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Gynecology and Obstretics

Assignment #1

Prepared By

Jehanzeb Akram
Roll Number: M15-032
Final Year MBBS
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

1. Pregnancy tests detecting Beta hCG would diagnose pregnancy as early as

which of the following?
(A) 5 days after fertilization
(B) 24 hours after implantation
(C) day of the expected (missed) menses
(D) 5 weeks’ gestation age by menstrual dating
(E) 6 weeks’ gestation age by menstrual dating

2. Changes in the urinary tract during normal pregnancy include which of the
(A) decrease in renal plasma flow
(B) increase in the amount of dead space in urinary tract
(C) increase in blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine
(D) increase in glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
(E) increase in both GFR and RPF when the patient is supine

3. During pregnancy the blood volume increases by 40%. The increase in

blood volume in normal pregnancy is made up of which of the following?
(A) erythrocytes
(B) more erythrocytes than plasma
(C) more plasma than erythrocytes
(D) neither plasma nor erythrocytes
(E) plasma only

4. Which of the following factors contribute to the increase in cardiac output

in pregnancy?
(A) decrease in blood volume
(B) increase in ejection fraction
(C) increase in heart rate
(D) increase in left ventricular stroke work index
(E) increase in systemic vascular resistance
5. In the fetal circulation, the highest oxygen content occurs in which of the
(A) aorta
(B) ductus arteriosus
(C) ductus venosus
(D) superior vena cava
(E) umbilical arteries

6. In systemic circulation of the fetus, the highest oxygen content occurs in

which of the following?
(A) ascending aorta
(B) descending aorta
(C) ductus arteriosus
(D) left ventricle
(E) umbilical vein

7. Surfactant is formed in which of the following?

(A) epithelium of the respiratory bronchi
(B) hilum of the lung
(C) placental syncytiotrophoblasts
(D) type I pneumocytes of the lung alveoli
(E) type II pneumocytes of the lung alveoli

8. The presence of which of the following substances is most reassuring that

fetal lungs will be mature?
(A) phosphatidylinositol
(B) phosphatidylethanolamine
(C) phosphatidylglycerol (PG)
(D) phosphatidylcholine
(E) phosphatidylinositol deacylase
9. Worldwide, which of the following is the most common problem during
(A) diabetes
(B) preeclampsia
(C) heart disease
(D) urinary tract infection (UTI)
(E) iron-deficiency anemia

10.The LMP was June 30. Her expected date of confinement (EDC) is
approximately which of the following?
(A) March 23
(B) April 7
(C) March 28
(D) April 23
(E) March 7

11.The most worrisome sign or symptom of potentially serious pathology in

late pregnancy is which of the following?
(A) swollen ankles
(B) constipation
(C) visual changes
(D) nocturia
(E) heartburn

12.An abnormal biophysical profile (BPP) predicts which of the following?

(A) higher risk for antepartumdeath within 1 week
(B) a baby that will be small for gestational age (SGA)
(C) maternal preeclampsia
(D) meconium staining
(E) placental abruption
13.In eclampsia, which of the following is one of several unfavorable
prognostic signs?
(A) tachycardia
(B) 2+ proteinuria
(C) urine output greater than 100 cc/h
(D) more than one but less than three convulsions
(E) swelling of the tongue

14.What is the most common association with heart disease in pregnancy?

(A) rheumatic fever
(B) previous myocardial infarction
(C) hypertension
(D) thyroid disease
(E) congenital heart disease (CHD)

15.The most common type of anemia in pregnancy is due to which of the

(A) iron deficiency
(B) sickle cell disease
(C) folate deficiency
(D) thalassemia
(E) vitamin B12 deficiency

16.The mother is found to have sickle trait. If the father has trait, what
percentage of their children will be born with sickle disease?
(A) 0
(B) 25
(C) 50
(D) 75
(E) 100
17.Which of the following is the major problem associated with the
administration of barbiturates during labor?
(A) sudden fetal death
(B) fetal depression after birth
(C) lack of maternal cooperation during the birth process because of
(D) the likelihood of maternal aspiration causing pneumonitis
(E) their effect is not better than placebo

18.Average blood loss during normal deliveries is how many milliliters?

(A) 700
(B) 500
(C) 250
(D) 100
(E) 50

19.In the normal labor, the pressure produced by uterine contractions is

greatest at which of the following times?
(A) latent phase
(B) active phase
(C) second stage
(D) third stage
(E) when Braxton Hicks’ sign is evident

20.Which of the following is the most common indication for primary cesarean
(A) dystocia
(B) prolapsed cord
(C) diabetes
(D) toxemia
(E) malpresentation
21.Which of the following factors tends to increase the average duration of
(A) increasing parity
(B) increasing age of the mother
(C) decreasing size of the baby
(D) occiput posterior (OP) position of the baby
(E) ambulation

22.Which of the following is a contraindication to the use of oxytocin for

stimulating labor?
(A) fetal demise
(B) hypertonic uterine dysfunction
(C) hypotonic uterine dysfunction
(D) twin gestation
(E) estimated fetal weight less than 5 lb

23.What should therapy for threatened abortion include?

(A) progesterone intramuscular (IM)
(B) dilation and curettage (D&C)
(C) prolonged bed rest
(D) restricted activity
(E) prostaglandin suppositories

24.Treatment for severe abruptio placentae includes which of the following?

(A) heparin
(B) blood replacement and expectant management
(C) steroid therapy for pulmonary maturity
(D) monitoring of plasma fibrinogen and tocolysis with a calcium channel
(E) delivery
25.An infant is born and at 5 minutes it has a vigorous cry, a heart rate of 105,
movement of all four extremities, grimacing with stimulation, and has
bluish hands and feet. What is the Apgar score of this infant?
(A) 10
(B) 9
(C) 8
(D) 7
(E) 6

26.Which of the following is the most direct public health or socioeconomic

effect of contraceptive use?
(A) improved socioeconomic status
(B) stabilized world population growth
(C) reduced maternal morbidity
(D) diminished incidence of fetal abnormalities
(E) decreased prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

27.Toxic shock syndrome has been associated with which of the following
contraceptive methods?
(A) OCs
(B) progestin-only pill (the minipill)
(C) male condoms
(D) cervical cap

28.The safest, most precise, and simplest method of placental localization is

which of the following?
(A) auscultation
(B) ultrasonography
(C) radioisotope study
(D) abnormal palpation
(E) soft tissue X-ray
29.Vaginal examination is contraindicated in which situation during
(A) carcinoma of the cervix
(B) gonorrhea
(C) prolapsed cord
(D) placenta previa
(E) active labor with ruptured membranes >6 hours

30.The relation of the fetal parts to one another determines which of the
(A) presentation of the fetus
(B) lie of the fetus
(C) attitude of the fetus
(D) position of the fetus
(E) intention of the fetus

31.Which of the following does Pelvimetry measure?

(A) true conjugate
(B) transverse diameter of the inlet
(C) shape of the pubic arch
(D) flare of the iliac crests
(E) elasticity of the levator muscles

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