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UMU Lesson Plan Template


Name: Alison Jacobs Date: February 7, 2018

Grade Level: 2nd Grade Class Period: morning time
Subject: Literature Lesson # & Title: #5 wh questions
Function of the Lesson (check all that apply):
 Introduce New Skill or Content
 Practice X
 Review X
 Remediation/Re-teaching

Context for Learning and Cultural Responsiveness Rationale:

Leaner Attributes:
You are teaching a small group lesson in a suburban school district. The students receive their
instruction in a resources room for the subject you are teaching.  In your classroom, there are 5 students
3 boys and 2 girls. Most of the students are from lower middle class homes but one student has recently
become homeless and is moving between homes of family and friends.  There are 3 students who are
caucasian, 1 African-American, and 1 student who is multiracial. All five students are on IEPS.

Student 1 a highly motivated and diagnosed with ADHD and a learning disability specifically related to
reading.  She reads below grade level. Her struggles stem from deficits in comprehension and recall.
She often has trouble summarizing what has just been read and connecting her prior knowledge to the
text. She also has difficulty retaining classroom procedures and instructions.  She becomes overwhelmed
when she has to apply her knowledge to new or more complex situations. She often makes careless
mistakes in her work since she difficulty accessing her stored knowledge and rarely self-monitors her

Student 2 joined your classroom from the school ED classroom.  He is only coming to your class to
receive instruction then going back to the ED room. This is part of his transition plan to a least
restrictive environment. He has violent behaviors toward other students. Often these occur when he is
bored. He has an above average IQ and often finishes work much faster than the other students.  Your
class is right after lunch and recess and student 2 often comes in quite wound up. He has had a serious
altercation with student 3 who is also in our class. They do not get along well at all.

Student 3 and student 4 both have been identified as having a learning disabilities related to writing.
Both students have difficulty starting work that requires them to write complete sentences and
paragraphs. During writing, they get distracted and fatigued. Student 3 additionally lately has been really
tired. He often lays his head down. You wonder if he might have health issues or might not be getting
enough sleep. You do know that he is not in his home right now.  Student 4 also has poor fine motor
skills and struggles to write for extended times. He receives occupational therapy once a week for 20
minutes to help develop these skills.

Student 5 has been identified as having an intellectual disability. She is extremely loving.  She
sometimes hugs teachers and students and you are working to transition her to handshaking as a
replacement behavior that would be more appropriate for the school setting.  Her IQ is significantly
lower than the other four students in the room. Her communication skills are severely limited. When
questioned she often repeats the last phrase that the questioner says or if given options selects the second
option regardless if it is right or wrong. She can read sight words and sound out/tap out basic letter

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sounds in words. She also can write sight words from memory and other words when given a word bank.
She receive reading instruction through the whole-language approach.

Your classroom is the Chapman 3rd floor conference room (feel free to stop by and take a look inside).
You have a large table that can comfortably seat 10 people (4 on each side and 1 on each end) but that
leave little room to move around the table.  There are two whiteboards, a large TV that you can project
on. There is also a couch at one end of the room.
 Students will be seated at the table on the one side and one at the end, I will be seated across
from the students.
 Student 2 will sit on the end of the table the farthest way from Josh.
 Student 2 and student 1 will be seated in exercise balls to help release movements from their
active bodies.
 I will keep high-energy protein bars in my classroom for students like student 3 who may not
have had a meal that day. This can also help him gain energy so that he does not fall asleep
during class time.

Cultural Responsive Rational:

 I will use differentiation in this lesson to fit the needs of each of the 5 students with IEPs. I will
use activities that fit each students needs to best learn from the lesson.
 I will incorporate technology into my lesson. Technology is a great resource to keep students
actively engaged. Student 3 and student 4 who struggle with writing will work on an iPad instead
of using traditional worksheets and pencils.
 Student 4 and student 3 will read the book “If You Give A Mouse A Cookie”. This book will
actively engage them because they both love cookies and candy. They will want to know what
happens when a mouse receives a cookie and compare it to how they are when they get a cookie.
 Student 2 will be reading “Nate the Great”. This book will interest him because it is about a child
detective and he loves to read mystery books. This will connect to his personal life.
 Students will create their own sentence using who, what, where, when, why, and how. This will
be a student-centered activity, the students can pick what word they are doing and any sentence
that they would like. This will also develop higher-order knowledge and skills.

Content Standards:
Standard: a text. RI.2.1 Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to
demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.

