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Pumps and Systems – Life Cycle Costs – A Factor in Selecting

and Operating Pumping Systems (Page 2) / How System Design Affects Life

Cycle Costs (Page 6) / The LCC Comparator and Its Potential (Page 10) /

Innovative Design Lowers Cost of Pumping Station Operation (Page 14) /

Service – Offerings and Opportunities (Page 16)

7. ISSUE DECEMBER 2002 / 1


Over the last few years, plant owners and

Life Cycle Costs – A Factor
operators have begun to attach increasing
in Selecting and Operating
importance to cross-cutting technical and

financial analyses of system components and Pumping Systems

evaluation of the total cost of ownership or life cycle cost (LCC). Dr. Sönke Brodersen


1992 2010
Agriculture 2% Other 2% Agriculture 2% Other 2%

• Initial investment costs Tertiary Industry sector
sector 40%
• Installation costs 24%
42% 27%
• Operating costs
• Maintenance costs
• Energy costs Households
Households 29%
• Downtime costs 30%
• Decommissioning /
disposal costs
Industry Tertiary

In the early 80s, the first English-lan- Other 2% Lighting 6%

Lighting 30%
systems 36%
guage publications on this issue began
to appear. Rising environmental aware- systems
ness and a greater focus on “green” is-
sues resulted in a series of agreements
Other 34%
at international level. Most prominent
among these were the Rio Treaty
(1992) and the Kyoto Protocol (1997), Industry Tertiary
which called for a reduction of global Other 20%
Fans 28%
greenhouse gas emissions. The Euro- Compressors 21% Fans 16%
pean Union is currently in the process of Pumps 10%

translating these agreements into direc-

tives and regulations. The EU countries
agreed to reduce CO2 emissions by an Other 40%
Pumps 23%
average of 8% below 1990 levels by Compressors 42%

the year 2010. Germany alone targets a

21% reduction. This year has seen the Fig.1: Electrical energy consumption in the EU
start of the EU’s “Motor Challenge”
programme designed to improve the en-
ergy efficiency of motor-driven systems. 35% of all pumps used in German environmental issues are a key factor,
industry were equipped with speed of course, the European Union is also
control systems, the resulting increase aiming to safeguard energy supplies and
POTENTIAL PUMP INPUT in efficiency would reduce energy con- enhance its industries’ competitiveness
sumption by 16,000,000,000 kWh per by improving energy efficiency. Against
year. This means that, based on current this political background, organizations
industrial electricity prices, billions of like EUROPUMP and the US Hydraulic
As electric motor applications account euros could be saved each year. In the Institute (HI) have published a guide
for a large share of electricity use, they U.K., tax relief schemes to encourage which is intended to help pumping sys-
are likely to offer the greatest potential investment in energy-saving technol- tem owners and operators identify op-
for saving energy (Figs. 1 and 2). If just ogy are already in place. Even though portunities for cutting energy expenses

2 / 7. ISSUE DECEMBER 2002



Installation Environment
9% 7%
Downtime Pump
9% Plant designers and plant managers
usually have fundamentally different in-
terests and goals. Top priority for plant
designers and engineering contractors
is, naturally, the plant‘s selling price.
Plant managers are much more interest-
Operation ed in the overall cost incurred over the
9% system’s lifetime. Seen in this context,
production and installation costs are
only part of the equation. The focus is
on the cost of operating and maintain-
Energy ing the system. So, if plant designers are
32% to put more emphasis on the overall cost
of the plant to be built, plant managers
need to make this point clear.

Using LCC-optimized products can also

Fig. 2: Typical cost breakdown for a medium-size industrial pump reduce planning and installation costs.
For example, providing speed control
systems may help compensate for plan-
and other costs. These activities reflect Comprehensive as LCC analysis may ning uncertainties and expensive design
a general awareness of the savings po- be, there are still challenges that offer errors. Changing business approaches
tential involved in view of the fact that considerable scope for action by pump in industry, such as outsourcing or BOT
pumps and pumping systems account manufacturers. Life cycle costing was (Build – Operate – Transfer) models,
for about 20% of the world’s electrical top on the agenda of the Pump Users’ add to the impact LCC considerations
energy demand. International Forum 2000 in Karlsruhe may have. If plant manufacturers take
(Germany) and also a key topic of the care of operating the equipment on
IT‘S PROFITABILITY 2nd Pump Manufacturers’ Forum held behalf of end users for some period of
in Frankfurt in September 2002. At time and put all their expert know-how
the latter event, major results of the into ensuring the plant’s optimum func-
Karlsruhe conference were reviewed to tioning, they will obviously be greatly
Decisions on investments are typically pinpoint additional prerequisites and interested in low maintenance, repair
made with a strong focus on profitabil- activities. One of the workshop groups and energy costs. Investment decisions
ity. Projects and measures taken must at the Karlsruhe forum explored why will thus be based on an extended set of
amortize over a given period of time. and in which cases life cycle cost con- criteria. For plant suppliers, other cost
siderations tend to be neglected. The reduction opportunities may include
An overall LCC analysis of pump opera- following three challenges for pump lower planning and installation costs,
tion within a system will help identify manufacturers and plant managers were as well as package offers and modular
and quantify potential cost reductions, identified: systems provided by pump and valve
both in terms of energy saved and other manufacturers.
benefits, which can be realized by select- • Plant engineering issues
ing suitable products: • Verification of relevant LCC data
• Compatibility with adopted
• Improved system availability and budgets
productivity increases
• Reduced maintenance and lower Build – Operate – Transfer: A manu-
repair costs facturer builds a plant and operates
• Improved capacity utilization it for some time before the end user
• Lower decommissioning / takes over.
disposal costs

7. ISSUE DECEMBER 2002 / 3



ary ncin
por Fina
ing Tem ration
sult o p e
Con les
A major challenge in putting life vice Sa
cycle cost analysis into practice is the

