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Insect Physiol., 1977, Vol. 23, pp. 1163 to 1167. Pergamon Press. Printed in Great Britain.




Division of Entomology, C.S.I.R.O., P.O. Box 1700, Canberra City, A.C.T. 2601, Australia

(Received 6 May 1977)

Abstract—Most oösorption in the dung beetle Euoniticellus intermedius takes place in the haemocoele, oöcytes being
extruded from the ovariole before the deposition of the chorion. Oösorption can be induced in the laboratory both by
prevention of oviposition and by starvation. For up to two days after the onset of starvation the terminal oöcyte appears
normal. After three days the prechorionic oöcyte may more through the ovariole wall; the yolk spheres are then disrupted.
On the fourth day little yolk remains in the extruded oöcyte, and most of the extruded cells are degenerating. We suggest
that extra-ovariolar egg resorption may be a mechanism for ensuring that the single ovariole is not occluded when
conditions are suitable for oviposition.

INTRODUCTION on the effects of starvation; these were carried out at 27º

± 2ºC under a daily regime of 14 hr light/10 hr dark. The
OÖSORPTION is n common phenomenon in insects first experiment provided material for a preliminary
(review by BELL and BOUM, 1975). It tends to occur histological study, while the major experiment was
when food reserves are depleted, or conditions are concerned with the timetable of resorption induced by
unsuitable for oviposition. Resorption can affect oöcytes starvation.
throughout their period of vitellogenesis, and need not In the first experiment, 30 mated females, 12 days
affect all oöcytes in a given ovary, there being some post-emergence, were taken from normal culture
relationship between the severity of nutritional stress and conditions and placed on moist peat in a container 120
the number of eggs completing vitellogenesis. It is thus a cm in diameter; peat does not constitute an adequate diet.
mechanism of considerable importance for conserving Several females were dissected each day to check the
metabolites when conditions are unfavourable. progress of resorption, and one ovary was fixed in
Most insects in which oösorption has been studied aqueous Bouin's fluid. The ovaries were embedded in
resorb their eggs within the ovarioles. A very few paraffin wax under vacuum, sectioned at 8 μm, and
species—e.g. Encyrtus fuliginosus, a parasitic wasp, and stained with Ehrlich haematoxylin and eosin. Some
the cockroach Periplaneta americana—can extrude further ovaries were fixed and sectioned from females
resorbing chorionated eggs into the haemocoele that were found to have resorbed oöcytes under routine
(FLANDERS, 1942; BELL, 1971). These examples of extra- culture conditions.
ovariolar resorption appear to be exceptions; Encyrtus In the experiment on the timetable of resorption, two
fuliginosus was the only species among several parasitic sets of beetles, one 9 to 11 and the other 5 to 8 days after
encyrtid Hymenoptera studied by FLANDERS (1942) to emergence from the brood ball, and either breeding
show such resorption, and in Periplaneta extrusion is a normally or on the point of doing so, were transferred to
facultative alternative to intraovariolar resorption (BELL, cages 30 x 30 x 20 cm containing moist peat 15 cm deep;
1971). During recent studies on reproductive activity and approximately 30 ♀ and 15 ♂ were placed in each
age determination of the scarabacine dung beetle container. Similar numbers of controls were kept in
Euoniticellus intermedius, to be reported elsewhere cages containing soil 15 cm deep, to which 500 ml of
(TYNDALE-BISCOE, 1977), it became apparent that most fresh cow dung was added every three days. Each day
oösorption was occurring in the haemocoele, and that approximately 20 starved females and 20 controls were
oöcytes were being extruded before the deposition of the dissected, and the incidence of resorption was recorded.
chorion. In this paper we describe the process, examine
its rate of induction, and speculate on its possible RESULTS
advantages to the beetle.
The structure of the ovary

The scarabaeine dung beetles are peculiar in having only

MATERIALS AND METHODS a single ovary, consisting of but one ovariole
(ENGELLMANN, 1970; RICHTER and BAKER, 1974). The
Beetles were reared, and dissected, as described in ovary is of a modified meroistic type, probably
TYNDALE-BISCOE (1977). Two experiments were run telotrophic in its early stages, although we have not seen


