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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,146,084 B2

Atac et al. (45) Date of Patent: Dec. 5, 2006
(54) FIBER OPTIC LIGHT SOURCE FOR 5,506,408 A 4, 1996 Vickers et al. .............. 250,366
DISPLAY DEVICES 5,526,170 A 6/1996 Esman et al. ............... 359,279
5,534,694. A 7/1996 Ball et al. ................... 250/330
(75) Inventors: Robert Atac, Batavia, IL (US); Todd 5,642,227 A 6/1997 Rallison .... ... 359,631
Ashcraft, Aurora, IL (US) 5,673,151 A 9, 1997 Rallison ..................... 359,631
5,724.463 A 3/1998 Deacon et al. ................ 385/27
(73) Assignee: CMC Electronics, Inc. (CA) 5,783,829 A 7/1998 Sealock et al. ............. 250/367
5,793,046 A * 8/1998 Jeffers et al. ............... 250,364
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 5,835,458. A 1 1/1998 Bischel et al. ........... 369/44.12
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 5,876.262 A 3/1999 Kelly et al. ................. 446,118
U.S.C. 154(b) by 56 days. 5,905,263 A * 5/1999 Nishizawa et al. ......... 250,368
5,911,018 A 6/1999 Bischel et al. ................ 385, 16
(21) Appl. No.: 10/462,468
(22) Filed: Jun. 16, 2003

US 2004/O25294.0 A1 Dec. 16, 2004 FR O 280 584 8, 1988

(51) Int. Cl.

GO2B 6/04 (2006.01)
GO2B 2L/00 (2006.01) (Continued)
(52) U.S. Cl. ......................... 385/115; 385/116; 3.85/14:
3.85/1:385/901; 385/32: 362/13; 362/34; Web page: Fluorescent Optical Fiber (Flexible) with up to /3"
362/237; 362/.557; 35.9/13: 359/630 Diameter (PATENTED), pp. 1-3, May 28, 2004.*
(58) Field of Classification Search .................. 385/31, Continued
385/115, 116, 119, 120, 133, 15, 30, 32, 901, (Continued)
385/1, 2, 3, 14, 88, 89, 16, 17, 18, 24, 42: Primary Examiner Brian M. Healy
362/13, 34, 237; 345/8; 35.9/13, 630; 398/111, (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm Bromberg & Sunstein LLP
398/112, 113, 42, 48
See application file for complete search history. (57) ABSTRACT
(56) References Cited
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length and first and second ends and at least one electro
4,280,766 A 7/1981 Goss et al. ................. 356/350 magnetic wave source disposed along at least a portion of
4,467,292 A 8/1984 Ajioka et al. ... ... 333/24.1 the length of the fiber for transmitting electromagnetic
4,764,984. A * 8/1988 Franke et al. ............... 398,119 waves through a side surface of the fiber. A reflective surface
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4,884,860 A 12/1989 Brown ........ ... 350/96.15 is disposed at the first end of the fiber for directing light
4,989,956 A * 2/1991 Wu et al. ..................... 349,71 generated within the fiber toward the second end. Aheads-up
5,111,326 A 5/1992 Ball ........................... 359,244 display can make effective use of the light source.
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6,353,227 B1 3, 2002 Boxen ..... 250,363.1 Web page: Fluorescent Optical Fiber (Flexible) with up to /3"
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U.S. Patent Dec. 5, 2006 Sheet S of 6 US 7,146,084 B2

U.S. Patent US 7,146,084 B2
US 7,146,084 B2
1. 2
FIBER OPTIC LIGHT SOURCE FOR or eye-safe, can be quite bulky, and are expensive. Light
DISPLAY DEVICES modulators for Such displays also need nearly collimated
light spread over a relatively wide aperture. Beam-spreading
TECHNICAL FIELD optics are often used to expand a laser beam into a colli
mated light beam of appropriate size to illuminate a light
The present invention relates to light sources and, in modulator. The light modulator then controls the transmis
particular, to light sources and other devices employing Sion, absorption or reflection of the light to projection optics
optical fiber. that create a real image on a screen or diffuser.

