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Polymer International Polym Int 54:659–666 (2005)

DOI: 10.1002/pi.1738

Preparation and characterization

of chitosan-based dispersions
Cypriano G da Trindade Neto,1 Ana LP Fernandes,1 Ana IB Santos,1
Waldenice A Morais,1 Marcos VM Navarro,2 Tereza NC Dantas,1 Márcia R Pereira1
and José LC Fonseca1∗
1 Departamentode Quı́mica, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte Lagoa Nova, Natal, CP 1662, RN 59078-970, Brazil
2 Departamentode Farmácia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte Av Gal Cordeiro de Farias, S/N, Petrópolis, Natal, RN
59010-180, Brazil

Abstract: Complexation of chitosan in aqueous solutions by low molecular weight electrolytes is one of
the simplest methods for the preparation of aqueous chitosan dispersions. In this work, the influence of
storage time, sulfate concentration, method of preparation and surfactant content on some properties of
the resultant chitosan dispersions (turbidity, viscosity and zeta potential) was analyzed. Turbidimetry was
adequate to monitor the formation of particles, while viscometry was suitable to monitor changes in the
dispersing phase. An analysis of the properties of these systems, mainly in terms of particle–particle and
macromolecule–macromolecule interactions was carried out.
 2004 Society of Chemical Industry

Keywords: chitosan; particles; zeta potential; controlled release

INTRODUCTION of several biologically active substances: Muller and

Chitosan is a biopolymer which is a derivative of chitin, Jacobs11 showed that, when incorporated to chitosan,
a mucopolysaccharide, which is abundantly present the bioavailability of buparvaquone, an antibiotic
in the nature as the supporting material of crus- which is poorly soluble in water, may be strongly
taceans and insects.1 This macromolecule has great increased, especially at the level of nanosized systems.
potential in biomedical and pharmaceutical applica- Chitosan particles may be obtained using meth-
tions, because of its exceptionally low immunogenicity, ods which involve organic solvents or high energy-
despite the presence of nitrogen in its macromolecular consuming steps, such as the spray-drying method.12,13
chain.2 Chitin is structurally similar to cellulose, with However, more interesting methods of obtaining chi-
an amino polysaccharide having acetamide groups at tosan micro- and nanoparticles have been found, The
the C2 positions in place of hydroxyl groups, chi- main advantage of these methods is that the particles
tosan being obtained through N-deacetylation of these are obtained from aqueous chitosan solutions by reac-
groups.3 tions or electrostatic interactions which may involve
Different applications have been found for this covalent crosslinking, complexation or precipitation
polymer: in the field of membranes, for instance, from aqueous solutions.14 A primary method of par-
the use of this biomaterial has been described in ticle preparation is the neutralization of the weakly
the process of permeation of salt solutions,4 as acidic NH3 + groups, present in the chain via the
well as in membranes directed to drug permeation.5 addition of NaOH; the polarity of the neutralized
The outstanding biocompatibility of this material has macromolecule strongly decreases, resulting in its col-
stimulated some efforts in the direction of chitosan use lapse (precipitation) from the highly polar aqueous
as a material for implants, artificial skin, and wound environment.15,16 Covalent crosslinking is usually car-
dressing.6 – 10 In the field of controlled drug release, this ried out through the reaction between glutaraldehyde
macromolecular material has been used in micro- and and non-protonated NH2 groups from the chitosan
nanosized particle systems for the controlled release backbone,17 a synergistic approach being possible

