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DC 2017:


My dear Brethren:

I heartily endorse these materials, “Pass It On,” for our

denominational use in the light of our CAMACOP Discipleship

I strongly encourage all CAMACOP constituents to make full use of

these materials which were sacrificially written and put together by
our very own leaders and educators. I am indeed grateful to all
writers and contributors who had spent precious time and efforts in
crafting these materials, so that all our constituents will greatly
benefit from it – as materials for Sunday sermons, Sunday School for
adults, youth and children, for small groups, or for personal

We all desire to impact our community with the love and gospel of
Jesus Christ, and to edify the body of Christ through intentional
disciple-making programs. These discipleship campaign materials
could therefore be one of the most effective tools we can use to
realize our vision and mission, which is to empower the churches in
order to transform communities.

May the Lord richly bless us all.


President / Executive Bishop
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It has been observed that many of our congregations in

CAMACOP are no longer growing numerically. If ever
some are adding members many of these members remain
infants in their Christian knowledge and growth. Their lack
of knowledge of solid biblical doctrine makes them unable
to live as salt and light that would impact the community for transformation.
Worst is, they are easily led astray by false teachings.

Another notable observation that is happening in our churches today is the

lack of intentionality in terms of developing future leaders and workers.
Pastors are the ones doing almost all the work in the ministry, while members
are just watching the show.

It is the Lord's will that every believer will grow in His knowledge of Him and
live in obedience to Christ's teachings and become an effective witness to the
world. Because a believer who is growing in Christ is a key to growing a

It is for this reason, that the leadership of CAMACOP launches this

"Discipleship Campaign" with the prayer that through this program we will be
awaken and go back to radical discipleship. That as we endeavor to pursue
Christ mandate, God would raise up more obedient believers in our churches
who will help commit to disciple individuals helping them grow and mature
until they are able to do the same.

I am grateful to God for enabling us to come up with materials to be used in

challenging and reminding us of this great task. My sincere thanks to all who
have contributed towards the realization of this materials. For Rev. Richard
Rojas, who is the overseer of this program. May this drive will truly
accomplish God's plan for CAMACOP.


Vice President
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CAMACOP’s commitment to fulfill the Great Commission is expressed in our vision and
mission statements as well as in our slogan, EMPOWERED CHURCHES, TRANSFORMED

One of the primary indicators of an EMPOWERED CHURCH is its INTENTIONAL DISCIPLE-

MAKING ministry. We define DISCIPLE-MAKING as follows:
DISCIPLE-making is the process of bringing people to a right relationship with
God, equipping them to
 Walk in obedience to Christ;
 Develop Godly character;
 Gain proficiency in ministry skills,
…in order to reproduce disciple-makers.

There are different aspects to this definition:

1. HEALTHY BIBLICAL RELATIONSHIPS. In disciple-making, growth is enhanced as
relationships become the venue by which believers are nurtured, mentored and
2. VISION FOR MULTIPLICATION. God’s heart as expressed in the Great Commission is
to see more believers being discipled. You are here not just to grow but also to multiply
by making disciples.
3. BALANCE EMPHASIS in the development of the disciple’s knowledge (HEAD),
character (HEART), and competence (HAND).
This year, as we strive to help one another grow in our disciple-making ministry, we have
adopted the theme, PASS IT ON. Through this campaign, by the grace of God, we hope
a. To motivate YOU towards making a commitment to make disciples (COMMITMENT
b. To mobilize YOUR LOCAL CHURCH to implement a church-wide disciple-making
program (ACTION LEVEL)
c. To initiate a disciple-making movement towards community transformation and planting

These materials are designed at helping you experience God in a more personal way and
produce new disciples through your personal & family devotions, listening to sermons,
interacting in small group & Sunday school sessions, and participating in your community
outreach ministries. We are praying each one of you will have an exciting journey with God,
your family, friends, neighbors, fellow disciples and your disciple-maker. As you progress
along, always remember God wants you to be His disciple who will soon PASS IT ON to your
family members, the younger generation, friends in the community/offices, and the regions

Rev. Richard C. Rojas

Flagship Program Overseer

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DC 2017: “PASS IT ON”
(CAMACOP Discipleship Campaign 2017)


A. DATE: January 1, - Feb. 12, 2017

d. To motivate YOU towards making a commitment to make disciples
e. To mobilize YOUR LOCAL CHURCH to implement a church-wide disciple-
making program (ACTION LEVEL)
f. To initiate a disciple-making movement towards community transformation and
planting of churches (MULTIPLICATION LEVEL)


The idea of discipleship is closely similar with networking or creating chains of
relationship not only within one generation but also with the next or succeeding generations.
In relation to the above mentioned goals/purposes we desire that CAMACOP will live this
paradigm and PASS IT ON to others.

1. Week One (1): “Living and Leaving a Spiritual Legacy”

This pertains to the personal relationship of the believer with God that in order for
him/her to pass-on something there must be an experience of a deeper life in God.
The consciousness of the believer in this sense is both on his personal daily spiritual
journey and the necessity of influencing others of such legacy.

2. Week Two (2): “Ministering to Our Family”

Building on the topic discussed in the previous week, the person’s personal spiritual
journey with God should actively reflect on his/her life and character, especially on
how he/she will relate with the other members in the family. The person must
become aware that God intends him/her in their home to become a catalyst of
spiritual multiplication.

3. Week Three (3): “Investing in Others: Friends and the Next Generation”
We must shift from passivity to intentionality. Individually God has given us friends
not only because we need them, but also He intends that we become His channels of
spiritual blessings by intentionally investing our lives in them. Collectively, as a
church, there is a great need of investing in the lives of the next generation. If we
want to change our future, we must intentionally invest in our children, youth, and

4. Week Four (4): “Transforming Our Community”

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One of the elements standing as a reason of our organizational existence is
community transformation. Every local church is a part of a community. Our
ministry is not purely spiritual. We are called to make a difference in the lives of
others in the most practical sense by helping and meeting the needs of the
community where we belong. In doing this, we hope that as we care for the people,
we may have the opportunity to share the love of Christ. Our people must also
become agents of transformation in their own community.

5. Week Five: “Multiplying Our Churches”

In connection to the element mentioned in the previous week, we desire that our
churches will also be challenged to become part of the church planting ministry. We
look forward that the local churches will begin to see themselves multiplying by
planting a daughter church or support the church planting ministries of the church
and CAMACOP in general.

6. Week Six: “Becoming a Blessing to the Nations”

The object of the Great Commission is clearly set in Matthew 28:19, “all nations.”
The concept of receiving a blessing in the scripture entails that the receiver does not
become an end but means. Thus the believers must become means of God’s
blessings to the nations. We desire that our own people in the local churches will
begin to actively engage either in tribal or foreign mission work.

1. Multiplication Driven: Producing new disciples and new churches
2. Application-Oriented: Obedience and Life Transformation
3. Program Alignment: Worship, Sunday School, Small Group, and Personal Devotion
4. Spiritual Power: Prayer Movement

1. Personal Level
a. Spend at least 30 minutes of personal devotion on given Scriptures to be
studied every morning or night (your own preference) for the week.
b. If you are a father or mother, gather your whole family every night or at least
3x times a week for family worship, sharing time from the lessons you learned
in Personal Devotions, Sermons, Sunday School, or Small Group Sessions.
c. Answer during the daily study questions given/or the meditation
d. Make personal commitments for growth.
e. Be keen on looking for practical steps to apply during the week.

