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Europaisches Patentamt

(19) European Patent Office

Office europeen
peen des brevets
brevets EP 0 657 466 B1


(45) Date of publication and mention (51) intci.6: C07K 1/113, C12N 9/64,
of the grant of the patent: B01D 61/14, C07B 6 3 / 0 0
15.01.1997 Bulletin 1997/03

(21) Application number: 94307839.4

(22) Date of filing: 25.10.1994

(54) A process for refolding of (pro-)chymosin, comprising recycling of urea

Prozess zur Ruckfaltung von (pro-)Chymosin, unter Ruckfuhrung von Harnstoff
Procede pour le repliementdu (pro-)chymosin, comprenant le recyclage de I'uree

(84) Designated Contracting States: • Stober, Stanley R.

AT BE CH DE DK ES FR GB GR IE IT LI LU NL PT Gales Ferry, Connecticut 06335 (US)
(74) Representative: Moore, James William, Dr.
(30) Priority: 10.11.1993 US 150632 Pfizer Limited
Ramsgate Road
(43) Date of publication of application: Sandwich Kent CT13 9NJ (GB)
14.06.1995 Bulletin 1995/24
(56) References cited:
(73) Proprietor: PFIZER INC. DD-A- 146 751
New York, N.Y. 10017 (US)
• HERMANN, R. 'Protein Folding' 1993 , THE
• Crawford, James G. ISBN 90-9006173-8, PAGES 1-6 AND 77-79
Terre Haute, Indiana 47802 (US)


CO Note: Within nine months from the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent, any person may give
notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to the European patent granted. Notice of opposition shall be filed in
a written reasoned statement. It shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art.
99(1) European Patent Convention).
Printed byJouve, 75001 PARIS(FR)
1 EP 0 657 466 B1 2

Description preparation of chymosin or prochymosin in which

an insoluble form of said chymosin or prochymosin is
TECHNICAL FIELD OF THE INVENTION produced by E. Coli having a gene coding for said chy-
mosin or prochymosin wherein said insoluble form is
This invention relates to a process for the recycling 5 solubilized by reversibly denaturing said insoluble form
of denaturing or solubilizing agents known as chao- with urea to produce a soluble form of said chymosin or
tropes which are used to solubilize inclusion bodies or prochymosin, and removing said urea and allowing said
insoluble proteins obtained from bacteria using recom- solubilized form to renature thereby producing the sol-
binant DNA biotechnology. uble native form of said chymosin or prochymosin,
10 wherein the improvement comprises:
a) removing at least 50% of said urea from said sol-
Purification schemes for proteins produced by re- ubilized denatured form of said chymosin or prochy-
combinant technology usually involve isolation of insol- mosin by passing said urea through an ultrafiltration
uble heterologous proteins, also known as inclusion is membrane; and
bodies, followed by denaturation and solvation and sub- b) adding said urea removed in step a) to supply an
sequent renaturation to obtain the biologically active effective denaturing amount of urea to an additional
protein. Denaturation is often accomplished by treat- quantity of said insoluble form of an additional quan-
ment with concentrated solutions of solubilizing agents tity of said chymosin or prochymosin to produce
known as chaotropes; renaturation into the biologically 20 said soluble form of said chymosin or prochymosin;
active form of the protein occurs spontaneously when and periodically cleaning said membrane by:
the chaotrope is removed or diluted. c) flushing the system at a high flow rate of at least
U.S. Patent No. 5,082,775 describes a process for three holdup volumes of pH 10.3- 10.5 dilution buff-
chymosin production which includes the steps of solu- er;
bilization of inclusion bodies with 8M urea, dilution with 25 d) flushing at a high flow rate with at least 3 holdup
an alkaline pH buffer and subsequent neutralization volumes of 50°-54°C deionized water;
which results in rapid renaturation. e) repeating step d) maintaining the pH at 9.5-11 .0;
International Patent No. WO 83/04418 describes a f) adding sodium hypochlorite solution to a free
process for producing chymosin in which the insoluble chlorine level of 180-200 ppm;
form of the chymosin precursor is reversibly denatured 30 g) recirculating said hypochlorite solution for 20 to
with 7M urea or 6M guanidine hydrochloride. The urea 60 minutes; and
or guanidine hydrochloride is then removed by dialysis h) flushing with deionized water until said chlorine
after which the protein returns to a conformation capable level is less than 0.15ppm.
of being converted to active chymosin.
Both of the above procedures when adapted to a 35 The process of this invention may be used in a con-
commercial processes produce a dilute urea waste so- ventional batch process and is easily adaptable to use
lution which results in a difficult and expensive disposal in a continuous process such as described in United
problem. States Patent No. 4,999,422.
U.S. Patent No. 5,202,239 discusses solubilization
of inclusion bodies containing atrial natriuretic peptide 40 DETA LED DESCR PT ON OF THE NVENT ON
(ANP) with 6M urea. The purified fusion protein was
shown to contain proteolytic enzymes from E. coli. Recombinant DNA procedures have created spe-
These were cleared by contact with immobilized staph cial problems in the purification of certain proteins from
V8. ANP was separated from the high molecular weight cell extracts and particularly in recovering such proteins
cleavage products by ultrafiltration over an Amicon 45 in useable forms. These recent developments in recom-
YM1 0 membrane with a 10,000 molecular weight cut off. binant DNA procedures allow the synthesis of foreign
In addition to ANP, the filtrate stream contained the N- proteins in host microorganisms, such as bacterial,
terminal peptide and urea from the cleavage reaction. yeast and animal cells. This is accomplished by trans-
ANP was separated by cation exchange chromatogra- forming a host cell with a DNA sequence coding for the
phy or gel filtration chromatography. This reference also 50 expression of a foreign protein. When the level of ex-
describes a number of other peptide substances which pression of the DNA sequence in a transformed host cell
are formed as fusion proteins and must undergo a sol- is high, a large amount of the foreign protein is produced
ubilization step during processing. These include uro- within the host cell. Typically the cell sequesters most
gastrone, proinsulin, and epidermal growth factor. of these foreign proteins in inclusion bodies within the
cytoplasm of the cell. The proteins sequestered in this
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION manner are in the form of insoluble protein aggregates
primarily composed of many monomers of the foreign
This invention provides an improved process for the protein bound together, typically through hydrophobic

