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The 2006 curriculum is an operational education curriculum compiled by, and implemented in each

education unit in Indonesia. KTSP is legally mandated by Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the
National Education System, and Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 19 of
2005 concerning National Education Standards. Preparation of SBC by schools begins the 2007/2008
school year by referring to the Content Standards (SI) and Graduates Competency Standards (SKL) for
primary and secondary education as published through the Minister of National Education Regulations
Number 22 Year 2006, and Number 23, respectively. 2006, and the KTSP Development Guide issued by
the National Education Standards Agency (BSNP). One notable change in the KTSP compared to the
previous curriculum was that KTSP was decentralized.

1. Written Test

Written test is a test in the form of written material (both questions and answers). In answering
questions students do not always have to respond in the form of writing answer sentences but can also
be in the form of coloring, marking, drawing graphics, diagrams and so on.

2. Penilaian Kinerja (Performance Asessment)

Performance Asessment merupakan penilaian dengan berbagai macam tugas dan situasi dimana
peserta tes diminta untuk mendemonstrasikan pemahaman dan pengaplikasian pengetahuan yang
mendalam, serta keterampilan di dalam berbagai macam konteks.
Contoh-contoh alat penilaian kinerja : permainan, drama, demonstrasi, olahraga, bermain musik,
bernyanyi, pantomim, berdoa, membaca puisi, berpidato, diskusi, wawancara, debat, bercerita,
menari, kerajinan tangan, pesawat sederhana, simpul tali-temali, dan sebagainya.

3. Portfolio Assessment

A portfolio is a collection of selected files that can provide information for an assessment.

The purpose of the portfolio:

a. Appreciate the development experienced by students

b. Documenting the ongoing learning process

c. Pay attention to the best student work performance.

Examples of portfolio assessment tools: poetry, essays, drawings / writings, maps / floor plans, papers,
observation reports, synopsis, speech scripts, drama scripts, greeting cards, letters, song texts, recipes,
and so on.

4. Project Appraisal

What is meant by a project is a task that must be completed within a certain period / time. The task is in
the form of an investigation from collection, organizing, evaluating, to presenting data. Learning
outcomes can be assessed when students are doing a project
5. Product Assessment

Assessment of student work is an assessment of student skills in making a particular object product and
the quality of the product. There are two stages of assessment, namely: first, assessment of the
selection and use of tools and procedures for student work. Second, an assessment of the quality of the
techniques and aesthetics of the work / work of students.

6. Attitude assessment

Attitude assessment is an assessment of students' behavior and beliefs about an object, phenomenon /

7. Self Assessment

Self-assessment at the classroom level (PDK) or Classroom Self Assessment (CSA) is an assessment
conducted by the teacher or student concerned for the benefit of managing teaching and learning
activities (KBM) at the classroom level. The application of the PDK concept is in line with the application
of the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) which applies class-based assessments. The results of the
PDK are input for teachers in the classroom and for school leaders to improve the performance of all
staff and teachers in the school in the future.

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