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Blood Sugar Level:

Normal- 100mg/dL after not eating, >= 8hours, less than 140mg/dL 2 hours after eating


1. Green leafy vegetables

2. Whole grains
3. Fatty fish
- Salmon
- Mackerel
- Sardines

Instead of fried fish, which contains saturated and trans fats, try baked, roasted or grilled fish

4. Beans- Kidney beans, Pinto beans, Black beans, Navy beans

5. Walnuts
6. Citrus fruits- oranges, grapefruits and lemons
7. Berries- blueberries, blackberries, strawberries and raspberries
8. Sweet potatoes- baked, boiled, roasted or mashed
9. Probiotic yogurt- w/ no added sugar
10. High fiber cereals and breads made from whole grains
11. Apple, carrot, avocado, garlic
Blood Pressure:

- Exercise and eat healthy foods

- Sleep for 7 hours

Ways to have a healthy skin:

1. Protect yourself from the sun

2. Limit bath time and use mild soap

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