3 EP 0 657 466 B1 4

interactions. In this insoluble, aggregate form, the pro- mixing the solubilized protein solution with a diluent in
tein is typically not in its preferred biologically active con- a amount necessary to reach the optimal level of dilu-
formation such that the protein is capable of effecting its tion. This dilution method is known as a "batch" dilution,
intended in vivo physiological responses. drawing its name from the procedure of adding the dilu-
Thus, purification of the protein in a biologically ac- 5 ent in one operation to the solubilized protein solution.
tive form from the insoluble aggregates requires a Utilization of this batch method for refolding a solubilized
means of solubilizing the protein aggregates in such a protein has several disadvantages which are magnified
way to preserve, or to enable ultimate recovery of, the when the refolding is carried out with the large volumes
protein in a biologically active conformation. used in commercial scale purification procedures.
The initial step in recovering the inclusion body con- 10 Because a solubilized protein solution generally
tained proteins from transformed cells generally in- has to be diluted with many times its volume of diluent
volves breakage of the cells through a combination of to achieve at least some degree of refolding, the total
enzyme treatment and mechanical disruption to release volumes being handled at once in commercial protein
the inclusion bodies. Because the protein aggregates purification methods can be very large. This process re-
contained in the inclusion bodies are insoluble, centrif- 's suits in large volumes of dilute chaotrope solution which
ugation of the resulting cellular material produces a pel- present a serious waste disposal problem.
let containing a significant amount of the foreign protein, For example, approximately 5-8M urea is required
still in the form of insoluble aggregates. The pellet also to solubilize the inclusion bodies (IB) containing the de-
contains lipids, lipopolysaccharides and traces of nucle- sired protein produced by bacteria. This solution must
ic acids. 20 be diluted by 30-50 fold to allow renaturation to occur.
The next step typically used to recover the protein The resulting large volume of dilute urea presents a sig-
is to "solubilize" the insoluble protein aggregates. This nificant challenge to a waste treatment facility as the vol-
may be accomplished by treating the membrane pellet ume of the product increases.
with a strong chaotrope, e.g., guanidine hydrochloride, There has been a long felt need for a process to
to denature and dissolve the protein. "Solubilization" 25 recycle a concentrated solution of chaotrope such as
may also be effected using less stringent chaotropes, e. urea which is used to solubilize inclusion bodies or in-
g., urea that "solubilize" but do not completely denature soluble proteins obtained from bacteria or other cells us-
the desired protein. See e.g., U.S. Pat. No. 4,652,630. ing recombinant DNA technology.
The worker of ordinary skill will understand how to select We have found that a concentrated chaotrope so-
a suitable chaotrope for his particular process. so
30 lution may be separated from the above-described pro-
Solubilizing agents or chaotropes disrupt the pro- tein by ultrafiltration and subsequently recycled in a
tein's conformation factors and "unfold" the protein to a batch or continuous process. For example, urea, with a
degree that depends on the strength of the solubilizing molecular weight of 60 is very small compared to the
agent. The greater the extent of the unfolding, the less desired protein; the ultrafiltration membrane must be
degree of biological activity the protein likely displays. 35 chosen with a molecular weight cut off (MWCO) which
The resulting solubilized protein solution obtained after is larger than urea and smaller than the protein. The
one or more of the above-described "solubilizations", membrane must be stable at high pH, about 10-11 for
thus comprises the foreign protein in some stage of un- the prochymosin process described herein below. The
folding, depending on the particular solubilizing treat- worker of ordinary skill will be able to select an ultrafil-
ment employed. To obtain a biologically active confor- 40 tration membrane which is suited to his particular proc-
mation of the desired protein, it must thus be "refolded". ess.
The solubilized protein solution also contains other sol-
uble or solubilized phospholipids, lipopolysaccharides, SUMMARY OF PROCHYMOSIN PROCESS WITH
proteins, and nucleic acids from the inclusion body and UREA RECYCLE
insoluble cellular debris. These must, of course, be re- 45
moved either before or after refolding of the foreign pro- Prochymosin inclusion bodies (IB) are dissolved in
tein. a 5 to 8M urea solution and then adjusted to an alkaline
Atypical refolding method used to refold solubilized pH to promote denaturation of the protein. The dena-
proteins involves diluting out the solubilizing agent with tured solution is then concentrated via recirculation of
a large volume of diluent, generally a buffer. When the so the material to an ultrafiltration (UF) system. The small
concentration of solubilizing agent is reduced to a dilu- molecules (urea and water) pass to the permeate. The
tion level where the protein's conformation factors begin permeate then is utilized to supply urea to dissolve IB's
to reassert themselves, the protein spontaneously re- in a subsequent prochymosin dissolution batch. The UF
folds into a soluble, biologically active conformation. De- membranes are cleaned after every batch via a hot wa-
pending on the protein, once this 'optimal dilution level" 55 ter flush, a recirculation hot water alkaline pH wash, a
is reached, refolding begins to occur within seconds or recirculating hot bleach high pH wash, and several more
may take several minutes or longer. water flushes.
Typically, the dilution is carried out in one step by

