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Miss Chard’s 2nd Grade Math Class

Technology Rules and Regulations

Please review, sign and return no later than 9/22/2020.

1) All School Rules Apply.
2) All students should treat their device(s) and others
devices with care and courtesy.
3) Keep all food and drink away from all devices at all times.
4) A student’s device must be fully charged and ready to go
for every class. Charging will not be permitted during
class unless prior permission has been given.
5) Students are only allowed to be on websites and
applications that are prevalent to the lesson that day.
6) Only work pertaining to Ms. Chard’s math class is
permitted to be done during the class.
7) Being on social media sites during class in not allowed.
8) Please do not take pictures of others on your device
without permission.
9) Any questions regarding a device should be directed to
the technology department.
10)Please report any damage or theft IMMIDEATELY to Ms.
Chard or the Technology Department.

Student’s full name (Print): ________________________________________________________________

Signature: ______________________________________ Date:_______________________________________

Parent/Guardian full name (Print): _______________________________________________________

Signature: ______________________________________Date: _______________________________________

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