2. Sunday School level

a. Enlist everyone (kids, youth and adults) to enroll in the Sunday school. Let the
people sign up as an indication of their support and commitment.
b. Train and orient volunteers to teach in the classes. Expand groups to include
other dialects of groupings (e.g. Cebuano / Chavacano class other than English;
Youth or Worship Team Class)
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c. Consider scheduling SS classes in the afternoon, too, if some can’t make it in
the regular morning schedule.
d. Reward students after the end of the 6-week classes (perfect attendance, most
punctual, most attentive, etc)

3. Small Group Level

a. Join the one and half hour of small group once a week. We encourage
everyone to be a part of a community
b. Study the lessons with a group of friends.
c. Learn and experience the principles of developing one’s personal life and
passing the same to others in our community.
d. Share your life experience, learning, challenges, victories and food with the
people in your group.
e. Prepare for worship participation as a group
f. Practical steps to apply as a group

4. Worship Service Participation

a. Join all 6 services for the Discipleship Campaign 2017 : Pass It On Series.
b. Listen to the teaching from the pulpit as the pastor or any assigned the speaker
speaks every Sunday.
c. Participate by sharing testimonies, talents and gifts for the edification of the
d. Church wide events as suggested by the church leadership


1. Pray. Gather your leaders and prayer warriors and start a regular prayer session for
this campaign. Our prayer is that this series will significantly help your church to
renew passion for personal growth, discipleship, and spiritual multiplication. Cover
our denomination and leaders in prayer.

2. Block out your Calendar. Take a look at your church calendar and set aside the
necessary time. Make sure everyone in your church is expecting the campaign!
Bear in mind that we are doing this as a denomination so we are not alone in this

3. Organize your Family sponsors. The house where your small groups will meet on a
regular basis. The intent here is to have as many family sponsors as possible.
Encourage your existing small groups to split up and each member or couple
becomes a Family Sponsor – for just six weeks. Also, encourage every
member/attendee in your church to join a small group, for six weeks! Get the
excitement going – your whole church and again our denomination are doing this

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4. Familiarize yourselves with the DISCIPLESHIP CAMPAIGN: “PASS IT ON”
SERIES materials at all levels: personal devotion, Sunday School, Small Groups
and Sermons. This will give you a comprehensive picture of what your people will
be studying and learning. Build your promotion team and plan for weekly
announcements to prepare and excite them.

5. Determine your materials needs. Prepare enough materials for everyone. Decide
how you will provide your people with the materials (either to sell to them at a
discounted price or give to them for free).

6. Ask questions. Ask the organizers of the Discipleship Campaign if you have
questions or clarification.

1. January 1 – 7: WEEK ONE (1)

2. January 8 – 14: WEEK TWO (2)

3. January 15 – 21: WEEK THREE (3)

4. January 22 – 28: WEEK FOUR (4)

5. January 29 – February 4: WEEK FIVE (5)

6. February 5 – 11: WEEK SIX (6)


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 Day 1: “A Legacy of Gratitude to what Christ has Done”
 Day 2: “A Legacy of a Transformed Life”
 Day 3: “The Legacy of Wisdom”
 Day 4: “A Legacy of Spiritual Strength”
 Day 5: “A Legacy of Submission and Obedience”
 Day 6: “A Legacy of Christ-centered Life”
 Day 7: “Things Above: The Legacy of Focus”


 Day 8: “Household in the Lord”
 Day 9: “Passing it on”
 Day 10: “Honor your Parents”
 Day 11: “Making the Right Choice”
 Day 12: “A Well-managed Home”
 Day 13: “Forgiveness in the Home”
 Day 14: “Concern for Family Members”


 Day15: “Investment through Discipleship”
 Day 16: “Investment of Love”
 Day 17: “Investment of Time”
 Day 18: “Investment of Service”
 Day 19: “Investment for the Lost”
 Day 20: “Investment by Giving Example”
 Day 21: “Investment for Leadership”


 Day22: “Unity in Diversity”
 Day 23: “Carrying it to the Land”
 Day 24: “A Sharing Community”
 Day 25: “A Loving Community”
 Day 26: “A Proclaiming Community”
 Day 27: “Healing from the Venom of Sin”
 Day 28: “Becoming a Neighbor”


 Day 29: “Unshakable”
 Day 30: “A Call from another City”
 Day 31: “Priesthood of all Believers”
 Day 32: “Consistency in Being and Doing”
 Day 33: “Give God the Glory”
 Day 34: “Divine Intentions”
 Day 35: “Exclusive or Inclusive”


 Day 36: “Blessed to be a Blessing”
 Day 37: “God Cares for the Nations”
 Day 38: “A Call to Respond”
 Day 39: “Influence to the Nations”
 Day 40: “The Final Call to all Nations”

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Personal Devotion Guide

This devotional material is provided for all CAMACOP

constituents to promote intimacy with God on a
day-to-day meditation of the Word during the 2017
Discipleship Campaign. This material is divided into five
parts called “ABCDE Journey.” The believer who will
commit in this journey will spend more or less 40 minutes
of daily devotion.

“A” – ACTS Prayer (10 Minutes)

The ACTS Prayer is an acronym for Adoration,

Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication.

“B” – Bible Reading (5 Minutes)

“C” – Contemplation on the Word (10 Minutes)
“D” – Dealing with Questions (10 Minutes)
“E” – End in Prayer (5 Minutes)

Psalm 1:1-2 says, “How blessed is the man who does not
walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the path of
sinners, nor sit in the seat of scoffers! But his delight is in
the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and
night.” (NASB)


DAY 1: A Legacy of Gratitude to what Christ has Done

ACTS Prayer
Bible Reading: Ephesians 2:11-22
Contemplation on the Passage
The apostle Paul recorded in this passage some marvelous things that Jesus
Christ has done for us.
A. We were aliens, but He made us citizens of the covenant (11-12).
B. We who are Gentiles were far, yet He brought us near through His blood
C. We were dealt distinctly by God from the Jews for we are Gentiles, yet this
time we are all dealt with on the basis of faith in Christ (14-16).
D. We were disconnected, but He came and preached peace to us, granting
us access to the Father (17-18).
E. We were outsiders, but He made us members of God's household (19-22).

Deal with the Questions

1. What are some points above that you feel are relevant to you? Name at
least three.
2. How did those truths affect your relationship with God?
3. Pondering on those points, how do you think will they affect your day-to-
day living as a disciple of the Lord?

End in Prayer


DAY 2: A Legacy of a Transformed Life

ACTS Prayer
Bible Reading: Ephesians 4:17-24
Contemplation on the Passage
In the light of the freedom offered to us by Jesus through His death on the
cross, we are given an order to live our lives worthy of our calling.

A. DO NOT WALK as the Gentiles walk in the futility of their mind (17-19),
but LAY ASIDE the old self which is corrupted (20-22).
B. BE RENEWED in the spirit of your mind (23), and PUT ON the new self,
created in righteousness and holiness of the truth (24).

The presence of Christ in a disciple’s life causes change from the inside, which
is manifested in the outside.