Standard clad optical fibers consist of a core having a high In a first embodiment of the invention there is provided a
refractive index that is clad with a material having a lower light source which includes at least one optical fiber having
refractive index. The mismatch of refractive indices sets the a length and first and second ends. The at least one optical
conditions for total internal reflection and gives the fiber its 15 fiber receives electromagnetic waves along at least a portion
wave guiding properties. Multi-clad fibers have a second of its length and a reflective surface disposed at the first end
layer of cladding, applied over the standard cladding. The of the fiber directs light generated within the fiber to the
second layer has an even lower refractive index, thus per second end. In accordance with a related embodiment, the at
mitting total internal reflection at a second boundary. Such least optical fiber may be a wave-shifting fiber. In accor
internal reflection allows optical fibers to transmit light from dance with another related embodiment; the at least one
one end of the optical fiber to the other. For example, when optical fiber may be a scintillating fiber. The light source
a light is placed on one end of a fiber, the light is transmitted may further include at least one electromagnetic wave
to the other end of the fiber with a minimal amount of light Source disposed along at least a portion of the length of the
being lost due to absorption or emission along the fiber's fiber. The at least one electromagnetic wave source transmits
length. Standard optical fibers will only collect and keep 25 electromagnetic waves through a side Surface of the fiber.
light that is somewhat aligned with the axis of the fiber. This In accordance with a further related embodiment, the at
means that light that enters the fiber normal to the axis of the least one optical fiber may be arranged in a sheet. Similarly,
fiber is not transmitted to the ends of the fiber. the at least one optical fiber may be arranged in a coil. In
Scintillating and wave shifting optical fibers can absorb accordance with another related embodiment, the light
light entering the fiber and re-transmit light of a different 30 Source may also include a housing for containing the at least
wavelength. This property can be exploited when using light one optical fiber and the at least one electromagnetic wave
emitting diodes ("LEDs) or other sources to illuminate the source and the housing may include the reflective surface.
Scintillating and wave shifting optical fiber. Scintillating and The light Source may also include at least one lens for
wave shifting optical fibers absorb light in one or more receiving light emitted from the second end of the fiber. The
bandwidths and re-emit light at longer wavelengths. For 35 at least one electromagnetic wave source may emit electro
example, a Scintillating or wave shifting optical fiber can magnetic waves in the ultra-violet, visible or infrared range
absorb UV light and emit green light. This absorption and of the electromagnetic wave spectrum. In accordance with
isotropic emission feature improves the efficiency of light another related embodiment, the light Source may also
collection by the fiber. include a controller for changing the intensity of the at least
Normally, Scintillating optical fibers consist of polysty 40 one electromagnetic wave source.
rene-based core, and a polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) In accordance with another embodiment of the invention,
cladding. The Scintillating core of the fiber contains a a display device includes at least one optical fiber having a
combination of fluorescent dopants, selected to produce the length and first and second ends and at least one electro
desired Scintillation, optical and radiation-resistant charac magnetic wave source disposed along at least a portion of
teristics. When a photon passes into the fiber, the energy is 45 the length of the fiber for transmitting electromagnetic
absorbed and transferred into light of longer wavelength waves through a side surface of the fiber. The at least one
through excitation of the fluorescent dyes added to the optical fiber generates light and transmits the light along its
plastic core. The excited light typically uniformly emits in length upon absorbing at least a portion of the electromag
47L steradians. The portion of the emitted light within the netic waves. A modulator receives light emitted from the
total internal reflection angle of the fiber is then guided down 50 second end of the at least one optical fiber and forms an
the length of the fiber by total internal reflection from the image. The at least one optical fiber may be a wave-shifting
fiber cladding due to the cladding's lower refractive index. fiber or a scintillating fiber.
Scintillating optical fibers are used for decoration, when In accordance with related embodiments, the display
used for novelty or display items, or for radiation detection, device may also include a reflective surface disposed at the
when used for industrial purposes. Such fibers are readily 55 first end of the at least one fiber for directing light generated
available from Poly-Optical Products Inc., Eljen Technol within the at least one optical fiber toward the second end.
