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Internship Journal – 05

Time Period: 5th Week (15rd-18th March)

Work Done

I was brought to the General Banking again and was assigned in the Voucher Department where
all the register books are kept. These books contain:
a) Employee attendances.
b) List of the expenses made by the bank of every week.
c) If an employee needs to take a vacation, he/she must apply in this voucher section.
Learning and Achievements
While working in this department, I have learned that:
a) All the employees must come in at 10.00am into the bank. After that, they must use Thumbs
up for biometric attendance. Failing to do so, the employee will be marked as a Late Comer.
Three Late marks shall make the employee absent. At the end of the day, the attendance list
sends to the manager of the branch. Then he checks who was coming late for several days.
b) A record of the weekly purchase is noted. The products bought are kept in the store room.
Whoever needs and takes out anything from there, must sign with his/her name before getting
that out.
c) Except for any sudden situation, like accidents, or sickness, all the other vacation applications
must be made within One week before the desired date.

d) All the processes mentioned above are done by me. I have verified the certificates, money
receipts, etc. accordingly.

Observations/ Reflections.

a) All the procedures are strictly maintained in this section.

b) The documents are reviewed every day also at the end of the week.
c) The purchase documents are issued in the current week for any sort of purchases in the
upcoming week.
d) The In-charge of the department verifies all the documents personally at the end of every day.

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