Deal with the Following Questions:

1. What were some behaviours you possessed before that you think really
belonged to the corrupted old self?
2. How were those behaviours changed by your encounter with Jesus?
3. What are some characteristics in your life today that you think still
manifest your old self?
4. What must you do to overcome them? As you do the action point, ask the
Holy Spirit to help you.

End in Prayer


DAY 3: The Legacy of Wisdom
ACTS Prayer
Bible Reading: Ephesians 5:15-21
Contemplation on the Passage
Chapter 5 begins with an imperative to become imitators of God. How? Paul’s
first suggestion is given in verses 6-14, “By living in the light and walking as

In this passage, the apostle continues with the second suggestion “By living
wisely, not as unwise.” Paul exhorted further on how to live wisely. Wise living

A. Understanding the Lord's will.

B. Being filled by the Spirit.

We become wise only when we align ourselves in the will of God and allow the
Spirit to work in and through us. Are we walking wisely?

Deal with the Following Questions

1. What are some important reasons why a disciple must understand the
Lord’s will?
2. What do you think is the role of the Holy Spirit in understanding the
Lord’s will?
3. Having understood the given passage, how should you live your life as a
disciple of Jesus Christ?

End in Prayer


DAY 4: A Legacy of Spiritual Strength
ACTS Prayer
Bible Reading: Ephesians 6:10-20
Contemplation on the Passage
How to be strengthened in the power of God? Put on the full armor of God:
A. Fasten the belt of truth around your waist (14a);
B. Put on the breastplate of salvation (14b);
C. Fit your feet w/ the preparation that comes from the gospel (15);
D. Take up the shield of faith (16); and
E. Take the helmet of salvation & the sword of the Spirit (17).
Paul has given the believers the full battle gear against the enemy. However
they will only function upon the work of the Holy Spirit. No wonder why in
verse 18 we are all admonished to PRAY IN THE SPIRIT. The armor's power
and function comes from the Spirit of God.

Deal with the Following Questions

1. Evaluating yourself as a disciple of Jesus Christ, what is it among the parts
of the armor mentioned that you are putting-on on a daily basis?
2. What is it that you feel you have neglected?
3. How can you help another believer put-on the armor mentioned by Paul?
Find someone with whom you can be accountable with.

End in Prayer


DAY 5: A Legacy of Submission & Obedience

ACTS Prayer
Bible Reading: Philippians 1:1-2

Contemplation on the Passage

In many of his writings, Paul wrote about the freedom that a believer obtains
through Jesus Christ. Ironically in his letter to the Philippians, he begins it with
a description of himself and Timothy as "slaves of Jesus Christ."

The emphasis of the statement is on the Lordship of Christ, instead of the

"slaveness of the slaves." If we take such perspective, the understanding on the
passage fits more with the Jewish cultural perception. For them, being a slave
of someone supreme is not degrading but a great honor.

In this 21st century, where freedom became just a term in the lives of many
people; when many claim to be free yet in-bondage to materialism, fleshly
desires, power and fame, Jesus remains to be the supreme freedom-giver. He is
our LORD, and as His disciples we must live our lives under His Lordship.

Deal with the Following Questions

1. What are some implications to you being branded as a “Slave of Christ”?
2. How important it is to seriously take Jesus as Lord over your life? How
will it affect you?
3. What is its implication now to you in-relation to the Great Commission in
Matthew 28:19-20?

End in Prayer


DAY 6: A Legacy of a Christ-Centered Life

ACTS Prayer
Bible Reading: Colossians 2:8-15

Contemplation on the Passage

Paul warned his readers to guard themselves from being captivated by any
human philosophies that are based on traditions and elemental spirits (8).
This is in contrast to the worldview that is based and grounded on the Lord
Jesus Christ.
He then explained several reasons why a believer should continue to uphold a
perspective built on Jesus Christ.
A. You are made complete in Him (10)...not only that He is God (9).
B. You are made part of His family through faith (10)...a circumcision in Christ.
C. You are buried and raised with Him through baptism (12).
D. You are made alive with Him through the forgiveness of sin (13).
E. You are given the victory through His death on the cross (14-15).
We might encounter some teachings that sound so rational and relevant, but
unless they are rooted in Christ they are all futile. On the basis of what Christ
has done for us, may we be found seeing things and living our lives from such

Deal with the Following Questions

1. What do you think are the most appropriate responses you can give to the
things mentioned above?
2. How does a Christological perspective affect the way you make decisions?
3. How will it affect the way you live?

End in Prayer


DAY 7: Things Above: The Legacy of Focus

ACTS Prayer
Bible Reading: Colossians 3:1-3

Contemplation on the Passage

There are two important responsibilities of the believers that Paul mentioned
that are grounded on the resurrection of Christ.
A. Seeking the things above (v1). This pertains to the position of the believers
in Jesus. The resurrected savior has already taken His rightful place in heaven,
and this must bring hope to those who hope in Him. Since our hope is
anchored on such truth, then the goal of our lives should also be anchored in it;
thus our seeking should be determined by it. Our purpose in life will be
manifested on the things we constantly seek.
B. Thinking about the things above (v2). What a person thinks is what he
becomes. The believer's position in Christ changes his reason for his existence.
Thus it should be exemplified in our thinking, which will be manifested in our
I think it would be great to start the day with introspection in relation to the
matters mentioned above.

Deal with the Following Questions

1. What are the things that you usually find yourself seeking and thinking?
List them down.
2. How do you evaluate those you have listed down from the lens of what
Paul mentioned in the passage?
3. What should you do now?

End in Prayer


Some alarming statistics on marriage and family life
The enemy has been attacking families all over the world. This is so
alarming because it includes even the people of God. When the most
basic unit in the society is destroyed, it impacts the whole
community, not only for the time being but even the next

The intention of this article is not to scare but to urge the

constituents of the CAMACOP to build their respective family based
on the design of God as reflected in the Bible. Here are some facts
showing the drastic increase of broken marriages and families. (The
statistics below were adapted from Dr. Joseph Tan’s book The
Christian Family).
1 out of every 2 marriages in the State of California
ends in the divorce courts.
In the American nation, since World War II, there
are 400,000 divorces a year.
20% of the population in the US is directly
involved in the widespread collapse of Marriage.
40% of all broken marriages have lasted 10 years
or more.
13% survived more than 20 years before the break
In 1870 only 1 in 32 marriages
In 1900 only 1 in 12 marriages
In 1920 only 1 in 6 marriages
In 1935 only 1 in 5 marriages
In 1984 only 1 in 3 marriages
In 1986 only 1 in 2 marriages


DAY 8: Household in the Lord

ACTS Prayer
Bible Reading: Ephesians 6:1-9
Contemplation on the Passage
Paul urged the believers to live in good relationship with fellowmen. Some
observations on his exhortation would tell us that good relationship could only
happen through a God-Centered-perspective. Take note of the following
Verse 1: "Children, obey your the Lord"
Verse 4: "Fathers…raise your children with the instructions of the Lord"
Verse 5: "Slaves, obey your to Christ"
Verse 7: “Obey with enthusiasm…as though serving the Lord”
Verse 9: "Masters, treat your slave in the same the Master in
Good relationship is impossible if we establish it on the basis of our human
moral standards. It should be based on our relationship with God.
Deal with the Questions
1. The first individuals who should be able to observe the transforming
work of Christ in your life is your family. Evaluate your current
relationship within your immediate family.
2. What are some aspects that you think are exemplified in your daily
walk as a disciple of Jesus? What are those that need your attention so
that you can improve?
End in Prayer


DAY 9: Passing it on
ACTS Prayer
Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 6:4-9
Contemplation on the Passage
The statement in verses 4-5 is the very thesis of the book of Deuteronomy.
This is the commandment that Jesus Christ quoted in the book of Matthew.
Every Jew must internalize this commandment, which must be manifested in
his/her entire existence.