ogy, or from Bicron, a Business Unit of Saint-Gobain Similarly, the display device may include at least one lens
Industrial Ceramics, Inc. for receiving light emitted from the second end of the fiber
Projection display systems, such as heads-up displays and transmitting light to the modulator. The at least one
("HUDs) used in aircraft, use light modulators such as the 60 electromagnetic wave source may emit electromagnetic
digital micro-mirror devices (“DMD), liquid crystal on waves in the ultra-violet, visible or infrared range of the
silicon (“LCOS) and various liquid crystal displays electromagnetic wave spectrum. In accordance with another
(“LCDs). Such modulators, particularly when used in a related embodiment, the display device may include a con
heads-up display wherein the image created must compete troller for changing the intensity of the at least one electro
with Sunlight, generally need a very high intensity and 65 magnetic wave source and/or a screen on which the image
Somewhat collimated light Source. One source for Such a is displayed. Further, at least one lens may receive light
light is a laser. However, high power lasers are not rugged emitted by the modulator and transmit light to the screen. In
US 7,146,084 B2
3 4
accordance with further related embodiments, the at least directs light generated within the doped glass device to the
one optical fiber may be arranged in a sheet. Similarly, the second end. In accordance with related embodiments, the at
at least one optical fiber may be arranged in a coil. least one doped glass device may include a glass device
In accordance with a further embodiment of the invention, doped with a lanthanide. In accordance with further related
a heads-up display includes at least one optical fiber having 5 embodiments, the at least one doped glass device may
a length and first and second ends and at least one electro include a doped glass rod. The at least one doped glass
magnetic wave source disposed along at least a portion of device may be arranged in a sheet or arranged in a coil. The
the length of the fiber for transmitting electromagnetic lanthanide may be Europium or Terbium.
waves through a side surface of the fiber. A modulator
receives light emitted from the second end of the at least one 10 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
optical fiber and a combining glass receives light emitted by
the modulator. The combining glass is coated with a reflec The foregoing features of the invention will be more
tive coating. The at least one optical fiber may be a wave readily understood by reference to the following detailed
shifting fiber or a scintillating fiber. Similarly, the at least description, taken with reference to the accompanying draw
optical fiber may be arranged in a sheet or it may be arranged 15 ings, in which:
in a coil. FIG. 1 is a graphical illustration of an optical fiber having
In accordance with a related embodiment, the head-up scintillating or wave shifting properties wherein the fiber is
display also includes a reflective surface disposed at the first illuminated along its length;
end of the fiber for directing light generated within the fiber FIG. 2 is graphical illustration of a light Source in accor
toward the second end. The heads-up display may further dance with an embodiment of the present invention;
include at least one lens for receiving light emitted from the
second end of the fiber and transmitting light to the modu FIG. 3 is a graphical illustration of a display device in
lator. In accordance with a further related embodiment, the accordance with another embodiment of the invention;
heads-up display may also include a diffuser for receiving FIG. 4 is a graphical illustration of a Heads-up display in
light emitted from the modulator and transmitting light to 25 accordance with a further embodiment of the invention;
the combining glass and/or at least one lens for receiving FIG. 5 is a graphical illustration of a light source in
light emitted from the diffuser and transmitting light to the accordance with another embodiment of the invention;
combining glass. In accordance with another related FIG. 6 is a graphical illustration of a side view of light
embodiment, the at least one optical fiber absorbs electro source in accordance with a further embodiment of the
magnetic waves in the ultra-violet range of the electromag 30 invention; and
netic wave spectrum and emits green light. FIG. 7 is a cross sectional view of the light source of FIG.
In accordance with another embodiment of the invention, 6.
a light source includes at least one optical fiber having a
length and first and second ends and at least one electro DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF SPECIFIC
magnetic wave source disposed along at least a portion of 35 EMBODIMENTS
the length of the fiber for transmitting electromagnetic
waves through a side surface of the fiber. The at least one Definitions. As used in this description and the accom
optical fiber generates light and transmits the light along its panying claims, the following terms shall have the meanings
length upon absorbing at least a portion of the electromag indicated, unless the context otherwise requires:
netic waves. The light source also includes means for 40
As used here, the term “wave shifting fiber” refers to an
changing the intensity of light emitted from the second end optical fiber which absorbs an electromagnetic wave and
of the fiber. In accordance with related embodiments, the at emits an electromagnetic wave having a wavelength longer
least one optical fiber may be a wave-shifting fiber or a than the wavelength of the electromagnetic wave absorbed.
