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Here are general recommendations for mindful eating

- Remove distractions -- turn off phone/laptop/TV

- Take a moment to appreciate the food that’s in front of you -- all the work that went
into preparing the snack/meal, gratitude for being able to eat food that nourishes
your body
- Engage your senses -- notice the colors, smells, flavors, textures
- Eat slowly -- set utensils down in between bites, drink water often, engage in
conversation, chew slowly
- Notice fullness -- listen to internal hunger cues for when to stop eating, rather than
external cues (portion sizes, what everyone else is doing)
- Distinguish between actual hunger cues and non-hunger cues to eat (boredom,
frustration, social situations)
- Take small bites and chew well.
- Set your kitchen timer to 20 minutes and take that time to eat a normal-sized meal

Incorporate protein and fiber to daily meal

Why? Protein and fiber are essential components of healthy plate for optimal health
benefit. Protein is essential boiling block of all our cells and our body does not have a
way to store excess protein for our daily needs. You need to take more protein
specially if you are burning more calories during exercise. It is an essential component
of our every meal and is needed for cell building repair and building stronger immunity.
To support proper blood pressure and decrease risk of cardiovascular disease,
research supports that you should consume much of your protein from plant based-
sources and all natural, low saturated fat meats, poultry and fish.

Ways to achieve this:

Feel free to combine from different group of protein, healthy fat, complex carbs for
breakfast, lunch and dinner:

Protein source:
- Seeds:
- Pumpkin seeds
- Flax
- Sunflower seeds
- Chia seeds
- Grains:
- Quinoa
- Farro
- Spelt
- Oats
- Nuts:
- Almonds
- Hazelnuts
- Walnuts
- Legumes:
- Lentils
- Black/Pinto/Kidney Beans
- Chickpeas
- Bean Sprouts
- Mung Beans Dal
- Chole
- Rajmah
- Sambhar
- Roasted channa
- Eggs/egg whites
- Tofu/tempeh/seitan
- Low saturated fat meats, poultry and fish
- Dairy:
- Low-fat Milk
- Greek yogurt
- Non-fat/Low-fat Cheese
- Low-fat Paneer

Healthy fats:
- Fatty fish like salmon, tuna, sardines
- Walnuts
- Olive/ Canola / safflower / soybean oil
- Avocado
- Eggs
- Flax seeds

Complex carbs
- Brown rice
- Quinoa
- Whole grain bread
- Beans and lentils
- Barley
- Millet flour
- Vegetables and fruits

Plant based protein: 1 serving = 7 g

Include snacks at 10 am and 4 pm

Why? Healthy snacking helps address hunger pangs before meals and prevents
overeating at next meals.

Ways to achieve this:

- Schedule time in your daily routine to have snacks at 10 am and 4pm on Mon, Tues,
Wed, Thur Fri
- Setting a reminder on your phone/watch may help on days that you are very busy
- Do keep portion size of snacks in mind as it should not be a meal replacement
- Here are some sample High protein/high fiber snack options:
- Dry roasted edamame and orange
- Homemade trail mix -- nuts (almonds, pecans, walnuts), seeds (pumpkin, sunflower),
no sugar added dried fruit / coconut / cocoa nibs with grapes
- Celery/apple + Justin’s nut butter
- Carrots/peppers/cucumbers + hummus
- Whole grain crackers (Ak Mak, GG Crispbread) + non-fat cheese/cottage cheese
- Canned salmon/tuna with whole grain crackers and grapes
- ½ cup low fat cottage cheese with ½ cup fruit
- 4 oz plain yogurt with ½ cup berries
- 1 oz of nuts with banana (Banana with small fist of peanuts)
- Orange with 7-8 almonds
- Carrots with peanut butter
- Greek yogurt with berries

- Jackson

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