What is interesting is the command that follows that great commandment.

They are to pass it to their children and teach them when: a) sitting in the
house; b) walking on the road; c) lying down and getting up. The point of the
matter is that they are to teach their children in every given opportunity,
regardless of the place and time. This principle must be carried on in our time
today, where the Word is intentionally taught in the family.

Deal with the Questions

1. Does the Word of God have a place in your family? If “yes,” how is it
taught? If “no,” how can you integrate it to your family life?
2. What are some possible results if the Word of God plays an integral
part in your family?

End in Prayer


DAY 10: Honor Your Parents

ACTS Prayer
Bible Reading: Exodus 20:12
Contemplation on the Passage
The Ten Commandments were given by God to become the guiding principles
for His children to live in the land. The first four deal with the people’s
relationship with God, while the following six commandments deal with the
relationship with fellow human beings. The sixth commandment, “Honor your
father and your mother,” is vital for the nation, because it has to do with the
very basic unit of society-the family. Here are some worth-pondering reasons
why we should honor the parents.
A. The parents are God’s instrument to bring forth the life of every person
on earth. This conveys the truth that we are all indebted to our parents
for life.
B. The parents are given the authority of God to provide order and
discipline in the family. This conveys the truth that when we disobey our
parents we disobey the authority of God.

Deal with the Questions

1. If you are to evaluate your relationship with your parents, how are you
in honoring them?
2. Knowing that the authority of the parents is the authority from God, how
will it affect your obedience to them?
3. What are some concrete ways that you can do to honor your parents

End in Prayer


DAY 11: Making the Right Choice
ACTS Prayer
Bible Reading: Joshua 24:1-16
Contemplation on the Passage
Joshua gathered all the tribes of Israel and communicated with their
respective leaders (v1). His speech contained a summary of the history of God
with His people from Terah and Abraham to the deliverance from the kings of
the Amorites (vv2-13). He reminded them that all of those marvelous events
happened only through the intervention and work of God in their midst. Now
after reminding them about what God has done, he commanded them to
display obedience and worship with integrity and loyalty to the one who saves
them. Furthermore, just in case they won’t adhere worshipping to Yahweh, he
offered them the opportunity to make a decision for their own respective
tribe; while showing to them his very own choice. He chose to serve God and
rejected the other gods.
Deal with the Questions
1. What are some points in your past that you can clearly trace the work of
God in you?
2. How did those events affect you as a person?
3. If you happen to be the head of your family, have you already made the
decision to serve God? What are some implications of your decision?
4. If you are a member of a family, whose head (father) did not choose to
serve God, will you make a choice to serve the Lord? What is your
conviction about the matter?

End in Prayer


DAY 12: A Well-managed Home
ACTS Prayer
Bible Reading: 1 Timothy 3:13
Contemplation on the Passage
The context of this passage was about the qualifications of an elder of the
church. Why did Paul include this on the list? Here are some practical reasons
we can consider.
A. The home knows the real character of the person. If there is a place
where every person is known for their real character and behaviour, it’s
the home. How the person relates with the members in his family can
portray a real picture of how he would relate his brethren in the church.
B. The family or home is a smaller scale of leadership that pictures church
leadership. If a person aspires to become a leader of the church, his home
must be a living example of the leadership skill or capability that he
This qualification does not necessarily mean perfection, but at least it urges a
leadership that is pleasing before the eyes of God.
Deal with the Questions
1. How is your home managed?
2. In a scale of 1 to 10, where ten is the highest, how do you rate the
leadership in your home? Why?
3. If you are given the chance to lead, what are some things in your family
that you will change? What are those that you will consider as worth

End in Prayer


DAY 13: Forgiveness in the Home
ACTS Prayer
Bible Reading: Genesis 50
Contemplation on the Passage
The background of the narrative goes back to the time when Joseph was sold
by his brothers to the Ishmaelites because of their jealousy on him (chapter
37). Years have passed; a famine came to the land, which led Joseph’s family to
Egypt. They stayed in Egypt until Jacob had his last breath.
Here is a simple division of the passage today for us to see the picture or
A. Setting: Death of Jacob (vv1 & 2)
B. Mourning over Jacob (vv3 & 4)
C. Fulfilling a promise (vv5-13)
D. Digging the long old problem of guilt (14-18)
E. The response of forgiveness (19-21)
The siblings of Joseph were in deep trouble. Joseph had all what it takes to
revenge; however, instead of letting his brothers pay the evil act they did in
the past, he chose to forgive.

Deal with the Questions

1. Is there someone in your family that hurt or offended you in the past?
How is your relationship with him/her today?
2. In response to the Word of God, as depicted in the life of Jacob, how
should you respond to pain or hurt caused by someone within your

End in Prayer


DAY 14: Concern for Family Members

ACTS Prayer
Bible Reading: Luke 16:22-31
Contemplation on the Passage
The passage records the scenario after the death of the rich man and Lazarus.
The rich man went to hell, while Lazarus went to the side of Abraham.
Interestingly, the rich man was able to communicate to Abraham about his
concern with regards to his siblings who are still alive. He requested that
Lazarus will be sent to them so that he can warn them and they will not end up
in the place where he was in. It is difficult to derive some theological
statements regarding the passage; however, the issue was that the rich man
was so concern about his siblings who are still alive. Each of us has some
family members who do not know about Jesus yet. Let us also show concern
about them.

Deal with the Questions

1. How much burden did the Lord place upon your heart regarding the
salvation of your own family? Have you prayed for them?
2. How many percent of your immediate family are already believers of
Jesus Christ? What will you do with those who are not? How about your
other relatives, how many of them have already heard the gospel? Are
you willing to be God’s instrument to reach out to them?

End in Prayer


A man of success achieves his goals, while a man of significance changes his

A higher level of successful living is living a life of significance. Please get this right:

- It is not all about YOU winning; it’s about how many people you have helped to

- It is not only about you being a genius; it’s about how many people you have
helped to unlock their genius.

- The world will quickly forget you no matter how wealthy you are, but you will
forever be remembered for how many NOBODY you helped to become

If YOU have the ability that goes beyond providing for your own needs,
YOU have an obligation to reach down
and lift up those who can’t meet their own needs.

If YOU don’t, they, by the sheer weight of their numbers,

will reach up and pull you down.

My Candid advice to YOU is;

- Always strive to be the BEST in all that you do. Let your actions inspire others to
dream more, learn more and become more,
- If YOU have discovered a way out, don’t only go the way, show others the way
- If YOU cannot win, make the one ahead of YOU to break record.

SUCCESS is worthless if we don’t have people to share it with; indeed, our most
desired human emotion is that of connection with other souls.

The world will not remember YOU for how long you lived or how much YOU
accumulated, YOU will only be remembered for the problems you solved and the
positive impact YOU made...Invest in people, it pays...