Rationale: In second grade it is crucial that students comprehend what they are reading. Who, what,
where, when, why, and how questions can get students to answer questions about the reading and if they
answer correctly then the teacher will know that the understood what they read. This standard is
appropriate for my students because they are now able to read to find information out. This is a logical
skill because they are able to read and look back in the text to find answers to questions that ask about
the story. They are reading to learn not learning to read, students at this age can comprehend and answer
questions about stories that they have read. They know how to read and are expanding on what they can
do while they are reading. They need this skill to move on to third grade. In third grade the standard that
students must master is, how to ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text,
referring explicitly to the text as the basis for answers.
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Learning Objectives:
1. Given a grade level text students will be able to able to locate answers to the questions who,
what, where, when, why, and how with 80% accuracy.
2. Students will be able to create a sentence using who, what, where, when, why, and how with
100% accuracy.

Academic Language:
 Who, what, where when, why, and how
 Vocabulary from the story

Assessment Plan, Formative Assessment (10 minutes):

 I will use active student response for the formative assessment for this lesson
 Students will be given the definitions of who, what, where, when, why, and how
 We will go over these twice and students will have a word bank of who, what where, when why,
and how that will be written on the whiteboard.
 Students will be given their own individual whiteboard to use for this activity
 I will read the definitions aloud and the students will write on their whiteboard whether it is who,
what, where, when, why, or how.
 I will check all of the students answers for understanding
 I will reteach or give assistance to any student that struggles with this

Assessment Plan, Summative Assessment (15 minutes):

 Student 2 will use the worksheet at the bottom for his summative assessment. This will be
completed after he has read the story. He will answer the questions in complete sentences. He
will need to answer 5 out of 6 of the questions correctly to reach 80% accuracy. In addition to the
worksheet he will write a sentence on the back using one of the question words; who, what,
where, when, why, and how.
 Student 3 and student 4will complete the worksheet on an iPad. The worksheet will be scanned
and they will type out their answers to each question. They will need to answer 5 out of 6 of the
questions correctly to reach 80% accuracy. In addition I will have them type at the bottom of the
page 1 sentence using who, what, where, when, why, or how.
 Student 5 will do her activity on an iPad. Her activity will be two pictures next to each other with
a sentence asking a question; who, what, where, when, why, and how. She will choose which
picture answers the question. This will be done independently however I will read the sentences
to her. She must answer 5 out of 6 of the questions correctly to reach 80% accuracy. In addition I
will have her verbally tell me a sentence using one of the question words who, what, where,
when, why, and how. I will have her verbally tell me to work on her communication skills.
 Student 1 will do the same iPad activity as student 5. This will be done independently after I read
the sentences to her. She must answer 5 out 6 of the questions correctly to reach 80% accuracy.
In addition student 1 will type a sentence at the bottom of the activity using either who, what,
where, when, why, or how.

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Procedures, Lesson Introduction (5 minutes):
1. Get students attention by playing a fun video that will introduce the academic language to the
3. Ask the students “Has anyone used any of these words before?”
4. If they answer yes then I will ask “When did you use one of these words?”
5. I will use this opening procedure to transition into the lesson of answering who, what, where,
when, why, and how of a text
6. During this time I will use proximity to student 2 to keep him on task

Procedures, Lesson Body (10 minutes):

Explicit Instruction
1. I will have three reading selections out; one will be a book at grade level for student 3 and
student 4, one will be a book below grade reading level for student 1 and student 5, and one will
be a book above the grade reading level for Luke.
2. Student 2 will be presented with the instructions for the activity. I will tell him that he will be
reading his book on his own once he is back in the ED room. I will explain that after he reads the
story that he will be answering questions on the worksheet that show his reading comprehension.
These questions will ask the who, what, where, when, why, and how of the story. After this
instruction Luke will return to the ED classroom.
3. While I read the grade level text to student 3 and student 4, student 5 and student 1 will be
looking through their book at the pictures and finding words that they know. After I finish
reading to student 3 and student 4 I will have them look through the book together and in their
own words explain to each other what the story was about. During this time I will read the text to
student 5 and student 1.

Structure/Guided Practice (10 minutes)

 I will use active student response using whiteboards after the story. We will do a whole class
engaged discussion about the definition of who, what, where, when, why, and how
 I will read off the definition of the words, giving examples of each word
-who: asking what or which person or people
-what: asking for information about something
-where: asking in or at what place or position
-when: asking about time
-why: asking for reason, asking what for
-how: asking about condition or quality
 After going over the definitions and giving the students real life examples I will have them use
whiteboards to answer questions. I will read a definition and the students have to write whether
that is who, what, where, when, why, and how.
 I will go through the definitions twice, making sure that the students are writing the correct
answer when they hold them up, if there is confusion I will reteach the definitions with the words
and help by giving additional examples of the words.

