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Alokasi Fase Pembelajaran Kegiatan

waktu Dosen Mahasiswa

Phase 1: Case Orientation on Steps One Mengobservasi
Phenomena or Situations Based Students encounter puzzling
on Facts situation (planed or unplanned).
Steps Two Identifikasi,
Students explore reactions to the Argumentasi,
situation merumuskan masalah,
Membuat Hipotesis
Phase 2: Get Plans from the Steps Three Merumuskan
hypothesis for the solution Students formulate study task tujuan,
and organize for study (problem
definition, role, assignments,
etc.) kegiatan,
Pembagian tugas
Phase 3: Data Proof Gathering Steps Four Mengumpulkan
—Verification condition and Verify the nature of objects and informasi dan
situation conditions.
Verify the occurrence of the
Faktor-faktor yang
problem situation mempengaruhi,
justifikasi terhadap
fakta dan bukti

Phase 4: Justification based on Steps Five

experiments Independent and group study
Steps Six Manipulasi
Data Gathering-Experimentation variabel,
Isolate relevant variables.
Hypothesize (and test) causal
relationships data, Interpretasi
data, Menguji
hipotesis atau
hubungan sebab
Phase 5: Consideration Analysis Steps Seven Menganalisis
Students analyze progress and Sistematika
kegiatan terhadap
capaian tujuan,
analisis data
berdasarkan teori
dan fakta,
Menjelaskan hasil
yang diperoleh
melalui hubungan
sebab akibat
Steps Eight
Organizing, Formulating an
Formulate rules or explanations
Phase 6: Verification and Steps Nine
Analysis of Achievement Recycle activity
Process Steps Ten Membuktikan
Analysis of the Inquiry Process Hipotesis melalui
Analyze inquiry strategy and
develop more effective ones
reka ulang,
capaian dan
informasi (melalui

Syntax Kegiatan Siswa

Phase 1: Case Orientation on Phenomena or
Situations Based on Facts
Steps One
Students encounter puzzling situation (planed or
unplanned). Mengobservasi,

Steps Two
Students explore reactions to the situation.
Identifikasi, Argumentasi, merumuskan masalah,
Phase 2: Get Plans from the hypothesis for the
solution. Membuat Hipotesis dasar
Steps 3
Students formulate study task and organize for
study (problem definition, role, assignments, etc.). merumuskan tujuan, merencanakan kegiatan,
Pembagian tugas kerja
Phase 3: Data Proof Gathering—Verification
condition and situation
Steps 4:
Verify the nature of objects and conditions.
Verify the occurrence of the problem situation.

Phase 4: Justification based on experiments

Steps 5 Independent and group study. Mengumpulkan informasi dan Faktor-faktor yang
Steps 6: Data Gathering— Experimentation mempengaruhi, Melakukan justifikasi terhadap
Isolate relevant variables. fakta dan bukti
Hypothesize (and test) causal relationships.

Phase 5: Consideration Analysis

Steps 7 Students analyze progress and process.
Steps 8: Organizing, Formulating an Explanation
Formulate rules or explanations.

Manipulasi variabel, Mengumpulkan data,

Phase 6: Verification and Analysis of Interpretasi data, Menguji hipotesis atau
Achievement Process hubungan sebab akibat
Steps 9 Recycle activity.
Steps 10: Analysis of the Inquiry Process
Analyze inquiry strategy and develop more
effective ones.

Menganalisis Sistematika kegiatan terhadap

capaian tujuan, analisis data berdasarkan teori dan
fakta, Menjelaskan hasil yang diperoleh melalui
hubungan sebab akibat.

Membuktikan Hipotesis melalui reka ulang,

Menganalisis tahapan-tahapan capaian dan
pembuktian hipotesis, mengembangkan informasi
(melalui Penyampaian kesimpulan)

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