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Table of Contents

Chapter 1 - Introduction.................................................... 3
Chapter 2 - General Advice..............................................4
Chapter 3 - Walkthrough.................................................. 5
Chapter 4 - Area Descriptions.........................................17
Chapter 5 - Area Maps................................................... 40
Geneforge 2 World Map........................... 41-42
Chapter 6 - Special Stuff Location Guide........................51
Chapter 7 - Cheat Code Guide........................................ 53

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Chapter 1 - Introduction
Although it doesn’t seem like it at first, the mountains of Drypeak are
actually a vicious nest of traitors, rogues, and homicidal maniacs. Powerful and
dangerous experiments are taking place, projects that could lead to massive
destruction and the overthrow of the Shapers.
You may want to fight to support the Shapers, or you might want to
turn on them. Either way, this hint book is here to support you. The advice con-
tained within will help you navigate the lands of the Barzites, Awakened, Takers,
and others. Whichever faction you want to support (or even if you want to help
none of them), this guide will provide step by step instructions to reach the best
possible outcomes.
This hint book is here to help you when you, through no fault of your
own, get stuck. The purpose of Geneforge 2 is to provide fun. Being stuck and
frustrated is not fun. You shouldn’t feel guilty for using this book. In the end,
both you and we have one goal: the most pleasant passing of your leisure time.
This guide has several parts:

Walkthrough - A step-by-step guide which explains how to finish the game in

every major way.
Area Guide - A description of each of the 84 sections of Geneforge 2, with advice
on how to get through them or how to finish the quests you find in them.
Special Stuff Location Guide - A list of all of the ability canisters and other spe-
cial things in the game and where to find them.
Cheat Code Guide - If you get stuck and need a more powerful character, Gene-
forge has a secret way to make yourself stronger.

A note about directions: In Geneforge 2, north is to the upper right and
west is to the upper left. They are marked by an N and a W by the corners of the
terrain view.
This hint book has all the secrets necessary to help you do what you
want, when you want, and to whom you want. Now get out there, pick a side,
and start swinging!

Chapter 2 - General Advice

If you are in a difficult situation, there are some general tips that can
make life a lot easier.
There are generally two paths to any objective: combat and trickery.
You can use brute force to obtain practically any goal. However, you can get
everything you need to win through the use of Mechanics, Leadership, or simply
sneaking past your foes. There are some areas that require combat, but there is
always an alternate way to achieve major game goals.
However, not every area is vulnerable to every approach. If your charac-
ter depends on stealth and trickery, certain combat-heavy areas will simply be
impossible. On the other hand, without Mechanics or stealth, some areas will
pose huge obstacles for even very strong groups. If you find yourself getting re-
peatedly killed, your first response should always be to look for a different route.
If the combat is too difficult, feel free to turn the difficulty down. You
can do this on the Preferences screen.
If something nasty blocks your way and you can’t kill it, you can always
try to run past it. Haste abilities can be very useful for this. Also, you can almost
always sneak by turrets and pylons. Look for areas where none of these deadly
obstacles can see you. If getting hit is unavoidable, use a shielding pod to protect
yourself from the damage. Shielding pods can also help you survive mines that
you can’t disarm.
If combat is too difficult, make more creations. Creations are one of the
greatest tools available to you. Experiment with their different abilities, and don’t
be afraid to switch to different types as your needs change. Some foes are easier
to kill with artila acid. Others might be vulnerable to the terror vlish.
Buy some Mechanics and Leadership skills. A few levels of Mechanics
make the game far, far easier. A lot of Leadership skill can help you get what you
want from even the most dangerous foes.
Explore the different schools of magic. The Daze spell is very useful for
getting past tough enemies (or for pacifying excess foes when you get swarmed).
The blessing spells are invaluable in tough fights.
Also, if you are playing a guardian, don’t neglect missile weapons. With
enough training, batons will be deadly in your hands.

Chapter 3 - Walkthrough
Geneforge 2 has a very wide-open storyline. There are a variety of
different goals and different paths to reach them. This guide takes you through
all of the stages of the game and describes what choices are available to you and
where you should go to make your wishes reality.
This chapter does not provide an exact description of every area you
must go to to finish the game. The next chapter has detailed descriptions of all of
the areas in the game. If you’re stuck in a particular location or quest, go there.
This section just provides a general overview.

Section 1 - The Path to Drypeak

When the game begins, you will be in the tutorial. The first two sections
of the game are very simple and designed to help you learn how to play. You
begin in the back room of an abandoned shop. Walk outside and meet Shanti.
Follow her down the road through the first section (Entry Valley),
speaking with her when she stops. You can find useful supplies in the buildings
at the side of the road. Also, you can kill the rats for a little easy experience.
Eventually, you can follow her into the second section (Drypeak Gates).
Again, follow the path, killing enemy rogues as you go. You will soon
see a building on the right. It contains healing pools you can use to restore your-
self. When you reach Shanti, wait for her to kill the crowd of rogues and then
follow her north to the gate.
The gate to Drypeak is locked. Talk to Shanti, and she will ask you to
find the key. Walk east, killing rogues as you go. The key will be hidden in a nest
guarded by several rats. Recover the key, return to Shanti, and open the door to
the west (west is upper left). Pull the lever in the room beyond to open the gate.
Follow Shanti through the gate. If you pass through the door on the
left, you will find an abandoned barracks. Search it and get supplies. Finally, go
up the path to the north (north is upper right), talk to Shanti one more time, and
enter Drypeak. The tutorial is over, and your mission can begin.

Section 2 - The Drypeak Valley

Enter Drypeak. (You will find a map of Drypeak in the Chapter 5 Area
Maps.) Takena will approach and speak with you and Shanti. When prompted,
choose to remain silent. When Takena and Shanti walk north, follow them and
exit at A on the Drypeak map.
You will be in the Drypeak Warrens. Walk east and north and you will
enter Zakary’s hall. Shanti will be there waiting for you. Approach and listen
to them. Talk to Zakary. Return to Drypeak and go to your quarters (B on the
Drypeak map). Talk to Shanti.
Shanti is being watched, but you are free to explore the valley. Shanti
thinks that the situation is suspicious, and she isn’t sure that Barzahl is actually
dead. You are being sent to investigate.
Explore Drypeak and the Drypeak warrens, speaking with everyone
you meet. Sometimes, people will ask you your opinion about whether or not
serviles should be free and independent. Think carefully about what you re-

spond. Your answers will get around and determine what factions will welcome
you. Your answers will never disqualify you from winning the game, but they
will affect what paths you can follow.
When you are ready, explore the outdoor areas north and west of
Drypeak. Each is described in detail in the next chapter, and there is a map of
the entire game world in the center of the book. The areas to the west have more
fighting, while the mines to the north can be passed with stealth and Mechanics
skill. Be sure to, at some point, go to Sharon’s Grove and speak with Sharon.
When you have explored and gained some experience, go northwest to
the Secret Tunnel.
There is a map of the Secret Tunnel in the Area Maps chapter. If you are
more comfortable with combat, go down the corridor marked A. Fight through
all of the guarded rooms to reach B. If, on the other hand, you have some Me-
chanics skill, go north up the corridor marked C. There will be several mines.
Click on a mine to approach and disarm it. Otherwise, it will go off a second after
you get close to it. Go north and west, disarming the mines, until you reach B.
At B, you will find your first skill canister. Click on it to use it. The
canisters give you powers, but they also affect your mind and make you cold and
arrogant. This doesn’t have a large effect during the game, but it can affect what
ending you get. Using this canister, at least, is safe and teaches you a useful spell.
Leave the tunnel to the west to enter Freegate. Everything is, strangely,
green and grassy, and plants are growing successfully here. Walk west to find
out that something has happened to Shanti. Walk farther west to be ambushed
by armed serviles. Shortly after you are attacked, different serviles will approach
and rescue you.
Talk to the serviles and learn of the Awakened. They will leave to the
north and invite you to follow them. First, return to the Drypeak Warrens. Talk to
Zakary. He will tell you the real story about what has been happening.

Section 3 - Meeting the Factions

At this point, your mission is to explore more of the mountains and find
Barzahl. You will also learn about the different factions that live in these moun-
tains, one of which you may want to join.
Barzahl is actually to the southwest, far from from Awakened lands.
However, the monsters you meet in his territory will be more dangerous than the
foes to the north. If you don’t want to risk it, head north and enter the town of
Medab. If you are trying to avoid combat, don’t stray from the roads.
You will find a map of Medab in the Area Maps chapter. Walk up to A
to speak with Kashya. Tell him that you will not harm Learned Pinner. Then go
north to B and talk to Pinner. She will tell you a lot about these mountains and
where all of the intelligent serviles came from. She will also try to get you to join
the Awakened. Speak to everyone in town. You will be able to buy new supplies
and spells and learn a lot about the other factions and the area around Medab.
For more magical training, you can travel northeast to the Magus Com-
Once you have explored and gained a few more levels, go south to the
Rising lands. Creatures in this area will be much more hostile to you. When go-
ing west from Rising, if you stick to the north (closer to the mountains), you will
be able to use your Mechanics and Leadership skills to pass safely. If you take the

southern route, you will need skill at combat. Stop in the town of Gheth and talk
to people. You will learn much more about the Barzites.
Go west to Rising (a map is in the Area Maps chapter). Go to A on the
Rising map to meet Barzahl at last. He will tell you much more about the history
of the people in the mountains and try to get you to join the Barzites. The people
in Rising will try to sell you valuable goods, and Corin will give you skill canis-
ters in return for supplies.
At this point, the only faction you have not contacted is the Takers.
They live in the northwest corner of the mountains, but they are very hostile
to Shapers. If you have allied with Zakary or Barzahl, they will automatically
attack you. If you haven’t, then you can travel to Zhass-Uss, their capitol. If you
approach from Rising through Western Pass and the Pit of Misfits, you can use
stealth and diplomacy to reach Zhass-Uss. If you approach from the east through
Northern Pass and Infected Crossroad, you will need to fight.
In Zhass-Uss, you can meet Syros (at A on the Zhass-Uss map), leader
of the Takers. You can talk to him and learn of the Takers. Actually speaking with
them is optional, but you might find it interesting. You can join them, although
you have to have responded to the questions people have asked you in a very
pro-servile way.
At this point, whether or not you went to speak with the Takers, you
have explored a large portion of the mountains. You have met with most of the
factions, and you know what they believe. Now you have to choose whether you
will join one, and which one you will join. First, however, it might be good to
find out what happened with Shanti.

Section 4 - Avenging Shanti

Go to the Guarded Groves, just northwest of Gheth. You can either kill
the patrolling monsters or sneak past them. Explore the center of the area and
you will find Shanti’s body.
Go west to Rising and talk to Barzahl. Ask him who killed Shanti. He
will tell you that Stanis did it. Stanis is standing next to him. Talk to Stanis.
You can either duel Stanis to avenge Shanti’s death or forgive him. If
you forgive him, the issue is settled. If you challenge him, he will move to B on
the Rising map.
Go duel Stanis. Bear in mind that your creations will be able to help you
very little during the fight.
The following sections provide instructions for completing the game for
each of the factions (or for not joining a faction). When you have decided who
you want to join, skip ahead to the appropriate section.

