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Ministerul Educații, Culturii și cercetarii al Republicii Moldova

Universitatea Tehnica
Facultatea Construcții, Geodezie și Cadastru

La: disciplina limba straina(engleza)
Tema: Descrierea universitatii din RM

A verificat:

The “Ion Creangă” State Pedagogical University of Chisinau was formed according to the decision of
the Moldovan Government of 16 August 1940, initially called the Moldovan State Pedagogical Institute,
which in 1955 was renamed the “Ion Creangă” State Pedagogical Institute from Chisinau. In 1992, based
on the Decision of the Government of the Republic of Moldova no. 330 of May 21 “Regarding the
reorganization of the university education system”, the Institute is reorganized in the “Ion Creangă”
State Pedagogical University of Chisinau.
Today, the “Ion Creangă” State Pedagogical University gathers eight
faculties. During the last ten years of activity, the University has considerably
widened its teacher training profile, renewed the nomenclature of specialties and
revised the curricula. The faculties of the University prepare teachers for over 40
specialties. The University has highly qualified teaching and scientific staff. At
present, the university’s 25 departments operate 17 university professors, 14
habilitates, 124 doctors in science, 104 university lecturers. More than 6,000
students attend the faculties of the University. The University has trained more
than 32,000 senior teachers. More than 100 university graduates were named as the
“Emeritus Teacher of the Republic”. The contribution of U. S. S. “Ion Creanga” is
invaluable not only in the training of teachers of different specialties; University
graduates are scientists and culture, politicians, writers, world-renowned scholars,
outstanding personalities. The pride of the University is: academics Boris Melnic,
Boris Mateenco, Petru Soltan, Haralambie Corbu; The writers Grigore Vieru,
Spiridon Vangheli, Vasile Vasilache, Victor Teleuca, Gheorghe Voda, Andrei
Strâmbeanu, Ion Hadârcă and others.
Parallel to the training, the University also carries out extensive scientific
work. During the last years of studies, scientific collaboration relations have been
established with a number of university centers abroad: with universities from
Bucharest, Iasi, Cluj-Napoca, Constanta, Galati, Dusseldorf, Montana, Velico-
Tirnova (Sofia), Ankara and other universities in England, the Netherlands

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