Scintillating fiber. Further, the means for changing the inten
sity of light emitted from the second end of the at least one 45 Wave shifting fibers have an indefinite half life within a
optical fiber may include dimming the at least one electro specified operation and temperature range. They can typi
magnetic wave source. In accordance with a further related cally absorb electromagnetic waves anywhere within the
embodiment, the light source includes at least two electro ultra-violet to infrared range of the electromagnetic spec
magnetic wave sources and the means for changing the
intensity of light emitted from the second end of the at least 50 “Scintillating fiber' refers to an optical fiber which
one fiber includes selectively turning the electromagnetic absorbs an electromagnetic wave having any wavelength
wave sources off or on. and emits an electromagnetic wave having a wavelength
In accordance with a further embodiment of the invention, longer than the wavelength of the electromagnetic wave
a method for producing light for a display includes trans absorbed. Scintillating fibers have a shorter half life than
mitting at least one electromagnetic wave to at least one 55 wave shifting fibers.
optical fiber, the at least one optical fiber having a length and FIG. 1 is a graphical illustration of an optical fiber having
first and second ends, such that the at least one electromag scintillating or wave shifting properties wherein the fiber is
netic wave is received along at least a portion of the length illuminated along at least a portion of its length rather than
of the fiber. The light transmitted from either the first or through one of the ends 106 and 102 of the fiber. Electro
second end of the at least one optical fiber is then reflected 60 magnetic waves from electromagnetic wave sources 101 are
back into the fiber. absorbed through the sides 112 (or circumference) of the
In accordance with another embodiment of the invention, fiber 103 which causes light 104 to be emitted from the ends
a light source includes at least one doped glass device having of the fiber 103. Electromagnetic waves emitted from the
a length and first and second ends. The at least one doped electromagnetic wave sources 101: may be in the ultraviolet,
glass device receives at least one electromagnetic wave 65 visible or infrared ranges of the electromagnetic wave
along at least a portion of its length, and a reflective Surface spectrum. (Although three electromagnetic wave sources
disposed at the first end of the at least one doped glass device 101 are illustrated in connection with FIGS. 1–5, any
US 7,146,084 B2
5 6
number of electromagnetic wave sources 101 may be dis 206 by redirecting it toward the output end 206. Because
posed anywhere along the circumference 112 of the fiber many dopants do not re-absorb the light at the emitted
103. wavelength, the light will travel the length of the fiber 203
FIG. 2 is a graphical illustration of a light source in with minimal loss to end 206. A collimator or collimating
accordance with an embodiment of the present invention. imaging or non-imaging lens 209 may be used to capture
The light source includes one or more optical fibers 203 light from diffusion device 205 to collimate and expand the
having wave-shifting or Scintilating properties. In accor light in accordance with a desired aperture.
dance with this embodiment of the invention, the optical FIG. 3 is a graphical illustration of a display device in
fiber 203 is cylindrical, and the diameter of the individual accordance with another embodiment of the invention. The
fiber (or array of fibers) 203 defines the diameter of the 10 display device includes one or more optical fibers 303
initial aperture of the light source. However, the cross having wave-shifting or Scintillating properties and one or
sectional shape of the fiber 203 is arbitrary in that it may be more electromagnetic wave sources 301 arranged to provide
circular, square, rectangular or any other geometric shape. illumination along at least a portion of the length of the
The aperture of the light source may be expanded or reduced fibers 303 in the manner described with respect to FIG. 2.
with conventional imaging or non-imaging optical elements 15 (Here again, a doped glass device as described above may be
205. Each fiber 203 can be made with clear, fluorescent, substituted for the optical fiber) The entire length or any
Scintillating, or other wavelength shifting compounds. portion of the length may be illuminated through any or all
In accordance with another embodiment of the invention, sides 312 of the fiber 303. Light emitted from the fiber 303
a doped glass device may be used in lieu of the optic fiber is collected and re-imaged by relay optics 309 to the correct
203. For example, a glass rod doped with any one of the beam size and divergence angle. The modulator 307 may
elements of the lanthanide series which fluoresces, for include but is not restricted to a digital micro-mirror device
example, Europium or Terbium, may be substituted for the (“DMD), liquid crystal on silicon device (“LCOS) or any
optical fiber. one of various liquid crystal display devices (“LCDs).
