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Creating your freebie's from
A to Z with ease!
Freebie Creation Steps 
Brainstorm your freebie idea If you would like to save time and if
you need help to come up with a freebie idea 
==> CLICK HERE to download my list of 103 freebie ideas :) <==
Create the layout of the freebie - On a piece of paper (or
computer document) write down what you want your freebie to
look like and what do you want to include in it. This step will help
you see the "big picture" ;) and make your life easier as you
continue to create the freebie.

Decide what the freebie is going to be. A PDF document or a

free course. (I use Canva for creating beautiful and customize
PDF's. For Free courses, I use Teachable and love it!
I highly recommend them both! :))
==> CLICK HERE to go to Canva and create a PDF <==
==> CLICK HERE to sign up to teachable and start creating your free
 course <==
Edit the final document/course. 

Think of a "MUST DOWNLOAD" title. TIP: brainstorm 10-20

different titles and then pick the BEST one! ;)

Create a landing page for the freebie. Write a detailed

description for your freebie, What will benefit the users if they
download it
 == >Click here to see one of my landing pages <==

Create a new form and embed it on your landing page the

form will capture your subscriber's email. I use ConvertKit to
create my forms. 
 ==> Click here to sign up to ConvertKit <==
Freebie Creation Steps 
Upload the freebie to your blog and attach the URL to the

Create 3-5 different pins for your freebie this will give you the
option to promote your freebie on Pinterest, without looking
"spammy". Make sure to create different sizes and different titles!

Add one of the pins to your landing page to make it look even
fancier! And make sure that it's "Pinable!"

Yay! You are awesome!

You finished all the steps for creating your freebie!
Just one more important step!!!!
Start heavily promoting the freebie! Using social media and

Optional Steps - But highly recommended!
Write a new post that will promote your freebie
Add a "Welcome" email for the freebie subscribers 
 ==> Click here to read how to create the perfect "Welcome" email <==
Already have a list of subscribers? Why not inform them
about your new freebie?! Send them an email and let them
know! ;)

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Why Not Share it with others?! ;)

==> Click Here to PIN it <==

==> Click Here to Tweet it <==

Thank you so much for sharing!
Don't forget to check out my blog

*** affiliate disclosure ***

This document contains affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase,
I may receive a commission at no extra charge to you.

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