Section 5 - Joining Zakary and the Servants

Zakary knows that he is doomed. Before he dies, however, he wants to

try to repair some of the damage that he has done. If you choose to help him, go
find him at the Drypeak Warrens. Your responses to people you have been speak-
ing to will have to have been at least somewhat pro-Shaper.
Unlike the other factions, you won’t have to pass any tests to be a
Servant (since you are already a Shaper). Just tell Zakary you will help him and
swear obedience. Now superior training will be available to you. In addition, you

can find valuable equipment in the caves in the northwest corner of the warrens.
The first thing Zakary wants you to do is destroy the research in the
Magus Complex (in the Awakened lands to the northeast).
Go north to Awakened lands. In Section 10, read the instructions for
Infiltrating the Magus Complex. This will explain how to enter the complex and
sabotage the machinery there.
When the Magus Complex has been sabotaged, return to Zakary. Now
he will tell you to go to The Radiant College, the research center for the Barzites,
and destroy the work there. In Section 10, read the instructions for Infiltrating
The Radiant College.
Finally, Zakary will send you to Benerii-Uss, the core of the Takers’
power. In Section 10, read the instructions for Entering Benerii-Uss and Killing
the Three Drayks. There are two different sets of instructions, one for heavy
combat and one for stealth/diplomacy. Which one will be more useful depends
on your play style.
You have done enough damage to the rogues to slow them down. They
won’t be able to rebuild their power before the Shapers come. Return to Zakary
and get your final instructions: leave the mountains. Return to the Entry Valley,
walk south down the road from where you started the game, and enjoy the end-

Section 6 - Joining Pinner and the Awakened

Learned Pinner would like you to help her win freedom and indepen-
dence for her serviles. If you want to help her, however, you will need to prove
yourself by performing two tasks. (Although, if your Leadership skill is high
enough, you can talk your way out of them.)
First, you must find a spy in East Medab. The spy is Crillie. He lives in
a house in the southeast corner. Enter his house and talk to him. If your Leader-
ship skill is high enough, you can get him to confess. Otherwise, leave his house
through the south door. He will panic and attack you. Evidence of his treachery
is in a box past the turrets.
Your second test will be to find a drayk who is spying for Zhass-Uss and
get it to leave. The drayk, whose name is Trine, is in the crystal mine, in a side
chamber about halfway in. You can either kill Trine or use a high Leadership skill
to convince it to leave.
Return to Pinner and you can join the Awakened. You will be given a
key, which will enable you to get some good equipment (at C on the map of Med-
Powerful training is now available to you. Go northeast to the Magus
Complex (map is in Chapter 5). Enter and swear to the guard at A that you won’t
do any harm. Talk to Loha (at B) to get a key and leave at C.
In the Complex Core (map is in Chapter 5), go to A and talk to Tuldaric
(if he’s not there, wait a moment and he will enter). Ask for magical training and
then ask to be made more powerful. He will give you a key. Go to I and step on
the platform. You will be altered. Tuldaric can now teach you the most powerful
When you are ready, Pinner will give you your instructions. Her first
mission is to steal research from the Barzites. To learn how to do this, go to Sec-
tion 10 and read the instructions for Infiltrating The Radiant College.

Return to Pinner. Your next mission will be to help complete the Barrier
of Winds. She will give you a key. Go west to Northern Pass. If you go south from
the westernmost Taker checkpoint, you will find a narrow valley. Walk down the
valley and past the turrets. Leave the area to the south.
You are now in the Barrier Of Winds (map is in Chapter 5). The Barrier
is actually a force of drakons, which will defend the mountains from Shaper
attack. Your key will unlock the doors. Enter, go to A, and speak with Learned
The first thing Varkan will have you do is get rid of a confused drakon.
The drakon spends its time pacing between B and C. Find it and either kill it or
use a high Leadership skill to convince it to leave.
Next, Varkan will ask you to find a servile named Marjan, who left with
valuable information.
Marjan is in Gheth (map is in Chapter 5). He is at A on the Gheth map.
Talk to him and he will say that he will return if you can find out what is going
on in Gheth. Enter the secret research area at B and sneak around into the room
at C. Return to Marjan and tell him what you saw, and he will join you.
You should immediately return him to the Barrier. If, however, Marjan
dies, return to Varkan and say what happened. Then return to Gheth and search
the barrel at D. Return the papers you find to Varkan.
Finally, to complete the Barrier, you need to find a conduit shard. To
learn how to do this, go to Section 10 and read the instructions for Finding a
Conduit Shard.
Once the Barrier is complete, return to Pinner for your final task. You
must slay the three drayks that rule Benerii-Uss. In Section 10, read the instruc-
tions for Entering Benerii-Uss and Killing the Three Drayks. There are two dif-
ferent sets of instructions, one for heavy combat and one for stealth/diplomacy.
Which one will be more useful depends on your play style.
When this task is done, return to Pinner. She will tell you to return to
the Shaper Council. Return to the Entry Valley, walk south down the road from
where you started the game, and enjoy the ending.

Section 7 - Joining Barzahl and the Barzites

Barzahl wants you to eradicate his enemies and help him to build de-
fenses against the inevitable Shaper attack. In return for your assistance, he offers
power. Lots of it. Should you want to help his lot, go to Rising and talk to him.
Before Barzahl will let you join him, you must perform two tasks to
prove yourself (though you can skip one or both tests if your Leadership skill is
high enough).
First, you must find and eliminate a spy from Medab. His name is Mez-
rich, and he is in the Guarded Groves section, in the northwest corner. You can
either kill him or convince him to leave.
Second, you need to eradicate an encampment of Shaper Loyalists. They
are at the north end of the Loyalist Encampment section. They have to actually
be killed. However, if your Leadership skill is high enough, you can convince
Barzahl to put a drakon at your service. This creation is in a small building in the
southeast corner of the Loyalist Encampment.
In addition, before he will consider allowing you to join the Barzites,
you must settle the whole Shanti issue. See section 4.

Once you have finished your tests, asked Barzahl to let you join, and
sworn obedience, you’re in. You can now go to The Radiant College and get
training. You can also find useful equipment and canisters at C on the map of
When you are ready, ask Barzahl for your first mission. He will send
you to steal research from the Magus Complex in Awakened lands. Go northeast
to Awakened lands. In Section 10, read the instructions for Infiltrating the Magus
Complex. This will explain how to enter the complex and find the research.
Once this mission is completed, new training is available. Go to the
Radiant College and find Burham (at A on the college map). Ask him for magical
training. Go step onto the platform at H, and then return to him. You can now
learn much more powerful spells.
Your next mission is to kill Zakary. This can be done fairly straightfor-
wardly. Just go to the Drypeak Warrens and attack him. He will flee to his cham-
bers in the northwest, and you’ll have to chase him down. Alternately, if your
Leadership skill is high enough, you can convince Barzahl to give you assistance.
He will tell you to go to the Radiant College for help. Go there and speak with
Burham. Burham will give you an orb. When you get close to Zakary, a pair of
drakons will appear, which will be a great help to you.
Once Zakary is dead, you can return to Barzahl to get your final
mission: go to Benerii-Uss and destroy the Geneforge. In Section 10, read the in-
structions for Entering Benerii-Uss and Destroying the Geneforge. There are two
different sets of instructions, one for heavy combat and one for stealth/diploma-
cy. Which one will be more useful depends on your play style.
When this task is done, return to Barzahl. He will tell you to return to
the Shaper Council. Return to the Entry Valley, walk south down the road from
where you started the game, and see what happens.

Section 8 - Joining Syros and the Takers

The Takers of Zhass-Uss want their freedom, and they are preparing to
wage a devastating war on the Shapers to get it. To join them means completely
turning your back on your people. However, if this is what you want to do, it is
To join the Takers, you must not have joined the Loyalists or the
Barzites. Also, when people asked you for your opinions, you must have been
consistently anti-Shaper. When you are ready to join them, go to Zhass-Uss and
talk to Syros (at A on the Zhass-Uss map).
Before Syros will let you join the Takers, you must perform two tasks to
prove yourself. First, you must win the approval of Toivo (at B on the Zhass-Uss
map). Toivo sends you to recover a cursed idol, believing you will be killed in the
process. The idol is in a cave in the far northeast corner of the section Dead Pass.
Get the idol and return it to Toivo. Alternately, if your Leadership skill is high
enough, you can convince Syros to let you skip this step.
Second, you must win the approval of Amena Blade (at C on the Zhass-
Uss map). The requirement for his approval is a difficult one. You must slay one
of the three faction leaders: Barzahl, Zakary, or Pinner. If you are a strong warrior,
Zakary or Pinner are probably the easiest targets. However, if you are good at
Mechanics, you might want to try to kill Barzahl. For hints on how to do so, read
the section on Rising in the next chapter.

Once you have won the approval of Toivo and Amena, return to Syros,
ask to join, and swear the oath. You are now a Taker. You can get supplies at D on
the Zhass-Uss map. When you are ready, ask Syros what you should do.
He will send you to steal research from the Magus Complex in Awak-
ened lands. Go east to Awakened lands. In Section 10, read the instructions for
Infiltrating the Magus Complex. This will explain how to enter the complex and
find the research.
Now Syros will allow you to go to Benerii-Uss for training. Go north-
west to Benerii-Uss Entry (map is in Chapter 5). Unfortunately, the creations
there are not enthusiastic about letting you proceed farther in. If your Mechanics
skill is high enough, you can pick the lock at D. If your Leadership skill is high
enough, you can convince Chryst Eye (at B) to give you a key. Otherwise, you
will have to allow Tessera Eye (at C) to drain your energy to get a key. Use it to
unlock the door at D. Kill the battle alphas beyond or convince them to leave you
alone, and proceed north.
You are now in Benerii-Uss Shaping (map is in Chapter 5). Go to A to
talk to Rhakkus. Talk to him and, when he offers, agree to let him Shape you. You
can now learn powerful spells from Salgurdar (at G on the map).
When you are ready, return to Syros. Now he will tell you to go to The
Radiant College, the research center for the Barzites, and steal the research there.
In Section 10, read the instructions for Infiltrating The Radiant College. Get the
papers and return them to Syros.
Finally, you must help the Takers complete the Geneforge. Return to
Rhakkus in Benerii-Uss Shaping. Ask him about the Geneforge. He will tell you
to bring him a Conduit Shard. To learn how to do this, go to Section 10 and read
the instructions for Finding a Conduit Shard. Show it to Rhakkus, and he will
send you to perform the next task.
Go north to Benerii-Uss Holding (map is in Chapter 5) and talk to Akkat
(at A on the map). Akkat asks you to find an escaped drayk. Go southeast to the
section Clawbug Canyon. The drayk you need is in the caves in the southeast
corner of the section. There is a locked door there, but your Taker pass will get
you through it. Talk to the drayk. If your Leadership skill is high enough, you
can convince him to join you. Otherwise, you must fight him. When you have
damaged him enough, he will submit and you can talk to him again. Tell him to
join you. Return to Benerii-Uss Holding and walk to Akkat. The drayk will leave
you. Talk to Akkat and you will get a key. Go to the section The Geneforge.
(If, somehow, the augmented drayk ends up dead, talk to Akkat. Akkat
tells you to recover the drayk’s heart. Return to its cave in Clawbug Canyon, and
you will be asked if you want to get the heart. Do so, kill the drayk that appears,
and return it to Akkat.)
When you are in The Geneforge (map is in Chapter 5), go talk to Easss
at A. First, Easss will ask you to install the conduit shard. Go to G and use all
of the devices in the room (your Mechanics skill will need to be high for some
of them) and then go use the device at I. If the pylons are shooting at you, you
weren’t skilled enough to use the right device in the control room. You’ll need to
haste yourself and run past them.
When the shard is in place, talk to Easss. He will prepare to use the
Geneforge. Go north with him to L and wait for Rhakkus and Akkat to arrive.
Watch. When Akkat goes crazy, the others will flee. If you are good at combat,
kill Akkat. Otherwise, if your Leadership skill is high enough, go south and con-

vince Easss to help you kill Akkat. Either way, Akkat must die.
Once Akkat is dead, if Easss is dead too, just return to Syros and tell him
that the Geneforge is complete. If Easss is alive, talk to him, watch him use the
Geneforge, and then return to Syros.
When this task is done, return to Syros. He will tell you to return to
the Shaper Council. Return to the Entry Valley, walk south down the road from
where you started the game, and watch the carnage.

Section 9 - Winning Without Joining Any Faction

Of course, you may feel that none of the factions are worthwhile (or
sane). You might just want to prevent anyone from doing anything terribly harm-
ful to the world, get out, and let the Shapers clean up the mess.
There are some people who will provide guidance if you want to avoid
joining a faction. Talk to the Shapers at the Loyalist Encampment. Go to Phari-
ton’s Encampment and talk to Phariton. They can help you and give you train-
To prevent the most dangerous threats to the world at large, you should
first kill Barzahl. If you’re strong enough, you can just walk in and fight him.
Alternately, you can use Mechanics skill to kill him. For details, go to the next
chapter and read the section on Rising.
Second, you must destroy the three masters of Benerii-Uss, Rhakkus,
Akkat, and Easss. In Section 10, read the instructions for Entering Benerii-Uss
and Killing the Three Drayks. There are two different sets of instructions, one
for heavy combat and one for stealth/diplomacy. Which one will be more useful
depends on your play style.
When these two things are done, you can return to where you began
the game, walk south down the road out of the section, and return to the Shaper
Council. They can handle it from here.