nutritive cords (BRYAN, 1954; TINDALE-BISCOE, 1977). It The columnar, hexagonal follicle cells had large nuclei
is effectively panoistic in the later stages of (Figs. 3 and 4). In the ovariole immediately below the
vitellogenesis, commencing with the massive deposition follicle were spaces filled with amorphous material,
of proteinaceous yolk, during which the basal nutritive presumably fluid in nature, that extended between the
cells are inconspicuous, but the follicle cells are enlarged loose clusters of cells out to the investing musculature
and appear active, suggesting direct transfer of yolk (Fig. 3).
proteins from the haemolymph through the follicle to the Sections of an ovary taken on the third day of
developing oöcyte. starvation, after an egg had been extruded, suggested that
The oöcytes develop sequentially, the terminal a pre-chorionic oöcyte had moved through the spaces at
oöcyte being the most fully developed (TINDALE-BISCOE, the lower end of the ovariole, accompanied by most of
1977); however, deposition of yolk is extensive in the the follicle cells, leaving behind some yolk and cellular
subterminal and following oöcyte when the terminal material (Fig. 4); presumably this detritus would later
oöcyte appears to be mature i.e. is on the point of being have formed a corpus luteum. The extruded oöcyte
laid. Yolk is laid down as discrete spheres, apparently lacked a chorion. The yolk spheres were substantially
sequestered in the oöplasm. disrupted, forming large, irregular masses, and numerous
At the lower end of the ovariole, above the cuticular cells had invaded the peripheral parts of the yolk. The
lining of the oviduct, there is a short region of which the origin of these cells is not known.
outermost layer appears to consist of widely spaced, An ovary from a female ex stock culture provided an
narrow bundles of muscle fibres, enclosing loose lobes of extruded oöcyte at a late stage of resorption, with the
large, vacuolated cells. relic enclosed in a membrane, much of the yolk
dissipated, cells occupying a major part of the resorption
The extrusion and resorption of the oöcyte body, and some degenerating cells, marked by pycnotic
Shortly after a reproductively active female E. nuclei (Fig. 5). No chorion was discernible.
intermedius is transferred into conditions unfavourable In a female starved for four days, one oöcyte had
for egg laying, which can include lack of sites, crowding been extruded, and resorbed to the point at which the
and starvation, her terminal oöcyte breaches the wall of yolk had almost disappeared, and most of the cells
the lower ovariole, sometimes at several places, just appeared to be degenerating. lo addition, the terminal
above its junction with the oviduct, and enters the oöcyte was resorbing within the ovariole; the nucleus
haemocoele. We have observed only pre-chorionic was not recognisable, the yolk spheres had fused, and the
oöcytes in the haemocoele, lacking the thin chorion that follicle was substantially disrupted, although there was
the egg has when laid. The oöcyte remains connected little cellular invasion of the yolk. The terminal oöcyte
with a small intra-ovariolar residue (Fig. 1). The extra- lacked chorion. The subterminal oöcyte was also
ovariolar mass of egg is gradually resorbed, and after 48 abnormal, in that vitellogenesis had not commenced.
to 60 hr little or no material remains (Fig. 2). The intra-
ovariolar residue also degenerates, leaving a yellow or
brown body (corpus luteum) inside the neck of the The onset of resorption
ovariole, similar to that formed after repealed oviposition
(TINDALE-BISCOE, 1977). Beetles in the process of
resorbing eggs have fat bodies that are noticeably more In the experiment on the onset of resorption
granular and more opaque than those of beetles that are following starvation, the frequencies of resorption were
laying normally. closely similar in the two sets of beetles, despite the
Female beetles that had emerged five weeks differences in their ages; there were no significant
previously, and had been prevented from laying since differences between the two sets of controls, or between
emergence by absence of oviposition sites, all showed the two starved batches. The data were therefore pooled;
signs of extra-ovariolar resorption, and all had corpora the resulting percentages are shown in Fig. 6.
lutea, of varying sizes. When these beetles were returned Analyses showed that the actual frequencies of
for a week to conditions favourable for oviposition, each resorption were homogeneous in the controls throughout
laid from 2 to 5 eggs; the ovaries then showed far more the five days, but the frequencies in starved beetles were
yellow body than would have been expected from the significantly heterogeneous (χ2 = 69.40 with 3 d.f.; P <
number of eggs that had been laid, and there were no 0.001). There was no significant difference in the
degenerating eggs outside the ovariole. frequencies shows by starved beetles and controls after
The histological material gave some further one or two days of starvation, but after three and four
information on the processes of extrusion and resorption. days, the frequencies of resorption were significantly
Pre-chorionic terminal oöcytes of females from normal higher in the starved beetles than in the controls (χ2 =
culture, and from cultures after one and two days 19.80 and 35.13 respectively, with 1 d.f.; P < 0.001). The
of starvation, appeared similar; the yolk was dispersed changes in frequency of resorption in starved beetles
evenly, in spheres, and the superficial oöplasm was free between the second and third days, and between the third
of yolk, with the large, irregularly shaped nucleus and fourth days, were also significant (χ2 = 20.21 and
embedded in it on one side of the oöcyte. 3.75 respectively with 1 d.f.; P < 0.001 and ~0.05).

Fig. 1. Ovariole (OR) and oviduct (OD) with extruded terminal oöcyte (EX).
Fig. 2. Ovariole (OR) and oviduct (OD) with remnants of resorbing oöcyte (EX) adjacent to neck
of ovariole.