∗ Correspondence to: José LC Fonseca, Departamento de Quı́mica, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte Lagoa Nova, Natal, CP
1662, RN 59078-970, Brazil
Contract/grant sponsor: Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientı́fico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Contract/grant sponsor: Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia (MCT)
Contract/grant sponsor: Fundação Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nı́vel Superior (CAPES)
Contract/grant sponsor: Banco do Nordeste
Contract/grant sponsor: PróReitoria de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (PPPgUFRN)
(Received 15 April 2004; revised version received 27 August 2004; accepted 1 September 2004)
Published online 24 December 2004
 2004 Society of Chemical Industry. Polym Int 0959–8103/2004/$30.00 659
CG de Trindade Neto et al

through the combination of this method and precipi- (1) An appropriate volume of a 100 g l−1 K2 SO4
tation via aqueous NaOH.18 The main problem with solution was added at a volume rate of flow
covalent crosslinking is that glutaraldehyde, in some of 1.5 ml min−1 (using a burette) to a 250-ml
cases, may immobilize the substance to be released,19 Erlenmeyer flask containing 100 ml of a 2.5 g l−1
not to mention that it has been reported that resid- chitosan solution (the solvent being aqueous acetic
ual glutaraldehyde may cause mucosal irritation.20 acid at 20 g l−1 ) and a given amount of surfactant.
Complexation with electrolytes is another way to Throughout the addition, the Erlenmeyer flask
obtain chitosan particles, through ionic crosslinking was immersed in an ultrasonic bath (Transsonic
of chitosan, arising from the electrostatic interaction model T460, Germany, tank volume 2.75 l,
between NH+ 3 groups in the chitosan backbone and frequency of operation 45 Hz, power 170 W), at a
polycharged anions.21 Regarding polycharged anions temperature of 30 ◦ C. The resultant dispersion
which are also macromolecules, namely polyelec- was withdrawn from the ultrasonic bath after
trolytes, poly(acrylic acid) and its derivatives have 20 min (this time takes into account the time
been widely used in the preparation of chitosan parti- involved in the addition of the K2 SO4 solution).
cles of different sizes.22 An attractive approach is the (2) The same procedure described in (1), with the
use of polycharged anions from low molecular weight difference that the entire process was carried out
electrolytes, a procedure that has been used in the case under mechanical stirring. The stirrer was driven
of tripolyphosphate (TPP), resulting in particles with by a servo motor (9 V AC, the same as used in
different forms.23 – 27 The same method is applicable turntables) which had a nominal rotation N of
in the case of sulfate anions.28 – 31 2100 rev min−1 . The impeller had a diameter D
The objective of this work is to prepare chitosan of 2 cm, so that the resulting nominal Reynolds
dispersions via sulfate ionic crosslinking and to study DN2 ρ 2 · (2100/60)2 · 1
number was Re = µ ≈ 0.01 ≈
the influence of sulfate and surfactant concentrations, −3
as well as mechanical stirring and sonication, on the 2 × 10 , where ρ = 1 g cm and µ = 0.01 P are,

properties of these dispersions using turbidity, zeta respectively, the approximate density and viscosity
potential, and viscosity measurements. of the solutions.
(3) The same procedure described in (2). However
there was only mechanical stirring (here, sonica-
tion was not employed).
Materials The variables studied were:
Acetic acid (PA, Reagen, Brazil), K2 SO4 (PA,
• The final molar concentration of K2 SO4 (ie after
Labsynth, Brazil), and the nonionic surfactant
the addition was carried out). In this case, a fixed
polyoxyethylene-sorbitan monooleate (Tween 80,
surfactant concentration of 10 g l−1 was used. This
Sigma, USA, Fig 1) were used without further purifi-
concentration was chosen because it is midway
cation. This surfactant was chosen in order to
between the maximum (20 g l−1 ) and the minimum
stabilize the chitosan dispersions, due to its well-
(0) used in this work
known good compatibility with biological systems,
• The final mass/volume concentration of surfac-
as reported in the literature.32 Chitosan (Polymar
tant. Here, K2 SO4 concentration was fixed at
Ltda, Brazil) was used in this work with a deacety-
0.0058 mol l−1 . This value was chosen because the
lation degree of ca 85 %, and a viscosity molecular
zeta potential was midway between the maximum
weight Mv ca 2.9 × 105 g mol−1 (determined using the
and the minimum value found in this work
Mark–Howink–Sakurada equation from viscometric
data33 ). All chitosan solutions were filtered using a Viscometry, turbidimetry and zeta potential analysis
Millipore Millex filter, prior to use. In all experiments, were carried out after the dilution of the resultant
bidistilled water was used. dispersions to 10 % of the initial chitosan concen-
tration (ie 0.25 g l−1 ). This dilution was carried out
Preparation of dispersions using a 20 g l−1 acetic acid aqueous solution. At these
Chitosan dispersions were prepared by the addition of low concentrations, all the resultant dispersions had
aqueous 100 g l−1 K2 SO4 to chitosan solutions in the Newtonian behavior.
presence of surfactant (Tween 80). Three methods of
dispersion preparation were used: Turbidimetry
Turbidimetry was carried out using a Hach tur-
bidimeter (model 2100P, USA). The instrument was
equipped with a tungsten-filament lamp and a 90 ◦
detector to monitor scattered and transmitted light.
The instrument’s microprocessor calculated the ratio
of the signals from the 90 ◦ and transmitted light detec-
tors, correcting interferences from color and/or light
absorbing materials. All the measurements were taken
Figure 1. Structure if nonionic surfactant Tween 80. at a temperature of 25 ± 1 ◦ C.