When using a plurality of optical fibers, the fibers may be The image from the modulator 307 could be re-imaged
arranged as sheet, a matrix of identical optical fibers, as a 25 onto a diffuser screen 308 to increase the numerical aperture
matrix of individually colored optical fibers, or a matrix of and thus the viewing angle. The screen 308 may be glass,
broad-spectrum (e.g., white light) colored optical fibers. plastic or other lambertian diffusers. Additional lenses or
Such matrices may be enclosed in a cladding or jacket as is relay optics may be disposed between the modulator and
known in the art. Further, the fiber 203 may be arranged in diffusion screen to, for example, manipulate the image to the
a coil. Similarly, the doped glass device may be formed a 30 desired size and/or focus. For a conventional heads-up
rod, a sheet, a matrix of doped glass devices or as a coil. display (as shown in FIG. 4), the image from the diffuser
The optical fiber (or doped glass device) 203 is illumi screen 308 or modulator 307 may be projected through
nated along at least a portion of the length of the fiber 203, head-up optics or projected through conventional optics onto
instead of only through ends 206 and 202 of the fibers as is a combiner. Imaging fiber optic bundles could also be used
commonly practiced. Light is transmitted through a side 35 to bring the modulated image to the heads-up optics. A
surface of the optical fiber. In the case of a cylindrical fiber reflective surface such as reflective surface or coating 204
or a doped glass rod, the fiber or doped glass is illuminated may be placed at one end 302 of the fiber 303 to reflect light
through the circumference 212 as shown in FIG. 2, and in back into the fiberas shown in FIG. 2. Referring now to FIG.
the case of a rectangular fiber or doped glass device, the fiber 4, it is seen that light from the screen may be projected onto
or doped glass device may be illuminated through one or 40 a combining glass 414, or translucent Surface as in a
more of its sides. In this manner, the optical fiber 203 or heads-up display. Such a heads-up display may be mounted
doped glass device is able to capture electromagnetic waves in a helmet or in the cockpit of an aircraft or elsewhere as
from the one or more wave sources 201 and transmit light to is known in the art. As in the display described in accordance
one or both of the ends 206 and 202 in order to create a light with FIG. 3 above, the heads-up display includes one or
source at each of the ends 206, and 201 of the fiber 203 or 45 more optical fibers 403 having wave-shifting or scintillating
doped glass device. In the case of both wave shifting and properties (or one or more doped glass devices as described
scintillating optical fibers, broad-band illumination devices above) and one or more electromagnetic wave sources 401
such as broad-band ultra-violet Light-Emitting-Diodes arranged along at least a portion of the length of the fibers.
(“LEDs), or broad-band white LEDs, or broad-band infra As noted in the embodiments above, a reflective surface or
red LEDs, or any combination of illuminating devices can be 50 coating 404 may be placed at one end 402 of the fiber to
used as the electromagnetic wave sources 201 to illuminate reflect light back into the fiber 403. Light emitted from the
the fiber. Similarly, the electromagnetic wave sources 201 other end 406 of the fiber 403 is collected and re-imaged by
may include Solar sources. Such as direct or channeled relay optics 409 to the correct beam size and divergence
Sunlight. angle. A modulator 407 forms an image via diffuser 405 and
If the optical fiber 203 or doped glass device and the one 55 projection, relay or heads-up optics 413 then projects the
or more electromagnetic wave sources 201 are contained light to a combining glass 414 which has at least a partially
within a housing (not shown) that will reflect the electro reflective coating 411.
magnetic waves that are not absorbed by the fiber 203 back The light intensity from the optical fiber is directly
into the fiber 203, then more of the electromagnetic waves proportional to the intensity of the electromagnetic wave
from each source 201 can be absorbed by the fiber or 203 or 60 Source. Thus, as the electromagnetic wave source is
doped glass device. Further, since many applications only dimmed, the amount of light emitted at the end of the optical
need light from one end, such as end 206, a reflective surface fiber will reduce. Conversely, as the electromagnetic wave
(such as a mirror or reflective coating) 204 may placed at the Source intensifies, the amount of light emitted at the end of
other end 202 of the optical fiber 203 or doped glass device the fiber will increase. FIG. 5 is a graphical illustration of a
to reflect light back into the fiber 203 for transmission to end 65 light source in accordance with another embodiment of the
206. The mirror or reflective coating 204 prevents the loss of invention. In accordance with this embodiment; the light
generated light initially directed away from the output end source includes at least one optical fiber 503 (or one or more
US 7,146,084 B2
7 8
doped glass device) with one or more electromagnetic wave jectors, cinematic projectors, etc. Further Such displays can
sources 501 disposed along at least a portion the length of all utilize light modulators such as an LCD to create an
the fiber 503 for transmitting electromagnetic waves to the image.
