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Teacher : Sir. Vincent

Subject :
EC (English Conversation)
Group 2 :
Angelica Aprilianti Sihotang
Agita Gracela Stefany Nappoe
Yeni Febriyanti Simbolon
Franklin Arya Malvern Limbong
Johanes Fikri Wibawa Nababan (Romantic Nababan)
Dana Denovan SInaga
Miko Felix Siregar
Grade :
(Eleventh of Science)


Short drama about


Narrator : Agita & Angel

Character :
1. Tiger : Johanes
2. Bear : Yeni
3. Bird : Miko
4. Horse : Angel
5. 1st Tree : Dana
6. 2nd Trees : Agita
7. 1st Logman(Joe) : Johanes
8. 2nd Logman(Frank) : Franklin

Script :
(Narrator: Agita) One day in The Amazon Forest of Brazil,the largest
and the biggest forest in the world. Live animals such as tiger,
forest bear, bird, horse and so on. They live happily and feel calm
In the forest.In the morning they always greet each other and while

Tiger : “Good morning everyone!..this morning is sunny right?”

Bird : “Yeahhh.. I really like the view this morning.”
Bear : “I’m also very happy and grateful to live in this beautiful

(Narrator: Agita) A few moments later, after they talked, a horse came
to them in hurry.

Horse : “Hooh ..hooh ..hooh this forest is no longer safe..!!”

Tiger : “What do yo talking about, horse?”
Horse : “Hurry, run away from this forest, don’t waste your time!”
Bear : “But we don’t know what happened?”
Horse : “I’ve just seen humans who cut down a lot of trees in the east
forest and soon the trees in this area will also be cut down! Now you
have to go away and save yourself!”
(Narrator: Agita) Immediately the tiger, bird, bear, and horse
struggling to escape from the forest.
(Narator : Angel) Next day illegal loggers came again to cut down the
trees. Amazon trees are feel restless and very scared because they’ll
be cut down to make a land open for human business.

The 1st tree : “Do you know? I’ve just heard from a bird that the trees
in the east have been cut down by loggers.”
The 2nd tree : “I also know about that, I feel very scared because soon
will be our turn to be cut down.

(Narrator: Angel) Shortly after, the illegal loggers come and approach
the trees there to cut down one by one.

1st Logman(Joe) : “Frank, I think these trees are good enough to cut
down right?”
2nd Logman(Frank) : “Yes, these dense trees must be cut down, let’s
help me to cut it down.”
1st Logman(Joe) : “Yes sure.”

(Narrator: Angel) They cut down one tree after another until many of
the land is barren.
Long story short, there was a prolonged dry season in Brazil,
resulting in a massive Amazon forest fire. Many animals died, many
trees were burned down, and many tribes inland Amazon died. Due to
human activity, eat lot of souls. Amazon forest that were once green,
beautiful, and cool, turned to ashes in an instant.


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