Customer value
System ary
quantitative assessment of productiv- ing Tem ration
sult ope
ity improvements. Any evaluation of Con les
vice Sa
n Ser
the economic benefits of a particular om
e Aut
technical solution compared with al- Module ing
ternative systems requires reliable data e Con les
rvic Sa
n Se
on the individual cost elements. As far Aut
as energy costs are concerned, these Serv
Product Pum
might be relatively easy to obtain. The
costs of operation, maintenance, repair KSB competence
and downtimes, as well as the intervals
at which these will be incurred (MTBF, Fig. 3: Competence translates into customer value
MTBR, etc.) are far more difficult to
assess. Modern IT systems used by the
plant owner / operator can be valuable systems. There are many reasons why issue among pump and valve suppliers
tools for generating reliable, statisti- installed systems are not optimized. For and buyers are (Fig. 3):
cally sound data. These tools may be example, system requirements or main-
used to map cost profiles of individual tenance and operating conditions may • Optimum system design
items of equipment in a system, such as have changed over time. Upgrading • Optimum pumps for the
pumps, and evaluate the life cycle cost installed systems with new technology application
of potential improvements. To mention may increase their efficiency. Separate • Technical support by the pump
but one example, the KSB LCC Compa- budgeting for individual areas of a manufacturer
rator uses average values compiled for company often is a major obstacle to • Speed-controlled pumps
various industries for the assessment of implementing suitable LCC measures. • Pumps / valves with additional
cost benefits offered by speed control If maintenance and purchasing budgets, functions (pump as a “system
systems and monitoring. for example, are managed by different monitor”, local intelligence, ...)
units without any coordination whatso- • Modules (pump + control system
ever, the company will not arrive at an + valves+++)
IDENTIFYING COST DRIVERS optimum overall cost solution. If those • Active system integration
in charge of maintenance have a say in • Service activities, incl. teleservice
selecting the quality of the products to etc.
If you can determine the cost incurred be purchased, this will have a decidedly • Financing services
for a particular component in a system, positive effect on future servicing and
you can frequently identify major poten- maintenance costs. There are, of course,
tial for savings. Since pumping systems also cases where the end user “does not COST-EFFICIENT OPERATION OF
may have a life span of up to 20 years, have the money to save money” and as
designers and buyers need to consider such is unable to invest in energy-sav-
the overall cost over the equipment’s ing and low-mainte-
lifetime from the start. But it may also nance equipment A detailed analysis of the plant require-
make economic sense for example. Here, ments is one prerequisite. Selecting the
to review existing financing models right pumps, valves, control system,
may be the solution. piping and fittings is another. In pump-
Specific starting points ing systems, the piping diameter plays a
for making life cycle significant role, for instance. Installation
costing an established and operating costs as well as the size of
the components to be purchased are
directly correlated with the pipe size. So
what the end user needs is competent,
LCC-focused advice by the pump and /
or valve supplier.

4 / 7. ISSUE DECEMBER 2002


Using speed control systems will help Energy expenses and longer mainte- remote monitoring (for example, by us-
run pumping systems at or close to BEP. nance or repair intervals frequently ing SMS) in overall service management
Resulting benefits are: offer the greatest scope for minimizing concepts are other options. Last but not
LCC. But where critical or sensitive least, a whole range of financing models
• Energy savings systems are concerned, the need to keep for rehabilitation, retrofit and upgrade
• Longer maintenance intervals production processes going may have projects may be worth exploring.
thanks to reduced loads on the top priority because the cost of lost pro-
pump duction would be unacceptably high. In
• Fewer repairs and lower risk of these cases, additional investments in CONCLUSION
failure monitoring equipment may amortize
• Reduction in downtime costs very quickly.
End users increasingly consider the sav-
Depending on the plant’s overall con- ings potential offered by LCC analysis
figuration, speed control may also help MODULES, SYSTEMS AND SERVICES and base their purchasing decision on
reduce the number of different pump relevant criteria. In the following areas
sizes required. One pump size might, in particular, KSB stands a good chance
for example, be used for different re- The savings achieved with respect to of gaining a competitive edge by empha-
quirements or planned plant extensions. individual components, such as pumps sizing LCC aspects:
Integration of the control system in the and drives, can be aggregated by incor-
pump / motor set (e.g. Hya-Drive) may porating these components in modules • Technical consulting competence
greatly simplify installation and opera- and systems and by optimizing their • Speed control and automation
tion. There are, of course, physical lim- interaction (integral speed control, inte- • Maintenance and other services
its to the cost benefits to be achieved by grated local intelligence, valves, piping, • Modules and systems
speed control, for example in systems monitoring and safety elements).
with low piping losses or high static The following articles highlight some
components. Major LCC reduction potential may of the approaches taken. If you are
also be found in activities offered interested in additional information or
within the scope of maintenance con- practical examples, you can have a look
CONDITION MONITORING tracts or services packages. If these are at the so-called LCC Folder in the KSB
performed by professional service pro- Marketing Database.
viders at a lower (variable) cost, plant
owners / operators may cut down on
Additional functions like pump moni- fixed costs. Integrating teleservice or
toring and diagnosis also improve
system availability. They facilitate
low-cost, predictive maintenance and
thus reduce operating costs. Obviously,
evaluation of the signals and data ob-
tained directly from the pump is not in-
tended to compensate for shortcomings
in pump design, but needs to be seen in
the wider context of comprehensive sys-
tem monitoring. Correlating actual data
with the supplier’s know-how regarding
the typical response of pumps and sys-
tems to off-design conditions provides
valuable information, which can be
applied to reduce the above-mentioned
cost elements. KSB’s Pump Expert, for
example, can serve as a “system sen-
sor”. It features standardized hardware
equipped with the interfaces usual to
process control systems. At the heart of
the monitoring unit is a software replete
with expert knowledge.