Olugbenga Stephen ASAOLU,

©Fresh Motivation Int’l


DAY 15: Investment through Discipleship

ACTS Prayer

Bible Reading: 2 Timothy 2:1-2

Contemplation on the Passage
Paul expressed his disappointment in verses 15-18 due to those individuals who
turned away from him. This would set Timothy’s heart to the reality in the
ministry that not all whom you invest your life with will stay faithful to you. He
then proceeded, encouraging his spiritual son to stay strong, not with the
connections he established with people around, but in the grace that is in Jesus
Christ. However, despite the reality of having unfaithful people around, Timothy
has to continue doing what God has entrusted to him. There are three things
mentioned in this passage that will help us understand discipleship.
A. Timothy was once a learner (disciple) of Paul – “The things which you
have heard from me.”
B. Timothy will become a co-teacher of Paul – “entrust these to faithful
C. Timothy will be a co-sender of Paul – “who will be able to teach others

Deal with the Questions

1. Do you have a Paul in your spiritual journey who invested his/her life in
you? How did he/she influence you?
2. Do you have a Timothy with whom you are investing your effort to
develop him/her to disciple and influence others? How is it doing?
End in Prayer


DAY 16: Investment of Love

ACTS Prayer
Bible Reading: Matthew 22:34-40
Contemplation on the Passage
When Jesus silenced the Sadducees; the Pharisees raised a very tough question
to answer, a question probably disputed by many teachers of the law – “Which is
the greatest commandment in the law?” Jesus’ answer draws two very important

A. Love encapsulates all the commandments.

B. Love for God is of utmost importance, and love for fellow humans is

1 John 4:8 says, “A person who does not love does not know God, because God is
love” (NET).

Deal with the Questions

1. How are you in loving God?
2. What are some concrete things you do that express your love for Him?
3. How are you in loving your fellow?
4. What are some action points you can have to express your love to other

End in Prayer


DAY 17: Investment of Time

ACTS Prayer
Bible Reading: Psalm 90:1-12
Contemplation on the Passage
A song says “I am a flower quickly fading, here today and gone tomorrow, a wave
tossed in the ocean, a vapor in the wind” (Who Am I By Casting Crowns). This
line expresses the briefness of life of humankind on earth. This is the realization
of the psalmist, thus appeals before God, who is eternal, to teach the finite to
number the days that they may live it wisely. The question now is “How?”

Time is one of the assets given to all of us equally. Each one receives 24 hours
every day. The fact that a day has only 24 hours, this implies that life has its limit.
To be wise on how we use our time, it will be better if we apply the principle of
INVESTING, rather than just SPENDING. Investment is girded towards
multiplication, not simply subtraction. It is more goal-oriented thus it entails
some returns. Certainly when we invest our time, life is lived wisely.

Deal with the Questions

1. Evaluate yourself in the past 2 days. What are some things you did
that will fall on the category of INVESTING? What are those that fall on
the category of SPENDING?
2. What are some goals you have in life? How about in the ministry? How
will those goals affect your daily living?

End in Prayer


DAY 18: Investment of Service

ACTS Prayer

Bible Reading: Mark 10:32-45

Contemplation on the Passage
What is the point then? The point is we can only serve as a citizen of the kingdom
of God when we become willing to serve others. Who are these others? Jesus
defined it in the discourse. In verse 44 he said, “...whoever wishes to be first
among you shall be ‘doulos’ of all.” What does it mean by that? The term ‘doulos’
means more than just a servant, it means a “slave.” Inclusive in this statement
are both those who own mansions and those who live in a cart; this includes
both the president of the Philippines and the skinny scavengers on a dumpsite;
your boss in your office and your house help-mate (maid); the teachers in your
school and the sidewalk vendors near the school; the Senior Minister of a mega
church and the janitor of a small church. This is one of the paradoxes of God’s
kingdom. If you want to be great, then you must be the servant of all.

Deal with the Questions

1. Recall and list down some acts of service that you rendered in the
a. To your family:
b. To the church:
c. To others:
2. How could you improve more in serving your family, the church, and
others as citizen of the kingdom of God?

End in Prayer


DAY 19: Investment for the Lost

ACTS Prayer

Bible Reading: Mark 16:14-16

Contemplation on the Passage
One of the most repeated words in this chapter is “believe” (11, 13, 14, 16, 17).
Sadly the word was mentioned many times in relation to the unbelief of those
who received the news about the resurrection of Jesus Christ. However,
despite the negative responses, even of the disciples of Jesus, the Lord
reinstated them to become agents of the gospel to all creations.

God intends those whom He saved to become megaphones of His grace. We

will be announcers of the clear-cut, given way of salvation, and that is to
BELIEVE in the Lord Jesus Christ. Sharing Christ to the lost is an investment
that will last to eternity.

Deal with the Questions

1. What are some hindrances that hinder you from preaching the gospel to
your neighbors, friends and relatives?
2. What are some ways you can do to overcome those hindrances?
3. Provide a list of 5 people you know who do not have a personal
relationship with the Lord. How will you reach them out?

End in Prayer


DAY 20: Investment by Giving Example
ACTS Prayer
Bible Reading: 2 Thessalonians 3:6-12
Contemplation on the Passage
There were converts of the early church who were lazy, and depended only on
other believers for their food and needs. These believers were described by
Paul as UNDISCIPLINED. They are those who do not live according to the
teaching of the Word, contrasted to those who live according to it, who were
described as DISCIPLINED.

In verses 7 and 9, the apostle was very bold to state that he and his
companions lived a disciplined life, a lifestyle that was worth imitating. They
worked hard and displayed an exemplary life, which is consistent to the
teaching of the Word.

Deal with the Questions

1. If you will evaluate the way you live, will you find it worth-imitating?
Why? Why not?
2. How do you think your life will affect the perception of others about the
message you bear?
3. How will you work out a life of a good example in your own family, in
your own context?

End in Prayer


DAY 21: Investment for Leadership
ACTS Prayer

Bible Reading: Luke 10:1-9

Contemplation on the Passage
It is very interesting to know how Christianity spread and thrived despite the
challenges that confronted it in the past and even up to the present. Other than
the evident work of God in the history of the church, in the context of a greater
perspective of world history, we must also notice the concept that Jesus
provided to sustain the movement that He started more than 2000 years ago.
The gospel writers vividly recorded that the Lord Himself did not only start
the movement, but He made leaders who will rally the people and will invest
on others’ lives producing leaders who can lead in producing leaders of the
next generations. In a nutshell, Jesus invested on producing leaders, not just
followers. Should He develop mere followers; Christianity must have died
already less than a decade after His death.

Deal with the Questions

1. Have you ever thought of investing on someone to become a leader? How
did you do it? How did it impact the person?
2. We have institutions in CAMACOP (Bible Schools/Seminary) focusing on
developing leaders and ministers. Have you considered supporting or
investing on them? If the Lord leads you to do so, ask for the guidance of
your pastor.
3. How can you invest on the leaders in your church?

End in Prayer


By Edgar Albert Guest

This I think as I go my way:

What can matter the words I say,
And what can matter the false or true
Of any deed I am moved to do?

This I think as I go along:

What can matter my right or wrong?
Whichever path I may choose to take,
What possible difference can it make?

This I think as I go to town:

What can matter my smile or frown?
Can any one's destiny altered be
For better or worse because of me?

And something whispers;

'Another may be sadly deceived
By the words you say.
And another, believing and trusting you,
May be led astray by the things you do.'