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Independent Practice (15 minutes):
 Student 5 will be doing an activity on the iPad with a series of questions with two pictures. She
will pick which picture answers the question after I have read the question aloud to her. This will
be done independently. After she is completed I will give her a handshake for completing her
work and explain that this handshake is more school appropriate than a hug.
 Student 1 will be doing the same iPad activity as student 5. She will be given less assistance than
student 5 but she will still be read the sentences before she answers the question by picking
which picture answers the question.
 Student 2 will be doing the worksheet writing in complete sentences to answer the questions.
This will be completed independently in the ED classroom.
 Student 3 will be using the iPad to complete the worksheet. His answers will be typed out
 Student 4 will be doing his worksheet on the iPad as well. His answers will be typed out

Procedures, Lesson Closure (5 minutes):

 I will have a group discussion with the 5 students in my room.
 We will talk about real world connections to the lesson, I will ask the students to give a question
that they have asked before using either; who, what, where, when, why, and how. This shows
them that this is a skill that they will use almost every day.
 We will discuss how this will help us tomorrow by introducing us to the next lesson, which is
looking for key details in a text.

Differentiation, Individualized Instruction, and Assessment:

 Student 1 will be given a different text for her activity because she is not yet at the grade reading
level. I will read the story to her. I will give her private instructions because she struggles with
this. I will talk to her one on one about what she will be doing after the story is read. Her activity
will be a two pictures side by side with a question underneath. The questions will ask who, what,
where, when, why, and how. These questions will ask about the story and one picture will be
from the story and the other picture will be from a different story. She will have to choose which
picture answers the question. I will read the questions to her. This is what student 1 will use
instead of the worksheet because she struggles with reading comprehension. I will read the
sentence aloud to her because she is not yet at the grade reading level, this will also help break it
down into smaller pieces to make sure that she does not become overwhelmed.
 Student 5 will use the same text and iPad activity as student 1. Student 5 has low communication
skills because of her intellectual ability she will be doing her activity on an iPad. Because of her
low IQ I will sit closely with her and read her the sentences slowly and will repeat them if she
needs it.
 Because of student 2’s high IQ and his tendency to become bored he will read a book that is at a
higher reading level. He will listen to the instructions of what to do with the story then will be
given a higher level of text to read on his own when he returns to the ED classroom. The activity
that he will do with his book is the attached worksheet. The worksheet asks who, what, where,

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when, why, and how questions about the story. This worksheet will show his reading
comprehension of the story.
 Because student 3 has a learning disability in writing he will be using iPads for the activity after
the story is read. Typing out the answers to the questions will help him from getting distracted
and fatigued that he normally gets from writing. He will be answering the same questions from
the worksheet, I will scan the worksheet so that he can type on it on the iPad.
 Student 4 will be doing the same activity as student 3 because he also has a learning disability in
writing. Using an iPad will be beneficial to student 4 because he struggles with his fine motor
skills. Holding a pencil may be hard for him, typing uses fine motor skills and can help him from
becoming fatigued while writing. He will also be completing the same worksheet scanned onto
the iPad.
 Students that are not yet at the grade reading level will receive a different text that better fits their
learning needs, whether that be a harder text to read or an easier text to read.
 I will use chunking to break down the amount of information that is being presented. Chunking
will help students with IEPs by giving them a longer amount of time to comprehend what is
going on in the story. Chunking will break the story down into smaller parts.

Instructional Materials and Support:

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This worksheet was found on a website called TeachersPayTeachers
 If You Give A Mouse A Cookie book
 Nate the Great book
 Silly Sally book
 Pencils
 iPads
 activity for student 5 and student 1:
 Whiteboards
 Markers

Research and Theory Commentary:

 Vygotsky developed the zone of proximal development. This is the distance between what a
student can learn on their own and what they can learn with assistance. The students will be
using this theory while they are trying to answer the questions on their own but if they are
struggling they will ask their neighbor. This will help with students collaboration with peers as
 Gardener’s theory of multiple intelligences and that students learn in different ways. This will be
incorporated in with having the students work on a written worksheet and seeing it up on the
SMARTBoard. This will be differentiation between visual and tactile learners. I will also read
the questions aloud for auditory learners.
 Feedback a theory founded by Hattie(2009). I will use feedback after I review the worksheets
that I collected from my students. I will give students that struggled with answering the questions
correctly feedback by sitting them down in groups and talking about the story. I will then have
students look in the book to see if they can find the answers, if they cannot I will provide
feedback of how they can do this.
 I will use Active Student Responding while discussing what the definitions are for who, what,
where, when, why, and how. Students will use whiteboards to write which question word it is
asking. This way I can see what each student is answering and if any of the students need more
assistance or need to be retaught part of the lesson.

Use of Technology Commentary (if applicable):

 iPads will be used for alternative assignments for students
 Student Este Standard Empowered Learner 1b “Students build networks and customize their
learning environments in ways that support the learning process.” The students are supporting
their own learning process by using technology that better fits their needs.

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