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Department of Mechanical Engineering

Dated: 06 April 2020

Subject: WEC CoronaVirus Helpline for Students

1. As per the instructions of A/Vice Chancellor UW, a team named as “WEC

CoronaVirus Help Line” consists of the following two faculty members from
your Department is constituted.
S# Faculty Member Name Mobile Number
Mr. Manzar Masud 0334-4988844
Mr. Roman Kalvin 0345-5979377

2. The purpose of this team is to provide a centralized platform quickly accessible

by all the students to register their issues related to the current online education
3. The main objective is to listen to the issues, worries and complaints of the
students and provide quick and viable solutions to avoid panic and confusions in
the students regarding the online education system.
4. The students can send their issues through SMS/Whatsapp messages any time
from 0900hrs to 1500hrs.
5. However, For all type of issues reported by the students related to the online
education system, the above faculty members will respond daily during the
following time slot: 1100hrs to 1300hrs (Monday to Friday).
6. Dear students, we are doing our best to address and resolve your all your issues
so do not worry and do your best using the maximum of your available
resources in the current situation.

Team Members
WEC CoronaVirus Help Line

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