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This fine morning, I'd like to divulge my ideas with you on my chosen topic which is "The

world is a smaller place these days." Globalisation has played a large part in making our
seemingly large world shrink. Our world is a smaller place, now as you all may know that the
word "World" actually represents the whole of human civilization since the beginning of time,
our experiences, history and also the human condition in general.
The human race is divided by continents, space time and economic differences that should
actually enlarge our world instead of the opposite but well, "Globalisation" as I said is the
drive that makes us humans break boundaries that have been set up by nature. Human
population to this date stands at 7 billion and still increasing slowly but steadily and so are
the technological advances of mankind. First of all, we humans have learnt to break the
boundaries of being across various continents by the invention of the airplane or aeroplane.
We have the Wright Brothers to thank for that although we might be a little bit late but these
aviation pioneers have managed to make the world a little smaller in size. Humans can now
travel the world and stay connected to their next of kin that may be living in others parts of
the world.

In the recent scenario we can see that the whole world is suffering from the COVID 19 virus
which was originated in "Wuhan". And it has spread World-Wide at a rapidily killing thousand
of people and infecting nearly one-third of the entire population.This predict that we all are
connected in a chain despite we follow different cultures and belong to different nation if
some big tragedy occurs in one nation It had spread world-wide. And this happen just in a
month. The conclusion we can draw from m this is that how fast we are moving from one
place to another.
when "covid 19" reaches to stage 3 "community level" even the person who has no travel
history around the world is also infected.

Then comes the inventions of other simpler but extremely useful vehicles such as
motorcycles cars, trains and watercrafts. These simple useful machines make our lives
easier and a keep us connected to people all around us without having to worry about the

Technology is another culprit behind the act of

making the world a smaller place; this has been done by the invention of new gadgets and
gizmos that enable us to reach out to one
another. We have already, on many occasions,
reached new heights and breakthroughs that diminish space time.

For example, the biggest breakthrough of all time by Mark Zuckerberg that has connected
millions "Facebook". The term "Facebook" might not be foreign to all of us because I'm sure
each of you might have a Facebook account or have tried this amazing application. Other
than Facebook, applications such as Twitter have also garnered followers around the world
and the numbers don't stop at thousands but amount to millions. Well, millions? Doesn't that
explain a lot to us? Now with billions of people connected on the same server, we could
have all the friends in the world without having to even travel.

Now that what I call a major then comes the epitome of inventions "The Internet" and the
"WiFi", these are two other factors that caused our world to shrink into a very small size in
terms of connections. For example, Google's latest brainchild, the "Google Street View" as
of 2020 this site enables us to view places all around the world by just typing out the names
of places one would like to view.The distance to the Eiffel Tower, Taj Mahal, Angkor Wat or
even Mount Fuji can be measured by the number of steps you need to take to reach your
electronic devices such as smartphones and laptops. We are now able to look and connect
to people all around the world, with the invention of applications such as

"Skype", "Whatsapp" and "LINE" that gives us the key to communicate. In the meantime,
"WiFi" acts as a bridge for us to stay connected on the/Internet. I'm sure some of us might
already be on Whatsapp while I'm giving my speech,

Well, you might be texting someone in Australia, India or even China and that's what makes
our world a smaller place. We are crossing boundaries and being able to use technology and
innovative ideas, we are able to make people connect without the hassle and troubles that
may be time.
Everything is just a 'Click' away when it comes to technology. I hope I have already
convinced you that our world as we know it is changing; we are entering the Golden Age
where material frontiers aren't going to stop us.

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