Section 10 - Jobs You Need To Do

Several of the factions need you to recover the same item, and some
faction missions are very similar to others. This section describes how to perform
the tasks that overlap.

Infiltrating the Magus Complex -

If you rely mostly on combat, enter the Magus Complex section (map is
in the Area Maps chapter) and fight your way northeast to C. There is a locked
door there. Go south to D and you will find an alchemy lab containing a Shaper
named Raeche. Kill him and you will get a key. It will unlock the door. Proceed to
the Complex Core.
On the other hand, instead of going to the Magus Complex, you can
enter through the Experimental Chambers (map is in Chapter 5). If your Mechan-
ics skill is high enough, you can unlock the doors and go through the rooms at
A, B, and C and leave to the east. Alternately, there is a servile named Kizer at D.
If your Leadership skill is high enough, you can get him to give you a key which
will unlock the doors between you and C.

The Complex Core (map is in Chapter 5) is where the Awakened alter
serviles and make them capable of casting powerful magic. The research area,
where you need to go, is in the northeast corner. If you enter from the Exper-
imental Chambers, you can head straight east, sneaking past the guards, and
enter the research area at B. If you entered from the south, you will need to fight
your way past guards and enter the research area at B or C.
Tuldaric walks around the research area, but he will not see you if you
don’t get too close to him. If you want to steal his research, use the book at A and
choose to tear out the pages.
If you have to sabotage the complex, you can use the control panels at
A, D, E, and F. Use one of them once to get a warning, and then use each panel
(using a panel sabotages it). Alternately, if your Mechanics skill is high enough,
you can use the single panel at G to destroy the research facility all at once.
Whatever you do, you will either need to avoid Tuldaric or fight him.
Several times while fighting him, he will run to a special platform and heal him-
self. Fortunately for you, he can only do this a few times.

Infiltrating The Radiant College -

The Radiant College (map is in Chapter 5) is northwest of Rising. As-

suming that the Barzites have not yet been angered by you, when you enter, you
will be challenged by someone named Meena. When she tells you to leave, go to
Rising, talk to Barzahl, and ask for permission to enter the college. Since he wants
to impress you with the Barzites powers to induce you to join him, he will give
you permission. Return to the college and tell Meena that you have permission.
Alternately, of course, you can just fight your way in.
The two Shapers in charge of the college are Burham and Fenen (at A
and B on the map). Killing both of them will effectively sabotage the college’s
work. Burham is capable of healing himself several times.
Alternately, if you have enough Mechanics skill, you can sabotage the
college by going to C on the college map, using the control panel, and turning
up the power. (If the college is hostile, you can sneak here by going through the
tunnels at D and E.) This fills the college with acid gas and makes everyone mad
at you. You should be prepared to use some magical means for speeding yourself
up and running to the exit.
If you want to steal the college’s research, it is in the book at F. If you
don’t want to fight your way in, you can sneak in by entering the tunnel at D and
leaving at G. You will need to take care to avoid Burham and the guard golems.
Slip in, take the research, and either run or fight your way out.

Finding a Conduit Shard -

There are two conduit shards in the mountains. Several people give
hints about where they are. To get one requires great skill in combat. The other is
obtained through trickery and stealth.
To take the combat path, go north to Ellhrah’s Tomb (map is in Chapter
5). When you enter, Connavar (at A) will talk to you and start following you. He
is useful for a while, though if your Mechanics is high enough, you can get him
to leave you alone.
Fight your way to B and then C. The doors are locked, but Connavar

can unlock them. Go to D and use the spore box to disarm the mines at E. Walk
north to F. If Connavar is with you, he will go insane and attack you. Leave to the
You will be in the Pit of the Bound (map is in Chapter 5). The shard you
want is at A, but it is blocked by a demon at B. One way to get there is to sneak
through the tunnels at C (some of the burning floors can be disarmed by levers in
the tunnels). The other way to get there is to fight up to D. Go to E and take the
key out of the box. This unlocks the door and lets you into the room at B.
Inside that room, attack the battle betas first, and then the demon. When
you damage it enough, it will flee to F (you can hunt it down and kill it if you
want). Get the shard and leave.
The other conduit shard is in Phariton’s Hall, southwest of Rising. If
you don’t want to do a lot of fighting, go there (map is in Chapter 5). You will
start at A on the map. Go through the passage at B. The serviles won’t attack you
if none of them see you walk through that corridor.
From here, you can run past the killer plants in the cave at C, disarm the
traps in the hall at D, or sneak past the pylons in the passage at E. Go through the
door at F and walk east to Phariton’s chamber at G.
You can attack Phariton. If your Leadership skill is high enough, you
can convince him to let you enter the corridors to the east. Finally, you can kill
him with Mechanics skill. When he can’t see you, turn on the machines at H and
I. Then, when Phariton is next to the incubation chamber at J, use the controls
at J. The chamber will explode, killing Phariton. Finally, however you deal with
Phariton, the conduit shard is in a box at K.

Entering Benerii-Uss and Killing the Three Drayks, Combat Route -

Whatever faction you join, you will eventually find yourself entering
Benerii-Uss, the core of the Takers’ power. Of course, if you are not a Taker get-
ting in can be difficult. All of Benerii-Uss is mapped in the Area Maps chapter.
The order you kill the drayks in will depend on whether your character
depends on combat or mechanics and diplomacy to get things done. If you rely
on diplomacy and stealth, read the next section. If your character prefers combat,
enter through Benerii-Uss Entry (map is in Chapter 5). You will have to fight a
lot of rogues at A. Though Rhakkus will fight you, once he has taken a certain
amount of damage, he will flee. Go kill one of the gazers at B or C and you will
get a key. Go through the door at D and exit to the north.
You will be in Benerii-Uss Shaping (map is in Chapter 5). Go west to A
to find Rhakkus. Kill him. Then go north to B to leave the area. Of course, you
will have to do a lot of fighting along the way.
Now you are in Benerii-Uss Holding (map is in Chapter 5). Go east to
A to find Akkat and a large number of his smaller friends. Fight them as usual.
When Akkat dies, you will have a key. The key will open the door at B in this
area or C on the Benerii-Uss Shaping map.
Open one of those doors and proceed to The Geneforge (map is in
Chapter 5). The Geneforge is a powerful Shaping device that the drakons will
use to make themselves incredibly powerful. Fortunately, at this point, you don’t
have to worry about it. Easss is at A on the map. If you have a lot of Mechanics
skill, you can unlock the doors at B or C to bypass a lot of the guards. Alternately,
you can enter from the north and use the passages at D and E to sneak past the

guards. (You can also kill the guards, although you will have to hit the golems
very hard to damage them faster than they can heal.) Once you reach Easss, kill
him to finish your mission.

Entering Benerii-Uss and Killing the Three Drayks, Stealth/ Diplo-

macy Route -

Enter Benerii-Uss through the back door: Benerii-Uss Power (map is in

Chapter 5). There are eight golems that circle the area, picking up crystals and
dumping them in the center. Fortunately, they will only attack you if you are
close to them for too long. If one gets near you, move back around a corner.
Move around the area in a clockwise direction, going to A, then B, then
C. Go talk to the servant mind at D. If your Leadership skill is high enough, you
can convince it to help you. Tell it to make the golems non-hostile and open the
door to the west. Leave through the door at E.
You are now in Benerii-Uss Holding. Sneak through the tube at C into
the office at D. Search the cabinet at E to get a key. Walk back up to the door at F
and go through (watch from a distance until the guards walk away). Run south
through the cave with the hostile plants and enter the cave at G.
In that cave, speak with the eyebeast. If your Leadership skill is high
enough, you can convince it to help you. Go south to A with eyebeasts in tow.
They will slay your foes, though you may need to support them with blessing
and healing spells.
Once Akkat is dead, run to H and go west (just run past any guards that
attack you).
You are now at B on the Benerii-Uss Shaping map. Enter the heating
ducts at D. Some of the glowing floors do a lot of damage, and some do very
little. When you walk down a corridor that seems to be doing more damage, turn
back. Go straight west to E and then due south. Enter the waste disposal chamber
at F.
Rhakkus is in the chamber just to the south. Go south until he sees you.
Run back into the waste disposal chamber and use the machine by the west
wall. When you choose the option to use the controls, the central vat will start
exploding repeatedly, killing anyone next to it. Run around the room trying to
trick Rhakkus into standing by the vat. When the vat explodes while Rhakkus is
next to it, it will kill him. (If it doesn’t work, leave the area. The waste vat will be
refilled when you return.)
Finally, go back to Benerii-Uss Holding, sneak east through the power
conduits to B. Open the door with the key you found earlier and proceed to The
Geneforge (map is in Chapter 5).
Go south to F and watch the room to the south. Pay attention to the pat-
tern of the golem guards’ movement. When it is clear, run into the room at G. Use
all of the control machines in the room. (Your Mechanics needs to be fairly high,
and it may take several forays into the room to get them all).
Enter the tunnels to the north. Sabotage the devices, in order, at H, I,
and J. Now you can kill Easss. Use the tunnels at D and then E to sneak into his
laboratory (at A). He will talk to you, and you can convince him to let you watch
him use the Geneforge (if your Leadership skill is very high).
When he walks north and stands next to the Geneforge, run to the

machine at K, use it, and choose to send a power surge. Do this quickly, before
Easss’s transformation is complete. Victory!

Entering Benerii-Uss and Destroying the Geneforge, Combat

Route -

Enter through Benerii-Uss Entry (map is in Chapter 5). You will have
to fight a lot of rogues at A. Though Rhakkus will fight you, once he has taken
a certain amount of damage, he will flee. Go kill one of the gazers at B or C and
you will get a key. Go through the door at D and exit to the north.
You will be in Benerii-Uss Shaping (map is in Chapter 5). Go north to B
to leave the area.
Now you are in Benerii-Uss Holding (map is in Chapter 5). Go east to
A to find Akkat and a large number of his smaller friends. Fight them as usual.
When Akkat dies, you will have a key. The key will open the door at B in this
area or C on the Benerii-Uss Shaping map.
Open one of those doors and proceed to The Geneforge (map is in
Chapter 5). You need to kill the drakon Easss (at A on the map). You can walk
there, fighting golems on the way (you will need to produce a lot of damage to
outrun their healing ability) or sneak through the small tunnels. Once you reach
Easss, kill him. You will get a pair of gloves, and the door to the Geneforge will
open. Go to the Geneforge (at L), choose to throw the gloves into it, and run.

Entering Benerii-Uss and Destroying the Geneforge, Stealth/Diplo-

macy Route -

Enter Benerii-Uss through the back door: Benerii-Uss Power (map is in

Chapter 5). There are eight golems that circle the area, picking up crystals and
dumping them in the center. Fortunately, they will only attack you if you are
close to them for too long. If one gets near you, move back around a corner.
Move around the area in a clockwise direction, going to A, then B, then
C. Go talk to the servant mind at D. If your Mechanics skill is high enough, you
can convince it to help you. Tell it to make the golems non-hostile and open the
door to the west. Leave through the door at E.
You are now in Benerii-Uss Holding. Sneak through the tube at C into
the office at D. Search the cabinet at E to get a key. Sneak south through the nar-
row tunnels to B, unlock the door and go south.
You are now in the section The Geneforge (map is in Chapter 5). Go
south to F and watch the room to the south. Pay attention to the pattern of the
golem guards’ movement. When it is clear, run into the room at G. Use all of the
control machines in the room. (Your Mechanics needs to be fairly high, and it
may take several forays into the room to get them all).
Enter the tunnels to the north. Sabotage the devices, in order, at H, I,
and J. Continue west to the machine at K, use it, and choose to send a power
surge. Easss will enter and attack you. Kill him or run like mad to one of the

Chapter 4 - Area Descriptions
This section lists all of the 84 areas in Geneforge 2. You can find how
best to get through them, what quests are available there, how to complete them,
and what interesting secrets are hidden there.
To find the area you are in, look at the world map (in the middle of the
book). Each area is depicted there, with its number. Use that number to find your
area in this list.
Sometimes, the descriptions of the quests in one section refer to doing
something in another section. If something isn’t clear, read the description of the
other section.
Some of the more important areas have maps. All of the maps are in
Chapter 5. Important spots inside the mapped areas are labeled with letters.
Most of the sections are turned green on the world map by entering or
crossing them. If there is a special clearing condition, it is described in the sec-
tion’s description.
There are four people who can each make a powerful item for you.
These are made using items spread throughout the mountains. When a character
has one of these items, it will be noted. The powerful item quests are described in
detail in chapter 6.