'For much that never you'll see or know

Will mark your days as you come and go.
And in countless lives that you'll never learn
The best and the worst of you will return.'
Poem Hunter, “Influence,”
(accessed 29 August 2016)


DAY 22: Unity in Diversity

ACTS Prayer
Bible Reading: Ephesians 4:11-16
Contemplation on the Passage
In the earlier verses Paul urged his readers to live worthily of the calling,
which is the call to live in unity within the community of God’s family. He then
proceeded by illustrating the believers’ unity in diversity through the analogy
of the body. It has different parts, yet each part contributes to the wellness of
all parts. The church is gifted by God with diverse individuals who have unique
calling in their own, yet all are commonly called to unity.

So, regardless of a person’s gifting or function, he/she is called to live in

harmony with other parts of the body. With these in mind, we will attain unity
in faith, knowledge of the Son, and individual maturity.

Deal with the Questions

4. How do you think the Lord has designed you? What are some unique skills
that He provided for you?
5. How do you think will you be able to contribute to the wellness of the
6. What are some things that you can do to promote unity in your church?

End in Prayer


DAY 23: Carrying it to the Land
ACTS Prayer
Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 6:1-2
Contemplation on the Passage
The commandments, ordinances and statutes given by God to the Israelites
were intended to become the basis of their living as a nation in the land, which
God will give them. Wherever they go, they become bearers and doers of the
law of the Lord.

Christians today must be bearers of the Word of God, where it becomes the
basis for our day-to-day dealings about any matters in life. It must affect our
lives and our live must affect the community. The Word must then be
translated in our living so that the people living in the land where God has
placed us will be able to distinguish a life in Christ from the life of the world.

Deal with the Questions

1. How are you in reading the Word of God?
2. Has the Word affected your daily life? How?
3. Was your knowledge of the Word translated in your action, speech and
thoughts? What are some particular situations that you can remember?
4. As bearer of the Word, how did your life affect the community that God
has placed you in?

End in Prayer


DAY 24: A Sharing Community
ACTS Prayer
Bible Reading: Acts 2:41-47
Contemplation on the Passage
Luke in this passage provided a picture of what was happening in the internal
aspect of the early church. In verse 42, he enumerated two specific elements of
their gathering.
A. There was a teaching of the Word.
B. There was a fellowship in the form of breaking of bread and prayer.
The writer continued with his narrative providing more specifications of the
internal affairs of the church displaying a spirit of sharing among the believers.
Certainly the two elements mentioned above are present in many, if not all, of
our churches in CAMACOP today. However, at some point, many also failed to
maintain what Luke enumerated as we pointed as a sharing community of the
believers. The spirit of sharing is necessary in a church to impact the
community. If there is a sense of individualism in the local church, it loses its
fragrance to the people around her.

Deal with the Questions

1. How do you evaluate your local church as far as the spirit of sharing is
2. What do you have that God has entrusted to you that you can share in the

End in Prayer


DAY 25: A Loving Community
ACTS Prayer
Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 13:1-13
Contemplation on the Passage
The believers in Corinth placed a high emphasis on the spiritual gifts from God.
In this section, the apostle Paul reminded them that practicing or serving the
Lord and edifying the body is good; however, everything must be exercised
within the framework of love. He then described further what love is.
A. The necessity of love (vv1-3). All spiritual gifts are useless if they are
practiced without love.
B. The actions of love (vv4-7). Love is not just a concept or feeling, but it
requires doing.
C. The permanence of love (vv8-13). The spiritual gifts mentioned are
temporal, thus, love should be taken into full consideration because love
is eternal.
God bestowed marvelous gifts to His church; but He desires that those gifts be
exercised within the context of a loving relationship with fellow believers.

Deal with the Questions

1. What are some spiritual gifts that God has given you?
2. How can you serve God with your gifts in the context of love?
3. How do you picture a gifted and loving community?
4. How do you think a gifted and loving community can affect other people?

End in Prayer


DAY 26: A Proclaiming Community
ACTS Prayer
Bible Reading: Colossians 4:2-6
Contemplation on the Passage
The apostle Paul solicited for the intercession of the believers in Colossae
upon the ministry of proclaiming Christ (vv2-4). Then he urged them to
conduct themselves with wisdom, a life of an appropriate testimony (v5); and
to become gracious in their speech (v6). These three, Prayer, Conduct, and
Speech, are girded toward making Christ known.

All believers must realize that this life we have is no longer ours, but Christ’s. It
must then be lived for the cause of making our Savior known to all. This is a
call to all believers from all walks of life. Regardless of ones’ profession or
work, and role in life, everyone must become a part of a community that
makes Christ known.

Deal with the Questions

1. How do you find yourself in the aspects of Prayer, Conduct, and Speech?
2. Are you participating in making Christ known to your community in the
aspects of Prayer, Conduct, and Speech? In what way?
3. What are some programs in your church that are inclined to making Christ
known to the community? Are you participating in those programs?

End in Prayer


DAY 27: Healing from the Venom of Sin
ACTS Prayer
Bible Reading: John 3:11-15
Contemplation on the Passage
John remembers what happened in the wilderness, when God sent venomous
snakes because of the sins of the Israelites against God and Moses (Numbers
21:4-9). Many of them died from the snakebites. So Moses was instructed to
make a bronze snake and place it on a pole so that anyone bitten can just look
up to it and escape death.

As the bronze snake is lifted up in the wilderness, Christ also is lifted up when
he is crucified. Now he is exhorting to his readers that just as that bronze
snake in the wilderness prevented death from the snakebites, Jesus can
prevent eternal death caused by sin.

Deal with the Questions

1. The communities you are involve with such as school, workplace,
neighborhood, cyber world, family, and others are affected by the
venom of sin. Sooner or later some will pass away and are doomed to
experience eternal death. In what ways you can extend help to them?
2. What are some activities or programs that your local church has in
relation to reaching out the abovementioned communities? In what
ways you can participate or contribute?

End in Prayer


DAY 28: Becoming a Neighbor
ACTS Prayer
Bible Reading: Luke 10:25-37
Contemplation on the Passage
Jesus was confronted with an inquiry about how to inherit eternal life.
According to the law, as answered by the expert, eternal life can be acquired
by loving God and loving one’s neighbor. However, a clarifying statement was
asked “Who is my neighbor?” Jesus’ responded with the Parable of the Good

This parable is very familiar. It is very ironic that Jesus used a Samaritan as the
good character in the story, because normally a Jew does not even consider
Samaritans as neighbors. Jesus defined “neighbor” in an expanded range of
meaning. A neighbor could be anyone regardless of his culture, race and status
in life. The point of the matter then is that God’s children, instead being
concern about who is their neighbor, should be asking themselves, “Am I a
neighbor?” Thus it compels His children to act with compassion to whoever He
brings into their lives.

Deal with the Questions

1. What does becoming a neighbor mean in your context?
2. Are there people that God has brought into your life? How did you
respond? Did you become a neighbor? In what way?
3. If every member of your church becomes a neighbor in the community,
what impact will it make?

End in Prayer



Jesus promised to build his church. He told us to make disciples. Too

many church planters and pastors try to build a church. I have found if
we do our job (make disciples), he will do his (build his church).