7. ISSUE DECEMBER 2002 / 5


Proper system design is a prerequisite for low life cycle costs. Pumps and

system components must be perfectly

matched. If these conditions are not met, How System Design Affects
any measures taken to reduce cost can only Life Cycle Costs
have limited effect. The system require-

ments and major parameters need to be analysed in detail. Norbert Gröning


HP = Discharge head

With respect to the cost elements mate- t1

rial, installation and power input, the Z

E0 QP (t) · HP (t)
diameters selected for the system piping
are of major importance. In pumping
Ce = n·
i–p n
ηP · ηM
dt }
systems, therefore, the piping diameter j=1 1+ t0
plays a significant role. The material
and installation costs are immediately
Fig. 1: Main energy cost factors
dependent on those diameters and,
hence, on the weight of the individual given load profile determines how the
parts and components. Such attendant pump control works and what the best PIPE
costs as thermal insulation for the com- controlled-operation curve is.
ponents cannot be ignored, either. The
chosen diameter directly defines the
velocity of flow for the system’s design ENERGY-COST This unusual approach (Fig. 2) assesses
capacity. Any increase in the size of a the efficiency of a pipe or piping system
pipe reduces the velocity of flow and, in its handling of fluids. Dynamic fric-
accordingly, the dynamic pressure drop tion losses are responsible for the head
across the various wetted components. The energy cost formula Ce (Fig. 1) of loss HL. The head loss, in turn, is the
As the pressure loss decreases, so does the pumping system shows the relevant difference between the initial head H1 at
the required system head. A pump with parameters. Taking a closer look at the the beginning of the pipe and the residu-
a lower output rating can be selected. pump’s energy input parameters (Fig. al head H2 at the end of the pipe:
The optimal size of pipe, however, can 1), one notices that: since: HL = H1 - H2
only be found, if the behaviour of all HL = H1 - H2 HL
then: η=1–
system components is duly considered. The discharge head of the pump, HP(t), H1
The system’s pumping performance per which factors proportionally into the The maximum efficiency is reached
se is assessed by first calculating the sys- power input, is a function both of when the dynamic head loss HL has
tem curve for the given dynamic pres- the dynamic head losses of the piping been minimized.
sure losses and static head. Designing and of the consumer requirements.
the system for optimal economy over The smaller the pipe diameter and the The above example (Fig. 3) describes
its entire service life requires additional greater the rate of volume flow that the situation in a cooling water supply
data, e.g., on the distribution of ope- has to pass through it, the greater the system for injection moulding machines
rating cycles at different volume flow percentage of the pump’s power that is in a hypothetical factory. After injec-
rates. This “load profile” is decisive for, expended on flow and friction losses. tion, the mould has to be cooled down
among other things, the selection of the to a specific temperature, and that calls
pump. for a certain amount of cooling water
for each machine. In the given situation,
In many cases, parallel operation of se- a flow pressure of P = 2.0 bar assures
veral pumps is a good choice (Z≥2). The proper cooling. The spent (= warm)

6 / 7. ISSUE DECEMBER 2002


cooling water flows off under atmos-

Pipe ”efficiency”
pheric pressure for recooling. In this
plain and simple open system, the con- How ”effficient” is this length of pipe?
sumer is situated at the same elevation
as the water level in the inlet tank. In
other words, no water can flow to the
consumer without the aid of a pump. A
volume flow rate of Q = 18 m3/h and an H1 H2
effective pressure of P2 = 2.0 bar (cor-
responding to H2 ≈ 20 m of water) are H2
needed for the consumer.
η= for Q1 = Q1 = constant

Fig. 2: Pipe ”efficiency”

DN 50

Consumer data: Q = 18 m3/h, H2 = 20 m

The system, consisting of a pipe, a Length of pipe L = 250 m
check valve and two other valves, is
initially assumed to have a nominal size Consumer
of 50 mm. The piping was calculated H1
with the aid of a computing module
from the KSB Offert selection program
(Fig. 4). The piping was postulated as HL
being made of thin-walled, welded steel.
The total head loss obtained for a per-
Fig. 3: Open system
fectly ordinary flow velocity of v = 2.26
m/sec amounted to:

HL = 34 m
The following diagram (Fig. 5) illustra-
tes the situation for a DN 50 pipe. The
pump characteristic curve intersects the
system curve at 54 m. Due to the high
velocity of flow (v~2.3 m/sec), the flow
losses add up to some 34 m (~1340”) of
Fig. 4: Losses for a DN 50 pipe, calculated using KSB Offert
water. Hence, only 37 % of the pump’s
discharge head reaches the consumer as
effective head, while 63 % is devoured Movichrom 15/5 DN 50
by impediments to flow!
Pump/system diagram
Since the “effective head” available 80 HL
to the consumer is known to amount ηPipe = 1 –
70 H1
to H2 = 20 m, it is easy to calculate 34
60 ηPIpe = 1 – = 0.37
the hydraulic “conveying efficiency” 54
m of water

of the entire piping system, including 50

valves. In this case, ηpipe = 0.37, i.e., is 40
quite low, and the requisite pump input PM = 3.95 kW
power is 3.95 kW.
Pump power output
0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Fig. 5: Situation for a DN 50 pipe

7. ISSUE DECEMBER 2002 / 7


DN 80

This selection program allows quick

calculation of head losses for other no-
minal diameters as well. All that needs
to be done is to change the entries in Fig. 6: Losses for a DN 80 pipe, calculated using KSB Offert
the DN column from 50 to 80 (in our
Movichrom 15/2 DN 80

The mean velocity of flow decreases to Pump/system diagram

about v = 1m/sec. Since the dynamic 90
head losses are approximately quadratic 80 HL
ηPipe = 1 –
functions of the velocity of flow, the to- 70 H1
tal head loss drops to: 4
60 ηPipe = 1 – = 0.83
m of water

HL = 4 m
A glance at the situation depicted in 30
Fig. 7 shows a plainly altered situation. 20
Increasing the nominal diameter of that PM = 1.76 kW
10 Pump power output
pipe to 80 mm decreases the dynamic
losses decidedly. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
The flow resistances drop to about 4 m
Fig. 7: Situation for a DN 80 pipe
of water, the theoretical “conveying ef-
ficiency” of the DN 80 pipe increases to
ηpipe = 0.83, and the pump input power Movichrom 15/5 DN 50, throttled
is a mere 1.76 kW.
Plant 1: (DN 50) PLant 2: (DN 80)

Component Type Price Component Type Price

OF THE TWO SYSTEMS 1 Pump N15/05 884.– 1 Pump N15/02 552.–

2 Valves BOA-C 244.– 2 Valves BOA-C 430.–

Comparing the two systems in terms of
cost (Fig. 8), we obtain the following 250 m pipe DN 50 St 875.– 250 m pipe DN 80 St 1496.–
Total 2003.– Total 2478.–
While the DN 80 system initially costs
somewhat more than the DN 50 system
Difference 475.–
(€ 475, or 24 %), the first year of full-
load operation totalling some 4800 ope-
rating hours will yield energy savings to Fig. 8: Cost comparison: DN 50 vs. DN 80
the amount of € 1568.-!

