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Name : Bernika Erlania Ivada

Class : B
SRN : 18340042
Subject : Analysis of English Curriculum and Material Development

A. Objective Component
The 2013 curriculum aims to prepare Indonesian people to have the ability to live as
individuals and citizens who are faithful, productive, creative, innovative, and effective and
able to contribute to the life of the people, nation, state, and world civilization. Educational
objectives can be classified into 4 namely:

1. National Education Objectives

The goal of national education can be clearly seen in Law Number 20 Year 2003
concerning the National Education System, that "National education functions to develop
capabilities and shape the character and civilization of a nation with dignity in the context of
educating the life of the nation, aiming at developing the potential of students to become
humans who believe and fear God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable,
creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and responsible ".

2. Institutional Objectives
Institutional Goals are goals that must be achieved by every educational institution, as a
qualification that must be possessed by every student after completing or completing a
program at a particular educational institution. Institutional goals are also a reflection of the
expected standard of competence of graduates at each level of the education unit. Graduates'
competency standards are divided into three domains, namely the cognitive domain
(knowledge), affective (attitude), and psychomotor (skills).

3. Curricular Objectives
Curricular objectives are goals that must be achieved by each field of study or subject, as
a qualification that students must possess after completing a particular field of study at an
educational institution.

4. Instructional Objectives or Learning Objectives

The ability that students must possess after studying certain material in a particular field
of study in one meeting.
B. Component Contents
The contents of the curriculum program is everything that is given to students in teaching
and learning activities in order to achieve goals. The contents of the curriculum include the
types of subject areas taught and the content of the respective program areas of study. The
fields of study are tailored to the type, level and existing educational pathways.
Criteria that can help in curriculum design in determining curriculum content. The
criteria are different:
a. The contents of the curriculum must be appropriate, appropriate and meaningful for
student development.
b. The contents of the curriculum must reflect social reality.
c. The contents of the curriculum must contain scientific knowledge that has stood the
d. The contents of the curriculum contain clear learning material.
e. The contents of the curriculum can support the achievement of educational goals.

Teaching material is determined based on the objectives of the field of study, namely
instructional goals (Ladjid, 2005: 5). Based on the understanding of teaching materials above
that teaching material is a set of material that is arranged systematically so as to create an
environment / atmosphere that allows students to learn well. The form of teaching materials
can at least be grouped into four, namely:

1. Print Teaching Materials

Printed teaching materials can be displayed in various forms. Steffen Peter Ballstaedt
(1994) in Abdul Majid's book (2006: 175) argues that written material usually displays a
table of contents making it easier for teachers to show students which parts are being studied,
the costs for procurement are relatively small, motivating readers to carry out activities such
as marking , take notes and so on. The types of printed teaching materials, including:

a. Handout, written material prepared by a teacher. Handouts are usually taken from
some literature that has relevance to the material being taught.
b. Books, written material that presents science. A good book is a book that is written
using good language and is easy to understand, is presented with pictures and is
equipped with information.
c. Module, a written book with the aim that students can study independently. The
module contains at least all the basic components of teaching materials.
d. Student activity sheets, are sheets containing the assignments that students must do.
Student activity sheets usually contain steps and instructions for completing an
e. Brochure, is written information about a problem which is arranged in a systematic or
printed form which only consists of a few pages.
f. Leaflets, are printed materials in the form of sheets which are folded but not sewn. To
make it look attractive it is usually carefully designed and equipped with illustrations,
using simple and easy to understand language.
g. Wall chart, is printed material in the form of a cycle or process chart or graphic that
shows a certain position.
h. Photos / pictures, are teaching materials that can help students in understanding the
material. A good picture should contain information or data, have meaning and be
understood and used for the learning process (Majid, 2006: 175-179).

2. Hearing Material (Audio)

Hearing teaching material is one type of teaching material that is often used in the
learning process. The examples of teaching materials include, namely:

a. Cassettes / vinyl records / compact disks, are media that store sounds that can be
played repeatedly to students. Cassettes are usually used for learning languages or
b. Radio, is a listening media that is used as teaching material. Radio can be used as a
source of learning, for example listening to news broadcast live on an event (Majid,
2006: 179-180).

3. Hearing Instructional Materials (Audio Visual)

In addition to printed and heard teaching materials, there are also teaching materials in
audio visual form, such as videos or films and people or speakers.

a. Video, is a tool in the learning process. Generally the videos have been made in a
complete design, so that at the end of each video the students can master more than
one basic competency.
b. People, are learning resources that are seen and heard, because with it someone can
learn. For example, people with certain skills are used as learning resources, but their
application must be combined with written material (Majid, 2006: 180-181).
C. Component Method or Strategy
Components of the method include plans, methods, and tools planned to achieve certain
goals. In this 2013 curriculum, educators have room to develop creative and innovative
learning methods in delivering subjects that enable students to carry out their learning
processes actively, creatively and pleasantly, with high effectiveness. The selection or
making of a method or strategy in carrying out the curriculum that has been made must be in
accordance with the material to be provided and the objectives to be achieved.

D. Evaluation Component
Evaluation of learning outcomes is the overall measurement and collection of data and
information, processing, interpretation, and consideration for making decisions about the
level of learning outcomes to be achieved by students after carrying out learning activities in
an effort to achieve predetermined learning goals. Learning outcomes refer to learning
achievement, whereas learning achievement is an indicator of the existence and degree of
change in student behavior. General requirements for evaluation are that the assessment that
must be carried out must meet the following requirements or criteria:

a. Having validity, it means that evaluation must really measure what is being measured.
b. Having reability, shows the permanence of the results. In other words, the person who
will be tested will get the same score if tested again with the same test equipment
c. Efficiency, an evaluation tool as much as possible is used without wasting much time
and money.
d. For use or practicality, evaluation tools must be useful. Namely to obtain information
about students.

Evaluation as a tool to see success can be grouped into two types, namely test and non-
test :
a. Test
The test must have two criteria, namely the criteria of validity and reliability. The
types of tests consist of tests of learning outcomes which can be divided into several types.
Based on the number of participants, the learning achievement test can be divided into group
tests and individual tests. Judging from the way they are compiled, tests can also be divided
into teacher-made tests and standardized tests.
b. Non-test
Non test is an evaluation tool used to assess aspects of behavior including attitudes,
interests and motivation. There are several types of non-test as evaluation tools, including
observation interviews, case studies, rating scales.

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