660 Polym Int 54:659–666 (2005)

Chitosan-based dispersions

Viscometry by precipitation from pure aqueous solvent, the

Viscometry of the resultant dispersions was carried occurrence of powders with finer granulometry was
out using a Ubbelohde viscometer model 0B, associated with the sonicated-assisted breakage of
previously calibrated with various different fluids in physical interactions between particles.35,36
a thermostatic bath. The temperature used in these In the next sections the results obtained for
experiments was (30.00 ± 0.05) ◦ C. sonicated systems with and without mechanical
stirring are reported and discussed.
Electrophoretic mobility and zeta potential
measurements Salt concentration effect
The electrophoretic mobility measurements, µE , The relationship between the turbidity of non-stirred
were carried out using a Zeta-Meter System 3.0+ dispersions and K2 SO4 concentration can be seen in
(Zeta-Meter Inc, USA). The zeta potentials of the Fig 2. The increase in K2 SO4 concentration results
dispersions, ζ , were calculated from µE by employing in an increase in turbidity, certainly due to the
the Smoluchowski relationship:34 ionic crosslinking of a higher number of chitosan
macromolecules. In the case of mechanically stirred
µE η dispersions, there is also an increase in turbidity,
ζ = (1)
ε0 ε although it is less evident; it must be due to the
dispersive action of mechanical stirring on the forming
where ε0 is the permittivity of vacuum, ε is the particles (in contrast with shear-induced flocculation,
dielectric constant of water, and η is the viscosity of which would make turbidity increase). Turbidity
the medium. In these measurements, the temperature increased from the first day, indicating that particles
was 25 ± 2 ◦ C. were still being formed after the end of the process
or/and there was particle aggregation with time.
Figure 3 depicts the relationship between viscosity
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION and K2 SO4 concentration for the particle systems.
The addition of K2 SO4 solution without sonication As salt concentration increases, the viscosity of the
resulted in dispersions with unreproducible charac- dispersions decreases in both cases (with and without
teristics. The addition of the K2 SO4 solution under mechanical stirring). That could be explained using
sonication, however, gave reproducible results (with the Einstein equation, which describes the viscometric
and without the use of mechanical stirring). Sonication behavior of colloidal dispersions:37 – 41
was, therefore, crucial to the preparation of well- η
defined particle systems. The importance of sonication = 1 + 2.5φ + O(φ 2 ) (2)
in processes which involve precipitation/crystallization
of different materials from their aqueous solutions where η is the viscosity of the colloidal dispersion,
has already been reported in the literature. It has η0 is the viscosity of the dispersing phase, and φ
been have found that, inorganic powders are obtained is the volumetric fraction of the dispersed phase.

(a) (b)

100 100

80 80
τ (NTU)

τ (NTU)

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
0 0.003 0.006 0.009 0.012 0 0.003 0.006 0.009 0.012
−1 −1
CK2SO4 (mol l ) CK2SO4 (mol l )

Figure 2. Turbidity τ of chitosan dispersions as a function of K2 SO4 concentration, CK2 SO4 . (a) Without mechanical stirring. (b) With mechanical
stirring. Squares: after dispersion preparation. Circles: 24 h after preparation. Triangles: 48 h after preparation. Diamonds: 72 h after preparation.
NTU = nephelometric turbidity unit.

