evatuare
Cod rrect tndividut Labor Evaluation
Module/discipline Total hours o rS naT Cr edits
Dlrect al work atory Fonr
contact sem I

.imba romdnd de comunicare 120 60 60 4 E 4

1.02.o. r4
{omanian language

Uniti(ilede curs la libera alegere

Facultative courses
Discipline la libera alegere ore/ sf,ptdnrdnd Evaluare
Total or(
Anul Sem Hours/weel
Nr. d/o Facultative courses To tal
year sem
Evaluatior Cred ite
hourc L tbrn-t
S credits

Limba latind 120 I I 2 2 0 examen 4

2 Retorica t20 III 2 2 0 examen 4

Stagiile de practici

Perioada Numil ul de
Stagiile de practicd Sem. Sdptdmdui Ore credite
Nr. d/o lrours Period
lnternships Sem. weeks credits

I Practica de ini{iere in specialitate IV, VI 4 120 4

Specialty Starting intemship
Practica de specialitate VIII 10 4s0 Mai t5
Specialty intemship May
Practica de cercetare b
3 VIII 4 180
Research intemshio
Sdptdmdni '750 25

Examenul de licenfl
Graduation Exam
Nr. d/o Examenul de licenld lerioada Credite
Graduation Exam
I Examen integrat: gtiinle juridice lunie 6
Inteerated exam. law sciences June
2 Sus{inerea tezei de licenfd Iunie 3

Craduation (Licence) Thesis June


Master studies
Numdrul de ore pe Fonna
Inclusiv seDtdlnend Nunrdr
Cod ModuluJ / disciplina Total ore Lucru credite
Code Module/discipline Total hours Contact d irect i ndividual
9F Evaluat
Direct contact lndi vidual of
work 36 fon.n

4 5 6 7 8 9 0
I 2 3
2 E 6
F01 002 Drept constituJional 180 45 135
Constitutional Law
E o
F0l o0l Teoria generald a dreptului 180 60 120 2 2
General Theorv ofLaw
F02011 Drept civil lntroducere qi 80 4) r35 E
Civil Law Introduction and
E 6
F02013 Drept penal Partea generala 80 45 35 2
Crirninal Law General Part
E 6
s03024 Dreptul international public 180 45 r35 2
International Public Law
900 240 660 l0 6 5E 30


Specialitatea Drept este una dintre cele primordiale in societatea contemporanl. Un specialist
calificat gi competent in domeniul jurisprudenfei se poate plasa armonios in orice sfer[ a vielii
sociale atdr la nivel nalional, cdt gi internafional.
Scopul specialitilii Drept este de a realiza o fonnare profesional[ eficient[ in domeniu,
crednd premise sigure de integrare socio-profesionall de succes a persoanelor specializate in drept
in cadruf sistemului de drept din Republica Moldova, precuffl gi posibilitatea realizdrii profesionale
peste hotarele fdrii.
in acest context, specialitatea de Drept urm[regte realizarea obiectivelor prin:
l. Formarea competenfelor profesionale ale absolventuld \n baza pregdtirii teoretice 9i
practice in domeniul drePtului.
2. Formarea abilitllilor de cercetare in domeniul jurisprudenlei in baza componenlei gtiinlifice'
in acest sens se urmdregte preg[tirea specialistului in scopul investigdrii problemelor
contrad ictori i din j urispruden!d.
3. Asigurarea condiliilor de dezvoltare multilateral[ a viitorului specialist, formarea poziliei
civice gi dimensiunii etice a personalitdfii.
A aplica pentru studii superioare de licenf[ la specialitatea Drept( Cictul l) se Poate in baza
diplomei de BAC ori diplomei de studii superioare.
Specialistul in domeniul jurisprudenfei (licenliat in drept ) poate s[-$i desldgoare activitatea
sa profesionald iri diverse domenii - drept civil, penal, financiar, bancar, criminalisticI, psihologie
juridic6, proteclia drepturilor omului etc., linAnd cont de specialitatea nominalizat6.
Realizarea eficientd a obiectivelor specialitdlii Drept le permite absolvenlilor o integrare socio-
profesional[ de succes. Specialigtii instruifi la specialitatea sus numiti, delindtori ai diplomei de
licenli in drept pot activa in cadrul instanlelor judecdtoregti, organelor procuraturii, avocaturii,
Ministerului Justitiei, Ministerului Afacerilor Interne, direcliilor gi secliilor juridice ale autoritililor
administraliei publice centrale gi locale, ale instituliilor, organiza\iilor, intreprinderilor publice 9i
private, Curlii Constitufionale, aparatului Avoca!ilor parlamentari, instituliilor de expertiz[
judiciard; organizaliilor non-guvernamentale de triere gi mediere a litigiilor; organizaliilor non-
guvernamentale specializate in apdrarea drepturilor omului; organelor Republicii Moldova

