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It sucks when you realize that life is just one never ending journey. All the stories I knew as a kid
kind of convinced me that all these are just stepping stones to my dreams but now that I’m out of
school, finally landing a job, I realized just how naive I was.

Just recently, I used to abuse my health thinking “this is just going to end soon” or “once I reach
my goal, I’m not going to do this again”. Those thoughts went into the drain once I actually
accomplished said goal. Days passed and nothing exciting actually happened. For the time that I was
jobless, I literally felt like a mess. This was the first time that I was not doing something for my future,
this was my future, the future that I worked the entirety of my youth for and it was underwhelming.

I just landed a job and I’ve been working for a month now. The experience has been great, kind
co-workers, challenging work, and rewarding pay.

The sad part about this change in my life is that the more I feel that my life is stabilizing the less I
feel like I am living my dream. I guess this means I just finally faced reality and yes, I am disappointed.

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