5 EP 0 657 466 B1 6

MEMBRANE SELECTION faces. To effectively remove this material from the U/F
system and not lose the associated product, the system
In studies with prochymosin, MW about 40,000, the is flushed at high flow rate (350 gpm in a 1900 ft2 sys-
following membranes were investigated for the recycle tem) with at least three holdup volumes (a total of about
of the chaotrope urea. 5 180 gallons) of pH 10.4 dilution buffer. This flush is di-
rected from the CIP (clean in place) tank through the U/
Koch/Abcor F system to the associated dissolution tank and then to
the renaturation tank.
HFK-131-VSV; 10,000 MWCO, polysulfone It is important to remove as much of the product at
10 nearly instantaneous dilution rates to achieve the best
4 inch spiral renaturation yield possible. A slow dilution causes ex-
2 inch spiral treme and rapid loss of enzyme activity. Also, adequate
flushing is important prior to starting the cleaning cycle
HFK-131-VSV XL-1000, 10,000 MWCO, polysul- since the consumption of chemical cleaning agents is
fone is very much a function of how well the system is flushed.
4 inch spiral The next flush is made with hot 50-54°C deionized water
MSD-328-VS V; 5,000 MWCO, polysulfone (DIW) to the waste treatment facility. At least three hold-
4 inch spiral up volumes are recommended again at the high flow
Millipore PTGC; 10,000 MWCO, polysulfone rate. The conductivity of the effluent from this flush
2 inch spiral 20 should approach the conductivity of the feed DIW. Next
Millipore PLGC; 10,000 MWCO. celluloric the CIP tank is filled with 50-54°C DIW. Recirculation of
2 inch spiral this hot DIW is initiated and the pH is adjusted to 10.5
Millipore PTTK; 30,000 MWCO, polysulfone with sodium hydroxide. The system is recirculated (re-
2 inch spiral tentate and permeate recycled to the CI P tank) for about
IWT Membralox P1 9-40-200A-Z-E; 20,000 MWCO, 25 20 minutes while maintaining temperature and pH and
ceramic zirconium oxide membrane then the system is drained to waste treatment.
The system is then refilled with 50-54°C DIW and
The preferred membrane for prochymosin is Koch/ again the pH is adjusted to 10.5 with sodium hydroxide
Abcor HFK-131-VSV, 10,000 MWCO, polysulfone, 4 while the system is recirculating through the U/F. Once
inch spiral (Koch Membrane Systems, Inc., 850 Main 30 the pH and temperature have stabilized, bleach is added
Street, Wilmington, MA 01887). A worker of ordinary until a free chlorine level of 180-200 ppm is reached.
skill enabled by this disclosure would be able to select Typical bleach consumption is estimated at 20 gallons
a membrane for his or her particular system based on of 5% bleach for each cleaning of a 1900 Ft2 commercial
considerations such as chaotrope flux, retention of the system. Higher bleach concentrations and better flush-
protein and a repeatable and practical membrane clean- es ing will reduce the volume of bleach consumed. The
ing procedure. bleach is added in increments and monitored by meas-
In the prochymosin process, the ultrafiltration (U/F) uring the free chlorine level. The free chlorine will be
feed contains about 1% suspended solids. This is a low consumed as it oxidizes the gel layer on the membrane
enough solid content to permit use of spiral U/F systems surface and the free chlorine level will drop. The pH will
which offer the advantage of packing the greatest mem- 40 also drop during the first few bleach additions. When the
brane surface area into the least holdup volume. The pH does not drop during the bleach addition, it is a good
spiral design and resultant high membrane area to hold- indicator that the membrane is nearly clean. The liquid
up volume ratio facilitates a higher batch concentration in the CIP tank will become clearer (turbidity will de-
factor which is an important design issue. crease) when the membranes are clean. The flux rate
45 on DIW will increase dramatically during the bleach
MEMBRANE CLEANING treatment and approach flux rates of 80-100 GFD at
TMP of 42.5 psig at 50-55C. The bleach is recirculated
An inclusion body (IB) dissolution stream potentially for a minimum of 20 minutes and a maximum of 60 min-
causes severe and rapid (20-50 minutes) membrane utes. Membrane life is adversely effected by free chlo-
fouling which is cumulative from run to run without prop- 50 rine levels above 200ppm and pH greater than 11 and
er cleaning. With the prochymosin batch process, the temperature greater than 57C. The length of time at any
maximum run time was 60 minutes before cleaning was of these conditions should be tightly monitored and con-
required. trolled. Once the membranes are clean, the bleach so-
At the end of the batch concentration run, the con- lution is drained to waste treatment. The system is then
centrate is drained and pumped from the U/F system to 55 flushed with at least three holdup volumes of 50-54C
the renaturation dilution tank. About 10-1 5 % of the con- DIW until a free chlorine level of less than .15 ppm is
centrate typically remains behind in the U/F system and measured. The CIP tank is then filled with ambient tem-
recycle tank adhering to the membrane and piping sur- perature DIW and the system recirculated. This cools

