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Instructions: Answer all questions
1. Reaction represented by the equation MnO 4- +5e- Mn 2+ is known as A.
Hydrolysis B. Oxidation C. Reduction D. Fermentation
2. The reaction represented by the equation NaOH(aq)+ HCl(aq) NaCl + H2O is an
A. double decomposition reaction B. Is a neutralization reaction C. Is reversible D. Is
usually catalyzed
3. Which of the following does NOT affect the rate of a chemical reaction? A.
Concentration of the reactants B. Addition or presence of a catalyst C. size of the reacting
particles D. The enthalpy changes for the reaction
4. Given that 32.0g of sulphur contains 6.02 x 1023 sulphur atoms, how many atoms are
there in 2.70g of aluminum? A. 6.02 x 1023 3.01 x 1023 C. 6.02 x 1022 D. 5.08 x 1022
5. A salt which has loses mass when exposed to air is A. Hygroscopic B. Deliquescent C.
Efflorescent D. Fluorescent
6. The following are heavy chemicals EXCEPT A. tetraoxosulphate(vi) acid B. Soda C.
Sodium trioxocarbonate(iv) D. Dyes
7. Which of the following correctly explains why iodine crystals change directly into the
gaseous state when heated? A. Iodine crystals sublime B. Iodine atoms are held together
by strong forces C. Iodine molecules are held together by strong forces C. Iodine
molecules are held together by weak forces D. Iodine molecules are covalent
8. The major raw material in the plastic industry is A. Ethanol B. Sulphur C.
Methylethanoate D. Ethene
9. When an element can exist in two or more forms in the same physical state, the element
is said to exhibit A. Isotopy B. Isomerism C. Allotropy D. Hygroscopy
10. What is the concentration, in moldm-2, of a solution containing 0.10g of sodium
hydroxide per 50cm3 of solution? A. 0.05 B. 0.1 C. 0.5 D. 2
11. The following are s-block elements EXCEPT A. Lithium B. Magnesium C.
Aluminum D. Barium
12. The electronic configurations of two atoms X and Y are as follows;
13. X: 1S2 2S2 2P6 351, Y; 1S22S2 2P6 3S2 3P6 4S2. Which of the statements below is true of
the position of X and Y in the periodic table?
A. X belongs to group 1, Y belongs to period 2
B. X belongs to group 1, Y belongs to period 4.
C. X belongs to group 2, Y belongs to period 1
D. X belongs to group 3, Y belongs to period 2
14. The oxidation number of chloride is +1 in A. KClO3 B. Cl2O7 C. B. ZnCl2 D. NaClO
15. Which of the following separation is routinely applied in the petroleum industry A.
Filtration B. Chromatography C. Evaporation D. Fractional distillation
16. What does X stand for in the following expression? X = -log10 [H+]
A. Enthalpy change, H B. Equilibrium constant, K C. Solubility product D. Degree of
acidity, pH
17. Which of the following indicates correctly the increasing order of oxidizing power of the
halogens? A. F<Cl<Br<I B. I<Br<Cl<F C. I<Cl<Br<F D. Br<I<Cl<F
18. Which of the following compounds has the highest ionic character? A. KCl (s) B.
BeCl2(s) C. HCl(g) D. AlCl3(s)
19. What is the percentage by mass of copper in copper (i) oxide A. 88.9% B. 80.0% C.
66.7% D. 20.0%
20. A weak acid is one which A. Is not corrosive B. Is slightly ionized in water C. Does not
produce salts with alkalis D. Does not conduct an electric current in aqueous solution
21. Alums are classified as A. Simple salts B. Acid salts C. Anhydrous salts D. Basic salts
22. Which of the following oxides is amphoteric? A. Na2O B. Fe2O3 C. Al2O3 D. CaO
23. When an atom gains an electron, it becomes A. Chemically inactive B. Negatively
charged C. Oxidized D. A cation
24. The rate of production of hydrogen gas from the reaction between zinc granules and
hydrochloric acid can be increased by A. Cooling the reaction mixture B. Using zinc
powder instead of zinc granules C. Using Zinc rod instead of Zinc granules D. carrying
out the reaction at a higher pressure