As you make disciples, remember…

Do less; accomplish more. I did not say, "work less." Do less stuff, so
you can focus on the part of ministry that really matters – making
disciples. Too many church planters and pastors fill the church
calendar with everything that can be done in the name of God, but most
of it distracts from the disciple-making process. Everything we do in
ministry will either underline or undermine the disciple-making
process. Eliminate everything that competes with discipleship.

In the 25-year history of Victory-Manila, we have never had a year when we
did not grow larger. We grew slow and steady the first fifteen
years. Then, at the sixteenth year, the pace picked up and we hit a
season where our growth went beyond addition to multiplication. We just
refused to quit. I think the reason multiplication is so rare is that
most people quit too soon. They may not quit the ministry, but they
quit the discipleship strategy and trade it in for the latest
get-big-quick pyramid revival scheme. Don't get in a hurry; slow is

Ministry is about people not programs. A schedule overflowing with
activity is no substitute for face-time with people. Do you spend your
time running ministry programs or ministering to and with actual
people? Since we are called to disciple people, we must clear our
schedules so we can prioritize time with people.

Source: Steve Murrell,

(27 August 2016)


DAY 29: Unshakable

ACTS Prayer
Bible Reading: Matthew 16:18
Contemplation on the Passage
This passage is discussed by many Bible interpreters because of the words
“Peter” (Petros) and “rock” (Petra) by which the foundation of the church is
laid down. Some say that the word “rock” pertains to Peter. However, no one
else mentioned in the Bible that the foundation of the church is traced from
Peter. In addition, Peter was not described as “rock” by other writers of the
Scriptures. The word “rock” instead was used describing God in different
occasions (Deuteronomy 32:15; 2 Samuel 22:2; Psalm 18:2). Jesus, hearing the
declaration of Peter, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God,” was
pertaining to that statement, which refers to Him.
Centuries have passed, with thousands of issues, controversies, persecutions,
and many other attempts to destroy the church, yet nothing prospered.
Instead, the church remained alive, and even thriving in the 21 st century. There
will be more challenges ahead, but we can be certain that what Christ started
will continue to grow.
Deal with the Questions
1. Having the assurance that the church, where you belong, cannot be
shaken by any power or circumstance, how does it make you feel?
2. The church that Jesus Christ died for is open for all who will respond to
God. What are some ways that you can do to contribute towards the
expansion of the church?
End in Prayer


DAY 30: A call from Another City

ACTS Prayer
Bible Reading: Acts 16:9-10
Contemplation on the Passage
Paul is the greatest church planter in the history of Christianity. During this
time he was in Troas. He received a vision from the Lord about a man from
Macedonia, asking for help. The passage does not explain how the apostle
identified him as Macedonian. Probably it was revealed in the vision. What is
very interesting in this account was the response of the workers of the Lord.
The text tells the readers that AFTER IMMEDIATELY seeing the vision, they
made an attempt to go to Macedonia.
God often calls people to become a blessing to a certain person, tribe, group,
family, city, etc. Such call is an opportunity for a person to respond and
become an instrument of His grace to the lost. We may not be called to go for
cross cultural mission or for a harvest in another city, but certainly each one
has a calling from above, and the best thing we can do is to RESPOND
IMMEDIATELY and see what God will do.

Deal with the Questions

1. CAMACOP has been planting churches all over the Philippines, and the
task is not yet over until today. Have you considered participating in any
church planting activity of your church or district? In what ways?
2. What are some ministry opportunities that God is giving to you? How do
you respond?
End in Prayer


DAY 31: Priesthood of All Believers
ACTS Prayer
Bible Reading: 1 Peter 2:5
Contemplation on the Passage
Peter addressed his readers in this passage, regardless of their nationality or
tribe, exhorting about the priesthood of all believers. The description “are built
up” denotes progression of the work of God in the lives of His children and in
the world. God has instituted a spiritual temple in Jesus Christ that everyone
who believes in Him becomes the priest to continue the work of God. He
intended Israel to become the bearers of His message to all peoples. However,
they failed to accomplish what God intended for them to do.

Being a part of the church of Jesus Christ, we are all priests who can offer to
God’s throne, not dead animals, but living sacrifices. Let us offer ourselves to
become vessels of God grace to the people around us.

Deal with the Questions

1. You are a priest in Christ Jesus. How will you use such privilege in the
kingdom of God?
2. The idea conveyed in the passage is the principle that says “Everybody is
a minister.” How do you think can you minister to the people within the
circle of your influence?

End in Prayer


DAY 32: Consistence in Being and Doing
ACTS Prayer
Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 3:1-7
Contemplation on the Passage
The Corinthian believers’ action did not match with the salvation that they
received from Jesus. Paul noticed that they still had jealousy and dissension
among themselves (v3). These attitudes were manifested when they acted in
partisanship in relation to those that God had used in leadership. This is a
funny scenario of students siding, comparing/contrasting, and arguing
regarding the ability of their respective teachers (while the teachers remain to
be friends).
The passage mentioned that Paul planted and Apollos watered, but it is God
who makes the person grow. Paul was the one who planted the church, while
Appollos, probably, was used by God to nurture the church in the city of
Corinth. Nevertheless, regardless of their service and leadership, God is the
one who deserves all glory and credit. We are all simply instruments in the
vineyard of the Lord.

Deal with the Questions

1. Have you experienced comparing one leader from another? What good
did it do? Are there individuals in your local church that do the same?
How can you minister to them?
2. What are some things that you did for God in the past? Was there a time
when you were tempted to get the credit?
3. What are some church related ministries that you can commit?
End in Prayer


ACTS Prayer DAY 33: Give God the Glory

Bible Reading: Acts 12

Contemplation on the Passage
Herod as a political leader was seeking for the favor of the people (1-5). So
whatever pleases them, will be done by him. This is because He wanted glory
by holding on to his position. On the other hand God was seeking for people
who will give Him the glory, which truly belongs to Him. This is manifested
when the church was praying to Him (5b); and when He rescued Peter from
the prison cell (6-17) as attested in verse 17. In the midst of impossibility, God
acted in a way that only Him can do, thus He's the only one deserving of glory.
But Herod took hold of it. Herod's journey to his glory led him to his death.
Verse 23 says, "because he did not give the glory to God." God intends us to be
reflectors of His glory, not deflectors of the glory by making it appear that it
belongs to us. TO GOD BE ALL THE GLORY.

Deal with the Questions

1. What are some specific things that God Has done to your church? How
about to you and your family?
2. With all those things that God has done, were you careful enough to give
Him the glory?
3. What are some difficulties that you and your church are going through in
the ministry? Have you considered the thought that through such
situation He will display the impossible?
End in Prayer


DAY 34: Divine Intentions

ACTS Prayer
Bible Reading: Acts 13
Contemplation on the Passage
Acts 13 gives some beautiful principles of life in relation to God's intention for
His children.