hotare; organizafiilor guvernamentale internafionale gi regionale, precum 9i in oricare alte domenii

care necesit6 protejarea, supravegherea, respectarea drepturilor, liberldfilor 9i intereselor
sau a valorilor ocrotite de lege.
La finalizarea studiilor superioare de licen![ (ciclul l) studentut trebuie sd posede urmdtoarele
competenle generale:
l. Capacitatea de a inv[fa independent;
2. Capacitatea de a respecta qi a dezvolta valorile 9i etica profesionald;
3. Capacitatea de a-qi exercita profesia in calitate de membru a[ unei echipe;
4. Capacitatea de a rezolva situalii de probleml;
5. Capacitatea de a lua decizii de sine stitdtor;
6. S[ posede suficiente cunogtinfe de limb[ striin[ pentru a fi capabil de a lucra in mod eficient
in domeniul juridic;
7 . Capacitatea de a utiliza tehnologiile informafionale in cercetare qi in practica j uridicl'
C o mp e te nle p r ofe s io nal e :
l. Cunoagterea legislaliei Republicii Moldova, a legislafiei europene gi a celorlalte instrumente
j uridice internalionale;
2. Cunoagterea conceptelor, teoriilor, paradigmelor gi metodologiilor din domeniuljuridic;
3. Utilizarea cunogtinlelor necesare in culegerea datelor gi informaliilor referitoare la o
problemi de drept concretd;
4. Utilizarea metodelor aplicate in domeniul dreptului;
5. Aplicarea tehnicilor gi instrumentelor specifice din domeniul juridic in solufionarea unor
probleme de ordin practic;
6. rJtilizarea unei game variate de tehnici, metode gi procedee in vederea enunfdrii solufiilor
interpretative ale actelor normative;
7. lnilierea gi depistarea problemelor de drept propuse spre solulionare in procesul activitdfii


Specialty Law is an important one in a contemporary society. A qualified and competent specialist in
jurisprudence can be placed in any sphere ofharmonious social lif-e both nationally and internationally.
As a specialty aim is to achieve an effective field training, cleating plerequisites fbr socio-secure successful
professional people specialized in law in the legal system of the Republic of Moldova and the possibility of prof-essional
advancement abroad.
In this context, Law specialty aims to achieve its goals through:
1. Formation ofthe graduate professional skilts based on theoretical and practical training in law.
2. Formation of research abilities in the field of jurisprudence based on scientitlc composition. ln this sense
specialist training aims to investigate contradictions in jurisprudence.
3. Ensure the future of multilateral developed specialist, training civic position and the ethical dimension of
personal ity.
Applying fbr Bachelor specialty Law (Cycle I) can be based on High School/Lyceurn (BAC) diploma or
university diploma.
The specialist in jurisprudence (law degree) can carry on his professional activity in difl'erent tlelds - civit'
criminal, financial, banking, criminology, psychology, legislation, human rights pt'otection, etc., taking into account
specialty nominated.
An efflcient achievement of all mentioned objectives assures the graduate successtul socio-prot-essional
integration. Lawyers can operate as judges, prosecutols, advocates, ernployee in different government structures,
especially the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Interior, legal deparlments and sections of the centlal and local public
administration authorities, institutions, organizations, public and private enterprises, asjudge in the Constitutional Court'
Ombudsman, institutions with judicial expertise; NGOs sorling and dispute mediation; organizations defending human
rights; embassies abroad; international government and legional olganizations, as well as any other areas that require
protection, surveillance ofrights, freedoms and interests or values protected by law.
Upon completion of university studies (cycle) student shall have the following general skills:
L The ability to learn independently;
2. Ability to meet and develop values and professional ethics;
3. Ability to exercise his profession as a member of a team;
4. Ability to solve problem situations;
5. The ability to make decisions independently;
6. Possess sutl'icient knowledge of the foreign language to be able to work efl'ectively in the legat field;
7. The ability to use information technologies in research and legal ptactice.

Professional skills:
1 . Knowledge of Moldovan legislation, European legislation and other international legal instruments;

2. Knowledge of the concepts, theories, paladigms and methodologies in the legal f reld;
3. Use knowledge needed in data collection and intbrmation felating to a specific practical issue in law;
4. Using specific methods applied in law;
5. Application of techniques and specific legal instluments in solving plactical problems;
6. Using a variety oftechniques, methods and solutions to interpretative enunciation ofacts;
7. Initiate and detection as proposed for solving problems in the legal activity.