7 EP 0 657 466 B1 8

the system down prior to filling with the next batch of ate via gravity flow with the concentrate. Retention time
feed stock and allows for the checking of the DIW flux did not exceed 75 minutes. Twelve pilot concentration
which is used to benchmark the effectiveness of the runs and eleven cleaning runs were made to evaluate
cleaning cycle. The system is drained of all DIW just be- the flux and retention capabilities of the HFK-131-VSV
fore introducing the next feed stock. It is very important 5 10,000 MWCO Koch/Abcor polysulfone membrane. Slip
that as much water be drained from the system as pos- stream runs demonstrated a repeatable membrane
sible just prior to filling the system with feed, since the cleaning process and that a centrifugal pump can be
membrane must be kept wet and the water balance on used in this application with concentration factors as
the urea recycle process constrains the amount of per- high as 3.3X.
meate that can be recycled. 10
To 3343 gms of recycle permeate that has a density
A. PRODUCTION OF PROCHYMOSIN INCLUSION of about 1.116 and a urea concentration of about 7.3M
BODIES is was added 5.8 gms of solid disodium phosphate fol-
lowed by 1100 gms of solid urea. The mixture was heat-
The preparation of prochymosin from genetically ed at 23°C to dissolve the solid urea in the permeate.
modified bacteria is well known in the art. See, for ex- This generated a saturated solution of about 10.4 M
ample International Patent WO 83/04418, and United urea with a density of 1. 157-1 .159 at 23°C. Running with
States Patent No. 4,977,248. 20 a saturated liquid urea feed to the 18 dissolution is a
Briefly, E. coli is grown in a liquid nutrient medium, good way to control the urea concentration from batch
then pelleted by centrifugation. The pelleted cells are to batch. To 1793 gms of undiluted IB's was added the
resuspended in a small volume of buffer and burst open, 10.4 M liquid urea batch prepared above. The mixture
releasing the prochymosin in the form of densely packed was stirred at 20°C for 90 minutes until all IB's were dis-
insoluble aggregates (IB's). The aggregates are recov- 25 solved. Caustic was then added to increase the pH to
ered by a second centrifugation step, while most of the 10.3-10.7. (A slightly higher pH range 10.3-10.7 is rec-
rest of the cellular protein and debris remain in suspen- ommended to improve yield.) This procedure generates
sion. The prochymosin is thus rapidly purified from the a dissolution with a volume of about 5.5 L that has a
bulk of cellular material. The aggregates may be treated density of 1. 129. This material is then fed to the U/F sys-
with acid to kill residual cells and to degrade residual 30 tern and concentrated by a factor of 2.5-3.5. The overall
DNA. The prochymosin aggregates are then solubilized average yield of prochymosin for ten iterations was
by denaturation in an alkaline urea solution. 93.9%.


UNIT 35 Claims

To 1793 grams of undiluted inclusion body suspen- 1. An improved process for the preparation of chy-
sion (IB) were added 4440 g of a 10. 4M urea solution mosin or prochymosin in which an insoluble form of
containing 5.8 g of disodium phosphate. This solution is said chymosin or prochymosin is produced by E.
saturated with respect to urea and has a density of 40 Coli having a gene coding for said chymosin or pro-
1. 155-1 . 159 at 23°C. The above suspension was stirred chymosin wherein said insoluble form is solubilized
for 90 minutes or until all IB's dissolved. Caustic was by reversibly denaturing said insoluble form with
then added to increase the pH to 10.3-10.7. This proce- urea to produce a soluble form of said chymosin or
dure produces a volume of about 5.5 I with a density of prochymosin, and removing said urea and allowing
1. 129. This liquid is fed to the U/F system and concen- 45 said solubilized form to renature thereby producing
trated by a factor of 2.5-3.5. the soluble native form of said chymosin or prochy-
mosin, wherein the improvement comprises:
a) removing at least 50% of said urea from said
Flux and yield data were obtained on a Koch/Abcor so solubilized denatured form of said chymosin or
pilot plant U/F unit that was connected to the discharge prochymosin by passing said urea through an
line of the IB dissolution tank. The pilot plant consisted ultrafiltration membrane; and
of a centrifugal pump capable of delivering a flow of 35 b) adding said urea removed in step a) to supply
gpm at 64 psig on plant water, a 250 L. recycle tank, and an effective denaturing amount of urea to an
two standard Koch/Abcor four inch diameter spiral hous- 55 additional quantity of said insoluble form of an
ings connected in series. A 200 L permeate surge tank additional quantity of said chymosin or prochy-
was positioned above the pilot unit to allow for collection mosin to produce said soluble form of said chy-
of the permeate and easy recombination of the perme- mosin or prochymosin; and periodically clean-

