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Chapter – 1

Number system

Number system represents a valuable set of numbers that consists of natural numbers,

integers, real numbers, irrational numbers, rational numbers and goes on.

Set of counting numbers is called the Natural Numbers


Set of Natural numbers plus Zero is called the Whole Numbers

So all natural Number are whole number but all whole numbers are not
natural numbers


2 is Natural Number
-2 is not a Natural number
0 is a whole number

Lets look at what are integers

Integers is the set of all the whole number plus the negative of Natural

 So integers contains all the whole number plus negative of all the
natural numbers
 the natural numbers without zero are commonly referred to as
positive integers

Rational and Irrational Numbers

Rational Number

A number is called rational if it can be expressed in the form   where
p and q are integers (q> 0).
Important Points to Note

 every integers, natural and whole number is a rational number as

they can be expressed in terms of p/q
 There are infinite rational number between two rational number
 They either have termination decimal expression or repeating
non terminating decimal expression.SO if a number whose
decimal expansion is terminating or non-terminating recurring
then it is rational

Irrational Number

A number is called rational if it cannot be expressed in the form p/q

where p and q are integers (q> 0).
Example :√ 3, :√ 5, :√ 2 , π,etc.

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