Area 1 - Entry Valley

This section is where you begin and end the game. When you have
found Barzahl and are ready to leave the mountains, return to the building where
you started and walk down the road to the south.
The exit to the area is in the northwest corner. You can get there by
walking along the road heading west from where you start. The first time you are
here, Shanti will give you directions about what to do.
There are useful supplies in the buildings, and you can kill the rats for a
little extra experience.
Items of note: Dagger, Chitin armor, Healing pod, Living tool.

Area 2 - Drypeak Gates

The walkthrough contains instructions for getting through here. Before
you leave, thoroughly search the abandoned guardhouse at the northwest corner.
There are lots of supplies inside.
Open Locked Gate - Halfway through your first trip through here, Shanti
tells you to open a locked gate. The key is in a nest guarded by several rats at
the east edge of the section.
Items of note: Thorn baton, Icy crystal.

Area 3 - Drypeak (map in next chapter)

This is the home of the Loyalists. You can get a variety of useful quests.
Unless you have angered Zakary and the people here, you will be able to explore
and speak with people at will. There are also several shops.
There is someone named Zaph at C. Talk to him and give him food to
get some useful information.

Slay Three Rogues - Allizar asked you to track down and kill three rogues.
They are Broken Fang (found in Drypeak Fields), Warped Thahd (found in
The Crags), and Old, Withered Artila (found in Infested Woods).
Rescue Serviles In Mine - Keeper Thossila asks you to rescue some serviles.
They are at A on the Drypeak Mines map. When you find them, walk with
them until they exit the area at B. Wait for all of them to leave. You probably
should kill the monsters between them and the exit first.
Fetch Iron Bar - Zuniga will pay you for iron bars. These can be found all
throughout the mountains.
Get Saltweed - Elili wants some saltweed. One of the places you can find
some is in the trash pit in the northeast corner of Sharon’s Grove.
Get Wiry Moss - Elili wants some wiry moss. One of the places you can find
some is in the trash pit in the northeast corner of the Infested Woods.
Find Smart Servile - Keeper Thossila asks you to find a smart servile. You
need a Leadership skill of at least 3 to finish this quest. Talk to the serviles
until you find one who seems peculiar. Choose to tell her that you need to
punish her. She will reveal herself. You can then decide whether to turn her
in to Thossila or say that none of the serviles are smart.
Locate Crystal Cavern - Takena asked you to find the Crystal Caverns. They
can be entered through a small valley in the southwest corner of The Crags.
Enter, walk around a little bit, and return to Takena.
Items of note: Chainmail vest, Iron shield, Shielding band.

Area 4 - Drypeak Warrens

This is the home of Zakary, leader of the Loyalists. After you have been
through Freegate, return to Zakary and he will tell you the true story of what is
going on up here. There are some shops and people who can train you in here.
To learn about the Loyalists and Zakary’s quests, read the walkthrough.
There are a lot of supplies in the southeast corner. If you are not a Loy-
alist, you can help yourself as long as you are careful to not take anything when
there is a guard nearby.
Should you ever try to kill Zakary, he will flee into his chambers to the
northwest and lots of guards will run out.
Find Source of Rogues - Nora mentions that she would like to know where
the rogues are coming from. She isn’t friendly but, if you want to help her,
kill the spawner in the southwest corner of Infested Woods and return to her.
Items of note: Venom baton, Acid baton, Submission baton, Specter robe, Quick-
silver chitin, Stunning blade, Shaped shield, Stabilizing band, Thrusting gaunt-

Area 5 - Drypeak Fields

The fields of Drypeak are infested by rogues. There are lots of them
in the woods in the southwest corner. Also, as long as you have not killed the
spawner in the Infested Woods, rogues will appear in the southwest corner, walk
out, and wander around.
There is a healing pool in the center of the area and supplies in the
building in the southeast corner.
Items of note: Iron shield.

Area 6 - The Crags
There are numerous rogues in these valleys. Some of them will flee
when they see you, trying to lure you into others. Some will ambush you when
you enter the abandoned house to the south.
There is a friendly man named Braan at the west edge of the area. There
is a thahd in the northwest corner who will join your group if your Leadership
skill is high enough.
Find Escaped Servile - Braan asks you to find his missing servile. It is in the
southeast section of Crystal Caverns. You can convince it to return if your
Leadership is high enough.
Items of note: Thahd skin tunic, Chainmail vest.

Area 7 - Drypeak Mines (map in next chapter)

These mines have several large bands of rogues. They send out patrols
and, if one of them spots you, it will run back and alert its friends.
Fortunately, the mine has defensive pylons which can aid you. The
pylon controls are at C, D, and E on the map. If you use them, the nearby pylons
will be activated and kill any hostile rogues you lure near them. If your Mechan-
ics skill is high enough, you can turn them on. Alternately, if your Leadership
skill is high enough, you can convince the servant mind at F to teach you how
to turn the defenses on. You can then activate the pylons with the control key
discarded in the barrel at G.
A guard named Zora is hiding at H. If your Leadership skill is high
enough, you can convince her to join your group for a while.
Items of note: Fiery wand.

Area 8 - Western Mines

The eastern half of this area contains mines. The southern section con-
tains a defense pylon and controls for it (read the description of area 7 for more
information). The northern section contains several very strong creations. You
will have to be very tough to beat them.
The west half of the area is where Ciphar lives. He is a farmer with
useful information about the area. If your Leadership skill is adequate, you can
convince him to help you get past the enemies in Saltmarsh, to the west. When
he is convinced, exit the area to the west and he will be in Saltmarsh waiting for
Items of note: Chainmail vest, Lucky charm.

Area 9 - Sharon’s Grove

When you enter this area, you will soon meet a roving pack of creation
guards. They won’t attack you as long as you behave yourself.
In the center of the area, you can speak with Sharon. She is a Shaper
hermit who knows a lot about the area. Speak with her for a while.
When you have finished the first quest for Sharon (searching the Secret
Tunnel), she will give you a bracelet and allow you to explore the groves behind
her house. There are five groves, each of which contains a stronger experimental
creation. Each one you kill makes the bracelet more powerful. However, the final
creations are very strong. You will, most likely, have to return several times.

Search Guarded Tunnel - Sharon asks you to investigate the tunnel to the
northwest. Go to the Secret Tunnel, walk through to Freegate, and then
return to Sharon.
Sharon’s Book - Sharon wants help translating a book. It is in the room just
to the south of where you find her. Read it. Go to the Radiant College and
read the book at I on the map. Return to Sharon and say what you learned.
Items of note: Sharon’s bracelet, Shaper robe, Shielding knife, Purified essence.

Area 10 - Infested Woods

This area contains a spawner. It is a creature that can create new hostile
creations to attack you. It’s the source of all the monsters that have been plaguing
the area.
The spawner is in the ruins in the southeast corner of the area. You
can reach it by fighting your way through the rogues in the center of the woods
(which summon friends when they are attacked). Alternately, you can reach the
spawner with less fighting by walking around the edges of the area and picking
the locks on the side doors of the ruins.
One of the side rooms of the ruins contains a vat. When it is used, a
thahd will appear. If your Leadership is high enough, you can convince the
thahd to help you kill the spawner.
Items of note: Chilling band, Projection band.
To Clear: Kill the spawner.

Area 11 - Crystal Caverns

The first three caves contain crystal spires and shades. Some of the
spires can be used to create crystal shards (which can be sold). However, this will
cause any shades near you to attack.
There is a drayk named Wyx in the northwest corner. He has a flawless
crystal (used for the powerful item quests). You can get it by attacking or using a
high Leadership skill.
Items of note: Pure crystal shard, Carnelian gloves.
To Clear: Kill Wyx or get the flawless crystal.

Area 12 - Saltmarsh
Rogues roam around this area, guarding the entrance to the Secret Tun-
nel at the northwest corner. There are a lot of rogues at the entrance, but most of
them go on patrol. If you wait and wander around far from their camp, you can
fight most of them when they’re alone.
Eventually, you can go to the tunnel entrance, where you’ll be con-
fronted by Beka, an armed servile. If your Leadership is high enough, you can
convince her to flee. Otherwise, you have to fight her.
If you have trouble getting through this section, you can try to get Ci-
phar (in Western Mines) to help you.
Items of note: Venom baton, Grounded robe.
To Clear: Kill Beka or convince her to flee.

Area 13 - Secret Tunnel (map in next chapter)

You can find instructions for getting through here in the walkthrough.

Items of note: Artila skin tunic.

Area 14 - Freegate
When you enter this section, walk west to the gate. You will find that a
lot of illegal shaping has been going on and learn that Shanti has been abducted.
Some hostile serviles will attack you, and others will appear to help you.
There are a lot of rogues and some useful supplies in the woods to the
northwest. There is a building with a healing and essence pool at the east edge of
the area. You can avoid fights by staying on the road.
Items of note: Fiery wand, Grounded boots.

Area 15 - Medab Road

In this area, you can avoid fights by staying on the road. Off the road,
there are two groves with spawners (one to the northeast and one to the south-
There is a supply cache in the northwest corner of the area, but you will
need to disarm some mines to reach it. If you enter the grove to the far south-
west, you will find several rogues ambushing a servile. If you rescue the servile,
it will be grateful.
Items of note: Student’s belt.

Area 16 - Patrolled Path

In this area, you can avoid fights by staying on the road. There are some
friendly serviles, led by a warrior named Twini, in the center.
There is a supply cache in the northwest corner of the area, but you will
need to get past some mines to reach it. You can “disarm” these mines by making
creations and sending them ahead. There is also a blue alarm crystal, which will
alert a rogue when you get close to it. Keep your distance to get past it.
There is a small, abandoned magic school in the southwest corner. It
contains two books. Read them to learn spells.
Items of note: Steel shield.

Area 17 - Stinking Marsh

This area is full of unstable roamers. They explode when you kill them.
Slay them with missile weapons to avoid the damage. They are created by a
spawner in the Crystal Mine.
The northwest corner of the area is haunted. When you approach, a
specter will appear. Stronger specters appear to replace the ones you kill. Kill the
sixth specter to end the curse.
Items of note: Specter robe, Deadeye cloak, Iron sword, Specter boots.
To Clear: Slay the spawner in Crystal Mine and reenter this area.

Area 18 - Medab (map in next chapter)

Medab is the home of the Awakened. Learned Pinner is their leader. She
is at B on the Medab map. The door to her chamber will be opened when you
swear to Kashya (at A) that you won’t harm her.
To learn how to join the Awakened and complete Pinner’s quests, con-
sult the Walkthrough.
Should you attack Pinner, battle betas will appear on the platforms in

her room to defend her. They will keep appearing until Pinner is killed.
There are some valuable plans hidden at D. Barzahl and Syros will pay
you well for them.
Carnelian (at E) can teach you spells.
Find Zyan’s Package - Zyan lost a package of potion ingredients and wants
it back. It is in the Warren of the Three (at A on the map).
Clear Medab South Road - Seli wants you to clear the Medab south road. Go
south to Medab Road and kill the two spawners (one is to the northwest and
one is in the southeast corner).
Help Medab Troops - Seli asks you to help get rid of a fort of hostile Takers.
Go southwest to Infiltrator’s Fort and find Alvarny and his soldiers. They
are at the far northeast corner of the area. If your Leadership skill is at least
4, you can convince Alvarny to attack. Follow the serviles and help them kill
the invaders. Alternately, if you are strong enough, you can eliminate the
Takers yourself.
Get Shaper Equipment - Lora is paying for shaper equipment, which can be
found throughout the game.
Find Healing Spores - Carnelian wants healing spores. These can be found
throughout the game.
Cure Servile Disease - Carnelian asks you to find a cure for the disease af-
flicting the serviles. Only the Takers of Benerii-Uss have found a cure. Go to
Benerii-Uss Shaping and read the book at H on the map.
Find Lost Ornks - Praw wants you to recover three specially bred ornks. One
is hiding in the far northeast corner of Patrolled Path. The other two are at
the edges of Stinking Marsh. Talk to the ornks to get them to join you and
return them to Praw before they get killed.
Find Dayna’s Book - Dayna needs a copy of the book Paths of Fire. One copy
is at E on the Magus Complex map.
Items of note: Agent robe, Iron breastplate, Shaped breastplate, Reaper baton.