Fig. 3. Longitudinal section through lower ovariole showing unextruded terminal oöcyte (TO) and
spaces (S) below follicle wall (F). (Scale = 0.05 mm)
Fig. 4. Similar field after extrusion of terminal oöcyte, with yolk and cellular material (Y) in neck
of ovariole and (EX) in haemocoele; new terminal oöcyte (TO) on left, and oviduct (OD) right.
(Scale = 0.10 mm)
Fig. 5. Section of remnant of resorbing oöcyte, with residual yolk (Y) and peripheral degenerating
cells (C). (Scale = 0.10 mm)
Extra-ovariolar egg resorption in a dung beetle 1167

oögenesis proceeds continuously. Extra-ovariolar resorption

thus permits E. fuliginosus to lay eggs at short notice, an
important characteristic for a parasitic insect.
Extra-ovariolar resorption in the Scarabaeinae appears
to have a similar rationale, correlated with the possession of
a single ovariole. Euoniticellus intermedius is to some
degree an opportunist; it feeds on, and breeds in, a scattered,
intermittent resource, Dung generally remains in a ‘usable’
condition for only a short time after dropping. It is thus
advantageous for the beetle to have an egg available for
laying whenever the opportunity occurs, with further eggs
maturing at short intervals, equivalent to the time taken to
produce the dung balls in which the eggs are laid. Under
laboratory conditions, this interval is approximately 4 day-
degrees at temperatures above 19.5°C (TINDALE-BISCOE,
1977). To have the single ovariole occluded by a resorbing
oöcyte could be highly disadvantageous under such
circumstances; continued oögenesis and extra-ovariolar
Fig. 6. Incidence of extra-ovariolar resorption in starved
resorption, rapidly induce by the failure to find a suitable
Euoniticellus intermedius.
site for oviposition, provides the solution.

Acknowledgement—We thank NOEL CALL, of the

Thus starvation for more than two days abruptly
Department of Zoology, Australian National University, for
induced extrusion of the terminal oöcyte into the
help with some of the histological work.
haemocoele, leading to extra-ovariolar resorption.


Oöstatic hormone production in houseflies, Musca
domestica, with developing ovaries. J. Insect Physiol.
Although we have studied details of extra-ovariolar egg 14, 983-993.
resorption only in Euoniticellus intermedius, it is known to BELL W. J. (1971) Starvation-induced oöcyte resorption and
occur in at least one other species of Euoniticellus, and in yolk protein salvage in Periplaneta americana. J. Insect
several species of Onthophagus, both African and Physiol. 17, 1099-1111.
Australian (TINDALE-BISCOE, unpublished data). It thus BELL W. J. and BOHM M. K. (1975) Oösorption in insects.
appears to be a far more general phenomenon in the Biol. Reo. 50, 373-396.
Scarabaeinae than it is in other major groups of insects. BRYAN J. H. D. (1954) Cytological and cytochemical studies
We interpret extra-ovariolar resorption as a mechanism of oogenesis of Popillus disjunctus Illiger (Coleoptera-
which enables insects to combine the capacity to lay eggs at Polyphaga). Biol. Bull., Woods Hole 107, 64-79.
short notice with a capacity to recycle reserves. As ENGELMANN F. (1970) The Physiology of Insect
FLANDERS (1942) has pointed out, intraovariolar resorption Reproduction. Pergamon Press. London.
could prevent oviposition, presumably because the resorbing FLANDERS S. E. (1942) Oosorption and ovulation in relation
oöcytes could occlude the ovarioles. Insects have evolved at to oviposition in the parasitic Hymenoptera. Ann. Ent.
least two alternative ways to overcome this problem. Certain Soc. Am. 35, 251-266.
insects, such as some species of Musca, have developed an RICHTER P. O. and BAKER C. W. (1974) Ovariole numbers in
oöstatic system, enabling mature eggs to be held for long Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera: Lucanidae, Passalidae,
periods before laying (ADAM el al., 1968; TINDALE-BISCOE Scarabaeidae). Proc. ent. Soc. Wash. 76, 480-494.
and HUGHES, 1969), Continuous oögenesis combined with TINDALE-BISCOE M. (1977) Physiological age grading in the
extra-ovariolar resorption is the alternative. dung beetle Euoniticellus intermedius (Reiche) (Col-
It is difficult to interpret the situation in Periplaneta; eoptera: Scarabaeidae). Bull. ent. Res. In press.
BELL (1971) has indicated that extra-ovariolar resorption TINDALE-BISCOE M. and HUGHES R. D. (1969) Changes in
occurs if the cockroaches are starved, but little more. The the female reproductive system as age indicators in the
situation is clearer in Encyrtus fuliginosus (FLANDERS, bushfly Musca vetustissima W1k. Bull. ent. Res. 59,
1942). The adults do not feed, and 129-141.

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