Matricea corellrii finali r de studiu cu unitifile de curs:

Unitatea de curs (modul)
Curs unit (rnodule)
Teoria generald a dreptului
General Theory of law
Drept constitutional
Constitutional Law
Drept privat roman
Roman Private law
Institulii .juridico-statale
State-Judicial institutions

Filozof ie

Drept administrativ
Administrative law
Drept penal. partea generald I
Crirninal law. Gerreral oart I
lstoria dreptului rom6nesc
History of Ronranian Law
Filozofia juridicd
Philosophy oflaw
Limba strdind
Foreign language

lstoria culturii qi civilizafiei

eu roperle
European culture and
civilization history

Cultura comunicdrii
interpersonale gi
Interpersonal and
izarional conr m unicati on

Drept penal. Partea generald II F.O 6 + + + +
Criminal law. Ceneral part lI
Drept intemaJional public F.O 6 + + + +
Intemational public law
Drept contravenfional s.o 5 + + + + +
Contravention law
Drept civil (dr. reale) F.O 5 + + + +
Civil law (real rights)
Drept financiar s.o 4 + + + + + +
Financial law
Uzante gi tehnici diplomatice U.A 4 + + + + +
Diplomatic good practices and
Iecnn tcs
Delicven;a j uvenild U.A q + + + + +
.luvenile delinquency
Drept medical U.A 4 + + + + + +
Medical law
Sisteme juridice comparate U.A 4 + + + + + +
Comparative legal sistems
Drept civil. Teoria generala a F.O o + + + + +
Civil law. General theory of
Drept penal. Partea speciald I F.O 5 + + + +
Crirninal law. Special part I
Drept fiscal s.o 4 + + + + + + +

Tax law
Drept institulional al UE s.o 5 + + + + + +

E,U institutional law

Dreptul familiei s.o 4 + f +
Family law
Dreptul confl ictelor armate S.A 4 + + + + +

Armed conflicts law

Drept penal comparat S.A 4 + + + + t

Comparative criminal law

Drept informational S.A 1 + + + + + +

lnformation law
Or ganizar ea profesiil or j uridice S.A 4 + + + + +

Organization oflegal
Regimul juridic al bunurilor SA + + + +
Legal status ofreal estate
Dreptul protecf iei sociale SA 4 + +
Social protectiorr law
Drept civil. Contracte F.O 5 + + + +
translative de proprietate
Civil law. Propedy transmitting
Drept penal. Partea specialh ll F.O 5 + + + +
Criminal law. Special part Il
+ + + + + +
Drept procesual penal. Partea s.o 6 +
Criminal process law. General
Drept procesual civil. Partea s.o. 6 + + + + + +

Civil process law. Ceneral part.
Dreptul mediului s.o 4 + + + I + +
Environmental law
Criminologia s.o 4 + + + +
Drept civil. Contracte prestdn F.O 5 + + + + +
servicii. Succesiuni
Civil Law. Service Contracts.
Drept procesual penal. Partea SO 5 + + + + + T
Crinrinakl process law. Special
Drept procesual civil. Partea SO 5 + f + +
Civil process [aw. Special part
Drept intemafional privat SO 5 + f + + +

Private international law

Etica profesionald S.A 4 + + + + + + +

Professional ethics
Cl asi fi carea infracliunilor S.A 4 + + + +

Crimes qualification
Dreptul transporturilor gi S.A 4 i + + +
Transport and insurance law
Dreptul protecfiei SA 4 + + +
Consuner protectioq law
lntocmirea actelor de procedurd SA 4 + +
Cri nrinal process documents
Intocmirea actelor de procedurd S.A / + + + +
Civil process documents
Dreptul notarial + J +
S.A 4
Notary law
Tehnica legislative SA 4 +

Legislation technics
+ + + + + T +
di c6 a drepturilor
Protec{ia.j uri S.A 4
Legal protection of human
Drept bancar international S,A 4 + + + + f

lnternational banking Iaw

+ T
Dreptul afacerilor s.o 5 + + +
Business law
s.o + + + + +
Criminalistica 6 f

Dreptul rnuncii s.o o + + + +
Labor law
Dreptul comerJului s.o 5 + + + + +
lnternational trade law
Litigii de muncd S.A 4 + + +

Labor conflicts
+ + + +
Dreptul concurenfei S.A
Competition law
+ T + + +
Drept execu{ional penal S.A 4

Criminal executional law
Drept execufional civil SA + T + + + J

Civil executional law

Drept constitugonal comparat S.A 4 + + + T + +
Constitutional comparative law
Probleme actuale ale teoriei S.A 4 + + + + + T +
generale a dreptului
Achral problems of General
Theory oflaw
Dreptul Convenliei Europene a SA + + + + +
Drepturilor Omului
ECHR law
Metodica cercetdrii unor S.A 4 + + + + + + +
categorii de infracfiuni
Methods of specific crimes
Drept vamal S.A 4 + + + + +

Customs law
Dreptul proprietaf i intelectuale SA 4 + T + +

Intellectual property law


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