fiber. Means for changing the intensity of light emitted from It will be further understood by one of ordinary skill in the
the other end of the fiber 503 may include a controller 510 art that other modifications can be made without departing
for dimming the electromagnetic wave sources 501, either from the spirit and the scope of the invention, as set forth in
individually or as a group. Additionally, a variable aperture the claims below.
What is claimed is:
505 could be used with the illumination optics 509 to further 1. A heads-up display comprising:
control the fiber source intensity. Further, one or more of the 10 at least one optical fiber having a length and first and
electromagnetic wave sources may be selectively turned on second ends;
or off to vary the intensity of the light emitted by the optical at least one electromagnetic wave source disposed along
fiber or doped glass device. at least a portion of the length of the fiber for trans
FIG. 6 and is a graphical illustration of a side view of a mitting electromagnetic waves through a side Surface
light source in accordance with another embodiment of the 15 of the fiber, wherein the at least one electromagnetic
invention and FIG. 7 is a cross sectional view of the wave source is an ultra-violet light emitting diode, a
embodiment of FIG. 6. A cylindrical optical fiber or doped white light emitting diode, an infra-red light emitting
glass rod is arranged in a coil 603 about one or more diode or a combination thereof;
electromagnetic wave sources 601. In this embodiment, the a modulator for receiving light emitted from the second
electromagnetic wave sources 601 include ultra-violet LED end of the fiber;
rings. A reflective surface 604 surrounds the optical fiber or a combining glass for receiving light emitted by the
doped glass coil 603. The reflective surface 604 prevents the modulator, the combining glass being coated with a
loss of generated light initially directed away from the reflective coating; and
output end 606 by redirecting it back into the coil. By a diffuser for receiving light emitted from the modulator
arranging the optical fiber or doped glass rod in a coil, an 25 and transmitting light to the combining glass.
empty area 610 is formed in the interior of the coil 603 2. Aheads-up display according to claim 1, wherein the at
which may provide a heat sink. The area 610 may include least one optical fiber is a wave-shifling fiber.
Some type of Solid or fluid coolant such as a metal heat sink 3. Aheads-up display according to claim 1, wherein the at
or a refrigerant to keep the light Source from overheating. least one optical fiber is a scintillating fiber.
30 4. Aheads-up display according to claim 1, wherein the at
Alternatively, the area 610 may include additional electron least one optical fiber is arranged in a sheet.
ics such as electronics to power and control the light source 5. A heads-up display according to claim 1, further
and/or modulator. In FIG. 6, the coil 603 is shown relatively comprising a reflective Surface disposed at the first end of
short in order to clarify drawing of the inner components, the at least one fiber for directing light generated within the
however, both the coil 603 and the ultra-violet LED rings 35 fiber toward the second end.
may be extended to increase the output of the assembly. 6. A heads-up display according to claim 1, further
The light sources and devices described above are capable comprising at least one lens for receiving light emitted from
of producing high intensity light, in the range of 5,000-50, the second end of the at least one fiber and transmitting light
000 ft. lamberts (more particularly, 5,000–20,000 ft. lam to the modulator.
berts), for a heads-up display without the use of lasers. 40 7. A heads-up display according the claim 1, wherein the
Consequently, damage to human eyes as caused by lasers is at least one optical fiber absorbs electromagnetic waves in
avoided and competition from sunlight is nullified. Since the ultra-violet range of the electromagnetic wave spectrum
wave-shifting and Scintillating fibers are temperature invari and emits green light.
ant, the light sources described above are not affected by 8. Aheads-up display according to claim 1, wherein the at
variations in temperatures. Additionally, by employing 45 least one optical fiber is arranged in a coil.
