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Wellness Step 18: Freedom (transcript)

Knowing you can heal, knowing we have a choice to heal instills in us a deep
sense of liberation and peace. We all have a God-given right to heal and
experience the freedom that healing brings.

But unfortunately, many of us are told we can’t heal and we begin to believe we
will never be free. But having this information will get you on your way to
experiencing the freedom you deserve and are entitled to.

No one wants to be sick, no wants to be unwell or have a chronic condition or to

be challenged or have losses or struggles, but we’re told that we create this.
We’re told that we are doing something wrong to keep on creating this. That’s
what we’re told out here, that we manifest our illness, that we create our illness,
that’s what we’re constantly getting ourselves into the pattern of.

This is wrong information. Don’t believe that information. That stops you from
healing. That’s the wrong information. The truth is you did not create your illness.
You did not create it. It’s not your fault. You’re not a bad person. It isn’t
something that you manifested and you keep on creating over and over in your
life or lifetimes. If that’s what you heard, it’s wrong and that’s not true. And if you
are told you have a fear of healing, then that’s wrong information as well. Do not
believe that you have a fear of healing whatever you do.

Get rid of that and throw it away as fast as possible because there are healthy
people out there that haven’t really struggled yet or haven’t had a challenge and
they have a fear of getting sick. Yeah, they see it around. They see their loved
ones or they see their friends or they see other people getting sick or a chronic
condition and they have a fear of getting ill. But you don’t have a fear of healing.
I promise you that. You do not. Absolutely not. You want to heal.

Your body is working for you. Your body works for you unconditionally. It loves
you unconditionally and wants you to heal. It wants you to be free. It wants you
to experience the freedom of healing. Your body is on your side. It doesn’t just
like you. It loves you. It’s working for you. It’s not letting you down.

We’re told our bodies are letting us down and they are breaking us down and
they’re just breaking our trust. And so we lose trust in our bodies, we lose trust in
your health, we lose trust in the healing process, but I promise you, your body is

Transcript The Wellness Path - Step 18: Freedom

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working for you. We just have to give it the right things along the way and you
have to know that your body loves you unconditionally.

People who have struggled and people who have suffered and people who have
losses and people who have had trials in their life are very special people. If
you’ve had a loss and if you’ve suffered and if you have chronic illness and if you
don’t feel well, whether it’s mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically, if you
don’t feel well, this is going to work in our favor. This is going to work in our favor
because you’re going to rise out of the ashes with the experience that you hold.

It’s a profound experience and only special, really special people suffer to some
degree somehow and have had a loss or have had a chronic illness. Those real
special people do bigger things and they work for the light and you’re going to do
bigger things working for the light here on earth. So as you rise out of the ashes
and you heal and you experience that freedom of healing, you’re going to be
different than the person who never experienced that. You’re going to be much
different. Your voice is going to be heard. You’re going to be a power house, a
power house and a force that’s working for the light to balance what’s happening
here on planet earth.

And the illness and the sickness is only going to make you better for the future
and it’s there to partially hold your back a little bit. That’s right, it holds you back.
That’s what the illness, that’s what the chronic illness and that’s what the
condition is. It is there to hold you back a little bit because you are one of the
special people that God knows. You are one of the special souls and you have a
lot of power in changing the world.

So the illness is there to hold you back and then you rise above it and you heal
and we use these steps and we use the information that they have offered all
along the course of doing this and all the years that have helped people. And we
take all that information and you move forward and you bust through that wall
and you’re out of that jail cell and the freedom is there and you have the power to
change the world like no other and work for the light and the light of God and the
light of angels. And that’s who you are.

You have to be patient though. I know you’ve been patient already. I understand
that. I apologize for even saying that because I know you’ve been patient. But try
to hang in there for the rides. Still be patient and take each part of the steps and
work with it, take what you can from it one step at a time and you’re going to get

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And we’re going to get there together. We’re going to get there together. I’m
going to walk you through. I’m going to hold your hand through this. We’re going
to do this together.

I know who you are because the Spirit knows who you are. Spirit knows who I’m
talking to. Spirit knows who you are, what your suffering has been, what you
struggled with and what you’ve gone through. Spirit knows how you’re feeling,
how you’ve suffered, what your chronic illness is, what causes your chronic
illness, everything. Spirit knows.

And Spirit knows you’re going to rise out of the ashes and then we’re going to
help balance that darkness and light that’s out there and strengthen the light
more and more because you work for the light, you work for God and you’re a
power house. You’re a power house of information, a power house of motivation,
power house of experience, profound information that’s inside your soul from
healing and it’s time for you to experience that freedom.

I’m with you 100%. Blessings. I love you. I can’t wait to talk to you and see you
again. I’ll be with you all along the way.

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