25. What is the role of MnO2 in the reaction represented by the following equation? MnO 2 +
4HCl A. Bleaching agent B. Reducing agent C. Catalyst D. Oxidizing agent
26. The following are properties of transition metals EXCEPT A. Variable oxidation states
B. tendency to form complex ions C. low melting points D. Ability to act as catalyst
27. The major air pollutants that can result from smoky vehicles include I. Acid fumes
Hydrogen sulphide III. Carbon (ii) oxide IV. Carbon particles A. I, II, III, IV B. I, II
only C. I and IV only D. II, III, IV only
28. The phenomenon observed when dust particles collide randomly in a beam of sunlight is
known as A. Tyndal effect B. Diffusion C. Osmosis D. Brownian movement
29. A given volume of methane diffuses in 20 seconds. How long will it take the same
volume of sulphur (iv) oxide to diffuse under the same conditions? A. 5 seconds B. 20
seconds C. 40 seconds D. 60 seconds
30. These are factors affecting the rate of chemical reactions EXCEPT A. Surface area B.
Catalyst C. Nature of reactants D. Equilibrium position
31. Factors which can contribute to environmental pollution include Overpopulation II.
Chemical warfare III. Agricultural activities IV. Industrialization A. I, II only B. II, III
only C. III, IV only D. I, II, III IV
32. Which of the following contains the highest number of electrons in the outermost shell?
A. O B. Ne C. P D. K
33. Pauli’s exclusion principle is related to A. Quantum numbers of electrons B. Reversibility
of equilibrium reactions C. Electronegative values of elements D. Collision theory of
reaction rates
34. Which of the following properties increases dawn a group in the periodic table? A.
Atomic radius B. Electronegativity C. Electron affinity D. Limization energy
35. In the periodic table, elements that lose electrons most readily belong to A. Group 1A
Group IIA C. Group IIIA D. Group IIIA
36. The type of chemical bond that exist between potassium and oxygen in potassium oxide
is A. Ionic B. Metallic C. Covalent D. Dative
37. What is the value of Cr in the following equation Cr2O72- A.+1 B. +6 C. +8 D. 12
38. Which of the following procedures is suitable for identifying the food colourng added to
a pastry sample? A. carry out some food tests B. Examine the pastry sample under a
microsocope C. Do a chromatogram of the colouring extract D. Determine the molar
mass of the colouring
39. Which of the following statement about idea gases is/are correct? I. The cohesive forces
between their particles are negligible. II. They have no definite volume, but occupy the
volume of their containers They are not compressible IV. Their particles collide with
loss of energy A. I only B. I and II only C. I, II and III only D. I, II, III, IV
40. What is the oxidation number of nitrogen in Al (NO3)3? +1 B. +3 C.+5 D. +6
41. What is oxidized in the reaction represented by the following equation?
3Cu+8HNO3 3Cu(NO3)2 + 2NO + 4H2O A. Oxygen B. Hydrogen C. Nitrogen D.
42. Which of the following establishments uses the process of fermentation in its operation?
A. Fertilizer A. Textile industry C. Brewery D. Soap manufacturing industry
43. The relative molecular mass of an element is NOT a whole number; it can be deduced tat
the element is A. naturally radioactive B. Abundant in nature C. A transition metal D.
An isotopic mixture
44. Calculate the mass of sodium hydroxide in 5.00dm 3 of a 0.125mol dm-3 Solution A.
0.0156g 0.625g C. 1.00g D. 25.0g
45. One of the methods used for combating air pollution is A. Burning of solid waste B.
Provision of sanitary landfills C. Legislation against some industrial practices D.
Scavenging of refuse dumps
46. Which of the electrons in the following orbital will experience the gratest nuclear
attraction? A. 1s electron of helium B. 1s electron of potassium C. 2s electron of
boron D. 2s electron of carbon
47. An element Q forms a compound QCl s. In which group of periodic table is Q? A. I B. II
48. Which of the following arrangements is in order of increasing ionization energy? AI, Si,
P.S B. Si, Al,s P C. S, P, Si, Al D. P, Si, S, Al
49. What is the percentage by weight of calcium in CaCoCl 2? A. 28.0% B. 31.6% C. 43.8%
D. 44.5%
50. A catalyst increases the rate of chemical reaction by A. Decreasing the temperature of the
reaction B. Decreasing the activation energy of the reaction C. Increasing the surface
area of the rectants D. Decreasing the surface area o the products.
51. Which of the following oxides of Nitrogen has oxidation number of +1 A. KNO 3 B.
N2O C. N2O2 D. NO