Area 19 - Eastern Medab

Eastern Medab contains a number of people who can tell you interesting
things about the area and the Awakened.
Crillie (in the southeast corner) is a spy, but this is only relevant if you
are trying to join the Awakened.
Items of note: Static band.

Area 20 - Infiltrator’s Fort

The southwest corner of this area contains a fort full of Takers. The
northeast corner is held by Awakened warriors. If you’ve received the correct
quest from Seli (in Medab), you can convince the warriors to help you attack the
There is a healing pool in a building at the west edge of the area.
Items of note: Crystal woven chitin, Physician charm.
To Clear: Be a Taker or destroy the Taker fort.

Area 21 - Crystal Mine

These mines are full of dangerous radiation. The farther in you go, the

more damage you will take. Also, the hostile shades will flee and regain health
when you attack them.
There is a spawner near the entrance that makes unstable roamers. Kill
it to be able to clear the Stinking Marsh.
There is a side tunnel at the southeast corner which leads to a drayk
named Trine. One of Pinner’s quests (in Medab) is to find and get rid of this
If you go far enough in, you will find a servile body. Search it to find
black crystal powder, which is used for one of the powerful item quests.
If you proceed all the way to the center of the area, you will start to take
lots of damage.
Items of note: Black crystal powder.
To Clear: Kill the spawner and walk into the mines until you discover where the
servile miners tunneled too deeply.

Area 22 - Belik’s Crossing

To cross the bridge in this area, you first have to deal with Mekkan, the
guard. If your Leadership is high enough, you can trick him into letting you pass.
Otherwise, you need to return to East Medab and get permission from Brodus
There is a Taker named Ty hiding in the southwest corner. Belik runs an
inn in the northeast corner.
Open Shaper Pots - Belik asks you to clean out some Shaper pots in the
northwest corner of the area. Enter the ruins there, open the pots, and kill
the thahds that come out.
Kill Twini - Ty asks you to kill Twini, who is in the center of the Patrolled
Path. When she is dead, return and he will tell you how to find a pass. To get
it, go north to Complex Gates.
Items of note: Girdle of insight.

Area 23 - Complex Gates

This area is just outside of the Magus Complex. However, if you walk
up the main road, you will be ambushed by a lot of creations. You can avoid a
fight by walking through the woods in the west half of the area. Just don’t get too
close to any of the blue crystals. They will explode and summon monsters.
The entrance to the Magus Complex is in the northeast corner. If you
have completed Ty’s quest, walk south along the wall from here and you will
find the pass. If you keep going south, you will be ambushed by rogues.
Items of note: Ivory band, Shaped boots.

Area 24 - Power Station

This area has a damaged power station, defended by out-of-control
rogues. You can pass through this area by walking down the path around the
outside and being careful not to get too close to the rogues.
If you have enough Mechanics skill, you can shut down the power
station (this is a quest in the Magus Complex). Go to the building in the cen-
ter (either by fighting rogues or sneaking past them). Use the power spirals to
deactivate them. When two have been deactivated, use the spire in the center and

choose to take the gem.
There is a rear entrance to the Magus Complex in the northeast corner of
the area.
Items of note: Ring of the Eye, Thrusting gauntlets.
To Clear: Kill enough of the rogues or shut down the power station.

Area 25 - Experimental Chambers (map in next chapter)

If you need to sneak into the Magus Complex, there is advice for how to
get through here in the Walkthrough.
The caves to the northwest contain different varieties of rogues, being
stored here for later use. One of the caves contains an Infernal Specter, who can
give you a quest.
Slay Tuldaric - The Infernal Specter will improve your statistics if you kill
Tuldaric for it. Tuldaric is in the Complex Core.
Items of note: Acid baton, Guardian cloak, Shaped breastplate.

Area 26 - Magus Complex (map in next chapter)

The Magus Complex is the research center and magic school for the
Awakened. There are people here who can sell you equipment and give you
magical training (if you are Awakened, you can learn more spells). To be allowed
to enter, you will need to swear to the servile guard (at A on the map) to be
If you are in the Awakened, you can get a key from Loha. The same key
is in a box at F. There are several spellbooks in the wing at G, and the Magus keys
can unlock most of the doors.
Deactivate Power Core - Loha will pay you to deactivate the out-of -control
machinery in the Power Station section. Read the section on that area to
learn how to do it.
Find Swofford’s Book - Swofford wants a copy of the book Runecasting. A
copy can be found in The Radiant College (at J on the map).
Find Swofford’s Book - Swofford also wants a copy of the book Ember and
Onyx. A copy can be found in Benerii-Uss Entry (at E on the map).
Items of note: Fibrous shield, Infiltrator vest.

Area 27 - Complex Core (map in next chapter)

This is the research core for the Awakened, where Tuldaric does his
work and teaches spells. To learn how to steal the research here, sabotage the
complex, or learn from Tuldaric (if you’re Awakened), consult the walkthrough.
Tuldaric’s quarters are at H. Valuable supplies are inside.
Tuldaric walks from between D and F. If he is damaged too much, he
will run and heal himself. He can only do that a few times. If you kill him, you
will get a pair of keys which will open most of the doors in the complex.
Items of note: Girdle of nimbleness, Bonding knife, Crystalline plate, Shaper
robe, Coated cloak.
To Clear: Be allied with the Awakened, or kill Tuldaric and sabotage the complex.

Area 28 - Medab West Bridge

If you walk along the road through this area, you will be hunted down
by a giant thahd named Gragh. If he is damaged enough, he flees into his swamp
(to the east).
There is a supply cache in the woods to the west, guarded by a servile
named Dent. If you are allied with the Awakened or your Leadership is high
enough, you can convince him to let you in.
Items of note: Acid baton, Shaped gauntlets.
To Clear: Kill Gragh.

Area 29 - Golem Bridge

The bridge is guarded by a damaged golem. You can pass by killing it,
although it’s pretty tough. Alternately, there is a servile named Septi hiding in
a building to the east. If you are allied with the Awakened or your Mechanics is
high enough, you can convince Septi to tell you the password which will get you
past the golem.
Items of note: Girdle of endurance.
To Clear: Kill the golem or get the password.

Area 30 - Hunted Fen

This swamp is full of rats. They will follow you at a distance until they
outnumber you and then attack. There are useful items in the concealed groves at
the south edge of the area.
Items of note: Girdle of strength, Shielding band.
To Clear: Kill at least 10 rats.

Area 31 - Triola
Triola is a small Awakened outpost. You can rest and restore energy in
the inn, and the people will sell you equipment.
Kill Bandit Leaders - Griffith wants you to kill the three head rogues in the
bandit fort to the southwest. For more information read the section on the
Warren of the Three.
Message For Muck - Griffith will give you a sealed message to take to Herik
Blade, inside Fort Muck.
Check Ellhrah’s Tomb - Wald is trying to find out if anything has infested
Ellhrah’s Tomb. Walk inside the Pit of the Bound and you can verify Wald’s
Items of note: Steel sword, Shaped blade, Shaped belt, Steel gauntlets.

Area 32 - Marsh Crossroads

The center of the crossroads has been taken over by Takers. If you are a
Taker or your Leadership is high enough and you have a feather token (you can
get one by doing Ty’s quest in Belik’s Crossing), they will let you pass.
If you meet the Takers, go to Triola, and tell Griffith about them, they
will be gone when you return.
You can get past the bandits by walking through the swamp. The rats
won’t attack unless you get close. Using the spore plants will give you spores,
though when you use the plants any nearby rats will attack you.
There is a servile hermit named Lindian in the northwest corner of the

area. He can help you and sell you potions if you bring him some of the spores.
Get Some Spores - Lindian won’t help you until you get spores by using one
of the spore plants.
To Clear: Convince the Takers to leave you alone or kill all of them.

Area 33 - Fort Muck

Fort Muck contains several bitter, wet servile soldiers. The fort will be
attacked while you are wandering around inside.
Occasionally, rats will appear wandering around the edges of the area.
They sometimes drop useful items when you kill them. Also, there is a friendly
rat wandering along the west edge of the area that will join your group if you
talk to it.
Message for Triola - When you deliver a message from Griffith to Herik
Blade, he gives you a message to take back.
Items of note: Oozing belt.

Area 34 - Bandit Marsh

This area is patrolled by bandits. When one finds you, it will attack you
if you don’t pay it. You can get them to leave you alone if your Leadership is high
There are several ghosts in the northeast corner of the area. They won’t
attack you unless you try to search the body they are guarding.
Items of note: Steel breastplate, Steel sword, Steel shield, Living knife, Acid
To Clear: Kill most of the bandits.

Area 35 - Warren of the Three (map in next chapter)

This dungeon is full of powerful and dangerous bandits, some of which
are learning magic and trying to summon demons. One of the quests in Triola is
to kill the three head bandits.
To get past the mines at the entrance, walk to B on the map and a secret
door will open.
The first two bandits are Quorn (at C) and Eko Blade (at D). Search the
altar at C and the box at E to get two keys. Unlock the doors at F and you can
reach High Vizzedra (at G).
Items of note: Deep focus orb, Transference robe, Reflecting shield, Stability belt.
To Clear: Kill all three leaders.

Area 36 - Western Marsh

This area contains several powerful creations. Abandoned by the Takers,
they wander around in the swamp.
There is a lone battle alpha in the marsh to the northeast. If your Leader-
ship is high enough, you can convince it to follow you around and help you.
There are two groups of serviles patrolling the pass at the west edge of
the area. One group is full of Takers. They will let you pass if you have a feather
token. The other group is composed of bandits, which will attack you.
Items of note: Mica band.

To Clear: Kill both groups of serviles or convince the Takers to let you pass.

Area 37 - Ellhrah’s Tomb (map in next chapter)

This is a tomb for worthy Awakened serviles. You can learn how to get
through here in the section of the Walkthrough on getting a conduit shard.

Area 38 - Pit of the Bound One (map in next chapter)

This area has been taken over by a demon trapped in a golem’s body.
You can learn how to get through here and kill the golem in the section of the
Walkthrough on getting a conduit shard.
Items of note: Fibrous breastplate, Singing rapier, Claws of a demon.
To Clear: Kill the demon golem.

Area 39 - Northern Pass

The main road through this area is guarded by three packs of Taker
guards. You can get them to let you pass if you have a feather token and are
either a Taker or have a high Leadership skill.
You can get around the guardposts by walking through the valleys to
the north. You will need a good Mechanics skill to disarm the traps.
If you go due south from the western Taker guardpost, you will find the
entrance to the Barrier of the Winds, a secret Awakened installation.
Items of note: Infiltrator cloak.

Area 40 - Barrier of the Winds (map in next chapter)

The entry to this complex has several locked doors. If your Mechanics
skill isn’t very high, to get into here, you will need the key Pinner gives you
when you have joined and helped the Awakened.
To learn what to do in here, read the Awakened section of the Walk-
through. If you are not Awakened, you will just have to fight everything.
Items of note: Agent robe.

Area 41 - Clawbug Canyon

Most of this area is infested with hostile clawbugs. Some very nasty
specimens are in the tunnels to the northeast.
There is a locked door in the southeast corner. You can only open this
door when you have a horn token, which you get when you have helped the
Takers. To learn what to do in here, read the Takers section of the Walkthrough.
Items of note: Clawbug charm.

Area 42 - Experimental Valley

This area is trapped. The acid sprayers will go off and start damaging
you when you get close to them. If your Mechanics skill is high enough, you can
disarm them by using them.
Without Mechanics skill, you will have a very hard time getting through
Items of note: Steel breastplate.