9 EP 0 657 466 B1 10

ing said membrane by: h) Spulen mit desionisiertem Wasser, bis der
c) flushing the system at a high flow rate of at Chlorgehalt weniger als 0,15 ppm betragt.
least three holdup volumes of pH 10.3 - 10.5
dilution buffer;
d) flushing at a high flow rate with at least 3 s Revendications
holdup volumes of 50°-54°C deionized water;
e) repeating step d) maintaining the pH at 1. Procede perfectionne pour la preparation de chy-
9.5-11.0; mosine ou de prochymosine, dans lequel une forme
f) adding sodium hypochlorite solution to a free insoluble de ladite chymosine ou prochymosine est
chlorine level of 180-200 ppm; 10 produite par une E. coli ayant un gene codant pour
g) recirculating said hypochlorite solution for 20 ladite chymosine ou prochymosine, procede dans
to 60 minutes; and lequel ladite forme insoluble est solubilisee en de-
h) flushing with deionized water until said chlo- naturant de maniere reversible ladite forme insolu-
rine level is less than 0.15ppm. ble avec de I'uree pour produire une forme soluble
15 de ladite chymosine ou prochymosine, en eliminant
I'uree et en laissant ladite forme solubilisee subir
Patentanspriiche une renaturation en produisant ainsi la forme natu-
relle soluble de ladite chymosine ou prochymosine,
1. Verbessertes Verfahren zur Herstellung von Chy- le perfectionnement consistant :
mosin oder Prochymosin, wobei eine unlosliche 20
Form des Chymosins oder Prochymosins durch E. a) a eliminer au moins 50 % de I'uree de ladite
coli, das ein fur das Chymosin oder Prochymosin forme denaturee solubilisee de ladite chymosi-
codierendes Gen aufweist, erzeugt wird, die unlos- me ou prochymosine en faisant passer ladite
liche Form durch reversible Denaturierung der un- uree a travers une membrane d'ultrafiltration ;
loslichen Form mit Harnstoff zu einer loslichen Form 25 et
des Chymosins oder Prochymosins solubilisiert b) a ajouter ladite uree eliminee dans I'etape a)
wird, und der Harnstoff entfernt und die solubilisier- pour fournir une quantite denaturante efficace
te Form zur Renaturierung belassen wird unter Her- d'uree a une quantite supplemental de ladite
stellung der loslichen nativen Form des Chymosins forme insoluble d'une quantite supplemental
oder Prochymosins, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dal3 30 de ladite chymosine ou prochymosine pour pro-
es umfaBt: duire ladite forme soluble de ladite chymosine
ou prochymosine ; et a nettoyer periodique-
a) Entfernen von mindestens 50% des Harn- ment ladite membrane :
stoffs aus der solubilisierten denaturierten c) en balayant le systeme a un debit eleve d'au
Form des Chymosins oder Prochymosins 35 moins trois volumes de charge de tampon de
durch Leiten des Harnstoffs durch eine Ultrafil- dilution a un pH de 10,3 a 10,5 ;
trationsmembran und d) en effectuant un balayage a un debit eleve
b) Zugabe des in Schritt a) entfernten Harn- avec au moins trois volumes de charge d'eau
stoffs unter Zufuhrung einer wirksam denatu- desionisee a une temperature de 50° a 54°C ;
rierenden Harnstoffmenge zu einer weiteren 40 e) en repetant I'etape d) en maintenant le pH
Mengeder unloslichen Form einerzusatzlichen dans I'intervalle de 9,5 a 11 ,0 ;
Menge des Chymosins oder Prochymosins zur f) en ajoutant une solution d'hypochlorite de so-
Herstellung der loslichen Form des Chymosins dium a une teneur en chlore libre de 180 a 200
oder Prochymosins, und periodische Reini- ppm ;
gung der Membran durch: 45 g) en faisant recirculer ladite solution d'hypo-
c) Spulen des Systems mit einer hohen chlorite pendant un temps de 20 a 60 minutes ;
FlieBgeschwindigkeit von mindestens drei In- et
haltsvolumina Verdunnungspuffer von pH 10,3 h) en effectuant un balayage avec de I'eau de-
- 10,5; sionisee jusqu'a ce que ladite teneur en chlore
d) Spulen bei einer hohen FlieBgeschwindig- so soit inferieure a 0,15 ppm.
keit mit mindestens 3 Inhaltsvolumina desioni-
siertem Wasser von 50°-54°C;
e) Wiederholen von Schritt d) unter Halten des
pH-Werts bei 9,5-11,0;
f) Zugabe von Natriumhypochloritlosung mit ei- 55
nem Gehalt an freiem Chlor von 180-200 ppm;
g) Rezirkulation der Hypochloritlosung fur 20
bis 60 min und

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