Similar comparative approaches can be is that the system can be expected to mer control valves gain added authority,
taken to closed systems, although the have better hydraulics, with a flat pres- which improves the control action.
fact must be considered that they rare- sure loss profile. Thanks to the lower
ly involve velocities of flow exceeding differential pressures prevailing in the
v = 1 m/sec (with the exception of dis- piping, hydraulic balancing is accordin-
trict heating systems), so the savings gly easy, and the pressure losses in the
are likely to be less spectacular. One balancing valves needn’t be nearly as
positive side effect of a low-loss design high, either. Consequently, the consu-

8 / 7. ISSUE DECEMBER 2002


The two alternatives dealt with above Movichrom 15/5 DN 50, throttled
were calculated on the assumption that
the pump’s entire output is needed by Pump/system diagram
the injection moulding machines.
80 HL
ηpipe = 1 –
70 H1
DN 50 60 ηpipe = 1 – = 0.07

m of water
PM = 2.9 kW


Under part-load conditions, with only 20

Pump power output
50 percent of the cooling water needed, 10
the situation would be as follows. In the 0
case of a fixed-speed pump, the flow of 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
water has to be throttled with a valve. m3/h

The water pressure downstream of the Fig. 9: Situation for a throttled DN 50 pipe
central throttle valve is accordingly
lower, and the volume flow through
each cooler is reduced by one half. Movichrom 15/5 DN 50, variable speed

The diagram in Fig. 9 reflects the situa- Pump/system diagram

tion for a DN 50 pipe. The pump cha-
80 HL
racteristic curve (shown in blue) is inter- ηpipe = 1 –
70 H1
sected by the throttled and unthrottled
system curves (of which the latter is only 60 ηpipe= 1 – = 0.57
m of water

included for purposes of comparison 50

with full-load operation). Due to high 40
throttle losses across the central throttle PM = 0.49 kW
valve, the conveying efficiency drops to
7 %. In that respect, allowance is made Pump power output
for the fact that the effective head of 10
H2 = 20 m at Q = 18 m3/h decreases by 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
three quarters, i.e., H = 5 m, if the flow
is reduced by 50 percent (Q = 9 m3/h).
The shaft power in the throttled mode Fig. 10: Situation in a system with a variable-speed pump and a DN 50 pipe
is roughly 1 kW lower than in the full-
load mode.
rate of Q = 9 m3/h on the unthrottled at how much energy the finished system
system curve. The “conveying efficien- consumes. Conversely, the additional
DN 50 IN PART-LOAD cy” is accordingly high (57 %), and the cost of a low-loss system will be retrie-
shaft power requirement amounts to a ved within a very short time.
mere 0.49 kW, or roughly 17 % of the
2.9 kW needed for the throttled mode
The use of a variable-speed pump yields with a fixed-speed pump.
significantly better results. The central
throttle valve is no longer necessary,
because the pump itself reduces the CONCLUSION
flow rate.

In the above case, the desired delivery High energy costs are not an inescapable
rate is achieved - without need of a evil. Often, they are a consequence of
throttle - by continuously variable speed misguided thriftiness. Anyone who, in
adjustment of the pump. Since there is planning and designing a system, con-
no throttle valve to impede the flow, the centrates solely on the initial investment
operating point is now situated at a flow costs of the components, will be amazed

7. ISSUE DECEMBER 2002 / 9


The new LCC-Comp software is a valuable tool that helps sales staff generate

quantitative information on the costs incurred for a pump over its entire life span.

LCC-Comp is based upon empirically established data from various KSB divisions,

statistical data collected by the VDMA (German Machin-

ery and Plant Manufacturers’ Association) on equipment The LCC Comparator

failure frequency in correlation with redundancy and and Its Potential
monitoring, as well as physical properties. The calcula-

tion of potential savings through frequency control

is facilitated through the integration of a program developed at Kaiserslautern

University. Alternative technical solutions can be easily compared. Saskia Graf


From among different pump systems,

sales staff can determine the model most
economical in the long term. As well as
providing an overall cost breakdown by
cost type, the program can calculate the
payback period and potential savings by
investment in higher-quality equipment.

The long-term effects of different solu-

tions can be computed by changing the
input variables; the results can then be
compared. Additional capital expendi-
ture can often be more easily justified
by highlighting its long-term savings
potential. The program also illustrates
the possible impact of influential factors
which at first glance may seem irrele-
vant but, over the course of a machine’s
life cycle, can cause notable costs. This
Fig. 1: Screenshot of the main entry screen. More detailed data can be input
assists the decision-making process in-
by accessing additional parameters.
volved in a considered evaluation of the
system as a whole.
charts and graphs. All parameters have function” gives detailed information on
been defined in the form of average user the default / user input values.
JUST 5 MOUSE CLICKS profiles and can be adjusted individu-
ally. If certain values are unknown or of
little importance from the user’s point COMPETENT ADVICE FOR THE USER
of view, he or she may leave the sug-
A simple and clear user interface backed gested values unaltered – the results are
up by extensive databases presents then based on average, representative LCC-Comp calculates the life cycle
easily comprehensible results in tables, empirical values. The additional “help costs of a pump system in accordance