Instructions: Question 1, 5 and 7 are compulsory and any other two

1. (ai) State the Periodic law

(ii) Explain the basis in which element are arranged in the periodic table
(iii) Hydrogen can be placed in group I or VII, explain
(bi) Write the electronic configuration of the following element and the state the group and period to which
they belong 6C, 11Na and 18Ar
(ii) State the number of unpaired electron in each of the following atoms/ions 12Mg2+, 16S2-, 17Cl
(iii) State five atomic physical properties of element
(iv) Define two of the stated atomic physical properties
2 (ai) State the trend of the following across the period and down the group
(a) Ionization energy
(b) Atomic radiation
(c) Electron affinity
(d) Electronegativity
(e) Ionic radius
(bi) Explain the variation in melting and boiling point in the periodic table
(ii) Explain briefly the variation in the following chemical properties
(a) Chemical reactivity
(b) Ease of formation of ions
(c) Metallic property
(ci) State three differences between chemical and physical changes
(ii) Arrange the following in the order of increasing ionic size and give reason for your answer. Na+, Ca2+ and
(iii) State three (3) characteristics of a catalyst

3 (a) Define oxidation and reduction in terms of (a) Hydrogen and (b) Oxygen
(ii) Give the modern definition of oxidation and Reduction
(iii) What is the oxidation number of chromium in K2Cr2O7 and give the IUPAC name of the compound
(iv) What is Valence? Give the valence of the following elements, sodium, phosphorous, carbon, Sulphur
and Aluminum.
(bi) Define the term (a) Oxidizing Agent (b) Reducing Agent in the terms of electron transfer.
(ii) Blance the redox reaction
Cr2O72- + C2O42- Cr3+ + CO2

4 (ai) What is electrovalent compound

(ii) Give three (3) characteristics of ionic compound
(iii) Define covalent compound
(iv) Give three (3) characteristics of covalent compound
(bi) State three difference between electrovalent and covalent compound
(ii) What are inert electrodes
(iii) State three factors that determines the selection in change rim
(iv) Differentiate between weak and strong electrode
(ci) Discuss the electrolysis of Copper (ii) tetraoxosulphate (v) solution using platinum electrode and make
the overall cell the reaction,
(ii) What are electrodes
(iii) State three uses of electrolysis

5 (a) State faraday’s first law of electrolysis and write the mathematical expression of the law.
(b) A given quantity of electricity was passed through three electrolytic cells in series containing solutions
of Silver Trioxonitrate(v), Copper(ii) Tetraoxosulphate(vi) and Sodium chloride respectively. If 10.5g of
Copper are deposited in the second electrolytic cell. Calculate the (a) Mass of Silver deposited in the first cell
(b) The volume of chlorine gas liberated in the third cell at 18oC and 800mmHg pressure. (Ag = 108, Cu=
63.5g, 1Faraday=96500C, Molar volume of gases at STP =22.4dm3
(c) 1400cm3 of oxygen was liberated at STP during an electrolytic process lasting for 4 hours. Calculate the
amount of current that has passed through the electrolyte. Molar volume of gases at STP =22.4dm3

6 (ai) State four (4) differences between the electrolytic cell and electrochemical cell.
(ii) Define electrode potential
(iii) List two function of a salt bridge
(bi) State three (3) difference between primary and secondary cell.
(c) A current of 4.5A is passed through a solution of a gold salt for 1hour 45minutes. Calculate the (a) Mass
of gold deposited (b) The number of moles of gold deposited (c) If the same current is used, find the time
taken for 5.5g of god to be deposited (Au=197, 1F=96500c)

7 (ai) State second law of electrolysis

(ii) 0.222g of covalent metal is deposited when a current of 0.45A is passed through a solution of its salt for
25 minutes. Calculate the relative atomic mass of the metal. (1F=96500coulombs)
(iii) State four types of chemical reaction with example each
(b) X= 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2
Y= 1s2 2s2 2p4
(bi) Name the element X and Y
(ii) State the group and period of X and Y
(iii) State the type of bond that that will be formed between X and Y
(iv) Give reason for your answer in b(iii)
(v) What is electronic configuration?
(c) Balance the redox reaction
MnO4- + C2O42- Mn2+ + 2CO2

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