Area 43 - Kss-Urg’s Valley

This area is infested with hostile cryoa. They constantly patrol and

watch the road. You will encounter fewer of them if you stick to the north edge of
the area.
The cryoa are all being created by two spawners in the building at the
south end of the area. There is a drayk named Kss-Urg in the center room of this
building. He will talk to you. If you are a Barzite, you pay him off, or if your
Leadership skill and level are high enough, you can convince him to have the
cryoa stop attacking you.
Items of note: Mica band, Shaped gauntlets, Armor band.
To Clear: Kill the two spawners or convince Kss-Urg to let you pass safely.

Area 44 - Thahd Dumping Ground

The Barzites have been dumping failed thahd designs here for a while.
The mutated thahds here are very dangerous. Not necessarily to you, but to each
There are some supplies in the abandoned houses by the water to the
Items of note: Farsight chitin, Submission baton.
To Clear: Kill at least 15 thahds.

Area 45 - Gheth (map in next chapter)

This town is controlled by the Barzites, and there is a well-guarded
research facility at the east edge of town. If you are a Taker, the town will be hos-
Only Barzites can enter the research area without being attacked. How-
ever, you can sneak in through the door at B.
You can buy supplies here, and there are several quests.
Take Care Of Old Shaper - Brent wants you to kill Elissia. She is in the Upper
Research Hall. Read the description of that section for more details.
Get Escaped Serviles - Dawn asks you to go west to Darian’s Sanctuary and
bring back any serviles who will come. There is one servile there (named
Friz) who will return with you if your Leadership skill is high enough.
Get Research Notes - If you are a Barzite, Gareth (in the research area) will
pay you for research notes. They can be found throughout the game.
Get Things For Finchy - A servile named Finchy gives you a key and asks
you to get something from under the bed in his house. The house is in the
southwest corner of the Thahd Dumping Ground.
Items of note: Symbiotic cloak, Iron breastplate, Dodging boots, Girdle of insight.

Area 46 - Upper Research Hall (map in next chapter)

This is one of the original Shaping halls in these mountains, built long
before Zakary and Barzahl arrived. It is now home to an old, loyal Shaper named
The hall is trapped with a number of minefields. If your Mechanics skill
is high enough, you can disarm them by using spore boxes. (The spore boxes are
labeled A through L on the map.) You can tell if you have disarmed a mine or not
by looking at it carefully. If the tiny sensor on the top is still moving, it is active.
To get through without triggering any mines, you will need to enter the research
hall from the south, not the west.

Elissia starts at M on the map and wanders around her laboratory. She
can give you training and advice.
Items of note: Quicksilver chain, Puresteel ring.

Area 47 - Gheth Gates

The southern half of this area is patrolled by Barzite guards. If you are
a Taker or have left the Barzites, they will attack you. There is a Loyalist spy
named Phipps at the west edge of the area. He gives directions to the Loyalist
encampment to the west.
The dungeon to the north is guarded by a golem. If you get too close to
the entrance, it will attack you. However, if you talk to it and your Leadership or
Mechanics skill is high enough, you can deactivate it.
Items of note: Stunning blade, Shielding knife.

Area 48 - Clockwork Maze

This dungeon was the home of a mad Shaper who was creating bizarre
mixtures of machinery and living organisms. Unfortunately, the Shaper died, and
the creations were left to run amuck.
There are numerous dangerous golems hiding in the side passages.
However, if you stay close to the mine tracks winding through the dungeon, you
will avoid all of them. If you do meet a hostile golem, however, it will talk to you.
If your Leadership or Mechanics skill is high enough, you can deactivate it.
If you walk through following the mine tracks, you will pass through
four laboratories. Each contains an inactive golem and a control pedestal. If you
use the pedestal and your Mechanics skill is adequate, you can activate the go-
lem. It will follow you around and kill your enemies.
At the end of the mine tracks, you will meet a huge mechanical drakon.
When you (or your golem servants) do enough damage to it, it will try to heal
itself. When this happens, if you’re close enough and your Mechanics skill is high
enough, you will be told that some of its machinery is exposed. If you choose to
deactivate it and have a living tool, the drakon golem will be destroyed.
In the chambers behind the drakon golem, you will find the mad
Shaper’s body and some useful supplies.
Items of note: Tinker’s gloves, Puresteel ring, Rogue drayk tendon, Infiltrator
To Clear: Kill the drakon golem.

Area 49 - Guarded Groves

The three large groves in this area contain packs of hostile, wandering
creations. If you don’t get too close, they won’t attack you.
In a small clearing in the center of the area, you will find Shanti’s body.
There is an Awakened spy named Mezrich hiding in the far northwest
corner. There is a hidden Barzite supply cache in the southwest corner.
Spy On Rising - Mezrich wants to learn about Rising. Go there and walk to
the center of town. Then return to Mezrich.

Area 50 - Rising Bridge

This is one of several areas where the Shapers of Rising lost control of

their powerful creations. You will have to kill a number of rogues to get through
this area.
The leader of the rogues is a mad battle beta. He is next to the south side
of the river in the southeast corner of the area. He will challenge you to a duel if
you approach him.
There is a small Shaping hall at the east edge of the area with a heal-
ing and essence pool. A small path on the north side of the river leads west to
Darian’s Sanctuary. You can find it by going to the north end of the bridge and
walking straight west.
Items of note: Stabilizing band.
To Clear: Walk across the bridge.

Area 51 - Old Rising Bridge

The bridge over water here is mechanical. You can raise it using the
controls in the buildings on either side of the water if your Mechanics skill is ad-
equate. Alternately, there is a servile named Dregh on the east side of the water.
He will raise the bridge for you if your Leadership skill is high enough.
There is a building with valuable equipment in the southeast corner of
the zone, but you will need Mechanics skill to disarm the many traps.
Items of note: Shaped shield, Girdle of endurance.
To Clear: Raise the bridge and walk through the area.

Area 52 - Darian’s Sanctuary

A servile hermit named Darian lives here. She sells supplies and gives
one of the powerful item quests.
In addition, she can, one time only, speak on your behalf to the serviles
and change their perception of your beliefs. If you want the people in the moun-
tains to think you are pro-Shaper or pro-Servile (in order to join a faction that
doesn’t want you), Darian can help you one time.
There is an unhappy servile named Friz in the southeast corner. You can
convince him to join you if you have received the quest from Dawn (in Gheth).
Kill Battle Beta - The battle beta Darian wants you to kill is in the southeast
corner of the Rising Bridge area.
Items of note: Shining shield, Girdle of strength, Sharing belt, Shaped gauntlets.

Area 53 - South Rising Road

The road is guarded by several glaahks. If you are a Barzite, they won’t
attack you. You can avoid most of them if you stay on the road.
There are two shops in this area, one to the northwest and one to the
Get Mandrake Tincture - Manny asks you to bring him mandrake tincture
that Bernard stole from him. You can find it in a cabinet in the back corridors
of Bernard’s shop, but you shouldn’t pick it up until none of the glaahks can
see you. (You can bring Manny any of the mandrake tinctures in the game,
not just Bernard’s).
Items of note: Shaped breastplate, Empathy blade, Chilling band.
To Clear: Be a Barzite or kill at least 5 glaahks.

Area 54 - Breeding Pits
These Breeding Pits, where the Barzites plan to raise hordes of creations
to fight the Shapers, are not yet completed. If you have been to Rising (and aren’t
a Taker), you can pass through this area freely.
Otherwise, Barzahl will test you by having the serviles attack you. You
will have to fight past them. When you reach the northwest corner of the area,
you will meet a gazer named Thot-Tha. Speak with it, and it will unlock the
doors into Rising for you.
The path leading to Phariton’s dungeon is in the southwest corner of the
Items of note: Green boots.
To Clear: Enter this area after having been in Rising, unlock the door north into
Rising, or convince Thot-Tha to open it.

Area 55 - Rising (map in next chapter)

Rising is the largest city in the mountains and the home of the Barzites.
It is ruled by Barzahl, one of the two Shapers you were sent here to find. Once
you have spoken with Barzahl, you can return to where you started the game
and leave the mountains.
To learn how to join the Barzites and complete Barzahl’s quests, consult
the walkthrough.
Should you eventually want to kill Barzahl, there are two ways to do it.
First, if you are very powerful, you can just attack him. You will be swarmed by
his guards, but they can be defeated with some effort.
Second, if you have a high Mechanics skill, you can deactivate the de-
vices which keep the creations here under control. Go to D and use the controls
there when Shingle can’t see you. Then go to E and, when Shingle walks into
the side corridor, use the control pillar. Go to A and attack Barzahl. He will lose
control of his drayks, and they will attack him. Support them with blessing and
healing spells. When Barzahl is dead, run for the exit.
Get Canisters - Corin will enable you to get augmentation canisters (in the
rooms at F) if you bring him mined crystals and rings of puresteel. The rings
can be found in the research areas (like Phariton’s Hall and the Radiant Col-
lege) in this area. You can get at most 4 canisters this way.
Rogue Battle Alphas - Trace wants you to hunt down and kill a pack of rogue
alphas. They are hiding in the northwest corner of the Old Rising Bridge
Recover Stones - Selithra asks you to find a pouch of stones. They are in a
supply building in the southeast corner of the Trapped Forest. You will need
high Mechanics skill to safely pass all of the traps.
Find Trace’s Letter - Trace asks you to find a letter. It is in a box in one of the
rooms in the inn in Medab.
Items of note: Shaper robe, Guardian cloak, Coated cloak, Deadeye cloak, Quick-
silver chitin, Shaped blade, Reaper baton, Shaped boots, Puresteel boots, Shaped
belt, Static band, Puresteel belt.

Area 56 - Rising North Gate

You can meet a number of bitter serviles here, all thrown out of their
homes in Rising. Some will sell you supplies, and you can rest in the inn.
There is a Taker spy named Rior hiding in the building in the northwest
corner. He will tell you interesting things about the Takers.
Hurt Krogst - Zoka wants you to kill a Guardian named Krogst. He patrols
around the lake in the southeast corner of Mountain Base, to the north.
Find Control Center - Lem is an Awakened spy. If you are allied with the
Awakened, he asks you to find the creation control center for Rising. Enter
Rising and go to E on the map. Then return to Lem.
Speak With Tiree - Degena asks you to find and speak with Tiree. He is at G
on the Rising map. To open the door, pull the second lever from the left at H.
Items of note: Samaritan boots, Puresteel ring, Wisdom charm.

Area 57 - Loyalist Encampment

There is a fort in the north end of this area. It contains a small band of
loyal Shapers. They will provide training and supplies as long as you have not
joined the Barzites or Takers. Macnulty can also provide useful advice if you
want to finish the game without choosing a faction.
There is a small Barzite Shaping hall in the southeast corner. The vat
contains a drakon, but it will only come out if you are helping Barzahl destroy
the encampment.
In the farthest back cave in the camp is a room with several vats. Use
them to make hostile creations appear. One of them is a glaahk which, when
killed, drops a perfect glaahk scale. This is used for two of the powerful item
Spying In Gheth - Bunk asks you to investigate the research hall in Gheth.
Go to Gheth, sneak into the complex at B, and enter the room at C. Then
return to Bunk.
Items of note: Crystal woven shield, Stability boots, Perfect glaahk scale.

Area 58 - Trapped Forest

These woods are full of traps. If you don’t have a high Mechanics skill,
you won’t get far. You can get around the mines on the road by going down the
side path to the northwest, but you’ll have to fight some inferno worms.
There is a large supply cache in the southeast corner.
Items of note: Infiltrator shield, Oozing belt, Puresteel ring.

Area 59 - Road to Phariton

These valleys lead to Phariton’s lair. They are defended by a lot of
pylons. If you are careful and have a small group of creations, it is possible to
find a route through which will keep you from being shot by the pylons. Walking
through in combat mode and hasting yourself helps a lot.
In the far northwest and southeast corners of the area, there are control
pedestals which each turn off half of the pylons. You need a high Mechanics skill
to use them. The entrance to Phariton’s Hall is in the southwest corner.
Items of note: Leaded shield.