Polym Int 54:659–666 (2005) 661

CG de Trindade Neto et al

(a) 1.3 (b) 1.3

1.2 1.2

η (10−3 Pa s−1)
η (10−3 Pa s−1)
1.1 1.1

1 1

0.9 0.9

0.8 0.8
0 0.003 0.006 0.009 0.012 0 0.003 0.006 0.009 0.012
SO (mol l )
CK SO4 (mol l−1)

Figure 3. Viscosity η of chitosan dispersions as a function of salt concentration, CK2 SO4 . (a) Without mechanical stirring. (b) With mechanical
stirring. Squares: after dispersion preparation. Circles: 24 h after preparation. Triangles: 48 h after preparation. Diamonds: 72 h after preparation.

The dispersing phase (which would contain water, the presence of macromolecule–macromolecule inter-
acetic acid and chitosan macromolecules that have actions in solution, and decreasing viscosity, as has
not collapsed yet) can be thought of as a continuous been observed in some biopolymer solutions.43 The
medium, the chitosan solid particles being dispersed possible causes for the decrease in viscosity with
within it. Particle formation would then influence time in both cases could be that solubilized chitosan
dispersion macroscopic viscosity in two ways: (1) the macromolecules underwent hydrolysis44 and/or that
effect of increasing the volume fraction of particles the process of particle formation was still going on
would increase the dispersion viscosity and (2) the during this time, as suggested by turbidity data.
effect of decreasing chitosan concentration in the Figure 4 shows the values of zeta potential, ζ , as
dispersing phase would decrease the viscosity of this a function of salt concentration for the dispersions
phase, contributing to the decrease of the overall obtained. It can be seen that the increase in salt
macroscopic viscosity. It seems that the second concentration resulted in a decrease in values for
contribution is more important to the dispersion the zeta potential. Bearing in mind that chitosan
viscosity. Both solid chitosan particles and solubilized is a cationic polyelectrolyte, surface charging can
macromolecules can also be thought of as the dispersed be expected to be positive and, as a consequence,
phase in a dispersing phase consisting of water, acetic zeta potential values as well.45 The incorporation of
acid and K2 SO4 . The addition of K2 SO4 would then SO4 2− as the ionic crosslinking agent into the particles
result in a decrease in the volume fraction of the would decrease zeta potential. In terms of ζ , there
dispersed phase in two ways: was not a great difference between stirred and non-
stirred systems. In the case of stirred dispersions,
(1) Through the polyelectrolyte effect:42 the addition the systems with higher concentration of salt could
of K2 SO4 to the medium would shield the pos- not be observed using the magnification provided
itive charges in the chitosan chains, decreasing by the zetameter optical microscopy (although they
the repulsion between them and, as a conse- were turbid, indicating the presence of a dispersed
quence, the dimensions of macromolecules still solid phase), which supports turbidity-correlated data
solubilized, resulting in the decrease of viscosity; analysis which indicated a lower particle size for the
(2) The formation of particles through ionic crosslink- stirred dispersions. The values of zeta potential of the
ing of positively charged chitosan macro- stirred dispersions do not increase with time as much
molecules. In this case, the decrease in φ would as the dispersions obtained without stirring, indicating
be more drastic. that, in the latter case, the occurrence of adsorption of
chitosan macromolecules on the particle surface after
It can be seen that the viscosities of stirred sam- dispersion preparation is more noticeable.
ples were slightly lower than those of the dispersions
made without mechanical stirring. This suggests that Surfactant concentration effect
shearing coming from stirring may break physical Figure 5 shows the influence of surfactant content on
interactions between chitosan molecules, disfavoring the turbidity of chitosan dispersions with a K2 SO4

662 Polym Int 54:659–666 (2005)

Chitosan-based dispersions

(a) (b)
40 40

35 35
ζ (mV)

ζ (mV)
30 30

25 25

20 20

0.003 0.006 0.009 0.012 0.003 0.006 0.009 0.012

CK SO4 (mol l−1) CK SO4 (mol l−1)
2 2

Figure 4. Zeta potential ζ of chitosan dispersions as a function of salt concentration, CK2 SO4 . (a) Without mechanical stirring. (b) With mechanical
stir ring. Squares: after dispersion preparation. Circles: 24 h after preparation. Triangles: 48 h after preparation. Diamonds: 72 h after preparation.