wave-shifting fibers as the optical fibers or one or more 9. A light source comprising:
doped glass devices in the light Source, a heads-up or other at least one optical fiber having a length and first and
display device may last anywhere from 10,000–25,000 second ends;
hours. It is also possible to couple ambient Sunlight into the at least one electromagnetic wave source disposed along
fiber to assist in increasing display brightness in bright 50 at least a portion of the length of the fiber for trans
daylight. mitting electromagnetic waves through a side Surface
Although, in the devices and methods described herein of the fiber, wherein the at least one electromagnetic
above, electromagnetic wave sources are described as LEDs, wave source is an ultra-violet light emitting diode, a
other types of electromagnetic wave sources may be used, white light emitting diode, an infra-red light emitting
Such as incandescent or fluorescent bulbs or lamps, or when 55 diode or a combination thereof, the optical fibergen
the fiber comprises Scintillating fibers, electron guns, Kauf erating light and transmitting the light along its length
man guns, or any apparatus that produces electromagnetic upon absorbing at least a portion of the electromagnetic
waves having wavelengths Smaller than those in the ultra waves; and
violet range of the electromagnetic wave spectrum. For means for changing the intensity of light emitted from the
example, the electromagnetic wave sources may even be an 60 second end of the fiber.
ultra-violet laser as the electromagnetic waves from Such an 10. A light source according to claim 9, wherein the at
ultra-violet laser will be absorbed by the optical fiber or least one optical fiber is a wave-shifting fiber.
doped glass material and re-emitted. Further it will be 11. A light source according to claim 9, wherein the at
appreciated that the light sources described above may be least one optical fiber is a scintillating fiber.
used in a variety of projected displays, particularly those that 65 12. A light source according to claim 9 comprising:
must be very bright, such as aircraft heads-up displays, at least one optical fiber having a length and first and
helmet-mounted displays, cockpit displays, computer pro second ends;
US 7,146,084 B2
9 10
at least one electromagnetic wave source disposed along 24. A heads-up display comprising:
at least a portion of the length of the fiber for trans at least one optical fiber having a length and first and
mitting electromagnetic waves through a side Surface second ends;
of the fiber, the optical fiber generating light and at least one electromagnetic wave source disposed along
transmitting the light along its length upon absorbing at at least a portion of the length of the fiber for trans
least a portion of the electromagnetic waves; and mitting electromagnetic waves through a side Surface
means for changing the intensity of light emitted from the of the fiber, wherein the at least one electromagnetic
second end of the fiber, wave source is an ultra-violet light emitting diode, a
wherein the means for changing the intensity of light white light emitting diode, an infra-red light emitting
emitted from the second end of the at least one fiber 10 diode or a combination thereof
includes dimming the at least one electromagnetic at least one lens for receiving light emitted from the
WaV SOUC. second end of the at least one fiber and transmitting
13. A light source comprising: light to a modulator, and
at least one optical fiber having a length and first and a combining glass for receiving light emitted by the
second ends; 15 modulator, the combining glass being coated with a
at least one electromagnetic wave source disposed along reflective coating.
at least a portion of the length of the fiber for trans 25. A heads-up display according to claim 24, further
mitting electromagnetic waves through a side Surface comprising a diffuser for receiving light emitted from the
of the fiber, the optical fiber generating light and modulator and transmitting light to the combining glass.
transmitting the light along its length upon absorbing at 26. A heads-up display according to claim 24, wherein the
least a portion of the electromagnetic waves; at least one optical fiber is a wave-shifting fiber.
means for changing the intensity of light emitted from the 27. A heads-up display according to claim 24, wherein the
second end of the fiber, and at least one optical fiber is a scintillating fiber.
at least two electromagnetic waves sources and wherein 28. A heads-up display according to claim 24, wherein the
the means for changing the intensity of light emitted 25 at least one optical fiber is arranged in a sheet.
from the second end of the at least one optical fiber 29. A heads-up display according to claim 24, further
includes selectively turning the electromagnetic wave comprising a reflective Surface disposed at the first end of
Sources off or on. the at least one fiber for directing light generated within the
14. A method for producing light for a display, the method fiber toward the second end.
comprising: 30 30. A heads-up display according the claim 24, wherein
transmitting at least one electromagnetic wave to at least the at least one optical fiber absorbs electromagnetic waves
one optical fiber, the at least one optical fiber having a in the ultra-violet range of the electromagnetic wave spec
length and first and second ends, such that the at least trum and emits green light.
one electromagnetic waves is received along at least a 31. A heads-up display according to claim 24, wherein the
portion of the length of the fiber; 35 at least one optical fiber is arranged in a coil.
reflecting light transmitted to the first end of the at least 32. The heads-up display according to claim 1, wherein
one optical fiber back into the fiber; and the at least one electromagnetic wave source is a plurality of
forming an image on the display with light transmitted light emitting diodes.
from the second end of the at least one optical fiber. 33. The heads-up display according to claim 32, wherein
15. A light source for a display comprising: 40 the at least one electromagnetic wave source is a ring of light
at least one doped glass device having a length and first emitting diodes that Surround the at least one optical fiber.