Area 60 - Phariton’s Hall (map in next chapter)
For directions to get to Phariton, read the section of the walkthrough on
getting conduit shards.
If you have not joined any of the factions, Phariton will be friendly to
you. If you complete the quest he gives you, he will give you training. When you
complete the quest (or if your Leadership skill is high enough to convince him
sooner), he gives you permission to leave through his quarters. You can get out
quickly by using the door at L.
There is a Battle Alpha named Hryk at M who will join you if your
Leadership skill is adequate.
Stuff For Phariton - Phariton gives you a long shopping list of items he
needs. They can all be found by keeping your eyes open while wandering
Items of note: Charmed falchion, Shaper’s boon, Puresteel ring, Purified essence.
To Clear: Kill Phariton or get permission to enter his chambers.

Area 61 - The Radiant College (map in next chapter)

This is the research center for the Barzites. If you are not a Barzite, when
you enter, a guard named Meena will stop you. Leave, go to Rising, and speak
with Barzahl to ask for permission to enter. Return to Meena, and you will be
able to explore without getting attacked.
To learn how to sabotage the college, steal its research, or get trained (if
you’re a Barzite), consult the walkthrough.
Test Rotghroth - Fenen wants you to help test his new rotghroth. Find it by
using the vat at K.
Find Mockli’s Book - Mockli is missing a book. She left it on the floor at L.
Fix College Power - Lark begs for your help fixing the college power supply.
The broken control pedestal is M, but you need a moderate amount of Me-
chanics skill to fix it.
Items of note: Reaper baton, Reflecting shield, Quicksilver boots, Shaper’s belt,
Ivory band, Puresteel ring, Essence charm.
To Clear: Be a Barzite, sabotage the college or kill Burham and Fenen.

Area 62 - Mountain base

This is the base of the mountain pass that leads up to Taker lands. It is
very well defended to keep Taker intruders out. Unfortunately, their defenses
work all too well against you too.
Krogst patrols the southeast area. He will attack you unless you are a
Barzite or calm him down with a high Leadership skill.
The gate to the northwest leads up to Taker lands, but it is defended
by several very dangerous pylons. There are controls to turn them off. To reach
them, walk up to the northeast corner of the area (you will need some Mechanics
skill to disarm the traps). Past the traps is a guardhouse. The serviles within will
attack unless you are a Barzite or have a modest amount of Leadership skill. Use
the spore box in the guardhouse to turn off the pylons.
The door blocking the road out to the northwest can be opened by pull-
ing the levers in the guardhouses to either side.

Items of note: Airy fibrous shield.
To Clear: Open the door out of the area to the northwest.

Area 63 - Creation Holding (map in next chapter)

Experimental creations made by the Barzites are stored here for obser-
vation. There are also some valuable items, though they are well-guarded.
A drakon patrols the central area. It walks to the doors and back to the
center. When it sees you, it talks to you. If you are a Barzite or your Leadership is
high enough, you can convince him to leave you alone. Otherwise, if you don’t
flee, it will attack.
If you fight the drakon and damage it, it will run to A on the map to get
healed. To take away this ability, go to A and use all four machines there.
Search the box at B to find the key to the door at C. Search the box at
D to unlock the door at E. Pull the rightmost lever at F to unlock the door at G.
Search the servile body in the cell to find the key which unlocks the rest of the
levers. Pull the levers to open the rest of the cells.
Items of note: Quicksilver plate, Stasis shield, Perfect glaahk scale.
To Clear: Kill the drakon in the center or convince it to let you by.

Area 64 - Western Pass

The main road through this area passes by several trapped stone circles.
If you get too close to one of the blue crystals, two seconds later it will flash and
a swarm of hostile creations will appear. If your Mechanics skill is high enough,
you can click on the crystals and disarm them before they go off.
You can also get through the pass by passing through the rotghroth cave
in the southeast corner.
Items of note: Shaped fiber cloak.
To Clear: Walk all the way through the pass.

Area 65 - Pit of Misfits

This cave contains a variety of hostile creations. If you enter from the
west, you will find a servile named Frem. If your Leadership is high enough, you
can get safe passage through this area.
There is an eyebeast named Melancon Eye in the center of the area. If
you get safe passage from Frem, you can speak with it. There is also a servile
named Heust Blade who is willing to join your group.
Kill Syros - Melancon Eye asks you to kill Syros. He is a drayk at A on the
Zhass-Uss map.
Items of note: Shaped blade, Leader’s sword, Gloves of the hammer.
To Clear: Kill Melancon Eye or get safe passage through the area.

Area 66 - Infested Farmland

There are several packs of Taker guards in this area. If you have not yet
been to Zhass-Uss, they will threaten you when you meet them. They will attack
you if you have inadequate Leadership skill and no feather token.
There are several spinecores in the southwest and southeast corners of
the area. The ones to the southeast are very strong. The three to the southwest
can be killed to complete a quest in Zhass-Uss.

Items of note: Puresteel shield.
To Clear: Kill most of the guards or get their permission to pass safely.

Area 67 - Hermit Crossroads

There are several drakons patrolling the roads here. They will hunt you
down if you don’t have a Taker feather token.
There are two hermits in this area. Learned Thani is to the southwest.
He provides useful information and teaches some skills. Kraynos is a drakon to
the southeast. He will teach you, but only if you are a Taker. Neither will train
any skill you have already improved more than once.
The gate to Gazak-Uss is along the southern edge of the area. To open
it, talk to Thani until he tells you how to open the door. Then go to the gates and
search the pillars until you find the two with the concealed switches.
Items of note: Spectral rapier, Reaper baton.
To Clear: Kill over four patrolling drayks or convince them to let you pass.

Area 68 - Zhass-Uss (map in next chapter)

Zhass-Uss is the home of the Takers. Shapers are not welcome. You will
be attacked if you are allied with the Barzites or Loyalists or if you commit any
Syros, leader of the Takers, is at A on the map. To learn how to join the
Takers and complete Syros’s quests, consult the walkthrough.
Several of the entrances of Zhass-Uss are protected by mines. They will
only go off when you get close if Zhass-Uss is hostile to you. You can avoid the
mines by entering Zhass-Uss from the north. You can deactivate the mines by
using the spore boxes at F. If you search the barrel at F and the box at G, you can
find a feather and a bone pass. They will help you get through some areas peace-
Slay Cultists - Amena Blade wants some cultists killed. They are in the
northeast corner of Zhass-Uss Outskirts.
Kill Melancon - Dhorass will pay you to kill a rogue eyebeast. It is in the
center of the Pit of Misfits.
Spinecore Problem - Igner is a farmer who is having some problems. You can
help her by killing the three spinecores in the southwest corner of Infested
Farmland. (You don’t need to kill the stronger two in the southeast corner.)
Find Jeek - Teresa is a spy. If you are Awakened, she asks you to find a spy
named Jeek. Jeek is in The Shade Patrol, at A on the map. You can heal her if
you have a strong healing pod or spores in your inventory.
Items of note: Quicksilver chain, Tek’s spectral dirk, Charm of mental focus,
Puresteel gauntlets, Deflection band.

Area 69 - Zhass-Uss Outskirts

This is the eastern expanse of Zhass-Uss. You will be attacked if you are
allied with the Barzites or Loyalists or if you commit any crime. There are several
people you can talk to and buy supplies from.
The northeast corner of the area is populated by crazed cultists. They
will always attack you.
There is a Shaping hall with two canisters in it in the southeast corner of

the area. The lever which opens the door is hidden behind a barrel. You will have
to fight two drakons to reach the canisters.
Bring Wand of Death - Bayor will reward you if you bring him a wand of
death. There are several of them in Taker lands. Note that helping the Takers
will decrease your standing with the Loyalists and Barzites.
Making Wands - Symon can make wands for you if you bring the correct
Items of note: Shining shield, Girdle of nimbleness, Girdle of leadership, Imper-
vious band.

Area 70 - Infected Crossroad

This road has been overrun with crazed, rogue creations. You will have
to do a lot of fighting to get through here. The problem is that the western gate is
If you approach from the west, you can open the western gate using the
lever in a ruined building in the northwest corner.
If you enter from the east, it is more difficult to open the western gate.
First, pass through the unlocked eastern gate. Go south and then east. Find the
narrow valleys. There is a spawner inside. Search the servile body by the spawn-
er to get a key.
Go north to the river shore and find the building. The key will unlock
the door. Go through the building, cross the bridge, and go west. Kill the gazer
and other rogues and search the bodies until you find another key.
There is a building south of the western gate. It contains a healing pool,
an essence pool, and a lever. The gazer’s key unlocks the lever. Pulling the lever
unlocks the western gate.
Items of note: Shaped fiber cloak.
To Clear: Kill the gazer and unlock the western gate.

Area 71 - Dead Pass

This area is haunted. When you have killed the ghosts in the central
area, more ghosts will occasionally appear in the crypt in the northeast corner.
This crypt contains a cursed gold idol. It makes you weaker if it’s in your inven-
tory. It is used for a quest in Zhass-Uss.
To relieve the curse on the area, talk to the Guardian ghost by the water
to the southwest.
Make Ghosts Happy - The specter tell you to lift the curse on the area by
bowing to the seven stone pylons in the area. When you have done so,
return to the specter and tell it what you did. It will attack. Slay it to lift the
Items of note: Guardian claymore, Blademaster charm, Ancient idol.
To Clear: Lift the curse on the area.

Area 72 - Shath’s Waste

This area is full of rogue creations. They won’t attack you if you’re a
Taker or have a bone pass.
There is a field in this area which will occasionally make you lose

control of your creations. You can remove it by entering the center building,
deactivating the four power spirals in the corners (by using them), and using the
control pillar in the center.
There is a friendly servile named Learned Shath at the north end of the
area. He will be friendly to you and offers one of the four powerful item quests.
Test Creations - Shath asks you to test three creations by fighting them. They
are in the three caves just north of his house.
Items of note: Dodging boots.
To Clear: Test the three creations or deactivate the creation-confusing field.

Area 73 - The Shade Patrol (map in next chapter)

This area is defended by a very powerful and unusual magical machine.
It will constantly create swarms of creations at A. They will move quickly around
the road circling this area, return to where they started, and disappear.
If they see your character, they will attack. When all of them are dead or
they have returned to the start and disappeared, a new group will appear.
Note that the shades only get angry if they see you. They won’t notice
your creations. If you hide in side passages like at B and C and leave a creation
by the road, you can keep track of the patrol’s movement. You can also get close
to the exit by sneaking through the passage at D.
If you talk to the servile at A and choose to use a strong healing potion
or pod on him, you can learn valuable information about the area.
The exit door is at E. Every minute it is opened for a short time by a
golem at F and then closed again. Watch the door from a distance, wait for the
golem to open it, and run through. If you are forced to kill the golem, leave the
area and return and it will reappear.
You can shut down the shade-making machine by deactivating both of
the power spirals at G. If your Mechanics skill isn’t high enough, however, they
will explode.
Items of note: Reaper baton, Tinker’s glove, Girdle of health.
To Clear: Deactivate the shade-making machine.

Area 74 - Icy Breeding Pit

Unless you are a Taker or have a bone pass, you will be swarmed by
cryoa and other enemies as you pass through this area. The gate blocking the
center road is locked. To get through, you will have to explore the caves in the
western half.
There are several alarm crystals. If you have high Mechanics skill and
use them, they will be disarmed. Otherwise, if they go off, several drayks will
hunt you down.
If you are a Taker, you can pass through this area safely.
There is a canister hidden behind a table in the Shaping room to the
Items of note: Shaped breastplate, Vial of blood poison, Puresteel shield, Grue-
some charm.

Area 75 - Infected Pass

This pass leads up to Benerii-Uss from the south. If you are a Taker and

Syros has given you a horn token, the creations won’t attack you. Otherwise, you
will have to fight through a lot of guards.
When you get close to the northwest gate, you will find several blue
alarm crystals. You need high Mechanics skill to disarm them. If you don’t, a
group of shades will appear and attack you.
The gate blocking the exit from this area is in the far northwest corner.
There is an office east of there. If you search the jar inside, you will find the key
to the gate.
Items of note: Puresteel blade, Bhargeth’s girdle.
To Clear: Walk all the way through the pass and unlock the northwest gate.