(a) (b)
35 35

30 30

25 25
τ (NTU)

τ (NTU)

20 20

15 15

10 10

5 5

0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
CS (g l−1) CS (g l−1)

Figure 5. Turbidity τ of chitosan dispersions as a function of surfactant concentration, CS . (a) Without mechanical stirring. (b) With mechanical
stirring. Squares: after dispersion preparation. Circles: 24 h after preparation. Triangles: 48 h after preparation. Diamonds: 72 h after preparation.
NTU = nephelometric turbidity unit.

concentration of 0.0058 mol l−1 . It can be seen that, their turbidity values tend to the values of the
in the case of the mechanically stirred dispersions, non-stirred ones.
turbidity is much lower, which is the same effect that Figure 6 depicts the influence of surfactant concen-
occurred in the case of different salt concentrations. tration on the viscosity of chitosan dispersions with a
This result corroborates the results obtained with the fixed K2 SO4 concentration of 0.0058 mol l−1 . In the
variation of K2 SO4 concentration. In this case, the case of the dispersions without stirring, it can be seen
increase in turbidity with time is much more evident that, initially, there is a decrease in viscosity as the
in the case of the stirred dispersions, indicating that surfactant content is increased. Since the surfactant
stirring leaves the dispersions in a sort of metastable is soluble in water, it can decrease the solubility of
state. As the dispersions stand at room temperature, ionically crosslinked chitosan in water, favoring solid

Polym Int 54:659–666 (2005) 663

CG de Trindade Neto et al

(a) (b)

1.04 1.04

1 1
η (10−3 Pa s−1)

η (10−3 Pa s−1)
0.96 0.96

0.92 0.92

0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Cs (g l−1) Cs (g l−1)

Figure 6. Viscosity η of chitosan dispersions as a function of surfactant concentration, CS . (a) Without mechanical stirring. (b) With mechanical
stirring. Squares: after dispersion preparation. Circles: 24 h after preparation. Triangles: 48 h after preparation. Diamonds: 72 h after preparation.

(a) 50 (b) 50

45 45

40 40

35 35
ζ (mV)

ζ (mV)

30 30

25 25

20 20

15 15

10 10
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
CS (g l−1) C S (g l−1)

Figure 7. Zeta potential ζ of chitosan dispersions as a function of surfactant concentration, CS . (a) Without mechanical stirring. (b) With mechanical
stirring. Squares: after dispersion preparation. Circles: 24 h after preparation. Triangles: 48 h after preparation. Diamonds: 72 h after preparation.

particle formation, resulting (as previously discussed) it can be seen that, when under stirring, viscosity
in the decrease of macroscopic dispersion viscosity. continuously increases as surfactant concentration is
Conversely, surfactant molecules could also interact increased. Another reason for the decrease in viscos-
with hydrophobic sites in the chitosan molecules, sta- ity (in the case of mechanically stirred dispersions)
bilizing isolated macromolecules in solution, resulting could be the destruction of chitosan macromolecular
in an opposite effect (increase in viscosity). The first agglomerates by shear, resulting in a dispersing phase
effect seems to be more important up to a surfactant with lower viscosity, as previously pointed out in the
concentration of 15 g l−1 , the second one being pre- case of the K2 SO4 -related experiments.
dominant at higher concentrations. Stirring seems to Figure 7 shows the effect of surfactant concentration
compensate the destabilizing effect of the surfactant: on the values of zeta potential, ζ , for dispersions

664 Polym Int 54:659–666 (2005)

Chitosan-based dispersions

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