10 / 7. ISSUE DECEMBER 2002


with the recognized guide to LCC anal- head H at the operating point, static
ysis developed by Europump and the head and density of the fluid pumped, as TOTAL COST MUCH HIGHER THAN
Hydraulic Institute. At the end of the well as specification of the load profile. INITIAL INVESTMENT COST!
calculation process all results appear in Data on wear-induced losses, varying
the form of graphs and tables. Standard efficiencies for individual pump types LCC-Comp helps the process of deci-
solutions are automatically contrasted and impeller geometries, as well as indi- sion-making by offering cost-saving
with those incorporating frequency vidual load profiles are also included. solutions. The user recognizes at once
control or monitoring. The most eco- CO: that, after some years, investment costs
nomical solution depends on the con- only account for a small proportion
ditions of each individual installation. of the total cost, and that investment
Additionally, components facilitating All expenses incurred per year during in higher quality products and precise
cost savings are identified. The aim is operation for monitoring and general pump selection does pay for itself. Yet
not merely the determination of the life performance supervision count under the benefits the customer can expect
cycle costs of the pump, but rather the operating costs. from LCC-Comp go much further, as
recognition and implementation of po- the LCC methodology is not just ap-
tential cost savings through considera- CM: plied to pumps alone but rather used
tion of frequency control or monitoring within the scope of a holistic approach
systems. Competent technical assistance to facilitate comparable, quantified
regarding the use of seal-less pumps
REPAIR COSTS analyses of entire pump systems.
and the selection of suitable impeller
geometries is also supported by the pro- These expenses comprise on the one
gram. A cost comparison function helps hand the average annual cost for re- CONTROL BY THROTTLING
select the optimum solution from KSB’s placement parts and maintenance, on
diverse portfolio of products. the other all unplanned repair expenses
including the hourly rates for servicing Fixed-speed centrifugal pumps possess
The following inputs are required in staff. hydraulic characteristic curves plot-
order to individually calculate the ting the head H as a function of the
various cost elements CS: flow rate Q. By throttling valves on
the pump’s discharge side, the flow rate
CIC: can be adjusted. This means the flow
This cost element takes into account the resistance rises and the flow volume
expenses incurred for production down- changes, dependent as it is upon Q and
As well as the purchase price, the ac- time resulting from pump failure. H. With increasing flow resistance, the
quisition of a pump involves other costs system curve becomes steeper and the
such as those incurred for planning, CENV: intersection between pump and system
tendering, ordering, documentation, curve shifts towards lower pump flow
testing, freight and purchase order ad- rates. Flow control by throttling always
ministration. Here an average annual value is indicat- results in lower efficiency. Energy is
ed, which covers the expenses incurred wasted, since the surplus head generated
CIN: for the disposal of contaminants, as by the pump is not used by the system
well as for contamination by the fluid but eliminated in the throttle valve. This
pumped and by auxiliary systems. type of control is only acceptable when
COMMISSIONING COSTS operation under off-design conditions
Default values for all costs for the CD: is limited to short periods or when
connection of the piping and electrical the pump does not run very far off its
equipment, the installation of auxiliary design point. Systems with high static
systems and the alignment of the pump
DISPOSAL COSTS head portions, such as for example
are available in the system. Additional high-level tanks, also tolerate this kind
expenses must be specified by the user. This encompasses the total cost of dis- of control.
mantling pump and auxiliary systems
CE: and the restoration of the local environ-
In order to calculate energy costs, the
program simply requires the input of
energy costs per kW/h, flow rate Q and

7. ISSUE DECEMBER 2002 / 11



From an economic point of view, it

often makes sense to use variable
speed drives to adjust the flow rate as
required. If the pump curve is steep, i.e.
if the dynamic head share predominates
over the static head, then speed control
has advantages. When using continu-
ously variable speed control, energy
input is matched to the actual require-
ments, hence no energy is wasted. In this
case, the point of intersection between
system and pump curves moves down
the system curve. The wear on pump,
throttle and installation is reduced since
the system has been aligned with the
actual operating conditions. The mo-
tor load is markedly reduced, smooth
start-up of the pump is facilitated, and
unfavourable hydraulic reactions are
Fig. 2: Load profile (percentage distribution of operating hours over 5 duty
avoided. The energy costs for systems points)
involving throttling or speed control
are computed using a calculation pro-
gram developed by the Department of
Turbomachinery and Positive Displace-
ment Machinery of the Mechanical and
Process Engineering Faculty of Kaiser-
slautern University (Germany). This
program contains extensive databases
on motors, frequency inverters, evalu-
ated curve interaction data and physi-
cal properties for centrifugal pumps.
Regardless of the system, the general
form of the flow-dependent energy bal-
ance of a process – and accordingly the
system curve – is determined using this

HA = (p2 - p1) / g + (z2 - z1)

[(1- A22 / A12) +  ] Q2 / 2gA22

Any desired system curve can be pro-

cessed by entering an operating point
and a static head. Prerequisite is that
the pressure loss in the system cor- Fig. 3: Stacked-bar chart showing the results of pump control through
responds to that of a turbulent flow throttling, speed control and monitoring.
where  = constant. The total efficiency
is then determined using the pump spe- way, the pump curves required for com-
cific speed nq which is in turn calculated parative calculation can be plotted. As
using speed, flow rate and head. Using far as speed control is concerned, values
the software data, individual losses can obtained for particular definite speeds
be calculated relative to each other or as can, on the basis of the affinity laws, be
a part of the total power input. In this recalculated for different speeds.

12 / 7. ISSUE DECEMBER 2002



In order to carry out individual cost

comparisons, the following data must
be entered:

• Additional costs for speed

• Operating hours per year
• Pump system’s total operational
• Static head
• Load profile (percentage
distribution of operating hours
over 5 duty points)


Fig. 4: The results from Fig. 3 in tabular form.

With the assistance of a pump moni-
tor such as Pump Expert anticipated
unacceptable operating conditions and
potential pump failure can be avoided.
Since pumps respond to changes in SEAL-LESS PUMPS AND CONCLUSION
processes, information can also be
obtained on the condition of the en-
tire system. This intelligent method of Using the new LCC-Comp software,
condition monitoring for various types In the industry segment, the use of sales staff will now be able to offer
of centrifugal pump helps prolong the seal-less pumps may be of interest, for end users on-site comparative informa-
operational life of pump and plant and example in locations where hazardous tion on diverse pumping systems. The
increases system availability. liquids require pumping but also wher- potential savings to be achieved by
ever maintenance, repairs and produc- supposedly more expensive technical
The savings that could be achieved by tion downtime expenses can be reduced. solutions can be demonstrated quickly
using a pump monitor are automatically In higher performance ranges, however, and reliably.
computed by LCC-Comp – the single double-acting mechanical seals are more
required input is the additional cost of economical as here the increasing eddy
the monitoring system. The remaining current losses can no longer be compen-
values are calculated depending on the sated by saving costs in other areas. Par-
total number of installed and redundant allel comparative calculations can also
pumps and all data connected with be carried out.
maintenance and repair which need
to be input in any case. A graphic and In the waste water sector, different im-
tabular comparison between monitored peller designs potentially suitable for
and unmonitored pumps (Fig. 3 + 4) the application can be compared. Here,
is provided at the end of the program the major criterion for identifying scope
run. for savings will be efficiency.