Area 76 - Taker Toll Road

The road through this area is guarded by a drakon named Dryss. It will
hunt you down when you start to cross the area. If you aren’t a Taker and don’t
have a fang token, it will demand that you pay it. If you don’t, all of the drayks
in the area will hunt you down.
The drayks live in the southwest and southeast corners of the area. They
will attack you if you approach them.
There is a small building southwest of the stone circle in the center of
the area. If you pay Dryss, it will unlock it for you. There is a canister inside.
Items of note: Girdle of genius.
To Clear: Be a Taker or kill Dryss.

Area 77 - Demonic Depot

This supply depot was also used for magical experiments. Sadly, they
resulted in a demon being set loose in the area. If you enter from the north, you
will have a hard time getting inside the caves where the demon is. You will prob-
ably need to enter from the south.
Once inside, explore the offices to the northeast. There is a lever inside
which you can pull to unlock the doors to the demon. Once you’ve pulled a lever,
go southwest and pass through the double sliding doors.
There are two alcoves off to the sides, both of which contain ghosts. If
you kill them, new creatures won’t appear to attack you while you are fighting
the demon. Once they are dead, kill the demon. You will be able to open the box
behind it, which contains the key which will let you through this area.
Items of note: Puresteel plate, Puresteel blade, Claws of a demon.
To Clear: Unlock the doors at the northwest and southeast corners of the demon

Area 78 - Benerii-Uss Entry (map in next chapter)

These are the quarters for the drayks and serviles who work in Bene-
rii-Uss. If you are a Taker, consult the walkthrough chapter to learn how to get
here and who to talk to. If you aren’t a Taker, this is where you should enter
Benerii-Uss if you are good at combat. The walkthrough will tell you what you
need to do here.
Items of note: Quicksilver chitin, Living knife, Tek’s spectral dirk, Stasis shield,
Fyora fang charm, Puresteel belt.

Area 79 - Benerii-Uss Power (map in next chapter)

This is where power is generated for Benerii-Uss. If you are a Taker, you
will be attacked by the patrolling golems until you talk to the servant mind at D
on the map.
If you aren’t a Taker, this is where you should enter Benerii-Uss if
you are better at stealth than combat. The walkthrough will tell you how to get
through here.
Items of note: Infiltrator cloak, Infiltrator vest, Stability boots, Puresteel gauntlets.

Area 80 - Benerii-Uss Shaping (map in next chapter)

This is where most of the research in Benerii-Uss is done. If you are a
Taker, consult the walkthrough chapter to learn how to get here and who to talk
If you aren’t a Taker, you may have come here to kill Rhakkus. The
walkthrough will tell you how this is best done.
Items of note: Puresteel boots, Arcane band, Impervious band.
To Clear: Be a Taker or kill Rhakkus.

Area 81 - Benerii-Uss Holding (map in next chapter)

This is where most of the experimental creations kept in Benerii-Uss are
stored. If you are a Taker, consult the walkthrough chapter to learn how to get
here and who to talk to.
If you aren’t a Taker, you may have come here to kill Akkat. The walk-
through will tell you how this is best done. If you are looking for a key to reach
the Geneforge, you can get one by killing Akkat or searching at E on the map.
The large cave at I contains a lot of powerful, hostile creations. They
have some powerful items. The door at J can’t be opened.
Items of note: Crystalline plate, Spectral rapier, Crystal woven shield, Gloves of
the hammer, Agent’s shelter, Puresteel charm.
To Clear: Be a Taker or kill Akkat.

Area 82 - The Geneforge (map in next chapter)

These chambers hold the Geneforge, the powerful secret weapon of
the Takers. Easss, the smartest and most powerful of the drakons, is also here.
Consult the walkthrough to find out how to kill Easss and destroy the Geneforge
(if you aren’t a Taker) or complete the Geneforge (if you are).
The quarters for the three leaders of Benerii-Uss are at M. There are
some deadly traps, though.
Items of note: Charmed plate, Puresteel plate, Puresteel gauntlets.
To Clear: Complete the Geneforge or destroy it.

Area 83 - Outer Gazak-Uss

This is where the Takers place creations that are too erratic or dangerous
to keep around but too interesting to destroy. It is full of powerful, dangerous
creations, all of which are eager to fight you.
There is a servile named Learned Guas at the southeast corner of the
area. For money, he can improve quite a few different skills (but he can’t improve
a skill you’ve trained in more than once).
Just south of Learned Guas, you will find the door to Inner Gazak-Uss.
To open it, you will need three broken crystal pieces. You can find one of them in

each of Benerii-Uss Shaping, Benerii-Uss Holding, and the Geneforge.
Items of note: Mutated gamma skin, Puresteel plate, Essence chitin, Leader’s
sword, Quicksilver boots, Belt of purity.

Area 84 - Inner Gazak-Uss

Inner Gazak-Uss contains the most powerful creatures in the game,
and the nicest treasures as well. This is where the most vicious and powerful
creations of Benerii-Uss are kept, waiting until they can be dropped into Shaper
lands and allowed to run amuck.
Items of note: Drakon skin cloak, Shaper true chitin, Gazer skin boots, Ornkskin
gauntlets, Victor’s boon, Omnicharm, Putrefied gauntlets.
To Clear: Slay the drakon master.

Chapter 5 - Area Maps

Here are the maps for many of the most important and complex loca-
tions in Geneforge 2. Each map is marked with letters which are references to
locations mentioned in the previous chapters. For each map, north is up, east is
right, and so on. In the Geneforge 2 terrain view (in the game), north is to the
upper right, and east is to the lower right.

Geneforge 2 World Map- Western Regions

Geneforge 2 World Map- Eastern Regions

Chapter 6 - Special Stuff Location Guide
Ability-giving canisters, potential allies, and other useful resources are
hidden throughout Geneforge 2. This section lists where you should look to find
many useful things. It doesn’t always say, however, exactly where you should
look. It may take a little searching.

Magic Spells:
All of the magical abilities are gained by getting trained by townsfolk,
reading spell books, or using skill canisters. You can find people who will teach
you spells in the Drypeak Warrens, Medab, Magus Complex, Complex Core,
Upper Research Hall, Rising, Radiant College, Loyalist Encampment, Phariton’s
Hall, and Benerii-Uss. The Drypeak Warrens is a particularly useful source for
the lower level spells.
The two most powerful spells in each area can only be learned from
a canister unless you have been modified to be able to cast them. (Rhakkus,
Tuldaric, and Burham can do this.)
In addition to leaning them from trainers, you can also find spells using
canisters and other means at the following locations ...

Burning Spray - Drypeak Warrens, Breeding Pits.

Searer - Western Mines, Rising North Gate.
Ice Spray - Marsh Crossroads.
Essence Orbs - Experimental Chambers.
Acid Shower - Rising, The Radiant College.
Kill - Pit of the Bound One, Benerii-Uss Shaping.
Aura of Flames - Icy Breeding Pit, Benerii-Uss Power.

Unlock - Freegate, Experimental Valley.
Terror - Warren of the Three, Rising.
Dominate - Magus Complex, Old Rising Bridge.
Strong Daze - Upper Research Hall, Trapped Forest.
Charisma - Phariton’s Hall, Benerii-Uss Holding.
Mass Madness - Demonic Depot, Benerii-Uss Holding.
Essence Shield - Secret Tunnel, Infiltrator’s Fort.
Speed - Magus Complex.
Mass Energize - South Rising Road.
Steel Skin - Rising.
Essence Armor - Benerii-Uss Shaping.
Battle Roar - Taker Toll Road, Benerii-Uss Shaping.
Augmentation - Patrolled Path.
Heal - Magus Complex, Mountain Base.
Group Heal - Rising.
Remove Effects - Rising.
Major Heal - Zhass-Uss, Benerii-Uss Power.
Mass Restore - Demonic Depot, Benerii-Uss Entry.

Shaper Creations
You can learn to make creations at the same places you can buy spells
(listed above.) In addition, here are locations where you can learn to make Shaper
creations using canisters and other ways ...

Create Fyora - Infiltrator’s Fort.

Create Roamer - Patrolled Path.
Create Drayk - Rising, The Radiant College, Zhass-Uss Outskirts.
Create Drakon - Shath’s Waste, Benerii-Uss Entry, Benerii-Uss Holding.
Create Thahd - Warren of the Three.
Create Clawbug - Sharon’s Grove.
Create Battle Alpha - The Radiant College, Taker Toll Road.
Create Rotghroth - Zhass-Uss, Benerii-Uss Entry, Benerii-Uss Power.
Create Artila - Kss-Urg’s Valley.
Create Vlish - Upper Research Hall.
Create Glaahk - Pit of the Bound One, Infected Crossroad, Demonic Depot.
Create Gazer - Zhass-Uss, Benerii-Uss Entry, Benerii-Uss Shaping.

Powerful Item Quests

There are four people who can, if you give them the right components,
make very powerful items for you.

Infiltrator’s Ring - Made by Sharon in Sharon’s Grove. Requires a pure crystal

shard, purified essence, and a rogue drayk tendon.
All-Protector - made by Lindian in Marsh Crossroads. Requires purified essence,
black crystal powder, and a perfect glaahk scale.
Emerald Chestguard - Made by Darian in Darian’s Sanctuary. Requires a perfect
glaahk scale, the claws of a demon, and a mutated gamma skin.
Creator’s Belt - Made by Shath in Shath’s Waste. Requires the claws of a demon,
a deep focus orb, and a vial of blood poison.

The components can be found in a variety of the more dangerous areas:
Pure crystal shard - Crystal caverns.
Purified essence - Sharon’s Grove, Phariton’s Hall.
Rogue drayk tendon - Clockwork Maze.
Black crystal powder - Crystal Mine.
Perfect glaahk scale - Creation Holding, Loyalist Encampment.
Claws of a demon - Pit of the Bound One, Demonic Depot.
Mutated gamma skin - Outer Gazak-Uss.
Deep focus orb - Warren of the Three.
Vial of blood poison - Icy Breeding Pit.

Characters Who Will Join You

These are the characters in the game that can potentially join your
group, and the locations where they can be found:

Abandoned Thahd - The Crags.

Zora - Drypeak Mines.
Lost Ornks - Patrolled Path, Stinking Marsh.
Xander - Complex Core.
Friendly Rat - Fort Muck.
Huge Roamer - Warren of the Three.
Marjan - Gheth.
Augmented Drayk - Clawbug Canyon.
Friz - Darian’s Sanctuary.
Abandoned Vlish - Old Rising Bridge.
Alpha Hryk - Phariton’s Hall.
Heust Blade - Pit of Misfits.

Chapter 7 - Cheat Code Guide

Like most games these days, Geneforge 2 has a series of cheat codes. If
you get stuck, these codes can heal you, make you stronger, or pull you out of
ugly situations.
Be very careful using these. First, they can make the game too easy.
Second, if you overuse some of them (like “exitzone”), you might mess up the
game’s plot. Try to only use them if you’re completely stuck. And, if you find that
you can’t resist the temptation, there is a cheat code you can use to disable cheat
If you hold the shift key down and type ‘d’, the cheat box comes up.
Enter the phrases below and hit return to get the given effect.

nomorecheats - Turns off cheats permanently. None of these codes will work
anymore. If you ever want to turn them on again, go to the Geneforge 2 tech
support page on the Spiderweb web site.
healmenow - Heal your group.
rechargeme - Recharge your essence and energy.
exitzone - Takes you out of the zone you are in and sends you to the world map.
Very useful if you get stuck.

pleaselikeme - Makes all of the areas in the game forget your crimes. If you
were hated there, you won’t be anymore. Note that certain crimes (stealing
artifacts, killing major characters) won’t be forgotten.
iwanttobestronger - Gives you some experience.
clearthisarea - Turns the current area green on the world map.
giveasnack - Gives your main character some cake.
iloveserviles - Makes the serviles think you told all of them that they should
have rights. Makes it possible to join the Awakened or the Takers.
ihateserviles - Makes the serviles think you told all of them that they shouldn’t
have rights. Makes it possible to join the Barzites or the Loyalists.
clearallsects - Removes your membership to the Loyalists, Awakened, Takers,
and Barzites. You will become able to join any of them.


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