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Internship Journal – 04

Time Period: 4th Week (8th-11th March)

Work Done
Transaction Profile:
It’s a profile of an account holder which has all the information regarding
His/her transaction, how many and how much transactions can be made in a month, and how
much transaction can be made in a single deposition and withdrawals?
Maintaining this profile was not mandatory in Bangladesh before. It has been introduced few
years back but was not strictly maintained if there was any transaction made by an account
holder. Bangladesh Bank has made it mandatory to execute and follow the transaction profile
while an Account holder makes a transaction of any sort. Due to this, many customers have faced
difficulties while making any transaction. To handle these customers, I was brought back to the
accounts department from the Card Division to help out and assist the Executive Officers.

a) The editing process of the Transaction Profile has two parts. Account holders are to fill up a
Form according to the kind of transaction they will be making in the future and those data are
Then entered into the bank computer database.

b) Transaction Profile has two parts: Withdraw and Deposit. Each of these two has four other
Sections: Cash Transaction, Cheque Transaction, Online Transaction, and Balance Transfer
From account to another.

Learning and Achievements

While working with the Executive officers, I have taught that only the account holder(s) hi
s/herself is allowed to make changes in their transaction profile. Because it is mandatory to
verify their signatures before making any changes in the profile.

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