7. ISSUE DECEMBER 2002 / 13


Low lift pumping stations are mainly used in drainage systems for flood control or ground-

water-lowering as well as in agricultural irrigation setups. They supply the water required for

industrial, water treatment and power plants or are used for municipal applications. The rising

cost of energy and maintenance, in combination

with the need for high plant availability, has led

Innovative Design Lowers
to criteria for new fluid transport systems that are Cost of Pumping Station
much stricter than they were just a few years ago. Operation
The economic efficiency of a given facility depends

primarily on its life cycle costs. Conventional low lift pumping stations are

usually equipped with tubular casing pumps or submersible motor pumps. Patrik Wagner

optimally interact - hydraulically, me-

BASIC DESIGN OF A LOW LIFT PLAIN-TO-SEE IMPROVEMENT chanically, electrically and also in terms
PUMPING STATION THANKS TO HOLISTIC APPROACH of the control functions. All this led to
a new design incorporating many new
All conventional low lift pumping sta- In the scope of the technical advance- ideas and offering both the engineering
tions have what is referred to as an ment, conspicuous improvements in the contractors and the operators a number
“intake structure” and are able to draw areas of initial investment and energy of advantages over the existing systems
water from one or several channels. expenditures as well as maintenance (Fig. 2 and 3).
Each channel is fitted with a grate for and repair outlays were aimed at. This
intercepting pieces of solid material that could not be fully achieved by way
could block or damage the machinery. of conventional ap-
Stop logs or gate valves are provided proaches. Hence, the
for shutting off the individual channels job was to perform a
in order to drain and dry the pumps’ holistic review of the
intake area. A tubular casing pump entire system, from
in a conventional arrangement with a the intake structure to
dry-installed motor pumps the medium the point of discharge
through a 90° elbow leading toward the of the upper chamber
siphon. The outlet channel can also be water. All components
closed off with a stop log or gate valve were supposed to
to allow maintenance. If an ordinary
type of submersible pump is used, the
elbow, the horizontal pipe section and
the discharge valve can be dispensed
with – but instead, accordingly higher
weir heads and backflow safety margins
are required.

Fig. 1: New design with

tubular casing pump

Casing Pump
14 / 7. ISSUE DECEMBER 2002

shorter. All things considered, the con-

struction costs can be lower than those
NEW PUMPING SYSTEM of a conventional station by as much as
35 %. Moreover, the compact type of Both the operator and the plant engi-
The water passes through a crate on its construction enables land-area-conserv- neer profit from the compact design
way to the suction side of the pumps in ing integration into the surrounding and simplified technical configuration
a hydraulically optimized inlet channel landscape. of the new system. Fewer, less intricate
designed to minimize the inlet losses. components reduce the installation,
The pump feeds into a vacuum chamber LOWER ENERGY COSTS maintenance and repair costs for both
(isolated from the ambient pressure) the mechanical and the electric compo-
and from there into the outlet channel. nents, and smaller versions of the latter
The subatmospheric pressure causes System efficiency profits from the fact can be employed thanks to lower power
a siphoning effect between the lower that there is neither an elbow to force requirements.
chamber and the upper chamber as long an abrupt change of direction on the
as the pumping process continues. Con- medium nor a penetration for the drive
sequently, stations with tubular casing shaft. Less head is needed, so smaller CONCLUSION
pumps need no elbow with a penetra- pumps can be used. Additionally, the
tion for the drive shaft, which accounts new version with a submersible motor
for a large share of the flow losses. pump avoids all losses caused by water The new pumping system meets the
gushing from the discharge tube outlet. operators’ demands for lower invest-
Since the crest of the riser is situated In the case of a falling water level in ment and maintenance costs thanks
above the maximum water level in the the discharge channel the conventional to the compact and simple design of
outlet channel, there is no need for a design is even less efficient, because the the system and the reduced number of
mechanical swing check valve and its locally defined maximum water level components. Owing to the complete
associated opening and damping equip- makes for a constant discharge head. By system’s optimized hydraulic and con-
ment. Nor are any dismantling joints or contrast, the new system compensates struction combined with highly efficient
wall penetrations necessary. In case of for fluctuating water levels in the outlet individual components, the new design
a power failure and during periods of channel and for losses caused by spill- boasts lower specific energy consump-
downtime, the siphoning effect is inter- age by keeping the vacuum chamber full tion and is therefore both easy and in-
rupted by an automatic safety vent sys- of water at all times, hence preventing expensive to operate. The reduction of
tem that lets atmospheric pressure into interruption of the siphoning effect. the number and complexity of compo-
the structure. nents increases operating reliability and
system availability. The technical and
HIGHER AVAILABILITY commercial benefits are most apparent
LOWER INVESTMENT COSTS when the task is to lift large volumes
of water to a low altitude. The system
In flood control and other safety-related head should be in the single-digit range
Such stations are conspicuously more applications, the elimination of such or only slightly higher, and the flow rate
compact, hence reducing the outlays trouble-prone, maintenance-intensive should be as high as possible.
for concreting and equipment compo- components as discharge valves, pipe
nents. Less earth has to be moved, and elbows / fittings and dismantling joints
the construction period is significantly increases system availability.

Fig. 2:
design with
tubular casing
pump and

Fig. 3: Conven-
tional design
with a sub-
mersible pump
in discharge

7 . 6I S. SAUUES G
UENRI 2 0 0 2 / 15

For a majority of facilities, the lifetime maintenance costs take up

a major portion of the total life cycle costs (LCC).