A. Calling (1-2). Each one is called to do a task that will contribute towards
accomplishing God's greater work. God has a call for His children in a
corporate sense, yet He also calls us individually for a specific purpose.
B. Sending (3-4). The act of commissioning denotes empowerment to carry
out the given task. Barnabbas and Saul were sent bringing the power and
authority of the Holy Spirit.
C. Ministering (5 onwards). Each one must minister based on his/her
calling. God has specially equipped us individually and will use each of us
to bring the gospel to the world.
Deal with the Questions
1. You belong to the organization that is called the Christian and Missionary
Alliance Churches of the Philippines. The name in itself is obviously
informing us that we are called to reach to the nations and tribes. Does
the church where you belong exemplify this calling?
2. What do you think is God calling you to do in support of our
organizational calling?
End in Prayer


DAY 35: Exclusive or Inclusive

ACTS Prayer
Bible Reading: Acts 11:1-18
Contemplation on the Passage
This passage records the objection of the Jews upon hearing that Peter
connected with the Gentiles. The objection is a fruit of a mind-set of
EXCLUSIVISM. Jews think that only them are children of God because they are
biological children of Abraham. However the grace of God paves the way for
INCLUSIVISM to work. Gentiles may not be descendants of Abraham, but can
become children of the living God by faith in Jesus.
Exclusivism makes others isolated, discarded, invalid, outcast, and rejected.
God's grace, regardless of our background, culture, appearance, achievements,
and position makes us part of His family. Exclusivism builds walls, but
inclusivism builds bridges. The only exclusive thing that Christianity claims is
in the issue of salvation (cf 1 John 5:11).
Deal with the Questions
1. How do you think your church will be if there are no walls in
relationships and no prejudices? What will it be like if everyone is
enjoying the spirit of connectedness in the family?
2. Can your church connect to the lost? What are some efforts you have
done to start another church in another place?
End in Prayer


Lakewood Church

Hear the sound

The sound of the nations calling
Hear the sound
The sound of the fatherless crying
Who will go for us?
Who will shout to the corners of the Earth?
That Christ is King?

We speak to nations, be open

We speak to nations, fall on your knees.
We speak to nations
The Kingdom is coming near to you (Wooh-ooh-wooh)
We speak to strongholds, be broken
Powers of darkness, you have to flee
We speak to nations
The Kingdom is coming near to you
We speak to you
Be free (yeah yeah)
Be free

Hear the sound

The sound of the nations worshipping
Hear the sound
The sound of the sons and daughters singing
We will go for you
We will shout to the corners of the earth
That Christ is King (wooh-ooh-wooh)


DAY 36: Blessed to be a Blessing

ACTS Prayer
Bible Reading: Genesis 11:1-5
Contemplation on the Passage
One of the most famous verses in the Bible, in relation to Abraham, was the
pronouncement of God about the His blessing in verses 2 & 3. This blessing
was conditional, as expressed in verse 1. Here are some aspects of the
condition that made it so tough for Abraham (Abram back then) to decide…
A. He had to leave his country.
B. He had to leave his relatives.
C. He had to leave his father’s household.
D. He had to trust God, who was probably not so familiar.
E. He had to venture to the unknown
Often “Obedience” is emphasized when this passage is read; but with all those
difficult reasons, “Faith” is the only answer why Abraham left.

Deal with the Questions

1. You have been blessed by the Lord in many ways too, but becoming a
recipient of the blessing in not the end. How is your faith in God in
relation to becoming a blessing to the nations?
2. What are some steps of faith you are willing to take today in order for
you to become a blessing to the nations/tribes/the lost?

End in Prayer


DAY 37: God Cares for the Nations

ACTS Prayer

Bible Reading: Isaiah 49:5-6

Contemplation on the Passage
Sometimes the non-Israelites seemed to be second class in the family of God
because of the revelations He did in the past. However, this is a wrong
conception, for God cares not only for Israel but for all the nations.
Scholars don’t agree whether the servant pointed on the passage is Israel or
the Messiah or Cyrus. Nevertheless, whoever it is among the three, the
important thing to know is that the sovereign Lord cares even for the nations
or tribes located at the remotest part of the earth. He intends to bring the light
all so that everyone will have the chance to hear about His deliverance from
the power of darkness.
Often, when someone hears or reads the word “nation/tribe” from the Biblical
perspective, it’s assumed to be a remote mission field or a cross cultural
mission. However, every person belongs to a certain tribe or nation,
regardless of their location.

Deal with the Questions

1. Every person belongs to a certain tribe or nation, how do you show care
for the people around you?
2. Are you willing to become an instrument of God to also bring the light to
those who are in darkness? In what way?

End in Prayer


DAY 38: A Call to Respond
ACTS Prayer
Bible Reading: Matthew 9:35-38
Contemplation on the Passage
In chapters 5-7 Jesus delivered the famous Sermon on the Mount. After which
He proceeded with His other ministries such as preaching, teaching, healing
and doing miracles. Matthew recorded the calling of Peter, Andrew, James and
John prior to the sermon. It was followed by the calling of Matthew, then of the
other disciples. Chapter 9 was then followed by an account where Jesus
summoned the 12 disciples (10:1). This shows that His disciples were present
in many, if not in all, of those ministries that Jesus did. Now, after letting them
see, Jesus brought them into an opportunity of a deeper commitment-from
seers to doers of the work of the kingdom. Here are some important phases on
how Jesus dealt with the disciples.
A. Showing the situation by ministering to the people (35).
B. Building compassion by being compassionate (36).
C. Building the need to respond by citing the lack of workers (37).
D. Calling for commitment by creating an opportunity to respond (37-38)

Deal with the Questions

1. What are some needs that God is showing you today? How are you
2. What are some ways that you can participate in the harvest?

End in Prayer


DAY 39: Influence to the Nations
ACTS Prayer
Bible Reading: Matthew 5:13-16
Contemplation on the Passage
The statements in this passage were addressed not to the crowd, but to the
disciples (vv.1 & 2). Some interpreters of the Bible deal with the salt and light
in distinct sense. However, both metaphors talk about what the believers will
be not what they should strive to be. Here are some important things to
A. Jesus emphatically addressed them with the word “you,” which means
that the believers are agents of the kingdom wherever they will be. The
influence in this sense is a natural result of being a believer.
B. Jesus specifically stated the scope of influence-the earth/world. This
means that all nations around the globe will have the chance of being
influenced by the believers of Jesus. The disciples who were direct
hearers of the statement may not necessarily affect the word directly, but
the influenced individuals will also provide a chain of influence to others,
and to the rest of the earth.

Deal with the Questions

1. Who did God use to bring the influence of the kingdom in your life? How
did it happen? Take some time to recall.
2. Are there some individuals that God brought to your life whom you can
also influence?

End in Prayer


DAY 40: The Final Call to the Nations
ACTS Prayer
Bible Reading: Revelation 14:6-7
Contemplation on the Passage
John mentioned an angel bringing the eternal good news to all nations of the
earth. This seems to be the last and final call to all people, probably the last
gracious preaching of the gospel to the inhabitants of the planet. Let us take a
look on the message of the angel.
A. “Fear God and Give Him glory because the hour of judgment has come”
(7a, NASB). The message to fear the Lord is due to the impending
judgment. Probably the command to give Him glory would signify the
change of allegiance, from darkness to light, of those who accepted the
good news.
B. “Worship Him who made the heavens and the earth and sea and springs
of waters” (7b, NASB). Worship is something that is done by those who
belong to God. The act of worship then will signify the belongingness of
those who accepted the good news during the final call to the nations.

Deal with the Questions

1. The last and final call to the nations has not yet come, but the call to
share the good news to all peoples of the earth is on. Have you
responded to the call to become a blessing to the nations?
2. There are some nations that are beyond your reach, how do you think
you can minister to them?

End in Prayer


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