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A: A: A: A: Fitness:
Fitness Fitness Fitness/Performance Fitness/Performance from 0 to 14’ AMRAP
AMRAP 10’ 4 rounds 6 low ring MU transition 9 thrusters
2 wall climbs 11 KB2 push press Pause Back squat 10’’ ring top hold 9 cal skierg
8 strict knee to chest 11 KB2 russian swings 14 pistol (box) squat 9 knee to chest
14 alt. jumping lunges 11 cal row 6-4-4-4-6 9 cal row
from 14’ to 17’ REST
1.30’ rest between rounds from 17’ to 30’ AMRAP
9 box jump over
18 DB hang snatch

A: A:
Performance Performance
AMRAP 10’ every 2’ x 10’
2 deficit negative HSPU 2 power snatch
8 alt. 1 leg strict TTB 2’’ pause at knee
14 kb crossaci squat

B: B: B: B: Performance:
Fitness-Performance Fitness Fitness Fitness-Performance from 0 to 14’ AMRAP
5 rounds For time: every 3’ x 15’ CamplEMOM 10’ 3 power clean
50 double unders 40 american swings 12 DB2 clean & jerk 8 deadlift 6 one DB devil press
25 wall balls 30 box jams 12 DB2 reverse lunges 8 bar facing burpees 9 box jump over
12 burpees 20 ring row 12 mad ball sit ups from 14’ to 17’ REST
1’ rest between rounds 10 shuttle run 10mt in the same minute from 17’ to 30’ AMRAP
8 cal row
12 toes to bar
8 alt. DB snatch

B: B:
Performance Performance
For time: every 3’ x 15’
30 hang power snatch 12 DB2 cluster
20 overhead squat 12 pull ups
10 box jumps 12 GHD sit ups
10 bar muscle up

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