Traditionally, the term ”service“ covers installation

Service – Offerings and
of a new plant, commissioning, repairs, inspections

and maintenance, but it is in the process of expand-

ing. All-in service packages, which include things like

teleservice, financing and BOT models, are gaining increasing importance. Stefan Reutter

of pumps have to be maintained and to increase the availability of the plant

NEW DEVELOPMENTS that any deviation from that condition in the medium or long term, preventive
has to be detected. If such a deviation is or predicitve maintenance is the answer.
In LCC analysis, the maintenance and detected, then the required condition is If plant management is a question of
repair costs of an industrial pump ac- to be re-established by means of re-con- meeting the budget only, maintenance
count for approximately 20% of the ditioning or repair. Today, it is common is likely to be risk-based. However, do-
total lifetime cost. The possibilities of practice to repair a malfunction and ing nothing at all until a plant breaks
minimizing these cost items and posi- return a pump to its original condition. down, is the worst policy because of
tively influencing the remaining LCC However, hardly ever is an effort made the immense risks involved. The way
costs in the process, will be demon- to analyse the cause of failure and to a plant is serviced and maintained has
strated in the following. But before we realize the insights gained through such an enormous impact on the LCC costs.
look at costs, we should take a look at analysis in order to ultimately prolong A risk- or failure-based approach will
the definitions of the terms inspection, the MTBF. The question, whether this push up the downtime costs in the
maintenance and repair: practice is still acceptable today, and medium term. The action required to
whether it really is in the plant owner/ bring down the cost of individual cost
operator’s best interest, has no single elements should never be analysed in an
DEFINITIONS TO DIN 31 051 answer which is valid for every ap- isolated manner.
plication. In view of the high demands
made on plant availability and process
• Inspection: reliability, the high downtime costs and TRADITIONAL SERVICE SCOPE NOT
Establishing and assessing the the steep service charges for problem
actual condition and working installations, the mere elimination of a
order of the technical elements of failure is no longer good enough. The
a system. causes of failure therefore have to be One example to show that the possibili-
analysed and studied in perspective of ties of the traditional service scope are
• Maintenance: the system as a whole. not exhausted is the field of “installa-
Keeping the technical elements tion and commissioning of new plants”.
of a system in good condition or Many pump users are not aware of the
working order. FOUR TYPES OF MAINTENANCE risks they take by having a new instal-
lation installed and commissioned by
• Repair: their own or other inexperienced staff.
Re-establishing the required 1. Preventive maintenance (routine Fig. 1 shows that most failures occur
condition or working order inspections and maintenance) during the first phase of a system’s life
of the technical elements of a 2. Predictive maintenance cycle. As a result, commissioning of an
system. 3. Risk-based maintenance entire plant has to be put on hold and
4. Failure-based maintenance there are high downtime costs incurred.
In the our case, the technical elements
are pumps. What all three definitions Which service strategy is the right one
aim at or mean by implication is that the depends on the type of plant and the MTBF: Mean Time Between Failures
required condition and working order objectives pursued. If the objective is

16 / 7. ISSUE DECEMBER 2002


Failure rate

too late 3
Premature failure, e.g. by:
Premature Period of use Wear and tear - errors of assembly
failures - errors during commissoning
- maintenance errors
- faulty repairs
too soon just right

1 2

Fig. 1: ”Bath-tub curve“

Total hours of operation
Suggestion of
Failure rate

first irregularities
too late 3

Premature Period of use Wear and tear

just right
too soon

1 2

Total hours of operation

of first irregularities

Fig. 4: Positive impact of an all-inclusive service approach on the ”bath-tub curve“

For this reason, installation and com-

TIMING IS OF THE ESSENCE are scheduled too far apart, the costs
missioning by the manufacturer, in of product failures and downtimes can
particular of high-quality systems and Moreover, the curve depicted in Fig. 1 easily run up to several 10,000 €.
components, should be included in the clearly shows that costs of maintenance
scope of supply. vary according to the service concept. Operation monitoring and teleservice
Frequent inspections are the most reli- comprising early failure detection are
able means of failure prevention. But very effective means of discovering
frequent inspections are costly, and the basic errors of operation as well as
expenditure often is a misrepresenta- detecting the first signs of a trend that
tion of the actual condition of system will eventually lead to failure. Having
and pump. If the inspection intervals know-how in this field means knowing

7. ISSUE DECEMBER 2002 / 17



of plant


n i i management



Preventive INSPECTION SERVICE Life cycle cost



REPORT Rehabilitation
Predictive concepts






t o r

Fig. 2: Modular service concept for pumping stations, including telemonitoring

how to record which data, interpret- particular trend, indicating, say, worn service engineer concerned is supplied
ing the data and compiling them in an or damaged parts, persists, the cause(s) with the relevant product details and
easily understood format. The informa- can be analysed by KSB’s pump ex- informed about the suspected failure.
tion compiled can then be placed at the perts, who will then recommend and This allows him to collect the necessary
disposal of the customer himself, the carry out the proper remedial action. replacement parts and tools. Teleservice
service provider or both. It is an essen- Which services in connection with the with an early failure detection system is
tial tool for avoiding operation mistakes teleservice concept should be integrated recommended in those cases where the
and planning the service intervals better. in a service contract is for the customer efficiency of a plant has to be improved,
This in turn substantially increases the and the pump manufacturer to jointly if a plant has a history of defects or if
reliability and availability of the plant decide (Fig. 2). the plant requires a high level of safety.
and at the same time brings down the An all-in service concept should be
costs of repair. To gain the most from included whenever the objective is to
teleservice, telemonitoring must be PRACTICAL APPLICATION secure the availability of a plant in the
followed up by the necessary services. medium or long term. In other words,
After concluding a so-called dynamic the amount of service can be tailored to
inspection contract, the plant operator precisely match the needs of the pump
no longer needs to keep his own per- The data of a pump unit are evaluated user according to customer’s specifica-
sonnel ready to deal with a problem. and transmitted. In response to a fault tion or as demanded by the application.
Only when the system detects the first message, the staff of either the service
signs of a technical problem are these provider or the plant operator is alerted
signalled and is it time to take action. depending on the contract particulars.
The necessary service can be provided The message is transmitted by SMS, e-
by an external service company. If a mail or telephone. At the same time, the