34. A heads-up display comprising:
and second ends, the at least one doped glass device at least one optical fiber having a length, a side Surface, a
receiving electromagnetic waves along at least a por first end and a second end, wherein the at least one
tion of its length; afid 45 optical fiber is arranged in a coil, the coil forming an
a reflective surface disposed at the first end of the doped interior area;
glass device for directing light generated within the at least one electromagnetic wave source disposed in the
doped glass device to the second end; and interior area along at least a portion of the length of the
an image generator for receiving light from the second optical fiber for transmitting electromagnetic waves
end of the doped glass device. 50 through the side surface of the optical fiber;
16. A light source according to claim 15, wherein the at a modulator for receiving light emitted from the second
least one doped glass device includes a glass device doped end of the optical fiber;
with a lanthanide. a combining glass for receiving light emitted by the
17. A light source according to claim 16, wherein the at modulator, the combining glass being coated with a
least one doped glass device is doped with Europium. 55 reflective coating; and
18. A light source according to claim 16, wherein the at a coolant disposed in the interior area.
least one doped glass device is doped with Terbium. 35. The heads-up display according to claim 34 further
19. A light source according to claim 15, wherein the at comprising an annular reflective Surface that Surrounds at
least one doped glass device includes a doped glass rod. least a portion of the coil.
20. A light source according to claim 15, wherein the at 60 36. The heads-up display according to claim 34 further
least one doped glass device is arranged in a sheet. comprising electronics disposed in the interior area for
21. A light source according to claim 15, wherein the at controlling the at least one electromagnetic wave source, the
least one doped glass device is arranged in a coil. modulator, or both.
22. A heads-up display according to claim 1, wherein the 37. The heads-up display according to claim 34 further
heads-up display is mounted in a helmet. 65 comprising electronics disposed in the interior area for
23. A heads-up display according to claim 1, wherein the powering the at least one electromagnetic wave source, the
heads-up display is mounted in the cockpit of an aircraft. modulator, or both.
US 7,146,084 B2
11 12
38. The heads-up display according to claim 34, wherein at least one electromagnetic wave source disposed in the
the at least one electromagnetic wave source is an ultra interior area along at least a portion of the length of the
violet light emitting diode, a white light emitting diode, an optical fiber for transmitting electromagnetic waves
infra-red light emitting diode or a combination thereof. through the side surface of the optical fiber;
39. The heads-up display according to claim 38, wherein 5 a modulator for receiving light emitted from the second
the at least one electromagnetic wave source is a plurality of end of the optical fiber;
light emitting diodes. a combining glass for receiving light emitted by the
40. The heads-up display according to claim 39, wherein modulator, the combining glass being coated with a
the plurality of light emitting diodes is formed in a ring. reflective coating; and
41. A heads-up display comprising: 10 an annular reflective surface Surrounding at least a portion
at least one optical fiber having a length, a side Surface, a of the coil to reflect the electromagnetic waves back
first end and a second end, wherein the at least one into the at least one optical fiber.
optical fiber is arranged in a coil, the coil forming an
interior area; k k k k k

PATENT NO. : 7,146,084 B2 Page 1 of 1

APPLICATION NO. : 10/462468
DATED : December 5, 2006
INVENTOR(S) : Robert Atac et al.

It is certified that error appears in the above-identified patent and that said Letters Patent is
hereby corrected as shown below:

Col. 8, line 65
replace “source according to claim 9 comprising
With --Source comprising--.
Col. 9, line 44
replace “its length; afid
With -its length:--.
Col. 10, line 10
replace “combination thereof
with --combination thereof.--.

Signed and Sealed this

Thirtieth Day of January, 2007

Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office

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