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Sexual Harassment should be Prevented

People are sometimes unaware that sexual harassment is

important enough to be discussed. Even though, there are a lot of cases
that relevant with sexual harassment. Starting from small things like
catcalling and then continue to something more serious like touching
or even worse. Moreover, sexual harassment is now could be done in
cyberspace like spamming social media account with inappropriate
words, then doxing (sharing someone’s privacy), and many more things.
Why is sexual harassment so serious and should be prevented?
let’s take our country for example. Indonesia is a country with a
diversity in religions. in any of religion norm, sexual harassment is
prohibited and considered as wrong. Even all of countries in this world
also have laws for anyone there who commits sexual harassment.
Serious punishments are prepared for anyone who does it. Why?
Because it obviously against human rights.
Other than that, sexual harassment could aggressively disturb
someone’s mental health. It really impacts the victim’s anxiety and
even future. Depression, rape trauma syndrome, hypoactive sexual
desire syndrome are the things that could be experienced by the
victims. Also physical injury and death are the clearest consequences of
the victims. Round about 44 women are passed away in 2016 because
of sexual harassment. And it can be worse.
In fact, sexual harassment is not only impact the victims but also
the doers. it is such a mental sick by doing sexual harassment. If it’s not
prevented, it will become a society sickness and people don’t care
anymore about sexual harassment.

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