18 / 7. ISSUE DECEMBER 2002


On-site Reconditoring of
dismantling wear parts
and re-assembly

service and Engineering
planning of new

Supply ®
management TPM History file

Material Condition
requirements monitoring
planning and Teleservice

Operator Flexible
training staffing

Fig. 3: TPM® Total Pump Management

gle component to a Total Pump Care

MODULAR SERVICE CONCEPT package, with the service provider even CONCLUSION
taking care of operating the pump. Op-
erator training and thereby increasing
Having recognized the need for an all-in staff awareness of the inner workings An all-inclusive service approach, in-
approach, KSB developed TPM® (Fig. 3) of a plant is another module that is cluding teleservice, is an effective means
in 1999. All product and plant details, sure to bring the desired improvements. of significantly reducing failure rates
spare parts requirements and causes of First experiences gained at a number of and the entailed total costs expected
failure of pump units are recorded and pumping stations have shown that the during the life cycle of a product.
analysed. The results are recorded in a faithful application of this service con-
so-called history file and serve as basic cept will reduce the total maintenance
data for life cycle cost analysis. They volume by 20 to 30 percent. To date, a
serve as a basis for technical adjust- total of fifty TPM® framework agree-
ments to the operating conditions and ments have been concluded in Europe.
for defining the maintenance intervals The effects of this service approach
and the stock of spare parts. The modu- become clear if we take another look
lar structure of the system allows the at Fig. 4.
users to choose a service package for
their pumps, valves and related systems
- regardless of make or supplier- that
is precisely tailored to their needs. The
modules making up the package range
from the once-only servicing of a sin-

6 . A7U. SIGS A
2 / 19

All KSB employees


who missed one or the

DIGEST DEVELOPMENTS other issue of “Techno Digest“,
or just need additional copies, are free
to place relevant orders with
XBS in Pegnitz quoting
Pumps and Systems – Life Cycle Costs – A Factor in Selecting

and Operating Pumping Systems (Page 2) / How System Design Affects Life

Cycle Costs (Page 6) / The LCC Comparator and Its Potential (Page 10) /

Innovative Dessign Lowers Cost of Pumping Station Operation (Page 14) /

Service – Offerings and Opportunities (Page 16)

their cost centre.


+49 (9241) 71 15 31
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Reference Language Short title Quantity

No. (German, English,

0012.0201 01 Technik Kompakt Nr. 1

0012.0201 10 Techno Digest No.1
F l u i d D y n a m i c s – Causes and Effects of Hydraulically Induced Vibrations Fluid Dynamics – Computer-aided Impeller Optimization
0012.0201 20 Technique Compact N° 1
in Pumps (Page 2) / M a t e r i a l s Te c h n o l o g y – C o n t a i n m e n t S h e l l
(Page 1) / A p p p l i c a t i o n s – Parallel Pumping (Page 4) /
and CAn Materials for Zero-leakage Pumps (Page 6) / Automation
Te c h n o l o g y – T r e n d T o w a r d D e c e n t r a l i z e d A u t o m a t i o n ( P a g e 9 ) / M A t e r i a l s Te c h n o l o g y – Mixed-flow Impeller Instead
E l e c t r i c M o t o r s a n d D r i v e s – I n t e g r a l D r i v e s – D r i v e Te c h n o l o g y
Tr e n d s ( P a g e 1 2 )
of a Propeller (Page 7)

0012.0202 01 Technik Kompakt Nr. 2

0012.0202 10 Techno Digest No.2
0012.0202 20 Technique Compact N° 1

0012.0203 01 Technik Kompakt Nr. 3

0012.0203 10 Techno Digest No.3
2. ISSUE JUNE 2000 4. ISSUE JUNE 2001
0012.0203 20 Technique Compact N° 3

0012.0204 01 Technik Kompakt Nr. 4


0012.0204 10 Techno Digest No.4

0012.0207 © KSB Aktiengesellschaft • No part of this publication may be reproduced without express permission by the editors.
0012.0204 20 Technique Compact N° 4

0012.0205 01 Technik Kompakt Nr. 5

0012.0205 10 Techno Digest No.5
0012.0205 20 Technique Compact N° 5

0012.0206 01 Technik Kompakt Nr. 6

Applications V a l v e s – T h e n e w B O A - C V E S u p e r C o m p a c t C o n t r o l Va l v e ( P a g e 2 ) /
0012.0206 10 Techno Digest No.6
– How to Save Energy and Analyse Life Cycle Costs,

Multimagno Reduces Life Cycle Costs (Page 1) / Va l v e s – Latest Pneumatic E l e c t r i c M o t o r s a n d D r i v e s – Practical Aspects of Inverterfed
Drives (Page 6) / F l u i d D y n a m i c s – Effects of Impeller Geometry on
Actuator Developments (Page 4) / Electric Motors and Drives
Operating Reliability and life Cycle Costs of Waste Water Pumps (Page 10)
– Speed Control Saves Energy

– NPSH: What to Watch (Page 12)

(Seite 8) / A n w e n d u n g s t e c h n i k
/ Applications
Supersedes DIN 1944 (Page 17)
– N e w R u l e s f o r P u p A c c e p t a n c e Te s t s – D I N I S O 9 9 0 6
0012.0206 20 Technique Compact N° 6

0012.0207 01 Technik Kompakt Nr. 7

0012.0207 10 Techno Digest No.7
0012.0207 20 Technique Compact N° 7




N Building:


Applications – Configuration - The New Sales Format for Boiler Feed

Materials – New Bearing Generation for Seal-less Pumps (Page 2) /
Pumps (Page 2) / Va l v e s – Comparison of Flow Rate Measurement With
Bearings – Elektromagnetic Pump Bearings (Page 5) / Communica-
B a l a n c i n g Va l v e s ( P a g e 6 ) / Electric Motors and Drives – New

Drive Principles for Centrifugal Pumps (Page 10)

Effect in Pumps (Page 14)

/ Bionics – Sharkskin
tions – “Net” Safety for Pumps (Page 8)

a System Condition Indicator (Page 12)

f o r D i a p h r a g m Va l v e s ( P a g e 1 6 )
/ Automation
/ Va l v e s
– The Pump as

– New Fields of Application Cost centre:


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KSB Aktiengesellschaft • Johann-Klein-Straße 9 • D-67225 Frankenthal

Published by: Dr. Ing. Willi Enderle, Board member responsible for R&D
Editor: Christoph Pauly, Dr. Sönke Brodersen
Layout: Christophe Delaunay

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